Moral Encompass Redefined for Humanity. (Stars parallel to humans).


The soul, ethics, heart, and consciousness; all have different purposes, shape and names but their functional spirit is the same. The nature of the functional spirit is called benevolence. This name benevolence describes the action of; giving self by service, mentality of wanting to give and the willingness to give in itself. The motion is called giving benevolence mentality; where you are part of a collective positive contributing effort. It’s synergy and also out of love for the sake of contributing beneficial love. I am who i am not because who i am but because we are and you are who you are so i can be me. We compliment each other and as individuals contributing to the cause as a team.

This mentality is crucial when making connections, building desirable thought paradigms and constructive thinking. “I believe in humanity because I am for humanity because I am part of humanity because I am human.” This quote can be split into 4 parts. “I believe in humanity” meaning I am part of a desired thought paradigm. “I am for humanity” meaning being in spirit for humanity. “I am for humanity” meaning you a physically in a group category of such in the animal kingdom. “I am human”  brings us down to the singularity that you are an individual living a human life where you are in immediately in control of your actions and can make things happen.

I know human nature is not a cubed square but it’s spirit is more spherical because that is what happens naturally in nature. When water erodes rock for millions of years you get sand and smooth round rocks. When a planet is in a crude shape like a square or any shape rigid and rough in space after spinning for so long it becomes more spherical. The soul is a sphere, A globe of light radiating life giving and nurturing essence. And it is rendering and refining itself with time to be the shape it is today. We the people are essentially rounding our souls after years of refining our rough shape of the soul until it is round and perfect and spherical. And no sphere can be perfect as reflected in life, we have no control if we are going to make it oblate like earth but we’re all a spheroid shape in the end by going through this process we’re experiencing called life.

The category of a planet is a sphere and it’s exact name is spheroid. The category of a person is human and its exact name humanoid. These two worlds are separate and different but the parallel for it exists and as we did to intertwine dimensional categories for the  people and stars. We shall do it again; The inter-dimensional parallel of two worlds.

Order of importance from less important to more important. Less evolved to more refined. soft to hard. minimal to maximal. Color basis: dark to light. Regressing to progressing. Physical, Mental, Spirtual and Ascended benevolent; This is the system that is based on the idea that physical is usually visually how it appears. Mentally usually pertains to attributes. Spiritually usually refers to it’s thinking properties. Ascended Benevolent usually looks at it’s overall collective spectrum and direction.

Physical form:

Humans: Cube, rounded-cube, spheroid, and sphere.

Stars: Deformed, rounded, spheroid, and sphere.

Mental form:

Humans: Amoeba, Ape, Human and Angel.

Black, red, brown, beige, yellow and white

Small and Big

Short and Tall

Stars: Dwarf, sub-giant, giant and super-giant.

white, brown, neutron, red, orange, yellow, white, blue

Not so dense and dense

Not so bright and bright.

Spiritual form:

Humans: Soul, heart, ethics, and consciousness

Stars: color, brightness, radiance and luminosity.

Accessed ascended benevolent form:

Humans: Life-span, circumstance, events and person’s name.

Stars: Star life-span, conditional effects on stars, conditional phases of stars and constellations.

This is my stanza alignments of the categorized human and star sitting side by side paralleled so that you can see the process, color, brightness and glory if there is a measure. I would say this is all based on preference for colors and whether you like dark and lightness so this is accurate according to the negative values of cold blue to positive of red hot. I have aligned the categories into a matrix that align based on the assigned color. This system of organization hopefully will be implemented for computer categorizing in the future for quicker and efficient assessment of data and for of course further segregation and unintended discrimination of data. I have no clue if this process will help humans but it wills surely help put a standard scale of what people should see in the world based on organization and possibly draw out more and better perspectives on this figure.

The purpose is an organized spectrum of the stars parallel to humans and this is done. So I am happy with it. Further refinement of this assessment of the human to star parallel’s organization will happen gradually as i accumulate more info and knowledge on this subject.

Live long, curiosity and humility,


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