The Published book: 3 years writing.


Well, this is the finished product. The journey for making the book was awesome. I loved every second of it. I’m sure there are some interesting concepts to be had from this book if not relevance to your life at least something to discuss about.

The Integration; of God, Universe and Truth

A synthesis on dream, life, light and self-made heroes. Or the core meaning of love. (Home of Universal Paradigms, Virtuous Practice, Multi-dimensional Diagrams and Esoteric Knowledge). Where Philosophy explains Religion, Science and Spirituality.

It has some interesting things on the side like; Fields, Spectrums, Compartimentalizing Reality through Cores, Transitons and Crossways, Working with Micro-Macrosm Worlds, Dividing the world into Components, machines and systems, Accessing life-style, behavior and thought pattern methods and many things involving time travel and multidimensions.

There may be other things you may not like or have conflicting views about which i will try to resolve such as; A almighty permanent God, Christ Resurrection, Reincarnation, Chakra, Auras, Esoterics, Kabbalistic ideas and other strange phenomenon but out of all this my paradigms will probably drive you insane partially because it’s very opinion based.

The logic i do is with concepts and deep reason, comprehension and contemplative integration of a wide variety of things such as; science, psychology, philosophy, spirituality and Religion.

I apologize again for releasing the book and then not.. then changing my mind and throwing it out there all of a sudden. I like to keep you on your toes. =) The book is now available to download and buy as a hardcover! Please enjoy the book. There are many ways to read the book. You may read it just the first part which will be God.. or you may read about the Universe which will be on the 2nd part.. or the 3rd part is Truth and If you want to test your intelligence with Paradigms it’s near the end. You can read them in any order or reading what ever combination you want together or separate. I have made a path for those who are just mainly athiest or if your more conservative christian you may only stick to God. But You lose out on so much of the world if you limit yourself to only on category.. So open up your eyes and heart and read the entirety as it was meant to be.

It is a blog for the most part but the articles tell a story and it comes together with purpose, reason and function when you get to the end. Everything adds up in the end. Here is the link again for those who want to Buy the book. I revised it a couple times and the first time i published it i forgot some pretty important things like page number. lol

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