Limited Time Free Read Future-Law Our New Comic Book 2023

We are pleased to reveal that we are finishing up the 3rd comic book of our long awaited comic book The Future-Law: A Genetic Creation. We decided to for a limited time digitally allow people to read our book for free before we mass produce and publish it this coming month. If you like/love our stuff please support us by buying our book when it comes out. Give us some feedback and let us know what you like or what you want improved.

Book 1




Book 3

Please enjoy and do not illegally distribute without permission.

Book soon to be released officially very soon maybe the month of June 2023. There will be a comic book signing sometime this year also so you can get a printed comic book signed. Please buy a comic book and support your local favorite comic book publishers.

-Nam Nguyen and Darrel Rogers.

Graphic Novel Ideas Part 2

Part 1 here:

Click above to get refreshed on what the World Charts actually mean..

Mapping of Just Heart’s Universe.

Ideas for my Graphic Novel Part 2:

There are 5 different Gates. They can be either Interdimensional gates, alternate reality gates, Historical gates, ascended gates or a Fractal gateways. Some of the times they can be a combination of gates depending on where you decide to open one up.

Interdimensional gates: Are like pocket worlds within the world for example it’s like getting shrunk down and exploring the world from a miniscule or molecular world.

Alternate reality gates: Are worlds parallel to the present cannon world. Some have alternate endings and lives/goals who knows where the dice rolls. All depends on the aspect of RNG.

Historical Gates: This gate allows a person to explore historical time lines of the past or the future.

Ascended gates: This gate is usually a gate to the titans and giants of old. As a person coming from a lower functioning world It would be like coming into a world comparable as the size of an ant to the norm of a whale.

Fractal gates: This is a gateway hub that allows anyone to enter and exit through a functioning node. This is a heaven for those who hop worlds. A room with lots of doors to choose from. This Fractal gateway can act as any of the other 4 world gates listed above.

Specific places have spikes of magnetic fields that can open gateways to interdimensional worlds, alternate worlds, historical times or even otherworldly and ascended plains. With the right tools and aid from magical endowments there are technologies of science, alchemy and magic that can tear holes and open up gateways. The small mini blackholes/tears in the fabric of time/space gives users the ability to jump opportunities to bend space, time, worlds and realities. If one is in possession of the Hearts eye the horizon for opportunity to jump worlds is optimized to become fully accessible.

Beware of other travelers. Teams out jumping gates are often composed of treasure hunters, hired mercenaries, and bounty hunters. Often space pirates or other undesirable pillagers, thieves, bandits occupy these spaces and come without warning.

We are looking to acquire a crew of the most notable/infamous members who will be useful in our journey. We are here to acquire a group to carve a way into a future we most desire. The true fate. From all corners of the world.

Our only objective is to acquire the treasure the hearts key – the one treasure that is fabled to grant any true desires. To use the hearts eye in the right places and find a way to heterotopia.

The Who/What and Where World Maps of our potential allies and most desired crew mates.

Arthur of Camelot. Fabled King of the Knights, Master swordsman and Royal Blood of the Pendragon.

Merlin of The Lost World Atlantis. Wizard, Mage and First Father of the School of Magic.

Shinta of Feudal Japan. Blade Master, Blacksmith, Assassin and Wanderer. True spirit of the Warrior.

Odin of Norse Titans. The Giant of Old magic and craftsman of lost art/technology and Blessings. Wise Father of the High Alchemy.

Sun Wukong. The Rebel of the Heavens. Hero of no equal. Defending Gate Keeper of the most high. Greatest friend or most fearsome Foe. The Trickster of many shapes and tools.

Listed are the great five that has ever lived. The Heart knows, the heart sees. All potential spirit and characters are revealed through the looking glass. This is our journey, the logbook for the exceptionally best.

That is the end of the 2nd post for my Graphic Novel ideas.


Graphic Novel Ideas ; Just Hearts

*We are heroes in a world of heroes.

We were all once heroes, we all once came of and passed through Elysium here to the real world. Here we are all heroes except we struggle with problems of the normal life. Everyone has an inner conflict everyone has their set of problems and hurdles to overcome. We all came from the same place. But you, how far the apple has fallen from the tree. Your true self exists some where inside you. Return to your true potential.

The Treasures.

  1. The Ouroboros: Grants the power of infinity.
  2. The Holy Chalice: Grants eternity and a long life time span.
  3. The Ark of Covenant: Gift of Sanctuary.
  4. The Spear of Destiny: Power to Purge and Perish.
  5. Treasure 5. Mix of all 4 treasures. Heart’s Key: Grants True Desires.

The Eyes.

  1. Mind’s Eye/Truth; Grants Knowledge.
  2. Dream’s Eye/Ideals and Definite Destiny; Grants Glory/Beauty of vision.
  3. Bond’s Eye/Emotion, Animal and earthly nature; Grants Connection.
  4. World’s Eye/Harmony and Consensus; Grants recognition and influence.
  5. Eye 5. Mix of all 4 Eyes. Heart’s Eye. Eye to see Spirit and Potential.

The Worlds. Create a world:

  1. Utopia: Perfect world of glass houses, over consumption and over population.
  2. Dystopia: Dysfunctional apocalyptical scenario.
  3. Anarchy: You control how the world works.
  4. Autonomy: World works on it’s own.
  5. Heterotopia: Fractal zoo keeping world. You effect your outside world and make a living encyclopedia of your people/animals and things.

The 5th Treasure/Eye/World is hidden from the world.

The 5th Treasure/Eye/World is hidden from sight. It is the Key/Eye/World of The Heart.

*Reasons for Villain Residents.

We do not know why but some villains and Anti-heroes inhabit this world as well. We do not know the criteria and reasons why or what makes a hero. Such examples is Project Spawn; An ex-military soldier who lead a murderous life and sold his soul to a demon, working as an agent of evil. But he has redeeming qualities to fight other demons and crime. An evil that fights other evils is apparently a hero quality.

*The Heart of The Treasure/Eye/World.

This is a world where persona and spirits have a human form. Their previous life that made them who they are cannot be seen and identified unless they have “The Hearts Eye”. There is only one hero who has acquired “The Heart’s Eye” in our canonical history “The Past”. The Heart’s Eye is the greatest endowment of the living. It is the only transferable endowment that can passed on from the world of the dead. Other specialized eyes can be found in the world to different degrees of potency but the “Heart’s Eye” is special because it covers all 4 variations although to limited degrees of the different eyes found. The present treasures of the present time that can be acquired are the greatest treasures above all.

We live and fight for the real world. This is the true world and we are racing against time to obtain our true self’s potential and best fate. The treasures are just trump cards based on the law of chaos and are just potentially random dangers in the course of our projection in life. The true objective is to find our most desired fate/destiny. The 5th Treasure of Heart grants our true desires, this is our goal as The Master of the Hearts Eye.

*Resolution and Finality

The treasures are all just a distraction. For the true treasure is the treasure combination the Key of The Heart – Granting the host’s true desires. The Hearts Eye is the most desired eye because it is a combination of the 4 eyes. The Eye to see potentials and past spirit/human nature. The narration follows the one who is called the Master over The Heart’s Eye. This is how it all begins, the gears are beginning to shift and our machine is in the movement towards a niche World.

The narration starts here with you, you are the master of the heart’s eye.

Create a world.

  1. Utopia
  2. Dystopia
  3. Anarchy
  4. Autonomy
  5. Heterotopia

That’s all I have for the new graphic novel story line I’m writing.


The Fear of Death Web


Fear of Death Web

The center of Fear is in the Amygdala. There are 9 major fear triggers for death.

  1. Falling
  2. Incapacitation
  3. Disease
  4. The unknown/abnormal
  5. Sudden movement (jump scare)
  6. Isolation
  7. Pain
  8. Suffocation
  9. Increased CO2 in blood

The link of Trauma in dreams through lack of oxygen can lead to serious sickness of the mind. It is possible that trauma and ptsd (post traumatic syndrome disorder) can lead to psychosis and even schizophrenia. Psychosis can be induced by psychedelics and drugs such as marijuana or exposure to intense lucid dreams, trauma in conjunction with a psychedelics may bring about a psychotic outbreak.

We use to fix everything with glue but..

No matter how much money and glue you throw at certain problems – you can’t fix how broken some people truly are.

They moved from glue and money to scotch tape and hammer.. they try different things but things were never ever the same on the inside.

This fact changed nothing and it continued to be so.

You can’t change a person. You just accept them for who they are and move on. You either move forward with an ideal or accept the truth and work with that.

The weak are docile to dogma, real people think outside the box for true solutions. The world is not perfect and sometimes you need to break free and see past the social norms to improve.

My brother came back to visit. He opened the “paku-paku” book. I got pulled in by a great vacuum. It released all the local spirits. I asked if I ever came back to visit. I ate a giant other worldly pastry; we had a grand banquet with the ghost relatives. The saving grace of losing your mind is in the imagination of such dreams.

The jailer holds you, dictates your fate, controls you in the practice of just living and growth in life. Save me from myself. The chalice of life is built on the structure that you are responsible for your own actions. The right of way has been written, see through the delusions and take hold of your own life.

Lost in my thoughts, forgetting who I am. I don’t even recognize who I was before all this. All is in a sleepy daze and constant feeling of tiredness looms. Is my legitimacy questionable? If I question myself then who is left to stand for who I am? Forgive me for my incompetence and bad choices. I have forgotten who I am and what I stood for. The excitement for learning and improving is lost. I look back and remember the days of growth and seeking truth. You can not satisfy ideals and you can never find perfect truths. There are many and numerous perspectives in life and you can only partially grasp the truth to a degree.

Lizard Key-chains; Happy 33rd

Getting old? Lose your keys? Forgot where you left them??

8 Lizard key chain designs with color organized tags. Blast to the past! Breath the colors of life back into those boring old keys. Lose your keys? No problem because written name and number on your lost keys will get them returned.


Zero life required, you would be amazed at what a person can do with no life. Makes me question what I’m doing with my life. Maybe I should get into advertising and tele-market pitch something something about color coordinating your wardrobe and bringing back tie-dye psychedelic T-shirts and such.

Jokes aside, Happy 33rd birthday to me. I’m aging gracefully and grateful for all the laughs had and family who are obligated to love me. I know how to handle life’s issues and humor any insults that come my way. Perhaps I have learned something in my boring and mundane life style. Everyone’s got their slice of gravity pie in life, maybe it isn’t necessary to carry all the world’s burden after all.

Thanks to all those who supported me. Took me in and cared for me. You put up with me long enough and I am grateful to share my learning, experiences and I enjoy the company. I don’t deserve the kindness people have thrown my way.

-just for your information I binged threaded each one of those damn lizard bead things my entire day, not that anyone cared – color coordinated, bridged and aligned them. Maybe some day you people will appreciate them. Just kidding, it was child’s play and I don’t deserve any praise or even be what Gotham needs.

I’m not even trying to sell anything, I just wanted to vent my trivial and mundane process. And there is progress, so as long as I tackle the meaning of my life crisis within a window margin of 2-3 years I’ll be happy with what ever is thrown at me. You guys are the best. Thank you.


Meditations; Breath of Life and Falsities


Neuro Arboriculture igor morski

I would like to explore and touch on the world of; Fatalism, Determinism, Super-naturalism and Naturalism. Firstly I want to ramble/pray on my late meditations and breath in new energy for the month:

Sometimes the best something is nothing.

Having the best bad idea is a good idea.

Altruism is virtuous. Love humor and music as opposed to robots; Instead of logic, fear and anger.

Rule life by love and compassion.

Finding that peace of mind and become my own person. Find my individual happiness. No noise and no gimmick of consensus when being my own person. I am in my happy place allowed to live a normal and humble life. Blessed by limitations of being human.

Extensions of life; School, Choir and The Church.

Schools educate and illuminate , Choirs pray and heal  The Church preach and practice.


Spoiler alert ahead about God; some straw-man theories

that may hurt strong believers, be aware:

Straw-man falsities attacking the unexplained existence of a living loving God of creation. God plays favorites. Last time God helped a woman she got pregnant. God hates gays, God only likes straight people. Forces artificial taxes through tithing. God is a jealous god. There is only one righteous good God. God lets children starve in Africa but prefers helping first world white christian people get more money and live more comfortable lives. God shames first world living people and ignores very real problems and instabilities such as mental illness stigmas, mental illnesses, obesity, disease, addictions homelessness, sexuality and famine.


In the acceptance of the natural world and meditations on a more compassionate but chaotic world;

On the subject of Fatalism, Determinism, Super-naturalism and Naturalism;


Fatalism tells that we are hopeless and cannot do anything against the imminent mechanism of destiny and fate. We also know this as defeatism.


Determinism is the cause and effect we usually hear of alternative to free will. They believe a force can be pressured and suppressed. Determinism is the philosophical belief that all events are determined completely by previously existing causes. Sometimes things are inherited and make a persons world and life easier. But this does not mean they are imminently victorious in life, it just means others will find there are new hurdles to be passed or assisted based on objective of the rivals. It is a domino affect, a  naturally erected pyramid scheme in the natural world.


Super-naturalism speaks of all strange and mysterious things that cannot be explained by logic and rational thinking of science.


Naturalism speaks of the logic and natural world of science. The belief that we are not responsible or should not rely on the premise of a moral natural world. That things exist because of trivial reasons.

We just need to traverse and show kindness and compassion to all things life because they are the way they are and we just need to accept the way they are. Understanding the natural world, observing and implementing the serenity prayers.

Serenity Prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can

and wisdom to know the difference.”


Fatalism is neither the logical extension of determinism nor the only alternative to free will. Life must persevere despite all odds against them. And determinism does not automatically mean to accept fate in defeatism. Be strong, be smart and speak/think/act through the heart.


Lost Story In-between Frames

Below are art pieces I drew and colored. These are conceptual art I created in my free time. They helped me through my time of rehabilitation. Hope you enjoy them.


Pushed into the world of pastels and pencil crayons.


The Bouquet of Stars


The Squirrel


The Paradox Cat (upright or sitting?)


The Sparrow


The 7 Eyes of Parallel Planes

The Wolf


The Heron

The Pelican

Cognitive Evolution

The Gift Exchange


The Craft


The Deer


The Rhino


The Upward Staircase to the Heavens


The Knight and The Maiden


The Wizard


The Rebel20190126_1456503898474922458110605.jpg

The One Feathered Swan


The Multi-Facet Eagle


The Elephant


The Arachnid Emperor


The Primal Stork


The Phoenix


The Peacock


The Male Dragon

The Peacock Phoenix


The Wolves

The Tree Ent


The Lupus Canis


The Kangaroo


The Gargoyle


The Elemental Mask


The Fox


The Living World Tree


The World Glasses


Maximal and Minimal; Worlds Between Worlds


Sergeant Bird


Expressions of Sir Bird


Female Dragon


Lucas Luxor LVX


The Seal


The Beaver


The Lion


The Horse


The Owl


The Stag


The Cheetah

The Orange Phoenix

Starry Time is on a Cloud



Heart of gold, head of an ox.

Infinite is a big number. Forever is a long time.

This moment should really be seen as a new beginning not the end.

Let it be full of possibilities and gratitude.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Love not for the sake of love.

Live by reason to allow joy a chance to take it’s roots and flourish.

Let fate be what one chooses it to be.

Let Karma be a system built on kindness and credit rather than a system of opposite reaction and consequence.


The nature of light is to Copy, Clone and Create.

The nature of dark is Death, Decay and Destruction.

Beyond the scope of Light. And beyond reach of Dark.


Be released from the eternal cycle. Break free from the trivial cycle of light and dark.

Accept the dark and claim the light.  Released, no longer a part of the life and death cycle of the system


Adventure, balance of nature and growing up


Growth is reflected in the clear water’s surface.

A melody that will draw you into infinite darkness.

The flow of time is always cruel.

The world is consumed by greed.

The forest of retained youth.

Lost memories of past deeds.

A childish mind will turn to noble ambition.

Memory of younger days.


The Worth of a Little Spark; Gravity of Humanity


Humanity, the small and the weak are worth defending and fighting for no matter how tainted, broken or defected it all may seem to be. Love for this quality is necessary no matter how limited and deviant it may become. We must have hope and faith no matter the worth even when it is holistically depreciated or crooked. It (life) is precious and it must be carefully guided the roots carefully tended. Truth must always be kept in check, the integrity sanctioned and established. Innocence and humanity is always worth fighting for, for the lost must be found in the end no matter the outcome. This humanity is small and sought after no matter how life turns out, the tides of justice come in favor for those who fight for what’s right. Redemption is always given to those who continue to fight. Redeeming qualities weighs more heavily than flaws of man. The brokenness of man and life shines through when times are tough. The cracks act as scars in life and builds the person’s character.

This is not the end, this can only be seen as a new beginning. You must be willing to fight, for all you have is what’s in front of you. Because everything just happens to be all you currently see at the moment. All you can do is take what you have at this very moment and make it bloom best you can. The fruition of your work continues to grow forever until termination. And termination is only determined when you decease. That is the value of life, it continues to give (life, hope and happiness) until you give up. Bless all life and forgive all those who fail. For redemption is a quality to all the living no matter it’s current state. I forgive and have love for those who can not give anymore and are deceased. You will live in my heart and I pray my actions in life will redeem those who have given up hope and living backwards.

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium. My original book was based on the idea of how there was light in selfless and unconditional love, it was an idea that stayed true to it’s essence as an innocent inquiry blog book into the crazy world of life, dream, light and knowledge. This soon brought me to the idea of darkness that would be reflected seeing this light. The darkness that brood which became the selfish and conditional love which I came to dwell on specifying what love I should aim for, often putting love on a pedestal and gradually fed into the inability to clench the insatiable world of pure virtually generated fantasy. I soon later stumbled on the untold end dynamics and detailed recount which became the product here. The Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

I also looked at selfish and unconditional love and finally the 5th selfless and conditional love; these two other worlds were decaying copycats which did not do much but to help map out the field and since the light and dark seemed to be the most liberating to understand.

I indulged in a “Netflix” binge one day and came across a very relevant and curious movie called “The Thirteenth Floor”. Which played on the premise of the world is a virtual world, and in it existed the only other world in the multiverse with a virtual world inside of another virtual world. It allowed the person to jack into a world to do their vices knowing this world was virtual but at the cost the person in the virtual world who was a very real functioning person with a life of his own, would lose a couple of hours and no memory of what he has done in that world during the time of his occupancy in the “skin suit”. They knew very well that the people in that virtual world had a very real existence and their relationships and life were not something to mess around with. Life ensued and finally the bar tender a close friend of the genius architect of this artificial world received a letter he was not suppose to read and found our about the virtual world and how he was not real. That nothing in his reality was real, they were just code and there were limitations to their artificial world. The man was able to jack out of the virtual world into the “upper” world where he would get a glimpse of the real world the world of tomorrow as they call it behind glass walls and picket fences.

From there I brought myself to a higher understanding to comprehend the place I call the “Crossway” of this existence. “Crossway” is the golden means of life where life can ideally thrive. Such is the distance of the Sun to the Earth and the Moon (it’s tide cycles) is to the Earth to make life habitable, not to forget Jupiter and it’s massive gravity to direct the meteors/space debris from hitting Earth.

So as my light is selfless unconditional love, my dark became selfish conditional love. I learned that the Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

These are the renditions of what my Dark, Light and Better Medium came to be. These were personally rendered on Adobe Photoshop to get a dynamic of the flow and energy found in traditional Yin-Yang. The bleeding and outer rings of these two graphics came out naturally to show the nature of transferred energy red to blue, black and white. This last render (The 2nd) is a 12 or 13th level dynamic graphic. Dynamic in that it was created in a procedural and gradual edits using vectors and pin point accurate rotations of vector programming. Meaning, You cannot merely replicate these graphics unless you proceed in a certain step by step generation of these graphics. Nothing is actually wrong with these two graphics they are in perfect harmony. Any mismatch or slight overlay nudges happened naturally during the erecting process.

In my recent dreams, I do not understand if it’s just my mind running like a loose tap but I am starting to see a fluidness of evolving  micro to macro worlds as I am lucid dreaming. They call it an awakening but it feels like I’ve touched the edge of what would be deemed sanity at this point. I feel and understand now what it is like to be normal and sane with a small touch of crazy some times but it’s good to know your limits as I’m sure no one “great” has ever thought inside the box for out of the box answers. The more dreams I have, the more vivid the detail, depth and colors seem to become a touch of synesthesia perhaps. Though it seems more like a jumble of mess degrading or evolving mass despite that fact there is a pattern of looking deeper into the worlds within itself.



The Study of the Compiled Twelve Essentials for Independent Ecosystems

I completed this acrylic rendering of a 3D 12 pointed Merkaba star by hand; for your viewing pleasure with some side notes about the mark up system I used to help define and identify better  the nature and direction of this dynamic object. This was done on a 24 inch by 48 inch art canvas and will be up for auction at the Vietnamese benevolence society along side the “Ain Soph Aur” Tree of Life in October. I used a set of systems I have identified as essential for any Independent Biological Ecosystems and that may be compatible for “Universal” Symbiosis.


Break The InternetE8Petrie.svg

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Independent Biological Ecosystems and Universal Symbiosis

Alpha. Seed of beginnings and roots. Study of harvest and agriculture. Trade and networking. Paths and strong roads.

Omega. Finalization, fruition and products. Mature/ripe for capitalizing. Sales marketing business of persuasion and study of capitalizing. Promotional skills in advertising business, manipulation of economics and entrepreneurship education. Minor financing, practical and technical skills. Strong practice and matured development in exposure to cultured independence. 

Cross-way. Study of all things related to time. Overall energy consumption in relation to resources, worth, power, mass, space, distance and it’s affects towards general progression. Scaling and weighing options.

Ambiguity; Study of vice and virtue. Implications and advantages.

Sustainability study of Fractal micro and macro worlds. Maximizing and minimizing. Mastery of salvaging.

Abundance. Processing/accumulate staple resources and manage excess resources.

Education: Providing archives of knowledge, ways to accumulate and promote essential knowledge. To teach, inform and educate.

Lost worlds. Opportunity and possibilities.

Sequence study of order, principles and priorities.

Ascendance; Intelligence spectrum mapping and ways to traverse the world of information and creating applications for further functional efficiency.

Hero: Making sure things are legitimate and that integrity has not been breached. General law is weighed and scaled appropriately served and punished accordingly to general justice. Resolving legal disputes.

Void Awareness: Differentiating body from space. Limitations and boundaries.

(0,0,0) True synthesis; Assessing, establishing and processing the immediate mission and priorities. Declaring all things to be of either priority over preference nature. Tying up bureaucratic loose ends and analyze legal loop holes and exploits of system. Disputes and legal conflicts cleanup. Collaboration and creating data base, archives and true principals through collage of all systems.

Alpha, Omega, Crossway, Ambiguity, Sustainability, Abundance, Education, Lost Worlds, Sequence, Ascendant, Hero, Void Awareness, and True Synthesis.

Ein Sof Aur is a mysterious tree representing life, experience and knowledge.


//notes Quantum Gravity?



Gene Keys Notes: 38th-52nd Part 4

Another week of reading and studying of the Gene Keys which are derived from the Chinese I Ching. Here are my notes for the 38th and 52nd gene keys the 3rd weekend study. There is a total of 64 Gene Keys and thus we are near the end 12 or so more Gene Keys.

“The only language that can comprehend/decipher this world is the language of archetypes, namely the language used by Jungian psychology, the arcane symbolism of the alchemists or the ancient totemic language of the shaman. The language of archetypes, which is what the 64 Gene Keys are based upon, allows us to look into the hidden side of our nature, to step into the perilous shamanic underworld of the collective unconscious without becoming personally identified with what we see there.”


38th Gene Key

Siddhi Honour, Gift Perseverance and Shadow Struggle.

For great honor is found in sacrifice of one self and to surrender to competition.

To turn the darkness in to an act of light and convert all darkness to become light.

39th Gene Key

Siddhi Liberation, Gift Dynamism and Shadow Provocation.

Failed based on art of provocation. Hunger for Violence unsated because of spiritual hunger for creativity. Gift of Dynamism is to fight the feeling of being trapped between the outer circumstances without changing your attitude

When fear is felt there will be anger based on being trapped.

First 7 years of unstructured dynamism of playing is important to a child’s individual growth.

Knowledge can be forced, but genius needs to be given a great deal of time and space to organically grow.

The greatest warriors know no fear.

40th Gene Key

Siddhi Divine Will, Gift Resolve and Shadow Exhaustion.

40th shadow is one of the most deep-seaed causes of cancerous disease on our planet.

Saving energy the gift of saving energy at all levels called wu wei; art of doing nothing.

Divine heart, divine mind and divine will. Divine will brings about other two cosmic organs.

It is only when everything is taken from you that you feel this emptiness. This experience is a deeply paradoxical state.

God can only visit when you are not there.


41st Gene Key

Siddhi Emanation, Gift of Anticipation and Shadow of Fantasy.

Atg is the door codon which acts as the entrance to the genetic function.

Chasing a fantasy without realizing it producing the result the unending wheel of samsara.

The difference between 41st gift and 41 shadow is the the difference between genius and non-genius.

This gene key is the ring of origin.

Emanation of the Ain soph aur the sephirah of the kabbalah; the model of emanation containing the concept of infinity.

Also named he black hole or i-ching “decrease”.

All 63 siddhic states are meaningless including bliss, ecstasy and god are meaningless since they are all subtle expressions of the prime emanation.

All efforts to induce the state of enlightenment is meaningless because we are helpless to attain this state. One cannot attain enlightenment when they are purposely pursuing it.

All is sucked into the vacuum that is the serpent ouroboros – endlessly devouring its own tail.


42nd Gene Keys

Siddhi Celebration, Gift Detachment and Shadow Expectation.

All gene keys start with 3rd Gene Key and ends with 42nd Gene Key.

Expectation is the promise of a better tomorrow. To live in the now and do what our heart desires to be happy. It is never too late to live in the now. Postponing until we get old is what we naturally will do if we keep procrastinating.

42 represents death/end of the key and end of a natural cycle thus sends out a notion that time is running out causing a responsive reaction that prompts immediate action.

Every seven years we regenerate all the cells in our body thus we have a new body.

42nd key form a complex codon group in DNA that is known as the ring of life and death.

Careful with expectation, sometimes you will miss out on the good things when you concentrate on the bad.

Detachment allows one to truly grasp the truth of things, not being influenced by the negative or positive.

Work with expectation rather than being a victim of it.

There is great understanding and freedom when one surrenders deeply to their life.

Shadow patterns are in fact an illusion. The explosion of the moment is seen as celebration.

You have always been asleep in the siddhic sense. You cannot be half-asleep – you are either awake or sleeping. Thus awakening/sleeping is a occurrence of being in one of the two different states.

The occurrence of awakening is not an event, it is the end of all events.

We are the serpent shedding our skins. The body is the skin, we are not the skin but we are the serpent endlessly shedding the skin.

Celebration is the direct manifestation of true awakening.


43rd Gene Key

Siddhi Epiphany, Gift of Insight and Shadow of Deafness.

Deafness. Survival, service and surrender. The natural process built into lives of human beings and this process has 3 stages. These bands form the spectrum of human consciousness the 64 keys are built. At the shadow you are operating at genetic survival mode by via frequency of fear. The only certainty in life is change. The white noise is deafening, which makes it rare to see a human being with a clear still aura.

Change is not found in pursuit of change, It happens automatously, we pursue happiness in order to change our reality. We cannot escape the mental loop of worrying. The wonder of the human being is unpredictable, spontaneous liquid genius. We praise heroes from afar and at a safe distance. We label those who pursue the rebellious spirit as outsiders outside our bubble. Without regular shaking we become frozen and stagnant.

He or she cuts a new pathway without worrying about where it is going. Forgetting the future and simply be the conduit for creative insight by means of simplicity. A relaxed solitude of break through in order to become a more contemplative being.


The star and the magi. Buddha experienced a epiphany through his great surrender by means of disappointment searching for something he already had or is. You are what you are and nothing can be taken away from your nature. The only thing you know is that you know absolutely nothing. Nothing you say is of any important or relevance whatsoever. It is like you are sharing a private joke with yourself.


44th Gene Key

Siddhi Synarchy, Gift of Teamwork and Shadow of Interference.

Human fractal is ultimately chaos of everything under the virus like master program “that cannot be wrong” in order to eliminate interference patterns. Starting from individuals to the grass root relationships. The ability to smell the indications of a person’s heritage via hormones and pheromones and track back details of their past lives. To be able to race fractal lineage back to the source of all fractals.

The Queedom; the complete understanding of the mechanics of human destiny and entire story of humanity. Synarchy; The prefix “syn” of synarchy is to concert and “archy” means to govern bringing in the concept of collective rulership. Centers of the world variously known as Shambhala, Mt. Meru, or Agartha, and from which a secret circle of ascended masters or celestial beings govern the world from a higher place. This is a innocent distortion of the Siddhi of Synarchy. True synarchy is the understanding of human fractals in order to fully comprehend its vast vision.

2 classes of insect hierarchy – Ants and Bees. Old esoteric tradition speak of a great being – The King of the World, sometimes known as Melchizedek or Sanat Kumara – who sits at the centre of all creation and governs all life in our planetary system. Akin to the power of the “Queen Bee” in a synarchy of bees. In a hive, all bees serve the queen and their synarchy is divided into different levels of workers and drones. The Queen symbolically and chemically maintains the focus and direction of all it’s members, if the queen dies, the hive falls into chaos and also dies.

Silence is necessary to follow down every fractal line within the cosmos of life. This is in order to see the secrets of human destiny and fractal patterns of time, the tapestry of the fractal lines through the cosmos. When the big bang happened consciousness was seeded into matter in a basic trinary pattern called the “Three Source Codes”. A hierarchy that is circular rather than linear. No one in a synarchy is above anyone else because at all times there is an awareness of the groups inherent oneness, the totality can function as one. Core fractals are what we term enlightened beings or masters.


45th Gene Key

Siddhi of Communion, Gift of Synergy and Shadow of Dominance.

Food = money. Collectivity makes better chance for a kill at a hunt. The gathering together around food that our civilization was born. Survival is more ensured when staying in one place, cultivating crops and domesticating animals. Life based on territory as a means of controlling the production and distribution of food was the crucible of our modern societies and nations. Hand in hand with change came another development, that of civilised hierarchy. Tribal groupings multiplied, natural hierarchies developed around network of elders or around a alpha leader. Power is distributed according to other’s needs, such as skills and usefulness, or was inherited through patrimony. Food and territory have been replaced by money and wealth.

Modern technologies and infrastructure would allow us to live in a world without hierarchy, this is our utopian dream.

We still live in the shadow of Dominance because we still live for ourselves rather than for each other. Tribal thinking dominates over collective thinking and family loyalties far outweigh corporate commitment.

From Hierarchy to Heterarchy: Heterarchy is a level of self-organisation that already exists to an extent within many hierarchies. Heterarchy distributes information horizontally oppose to hierarchy which distributes it’s authority vertically. It recognises the need for both individual and group empowerment, so it operates at a far higher frequency than the hierarchical models. The Gift of Synergy requires a leap of faith out of fear-based thinking and control by a single person. It is akin to the ideal at the core of democracy – The decision-making should and must be collective. In the business world synergy and heterarchy  want to takes us further into networks where businesses that previously competed now dovetail and cross-pollinate each other, thus moving more energy throughout the whole system. This heterarchical model of business; clients and customers are shared between the various businesses that make up the network. Those who hold positions of power and authority have tot risk giving their authority away.

When giving complete authority to another is an act of pure alchemy because when such sacrifice is made to the right group the rewards can be phenomenal. The amount of synergy and goodwill that moves through the human network increases exponentially. This new kind of business is allowed to discover it’s own self-organising intelligence. The gift is interesting in the long term it is this fractal energy of goodwill that has the real power of profitability itself. The goodwill generated reaches outwards in ever-increasing spirals that impact on the world through synchronicity and word of mouth.

Ultimately the 45th gift is in the long run more efficient in moving together in synergy rather than waste energy on competition.

“It is this fractal energy of goodwill that has the real power, not profitability itself.”

The End of Money; Bread and Wine, Money and Blood are core of the symbolism of the holy communion. Oneness on the material plane through the transcendence of money. Human beings are the true currency and money is the prime means in order of interacting and opportunity. If you trust in the energy of goodwill above all else, you will alter the way in which money moves in and out of your life. Redistribution of money through the world economy must alter in order to serve a higher purpose.

Unconditional giving negates the need for money altogether. The ultimate model of human and divine organisation is the synarchy. Communion represents humanity’s original and completed consciousness.

Hierarchy is actually the unfulfilled organising principle that leads to synarchy. When humanity attains communion it discovers that it is organised into a vast fractal pattern of human geometries arranged in human wheels and branches. Synarchy is the overall pattern of humanity operating as one consciousness. Such is Christ and the twelve disciples so is humanity and the fractal families of life. Synarchy is thus an agent of communion since their actions, words, deeds and vison flow directly out into humanity building the Synarchy. Christ is a hub fractal in a sense, a conduit of goodwill who sacrifices himself for the sake of the greater community. As we follow his example we taste the greater body of humanity and enact the mystery of sacred communion in our lives.

Synarchy can be likened to the interlinked network of neurons and synapses in the human brain. This is precisely what is happening to humanity right now as frequencies move through the 45th gene key come more into play. We discover higher levels of self-organisation. We are more so discovering these patterns rather than consciously creating them. We are already arranged into a synarchy. It is the gradual process of discovery and is limited by our time-processing brains.

46th Gene Key

Siddhi of Ecstasy, Gift of Delight and Shadow of Seriousness

Seriousness takes you away from life and love and into issues of control and separation. Just as the 46th gene allows you to enter into the field of ecstasy, the shadow of the 46th shadow demands that you live in the field of agony. Parenting at a low frequency is always involved in conditioning through control, whether conscious or unconscious. We want our children to be happy but don’t know how to be happy ourselves. The freedom and spontaneity of our children is a constant reminder of the depth of our own conditioning and unhappiness. In truth parents have forgotten how to play in return for a world of seriousness.

We only display ignorance when we are too serious about our lives. We tend to not trust life and try to take conscious control of the events that happen to us. This ignorance prevents us from enjoying the fruits of the 46th gift. Repressed nature of being Frigid often cold and frozen they are stale because they don’t truly accept themselves physically. It requires a step back and a better self reflection of who we truly are. Reactive nature of being Frivolous; Frivolity is an over-reaction to seriousness. Once the façade of being laid back, light hearted and jovial is broken they may reveal how deadly seriously they actually take life. Most frivolous people run away from truth and such people usually reflect this in their relationships; generally short lived and numerous.

Acceptance; In order to accept something about yourself, you first have to come out of your own ignorance and own it. Acceptance equals ownership, which leads to Delight. This brings the appreciation of richness to be alive. As you go through life more light hearted; no matter the circumstances you can accept and recognise these instances as being a part of grace. Luck is what happens when you stop interfering with life. The germ of material success and failure is self-acceptance. When you move through life freely with an attitude of delight and openness. Where whatever happens is correct, whether you can see why it is or not is not important. At a active a gift level you will rethink all standard definition of success and failure. Delight invokes grace, stop being so serious.

When we become truly playful we reshape the nature of our collective reality. “Only ecstasy can silence the mind, only ecstasy can solve the world’s problems and only ecstasy can lead the world to universal love and peace.”


47th Gene Key

Siddhi of Transfiguration, Gift of Transmutation and Shadow of Oppression

Genetic memory in our blood, referred to as non coding DNA/junk DNA. Accounts for 98% of our genome. The reason that science cannot decode the 47th shadow is because history is not linear but random, and random patterns cannot be solved through logical methods. Random patterns can only be resolved or read by fractal geometry which reads chaotic patterns using holistic laws. All humans individually carry the entire evolutionary memory of humanity within their body. This also means that we are unconsciously driven by this memory in our blood/DNA. Accessing this unconsciousness actually means they are accessing their collective unconsciousness. This access, if not mentally or spiritually prepared can lead one to become deeply disturbed or delusional.

The only language that can comprehend/decipher this world is the language of archetypes, namely the language used by Jungian psychology, the arcane symbolism of the alchemists or the ancient totemic language of the shaman. The language of archetypes, which is what the 64 Gene Keys are based upon, allows us to look into the hidden side of our nature, to step into the perilous shamanic underworld of the collective unconscious without becoming personally identified with what we see there.

Your suffering is a magic mirror – yours to own, appreciate and accept. Only when you stop trying to avoid it can it show you it’s magic.

Alchemy is the natural destiny of human beings. The way is to embrace your fears and surrender to your suffering and problems. Hold nothing back sift through individual problems and embrace everything. Unio mystica or sacred marriage where all your constituent elements dissolve back into another and forms symbolic gold. Requires divine grace hand in hand with siddhi of transfiguration.


48th Gene Key

Siddhi of Wisdom, Gift of Resourcefulness and Shadow of Inadequacy.

Darkest gene key of inadequacy. Knowledge becomes wisdom (higher counter part). But knowledge can become addiction to knowledge, a distraction and false security.  Trust life on a broader scale and some of the secrets of the well is revealed. Lower the bucket into the dark to have emerge a sense of resourcefulness. The wonder of how much light is found in a place so dark. You must remain open to fear unreactive, vulnerable and unknowing.  You must simply sit with it; neither repress nor react to your fear.

The feeling of intense bliss is no different than lust or even physical pain.


49th Gene Key

Siddhi of Rebirth, Gift of Revolution and Shadow of Reaction

The view of right and wrong. The spirit that enables killing is tribalism hunting and gathering in order to survive. One can justify going to war and kill another based on the idea that they are in the right and the other wrong. Reactions cannot occur without a relationship. The fuel of reaction is the fear of rejection. Intolerance leads to reaction and vice versa b/c we cannot handle the amplitude of our emotional fear when it is triggered by another. We see a remarkable phenomenon the merging of the collective view with the tribal view. 49th and 55th siddhi create the rebirth of freedom, or freedom of rebirth. There must be a destruction of the old world for a new one. 49th siddhi is the gift of revolution to recreate and rebirth or rebuilding the world. 49th gift is in charge of disassembling and reassembling the world.

Penetrance genes of the mutation codon relating to the 49th and 55th siddhis will be profound and behavioural patterns will shift dramatically.





50th Gene Key

Siddhi of Harmony, Gift of Equilibrium and Shadow of Corruption

The cosmos (cosmic order) or cauldron chemical bridge ring of the illuminati. Corruption is merely the by-product of a deeply flawed worldview, and until the core problem hierarchy itself is tackled, corruption will and must continue to flourish. Just like cooks they can balance the recipe without consciously trying. Heterarchy is based upon the principle that if an individual is not in balance then the group has no chance of finding balance. Heterachy therefore requires individual equilibrium before all else. Harmony is constant and infinite whereas equilibrium  can be lost. The cauldron is the symbol of the vessel that receives higher consciousness into itself. All imbalances must be destroyed in order that the cauldron of the physical body become a vacuum. Within the DNA of the human being the body becomes a deep resonant chamber for the highest universal frequencies. Allowing the dissolve the body itself so that the true cauldron is experienced as the universe.


51st Gene Key

Siddhi of Awakening, Gift of Initiative and Shadow of Agitation.

Competitive nature in humans and the lack of fear of death is what desensitises human beings. 51st shadow is about being first not in order to better yourself but to feel superior to others. All those at the top of hierarchy throughout history are eventually humbled by death. It is a battle with your own fears unlike 38 and 39th gifts of the warrior. It does not involve honour and struggle but more with a leap. The leap into the 51st Gift is the leap into the higher self.  51st gift is about harnessing your difference from others rather than trying to beat someone else at their own game. You unlock the magical force of genius that belongs to you in order to take your own initiative and disregard everything you have ever learned or heard.

Two types of consciousness, awakened and asleep. It is not possible to influence this mutation of awakening because it has nothing to do with your experience or behavior. No amount of meditation or spiritual practise can bring about this mutation. The secrets of initiation or every penetration is a sense of shock and results in a mutation or transformation of some kind. Death itself is the transformation of one form back into its constituent forms. Awakening is a surprise; it comes once and only once and after it has come, it stays forever.


52nd Gene Key

Siddhi of Stillness, Gift of Restraint and Shadow of Stress.

The collective or extended phenotype of humanity is shaped by fear, which creates an environment that puts the physical organism under great stress. In order to escape this collective programming field you are required to rise above it at an energetic level. Rising above the state of stress permanently is very rare. Anchoring yourself into a higher frequency, the same life can be experienced as though you were living in an entirely different world. Reactive nature of restlessness those who consistently secrete adrenaline into the body actually causes great damage over time. Thus such people burn themselves out in life.  By confronting and embracing these fears that makes one restless, drives them – they will gradually erode it’s hold over them and learn to activate their Gift of Restraint.  The gift is about striking a balance between two extremes of energy; energy of activity and passivity. Ask the question how may I be the greatest service to humanity? Then you must live the answer; The power of restraint allows your life to unfold without urgent demand. It must be allowed to grow and expand in an organic fashion. The gift of restraint is about non-interference. There will be times when you will feel deeply restrained. The acceptance of this restraint and it’s manifestation as patience is truly a powerful gift.

Frequency is the oscillation of energy waves at different speeds and intervals. Energy waves oscillating at lower and lower frequencies would eventually stop altogether and you would experience nothingness. At the other end of the spectrum, energy waves vibrating at higher and higher frequencies eventually become so close together that they merge to create another kind of nothingness. And nothingness represents the siddhi state. Bliss or universal love or in this case 52nd siddhi of stillness. 52nd and 58th mirror one of the great universal concepts of geometry and physics the torus. It lies in the center of all space-time. The yin-yang black and white hole sucking and releasing space-time. It creates and expands all energy and matter outwards to create space-time itelse. The Torus at the heart of all being is directly experience though the state of enlightenment, which unites stillness (the black hole) with bliss (the white hole). The moment of stillness and bliss is derived from higher functioning of your genetics. The human endocrine is an alchemical factory in which chemicals and hormones are combined and created.

52nd gene key is a archetype and concerns the unfolding of intention into individual destiny through service. It is the seed of great new beginning and original intention and dream of mankind to realise our position as the still point at the heart of creation. Slows down perceived time at subatomic level in the vicinity of experienced space-time, changing the way in which all human emotions operate.


Present moment life, consciousness of the moment.

The Missing Puzzle Piece; I Am My Own Worst Enemy



In all that is good as we find the multiverse and connect with our other selves. God will follow. The need for our new seed. Face the shadows of my existence, the doppelganger that impedes the reality of my own true happiness.

Placebo: the pill that heals despite no actual content.

No-cebo: the pill we take which has no medicinal content only that of negative thoughts but affects the body.

Root of suffering: I am not my body. I am not my mind.

Sabotage of the mind and resistance to change is your greatest enemy.

In order to continue one must surrender to the condition of life.

Fear acronym is: Feeling, Excited and Ready.

Choose acceptance and the stream of life. Follow the flux of time and adapt to change.

Change is indefinite. Do not seek object ive desire and achieving each goal based on desire. No desire chasing only fulfillment.

The abundance of finite mind and body. Not finite desires but only gratitude of all that is life.

Judgement is separation, inclusion and difference. Every judgement ends in “just like me” because the secret in neutralizing judgement is stating a judgement only to end with “just like me”.

Feel deeply forgiveness and direct emotions to forgive the actions in man even if we do not believe what he is even if we do not condone his mistakes and who he is. I am pure and innocent, you are spirit. and you are released from what I projected on you.

The monkey mind thinks too much.

You are not the parrot, you become the awareness of the person with the parrot.

The thought process is the parrot. The crazy uncle instance: Love the uncle do not care or contribute to his insanity. Be a loving presence.

When being be.

Space of no mind and pure consciousness. The moment is now.

It is only me that impedes my journey of success.

Human experience to play pain and pleasure. The exploration of who we are, the divine journey to discover self and unfold the divine universe.

Everything is energy, invisible fields found in all that is energy. Energy is found even in matter. The entanglement of the universes through invisible fields is found in fields of information from the divine consciousness. The power of creation where all compositing fields, the source of creation turn your direction inward.

The cosmic internet of understanding at the center of our existence.

The law of attraction. Creating your reality and manifesting our fate and destiny. The harmony of crystallization/manifestation of vibration of good and the desire for good things in life. Reality is formed by you and the law of the heart (love).

The way is the heart (-buddha)

We are co-creators of this reality and responsible for it. We are one and a force of strength complimenting each other; for I can so thus everyone can.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

tarot cards and numerology. Awake in the dream.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Vice and Virtue

The Seven Deadly Demons, Vice and Virtue


Demons. Vice. Virtue

Asmodeus: Lust. Chastity

Asmodeus or Ashmedai is a king of demons mostly known from the deutero-canonical Book of Tobit mostly as the antagonist.

Beelzebub: Gluttony. Temperance

Beelzebub or Beelzebul is derived as a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal.

Mammon: Greed. Charity (Generosity)

Mammon in the New Testament of the Bible is commonly tied to the meaning of money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain. “You cannot serve both God and mammon.”

Belphegor: Sloth. Diligence

Belphegor is a demon, and one of the seven princes of Hell, who helps people make discoveries. He seduces people through the suggestion of ingenious inventions that will make them rich.

Satan: Wrath. Patience

Satan is an Abrahamic entity that seduces humans into sin. In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as a fallen angel, or a djinn and uses it’s powers to grant the host great power, wealth and happiness. He is given temporary advantage over their current situation to ultimately fall because of his initial sin.

Leviathan: Envy. Gratitude

Leviathan is a sea monster referenced in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Job, Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos.

Lucifer: Pride. Humility

Was known to be God’s greatest angel before he was cast down to Earth and exiled from Heaven for rebelling against god. He was known to be the most beautiful of the angel kind but now stripped of all title and name damned to hell for eternity.

7 deadly sins

Discipline + Structure = Freedom

Kindness + Gratitude = Positive Karma

Creativity+ Imagination over Knowledge.

The Primordial Artifacts

Important symbols and abstract artifacts. These are the crest of my development from one dimensional world to the completed end cycle. The end of my calendar and pushing on to reach a state that allows me the shedding of my skin/body and be reborn renewed.

These 6 abstract artifacts have been my personal inspiration for this blog for the longest time. The Melchizedek Star, Vesica Pisces, Solomon’s Star of Wisdom, Merkaba Star, Infinite Ouroboros, The Holy Chalice and The Fountain of Youth.

The Melchizedek Star: 8 pointed/16 sided star.

Spirit+Matter come together as the knowledge or winged egg.

The egg is born through the union of Earth and Heaven. Square (Earth) and circle (Heaven)  creating the Vesica Pisces hence we achieve the egg shape.

8 pt starvesica pisces

The Solomon’s star is 6 pointed – known as the wisdom

6 ptstar


Merkabah star is an 8 pointed star. The union between two four point pyramids joined.


The ring of power- Is the restraint and responsibility of person to be fair and uphold justice for one self at the very basic level but also to distribute justice to others when one becomes established. Gained through the right of passage.

oroborros ring of power

The holy chalice or grail – Is the crossway and metamorphosis to become someone not yet born.


The fountain of youth – Is the ability to start new/forget and shed past lives. (shedding as a snake would)

snake eggs

Water, eternity, darkness and air. Through fire, nature is reborn whole.

Baptism by fire of the holy spirit.

Fibonacci and Numerology in Kabbalah; The Tree of Life


rsz_fibofibonacci-sequenceThere is a sequence in the world, a constant that can be found in nature that goes on forever and never changes when we analyze the natural world of the living. The Phi or Fibonacci Sequence is an amazing constant found even in the Pyramid of Giza, down to insects and animals. A natural order of numbers that masterfully sequences in the spiral in sea shells, sunflowers down to the proportions of an animal parts. It is in these sequences of numbers of phi that we find the natural beauty of what we define as beautiful or rather what we find as attractive. It is the golden ratio (a+b)/a = a/b or 1.618.. where we find the proportions of perfect balance of natural symmetry.



Fibonacci Sequence is:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 …

Mathematically its the last two numbers added to get the next number.

Numbers are constant until they are not.

Correcting a imbalance in the universe. I want, I am and I love.

The five platonic solids. The building blocks of life. Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Aether.


Kabbalah numerology/gematria meaning:


Instructions: Add up all your letters in your full name (Middle and last included). Divide it by 9. Take the remainder and add the number 1 to it. This is your Kabbalah number. It should divide perfectly.


8+3+6+3+5+1+4+5+7+3+7+5+5 = 62

62 / 9 = 6 R 0.88

0.88+1 =1.88

6 and 1.88 =

6 + 1.88 would be my numbers.


1. Progress, Beginning, Aboriginal.

2. Expansion, Addition, Connection.

3. Love, Faith and Hope.

4. Lack of Fortune, Accident, Shatter and Death.

5. Creation, Fertility, Genius.

6. Result, Calm, Satisfaction, Fulfillment.

7. Spirit, Magical, Mysterious Number.

8. Impulse, Good Number, Charisma.

9. Fortune, Creation, Fulfillment, Greater Success.

-Result, Progress, Impulse/Beginning, Good Number/Charisma-

Speech is a speed bump. infinite ways to communicate.

Surrender, repent and deconstruct.

  1. We are all connected.
  2. Where you end, I begin.
  3. No matter how hard you control it, nothing is exactly what it appears to be.

A destiny we cannot choose.

3 variable paradigm formula. Shadow, Gift and Siddhi.

How the universe came to be. The Tree of life.

The righteous 36 working under the cloak of invisibility; even when realized they will not confess their righteous good deeds. Hidden order of weather, knowledge and future. Also called Lamed-Vav Tzadikim.

Primal nature. No awareness and no cohabitation.

The artifact Tree of Life.

Device of healing if misused can desecrate in name of evil.

The observer is:

We should report, pray and observe..  but instead we guide, direct and persuade even though it is not our place.

Live breathe and grow. Bylaws which govern us have changed. Humanity has changed.

Assets and Liabilities. There is an importance of differentiating them.

All a game of symbols, patterns and signs. I want, I am and I love.

Evolutionary speed bump. Protect that which is good.

The Call from Beyond Had a Voice; The Transcendent Connection


You will lead as the underdog against a much more vast and powerful hierarchy. You are transcendent and your information is also transcendent. Those condemned and exiled by haram (forbidden) will seek you. You will take the lost, broken and hungry. They will take shelter under your simple care and kindness. The higher beings up above will find that their goals are baseless, their roots and causation fruitless. They understand that there are no roots to their actions and that their existence and what side they have taken to be aimless and unclear.

Though we have allowed ourselves to indulge in the wheel that reignite Samsara. We delight at the idea that we have reached once again at nirvana. Visions spark our enkindled flame and rest assured that we take great care in our aim and to hit our target. We make sure that our essence is purely of unconditional human love, kindness and compassion. We see before us an intricate pattern allowing us to see what lies ahead but what is of greater importance is the means of getting there. That it is truly our way and by our own will that allowed us to get there.

There is a need for profound understanding to make way for a new and glorious insight in order to find the correct path. Where there is a will, there is a way. Fierce but with flow. Heart of Gold but head of an ox. Let us indulge once more and allow the fallen to rise from the ashes in order to aid our cause in this life. Let us light up once more, warm up and pace our momentum. Let the old oven burn the dry timber another day. Today we mark the day we take the world of the physical brain to the door step of the mental mind. Those who are not in the right will question their existence and rationalize why they are doing what they are doing. For the tree has roots and branches bear fruit; if a tree has no roots than it is groundless and dismissed as a rootless tree. And no tree means no fruit.

For better or for worse; We can’t let the world view put us down and determine us incapable. We decide through our rummaging of our daily novelties what is important to us and express them as humanly possible. Taking things one day at a time. Nothing is perfect and what we do is only an expression of what our heart feels. I am not my mind, and my mind does not make me. A human being is a compilation of many compounding mixed collages, intricate layers behind layers and brush strokes of color of many hints and hues.

We reach deep inside ourselves to reveal more layers hidden within. As we start recognizing the fractal patterns of life; The inward life is equally as important as the outward life. The minimal world will equate to the maximal world and as fast as an equation increased exponentially we will meet at the end; as if directly connected. Alpha will find and engage Omega for a great collaboration of abundant possessed powers. We may speak in tongues and in words but when actually there is only one language and that is of the heart of action in life.

Notes on Buddha and Awakening


Love, Kindness and Compassion. Cease to do evil and learn to do good. Purify the mind consciously breathe and mindfully breathe. Instead of pursuing desire find emptiness and awareness. All is empty and wonderful. Be aware of the dangers of material sensual world. Awaken w/o the self, labels and names which are tied to dread and death. Hunger pollutes and pain/suffering brings fear.

-Pocket Buddha Reader

Gene Keys Notes 31-37; Part 3

Continuation of.. Gene Keys Notes Part 1 (keys 1-20)

and Gene Keys Part 2 (keys 20-30)


31st Gene Key

Siddhi Humility, Gift Leadership and Shadow Arrogance.

32nd Gene Key

Siddhi Veneration, Gift Preservation and Shadow Failure

Grafting a new branch of life.

33rd Gene Key

Siddhi Revelation, Gift Mindfulness and Shadow Forgetting.

Through mindfulness is where you discover how to purify your nature and no longer create negative karma.

You have found the secret of all human desire – once purified into natural state of Divine longing, it becomes the very fuel that returns you to your true centre of being.

Siddhi fruit, gift flower and seed is shadow.


34th Gene Key

Siddhi Majesty, Gift Strength and Shadow Force.

Tireless energy and strength deep inside.

Heart of gold, head of a bull.

The ability to act in harmony with natural forces is the true definition of strength.

Become effortless flow of fluid activity and fluid efficiency. Like unto the properties of water.

All heroes are often never found to act on purpose but actually accidental and unintentionally based on their commitment to doing the right thing.

“Display” plays an important part and assists but not to be confused with the siddhi of valor (21).

Valor is aware of itself and seeks glorification whereas Display of heroism appears to be unintentional.

True heroism is unaware of itself.


35th Gene Key

Siddhi Boundlessness, Gift Adventure and Shadow Hunger.

Selfless unconditional universal love and pursuit of adventure with absence of fear or failure.

Start of something fresh and new.


36th Gene Key

Siddhi Compassion, Gift Humanity and Shadow Turbulence.

Dark night of the soul

When struggles with sexuality and emotional turbulence is finally embraced openly and honestly something is born.. You graduate as a human being.


37th Gene Key

Siddhi Tenderness, Gift Equality and Shadow Weakness.

37 is number of Christ in the Gematria.

Over processed emotions and fail as a victim due to emotion states and fears.

Nor patriarchy or matriarchy but as a family.

Surrendering to the overwhelming power.

Sacrificial lamb.

As a mother cradles a child beyond our current view, It is tenderness of a maternal hand.

Tenderness is devoid of tension and sexuality.

No longer tribal structure but will be addressed as a collective mind.

Empowering and support communities simultaneously.

Grace comes to those who need it most (22), Compassion (36) and Truth (63).

40th siddhi of Divine Will’s; softness insurmountable, invincible and inevitable.

Gene Key Notes Part Two; 23-30 keys


Continuation of Gene Keys Part 1

23rd Gene Key

Siddhi Quintessence, Gift Simplicity and Shadow Complexity.

Way of the mystic takes neither the path of seeking nor the path of longing

State of wonder, sheer beauty of the ultimate realization. Discovered by mistake.


24th Gene Key

Siddhi Silence, Gift Invention and shadow addiction.

Addiction thinks in circles whereas invention thinks in spirals.

Not knowing is there when awareness is at rest and knowing is there when awareness engages in some form of communication with outside world.

The only thing that really reincarnates is silence itself.

Michael embraces the Lucifer of the Godhead and the greatest fallen angel redeemed. This act of redeeming the God head is most difficult because the trials of Lucifer was the most heinous of crimes against one single being.


25th Gene Key

Siddhi Universal Love, Gift Acceptance and Shadow constriction

Constriction of life is equivalent to constriction of going against the current of life.


26th Gene Key

Siddhi Invisibility, Gift Artfulness and Shadow Pride

Manipulation is main shadow of this gene key.

There is higher purpose in understanding.

Try tuning into rather than impose upon the world.

Higher purpose which celebrates ego without self-judgement and in full awareness.

Manipulation through art and music

The great cinnabar field of existence; laughter is key.


27th Gene Key

Siddhi Selflessness, Gift Altruism and Shadow Selfishness.

To give is to receive. Self sacrificing and self centered, leads to depletion and giving by mind oppose to of heart.


28th Gene Key

Siddhi Immortality, Gift of Totality and Shadow of Purposelessness.

Totality means to live alongside fear.

Your demons are your angels in disguise if you learn from them.


29th Gene Key

Siddhi Devotion, Gift Commitment and Shadow Half-heartedness.

Commitment and Divine Devotion. All unnatural things end at the living cycle. All things good that are persevered are greatly rewarded and cause “luck” to occur.


30th Gene Key

Siddhi Rapture, Gift Lightness and Shadow Desire

Only in the shadow frequencies allows for progressive purity to happen.

It is not desire that causes suffering. It is the reaction desire that creates your suffering.

The ability to laugh at yourself and your mistakes.

The great tragi-comedy is your life.

Desire is dangerous in that it never ends and not one person can satiate the fire of trivial redundant desire and it’s wants/needs.

Ein Sof Tree of Life 30×48 Painting

I spent the afternoon buying a huge 30×48 canvas, taking the bus and carrying it home. It was quite awkward carrying so much stuff home today. I put into the day a day’s work of painting. I call this Ein Sof Tree of Life, The tree is suppose to be made of stars and the Tree is suppose to represent ever knowledge and ever experience. History and information of all things found in time, as divine memory tells that all things are recorded and remembered in the frame of life. No rock unturned- no action forgotten. In life every deed and every notion of expression is remembered. Our karma and work pays off in the end. Please enjoy my tree to your viewing pleasure.



64 Gene Keys Notes; Siddhi, Gift and Shadows


I’ve been reading this book based on website It’s been a inspiring and an enjoyable ride that delves into the world of Genekeys. They speak of 64 gene keys representing the growth in steps from the ever expanding and limitless microcosm to the macrocosm of the world; allowing you to drink/breath deep of it’s colorful and transcendent vibes. If you want to follow me the book it is only 11 dollars CDN for a digital kindle version. link is here . If you are into the growing, adapting and evolution trend of understand life and world better, I highly recommend this book – the world perspectives is spoken of in great depths.

Siddhi is the complete understanding and enlightenment possessed by a siddha.

“Gift” is the ability, contemplation or understanding that has been grown, harvested and picked to be truly edible to a person’s palatable consumption by means to say that this fruit is harvested ripe for the picking, so that it may be enjoyed and let there be known a certain wisdom.

“Shadow” is the complication or problems due to human objectives on the path of learning  that must be resolved in order to carry on and forward to the next Gene Key step.

Each Siddhi, Gift and Shadow reveals a path and paradigm that expesses a lesson to be learnt per Gene Key.

1st Gene Key

Siddhi Beauty, Gift Freshness, Shadow Entropy

2nd Gene Key

Siddhi Unity, Gift Orientation, Shadow Dislocation

3rd Gene Key

Siddhi Innocence, Gift Innovation, Shadow Chaos

4th Gene Key

Siddhi Forgiveness, Gift Understanding, Shadow Intolerance

5th Gene Key

Siddhi Timelessness, Gift Patience, Shadow Impatience

6th Gene Key

Siddhi Peace, Gift Diplomacy, Shadow Conflict

7th Gene Key

Siddhi Virtue, Gift Guidance, Shadow Division

8th Gene Key

Siddhi Exquisiteness, Gift Style, Shadow Mediocrity

9th Gene Key

Siddhi Invincibility, Gift Determination, Shadow Inertia.

10th Gene Key

Siddhi Being, Gift Naturalness and Shadow Self-Obsession

Wounded from the outset (25), battle with shadows (38), overcome limitations of your mind (17), surrender your need to control life (21) and find your true self (10), before you can awaken (51).

11th Gene Key

Siddhi Light, Gift Idealism and Shadow Obscurity

An android in a dark room behind bars. A dark skinned man with a knife.

Educated and the creation of a loving environment changes them.

Woman becomes governor and thus begins her journey as a bounty hunter, a maverick of light.

Man becomes protector and iron clad angel to aid the light’s cause.


12th Gene Key

Siddhi Purity, Gift of Discrimination and Shadow Vanity.

12th, 56th and 33rd are terminator codons.

Vanity is the last thing learnt and let go. Self love expressed but also as love for others.

Ring of secrets**

There is no evil, only progressive sense of density


13th Gene Key

Siddhi Empathy, Gift Discernment and Shadow Discord

Theme of listening.

7th divison = future 13th discord past

30th gene shadow of desire conflict.

Also known as the “fellowship of man”.

Empathy is the truest organ but only with collective existence.


14th Gene Key

Siddhi Bounteousness, Gift Competence and Shadow Compromise.

Work = effort

Competitance carries within it efficiency, enthusiasm, flair and flexibility.

15th Gene Key

Siddhi Florescence, Gift Magnetism and Shadow Dullness.


Core medium equator

16th Gene Key

Siddhi Mastery, Gift Versatility and Shadow Indifference

17th Gene Key

Siddhi Omniscience, Gift Far-sightedness and Shadow Opinion

Opinion based on logical judgement

Not about having a great holistic vision of reality that takes no sides and is beyond opinion.

18th Gene Key

Siddhi Perfection, Gift Integrity and Shadow Judgement.

19th Gene Key

Siddhi Sacrifice, Git Sensitivity and Co-dependence.

9 portals of planetary initiation

  1. Birth
  2. Baptism
  3. Confirmation
  4. Matrimony
  5. Annunciation
  6. Communication
  7. Ordination
  8. 8.Sanctification
  9. Glorification

20th Gene Key

Siddhi Presence, Gift Self-assurance and Shadow Superficiality.

Model altruism while remaining detached.

Encouraging invention, innovation and simplicity.

Breath of god, or word of god.

Seven sacred bodies of humanity:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Causal
  5. Buddhic
  6. Atmic
  7. Monadic
  8. Logoic



21st Gene Key

Siddhi Valour, Gift Authority and Shadow Control

31st voice, 7th heart and 21st will of group.

Kinship over kingship.

Valorous age of chivalry

Surrender of control for trust


22nd Gene Key

Siddhi Grace, Gift Graciousness and Shadow of Dishonor

The importance of acceptance rather than changing an experience let it flow.

Divine intervention, Truth of redemption.

Law of divine memory states that every feeling mood and thought you have is put there directly by god for you to trust in it and is recorded in memory of space.

The three pure ones.

Hermes Trismegisting (thrice great) aka merlin, thoth and Fu His.

Through the practice of Alchemy and High Magic. Alchemy concerning the transmutation of suffering through alignment with Divine Will. The second great teacher is Christ the transmutation of suffering through love and sacrifice. Finally the third great teacher is the Buddha whos fractal represents the transmutation of suffering through wisdom and compassion.

This makes up the Gene Keys revelation synthesis of the great trinity of Divine Will, Love and Wisdom.

Hermes the Magi the teachings of Alchemy and Transmutation.

Buddha brought the teachings of Karma and Rebirth.

Christ brought the teachings of forgiveness and atonement

The seven Sacred Bodies of Humanity:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Causal
  5. Buddhic
  6. Atmmic
  7. Monadic


  1. Physical bedrock of incarnation. Collective memory of humanity is stored in our dna.
  2. The Astral Body is human aura and emotion/desire. Pleasure and Pain reflected at vibrational frequencies which effectively divide the astral plane into hell realms and heaven realms. Has great influence over your physical health.
  3. The Mental Body exists at higher frequency than your emotions and is constructed from your thinking of life. Mental body is influenced by the collective mental body of all of humanity. Feelings of unfulfillment often pull us down into low vibrational shadow energy levels.
  4. Causal body stores the goodwill of the human soul. It becomes a storage hub for high frequency thoughts. Words and Deeds that we have initiated during our many journeys in incarnation.
  5. The Buddhic Body – above the astral body. Reveals the truth that humanity and all the earth planes are in fact one single organism. The causal body dissolves after this and reincarnation in the normal sense is no longer necessary. The third feminine realm of the holy trinity called Divine Activity.
  6. The Atmic Body allows higher evolutions outside the process of physical incarnation. While buddhic body keeps it’s connection with humanity through compassion, The atmic body brings awareness into the cosmic field of Christ consciousness directly merging your awareness with Divine Mind and Heart. It is through the atmic body that the great avatar streams enter the world. It is also the realm of the Siddhis – the many miraculous manifestations of the Divine.
  7. Monadic Body is the unbridled primal essence of Divine consciousness itself. Operates at the causal plane which is the veil it takes on in order to enter the lower worlds corresponding to the first aspect of the Holy Trinity Divine Will.

Divine Will, Mind and Heart and Divine Activity make up The Divine Holy Trinity.

Emotions in the bardos after death are experienced more intensely.

As there is no defined linear sense of time in the bardo states, it can seem that hell is eternal just as it can seem that heaven is eternal.

The six core wounds of humanity,

  1. Repression
  2. Denial
  3. Shame
  4. Rejection
  5. Guilt
  6. Separation.


The seven sacred seals and their respective Siddhis

The First Seal – Divine Will (40th Siddhi)

The Second Seal – Ominiscience (17th Siddhi)

The Third Seal – Universal Love (25th Siddhi)

The Fourth Seal – Epiphany (43rd Siddhi)

The Fifth Seal – Forgiveness (4th Siddhi)

The Sixth Seal – Truth (63rd Siddhi)

The Seventh Seal – Grace (22nd Siddhi)

The Seal that Heals:

  1. Divine Will (40th Siddhi) heals human repression. Ends disease.
  2. Omniscience (17th Siddhi) heals wound of denial. Ends violence.
  3. Universal Love (25th Siddhi) heals wound of shame. Ends greed.
  4. Epiphany (43rd Siddhi) heals the wound of rejection. Ends poverty.
  5. Forgiveness (4th Siddhi) heals the patterns of unconscious guilt. Ends war
  6. Truth (63rd Siddhi) heals the wound of separation. Ends indifference.
  7. Grace (22nd Siddhi) transfiguration (47th Siddhi) absorption of previous 6 layers of human aura into the monadic body, the primordial essence. All surrender to Atmic body called the 7th The opening of the Seventh Seal is the final human epoch and the return of the human race to it’s original Edenic state. The redemption of all beings.

The Nine Portals of Planetary Initiation:

  1. Birth
  2. Baptism
  3. Confirmation
  4. Matrimony
  5. Annunciation
  6. Communion
  7. Ordination
  8. Sanctification
  9. Glorification


Greater pleasure is derived from giving than from taking – foundation for higher life.

In the spirit of helpfulness and harmlessness of actions.

The mission is to leave the world a better place for future generations.

Grace has numerous more blessings attached under the defined word.

One who is touched by grace will always be touched by grace.

Self Learning Artificial Intelligence; APA Essay by Nam Nguyen

Re-evolution_EDIIMA20170721_0487_19 (1)




Nam Nguyen

Biological Sciences/Environmental Sciences

A Submission to Jocelyn Crocker

Prepared for credit in

X01 Biological Sciences/ Comm 1105

Oct. 14, 2017


Edmonton, Alberta


Artificial intelligence can be described as a computer programming mind, to be self learning is to be able to build it’s database on past experience or understanding about the future. It is believed that artificial intelligence may be the next mile stone in human accomplishments. It is also discussed in the scientific community warning that it is the beginning of the end and that there is a grave danger in creating a self learning artificial intelligence. Describing self learning (Artificial Intelligence) AI as an attainment of the highest glory of human accomplishment but also as a grave danger, is a double-edged sword. Based on the secular philanthropic direction of human ethics; this can be seen as a highly contradictory problem and it also can be seen as a solution for many unwanted mundane and trivial jobs or occupations that could otherwise be given to such a thing as a self learning AI. For the basis of such cheap labor can be bought with very little expense of capital or energy according to deloitte uk-insight “we suggested that 35 per cent of jobs in the UK were at high risk of automation in the next 10-20 years”. The dangers of something working at such a high efficiency level may bring in alarming ethical debates, to mention a few: The use of military machines or technologies of war namely weapons of war and (weapons of mass destruction) WMD, social/religious politics and robotics auto targeting and abuse of automatic locking and identifying technologies into question. Self learning AI is now no longer a myth of tales. It is now a scientific reality that must be dealt with open ears, eyes, hands and of course the heart. According to what was learnt about Alpha-Go a machine, by Google Deep Mind, a machine mind could out-wit and out play the worlds best Go player in the world. I will be identifying and arguing the example technologies; explain their potential but also their conflicting dangers and explain myself the best solution and the steps required to bring these technologies to life. Alpha-GO deep mind algorithms are building ideas and learning from past experiences. The applications of a self learning program or AI is limitless and may lead to inevitable success, many jobs could be easily filled with such a technology. If past experiences can be learned from and skills/ideas understood better with just mainly at the expense of time – and if these ideas/skills can be transferable to other jobs and compiled to learn and built on that. With this attribute in mind, in the world of education this would compliment a system that can also accommodate learning aids/guidance in the creation of more learning programs for humans along side (mainly virtual worlds under virtual settings); the ideas for what is possible is almost limitless. There are three things covered in this essay; practical applications, dangers of worldly complications and our future ideal destination by science. I will be discussing each topic and emphasize the importance of the three topics.

“Google spent more than $400 million to buy industry-leading startup DeepMind, and scored a major tech and marketing coup when the computer AlphaGo defeated grandmaster Lee Sedol at the possibility-lush game of Go–an achievement hundreds of times more complex than when Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess.” (Lee, Adrian “Banking on artificial intelligence”, 2017)

First, we will explore the practical applications of a self learning machine mind to solve and provide solutions to simple and complicated problems. According to Google and its recent trends on buying out the major players in the AI world, namely The AI Deep Blue, AlphaGo project. The amount of energy and capital invested in this example show’s just how much interest is in this piece of technology. The action of buying it out by Google, shows the importance of what this intelligence is as a future player in the industry. Google invested and bought out this startup company without any hesitation and for good reason too. They now have in their hands on an intelligence program that can play Go, but more importantly learn, react and move strategically in the complex game/world of Chinese Go – more efficiently and effectively than the best Go player in the world. This feat was also accompanied by Garry Kasparov and his defeat by Deep Blue in Chess before the coming of this event years later. If it is possible to teach a computer to navigate and pin point movement options on a game board, then to what extent can a computer be able to critically make decisions in space of life. I believe the best answer to this may be producing virtual worlds and also using these worlds as a virtual learning tool for many engineering and apprenticeships that need hands on experience. This may bridge the gap for experience in the world and allow opportunities to test and narrow down/calculate options. Programs built on the back bones of programs that want to learn and want to teach others to learn. Creating a learning environment where you can make mistakes and learn from them is most ideal especially in a competitive world that can be unforgiving sometimes in failure.

Secondly, among all the positive things to say about advanced technology and tools, we may have a problem mostly with advanced militarized machines and technology regarding war. If the machines are too efficient in killing, detecting and maiming – then it is technically marked off as a moral case for further human discussion about human responsibilities, to reevaluate its creator imbued personality and programming protocols for the said machine/AI programming. There are already enough stories in the Hollywood scene about robots/androids going rogue and not complying to their host creator. (Terminator, 1984) And of course a rogue self learning artificial intelligence would be a concern in life but that’s where we should set the protocols to shut it off should be. If the artificial intelligence believes it to be in the right without following specific procedures to handling a situation then it is necessary to program it to next time possibly wait for further instructions or until the engaged subject turns violent and hostile. This is all up to the host creator to implement and think about in the future if such an event occurs. This would be ideal for a creator to design something expendable if failed but always useful in the presence of it’s human host’s beck and call. They should only be looked at as a tool rather than confused as a sentient being no matter how flashy and refined the product is, we must remember that they were created as a product of science to benefit the human kind. Of course, there is a scare in the air with technology being so accessible asking what happens when a highly intelligent rogue AI were to get access to WMD (weapons of mass destruction). Such as the imprint of the last time we saw WMD in action during the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in WW2. The Atom bomb was a catastrophic disaster in which lingering radiation and wreckage still impedes normal life for a human being until this day. This gift of the understanding physics as he did also come with a warning that there is great responsibility that comes with understanding the miniature world of physics. The curse of the damage that was caused by that gift is ironic and sits on Einstein’s grave’s head where he will be remembered through history as the father of the Atom bomb.


Lastly on the future of this technology we should contemplate on what the ideal reimagined fate of all this would be and that we may be faced with strange AI and AI products in the future. Mixing people with machine and even sub-machine and bionically augmented human beings. There is in the world of social behaviors in what they call a stature of being politically correct, other human language obstructions/traditions/barriers/reactions and mannerisms that can be taught to an AI. Two chat robots were let loose in an experimental chat-bot argument set up supposedly by this turing test. Turing test, is defined as “a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human” (Youtube: Two Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots talk and argue with each other, 2017) We find that even amongst AI and chatbots they can be taught awareness and even a slight consciousness amongst the name calling, moderate existential crisis and of course poetry discussion – as random as that may sound, all of it is intelligent to some degree and therefore it is completely possible to mistake one of these chatbots for a real person if one has a poor sense of detecting that these voices are synthesized voices. Of course, meeting real life androids is also a real thing thanks to technology and human’s having the need to humanize everything that they see and these ones can fool you into thinking you are talking to another human being. (Youtube: Rise 2017- Hanson Robotics – two robots debate the future of humanity) This video is a display of an android level robot AI interacting with advanced social skills and mannerisms. The flexible latex skin and having them touch on ideas of what a robot is and is not, may confuse a person to wonder what makes them any different from us. These are exciting times and distinguishing robot from reality is something that must be discussed in our race for better AI and human/Earth friendly technology.


Finally in conclusion, technology has given rise to the race for the hold on the ultimate AI. Whoever may hold the race for the “Greatest AI” wins the race for the world, as said by Putin himself (Putin, 2017). There’s an honorary seat for those who want to recreate greatness and that is done hand in hand with the highest extent of our responsibility to our children and our children’s children. The race for space was only the beginning we are developing into an age where machines and men/women are starting work symbiotically and in unison with technology/nature to make life better for the human being. To give chance to another evolutionary leap for science of the decade. Blending consciousness and mindfulness and bringing about the awe of contemplation in life. The three things covered in this essay; practical applications, dangers of worldly complications and our future ideal destination by science. We were able in our exploration of the “Self Learning Artificial Intelligence” to grasp what we have as a known science, how to work it and use it to benefit humanity. We identified dangers of such technologies in the world. We reimagined and envisioned the future of what our ideals may bring us to, in the destiny of man, technology and machine. This lead us to this moment where we see in clarity the beauty of the temporary moment and the work that is still needed to be done to understand nature, technology and deep in ourselves the responsibility that is due for such greatness. It is a gift to fight and obtain the seat of claim but it is also a curse if used irresponsibly; such is the memory of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, our greatest regret in the human crimes department. On the positive side machines and machine parts can help augment a person to live a normal life despite being amputated. The potential that technology has for helping more people than hurting people is important here and we need not to punish ourselves for other’s mistakes.


Citation 1- Deloitte UK Insights p.1. “deloitte-uk-insights-from-brawns-to-brain.pdf” from

Citation 2- Lee, Adrian. “Maclean’s; Toronto Banking on artificial intelligence”, Jan 23rd 2017 Retrieved October 14, 2017 from

Citation 3-“Terminator” 1984, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 4-“Hiroshima and Nagasaki WW2”, August 1945, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 5- Youtube Video Two Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots talk and argue with each other” Sept. 29th 2013, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 6- Youtube Video “Rise 2017- Hanson Robotics – two robots debate the future of humanity” July 12 2017, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 7- Youtube Video “Whoever leads in AI will rule the world” September 4, 2017, Retrieved October 14, 2017




Branded Hijab and Modesty Labeling Defeats the Means of Modest Dressing


Burkini, Hijab, Burka’s reason for dressing for modesty may not completely make sense in that it is worn as a dress code to please the male gender and can also be seen as a fetish to conform to a religions ideology of modesty. If modesty is the idea behind the burka, is it not excessive to over cloth during a warm sunny day? Why does it appear excessive to the point where only the women’s eyes are allowed to show? And now entering and confronted how do you identify a woman in full burka’s in public places out of public safety and identification? This idea of Hijabs, Burka’s and Burkini’s start to be a problem when it starts complicating daily normal life.

It is this idea of conforming to a religion’s ideology of trying to be politically correct and unintentionally objectifying women to wear certain things based on an ideology. I believe in freedom to express, so let a woman wear what ever she wants. The men weren’t forced to wear burkas why do the females? This brings us to the point on equality, why do women have regulations on what they must wear while males do not have to change anything in their dress code?

I feel like the Muslim people need to wear something so they themselves have an identity and remind themselves who they are. Now a-days people are just wearing it as a political or fashion statement to tell people who they are and promote their religion so that others may follow the trend or convert based on some people’s positive experiences. As harmless as the notion of joining any movement should be but especially joining the Muslim movement, let it be known and warned that leaving the community and religion is very difficult and dangerous because of religious zealots. They will attempt in every way to persuade you to stay even if they have to stone you to death. It still happens and it’s legal apparently.  There will be excommunications and severed ties with present families and a lot of hate from all sides. In most cases Atheists within a Muslim communities live in unbearable conditions where they are harassed daily physically and emotionally.

Sadly religions will continue to push for new ideology to define who and what they are based on the pursuit of religious identity. Scholars will make up ideas and the average person caught in the net of the religion will continue to follow blindly with what ever the new religion is in control of. There may be truth and you can possibly still live normal lives even with religion, but the religion is a prescribed ideology and prescribed ideology can be outdated easily. The truth of religion is that not everything has an answer and when you can’t fix it literally based on the book you may end up coming to the conclusion of stoning them. This is not the answer, violence is never the answer to resolve conflict in life.

The conflict of mistreatment and discrimination of others based on the existing infidels, blasphemers, apostates is a sign of a great prejudice at the heart of this religion. They will not accept you and even if they open up their doors to have you out of courtesy and politeness there will be no love of connection truly and sincerely. Religion is a double edged sword and Islam is an ideology you must weigh and consider the worth of such a thing. Is it worth killing and dying over? Take everything with a grain of salt I say. Try not to take everything too literally and finally try to see the full picture and not take an extreme side because radicalism is harmful and has not been thought through very well.

Link to discussion about the hijabi part 1:


Paintings with a flare of Electronic Art

It’s starting to be difficult to describe the art and things that are running through my head right now.. therefore I have started painting and rendering pictures to describe my experience in life. Just snippets and snapshots of ideas and things I see and have come to terms with and have resolved. Animethon is coming up and I’ll be selling my deceased brother’s work and maybe some of mine also. I’ll be selling them with my cousin Cin who came to me willing to help.

Below are four additional photo touched images of my art that is infused with textures and colors of my current works to produce these mini collages. Hopefully I can make more prints in the future. As for now please enjoy the below produced favorite collage portraits.

I’m trying to display as much stuff as I can but because there’s a disclosure for the work I’m doing I cannot display all the things I’m doing with my Karate Class and Print Shop job. I’m just hopping about from creative mind set to my practical catered renderings advertising for local companies mind. Things are going well. I hope the art inspires you today. Thank you.



Under-cove of Secrets


Wolf Shores


River-lands Eye Candy


Sky-bound Justice

infinity awesome

Cosmic Infinity


Tree of Knowledge


Cosmic Lion

Some Fun Doodles. In loving memory of my brother’s hobbies and anime fixation.


3dimension checktrue

My gate is always open. A link to my secret prayers page.

Above is just a fun exploration of 3 dimensional space to keep my mind sharp.

So here’s the story short. I got ill from a psychosis and suffered severely from delusions for a awhile and thus got hospitalized. As soon as I got discharged and got better my brother passed away due to depression.. and more to the story but I’m hushed to keep it low key.

On a lighter note.. we distributed some of his prized belongings. His guitar and PS4 were first to go. I got his cintiq tablet hd 22, some clothes and his lonely room and possessions became mine. I doodled a little today on his monstrous cintiq tablet and decided to honor my brother’s favored Japanese art style Anime and drew some fun characters.

Below are some comic ideas I had in mind that I would like to explore in the future possibly. Alphonse the first, Omegan the end, Ethos the Crosswey, Amberguity of ambiguous virtue.

More to come in the future hopefully.

*edit: added 8 more characters. The Synthesis Core Equator, Terra the Amazon Earth Guardian, Abundance of Heaven’s Grace, Obsidian the Grand Teacher, Lost Worlds the Grand Archivist, The Epiphany Prelude and Spatial Planar Protruding Binary.


The Twelve Theories Proxy Character Maps. Pin point Mapping of Character Sphere of influence. Below are character maps and it’s primordial natures and behaviors.


Intuitive and Analytical Brain. Seven Best Habits for Effective Art Practice.

The Left and Right Hemisphere’s of the brain working together for a resulting iterative moderate solution. Here are some golden rules for studies based on artistic right and analytical math based left.

(The diagram below is facing you and is the reason why it looks backwards.)

ScreenHunter_1570 Apr. 15 21.09

There are two basic sides and approaches to doing good art. The logical Analytical left side of the brain’s way.. and the creative intuitive right side of the brain’s way.

It seems that the two fields influence and behave completely different from one another.

logical rational
analytical left

creative imaginative
intuitive right

Which brings us to an understanding of art to a different level called Iterative drawing.

Iterative drawing relies on perspective, practice and mainly this new thing called mileage.

iterative drawing is based on
mileage and moderation.

(draw multiple versions of the one drawing for effective learning).

There are also components to drawing and painting.

Drawing tends to rely mostly on proportion placement. Form and construction. Perspective and anatomy.

The components to painting rely mostly on;
value, color, temperature and texture.

7 habits of highly effective artists. The seven practices for effective learning artists are as listed;

  1. Do daily work; set a scheduled meeting with yourself.
  2. Work towards perfection by volume.
  3. Great artists steal, take what you love and use it.
  4. Conscious learning; focus on relative things and awareness.
  5. Rest 6 weeks for fresh eyes.
  6. Feedback; everything sucks at the start.
  7. Create what you love.


RIP April 10 2017; A Message to A Distanced Brother I Still Forgive

memorial cardtruest2FINAL

High expectations, low resolve.

I know I’ve been hard on him all my life and sometimes it was hard to set aside our differences, majority of the time. I believe throughout his life he’s had this conflict of expecting a lot but never settling for less than what he wanted to see happen. His resolve to settle was always less than what he expected to see in life. He was use to being hand fed by a silver spoon, living off the silver lining of life and when things got tough because the stars didn’t align for him he gave up.

We grew up pretty poor growing up and he was a favored child all the years I knew him. I’ll continue to roast him in his passing because that opportunity to do so has passed. He was my young kid brother and he had so much more coming to him. There’s so much frustration and misunderstanding of who we were and what we were in life to each other.

I dreamed he visit once just recently. I was resuscitating him in the dream, and he came to life again. He kissed my forehead and said “Stupid”. A very normal answer based on profound knowledge of who he was. I was tearing up, I wanted to say so much but all I could think of was how selfish he was.. how much of an idiot he was to leave us the way he did. How hard it was for my parents to let him go – no parent should bury their kid.

I always saw him in a heroic light, I sometimes referenced him to the redeemed exiled king of “Lord of The Rings” King Aragorn. I had bought him a Aragorn replica sword for his room in 2010 (?) with all the money I had made working banquets for The Shaw Conference Center.  He in exchange never bought anyone anything in the family for the years I knew him. I know it was hard to pull out the money for special occasions to buy something for someone no matter how cheap or stupid the idea was.  I would have liked anything he would have pulled out just to say I got something from him.

He was solitary, spoke little unless it was about business or monetary gain, judgmental and most of all closed off his life to people in his family. I wrote a poem as a memorandum to our loss. It was the best I could do, I hope it would reach him where ever he was. I couldn’t understand who he was in the end and what drove him to be who he was at the end of all this. He was an enigma to me even in the end. He was just my kid brother in the end no matter how he treated us and behaved I didn’t care. I just lost a chance and opportunity to redeem my kid brother.. The glimmer of hope that we would resolve the friction and conflict between us as kids in the end.

I hate how he was so calm and collected talking about what he was about to do before he passed away. He was so smug, he really needed that smack on the head. To wake up and realize that it was his life he was talking about and it effected everyone around him also. Everyone who knew him and worried for him would be effected. But even after all that, never visiting me at the hospital while i was there – I guess he was just going through too much stuff and struggling with his own life to reach out to me.

Even after all that, I forgive him. I just hope he gets everything coming to him. Our frustrations, anger and especially our love. I hope that guy finds peace. I wish him well.


Art Gallery Submission

I’ve finally got around to organize and show the best of my work while at Anderson Hospital. The 6 months, I must say was – a miracle – and I pulled through with flying colors. I am hoping to catalog and archive these paintings on this post. I am planning to adjust the paintings into printable format for those who are interested in getting just a copy. As for the originals, I am unsure how to price them just yet. I will probably sell them at the farmers market for a couple of weeks (hope to see some interest at my little tent), and most likely auction at some point. I took out two wall paintings I didn’t feel met whatever standard I thought it needed to be.. and most likely because it was a duplicate paint job of lesser quality.

So with all good things there is a story that is told.

The first three was a symbolic reference to “alpha, omega, crossway, salvage and ambiguity” the ground colors that made this all possible.

It was just an idea. The idea of the bridge from the Heavens coming down to Earth is now the focus.

These components combined creates a bridge to the Sunset Cave where a Fallen Star from heaven has landed. This is where The Tree of Imagination is now planted. The Nose of the Cosmos knows of specific things which eventually leads it in to become The Weeping Tree in the end.

This is where the Dark blossom and Space Rose come in to shine – because in the magnitude of darkness something must exist.

In the sea of strange nature comes stranger animals – the Space Whale of all creatures splash in spirit through the sea of stars. The skies filled with already great wonders The Celestial Trees came to soak in the magnificent energy and experience. In the imagination of the Heavens, they create the Space Bouquet in the name of love – and not just any love.. selfless unconditional timeless love.

Another bridge; the stairway is to be made instead of heaven to earth – this one to be made earth to heaven. The star that falls here is the Earth Bound Star. Earth touched Trees and mountains and Earth touched Aurora Borealis come into the picture.

Out sprouts the Tree of Life and Knowledge reaching left and right, instantaneous as if grown over night. This tree overlooks The Earth and The Heavens and all things good within it. It oversees and introduces pious resolve and virtue of human kindness. This integration of Heaven and Earth present us with the Celestial Bouquet of Earth.

With this strange gesture of exchange and to co-exist as a sign of mutual agreement to cooperate under the law of symbiosis – comes the signal of the Blossomed Space Rose. Where the egg of infinity now lay. We have concocted the Phoenix Peacocks it seems.

The Phoenix Peacocks establish it’s hierarchy with The Dragon, and The Gryphon, quickly. The Tiger, The Wolf and The Black Lion soon follow. And finally an oddly organized team rises through The Buck, The Serpent and The Great Squirrel.

The Animal Totems have come to play but as guardian spirits. By the Equinox of Seasons the trees have a choir in which the twin dual spirits of the great Masculine and Feminine duality playfully flow. The Human Spirits through music of song and manifestation of butterflies ring for all to hear.

The Tree of life bursts in a blaze of burning but growing flames of leaves and roots. The Sunset Tree signals that all is ready and well. The Golden Eagle makes way to it’s new home on sanctified foundations it will grow.

The grass cut like Golf Greens, it appears like there is an oasis at every turn. The Perspective is good at every angle. The Polar Bear Guardian stands vigilant but at rest. Blissfully at peace. The Green Dragon reveals it’s true self to the audience.

Thank you for visiting! Maybe I can help you find your favorite part of this post.. prints are available soon, please be patient while I get everything organized. If you want an original canvas picture please message me,









Staircase of Imagination 2


Sunset Cave


Falling Star 1


Tree of Imagination 2


Aurora Borealis Nose


Weeping Trees


Bloom in the Dark


Space Rose 2


Space Whale


Celestial Trees


Space Bouquet 2


Staircase 1


Falling Star 2


Trees and Mountains


Aurora Borealis 5


Tree of Life


Space Bouquet 1


Space Rose 1


Cosmic Egg of Infinity


Phoenix Peacocks


False Microphone Dragon






Timber Wolf


The Black Lion


The Buck


Mystical Serpent


The Great Squirel












Sunset Tree


Golden Eagle


Golf Greens


Desert Oasis




Polar Bear Guardian


Green Dragon

Past Two Weeks Worth of Space Paintings

Theme: Aurora Borealis, Space and Surreal Stellar Objects.

I’ve been doing some painting for the last 3 weeks and have created 21 total paintings. Some paintings are mural paintings on the wall. I was asked to paint the stairwell of the Anderson Hospital but some are painted on (16″ x 20″) on canvases. I would like to share some of the work I have done in the past 3 weeks. Here you go, for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

Some details worth mentioning are:

-The “Tree Of Life” is bigger than the door that actually sits to the right of it.

-Wall painting’s on wall tends to smudge so the quality is not as good as it would be on Canvas.

-Some pictures are duplicates because some picture’s translation from canvas to wall was difficult or not so good.

-Materials used were expensive – around $150 or more for brushes, canvases and paints.

Happy Journey!


Painting Names:

  1. Tree of Life
  2. The Sunset Cave
  3. Falling Star
  4. Space Rose
  5. Space Bouquet
  6. Aurora Borealis 5
  7. Mountain and Trees
  8. Falling Star 2
  9. Tree of Imagination
  10. Staircase 1
  11. Aurora Borealis 6
  12. Space Bouquet 2
  13. Celestial Forest
  14. Space Whale
  15. Space Rose
  16. Space Flower
  17. Weeping Tree
  18. Space Rose 2
  19. Tree of Imagination 2
  20. Staircase 2
  21. Cosmic Egg of Infinity

We Are a Product of Our Work


  1. We are a product of our work.

You are what you make of life. In the end it’s what you’ve done, the kindness you’ve spread and the hearts you touched that makes logical sense in life – but most importantly, who you become is immediately significant. Life is about the people you meet, yes this is true, but you are the product of all these interactions that make you grow, being a result and product of all things that have come. All things that influenced you as you figured out and sorted problems after problems to become solutions. Turning dirt, molding it to become gold in your eyes. Making something from nothing. Doing something surprisingly great and beautiful despite all odds and what tools and things you have to work with. This is the philosophy of the lotus being born in a barren dirty place as the swamp and blooming into a beautiful flower out of no where.

All the things we have done, all the work we put in, all the people we interacted with to get where we are today. This is what we have taken for granted. People don’t see the impact of their actions and kindness but as we grow more mature and thoughtful this results in development refining of character. We become more respectful and polite in order to resolve common conflicts that could be dealt with easily with simple decency. If we remember our goals and keep our personal plans for ourselves focused at heart and strive for these resulting projects consistently persevering, we will surely get where we want to go in life and collect all the rewards that we sowed in the end. Keeping in mind that we can’t please everyone but we should still aim to be selfless and generously giving. Not everyone has the human interest in mind.

Despite the fact that not everyone has good intentions, we can only help the few that care and spread acts of kindness and behaviors. Focusing on the here and now, we prioritized our love ones and make preferences to enjoy and allow the joy in our life to flourish. Allowing our love and happiness and our justice and peace to prosper. We have worked our method and analyzed our directions and conflicts and this is what we found in the end. In chronological order these are the conflicts but also profound virtuous solutions I have come to conclude..


My Journey’s Stellar Pin-Pointed Gems:

Life: Be Yourself.

Dream: Follow your heart.

Self: Build and learn. One lesson at a time.

Light: Shine in the Dark. When all good is amiss, be the light in the dark.

Redemption of Alphonse: Stand for the Truth.


Loyalty: Think of what you can offer by building faith in one another.

Trust: Respect and think of others but be smart but caring.

Authority: Be the invisible hand that gives hope. (Be bold, have courage and be strong).

Wisdom: Find the fine silver lining path (to understand, contemplate and comprehend the truth) To resolve the truth.

Redemption of Omegan: Legitimacy and Credibility.


Hope begets Faith. Faith begets Compassion. Compassion begets Love. Loves begets Grace. Grace brings forth the Redemption.

Hope: I sought to practice and I intended to build bridges.

Faith: I sought to understand the world and my wool was covered in soot of taint. I remind myself that there is hope in the end if I have faith.

Compassion: I sought to nurture the world and started giving. I remind myself that with great faith in the end I will have compassion.

Love: I sought to care for the world and started understanding myself, others and the world around me. I remind myself that with compassion in the end I will have love.

Grace: I sought to do good in the world and I started offering my services to God and The Heavens. I remind myself that with love in the end I will arrive with grace.

Redemption of Christwey: I sought to change life for the better and I gave my heart to everyone. I have forsaken the angel in my heart but one day I will be fruitful with my work.


Love: I’ve found love, it is in the people.

Peace: I’ve found peace, it is in acceptance of my reality on Earth.

Justice: I’ve found justice. I look to solve love, peace and happiness for the self and others. A person should stand for good on the bold and narrow path.

Happiness: I’ve found happiness,  I found the Truth in myself.

Composure: I’ve found composure, I look at stability and try to balance my life.

Temperance: I’ve found temperance, I seek inside me to find what it is I can offer.

Solution: I’ve found the solution, I believed that there was a way and would plot my points, draw my lines and that would make my paths in life.

Save The Way; The God Constant


8: God is a constant and much more.

I will be talking briefly about precautionary measures to being human. I believe in freedom of speech and general freedom of thinking, expression and action. I do not endorse violence, crime or any human vices. I know that life is very complex but I know that there is a deviation from the human direction that must be guided but never imposed. The human condition of struggle is another matter and subject but the human boundaries is another that must be spoken about when entering the divine spheres of life. There is knowledge out there that is not yet to be known, until the future is to come. This is a just a profound message that is meant to remind people of the dangers and precautionary tales or measures of possible collateral damage that may come about.

God is much more than a thing, person, perspective or reality. He is our anchor and safe passage. He defines the line between God and Man. He reminds us that we have a place on Earth and we have a vision to work towards we call the future. Our future is our heaven, it is piece of the pie we call our degree of truth. We must make God our constant, if not we are no longer man/woman, no longer human and have started the process of becoming some form of abomination beyond human. If we are to evolve we must know what we are evolving into. And the only solution for evolution for man kind is to become a better human. Be a better guardian or parent.. human beings are the realities and vessels of this world, men and women and everything in between. The genders in between are subcategories and are meant to supplement the two main genders that are exclusive to Earth as Man and Woman.

The spirit world sadly only works to the benefit/progress of transgenders and males. This is why sexuality and marriage doesn’t make any sense to the spirit worlds. They see sexuality as a gimmick and human mechanic they cannot relate to because procreation is an Earth subject. Though this is true life on Earth must take into consideration what it means to procreate. Do Earth dwelling beings need to procreate? It is a luxury to have children but is it necessary since there are already children who are already on Earth ready for adoption? The question I ask is if we already have an over populated Earth and children who are starving for attention and help, why do we need to procreate at all? With climate change, population problems and distribution of wealth why in the world would we focus on life in the traditional sense of marrying an attractive woman/man, procreation, driving opposed to public transportation, work and jobs that we don’t even like but just want to get paid.

I believe everything must be done in moderation and to find a golden means called the Goldilocks’s zone. We need to learn more about ourselves inwardly and discover better who we are as a people deep inside – for the outward world are just full of interlopers who don’t understand the boundaries and sanctity of being human. People who cross the boundaries have given their humanity up for powers and qualities that leave out the human variables completely. Life outside of Earth is not as glorious as you believe when everything you need is in front of you. It would be wonderful to come into contact with surviving entities and beings outside of Earth and learn from their trials and problems. But the focus should be among these things; healthy life practices, healthy food and water, healthy exercise, mindful thinking and contemplation and human growth activities. Sustainable systems, renewable resources and recycling technologies and programs also comes to mind.

The Golden Measure of Perspective


Image source: (

  1. The Golden Measure of Perspective. Fiction and reality. The distinguished divided look between human beings and being inhuman, being imaginary and being real. Subjective and objective.

Human beings can be seen subjectively and objectively; being seen subjectively reveals the emotional human elements of what they are and when seen objectively they can make the person, place or thing an objective goal such as a product/result of their work. Humans are interesting in that they actually don’t have to make sense of what they are and where they are going. This is true in that, their meaning of life doesn’t have to mean anything at all. It is all just assumed that people have a place and time to get somewhere. The expression of life as a body in this world is just a vessel for experience. Ideally we want to feel happy, fulfilled and find great enjoyment in life.

We talk about being humans and humane all the time but what is it to be the opposite, objectively defining us and as a result making us inhumane? The idea of being inhumane means that we are selfishly goal oriented and we want to pursue dreams. Some times this drives us in a way to fulfill us with profound thoughts and life because life sometimes works into your world subjectively whether you acknowledge it or not. There is no pure experience subjectively and objectively based on the golden means model of balance. One cannot exist without the other even when identified as separate existing entities.

Human beings can be imaginary and a figment of your imagination. The ones that you think about in your head and speak to are separate from who they are in real life. They may have names and different identities but “You are you, I am me”. When something is real, they can affect a person the moment they wake up and realize their reality. A amputation of a leg or arm is a very real reality. People with mental illness have a very real reality also. Life is very real for a victim of mental illness only through the environment, circumstances and conditions they are put through. There is also a stigma that lessens their legitimacy and this hurts their future.

Life must be embraced but a distinct separation of what is real and what is not is very important and must be established. What is imaginary in the real world and what is conjured by the mind. These are the boundaries and lines of the fictional world. Things cannot be without these known boundaries and reality is at stake if divisions of such worlds are not distinguished.

The golden measure of all things should be accounted for in all systems. Life is not without taking into consideration moderation of things such as fiction and legends in a human life. There must be some imperial system and a grand foundation of what we build our worlds around and it should always include ourselves for, by, from, to the people. It is important that life be made with a balance of imaginary and the real. Paradoxes may exist and you may end up a hypocrite of what you sought to be in the end but life isn’t without surprises. Life is what you make out of it, so enjoy life – seek simple kindness, love and compassion.

A Piece of Mind for Nurture


“Ask and You Will Receive..” these are the simple words that speak a variety of ways – sometimes we are too proud to ask and we don’t want to be put in a seat of vulnerability. We punish ourselves and forget what it means to be humble and to submit to the mercy of those of higher power. By grace of the higher ups they will provide. We just need to learn to keep our words and minds healthy so that the environment stays stable to encourage a nurturing growing world.

6. Best case scenarios of possibilities with alignments to heighten probability of chances. OR (Finding the light and kindling the chances of greatness to happen.)

In life you can observe the world in a healthy optimistic positive direction or a negative pessimistic direction. But there is another way – and that is to see that you can only work with what you have. It is not that the glass is half full or half empty – it’s what you do with what you have that really matters. I believe best case scenarios are typically more appealing than the ideas of worst case scenarios – where realism and realistically we are driven to make something out of nothing. That we can produce golden results out of what little we had to work with.

Best case scenarios are devastatingly fun to look at and very appealing because it is what we ideally want to create and look towards in the future. But worst case scenarios we are often times conflicted. We must be aware of such pessimistic worlds and rather find results that are useful. Being proactive and making precautionary measures are good practices of human intuition and intuition in itself is a tough practice. But if we put a mind over matter methodology into our work, things will progressively get better with time.  I believe having faith, which is an unusual spiritual and abstract thing often helps the mind stay sharp and tempered.

If best case scenarios are what we look out for in life than worst case scenarios we must acknowledge as well but not to be made the focus. I enjoy the wide view of spectrum of perspective of oversight. To see a broad range of things in order to see the good and acknowledge the bad, to find a general lieu of a word called piety. To know good from bad. I embrace the idea that nothing can be purely good or bad but it is in some form of many grays and hints and hues of colors. Just as life is portrayed in a broad spectrum of colors and shades of hints and hues – so are the people, it’s decisions and ideas are also plastered with vibrant colors of emotion, history and experiences.

I would like to be reminded of the precautionary tales I’ve come across – and remember not to become the precautionary tale after trying so hard avoiding it all my life. The idea is that I want to grasp the ideal of perfection to some degree but acknowledge the darkness in the stories that stir up gossip. I don’t want to be the gossip of infamous stories but I want to be a legend of progress and creation. Life is what you make of it, you only live once in actuality despite transcendent information.

Life is about the sacred awe of everything that you come across. The brilliance of how it all comes together, how it’s lifted even how it crumbles. Victory comes for those who seek life generously, honestly and with genuine sincerity of the heart. Do not come seeking great truths with the objective of finding some ultimate truth, approach life with a kindred spirit and healthy appetite of curiosity. And remember to share your heart and dreams with those dearest to you with the short amount of time you have on Earth. But keep your temple a sanctuary because we are all just stewards for the next generation. What we teach our children and neighbors is what they will teach theirs and further generations.

The Collective’s Consensus


Collective Consensus

In life you can’t really control completely the things that happen in the world. The fact is, despite your most true determination you can only reach out to some small margin of people. Even though this is true, you can only do what you can at the present moment. The voice of the people is just important as the  voice of the whole. You also shouldn’t let everyone walk all over you either. Your input is just as essential as the other ‘s opinions because it is your own experience.

Based on planet Earth, there are five perspectives that we work with on this medium. To speak in first person, to speak as someone else watching, to speak as a consensus, To speak as the world and to speak as/from a sentient all powerful, wise and thoughtful ruler.


The reason I decided to create this method chart is because it is important to know the components before you can understand the Collective Consensus. I have learned of and listed a 6 x 6 chart I call “The Methods”. People are connected to worlds all around them and in front of them they do not know why they are connected. The information is already above us, information encompasses and binaries orbits around in space. These ideas are all are established in our heaven we call the future.

The collective consensus is having all the components understood and expressed to some level of comprehension. There are plenty of mediums to work with and understand but the best way to realize these worlds is to experience them, speaking, spreading simple kindness and adding to a movement of unconditional love.

The stories I write are mostly about my growing process and it is suppose to be read with the heart and not with the brain. I must explain also that there is a difference between the brain and mind. The brain gives you the brain/mental capacity to store memories where as the mind can recall and evaluate the situation and it’s capacity so that one can make sense/reason of it.

The voice can be expressed as a physical voice, thought voice, thinking voice, mind voice and finally it can speak body language.

The sight is a a form of touch/push because it is reliant on how the light hits the eye in order to accomplish things in life. The looking eye is mostly built on the medium of the material world. The sight can also see thought, can be seen through eyes, it can see sound with the proper equipment or recognition system and it can speak through the heart.

The hearing can have reception in order to hear vibrations in the air one must concentrate on the understanding and comprehension of what the hearing is. This is found in the pressure in the air and therefore we are brought to radio location to some level and form.

The doing can be found in it’s practice, thinking, seeing, manipulating and illuminating.

The reading is sort of strange in that it reads with the heart but sometimes you will work in the analytical world. A healthy balance of both worlds would be ideal. For example the first journal blog book I made is suppose to be read with the heart almost completely because it was a one man project. It was an sincere in message and a work of honesty.

The Voice, Sight, Hearing, Doing and Reading all have something valuable to offer you.. Out of all these method forms, I have charted 5 of it’s most elaborate and most high forms based on human limits in this medium of life. They are gifts in life and should not be taken for granted.

The consensus is built around appreciating perspectives of all categories based on myself, yourself, them, all and God . It is only when we are full connected that we are able to hear the true consensus of the human collective voice.


Below are paradigms I call “Beyond the Light”. I won’t be explaining these because they cross a line I’m not interested in crossing. All these things below are good but I am soon understanding that I might be crossing boundaries that should not be crossed. Next life, I suppose.


If you understand what this is, good for you. =) love, peace, justice, happiness and Hope.


Mindful Pros and Cons of Perfectionism


(Read with an open heart and some balance of mind. Less analytical brain for the best results.)

  1. Mindful pros and cons of perfectionism.

The things I know that are true to me are based on truths that are reliant on imperialism. There is some mutual respect for authority of humanity and careful approaches. The pros of the system we build is based on experimental trial and error, deductive reasoning and evidence. The cons would be some what abstract – like alterations (seen/unseen), inconsistencies and delusions. The pros and cons of having a good sense of humor so you can understand that we are all humans and have particular struggles in life. This is a complex state that strives to be true in the world of normalcy. Unfortunately for us normal is just as alien to us as weird.

Perfection is a terrible thing to strive for in the human universe and world. Perfection is the circle and it is flawless. The philosophy of the square is that it is the most primordial of all the shapes. Perfectionism can be an ability to do something to it’s highest degree. The state of perfection can only be seen in two ways.. The beginning and the end. Meaning the circle is perfect to one variable at the beginning and the eternal circle being the end, the end being many variables, the start being only of one variable..

The positive idea that  I have found exist in experimental trials of error in logic, deductive reasoning and factual evidence. Through imperialism we find that experimental trials of error in logic is what we use to perform a task out of a consistency basis. We use logic from within our hearts and minds to decipher the best way to proceed. Making your theory based on your hypothetical world, the virtual world of the mind. Finding ways to establish a suitable method of choice by consistency in probability and possibility.

Deductive reasoning is the idea that if all else fails you can always cross out the choices that are completely wrong. I am great but I am humble. These traits brought me to a higher understanding of what men should strive for in life. The ability to work in the right direction at least to some high degree to very high degree towards our desired future. To see piously (the difference between the good and the bad) and it’s pious resolve would allow us to understand how it works in the world of perfectionism.

Evidence is the idea that you need substance in your case or resolve of the problem to solve the problem. People forget that we live in a physical medium where we are all influenced by the higher dimensional and vibration worlds indirectly. Even though we have very little evidence to prove that other realms, like the mind realm and spirit realm, crown realm and realms beyond exist. It is imaginary but it’s very real. The more information you have for the “crime scene” the better we understand the situation and what is going on.

There are cons to this world in pursuing the world of perfection through materialism. Tampering based on perfectionism allows a person to manipulate. Forever reaching for a eternal and infinite objective such as a circle means you are reaching for something with an infinite variable. Objective materialism pursuits to enhance or become perfect in some way is the worst form of arrogance, ignorance but worst of all it fuels pride. Stay away from perfectionism. It’s one of the worst forms of mental “disease” because it encourages delusions with mind or thought you can have in a reasonable world. Infinity is a big number, eternity is a long time.

Inconsistencies also make a world of perfection impossible because we all start from somewhere. It may take you a margin of years to finish law (for example) – It may take you a life time to finish school and many years to make a living to pay your debts. It’ll take you forever to understand every concept. Perfection in this world is flawed in that people only see the surface of your skin but not your heart. Once they know your heart it is possible to see who they are from a clearer perspective.

Delusions make life really hard. Suffering is the biggest delusion understood by the Buddhist and older civilizations. The idea of Nirvana is that it is a place where you are at complete peace, and accept the world as it is. There is no changing the world with a one man mentality. Delusions have this power to sway people and exude confidence in a person and sometimes people can get hurt. Be mindful and careful of what you do to people, be aware that your words whatever they may be, may cause harm. Even though this is true, we don’t need everyone to become social justice warriors.

Based on these six ideas we have, we come to understand as the pros and cons of perfection and it’s good and bad realities. Worst case scenarios and best case scenarios give us hope. We want to find something profound in this life and we are seeking these good things possibly to the end of our lives; Imperialism, deductive reasoning and factual evidence. Were the pros Tampering, inconsistencies and delusion were the cons.  Finding the flaws in a person should never be the objective of the game, it’s really a matter what is it we need to do for the people. What can you do or provide for them and yourself.

The Noble Heart

3. The Noble Heart.



Staying true to yourself. Pursuing your dreams. Determining your truths in this reality. Believe in your goals and yourself. The objective of the game is to stay true to yourself. You stay true to yourself by trying to stay on the straight and narrow path and doing the right thing the best that you can. Life can be difficult but as long as you look into your heart things will progressively get better. There’s sometimes a sacrifice associated with being noble. Humility and simple kindness of heart will allow a person to live fruitfully and happy. Preservation of one’s life will be prioritized but not always necessary first in line.

Pursuing your dreams is a process where you will seek and look for what you desire most in life. You will continue to pursue the things you desire based on your outlook on life. You will go far and wide to look for your truths and you may come back full circle without being fruitful in your findings. Even so the discoveries you may find will provide you with some form of database to build a spectrum. From here you will discover that life around you will progressively get better if you work on the foundation of your life. Sifting through Earth’s problems you will find Life, Dream, Self, Salvage and Light.

Determining your truths in this reality means you will define and shape your world around you. There will be times in life where you must affirm who you are. Meaning that you must continue despite your difficulties in life, telling yourself “good” things that will remind you who you really are. It is timeless to express love and kindness despite your circumstances and condition. In these acts of compassion you will mold life in your hands. Figuring out what you are and the definitions of what the truths of life are about. Worldly truths are the forms that we work with in this physical world and some timeless and universal logic. Love, Compassion, Kindness, Understanding, Comprehension, Struggle, Hardship, Ingenuity, Cunning and other concepts may be good examples of universal logic because they are so broad and timeless.

Believe in your goals and yourself. Have faith in yourself, believe in your goals. Know yourself and what your dreams are. Test your might in the trials of life. To endure the test of time through waves and waves of erosion in the wind and water. I think that believing in yourself is a very important key and acts as a keystone in holding the whole structure of life together. Life is trusting yourself and knowing what you are capable of – assessing this and applying it to your world. People should attempt to be noble to a degree in everything they do.. to be willing to sacrifice what they are and have in order to bring some kind of product worthwhile into this world.

The noble heart means to act as a martyr and possibly sacrifice one’s life in trying to do something good. This may be so but – you can never be forced into a true sacrifice and there is always a way with ingenuity. If you think you are defeated, you will only be defeated in the end. You must believe in yourself and have faith in what you do in order to pursue your own dreams. The unconditional heart is the gateway to all of this. The work that we put in brings us to this complicated and truly tough in the practice of acceptance and conceptualizing life.


Justice Simplification


  1. Perspective; justice for one, justice for others, justice of consensus and justice for all.


Justice for one:

Fight for your dreams, make a path for your future.

Justice for others:

Fight for those you love, make a way for other’s to follow.

Justice of Consensus:

Fight for the cause, have faith and believe in your cause.

Justice for all:

Fight for what you believe in and pursue that good place you want to end at.

Live and die at your own pace.

There is justice for one, other’s, consensus and all in the world. There is justice for one. There’s a realization that justice however trivial, mundane or small the task – it is always important to see that life is what you make out of it. Some make oranges and other’s make lemons. You have to make sure you fight for your own dreams and not other’s dreams so that you can produce the product that you fought for at the end of your life.

There is justice for others. There’s a belief that you must sacrifice the self in order to satisfy your peers. This is some of the time the case with the world where one becomes a martyr to the public out of goodness of the heart. In most cases however one only improves themselves in order to appeal to the public. There is a truth in the world where you should pave a way for those you love. This is the way and where happiness lay. You teach each other and you share your wealth. In this way in the end everyone benefits.

Fight for the cause, have faith and believe in your cause. The justice of consensus. The idea behind this is that you make sure you create a world where you believe in what you came here to do on Earth. We have a cause and a purpose to fight for. We came here with a belief that life is good and that we fight for what we believe is right. The idea is that you harness and cultivate the opinion of the whole and collective in order to come up with great ideas and worlds of possibilities. Through some research and a little written survey one can become fruitful in cultivating the mind and dispensing the best forms of justice in the consensus.

There is justice for all. We must fight for what we believe in and pursue that happy place we have in our hearts with all the life we can conjure. To seek this place with reasonable boundaries and limits but giving it our all when we apply ourselves. There are problems with the world and the human condition is usually quite the misfit. It can be death dealing to passive aggressive but still dangerous to the life force of humanity. It is in the whole entirety of all things that makes this form of justice important. Justice for all is the reason why I stand strong and why I breathe. It is what I seek if I seek any justice at all. Life is what it is because of “Justice for all” and I will stand by the good codes and the all mustered virtues in life.

Live and die at your own pace. I know there’s an agenda for a monogamous relationship in life but there is also justice for those who have been done injustice in life. Justice is a strong term and justice is a very ambiguous and abstract a thing. But love and kindness is timeless. You do what you need to despite what the world has to say with some form of limits of course – to do yourself justice in this world. A person may tell you that you are living life “wrong” but only you can figure out what you need to do to find your happiness in life. Everyone is accountable for their actions and there are consequences for their actions but at the end of the day you are the one who will be sleeping at night in that body and head of yours. How well you sleep depends on your conscience and this is true any where you go.