The Fear of Death Web


Fear of Death Web

The center of Fear is in the Amygdala. There are 9 major fear triggers for death.

  1. Falling
  2. Incapacitation
  3. Disease
  4. The unknown/abnormal
  5. Sudden movement (jump scare)
  6. Isolation
  7. Pain
  8. Suffocation
  9. Increased CO2 in blood

The link of Trauma in dreams through lack of oxygen can lead to serious sickness of the mind. It is possible that trauma and ptsd (post traumatic syndrome disorder) can lead to psychosis and even schizophrenia. Psychosis can be induced by psychedelics and drugs such as marijuana or exposure to intense lucid dreams, trauma in conjunction with a psychedelics may bring about a psychotic outbreak.

We use to fix everything with glue but..

No matter how much money and glue you throw at certain problems – you can’t fix how broken some people truly are.

They moved from glue and money to scotch tape and hammer.. they try different things but things were never ever the same on the inside.

This fact changed nothing and it continued to be so.

You can’t change a person. You just accept them for who they are and move on. You either move forward with an ideal or accept the truth and work with that.

The weak are docile to dogma, real people think outside the box for true solutions. The world is not perfect and sometimes you need to break free and see past the social norms to improve.

My brother came back to visit. He opened the “paku-paku” book. I got pulled in by a great vacuum. It released all the local spirits. I asked if I ever came back to visit. I ate a giant other worldly pastry; we had a grand banquet with the ghost relatives. The saving grace of losing your mind is in the imagination of such dreams.

The jailer holds you, dictates your fate, controls you in the practice of just living and growth in life. Save me from myself. The chalice of life is built on the structure that you are responsible for your own actions. The right of way has been written, see through the delusions and take hold of your own life.

Lost in my thoughts, forgetting who I am. I don’t even recognize who I was before all this. All is in a sleepy daze and constant feeling of tiredness looms. Is my legitimacy questionable? If I question myself then who is left to stand for who I am? Forgive me for my incompetence and bad choices. I have forgotten who I am and what I stood for. The excitement for learning and improving is lost. I look back and remember the days of growth and seeking truth. You can not satisfy ideals and you can never find perfect truths. There are many and numerous perspectives in life and you can only partially grasp the truth to a degree.

Lizard Key-chains; Happy 33rd

Getting old? Lose your keys? Forgot where you left them??

8 Lizard key chain designs with color organized tags. Blast to the past! Breath the colors of life back into those boring old keys. Lose your keys? No problem because written name and number on your lost keys will get them returned.


Zero life required, you would be amazed at what a person can do with no life. Makes me question what I’m doing with my life. Maybe I should get into advertising and tele-market pitch something something about color coordinating your wardrobe and bringing back tie-dye psychedelic T-shirts and such.

Jokes aside, Happy 33rd birthday to me. I’m aging gracefully and grateful for all the laughs had and family who are obligated to love me. I know how to handle life’s issues and humor any insults that come my way. Perhaps I have learned something in my boring and mundane life style. Everyone’s got their slice of gravity pie in life, maybe it isn’t necessary to carry all the world’s burden after all.

Thanks to all those who supported me. Took me in and cared for me. You put up with me long enough and I am grateful to share my learning, experiences and I enjoy the company. I don’t deserve the kindness people have thrown my way.

-just for your information I binged threaded each one of those damn lizard bead things my entire day, not that anyone cared – color coordinated, bridged and aligned them. Maybe some day you people will appreciate them. Just kidding, it was child’s play and I don’t deserve any praise or even be what Gotham needs.

I’m not even trying to sell anything, I just wanted to vent my trivial and mundane process. And there is progress, so as long as I tackle the meaning of my life crisis within a window margin of 2-3 years I’ll be happy with what ever is thrown at me. You guys are the best. Thank you.


Meditations; Breath of Life and Falsities


Neuro Arboriculture igor morski

I would like to explore and touch on the world of; Fatalism, Determinism, Super-naturalism and Naturalism. Firstly I want to ramble/pray on my late meditations and breath in new energy for the month:

Sometimes the best something is nothing.

Having the best bad idea is a good idea.

Altruism is virtuous. Love humor and music as opposed to robots; Instead of logic, fear and anger.

Rule life by love and compassion.

Finding that peace of mind and become my own person. Find my individual happiness. No noise and no gimmick of consensus when being my own person. I am in my happy place allowed to live a normal and humble life. Blessed by limitations of being human.

Extensions of life; School, Choir and The Church.

Schools educate and illuminate , Choirs pray and heal  The Church preach and practice.


Spoiler alert ahead about God; some straw-man theories

that may hurt strong believers, be aware:

Straw-man falsities attacking the unexplained existence of a living loving God of creation. God plays favorites. Last time God helped a woman she got pregnant. God hates gays, God only likes straight people. Forces artificial taxes through tithing. God is a jealous god. There is only one righteous good God. God lets children starve in Africa but prefers helping first world white christian people get more money and live more comfortable lives. God shames first world living people and ignores very real problems and instabilities such as mental illness stigmas, mental illnesses, obesity, disease, addictions homelessness, sexuality and famine.


In the acceptance of the natural world and meditations on a more compassionate but chaotic world;

On the subject of Fatalism, Determinism, Super-naturalism and Naturalism;


Fatalism tells that we are hopeless and cannot do anything against the imminent mechanism of destiny and fate. We also know this as defeatism.


Determinism is the cause and effect we usually hear of alternative to free will. They believe a force can be pressured and suppressed. Determinism is the philosophical belief that all events are determined completely by previously existing causes. Sometimes things are inherited and make a persons world and life easier. But this does not mean they are imminently victorious in life, it just means others will find there are new hurdles to be passed or assisted based on objective of the rivals. It is a domino affect, a  naturally erected pyramid scheme in the natural world.


Super-naturalism speaks of all strange and mysterious things that cannot be explained by logic and rational thinking of science.


Naturalism speaks of the logic and natural world of science. The belief that we are not responsible or should not rely on the premise of a moral natural world. That things exist because of trivial reasons.

We just need to traverse and show kindness and compassion to all things life because they are the way they are and we just need to accept the way they are. Understanding the natural world, observing and implementing the serenity prayers.

Serenity Prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can

and wisdom to know the difference.”


Fatalism is neither the logical extension of determinism nor the only alternative to free will. Life must persevere despite all odds against them. And determinism does not automatically mean to accept fate in defeatism. Be strong, be smart and speak/think/act through the heart.


Lost Story In-between Frames

Below are art pieces I drew and colored. These are conceptual art I created in my free time. They helped me through my time of rehabilitation. Hope you enjoy them.


Pushed into the world of pastels and pencil crayons.


The Bouquet of Stars


The Squirrel


The Paradox Cat (upright or sitting?)


The Sparrow


The 7 Eyes of Parallel Planes

The Wolf


The Heron

The Pelican

Cognitive Evolution

The Gift Exchange


The Craft


The Deer


The Rhino


The Upward Staircase to the Heavens


The Knight and The Maiden


The Wizard


The Rebel20190126_1456503898474922458110605.jpg

The One Feathered Swan


The Multi-Facet Eagle


The Elephant


The Arachnid Emperor


The Primal Stork


The Phoenix


The Peacock


The Male Dragon

The Peacock Phoenix


The Wolves

The Tree Ent


The Lupus Canis


The Kangaroo


The Gargoyle


The Elemental Mask


The Fox


The Living World Tree


The World Glasses


Maximal and Minimal; Worlds Between Worlds


Sergeant Bird


Expressions of Sir Bird


Female Dragon


Lucas Luxor LVX


The Seal


The Beaver


The Lion


The Horse


The Owl


The Stag


The Cheetah

The Orange Phoenix

Starry Time is on a Cloud



Heart of gold, head of an ox.

Infinite is a big number. Forever is a long time.

This moment should really be seen as a new beginning not the end.

Let it be full of possibilities and gratitude.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Love not for the sake of love.

Live by reason to allow joy a chance to take it’s roots and flourish.

Let fate be what one chooses it to be.

Let Karma be a system built on kindness and credit rather than a system of opposite reaction and consequence.


The nature of light is to Copy, Clone and Create.

The nature of dark is Death, Decay and Destruction.

Beyond the scope of Light. And beyond reach of Dark.


Be released from the eternal cycle. Break free from the trivial cycle of light and dark.

Accept the dark and claim the light.  Released, no longer a part of the life and death cycle of the system


Adventure, balance of nature and growing up


Growth is reflected in the clear water’s surface.

A melody that will draw you into infinite darkness.

The flow of time is always cruel.

The world is consumed by greed.

The forest of retained youth.

Lost memories of past deeds.

A childish mind will turn to noble ambition.

Memory of younger days.


The Worth of a Little Spark; Gravity of Humanity


Humanity, the small and the weak are worth defending and fighting for no matter how tainted, broken or defected it all may seem to be. Love for this quality is necessary no matter how limited and deviant it may become. We must have hope and faith no matter the worth even when it is holistically depreciated or crooked. It (life) is precious and it must be carefully guided the roots carefully tended. Truth must always be kept in check, the integrity sanctioned and established. Innocence and humanity is always worth fighting for, for the lost must be found in the end no matter the outcome. This humanity is small and sought after no matter how life turns out, the tides of justice come in favor for those who fight for what’s right. Redemption is always given to those who continue to fight. Redeeming qualities weighs more heavily than flaws of man. The brokenness of man and life shines through when times are tough. The cracks act as scars in life and builds the person’s character.

This is not the end, this can only be seen as a new beginning. You must be willing to fight, for all you have is what’s in front of you. Because everything just happens to be all you currently see at the moment. All you can do is take what you have at this very moment and make it bloom best you can. The fruition of your work continues to grow forever until termination. And termination is only determined when you decease. That is the value of life, it continues to give (life, hope and happiness) until you give up. Bless all life and forgive all those who fail. For redemption is a quality to all the living no matter it’s current state. I forgive and have love for those who can not give anymore and are deceased. You will live in my heart and I pray my actions in life will redeem those who have given up hope and living backwards.

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium. My original book was based on the idea of how there was light in selfless and unconditional love, it was an idea that stayed true to it’s essence as an innocent inquiry blog book into the crazy world of life, dream, light and knowledge. This soon brought me to the idea of darkness that would be reflected seeing this light. The darkness that brood which became the selfish and conditional love which I came to dwell on specifying what love I should aim for, often putting love on a pedestal and gradually fed into the inability to clench the insatiable world of pure virtually generated fantasy. I soon later stumbled on the untold end dynamics and detailed recount which became the product here. The Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

I also looked at selfish and unconditional love and finally the 5th selfless and conditional love; these two other worlds were decaying copycats which did not do much but to help map out the field and since the light and dark seemed to be the most liberating to understand.

I indulged in a “Netflix” binge one day and came across a very relevant and curious movie called “The Thirteenth Floor”. Which played on the premise of the world is a virtual world, and in it existed the only other world in the multiverse with a virtual world inside of another virtual world. It allowed the person to jack into a world to do their vices knowing this world was virtual but at the cost the person in the virtual world who was a very real functioning person with a life of his own, would lose a couple of hours and no memory of what he has done in that world during the time of his occupancy in the “skin suit”. They knew very well that the people in that virtual world had a very real existence and their relationships and life were not something to mess around with. Life ensued and finally the bar tender a close friend of the genius architect of this artificial world received a letter he was not suppose to read and found our about the virtual world and how he was not real. That nothing in his reality was real, they were just code and there were limitations to their artificial world. The man was able to jack out of the virtual world into the “upper” world where he would get a glimpse of the real world the world of tomorrow as they call it behind glass walls and picket fences.

From there I brought myself to a higher understanding to comprehend the place I call the “Crossway” of this existence. “Crossway” is the golden means of life where life can ideally thrive. Such is the distance of the Sun to the Earth and the Moon (it’s tide cycles) is to the Earth to make life habitable, not to forget Jupiter and it’s massive gravity to direct the meteors/space debris from hitting Earth.

So as my light is selfless unconditional love, my dark became selfish conditional love. I learned that the Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

These are the renditions of what my Dark, Light and Better Medium came to be. These were personally rendered on Adobe Photoshop to get a dynamic of the flow and energy found in traditional Yin-Yang. The bleeding and outer rings of these two graphics came out naturally to show the nature of transferred energy red to blue, black and white. This last render (The 2nd) is a 12 or 13th level dynamic graphic. Dynamic in that it was created in a procedural and gradual edits using vectors and pin point accurate rotations of vector programming. Meaning, You cannot merely replicate these graphics unless you proceed in a certain step by step generation of these graphics. Nothing is actually wrong with these two graphics they are in perfect harmony. Any mismatch or slight overlay nudges happened naturally during the erecting process.

In my recent dreams, I do not understand if it’s just my mind running like a loose tap but I am starting to see a fluidness of evolving  micro to macro worlds as I am lucid dreaming. They call it an awakening but it feels like I’ve touched the edge of what would be deemed sanity at this point. I feel and understand now what it is like to be normal and sane with a small touch of crazy some times but it’s good to know your limits as I’m sure no one “great” has ever thought inside the box for out of the box answers. The more dreams I have, the more vivid the detail, depth and colors seem to become a touch of synesthesia perhaps. Though it seems more like a jumble of mess degrading or evolving mass despite that fact there is a pattern of looking deeper into the worlds within itself.



The Study of the Compiled Twelve Essentials for Independent Ecosystems

I completed this acrylic rendering of a 3D 12 pointed Merkaba star by hand; for your viewing pleasure with some side notes about the mark up system I used to help define and identify better  the nature and direction of this dynamic object. This was done on a 24 inch by 48 inch art canvas and will be up for auction at the Vietnamese benevolence society along side the “Ain Soph Aur” Tree of Life in October. I used a set of systems I have identified as essential for any Independent Biological Ecosystems and that may be compatible for “Universal” Symbiosis.


Break The InternetE8Petrie.svg

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Independent Biological Ecosystems and Universal Symbiosis

Alpha. Seed of beginnings and roots. Study of harvest and agriculture. Trade and networking. Paths and strong roads.

Omega. Finalization, fruition and products. Mature/ripe for capitalizing. Sales marketing business of persuasion and study of capitalizing. Promotional skills in advertising business, manipulation of economics and entrepreneurship education. Minor financing, practical and technical skills. Strong practice and matured development in exposure to cultured independence. 

Cross-way. Study of all things related to time. Overall energy consumption in relation to resources, worth, power, mass, space, distance and it’s affects towards general progression. Scaling and weighing options.

Ambiguity; Study of vice and virtue. Implications and advantages.

Sustainability study of Fractal micro and macro worlds. Maximizing and minimizing. Mastery of salvaging.

Abundance. Processing/accumulate staple resources and manage excess resources.

Education: Providing archives of knowledge, ways to accumulate and promote essential knowledge. To teach, inform and educate.

Lost worlds. Opportunity and possibilities.

Sequence study of order, principles and priorities.

Ascendance; Intelligence spectrum mapping and ways to traverse the world of information and creating applications for further functional efficiency.

Hero: Making sure things are legitimate and that integrity has not been breached. General law is weighed and scaled appropriately served and punished accordingly to general justice. Resolving legal disputes.

Void Awareness: Differentiating body from space. Limitations and boundaries.

(0,0,0) True synthesis; Assessing, establishing and processing the immediate mission and priorities. Declaring all things to be of either priority over preference nature. Tying up bureaucratic loose ends and analyze legal loop holes and exploits of system. Disputes and legal conflicts cleanup. Collaboration and creating data base, archives and true principals through collage of all systems.

Alpha, Omega, Crossway, Ambiguity, Sustainability, Abundance, Education, Lost Worlds, Sequence, Ascendant, Hero, Void Awareness, and True Synthesis.

Ein Sof Aur is a mysterious tree representing life, experience and knowledge.


//notes Quantum Gravity?



The Missing Puzzle Piece; I Am My Own Worst Enemy



In all that is good as we find the multiverse and connect with our other selves. God will follow. The need for our new seed. Face the shadows of my existence, the doppelganger that impedes the reality of my own true happiness.

Placebo: the pill that heals despite no actual content.

No-cebo: the pill we take which has no medicinal content only that of negative thoughts but affects the body.

Root of suffering: I am not my body. I am not my mind.

Sabotage of the mind and resistance to change is your greatest enemy.

In order to continue one must surrender to the condition of life.

Fear acronym is: Feeling, Excited and Ready.

Choose acceptance and the stream of life. Follow the flux of time and adapt to change.

Change is indefinite. Do not seek object ive desire and achieving each goal based on desire. No desire chasing only fulfillment.

The abundance of finite mind and body. Not finite desires but only gratitude of all that is life.

Judgement is separation, inclusion and difference. Every judgement ends in “just like me” because the secret in neutralizing judgement is stating a judgement only to end with “just like me”.

Feel deeply forgiveness and direct emotions to forgive the actions in man even if we do not believe what he is even if we do not condone his mistakes and who he is. I am pure and innocent, you are spirit. and you are released from what I projected on you.

The monkey mind thinks too much.

You are not the parrot, you become the awareness of the person with the parrot.

The thought process is the parrot. The crazy uncle instance: Love the uncle do not care or contribute to his insanity. Be a loving presence.

When being be.

Space of no mind and pure consciousness. The moment is now.

It is only me that impedes my journey of success.

Human experience to play pain and pleasure. The exploration of who we are, the divine journey to discover self and unfold the divine universe.

Everything is energy, invisible fields found in all that is energy. Energy is found even in matter. The entanglement of the universes through invisible fields is found in fields of information from the divine consciousness. The power of creation where all compositing fields, the source of creation turn your direction inward.

The cosmic internet of understanding at the center of our existence.

The law of attraction. Creating your reality and manifesting our fate and destiny. The harmony of crystallization/manifestation of vibration of good and the desire for good things in life. Reality is formed by you and the law of the heart (love).

The way is the heart (-buddha)

We are co-creators of this reality and responsible for it. We are one and a force of strength complimenting each other; for I can so thus everyone can.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

tarot cards and numerology. Awake in the dream.

Fibonacci and Numerology in Kabbalah; The Tree of Life


rsz_fibofibonacci-sequenceThere is a sequence in the world, a constant that can be found in nature that goes on forever and never changes when we analyze the natural world of the living. The Phi or Fibonacci Sequence is an amazing constant found even in the Pyramid of Giza, down to insects and animals. A natural order of numbers that masterfully sequences in the spiral in sea shells, sunflowers down to the proportions of an animal parts. It is in these sequences of numbers of phi that we find the natural beauty of what we define as beautiful or rather what we find as attractive. It is the golden ratio (a+b)/a = a/b or 1.618.. where we find the proportions of perfect balance of natural symmetry.



Fibonacci Sequence is:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 …

Mathematically its the last two numbers added to get the next number.

Numbers are constant until they are not.

Correcting a imbalance in the universe. I want, I am and I love.

The five platonic solids. The building blocks of life. Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Aether.


Kabbalah numerology/gematria meaning:


Instructions: Add up all your letters in your full name (Middle and last included). Divide it by 9. Take the remainder and add the number 1 to it. This is your Kabbalah number. It should divide perfectly.


8+3+6+3+5+1+4+5+7+3+7+5+5 = 62

62 / 9 = 6 R 0.88

0.88+1 =1.88

6 and 1.88 =

6 + 1.88 would be my numbers.


1. Progress, Beginning, Aboriginal.

2. Expansion, Addition, Connection.

3. Love, Faith and Hope.

4. Lack of Fortune, Accident, Shatter and Death.

5. Creation, Fertility, Genius.

6. Result, Calm, Satisfaction, Fulfillment.

7. Spirit, Magical, Mysterious Number.

8. Impulse, Good Number, Charisma.

9. Fortune, Creation, Fulfillment, Greater Success.

-Result, Progress, Impulse/Beginning, Good Number/Charisma-

Speech is a speed bump. infinite ways to communicate.

Surrender, repent and deconstruct.

  1. We are all connected.
  2. Where you end, I begin.
  3. No matter how hard you control it, nothing is exactly what it appears to be.

A destiny we cannot choose.

3 variable paradigm formula. Shadow, Gift and Siddhi.

How the universe came to be. The Tree of life.

The righteous 36 working under the cloak of invisibility; even when realized they will not confess their righteous good deeds. Hidden order of weather, knowledge and future. Also called Lamed-Vav Tzadikim.

Primal nature. No awareness and no cohabitation.

The artifact Tree of Life.

Device of healing if misused can desecrate in name of evil.

The observer is:

We should report, pray and observe..  but instead we guide, direct and persuade even though it is not our place.

Live breathe and grow. Bylaws which govern us have changed. Humanity has changed.

Assets and Liabilities. There is an importance of differentiating them.

All a game of symbols, patterns and signs. I want, I am and I love.

Evolutionary speed bump. Protect that which is good.

Notes on Buddha and Awakening


Love, Kindness and Compassion. Cease to do evil and learn to do good. Purify the mind consciously breathe and mindfully breathe. Instead of pursuing desire find emptiness and awareness. All is empty and wonderful. Be aware of the dangers of material sensual world. Awaken w/o the self, labels and names which are tied to dread and death. Hunger pollutes and pain/suffering brings fear.

-Pocket Buddha Reader

Gene Key Notes Part Two; 23-30 keys


Continuation of Gene Keys Part 1

23rd Gene Key

Siddhi Quintessence, Gift Simplicity and Shadow Complexity.

Way of the mystic takes neither the path of seeking nor the path of longing

State of wonder, sheer beauty of the ultimate realization. Discovered by mistake.


24th Gene Key

Siddhi Silence, Gift Invention and shadow addiction.

Addiction thinks in circles whereas invention thinks in spirals.

Not knowing is there when awareness is at rest and knowing is there when awareness engages in some form of communication with outside world.

The only thing that really reincarnates is silence itself.

Michael embraces the Lucifer of the Godhead and the greatest fallen angel redeemed. This act of redeeming the God head is most difficult because the trials of Lucifer was the most heinous of crimes against one single being.


25th Gene Key

Siddhi Universal Love, Gift Acceptance and Shadow constriction

Constriction of life is equivalent to constriction of going against the current of life.


26th Gene Key

Siddhi Invisibility, Gift Artfulness and Shadow Pride

Manipulation is main shadow of this gene key.

There is higher purpose in understanding.

Try tuning into rather than impose upon the world.

Higher purpose which celebrates ego without self-judgement and in full awareness.

Manipulation through art and music

The great cinnabar field of existence; laughter is key.


27th Gene Key

Siddhi Selflessness, Gift Altruism and Shadow Selfishness.

To give is to receive. Self sacrificing and self centered, leads to depletion and giving by mind oppose to of heart.


28th Gene Key

Siddhi Immortality, Gift of Totality and Shadow of Purposelessness.

Totality means to live alongside fear.

Your demons are your angels in disguise if you learn from them.


29th Gene Key

Siddhi Devotion, Gift Commitment and Shadow Half-heartedness.

Commitment and Divine Devotion. All unnatural things end at the living cycle. All things good that are persevered are greatly rewarded and cause “luck” to occur.


30th Gene Key

Siddhi Rapture, Gift Lightness and Shadow Desire

Only in the shadow frequencies allows for progressive purity to happen.

It is not desire that causes suffering. It is the reaction desire that creates your suffering.

The ability to laugh at yourself and your mistakes.

The great tragi-comedy is your life.

Desire is dangerous in that it never ends and not one person can satiate the fire of trivial redundant desire and it’s wants/needs.

64 Gene Keys Notes; Siddhi, Gift and Shadows


I’ve been reading this book based on website It’s been a inspiring and an enjoyable ride that delves into the world of Genekeys. They speak of 64 gene keys representing the growth in steps from the ever expanding and limitless microcosm to the macrocosm of the world; allowing you to drink/breath deep of it’s colorful and transcendent vibes. If you want to follow me the book it is only 11 dollars CDN for a digital kindle version. link is here . If you are into the growing, adapting and evolution trend of understand life and world better, I highly recommend this book – the world perspectives is spoken of in great depths.

Siddhi is the complete understanding and enlightenment possessed by a siddha.

“Gift” is the ability, contemplation or understanding that has been grown, harvested and picked to be truly edible to a person’s palatable consumption by means to say that this fruit is harvested ripe for the picking, so that it may be enjoyed and let there be known a certain wisdom.

“Shadow” is the complication or problems due to human objectives on the path of learning  that must be resolved in order to carry on and forward to the next Gene Key step.

Each Siddhi, Gift and Shadow reveals a path and paradigm that expesses a lesson to be learnt per Gene Key.

1st Gene Key

Siddhi Beauty, Gift Freshness, Shadow Entropy

2nd Gene Key

Siddhi Unity, Gift Orientation, Shadow Dislocation

3rd Gene Key

Siddhi Innocence, Gift Innovation, Shadow Chaos

4th Gene Key

Siddhi Forgiveness, Gift Understanding, Shadow Intolerance

5th Gene Key

Siddhi Timelessness, Gift Patience, Shadow Impatience

6th Gene Key

Siddhi Peace, Gift Diplomacy, Shadow Conflict

7th Gene Key

Siddhi Virtue, Gift Guidance, Shadow Division

8th Gene Key

Siddhi Exquisiteness, Gift Style, Shadow Mediocrity

9th Gene Key

Siddhi Invincibility, Gift Determination, Shadow Inertia.

10th Gene Key

Siddhi Being, Gift Naturalness and Shadow Self-Obsession

Wounded from the outset (25), battle with shadows (38), overcome limitations of your mind (17), surrender your need to control life (21) and find your true self (10), before you can awaken (51).

11th Gene Key

Siddhi Light, Gift Idealism and Shadow Obscurity

An android in a dark room behind bars. A dark skinned man with a knife.

Educated and the creation of a loving environment changes them.

Woman becomes governor and thus begins her journey as a bounty hunter, a maverick of light.

Man becomes protector and iron clad angel to aid the light’s cause.


12th Gene Key

Siddhi Purity, Gift of Discrimination and Shadow Vanity.

12th, 56th and 33rd are terminator codons.

Vanity is the last thing learnt and let go. Self love expressed but also as love for others.

Ring of secrets**

There is no evil, only progressive sense of density


13th Gene Key

Siddhi Empathy, Gift Discernment and Shadow Discord

Theme of listening.

7th divison = future 13th discord past

30th gene shadow of desire conflict.

Also known as the “fellowship of man”.

Empathy is the truest organ but only with collective existence.


14th Gene Key

Siddhi Bounteousness, Gift Competence and Shadow Compromise.

Work = effort

Competitance carries within it efficiency, enthusiasm, flair and flexibility.

15th Gene Key

Siddhi Florescence, Gift Magnetism and Shadow Dullness.


Core medium equator

16th Gene Key

Siddhi Mastery, Gift Versatility and Shadow Indifference

17th Gene Key

Siddhi Omniscience, Gift Far-sightedness and Shadow Opinion

Opinion based on logical judgement

Not about having a great holistic vision of reality that takes no sides and is beyond opinion.

18th Gene Key

Siddhi Perfection, Gift Integrity and Shadow Judgement.

19th Gene Key

Siddhi Sacrifice, Git Sensitivity and Co-dependence.

9 portals of planetary initiation

  1. Birth
  2. Baptism
  3. Confirmation
  4. Matrimony
  5. Annunciation
  6. Communication
  7. Ordination
  8. 8.Sanctification
  9. Glorification

20th Gene Key

Siddhi Presence, Gift Self-assurance and Shadow Superficiality.

Model altruism while remaining detached.

Encouraging invention, innovation and simplicity.

Breath of god, or word of god.

Seven sacred bodies of humanity:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Causal
  5. Buddhic
  6. Atmic
  7. Monadic
  8. Logoic



21st Gene Key

Siddhi Valour, Gift Authority and Shadow Control

31st voice, 7th heart and 21st will of group.

Kinship over kingship.

Valorous age of chivalry

Surrender of control for trust


22nd Gene Key

Siddhi Grace, Gift Graciousness and Shadow of Dishonor

The importance of acceptance rather than changing an experience let it flow.

Divine intervention, Truth of redemption.

Law of divine memory states that every feeling mood and thought you have is put there directly by god for you to trust in it and is recorded in memory of space.

The three pure ones.

Hermes Trismegisting (thrice great) aka merlin, thoth and Fu His.

Through the practice of Alchemy and High Magic. Alchemy concerning the transmutation of suffering through alignment with Divine Will. The second great teacher is Christ the transmutation of suffering through love and sacrifice. Finally the third great teacher is the Buddha whos fractal represents the transmutation of suffering through wisdom and compassion.

This makes up the Gene Keys revelation synthesis of the great trinity of Divine Will, Love and Wisdom.

Hermes the Magi the teachings of Alchemy and Transmutation.

Buddha brought the teachings of Karma and Rebirth.

Christ brought the teachings of forgiveness and atonement

The seven Sacred Bodies of Humanity:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Causal
  5. Buddhic
  6. Atmmic
  7. Monadic


  1. Physical bedrock of incarnation. Collective memory of humanity is stored in our dna.
  2. The Astral Body is human aura and emotion/desire. Pleasure and Pain reflected at vibrational frequencies which effectively divide the astral plane into hell realms and heaven realms. Has great influence over your physical health.
  3. The Mental Body exists at higher frequency than your emotions and is constructed from your thinking of life. Mental body is influenced by the collective mental body of all of humanity. Feelings of unfulfillment often pull us down into low vibrational shadow energy levels.
  4. Causal body stores the goodwill of the human soul. It becomes a storage hub for high frequency thoughts. Words and Deeds that we have initiated during our many journeys in incarnation.
  5. The Buddhic Body – above the astral body. Reveals the truth that humanity and all the earth planes are in fact one single organism. The causal body dissolves after this and reincarnation in the normal sense is no longer necessary. The third feminine realm of the holy trinity called Divine Activity.
  6. The Atmic Body allows higher evolutions outside the process of physical incarnation. While buddhic body keeps it’s connection with humanity through compassion, The atmic body brings awareness into the cosmic field of Christ consciousness directly merging your awareness with Divine Mind and Heart. It is through the atmic body that the great avatar streams enter the world. It is also the realm of the Siddhis – the many miraculous manifestations of the Divine.
  7. Monadic Body is the unbridled primal essence of Divine consciousness itself. Operates at the causal plane which is the veil it takes on in order to enter the lower worlds corresponding to the first aspect of the Holy Trinity Divine Will.

Divine Will, Mind and Heart and Divine Activity make up The Divine Holy Trinity.

Emotions in the bardos after death are experienced more intensely.

As there is no defined linear sense of time in the bardo states, it can seem that hell is eternal just as it can seem that heaven is eternal.

The six core wounds of humanity,

  1. Repression
  2. Denial
  3. Shame
  4. Rejection
  5. Guilt
  6. Separation.


The seven sacred seals and their respective Siddhis

The First Seal – Divine Will (40th Siddhi)

The Second Seal – Ominiscience (17th Siddhi)

The Third Seal – Universal Love (25th Siddhi)

The Fourth Seal – Epiphany (43rd Siddhi)

The Fifth Seal – Forgiveness (4th Siddhi)

The Sixth Seal – Truth (63rd Siddhi)

The Seventh Seal – Grace (22nd Siddhi)

The Seal that Heals:

  1. Divine Will (40th Siddhi) heals human repression. Ends disease.
  2. Omniscience (17th Siddhi) heals wound of denial. Ends violence.
  3. Universal Love (25th Siddhi) heals wound of shame. Ends greed.
  4. Epiphany (43rd Siddhi) heals the wound of rejection. Ends poverty.
  5. Forgiveness (4th Siddhi) heals the patterns of unconscious guilt. Ends war
  6. Truth (63rd Siddhi) heals the wound of separation. Ends indifference.
  7. Grace (22nd Siddhi) transfiguration (47th Siddhi) absorption of previous 6 layers of human aura into the monadic body, the primordial essence. All surrender to Atmic body called the 7th The opening of the Seventh Seal is the final human epoch and the return of the human race to it’s original Edenic state. The redemption of all beings.

The Nine Portals of Planetary Initiation:

  1. Birth
  2. Baptism
  3. Confirmation
  4. Matrimony
  5. Annunciation
  6. Communion
  7. Ordination
  8. Sanctification
  9. Glorification


Greater pleasure is derived from giving than from taking – foundation for higher life.

In the spirit of helpfulness and harmlessness of actions.

The mission is to leave the world a better place for future generations.

Grace has numerous more blessings attached under the defined word.

One who is touched by grace will always be touched by grace.

Strange Uses and Applications of Ki/Chi


Four forms of Ki used in the world that have note worthy effects are.

  1. Temporary shock and state of paralysis.
  2. Create enough energy to shock and start a fire.
  3. Acupuncture and physical exertion of ki.
  4. Uncontrollable laughter and emotional transfer of ki/chi (in this case masked as The Holy Spirit).

The video below is an example of #1.

If you watch carefully people in this example are thrown back uncontrollably as if exaggerating their fall and it almost looks like they have dramatized their fall and faked it. The power to exert enough energy to throw a person back like this is very real and has been documented on many incidents, this video here is a showcase of the strange phenomena of how chi/ki can be used in life.  Don’t let his silly posture and strange impracticality of his movements to produce the chi fool you. He has the ability to exert chi/ki in a manner that creates a temporary state of paralysis and throws his opponent to the ground and shock them to a uncontrollable state.


The video below is an example of  2 and 3.

The man below is able to control ki/chi to a masters level by being able to release electricity to the point where he can start a fire with his bare hands. He practices acupuncture and people move involuntarily based on the channels in the body and where he places his needles. He is able to masterfully manifest his ki/chi through himself and into another’s body part. They tested him for an electricity current and it proved positive that ki/chi was some sort of electricity based on how he lit up the led light bulb. There is also the ability to manipulate ki/chi in order to stop a pellet from a loaded gun unharmed and being able to push a chopstick through a table with ki/chi. A lot is not fully understood but this man has proven too be quite an enigma to the public.

Finally below is another example of strange manifestation of ki/chi but they call it the holy spirit. This man is able to manipulate powerful emotionally connected electricity shocks that evoke these sort of a mania based transfer of energies. At first it may look like these people are dramatizing their physical and mental state but the pattern became too apparently clear that these people had no control over what their minds and body were doing, appearing as if “possessed by demons”. But it is too obvious based on the random pattern of unwary victims of this mania induced passing of emotional energy that there was a powerful force at work and it happens to be based on the touch of this preacher who has the ability to manipulate and induce these seizure like temporary possessions of uncontrollable states of mania/happiness/laughter.


Not everything is as it seems in the world. There is hidden natures and people of strange abilities in the world that can not all be accounted for. The stated few stories describe the four types of ki/chi connected abilities that are present on earth that are not fully understood but well documented.


Alzheimer’s and what big corporation don’t want you to know. Cures and Life saving tips.

I just recently came across a book called memory repair protocol.

direct link is here:


The story is long and sad but it was just a story about someone who’s wife was going through a difficult time with Alzheimer’s disease and was searching through the sea of garbage pills and medications for Alzheimer that don’t even work and whats worse cause compounding side effects. Ballabgarh a country in northern India was said to have the lowest amount of people affected by Alzheimer’s secretly had the key to why Alzheimer was non-existent.

One of the key items they used which encouraged the production of keytones which is essential to the brain functioning properly and for good memory was Coconut oil. You only need a spoon or two per meal and in 20+ days a Alzheimer suffering patient should recover or improve considerably.

The best way to test an Alzheimer’s patient is to make them draw a clock face with handles. This should be the test they should attempt in seeing where they are at in the recovery stage. It’s just a simple diet that needs to change in order to heal Alzheimer’s symptoms. Coconut oil is just one of the main ingredients to help fight and heal. There are more ingredients that the locals of Ballabgarh eat including a particular native indian spice.

Happy travels in researching more into this!


For more info on subject:

Focusing on the Self and Personal Goals


I’ve been keeping busy these last couple of months focusing a little on the self so to speak and practicing to look good feel good. I gained 30 pounds hitting a good 159 pounds this month. It’s nice to break record highs for weight but my worst fear of losing my shape is getting to me and.. I worry I am going to reach a point where I don’t have that weight under control. The teasing of downgrading from a flat chest six-pack to a one pack belly is a slight self conscious insecurity that I fear of at the moment.

I apologize for the lack of attention on this blog the last few weeks trying to get myself focused and into gear after some unfortunate losses and events. I’ve been stabilizing myself with healthy activity through swimming daily at the leisure center and a lot of painting. I have 4 copies of each electronic painting of my own ready to be sold. I’ve been focusing my sights on karate class and training at home rigorously with some basic home training. 50 push-ups, 24 pull-ups, 50 sit-ups and 100 touch side to side. I hope I don’t entirely sound vain appearance wise – I just want to set and hit goals to feel good simply put. They say exercise is a great way to look good and feel good. It also helps your mind become more healthy, purging unwanted weight through sweat and detoxifying.

I’ve been doing these exercises for 3 months now and it’s been good. I would love to try to get into the Olympics now that karate is a legit Olympic sport. I hope to eventually follow up with my dreams of eventually get that driving, marriage, getting that good job and that white picket fence, dog and surf all day. My most important focus at the moment is my transitioning into a healthier life style.

Hope your day is a good one,



Intuitive and Analytical Brain. Seven Best Habits for Effective Art Practice.

The Left and Right Hemisphere’s of the brain working together for a resulting iterative moderate solution. Here are some golden rules for studies based on artistic right and analytical math based left.

(The diagram below is facing you and is the reason why it looks backwards.)

ScreenHunter_1570 Apr. 15 21.09

There are two basic sides and approaches to doing good art. The logical Analytical left side of the brain’s way.. and the creative intuitive right side of the brain’s way.

It seems that the two fields influence and behave completely different from one another.

logical rational
analytical left

creative imaginative
intuitive right

Which brings us to an understanding of art to a different level called Iterative drawing.

Iterative drawing relies on perspective, practice and mainly this new thing called mileage.

iterative drawing is based on
mileage and moderation.

(draw multiple versions of the one drawing for effective learning).

There are also components to drawing and painting.

Drawing tends to rely mostly on proportion placement. Form and construction. Perspective and anatomy.

The components to painting rely mostly on;
value, color, temperature and texture.

7 habits of highly effective artists. The seven practices for effective learning artists are as listed;

  1. Do daily work; set a scheduled meeting with yourself.
  2. Work towards perfection by volume.
  3. Great artists steal, take what you love and use it.
  4. Conscious learning; focus on relative things and awareness.
  5. Rest 6 weeks for fresh eyes.
  6. Feedback; everything sucks at the start.
  7. Create what you love.


Art Gallery Submission

I’ve finally got around to organize and show the best of my work while at Anderson Hospital. The 6 months, I must say was – a miracle – and I pulled through with flying colors. I am hoping to catalog and archive these paintings on this post. I am planning to adjust the paintings into printable format for those who are interested in getting just a copy. As for the originals, I am unsure how to price them just yet. I will probably sell them at the farmers market for a couple of weeks (hope to see some interest at my little tent), and most likely auction at some point. I took out two wall paintings I didn’t feel met whatever standard I thought it needed to be.. and most likely because it was a duplicate paint job of lesser quality.

So with all good things there is a story that is told.

The first three was a symbolic reference to “alpha, omega, crossway, salvage and ambiguity” the ground colors that made this all possible.

It was just an idea. The idea of the bridge from the Heavens coming down to Earth is now the focus.

These components combined creates a bridge to the Sunset Cave where a Fallen Star from heaven has landed. This is where The Tree of Imagination is now planted. The Nose of the Cosmos knows of specific things which eventually leads it in to become The Weeping Tree in the end.

This is where the Dark blossom and Space Rose come in to shine – because in the magnitude of darkness something must exist.

In the sea of strange nature comes stranger animals – the Space Whale of all creatures splash in spirit through the sea of stars. The skies filled with already great wonders The Celestial Trees came to soak in the magnificent energy and experience. In the imagination of the Heavens, they create the Space Bouquet in the name of love – and not just any love.. selfless unconditional timeless love.

Another bridge; the stairway is to be made instead of heaven to earth – this one to be made earth to heaven. The star that falls here is the Earth Bound Star. Earth touched Trees and mountains and Earth touched Aurora Borealis come into the picture.

Out sprouts the Tree of Life and Knowledge reaching left and right, instantaneous as if grown over night. This tree overlooks The Earth and The Heavens and all things good within it. It oversees and introduces pious resolve and virtue of human kindness. This integration of Heaven and Earth present us with the Celestial Bouquet of Earth.

With this strange gesture of exchange and to co-exist as a sign of mutual agreement to cooperate under the law of symbiosis – comes the signal of the Blossomed Space Rose. Where the egg of infinity now lay. We have concocted the Phoenix Peacocks it seems.

The Phoenix Peacocks establish it’s hierarchy with The Dragon, and The Gryphon, quickly. The Tiger, The Wolf and The Black Lion soon follow. And finally an oddly organized team rises through The Buck, The Serpent and The Great Squirrel.

The Animal Totems have come to play but as guardian spirits. By the Equinox of Seasons the trees have a choir in which the twin dual spirits of the great Masculine and Feminine duality playfully flow. The Human Spirits through music of song and manifestation of butterflies ring for all to hear.

The Tree of life bursts in a blaze of burning but growing flames of leaves and roots. The Sunset Tree signals that all is ready and well. The Golden Eagle makes way to it’s new home on sanctified foundations it will grow.

The grass cut like Golf Greens, it appears like there is an oasis at every turn. The Perspective is good at every angle. The Polar Bear Guardian stands vigilant but at rest. Blissfully at peace. The Green Dragon reveals it’s true self to the audience.

Thank you for visiting! Maybe I can help you find your favorite part of this post.. prints are available soon, please be patient while I get everything organized. If you want an original canvas picture please message me,









Staircase of Imagination 2


Sunset Cave


Falling Star 1


Tree of Imagination 2


Aurora Borealis Nose


Weeping Trees


Bloom in the Dark


Space Rose 2


Space Whale


Celestial Trees


Space Bouquet 2


Staircase 1


Falling Star 2


Trees and Mountains


Aurora Borealis 5


Tree of Life


Space Bouquet 1


Space Rose 1


Cosmic Egg of Infinity


Phoenix Peacocks


False Microphone Dragon






Timber Wolf


The Black Lion


The Buck


Mystical Serpent


The Great Squirel












Sunset Tree


Golden Eagle


Golf Greens


Desert Oasis




Polar Bear Guardian


Green Dragon

Animals, Abstract and Environments

This week I did a mix of animals, abstract and environments that I hope you’ll like. First I did a Golden Eagle. Secondly, I did Golf Greens which hangs in the Alberta Hospital. Thirdly I made a “Desert Oasis” overlooking a lake. Next, I did an abstract picture that represents “Perspectives” of many entities. Finally, I finished the week off with a Polar Bear Guardian.

Please enjoy your stay. Love, Happiness, Justice and Peace.



Golden Eagle


Golf Greens


Desert Oasis




Polar Bear Guardian

We Are a Product of Our Work


  1. We are a product of our work.

You are what you make of life. In the end it’s what you’ve done, the kindness you’ve spread and the hearts you touched that makes logical sense in life – but most importantly, who you become is immediately significant. Life is about the people you meet, yes this is true, but you are the product of all these interactions that make you grow, being a result and product of all things that have come. All things that influenced you as you figured out and sorted problems after problems to become solutions. Turning dirt, molding it to become gold in your eyes. Making something from nothing. Doing something surprisingly great and beautiful despite all odds and what tools and things you have to work with. This is the philosophy of the lotus being born in a barren dirty place as the swamp and blooming into a beautiful flower out of no where.

All the things we have done, all the work we put in, all the people we interacted with to get where we are today. This is what we have taken for granted. People don’t see the impact of their actions and kindness but as we grow more mature and thoughtful this results in development refining of character. We become more respectful and polite in order to resolve common conflicts that could be dealt with easily with simple decency. If we remember our goals and keep our personal plans for ourselves focused at heart and strive for these resulting projects consistently persevering, we will surely get where we want to go in life and collect all the rewards that we sowed in the end. Keeping in mind that we can’t please everyone but we should still aim to be selfless and generously giving. Not everyone has the human interest in mind.

Despite the fact that not everyone has good intentions, we can only help the few that care and spread acts of kindness and behaviors. Focusing on the here and now, we prioritized our love ones and make preferences to enjoy and allow the joy in our life to flourish. Allowing our love and happiness and our justice and peace to prosper. We have worked our method and analyzed our directions and conflicts and this is what we found in the end. In chronological order these are the conflicts but also profound virtuous solutions I have come to conclude..


My Journey’s Stellar Pin-Pointed Gems:

Life: Be Yourself.

Dream: Follow your heart.

Self: Build and learn. One lesson at a time.

Light: Shine in the Dark. When all good is amiss, be the light in the dark.

Redemption of Alphonse: Stand for the Truth.


Loyalty: Think of what you can offer by building faith in one another.

Trust: Respect and think of others but be smart but caring.

Authority: Be the invisible hand that gives hope. (Be bold, have courage and be strong).

Wisdom: Find the fine silver lining path (to understand, contemplate and comprehend the truth) To resolve the truth.

Redemption of Omegan: Legitimacy and Credibility.


Hope begets Faith. Faith begets Compassion. Compassion begets Love. Loves begets Grace. Grace brings forth the Redemption.

Hope: I sought to practice and I intended to build bridges.

Faith: I sought to understand the world and my wool was covered in soot of taint. I remind myself that there is hope in the end if I have faith.

Compassion: I sought to nurture the world and started giving. I remind myself that with great faith in the end I will have compassion.

Love: I sought to care for the world and started understanding myself, others and the world around me. I remind myself that with compassion in the end I will have love.

Grace: I sought to do good in the world and I started offering my services to God and The Heavens. I remind myself that with love in the end I will arrive with grace.

Redemption of Christwey: I sought to change life for the better and I gave my heart to everyone. I have forsaken the angel in my heart but one day I will be fruitful with my work.


Love: I’ve found love, it is in the people.

Peace: I’ve found peace, it is in acceptance of my reality on Earth.

Justice: I’ve found justice. I look to solve love, peace and happiness for the self and others. A person should stand for good on the bold and narrow path.

Happiness: I’ve found happiness,  I found the Truth in myself.

Composure: I’ve found composure, I look at stability and try to balance my life.

Temperance: I’ve found temperance, I seek inside me to find what it is I can offer.

Solution: I’ve found the solution, I believed that there was a way and would plot my points, draw my lines and that would make my paths in life.

A Piece of Mind for Nurture


“Ask and You Will Receive..” these are the simple words that speak a variety of ways – sometimes we are too proud to ask and we don’t want to be put in a seat of vulnerability. We punish ourselves and forget what it means to be humble and to submit to the mercy of those of higher power. By grace of the higher ups they will provide. We just need to learn to keep our words and minds healthy so that the environment stays stable to encourage a nurturing growing world.

6. Best case scenarios of possibilities with alignments to heighten probability of chances. OR (Finding the light and kindling the chances of greatness to happen.)

In life you can observe the world in a healthy optimistic positive direction or a negative pessimistic direction. But there is another way – and that is to see that you can only work with what you have. It is not that the glass is half full or half empty – it’s what you do with what you have that really matters. I believe best case scenarios are typically more appealing than the ideas of worst case scenarios – where realism and realistically we are driven to make something out of nothing. That we can produce golden results out of what little we had to work with.

Best case scenarios are devastatingly fun to look at and very appealing because it is what we ideally want to create and look towards in the future. But worst case scenarios we are often times conflicted. We must be aware of such pessimistic worlds and rather find results that are useful. Being proactive and making precautionary measures are good practices of human intuition and intuition in itself is a tough practice. But if we put a mind over matter methodology into our work, things will progressively get better with time.  I believe having faith, which is an unusual spiritual and abstract thing often helps the mind stay sharp and tempered.

If best case scenarios are what we look out for in life than worst case scenarios we must acknowledge as well but not to be made the focus. I enjoy the wide view of spectrum of perspective of oversight. To see a broad range of things in order to see the good and acknowledge the bad, to find a general lieu of a word called piety. To know good from bad. I embrace the idea that nothing can be purely good or bad but it is in some form of many grays and hints and hues of colors. Just as life is portrayed in a broad spectrum of colors and shades of hints and hues – so are the people, it’s decisions and ideas are also plastered with vibrant colors of emotion, history and experiences.

I would like to be reminded of the precautionary tales I’ve come across – and remember not to become the precautionary tale after trying so hard avoiding it all my life. The idea is that I want to grasp the ideal of perfection to some degree but acknowledge the darkness in the stories that stir up gossip. I don’t want to be the gossip of infamous stories but I want to be a legend of progress and creation. Life is what you make of it, you only live once in actuality despite transcendent information.

Life is about the sacred awe of everything that you come across. The brilliance of how it all comes together, how it’s lifted even how it crumbles. Victory comes for those who seek life generously, honestly and with genuine sincerity of the heart. Do not come seeking great truths with the objective of finding some ultimate truth, approach life with a kindred spirit and healthy appetite of curiosity. And remember to share your heart and dreams with those dearest to you with the short amount of time you have on Earth. But keep your temple a sanctuary because we are all just stewards for the next generation. What we teach our children and neighbors is what they will teach theirs and further generations.

Prepping for The Event Schedule for HIYC




YEG EVENT for Aug 2 You can download the excel file here.

Ideally we need to get the muscles to carry all the water. We need a pickup truck to carry everything, my uncle has one – if anyone does not. Also, does anyone have water dispensing jugs at home? we need 2. We also need to find some of those garbage stands if we can.

I finished the schedule for the Aug 2nd event. Try to get your parents/uncles or what not to help out. Would be really nice if we had some experienced hands and muscle to make this more an enjoyable experience than a labor. Stocking can be done throughout the week. We can prep veggies and cheese maybe 4 days before if we want to too. There’s going to be 18 plates of food that need to be prepped. 6 veggies, 6 crackers, and 6 cheese dishes need to be prepped. And we can grab a few granola bars if our budget lets us.

Our goal is to surprise the government and locals and show that we can respect the environment as well as have fun. Thinking and working mindfully for the youth.




Compilation of Recorded Human Progress Thus Far

(image credit


Compiled Human Hero World

This is human history and culture map compiled thus far. This helped me map out all alternative paths and directions and allowed me to determine the correct purpose of life. The Spirit Realm was the most complicated and completely ambiguous.

I’ve been to all ends of this spectrum of space through dreams. I could not reach or commune with a physical being that looked like the God humans describe.. An old man of long beard seated on a Golden Throne of the heavens or any of the such. I met a Space Whale instead in my dream.. This was apparently was the best this reality of the life the world could offer me exalted or no.

If you are interested in this Chart it is here. It is produced for my personal knowledge its secondary nature is to educate those who are curious. It’s third nature is to be recorded as human knowledge. All sectors and paths considered; Gateways plotted.

This morning before I give you a read of the chart, I will share you a story about my space whale. He enjoyed squeaky arm length rubs, a friendly giant who enjoyed company. He was majestic, beautiful and offered me a home among the stars, we had a conversation about dealing with some kind of outer space turbulence. And other bizarre phenomena.. He was trying to explain a problem about being too big and not fitting in with all the other creatures of the natural world.

The only God in human form I know of is Jesus Christ but again he is just another being displaced in the wrong era fighting a war not his own against a people who will not accept him.

This Section will be used to define Exaltation with God through life. (Starting Brown Section)

(Read in columns – The Paths; UP AND DOWN)

Exaltation to God


Within Monotheism is the Physical Religion of Fasting, Prayer, Sabbath, Pilgrimage. (1)Religious Facility Holds those who are practicing being Christians, Jewish and Muslim, Going to Church, Tabernacle and Mosque, Find their emotional needs through the medium of Christianity, Semitism and Islam, Their vehicle to God is through a books The Holy Bible, Torah and Koran. (1)Ideology offers us something more solid, promise and purpose. Unions, Marriages and Councils lead the way for ideology. Humanitarian Cause is the focus; Singing, Stories and Praise. Having Joy, Confidence and Character is held most high. In (1)Life focus on Experiences of Life. Practice Kindness and Warmth. You will find Happiness in Labors of the Heart. You will Acquire a Strong Bond with God.


In Secular Atheism  there is a almost religious practice of Controlling Diet, Pondering, Venting and Traveling. (2)Functional Facility is for Working, Studying and Playing, Leisure Centers and Libraries are these ideal places, Cinema, Games and Internet are the desired media mediums and the Spirit/Desire is Survival over all else. (2)Invention is the driving force behind Practitioners, Engineering and Construction. Their mind is set on Technological Progression. Training, Mentoring and Growing tugs their heart strings. They get the most out of the spiritual world through Having Empowerment and Success. (2)Dream, Focus on Creation and Inspiring. Practice Exploration and Progress. You will find Happiness in Your Victories. You will Acquire An Optimal Experience for Friends and Family in Life.


The Agnostics have their own methods of Detoxing, Contemplating, Reading/Watching a Movie and Adventure.. (Though none of these are exclusive to only Agnostic, we’re just people. There is no purity of paths, most are mixed).  (3)Entertainment Facility likes Relaxing, Thinking and Understanding, Ideal places are Pagodas, Temples, and Massage Therapists, Reading, Writing and Blogging and they hold individualism highest over all else. (3)Life Philosophies and Laws; They work their way into Boards, Schools, Facilitating Events, Talks and Meetings. They enjoy the idea of Environmental Preservation, Providing Renewable Resources, Innovation and Inspiration gets them teary. Their Spirituality is most heightened when they aim for Practicality and Sustainability. (3)Self, Focus on Protecting and Serving. With the mind Practice Concern and Problem Solving. Find Happiness in Relationships and Tough Decisions. Acquire Glory, Merit, Gratifying Job and Respect.


Idoltry enjoys methods of Conditioning, Begging, Complaining and Reflecting. (4)Emergency Facilities, they hold Humility, Humanity and Tolerance High, Shelters, Schools and Trauma Clinics are desirable, Human Connection, Animals and Rehab, and they believe strongly in Self-Preservation. (4)Good Habits; Nursing Homes, Orphanages, Managing Poverty is the basis of good habits. Their mentality is focused on Stability and Human Assessment. They Like Healing and Nurturing, it makes them emotional. Having Humility and Respect is what they strive for. (4)Salvaging, Focus on Health and Poverty. Practice Finding Practical Solutions and Curiosity. You will Find Happiness in Hardship of Challenges. It is suggested that you aim to acquire Trust, Love and Gratitude from All in return.


Relativism is Chilling, Relaxing, Disconnecting and Wandering.  The Science World Establishes Green (5)Plains and Meadows, they like to be Unconcerned and prefer Ignoring the World, They enjoy Hiking, Beaches and the Ocean, They Enjoy Music in general, Meditating, Logging Journals and Above all the spirit lies with Solitude. (5)Be Content is the strategy of Avoiding Conflicts, Judgement and Human Politics. Doing Completely Nothing and Just Exist. Self Exploration, Experimentation and Understanding The Human Condition. Having Control and Moderation is what this perspective holds most high. (5)Ground Zero Focus on Self and Isolation. Practice Simple Life and Maintain Optimal Health. You will Find Happiness in the Miracle of Life in Existing. You Will Acquire Tranquility, Self Love and Acceptance with this path.


Polytheism is Abstaining, Meditating, Enjoying Nature and Transcending Information. (6)High Mountains their optimal functioning place is in Experiencing the Perfect Human State, Their emotions get amplified around Jungle, Nature, High Mountains and Exotic Places, Finding Purpose, Acquiring Skills and Learning, They desire Transcendence over all else. (6)Change The World; This perspective expects to create Miracles, Focuses on Expressing Yourself and Get Involved in Everything. Do Everything You Can With All Your Heart seems to be it’s mentality. Self Evolve, Self Express, Dominate the Human Condition will allow them to express their inner being best. The spirit category says that they will ideally be optimal when attempting to Maintain Balance, Life and The World. (6)Light Focus Focus on Heighten Experience and Greatest Challenges in Life. Mentality of Practice Aspirations, Purposeful Living Be a Visionary. You will Find Happiness in Overcoming All Odds with this path. Spiritually you will acquire Self Satisfaction, God’s Exaltation and Man’s Commendation.


The movement of Self Empowerment is Moderation, Assessing Words Logically, Experiencing Improvement and Understanding the Process of Growth. (7)Home, physically Expressing Concern and Cooling Down Heated Debates is usually ideal. Balance of Nature and City, Enjoying the moment, Finding Purpose and Seeing Life makes them emotional. They hold Constructive Thinking highest over all else. (7)Building The World; Objective seems to be Saving The World, Environmental and Renewable Resources. Mentally engraved is the idea of Using God Given Resources Like The Sun and Solar Energy. Emotionally you will find your purpose most fulfilled through Combating Selfishness, Provoking Change in Others and Challenging The World. You will feel most accomplished Making a Difference and Do Justice for God and Men. (7)Hero, Focus on Sacrifice and Leadership. Practice Mindfulness, Active Charity and Exude Higher Purpose. It is recommended you find Happiness in the Objectives and Small Things in Life. You will acquire the most wholesome and complete Human Experience.

This Section will be used to define Exaltation with God through life. (Starting Brown Section)

Exaltation to God

(Spectrum Analysis; LEFT TO RIGHT)

Within Religion is Monotheism, Secular Atheism, Agnosticism, Idoltry, Relativism, Polytheism and Self Empowerment.

Respectively each category is followed by the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual attribute. Within Monotheism is the Physical Religion of Fasting, Prayer, Sabbath, Pilgrimage. In Secular Atheism  there is a almost religious practice of Controlling Diet, Pondering, Venting and Traveling. The Agnostics have their own methods of Detoxing, Contemplating, Reading/Watching a Movie and Adventure.. (Though none of these are exclusive to only Agnostic, we’re just people. There is no purity of paths, most are mixed). Idoltry enjoys methods of Conditioning, Begging, Complaining and Reflecting. Relativism is Chilling, Relaxing, Disconnecting and Wandering. Polytheism is Abstaining, Meditating, Enjoying Nature and Transcending Information. The movement of Self Empowerment is Moderation, Assessing Words Logically, Experiencing Improvement and Understanding the Process of Growth.

Within Science there is (1)Religious Facility, (2)Functional Facility, (3)Entertainment Facility, (4)Emergency Facility, (5)Meadows/Green Plains, (6)High Mountains and (7)Homes.

(1)Religious Facility Holds those who are practicing being Christians, Jewish and Muslim, Going to Church, Tabernacle and Mosque, Find their emotional needs through the medium of Christianity, Semitism and Islam, Their vehicle to God is through a books The Holy Bible, Torah and Koran. (2)Functional Facility is for Working, Studying and Playing, Leisure Centers and Libraries are these ideal places, Cinema, Games and Internet are the desired media mediums and the Spirit/Desire is Survival over all else.  (3)Entertainment Facility likes Relaxing, Thinking and Understanding, Ideal places are Pagodas, Temples, and Massage Therapists, Reading, Writing and Blogging and they hold individualism highest over all else. (4)Emergency Facilities, they hold Humility, Humanity and Tolerance High, Shelters, Schools and Trauma Clinics are desirable, Human Connection, Animals and Rehab, and they believe strongly in Self-Preservation. The Science World Establishes Green (5)Plains and Meadows, they like to be Unconcerned and prefer Ignoring the World, They enjoy Hiking, Beaches and the Ocean, They Enjoy Music in general, Meditating, Logging Journals and Above all the spirit lies with Solitude. (6)High Mountains their optimal functioning place is in Experiencing the Perfect Human State, Their emotions get amplified around Jungle, Nature, High Mountains and Exotic Places, Finding Purpose, Acquiring Skills and Learning, They desire Transcendence over all else. (7)Home, physically Expressing Concern and Cooling Down Heated Debates is usually ideal. Balance of Nature and City, Enjoying the moment, Finding Purpose and Seeing Life makes them emotional. They hold Constructive Thinking highest over all else.

Within Identity there is (1)Ideology, (2)Invention, (3)Life Philosophy and Laws, (4)Good Habits, (5)Be Content, (6)Change the World and (7)Building the World.

(1)Ideology offers us something more solid, promise and purpose. Unions, Marriages and Councils lead the way for ideology. Humanitarian Cause is the focus; Singing, Stories and Praise. Having Joy, Confidence and Character is held most high. (2)Invention is the driving force behind Practitioners, Engineering and Construction. Their mind is set on Technological Progression. Training, Mentoring and Growing tugs their heart strings. They get the most out of the spiritual world through Having Empowerment and Success. (3)Life Philosophies and Laws; They work their way into Boards, Schools, Facilitating Events, Talks and Meetings. They enjoy the idea of Environmental Preservation, Providing Renewable Resources, Innovation and Inspiration gets them teary. Their Spirituality is most heightened when they aim for Practicality and Sustainability. (4)Good Habits; Nursing Homes, Orphanages, Managing Poverty is the basis of good habits. Their mentality is focused on Stability and Human Assessment. They Like Healing and Nurturing, it makes them emotional. Having Humility and Respect is what they strive for. (5)Be Content is the strategy of Avoiding Conflicts, Judgement and Human Politics. Doing Completely Nothing and Just Exist. Self Exploration, Experimentation and Understanding The Human Condition. Having Control and Moderation is what this perspective holds most high. (6)Change The World; This perspective expects to create Miracles, Focuses on Expressing Yourself and Get Involved in Everything. Do Everything You Can With All Your Heart seems to be it’s mentality. Self Evolve, Self Express, Dominate the Human Condition will allow them to express their inner being best. The spirit category says that they will ideally be optimal when attempting to Maintain Balance, Life and The World. (7)Building The World; Objective seems to be Saving The World, Environmental and Renewable Resources. Mentally engraved is the idea of Using God Given Resources Like The Sun and Solar Energy. Emotionally you will find your purpose most fulfilled through Combating Selfishness, Provoking Change in Others and Challenging The World. You will feel most accomplished Making a Difference and Do Justice for God and Men.

Within Humanism there is (1)Life, (2)Dream, (3)Self, (4)Salvaging, (5)Ground Zero, (6)Light and (7)Hero.

In (1)Life focus on Experiences of Life. Practice Kindness and Warmth. You will find Happiness in Labors of the Heart. You will Acquire a Strong Bond with God. (2)Dream, Focus on Creation and Inspiring. Practice Exploration and Progress. You will find Happiness in Your Victories. You will Acquire An Optimal Experience for Friends and Family in Life.  (3)Self, Focus on Protecting and Serving. With the mind Practice Concern and Problem Solving. Find Happiness in Relationships and Tough Decisions. Acquire Glory, Merit, Gratifying Job and Respect. (4)Salvaging, Focus on Health and Poverty. Practice Finding Practical Solutions and Curiosity. You will Find Happiness in Hardship of Challenges. It is suggested that you aim to acquire Trust, Love and Gratitude from All in return. (5)Ground Zero Focus on Self and Isolation. Practice Simple Life and Maintain Optimal Health. You will Find Happiness in the Miracle of Life in Existing. You Will Acquire Tranquility, Self Love and Acceptance with this path. (6)Light focus on Heighten Experience and Greatest Challenges in Life. Mentality of Practice Aspirations, Purposeful Living Be a Visionary. You will Find Happiness in Overcoming All Odds with this path. Spiritually you will acquire Self Satisfaction, God’s Exaltation and Man’s Commendation. (7)Hero, Focus on Sacrifice and Leadership. Practice Mindfulness, Active Charity and Exude Higher Purpose. It is recommended you find Happiness in the Objectives and Small Things in Life. You will acquire the most wholesome and complete Human Experience.

Happy Journey.

Curiosity and Prosperity,



For link on Heroes of Man: 

For link on Knowledge:

The Supercharged Brain; The Gold Rules to Life


A few things you can do in your life to make your brain really active and powerful. If you suffer from slow speech or tend to say “uhm” or “uhh”. a lot. Here’s some tips for those who want to supercharge your brain to optimize it’s capacity.


According to some science by John Ratey a Harvard professor if you run a lot you encourage memory and enhanced cognition and in the process encourage brain cell regrowth. This neuro-biological process is equivalent to a sharp pencil and clean sheet of paper opposed to a dull one and dirty paper. High intensity interval exercise as it is known is best as an alternative. It also increases metabolism and promotes healthy appetite.


The more you read the more familiar and fluent you are with the language. Knowledge is power, reading is brain food and it exercises your brain and stimulates the brain and encourages positive endorphin in the brain. Which make you happy and think positive and constructively. Reading is also very therapeutic and allows you to calm down stress, emotions and anxiety.

3. Writing

This also allows you to be more familiar and fluent with the language. It allows you to communicate better in social instances and the language will come more naturally. Expressing yourself allows you to find a release for the stress in your life and vent. For those who suffer anxiety, emotions and stress writing is therapeutic.

4. Practice an Instrument

This not only encourages memory but in the practice of memory rather than just the increasing the potential of memory from running. The Flute, Violin, Piano, Guitar are my personal favorites. Classical music is said to promote growth and encourage constructive thinking. Memory, growth and promotion of thought in a study of how music effects plants is evident in the subconscious influence of music and the type of music you listen to.

5. Eating frequently and consistently

Eating in small potions many times a day will increase metabolism. Compounded with High intensity interval training or running will actually allow you to lose weight and encourage overall health.

I also have other practices I enjoy that gives other perks and attributes.. such as Sword training, Karate (mix martial arts).

6. Sword training

Makes me feel like I have an edge (excuse the pun) over everyone. It’s my security backup plan that allows me to establish that in danger I will be able to defend myself and get away. It keeps me sharp and accurate. It builds strong upper body strength and arms. I use a heavy bar to practice sword so when using a real blade it comes with ease.

7. Karate/Tai Chi/Mixed Martial Arts

The art of the empty hand. You won’t always have a weapon with you and this is the reason why some self defense and exercise with a martial art like Karate is necessary. Also allows you to have an upper hand in a fight to defend yourself so you can get away. The Katas (set of sequenced moves) allow you to familiarize and encourages memory in practice and potential  through motor memory in the muscles. This allows your body to react faster than thought during a fight or flight situation intuitively.

8. Meditation

One thing that I am trying to do but don’t do enough of is meditation. There are many health benefits to meditation in that it keeps you composed and strong in stressful situations. I have not yet mastered this practice yet but it will give you insight and understanding of the world around you.

Philosophy of: Priorities and Preferences System


I had a dream,

I learned something fascinating.

a. Treat people like numbers

b. Priorities

c. Preferences

d. Decision making

a: If you treat people like numbers where

life = 0.123456789

0. Survival

Where reading the numbers from left to right. The numbers before a decimal being priorities and 0 being survival. The rest being just preferences like, for a student

  1. is Health and medication,
  2. Sleep.
  3. Homework.
  4. Finance.
  5. Work
  6. Social/Love
  7. Politics
  8. Family
  9. Community

There may be better categories out there but i think these are ideal in a students life.

b: Priorities

If you figure out a priority of a situation you determine a person’s protocol and fulfill their needs faster. Such as, if there’s a test in class as a student today you would bump it to protocol 03.12456789. So that before the decimal it’s 0 being survival and 3 being homework, and the rest being preferences.

c. Preferences

If you like a thing a certain way in a certain fashion and style; You need preferences. The way i have it set up for students is health and medication, sleep, homework, finance, work, social/love, politics, family and community. Though this is true, some people may put family first so family comes before all else. A protocol for this would be bumping family to number 1 and everything else down.

d. Decision making

Everything happens a certain way in a certain order. If we would be to mimic machines for it’s efficiency component the best system would be a number system. “Treat people like numbers” is system that allows decision making to be much simpler. Decisions are based on priorities and preferences and therefore almost automated to fulfill and find a persons personal needs in time.


Consistency and conclusion

If you want to add more than 9 preferences add numbers from 1-9 but with doubles. For example:

eg. straight numbers. 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99

so it’ll look like 0.12345678900112233445566778899

alternatives could be (below) if you want to have a long variety of options.

eg. 0a, 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a.

I believe this system is a solution in religion. If a religion puts ethics and personal morality lower on it’s priority list; and they put politics, money and business before it’s people’s needs then it is not a good religion. Philosophy should be practiced in a correct pattern and form and only if that philosophy is a good practice to keep a person active and healthy will it be worth incorporating into life. Thus, it should be practiced religiously but without religion.



Perpetual Notion of Moving Forward Spiraling in Harmony


What is the most important message you would like to share with the world right now?

You are not alone.

God, Universe and Truth.

The collective is the answer to God.

Selfless unconditional love is the answer to the Universe.

Truth is in dispelling mystification of warped information to become common knowledge.

As you race through space. Life is a spark in time. You are a grain in an hourglass.

There is no more an important place, time and thing as the now.

Live now and embrace your fate.. however how temporary, eternal and experiential.

There isn’t enough time to think, just be! But we warned..

My silence is not ignorance. My calmness is not acceptance. My kindness is not weakness.

Patience is key to opening the right doors.

Don’t be a slave to the system. Work towards collective man yes, but don’t fall into illusion that we are because of what the tree of life makes us. We are not enemies in this domain, we are lost and just trying to adapt to the situation with our beliefs and mentalities to combat the dangers around us. We are trying to break free of the grip reality has over us. That our conscience is so much more then our skin, bones and brain. Our spiriit carries on after we die, the body does not. But we do here is either  torment or memory of what we do right or what we do wrong in this life. These memories we make here is essentially what we take home to God the collective. It is important to note that what we do here is just as important as what the plans are for us in the after life.

Project heaven on Earth is a process of deconstruction, construction and integration. At the center of it is the knowledge of the solutions; god, universe and truth. Collective humanity, selfless unconditional love and demystifying knowledge of the truth. When all is done then will we be able to move to a better place; in body, mind and spirit.

“Knowing is not enough, you must apply. Willing is not enough, you must do.”

-Bruce Lee

Happy Lunar New Years. Year of the Fire Monkey.

Visiting Dementia Mind’s Dreams


I had a dream where I was able to visit people with dementia’s dreams. I could tell that these people weren’t well but had good intention in them still. They were lost and angry and  in the dream I had form.. and I could participate and they could hear me. They told me I was a person  who could hear the cries of dementia victims. I was first startled to be associated with dementia but then realized they’re just lost people with damaged brains. As i continued the dream they told me that me visiting their dreams was some kind of gift and they thanked me at the end of the dream for the healing experience. I wake  up and realize that there are people who are trapped in bodies that are no longer functional and are no longer capable of seeing truth. I will be praying for them and hoping they are well. I don’t know if I actually have the gift, but would it be selfish of me to avoid contact and disassociate myself with these forms? I do care for them, but i’m in no condition to expose myself to their way of thinking. What bothers me is that he said it was a gift for them and to not use this gift with an open heart would be really sad. I guess if it’s a part of me then i will accept it with grace and endure and try to enjoy the experience best i can. What is being human without the sacrifice.

Some Satire about the Ego for the Modern Times

Warning Explicit Language: Some satire about the ego and it’s release through meditation.

As the man says, don’t let life get to you. The conflicts of the ego should be left behind as your emotional baggage is a living burden in life. Take that baggage off as you would take your shoes off at the door. And release your stresses and anxieties because all that matters is the here and now, the knowledge that you are here with your body and mind in tact is all that matters. Life is just a manner or way and an expression to find truth. Whether the actual truth will anger you or bring you to despair or happiness is a different matter. In the end there is a truth.. but it is the summary truth of your truth session. Do not confuse the summary of your truth with the ultimate truth which is the collective of all truths in life. Whether you understand this general ultimate truth in the end is up to you. To find peace in who you are, your ideas and your inner conflicts. The summation of your life, dreams, self and light. This is where you will find your summary truth. And to collaborate as a collective, understand the world around us and comprehend beyond the physical. This is what is necessary to find happiness, feel fulfilled and complete. Missing one of these components will hinder your realization that; this life is everything because it is the now but it is also not important because the physical is not the end and there is more to come.

The Published book: 3 years writing.


Well, this is the finished product. The journey for making the book was awesome. I loved every second of it. I’m sure there are some interesting concepts to be had from this book if not relevance to your life at least something to discuss about.

The Integration; of God, Universe and Truth

A synthesis on dream, life, light and self-made heroes. Or the core meaning of love. (Home of Universal Paradigms, Virtuous Practice, Multi-dimensional Diagrams and Esoteric Knowledge). Where Philosophy explains Religion, Science and Spirituality.

It has some interesting things on the side like; Fields, Spectrums, Compartimentalizing Reality through Cores, Transitons and Crossways, Working with Micro-Macrosm Worlds, Dividing the world into Components, machines and systems, Accessing life-style, behavior and thought pattern methods and many things involving time travel and multidimensions.

There may be other things you may not like or have conflicting views about which i will try to resolve such as; A almighty permanent God, Christ Resurrection, Reincarnation, Chakra, Auras, Esoterics, Kabbalistic ideas and other strange phenomenon but out of all this my paradigms will probably drive you insane partially because it’s very opinion based.

The logic i do is with concepts and deep reason, comprehension and contemplative integration of a wide variety of things such as; science, psychology, philosophy, spirituality and Religion.

I apologize again for releasing the book and then not.. then changing my mind and throwing it out there all of a sudden. I like to keep you on your toes. =) The book is now available to download and buy as a hardcover! Please enjoy the book. There are many ways to read the book. You may read it just the first part which will be God.. or you may read about the Universe which will be on the 2nd part.. or the 3rd part is Truth and If you want to test your intelligence with Paradigms it’s near the end. You can read them in any order or reading what ever combination you want together or separate. I have made a path for those who are just mainly athiest or if your more conservative christian you may only stick to God. But You lose out on so much of the world if you limit yourself to only on category.. So open up your eyes and heart and read the entirety as it was meant to be.

It is a blog for the most part but the articles tell a story and it comes together with purpose, reason and function when you get to the end. Everything adds up in the end. Here is the link again for those who want to Buy the book. I revised it a couple times and the first time i published it i forgot some pretty important things like page number. lol

There are two books you should be aware of:


The Book is Published. (For real this time)

Okay so sorry for last time. I may have been in a rush to get everything out and may have not been thinking straight. I also know i said i’d release it on Feb 5-10 but i wanted to order some myself. So here you guys go the link to go buy the book. Its all ready to go. Tell me what you guys think and leave comments if you liked it or not. It’s all open to discussion. And relax it’s a blog.. with purpose.. story telling and answers and what more would ask for. For private messages message me at:

Chart of Self Discovery

The self

The self is a interesting concept and it often creates an illusion of self even though self is necessary in order establish who a person is on the Earth. We call this entity the persona. As we continue to progress I find that a lot of groups try to avoid Persona altogether and to completely abandon what they are building. This is a good way to explore your roots but not a good way to be in society that requires certain things of you like paying your rent, basic values and standards of morality and disciplines at work.

Elaboration of Self Discovery Chart:

First off the form Authenticity has the dependencies of values and requires a person to be Genuine.

Second, the form Transformation has the dependencies of conductive code and requires a person to be progressive.

Thirdly, the form Persona has the dependencies of Ego and requires a person to seek acceptance.

Lastly, the ascendant form of Selfless has the dependencies of Virtuous Rules and requires a person to seek Constructivity.

Interpretations of these elaborations:

The first form Authenticity of values and needing genuineness. Means that to be Authentic you require values that like a child inside begs of you to express. Small nagging things like did you forget your wallet to “Oh! you need to go on that ride”. This is the inner child that speaks and as you develop more as a human being the development becomes a consciousness that invokes ideas of donating to the poor or helping human small causes like finding safety for that homeless child wandering the streets. 

The second form Transformation of codes and needing progress. Means that to be a form of transformation you require codes that changes your perspective in life and forces you to grow and become more than what you currently are. Progress is idea that is imprinted in the mind of a transformation being. Always wanting to become more. Ideas that bring you to become more human and stronger as a person such as the development of consciousness and helping others and following causal nagging of the spiritual self.

The third form Persona of ego and needing Acceptance. Means that to be a form of Persona you are required to feed your ego which establishes your identity and helps you explore you personal self. Persona is said to come with the shadow of personal cravings and the double face of vices but it is still a necessary component to exploring who you are. Acceptance of who you are and what you like to do is part of the living experiment of life. The truths you find throughout your life and the ultimate one being the realization of who you are at the end of your life is a necessary component to your acceptance. Acceptance from your peers is also a necessary component to finding out if you are progressing or not and critical feedback from them is also necessary to finding out if your on the right track.

Finally the form of Selfless unconditional love of virtuous rules and Constructivity. Means that to be a form of Selflessness you are required to integrate virtuous rules which establishes what you want to see in life and who you truly are. Selflessness is the idea that you become unattached but aware conscious of all the things around you, committing to time, patience and mindfulness of your situation in life and all that comes to you. Never completely indulging to an extreme but always being mindful through moderation and balance of how much you should indulge. The Selfless form is always looking to be constructive in the world and seek to build bridges and construct structure and integrating positive loving vibes to a person, place or thing. In life he is the teacher, engineer and architect to a certain degree. He has learned of all these worlds and wishes to implement them in all that he does.

In conclusion:

There are varieties of self and different degrees of them but there are only 4 forms that are possible. The fourth is the combination of all three. The most balanced and least understood/pursued state of them all. It is ideal to press towards the 4th form in order for ascendant values towards a constructive life to begin. I am aware of the varieties of spirits out there namely tricksters and animal totems. These things are trivial and lead to matter of expression rather than the ultimate cause which is to a higher purpose and reason for life. The answer “Is that how it is” is the answer to expression and human incompetence and emotional attachment. The light is the answer in the end. The light exist as the binary of ascended values and the 4th column will always contain the ultimate, the beginnings of human and identity progression to collective human kind and the self.

The All Knowledge as Light Manifest (Star, Sphere and Prototype)


Greetings to those who have made it thus far,

You’ve landed in the right place. If you seek to in-better yourself and for truths unseen by the world. This is the place of all knowledge precious to the Human Existence. If you have made it here, that means that you too share our dreams. So i will share with you what i know about this life. Life is to experience, to know and to feel what it is to be alive today. To Act in the “Now” presence and do what you can to help the world grow more conscious and develop into a whole new animal. We believe in the Causal motions of the Spirit of the being. That our consciousness can be projected in a way where we can act out of charity and humanitarian deeds out of habit/want/need to. To relay on our scope of life what it means to be human. I leave you with this gift to humanity. The archive of an Esoteric Adept. (No there is no cult, just loving people looking for truth and seek to help others).

The use of Matter, Consciousness and Energy will be used alot. All things in this universe is composed of Matter, Consciousness and Energy. The counterpart to this paradigm is Breaking, Submission and Kurasagi which is a component part that should be in the mind. There will be more components to add to your machine. In the end we want to create a system ultimately. The paradigms will be mostly off of these 7 models repeatedly. The theme is love, hope and faith/redemption. Which ever you are more able to relate to atheism or religious. There will be a path for all to relate to.

Here is a Key model for overseeing the following systems:

Models of Overlooking Systems

Light Walker’s Guide:

This guide is a Theoretical Religion based on these nine religions; Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Semitic, Greek, Chinese, Norse and (Theoretical) Humanism. It is my first full fledged Ascended Chart and it was used to peek into the Veil of Dimensional Altering Domain. It illustrates that not only are we part of the grand plan subconsciously we portray different aspects and properties of God Within as a collective.

The Three Categories Stars, Spheres and Prototype. These make up a Complete world perspective of all things in life inside and out. The Intensity, spectrum, scale, depth and range of all things in the life of Earth all mapped to a certain degree being involved in this paradigm program. Those that are not listed are there also, you just have to use your imagination and make a branch into this world because making a pool of 9 religions is already quite exhausting. I don’t even know what a grid with more than 9 religions will make. There will probably be big ugly gaps.


STARS OF LIGHT: These are Paradigms of the Star The Star of Promises, Star of Emanation and Star of Kabbbalah. These Paradigms correspond to the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm. The idea is that despite great qualities  and aspects of your life. There is hidden meaning and revelation in the all of this. That life has depth and the protruding Ascended Binary Reveals to us that no matter how mundane or extraordinary your activity may be there is reason, purpose and empowerment to what you do. There is Truth, God  and Universe to your being here on Earth. The Reshaping of History, Life and The Future is already turning and rolling. You just need to open your eyes and grasp it!

Entropy of Star: Star of Promises

Star of promises

Star of Promises

Order of Star: Star of Emanation

Star of Emanation

Holy Star of Christ

Identity of Star: Star of Kabbalah

Star of Kabbalah

Of All Knowledge Post

SPHERES OF LIGHT: These are Paradigms of Spheres namely the shape and reference to hemispheres. These Paradigms correspond to the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm. The study of their ascensions through the Karmic, Realm and Monad Worlds is essential to this study. Each Paradigm Study tells of how it is born, matures, forms and establishes itself. (I also apologize for not being consistent with which way it should be read. I’m use to making the graph top to bottom but sometimes you will find one that’s flipped bottom to top through experimentation).

Entropy of Karmic Spheres

Aspect of being Chart 1 Esoterics

Order of Realm Spheres

Ladder of Human God

Identity of Monad Spheres

Aspect of being Chart 2 Esoterics

Esoteric Ascendant Binary Concepts

Hypothetical God Formula POST

THE LIGHT PROTOTYPES: These are Paradigm Prototypes of Light I have Created. They are Perfect in their own way telling a story that needs to be said. About the struggles and mundane life but that in the end of it all there is a reason for it all, a light. These Realizations make sparks leading to stars. Multiple sparks make a permanence there once their Protruding Binary has been established. These Paradigms correspond to the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm.







Elaborated Forms POST

Chakra Revisit – Charts <Source

I had a dream about The Buddha. I started resonating at a strange frequency and also saw what it felt like with negative thoughts at the frequency. The resonating felt like a ringing and it rippled through time. I concentrated on what I learned and meditated on being at peace and what Nirvana meant when I was in this state. I was able to have an out of body experience and wanted to see what I looked like asleep. So I floated up in this dream state and looked at my face. To my surprise I had a 3rd eye, the color of the eye was a blue and it was wide open. It was so real, being rational and scientific about my approach I tried pinching the eye as gently as I could and it reacted as you would think. Unflinching but the skin moved as it would as I pinched the top of the eye and bottom of it. It was a real eye soft and strange because it was in the middle of my forehead.

For this section I made charts about Chakra and it’s sources the Glands of the human body. I used this website as my source and i found these cool affirmations that I personally wanted to write up myself but they were done so i didn’t need to. Thanks to these guys at the link above. Chakra is the study of ancient Hindu body, mind and spirit as they are connected through this vessel we call our vessel of experience. It is only possible that your universe exist through this thing we call a body. We are many collective sources of expression and experience with the spark of God in us. We as a collective make up the human experience that is God.

light spectrum

The Chakra Red Muladhara:


The Chakra Orange Svadhisthana:


The Chakra Yellow Manipura:


The Chakra Green Anahata:


The Chakra Blue Visuddha:


The Chakra Indigo Ajna:


The Chakra Violet Sahasrana:


Affirmations: These are just healing words for a certain targeted gland or chakra source. These help in the pursuit to heal, strengthen and master our chakras.Affirmations

I also went into a post about Chakra a long while back how Music, Life, Flower and Chakra were interrelated. The post is below.


Rei-Ki Principles

Study of martial arts

Qi Energy

This is the art of Rei-Ki. And i’m a quick study, but there’s some interesting concepts that i would like to inherit into my systems.

Rei-Ki Symbols

Living Fields Spectrums and Steps to Rationalism.

The basis

The purpose of the three colors is to practice the separating of spectrum. So we can differentiate the different components and variables to any system. The mechanical parts is made of the body, mind and spirit. These are the machines of life; The physical, mental and spiritual. The collective system is religion, ideology and humanism. I have not explained the fourth column yet and that is of “Ascended” values. These values protrude the diagram in a dimension we are not familiar with because it is in a different plane. Body, mind and spirit are on a linear plane whereas light protrudes the diagram going upwards combining all three body, mind and spirit. The ascended 4th value is where we want to be looking to; Light is the mechanical part, Deva the machine and the collective system of ideas is an ideology, but not just any virtue: “Divine Benevolent Virtues” the cleanest rational way of categorizing behavior, nature and ideologies.

Rational,Manifest and Spectrum

What is important in my work is that in “Practice” through “Process” can bring thought which leads to ideas “Accessed” to become “Nature” and “Accumulate” to “Manifest” through the steps to Manifestation.

Notes on Steps to Manifestation

Steps of Enlightenment

Steps of process to rationalism:

First you would define the goal. Second, go for it. Third, Evaluate the results. Fourth, Identify the problem. Fifth, Identify cause. Sixth, Identify possible solution. Seventh, test the solution.


Spectrum Grid 2Spectrum Grid FOR BLOG

Spectrum of Singularity

This is the showcase and paradigm of the colored spectrum labeled to show you the intensity and level of life, dream, self and light.

For indepth analysis read post: Life, Dream, Self and Light Spectrum Post



In the study of levels of living fields under Spiritual Aspects, the action Consciousness, it’s behavior is Soul Manifestating through the field of Benevolent Field. The action Creative Leaps, has a behavior of Spirtual Expression through the field of Benevolent Field.

In the study of levels of living fields under Mental Aspects, the action Sphere of Influence, it’s behavior is Mental Compounding through the field of Morphic Resonance Field. The action Organizing Principles, has a behavior of Wired Manipulation through the field of Spectrum Accessing Field.

In the study of levels of living fields under Physical Aspects, the action Nature/Habits, it’s behavior is Physical Nature through the field of Activity Field. The action Natural Selection, has a behavior of Crude State through the field of State Field.

Fields Post

Why Heaven Won’t Slam Your Face Based on What Type of Christian You Are

lightworker-activation-love-and-light1Human Natural law says that:

“Natural law is a philosophy that certain rights or values are inherent by virtue of human nature, and universally cognizable through human reason. Historically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze both social and personal human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior.”

In this article we’ll discuss why it makes absolutely no sense to shut out a person from heaven based on what type of christian they are or who they are for that matter. The idea of  if they’ve accepted gift of Christ the atonement, what is most important in a communion with God and what it means to be Christian for these modern times. I will also touch a little bit on the problem society has with the acceptance of homosexuals, disadvantaged people, bisexuals, transsexuals and elderly. We’re going through the science of deductive reasoning to determine what it means to be benevolent and true – by understanding the truth of the situation.

It isn’t about how much manlier as a man and more womanly you are as a woman that gets you through life and others around you but whether your vessel is good for experiences in life. Whether you practiced compassion, loving, thoughtfulness and caring. That you believed that through compassion and consciousness of your surroundings really helped you. That you understood that you can manifest life into your world by existing and being who you are a person who is committed to the spirit of unconditional love, encompassing compassion and living conscience. Or to oversimplify, the holy ghost. It is about accepting the gift that Christ died so that we can be forgiven by god for our sins. Once we are forgiven we are in grace and are then redeemed – all this work is done in the physical world already it just needs to be accepted and taken to move into the mental state. And once we accepted and live as that body of Christ then we manifest it in our activities, service and basic life.

A man in this world can be stuck in a woman’s body and a woman can be stuck in a man’s. This is natural that the world is in a spectrum of genders rather then just a saturated definite and dominating force of yin and yang. Although i must admit those who are dominate in either forces are usually more powerful or physically attractive in life that is not the point. The point is co-existence and to me living together in peace, prosperity and understanding is the most important part of living happy. We also need to set aside the things that make us prideful and any attachments to this world should be set aside so that we can find the light in being humble.

The first problem is physical sin; We must admit that we are living in a physical world of sin. And we must be punished for what we have done wrong, acknowledging that we are not perfect and by asking your loving father that you were at fault, that you didn’t mean to do the things you did and asking for forgiveness will lead you to the path to redemption. This is a step by step process. But wait, you need to accept that he came down here in the flesh physically manifested in order for him to allow you to atone or forgive you even. Everything that happens in the physical world is crude, violent and dangerous. Even god in his physical form as Christ was not able to carry the weight of the world physically. Though as this Divine Luxor-Deva being died – his stars aligned to express his craft of life. And that just means that circumstances and conditions went to his favor and history came together to express a story that is comprehensible to the human thought about his journey, life and death.. and it’s symbolic meaning.

The communion with god is also really important. It is an expression of gratitude, love and in memory of what he did for us. He wants us to love him back for he loved us truly and fully by dying for us. The trinity of body, blood and spirit is a enigma that is still not understood today; When we practice the eating of his bread, wine and allowing his holy spirit into our lives. We are “practicing” the expression of living through god which is a physical trait of the physical world. The Sacrament as they call it, is a practice of the physical world and in practicing it we in memory of the mental mind believe it, allowing it to form in the mental sense. And once in the mental sense it will now establish itself in the spiritual world which is manifestation in being the body of Christ. We see this manifestation by looking at our christian body and seeing how vast and big it is today. This is the evidence for manifestation. Think about it, If some guy died in the past and he got crucified but did not have God’s purpose, soul or design in him. Why wouldn’t he have just been some guy who got crucified back in the day because of bad behavior? He had a story and a strong purpose and a system and design for a future world built on his sacrifice of the body. He died so that we may live. He gave us the gift of prosperity as a christian nation. People may just look at America and say that oh it’s because we have wealth, and that we just got lucky. That oh we took it from poor countries that couldn’t dig up the diamonds, oil and water themselves. It’s not just wealth. We live together, breathe together and sing together. Caring for one another and helping each other out. It’s a number of things that came together that brought about our overall prosperity and life style.

What does it even mean to be Christian now a-days? To be a nice guy? I believe there’s a quote “do not believe that I come to bring peace, but a sword.” Christ said this and it just means that he’s a source of great power to carve a path into life. God is wild at heart. He’s strong and established, but if you didn’t realize his soul is not some bearded man on a throne. He is also she. He’s both but he is established as a man because he is the father. The world of the deity is a complicated matter in the spirit world. There is no attributing his success to his female counter part mother earth. Who happens to be the woman in the shadow that makes this all possible. Your goal as a Christian is not to be just some nice guy. It’s to be a vessel of great experiences so that your experiences can be gods. Now i can relate more to a masculine rebel, mercenary, rogue attitude then a feminine goody, perfect, unchangeable and immortal being. This is who i am by nature and god even though he is a mixture of both or simultaneously both at the same time we have to move on the a new picture “evolving” to be and emulate god. Which i know is impossible, but God never changes. We change because we need to become just like him but the physical medium of life is harsh and we’ll die of age before we get there. Even so this is the pattern and way we are suppose to go in. Oscillating through time with this pattern imprinted in us. A Christian should work to change worlds for the better and individually work towards the collective good cause of humanity. The practice of the poem below will establish a spectrum and grounds for what we should focus on so to bring these good things to surface. But the topic of faith and relationship is important to what it means to be Christian. You should treat each other with respect love understanding and do it with grace. It is important that there is consent and responsibility in the relationship.

In conclusion just because you are a different color, have a bad knee, no leg, missing eye- just because you are different does not mean you are not worthy of god’s love and heaven. As long as you’ve accepted the gift of Christ’s atonement, know what is most important in a communion with God which is that he loves us and needs us to love him and know what it means to be Christian for these modern times then we’re on the road to salvation. I think this is all that we need to gain god’s grace and key to heaven. All we need is love; (a huge general field that actually fractals to small things). All we need is unconditional love, service and honor (book of life.) our keys to becoming saved. Hope, Faith and Redemption is the tools we use as humans to grow.


practice (keys): unconditional love, service and honor. life

believe (tools): hope, faith and redemption. dream.

manifest:(solutions): awareness, understanding and benevolence. light.


Practice with these keys; They are unconditional love, service and honor. They will lead you in life.

Believe in these tools; They are hope, faith and redemption. They will make your dreams come true.

Manifest these solutions; They are awareness, understanding and benevolence. They will bring you to the light.

What do you love? The universal question to life.


What is the meaning to life. Is it really to fulfill your role? is it not to live to your fullest potential? To shine the brightest out of all your alternative realities? To bloom and realize your truest, happiest and ultimate form?

Is life really to have existed; to have been, will be.. and is? To just experience life and see all the bad and good in it and to improve and see it improved mindlessly through a natural process of filtering/distillation what works and what does not? It doesn’t matter who you love who you hate. Who you struggle with or what you do. It’s the trail of mystery, questions and solutions you come up with that makes the universe interesting and invaluable.  There is no greatest answer in the world. There is only the greatest question, what do you love? Attraction brings the greatest pleasures in life. The duality of opposites coming together to create new life.

Some people love art, others love cars, some love people, there is love in animals, books, mathematics.. The question that is raised that brings profit, interest, happiness is the question what is it you love? The world is abundant of things lovable and interesting. My love is in secrets, my love is a secret. It’s riddles, enigmas and  your deepest darkest thoughts. In my life i want to see my greatest potential, i also want to see my deepest secrets and to find love in life. Whatever that love may be-  be it thing, place or person. I need to find out what it is.

I guess if I am to embody this theory that is dream, life, light and self made heroes. I am actually trying to embody the spirit of love in general. And love has two faces, ugly and good. I guess i’m aiming for the middle of it because this has been the trend that has been leading me to believe is best. I don’t need to help you define what this love looks like in life because we can see it openly in the world already. Finding out the meaning of love is a double edged sword, it can end miserably, you can find happiness or be somewhere inbetween the sharpest tipped point. I just hope i find what i love first before i end up old, hardened, wrinkly and unlovable. Oh and i suppose i should mention love hurts, so be prepared to be terribly disappointed or delighted, both or neither to various degrees at the same time.

Reply to “Take me to church” – Traditional ideas for Church becomes Modern and Secular.


I was just reading some blogs today and came across an interesting one about Church, Christianity, undesirables and being lead to new ideas about the church. I got so involved with my reply that it came out to be as long as a post. So i’ll leave this here:

Ghandi liked the christian ideas of redemption and to spread undiscriminating love among each other. What he did not like was how the christian community treated him when he went to church with them. If we understand what the true body of Christ is and to be part of him that we forgive and understand we are sinners so we can redeem ourselves when we realize it. In this manner we can continue to improve ourselves progressively.

Though this is true, there are those who may be behind from the benefits of the church. People gimped and impaired from seeing the light of Christ but still want to. People outside the church who long to praise Christ and learn of him and this is where the conflict starts. The question is who do we turn away at all? Are we the bunch who turn away the shades of grey? disfigurement, disabled, colors and age? if we do not why do people encourage that we turn away the tints in color? the mentally disabled, physically disabled and deformed? Why do we turn away the hues? Gays, bisexual and transsexual?

If we want to spread the love and word of Christ. Why do we act like we’re separating from society when we are trying to integrate into it? Truthfully we are doing both. Separating and Integrating at the same time. Separating from nonbelievers that repel anything that has to do with religion and integrating into the system that is our society. Christ is a message of understanding, compassion and love. When God’s message is more unity, comprehension and spirit which is something less understood but along the same lines. God goes to the heart of things but Christ is the heart. Christ is the way.

There needs to be big changes in the church structure and views in order for the traditional idea of church to evolve in order to integrate into new society and secular laws of man.


The church may be in trouble with these ideas if they are working backwards and unchanging. As i said conservative traditional church and liberal evolving sciences need to work to find a balance. These are the two branches of ideas and power houses that drive our society today and they need to find a nice equilibrium. A medium that says balance between both of these ideas. Both speak out we are a community, we build things and nurture society with different strengths to various degrees. There are other trees of ideas out there like business, industry, art, health and technology. Those will grow in time but not as exponentially as Religion and Science.  I guess Humanism/secularism would be the most latter medium of both worlds. So let us focus on this topic Humanism/secularism ideas as the base above all else before we get into higher purpose of god’s religion and fancy cars and luxurious gimmicks of science.

Let us create a system and exercise this by making a protocol. Humanism/Secularism of human needs as the base of all as highest priority. Science in improving the world and human life as the second priority. Religion in improving purpose and direction in life as third in priority. These are the human protocol priorities and functional identities.

The reason we do this is to map out what the extremes are on a single linear map and to figure out what comes next. We need to identify what Christ stands for and what he absolutely despises. His concepts maybe revised a little, maybe what he truly in the heart wants but cannot express and immediately manifest. (Maybe someone more qualified may fill this part out then I?). We all know what Religion should stand for and what we ideally want is complete acceptance of all race, color and creed. We all want everyone to get along and challenge one another to change for the better. We need a congregation of members who just get things done so that they can have another successful week of so called “church”. I mean stuff like bringing the bread and water makes no sense now adays, they call it a sacrement but it serves no function today when everyone in the city is usually full and ready to go. Lets bring snack crackers, healthy salads and a keg of water. Maybe some vitamin and supplements. Milk, bread and honey. Favorite books to share and talk about. There are more life lessons learned in real life from some of the greatest investors, entrepreneurs and real estate owners. Lets secretly call them book clubs to make it sound less religious and learn about life and the world around us.

We need science and their laws and principals: starting with

The mind; physical: (functional brain) neurology, mental: (illness and disorder) psychology, spiritual: (cause and purpose.) philosophical.

The body; physical: understands organs and functional.(surgeon), mental: understands disease and illness. (family doctor), spiritual: understands necessities and malnutrition (nutritionist)

The spirit; physical: understands emotional and physical experience. (yoga, fitness instructors), mental: understands decay of motivation (Motivational speakers and positive inspirations.) spiritual: understands the steps to reproduce functional life (Life guidance guide and balance reinforcement)

I guess from my findings we still have yet to develop what i think is a new category in this new age. The guidance guide and balance reinforcement. There are no occupations with the spirit of purpose and guidance in this world as of yet. Maybe we’ll find it here soon enough. I guess i’m just here to map out we’re missing.

Tai Lopez Notes for Chp: 15 “About life”: Quantification and Calculating life.

Remove all doubt in the world. If you get rid of everything even with the smallest percentage of doubt what are you left with? politics you can doubt but math you cannot!

Top rich people are: Investors, real estate.

Retain a mindset to quantify.

You don’t necessarily have to be a linear reductionist.

Enter life into the calculator. Overcome, make peace with math and statistics.

Figure out: Margin of error, rate of going insane, projected income, percent of failure.

Quantify real life with satisfaction, odds of success, regret and fun.

Don’t abdicate about living wise.

Don’t fixate about living wise.

Find a balance of both and work with the medium of those two. Instead of being hard on your self fixating or writing it off abdicating find a way to get the “lets make it better” mentality.

You can have anything but not everything.

Give up the reason for being a certain way for something good. Do not be a victim to the tyranny of your history.

Many things you are wrong about in life but 1+1 will always equal to two.

Use a calculator for/of life.

When asked how or what i should pursue ask and think like an investor: “let me quantify my success chances, margin of error, projected income – the value of my projected value is..”

Your body is your temple:

Generate your calories intake with this link:

Calories: 1750-2450 calories per day

Carbs: 100-159 grams per day

Salt: 3.75-6 grams 3/4 teaspoon to a table spoon.

seasalt=good, table salt=bad.

Sugar: 0 grams if possible

Fat: 20-30% of total calorie intake divided by 9 grams = the amount of fat you you should eat.

transfat=bad , saturated fat= not so bad, mono sat/poly sat = good, omega 3 fatty acid = very good.

Water: 2 litres a day

Think math quantifying a real life math equation:

I could go with this architecture job instructing drafting or i could stay with my current teaching job which i tutor 2 days a week making 350-500 bucks but is inconsistent 50% of time making 150-250 value. The new job if pays 30 dollars an hour for maybe 5 hours a day i would make 750 bucks a week if working 5 days x success rate of 80% x chance of getting better job 200% due to experience x happiness +30%. $780 – $1560 depending on chance  of getting a better job, projected week income value is much better than current job thus i should go for this opportunity of getting my hands on this job asap. Happiness would increase immensely.