Trust in Humanity; And Restoring Faith in Man

So after contemplating on this situation, and painting Hillary many colors with my own truths. I realize that maybe I haven’t got the full picture, I decided that in assuming Hillary and the NWO were bad news. I am guilty of wrongful assumptions based on my trivial morality and truths in this case. To acquire power is to corrupt, to obtain absolute power is absolute corruption. This is basically politics. But through my progression through life – I’ve come to understand that life is more about harmonizing the balance between good and bad in the world. To negate and sway the storm in a means. Picturing Saturn “swaying” and controlling with it’s enormous gravity all the asteroids and space debris from destroying our solar system. It was never about eliminating “evil” this made up word. We’re dealing with human beings here.


In history, there have been many endless and mindless casualties due to factions and division wars. Mainly because of the men with their individual interests at heart, through what ever individual truths and their own contributing evils and goods. What I am saying is, what if the The Clinton’s were simply cutting their losses in a fight of a “Lesser Evil” path but in an attempt for the “Grand Good” of the world? I think, the so called murders of the Four American heroes were to negate the evidence that would come to light for a world “not ready” or deemed “worthy” of such knowledge. We forget that we’re all just humans in the end, maybe I have got the whole story wrong – that instead of having a partial faith and getting a Trump, having a delusional faith and getting a Johnson, we haven’t tried giving complete faith in humanity through Clinton.. Who is obviously the most capable, politically correct in her speeches despite her political scandals and lack of common virtue. Who already has the facility of organizations under her control and a complete list of media dedicated to her disposal.

The “H1B” credit system was the first clue that brought to my attention that America was on to something good. That lead me to believe that they asked the question “Maybe we don’t need the system of money?”. I am completely for this ideology. This could simply be a bridge to a world without the implications of money. The USA economy was actually in great crisis a while ago that was equivalent to the great depression- and still was with the abysmal debt situation that still continues to plummet but despite this they were a able to continue flourishing. How is this possible? This Visa program was the genius of a few international students that allowed the economy to survive barrages of abuse without consequence. They had solved the philosophical theory of “Whatever comes up, must come down”, in economics – when businesses stocks go up in a great spike – it is naturally going to go back down but now this credit system allowed for “Safe Landings” despite how high you go, so you can crash and this system will break your fall for you.

Freedom in my definition is:

To be given opportunity, confidence along with a foundation to build something and express yourself in the co-creation of the world but considering other humans desires, motives and purpose. Learning to accept another’s ideas, trying not to impose your own idea so they do not conflict with another’s ideas – shifting around ideas that work, shedding those that do not and progressing in building bridges to higher knowledge, understanding and worlds. Accepting another’s flaws, at the same time acknowledging them, informing them but never imposing on them your ideas.. Allowing the other person to come to their own understanding of truth possibly through knowledge, guidance, hinting, tipping and hand in help to understand. Never imposingly and never narrating a need for that gift, you never force a person to take a gift. They need to find a need for it. This is freedom. Giving people a chance the choice to do the right thing.

In addition with this quote: “Give and expect nothing in return is the only true gift. Let the essence of love gently take place, it will come back in a whisper to kiss your soul”. -Elizabeth Alvarez


Give nothing,

Expect nothing.

Let love take it’s place.

This is what I define as freedom. Letting life fall into place, fully trusting that it’s in good hands and allowing the greater good of man to flourish and set roots, in complete trust that they will do the right thing and have the true human interests at heart. This is another matter of “Faith”. A very Christian value – one that has had very double meaning in my life and that I have contemplated for a long time. I’m putting my cards down. Going all in on this gamble to believe that human beings are very capable, strong, full of potential, crafty, kind and most importantly creatures of redemption. That they hold in mind and heart, portraying these virtues in everything they do. That they embody the ideals of hope, faith and humility in motive (spirit/nature/intentions). That they truly have human interests at heart, that they are mysterious creatures and that they will do the right thing in the end given the opportunity.

-Vote Hillary-

Hope, Faith and Humility.


Trump or Hillary; Let Truth Decide

You’re going to hate both of them.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; They’re both terrible candidates. Donald fear mongers and speaks to the heart of the lowest domination of the American public; says some stupid things, comes up with really silly political solutions that will obviously make bigger problems down the road (such as closing the country off with a wall to Muslims, Mexicans and deporting illegal immigrants based on national security)  and appealing to the common uneducated folks. He’s a genius when it comes to economics and building a business; there is no argument that he can sell his product as a business man. But he is oblivious when it comes to matters of true human interests, simple wisdom of compassion and being plainly politically correct by learned virtue. Is this what America needs? Though no matter how savage, politically incorrect, narcissistic and material minded he is; this man unarguably speaks plain truth from his personal opinion based heart no matter how crude and unrefined his words are. His agenda is obviously not influenced by any hidden outer higher powers that screams corporate and banking puppet (cutting any ties of hidden motivations and incentives because the work will be based out of his own pockets) and he’s doing what he can humanly possible, this man’s agenda is genuine and transparent. I can’t say the same about the other party. This is key.

Where as the two faced Clinton; We have no clue what her real agenda is. Her motivation, plans and affiliations are all concealed from the public. The question we must ask is how can we trust the higher authority if the higher authority have no trust in the public? From manipulation of google’s quick search functions, trend statistics (link here), shenanigans with the voting polls taking out the “neither” option out in favor of Clinton (link here),  Voters Fraud here (link here),  Twitter, CNN (also known as Clinton Media) to the reveal of DNC’s biases and clear undermine of democracy in their involvement to cut Berne Sanders out of the picture based on recent Wikileaks (link here). The assassination of four Americans within the month who had ties to the release of information on The Clintons that would clearly charge her as a criminal (You can look these assassination accounts up for yourself in the police archives and connect the puzzle for your own truth, RIP to those American Heroes), oh did I forget the cute assassination attempt on Assange? (link here).


People need to ask what does she have to hide in her questionable 30, 000 emails that it would cost people their lives? Who’s next on their list if you ask the wrong questions? If this is how they deal with people who know too much, who’s next? – aren’t we all in danger if this sort of entity becomes president? No matter what the reason; Agenda, The Safety of National Interests and it’s legacy, Future World’s Fate or possibly just the vanity of continuing to keep the luxurious American Dream alive.. She is not transparent and she is so lost in the propaganda of her messages that she no longer knows the difference between the lies she’s told, reality and the truth.

The New World Order is on high alert, hitting every emergency button they have to pull as many strings under their control, to make Hillary the next president. You can see that this narration is very important to them. The question really is why? As corrupt as Hillary is, as devastated as this sinking Democracy is, as ridiculed as this slave drive of Capitalism seems to be.. Why do they keep pushing for this agenda of making her president? the idea that people know nothing of their activities will eventually be their demise? That after all the lies you told the people, you yourself Hillary Clinton can no longer tell the difference because it’s no longer about the truth. Fearing what the American people will know once you reveal your true intentions, motivations, actions and what you truly are. Monsters of manipulation, criminals who never get caught, jail keepers that police ideas not crime, animals who never second guess themselves. That their propaganda and feeble attempts to veil their propaganda machine (American lives) in a narrative of the Clintons and The New World Order. Are you a puppet?

At the end of the day. You can’t just vote in for the same system that is obviously already broken. I’d personally vote for a reform- since there is dirt on everything. From the Government’s intelligence program at the top, The CIA and it’s mind control projects in the 1960’s MKUltra (link here) (unfortunately, in this case Wikipedia was the best non-tampered source for this sort of information without social media noticing and such implications) makes them highly questionable and speaks volumes about what they want. Jails, Banks, Corporations, DNC namely – from the bottom right to the top. But then again, the USA is the only power in the world that can fight off a Chinese offense. Especially these questionable Chinese actions in South China Sea disputes with the Spratly Islands. Though, as bad as we make out the Chinese government with it’s Utopian Communist Ideals to be, are we so different if we follow a system that propagates information in the same way censorship works? To have a delusional democracy that allows us the freedom to vote but having to vote become a trivial staged “WWF” showdown only to ultimately settle for whatever the “Super Corporate Entity” narrates? I digress, to put the world in such a vulnerable state of entropy in it’s infant developmental restructuring stages would be a dangerous position to be in. Especially as a world class Super Power.

I would never vote for Hillary unless she was to come clean completely transparent about what she stands for, what she knows, what she wants, the complete honest truth, information on who’s pulling the strings, where she’s coming from and despite all the shenanigans whether it’s a rogue effort to save their country or what not. I could easily put all that past me if she just spoke the plain truth rather than her usual dodgy, flip flopping, (accepting the spotlight and rewards rather than being accountable for your actions when it’s convenient mentality), two faced, living up to the man pants show of repression, mass manipulating, secret double life and associations through secret emails with people who are implicated with ISIS, carrying hypocritical agendas that speak multitudes about her interest in making money from war. Actually I don’t know if there’s an actual way to redeem a person so deep in the sea of the world’s manure. But it would be a feat equivalent to coming back from the dead. If she came clean, I could literally say she pulled a “Jesus”. If you believed in that sort of thing. But right now she is the worst sort of scum and completely dead to me.

How I see it, your best bet is Donald. Sorry America, I’d hate to be in your shoes right now. You’re literally living out the quote “The lesser of the two evils”.


If you want to see into the world of Hilary Clinton. Here’s an even more darker peek into what’s actually going on with The Clintons that summarize everything we’ve just learned about her just now.. that she is one evil crooked two-faced monster. Words from an outraged Haitian man that speaks volumes of the Clinton’s World Affairs and intentions. If you want to know more about the “mysterious” body counts throughout history of people who have crossed the Clintons. There’s plenty of Youtube videos out there that tell the dead’s whispers of what happens to anyone who goes in between The Clintons and their goals. I’ll tell you she has a lot of skeletons in this women’s closet and this should trigger several alarms that this woman – in the seat of president will complete the  downfall of America. Personally, I will lose all further respect for the country and cut any affiliations to that country if she were to make office. Good day.

Hope, Curiosity and Prosperity.




Hidden Origins Binge for The Truth


I just recently delve into this world of Michael Tellinger under a Gaia subscription for a series called  “Hidden Origins”. I binged 11 episodes over night and realized that the project of Heaven on Earth has been established on Earth for quite a while now. The properties of sound is scientifically the most beautiful and most useful. And it’s all hidden right underneath our noses throughout history. Frequencies of objects and structures radiating energies, energy grids on earth and holding untold information in quarts and silicon based objects that ring just on the basis of air touching it through life and simply existing. The baffling idea that a Quartz based rock in the shape of a torus can shut down info security systems on an aircraft consistently radiating energies, creating magnetic fields and frequencies in ways we do not yet understand. Causing random havoc like blocking GPS and satellite signals.

That pyramids are doing the same sort of thing of that nature, ringing at a certain frequency and generating energy and projecting it skyward to most likely contribute or sustain the higher frequency worlds above. That ancient structures and building sites began to function as if planned like circuit boards, made of simply stacked and assembled rocks that contained quartz so that the energy worked like a conduit channeling frequencies and vibration of sound to become energy to act as catalysts of ionizing oxygen in one case. And to channel in energies towards these giant ancient structures such as the Bosnian Pyramids, Egyptian Pyramids, Mayan Pyramids and these ancient Pyramids by the Adam’s Calendar in South Africa.

The geometry of coned structures and the mystery of why they manifest and sprung up as Church sharp steeples is very interesting. Churches are sites of function, emotional or spiritual healing/activity/growth and a means to direct energy with purpose. The research Michael Tellinger did in making the connection that finally clued us in on the reasons why these cone structures were so important to the ancient worlds was quite revolutionary to me. These powerful deities and beings who had lived among us in the ancient past had harnessed the ability to control sound at a incomprehensible level where they were able to levitate giant objects through resonance and frequencies based on their technology and knowledge of how the technology worked.

As Michael Tellinger spoke of these Annunaki who were well known to the Ancient Sumerians and Egyptians explaining all the overlooked tools and sharp scientific observations of the sediment build ups, errosion due to nature and the measure of bio-organic micro organisms that have grown on certain structures.. we find that we are delving into worlds that are actually 25, 000 years old based on the Adam’s Calendar in South Africa.. we also come to a realization that we’ve been duped by a human fabrication of history and that our reality and past are withheld from us by the winners of war in this world. For the winners of war get to choose what they want us to believe and see.

I love these new technologies that are coming out about Saserbeams ( lasers based on sound waves), all these demystified misconceptions of laws imposed on us by modern science like.. That humans evolved from apes which is only partially true – it’s much deeper than that. That nothing can travel faster than light, except the emerging idea of hyper-sound waves. That energy cannot be made or destroyed, even though we can now start to convert energy from any form of surface heat, natural moving element and mass in nature. The ideas that Dragonflies don’t propel their wings to fly but vibrate and use frequency to soar through the air. That big masses of pure stone can be moved easily by resonance and frequency to place any desired object anywhere they want with the right technology.

The Pineal Gland revealed to having rods and cones just like the eye balls do but have some how lost the function to “see” what ever  wondrous ways the Pineal Gland is used to seeing. There are so many interesting things to say about this man’s scavenging and roll in the dirt with these artifacts and ancient tools that to any other man would have just overlooked as rocks, weights and primitive digging tools, his revelations are truly great. If you guys are looking for a show that really looks deeply into what the world really is and want some truth to your origins. This documentary of our true heritage and history of human origins is definitely breath taking. From learning about where the fixation of gold came from in the past, to why wars and slavery started – and accounts that say the English may have been the first to implement slavery, to understanding that there were other forms of transient beings that have higher functions and abilities  – that we may have inherited some of their traits, rules and ideas in us. To even the conspiracies that say that a rogue Annunaki has been genetically manipulating the genes of people and crossbreeding genes into people for specific traits and other heinous experiments on man we did not know about.

My favorite piece was when he made the Fibonacci connection with Adam’s Calendar and these Lost Pyramids in South Africa. God’s thumb print indeed; in the bible written by “beyond their time” Quantum Physicists engineering their ideas to inspire, grow, train and influence the minds of men subconsciously with the Fibonacci Sequence encoded into certain parts of the bible. Working with the Hebrew Gematria to convert words into numbers you can eventually see the Fibonacci Sequence which invoke frequencies within us – subconsciously acting as a catalyst and influencing our very DNA to progress. They essentially wrote a seemingly children’s book that taught their world according to their education level, important events in their history and drew a path for their future to progress in society. They implemented the bible as a tool for our human progression. Genius and fascinating.

Hope, Curiosity and Prosperity.


The Necessity and Fallacy of Faith


Faith can be two faced. Some define it as a safety blanket of knowing that God is watching your back when you are drowning in the world’s ocean of feces. Some require that confirmation and confidence that the seed they plant will grow and it’s fruit will be a viable tomorrow, that the investments they’ve made will be valid, functional and useful for futures to come. In business it’s a necessary tool to persuade a person on buying the product you are selling. You cannot sell the product if the consumer doesn’t believe in the product. What happens when the truth of the product comes into light? With this turn of events, the reality of you as the businessman; You become jobless and no one will buy your product. In reality you probably don’t need anything this businessman is selling but the businessman will engineer a way to create a need for the product and of course sway you for a buck. This is why “Faith” may be a necessary component to your life, business, politics and  organized religion. But it relies that you put your life on the line, essentially you are skating on thin ice. You can take Faith for whatever you want it to be, but it is important to know that it is not a necessary component to establish an existence and purpose of survival in life. It’s a nice luxury and a means to letting you sleep well at night. It’s nice to know that when you come back the next morning that it’ll still be there and you can continue to work on that sandcastle you built on the beach. But likely – that based on faith in this reality, the bike you left unchained on the side of the street will likely have been stolen. The sand castle you built on the side of the beach will have had been washed away by waves from the ocean. You have not procured your safety or acted to attain stability. Proactive precautionary measures is necessary – but you have created something for an impossible idealism. To emulate what it is to be in the likeness of god as a child of god – even to be god, reached out so far that your legs don’t touch the floor anymore and without something to fall back on to break your fall. You are about to fall from great heights and remember what it was to basically taste dirt, exactly where you came from.

“You will remember or aspire living an American dream in that three story mansion, a four vehicle garage, with three luxury vehicles, a white picket fence and a dog all on credit that Americans don’t own and one day realize roaming your streets trying to find your next meal possibly contemplating that maybe God abandoned you – or maybe you just put up expectations beyond what you were capable of with no responsible precautionary action thus, your reality”.

The dangers of disillusion is very real. Just as the current state of the USA, where the bankers are using a false credit system with the compounding enormous abysmal debt situation. This is the reality of the United States of America. If the big players in that society decide one day that they no longer believe and have “faith” in the country any more and withdraw for their own personal safety. The country “The United States of America” could fall in a matter of three hours which is exactly what happened during the great depression. In “God we Trust” is a motto the American people have followed and in truth. This is very appropriate – for without the faith of the country, government and democracy or in this case faith in god that the country is still great. It could collapse in a moments notice. The only reason why the country is still running is because people either have forgotten, have not noticed or in disillusion that the system is stable and will go on forever. It is a country with a mental condition of going to places where the body is soon no longer able to follow. (H1B or the creators of Visa is a great source into the problem of America and credit if you have the time).

Such is the case of “Heaven” for the Muslim. Without the seed of humanity with a future, there is no heaven in the end. You cannot have a tree without ever planting the seed. Do they really believe that they and their children get a “VIP” pass to heaven for accepting Muhammad’s words from Gabriel the Arch Angel through the Koran. That if they took the words to heart and practiced their praise to Allah that they are guaranteed a heaven greater than all the “infidels” and non-believers? That the idea of not only is establishing life on Earth trivial and pointless your going to go to hell for involving yourself in building a sustainable world for expression, freedom and happiness. That all the hard working people, who worked to reduce suffering in the world, involved themselves with the conflicts of the world, learned about the practices and knowledge of the world will go to the same heaven THIS humble desert scholar who knows everything and has faith that God gave him everything without having to do the trivial work of scholarly research, education and hardship? That is hardly fair nor is it rational.

I swear with all my heart. If I am placed in the same heaven as the martyrs of extremist Islam who randomly bombed innocents in the name of Allah (I am unsure what I’ll do but I’ll be very much displeased. I’d imagine I would boil in rage of frustration until I pass out). It’s quite convenient that a heaven is established for Muslims who just need to submit to their God admitting to the servant title as a obedient slave to their God. They don’t even need a substantial background check, histories of activities and lists of occupations. No resume or actual work necessary. The convenience of knowing everything because nothing can be disproved, “Faith” in this case is used in the most backwards regime possible. Then again what’s it all matter if everything I do; whether it’s to achieve a higher standard of living for people, making drinking water available, feed the poor and I’ll still go to hell right? Islam has that craft down. Convert or die. Master-race supremacy religion. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. No apologies ever of course, God’s means is necessary and righteous. “There’s no need to explain and apologize to the mass for the miracles of his works” – this excuse is an outrageous disregard for human life and only nullifies any necessary claim of accountability for further actions.

The idea that they have nothing to lose is another concern, with the sick idea of a child dying for the cause of faith martyrdom and praised as a noble cause for God’s kingdom to establish. With “Faith” as it’s vehicle it is unstoppable, we can’t ask people to not be swayed and not be ignorant. People will be people. The businessman always talks so politely, always so persuasive in selling his product. He will sell, insist that you need it and you will buy it. And then you will be asked to sign the contract where you will sell away your soul, so he can squeeze more out of you when it’s convenient. “Read the fine print” he says – “there’s a monthly charge of only fifty dollars and you can’t just leave Islam. You pay with all your social connections, your job, complete rejection from society and your credibility as person in life. That is the penalty cost of canceling this hidden subscription”.

Faith. My best metaphor is; If you ever decide your going to get in bed with the mistress, have precautionary measures ready. Birth control, condoms, personal and business monetary assets set aside just in case you’re swindled into a pregnancy, marriage and blackmail chain reaction. Because she’ll have the most terrifying STD worst case scenario, that will end you, your career and life in general. You’ll get a ride of course, an experience to remember. This is the product you have bought in buying faith but when the ride ends, you’ll have opened Pandora’s box and will be dealing with a bigger can of worms than you can ever imagine.




A Dream; Never forgotten

A dream about finding our lost friends,


There was a great fuss being made over someone they considered a friend. They called this world he got lost in a toilet bowl, a vortex torus was actually what they were referring to. Once something went “down the drain” they were said to never be seen again. In this world; the sun was called the shadow of the sky, meaning it was a artificial reality we created based on the world of light. That there was a world even beyond the seeing eye, and beyond the reality of the sun is a world of being and true existence. They may be speaking of a world at a higher frequency parallel world. We were able to sense each other, know each other personally, able to communicate instantaneously within our society, our hopes, dreams and concerns manifested and we created bridges with our minds. Worlds and universes would become at the suggestion of thought. Imagination, a well rounded heart, plain kindness and awareness of one another was all we needed to co-exist.

Why the Hijabi is a lie (Truth serum if you want it)

Injust, deceitful and untruthful lies are things I can’t help but have something to say about, be advised not to take it to heart what I bring up. I don’t mean to offend anyone, I really do mean well. I am very passionate about people and when people need a push I will be there to prompt them to speak up. I am all for the feminist movement and encouraging young people to not be shy and embarrassed about their body image. I’m a defender of the idea that your opinions are separate from who you are and does not make up who you are, as you grow you shed ideas inherit ideas and sometimes rarely embody some ideas mostly in your heart and mind. But definitely not through this trend the hijab, that is just a political statement of allegiance to a particular organized religion. This is just my view, I understand the issue is sensitive but sometimes you need a bit of truth serum to realize what this really is about.

I’m possibly sorry for this rant. I hate organized religion, I was a part of it for a long time. And the garbage spewed by their ministers, priests, bishops, the pope to console the majority in some silly narrative bugs me- a little. Then when I hear this garbage about how the hijabi represents virtue and modest dressing. That is just terrible. You cannot wear virtue, you inherit it through the heart and mind. God is also not offended by hair. If it was your chest or private parts, you are only doing it for the other humans you are living around. God was never offended by naked Adam and Eve. They wore twigs and leaves because they were ashamed of themselves for being naked. Are you ashamed of your hair perhaps? There is no quote in the Koran that requires one to wear a hijab. It’s a man made rule imposed by your male peers to control your cute little female heads.

I relate to modesty like a child learning to put on perfume or cologne on for the first time. You don’t bath in it with the mentality that you’ll smell even better with more on, this is excessive and this is what you are doing. You cover your chest and crotch because you don’t want to offend people with your source of sexual bodily fluids. Being worried that your neck or ankle will arouse a person is beyond silly in nature, a trivial and needless worry that misses the point. Modesty with anything more than just what you need is in the range of taking into consideration other people fetishes. You are not responsible for other people’s fetishes or to deal with their carnal urges. Basically, this is a matter of having your priorities and preferences in check.

I have no intention of changing your mind about the shame-rag. I will speak plainly on this. On matters of shame; I’ll feel shame here and there for many things that I feel uncomfortable about doing but when you continue the lie about covering your hair because it’s a token of modesty to your god. That is narcissism to a whole new level, to be so disillusioned in your fantasy to prove to god your loyalties that you’d cover your hair to feel better about yourself because some man imposed rule said so. I will not allow it. It is unjust to allow this lie to continue and to cover it up with reasons and words to protect your ingrained habits based on tradition of how you are taught as a child especially by unqualified dictators of your religion. Indoctrination is the word you are looking for, indoctrinated is what you are. I do not approve of this movement of shame and lies. You better get your mask on or that man is going to be aroused by your face. Better do a better job covering your eyes too, some people have a fetish for eyes you know. I can make reasons as a male to impose on you too, there is no reason to submit to my advising.

Why then do you submit to a title like “Muhammad the Great messenger of Allah blessed is his name. May he rest in peace.” because he’s so great you just got to right? One of the youngest of the Abrahamic religions, he published a book 1.6 billion supposedly read though no one can agree on a true Islam, it’s fine – even though it divides your people further and has never had a reform, it’s fine, it makes it more genuine right? Whatever narrative you want to stick with and lets you sleep at night. The businessman is the one making the money, if you like what they’re selling – buy it. But realize they’re asking you to sign your soul away – to follow rules of conquests and medieval times. Don’t be surprised if witch burning happens locally when someone sees the magic of iPad, internet and unfamiliar technologies. God forbid the miracle of fire and health facilities. Over superstitious, disillusioned, backwards, fabricated, useless non-sense – that even the church has out grown over years.

Sometimes people feel so ashamed of themselves for not being a certain way and not inheriting certain genetic traits that they hide themselves in face masks and hijabis. This is a symbol of oppression, people wear masks to hide their identity. This matter is no different. I will not stand for these misled ideas – that these wonderful, beautiful kind people are led to believe that in order to live fulfilled happy lives you must impress, prove and subject yourself to the critique of your peers. You are what you do not because of what you look like. If you really do mean what your mouth speaks , you must practice virtue without the veil – to hide while you practice something is an act of cowardice. It’s a double standard,  flip flopping act of only accepting gratitude when it’s convenient for you. The weight is not on your shoulders ladies, I assure you. Wearing a hijab to please your peers based on your outward appearance does nothing for yourself. It’s a placebo effect that tells you everything is okay and that you are following the rules so you are invincible. You are being prescribed fake medicine to put you at ease and buying it too at that. It reminds me of silly ancient Japanese traditions where a woman never looks a man in the eyes when greeting with a bow – they should look to the ground, otherwise it’s disrespectful. Or how women were served last in certain Japanese restaurants in the 1990s – it was shameful.

I believe in the feminist movement, white people can feel shame too – when they are in their bikinis and you’re blinded by the white. (I joke.) It’s okay! Laugh and Just feel comfortable in your skin. No one is actually judging you with score numbers, it’s in your head.

Hope, Curiosity and Prosperity,
