Lost Story In-between Frames

Below are art pieces I drew and colored. These are conceptual art I created in my free time. They helped me through my time of rehabilitation. Hope you enjoy them.


Pushed into the world of pastels and pencil crayons.


The Bouquet of Stars


The Squirrel


The Paradox Cat (upright or sitting?)


The Sparrow


The 7 Eyes of Parallel Planes

The Wolf


The Heron

The Pelican

Cognitive Evolution

The Gift Exchange


The Craft


The Deer


The Rhino


The Upward Staircase to the Heavens


The Knight and The Maiden


The Wizard


The Rebel20190126_1456503898474922458110605.jpg

The One Feathered Swan


The Multi-Facet Eagle


The Elephant


The Arachnid Emperor


The Primal Stork


The Phoenix


The Peacock


The Male Dragon

The Peacock Phoenix


The Wolves

The Tree Ent


The Lupus Canis


The Kangaroo


The Gargoyle


The Elemental Mask


The Fox


The Living World Tree


The World Glasses


Maximal and Minimal; Worlds Between Worlds


Sergeant Bird


Expressions of Sir Bird


Female Dragon


Lucas Luxor LVX


The Seal


The Beaver


The Lion


The Horse


The Owl


The Stag


The Cheetah

The Orange Phoenix

Starry Time is on a Cloud



Heart of gold, head of an ox.

Infinite is a big number. Forever is a long time.

This moment should really be seen as a new beginning not the end.

Let it be full of possibilities and gratitude.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Love not for the sake of love.

Live by reason to allow joy a chance to take it’s roots and flourish.

Let fate be what one chooses it to be.

Let Karma be a system built on kindness and credit rather than a system of opposite reaction and consequence.


The nature of light is to Copy, Clone and Create.

The nature of dark is Death, Decay and Destruction.

Beyond the scope of Light. And beyond reach of Dark.


Be released from the eternal cycle. Break free from the trivial cycle of light and dark.

Accept the dark and claim the light.  Released, no longer a part of the life and death cycle of the system


Adventure, balance of nature and growing up


Growth is reflected in the clear water’s surface.

A melody that will draw you into infinite darkness.

The flow of time is always cruel.

The world is consumed by greed.

The forest of retained youth.

Lost memories of past deeds.

A childish mind will turn to noble ambition.

Memory of younger days.


The Missing Puzzle Piece; I Am My Own Worst Enemy



In all that is good as we find the multiverse and connect with our other selves. God will follow. The need for our new seed. Face the shadows of my existence, the doppelganger that impedes the reality of my own true happiness.

Placebo: the pill that heals despite no actual content.

No-cebo: the pill we take which has no medicinal content only that of negative thoughts but affects the body.

Root of suffering: I am not my body. I am not my mind.

Sabotage of the mind and resistance to change is your greatest enemy.

In order to continue one must surrender to the condition of life.

Fear acronym is: Feeling, Excited and Ready.

Choose acceptance and the stream of life. Follow the flux of time and adapt to change.

Change is indefinite. Do not seek object ive desire and achieving each goal based on desire. No desire chasing only fulfillment.

The abundance of finite mind and body. Not finite desires but only gratitude of all that is life.

Judgement is separation, inclusion and difference. Every judgement ends in “just like me” because the secret in neutralizing judgement is stating a judgement only to end with “just like me”.

Feel deeply forgiveness and direct emotions to forgive the actions in man even if we do not believe what he is even if we do not condone his mistakes and who he is. I am pure and innocent, you are spirit. and you are released from what I projected on you.

The monkey mind thinks too much.

You are not the parrot, you become the awareness of the person with the parrot.

The thought process is the parrot. The crazy uncle instance: Love the uncle do not care or contribute to his insanity. Be a loving presence.

When being be.

Space of no mind and pure consciousness. The moment is now.

It is only me that impedes my journey of success.

Human experience to play pain and pleasure. The exploration of who we are, the divine journey to discover self and unfold the divine universe.

Everything is energy, invisible fields found in all that is energy. Energy is found even in matter. The entanglement of the universes through invisible fields is found in fields of information from the divine consciousness. The power of creation where all compositing fields, the source of creation turn your direction inward.

The cosmic internet of understanding at the center of our existence.

The law of attraction. Creating your reality and manifesting our fate and destiny. The harmony of crystallization/manifestation of vibration of good and the desire for good things in life. Reality is formed by you and the law of the heart (love).

The way is the heart (-buddha)

We are co-creators of this reality and responsible for it. We are one and a force of strength complimenting each other; for I can so thus everyone can.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

tarot cards and numerology. Awake in the dream.