Reborn in new light. Old Paradigms Brought Anew.

Revamped and renewed Graphs: Completion, Divinity, Synchronicity and Infinity.


Divinity; The Trilogy of Three Worlds


Intro: The three worlds that are of the lowest, medium and highest forms of realities are; Hell, Earth and Heaven. These are the 3 main parallel universes that allow us to perceive the world as we do today. The Past, Present and Future all simultaneously making it’s chapters to make one full book that is the Trilogy of the Three Worlds. The Book is a reference to the entirety of time itself with these 3 realms acting as the oscillation of life past, present and future. It is this depth that we see the light model in its fullest and purest of forms. It is at its brightest by contrast with the dark which defines it. And with earth as the medium they have standards that they can imbue in us. The model of light is a replication of the Human DNA through a process I call the humanization of Light. The humanization of light is the process where i organize, decipher and arrange light so that it fits the model of light that is based on wave, particle and oscillation. In this book you will read about Hell, Earth and Heaven and some general/debatable questions and answers to the what, when, why and how of what they are.

Hell of the tormented; It is a place of sadness and pain where those who die and get lost through the process of life go. It is also home of Demons and other deviant forces. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

HELL IS: (Book of Dark)

Categories: (Devouring and Torment) Abyss, Empty Suffering and Nothingness.

Behavioral: (Demon conscience, Demon nature) Rage, Cast Rank and Discord.

Form: (Duality of deviant functions) Sound, Earth and Darkness.

Idealism: (Carnage and Failing) Destruction, Hate and Legion.


From what i understand Devouring and torment are the two things they invest in. The actual study of Abyss is about the absence of god where darkness dwells and grows clawing it’s way into existence. Life for them is about eternal empty suffering and just enjoying pain for no reason. Pain, suffering and disturbance of another person is their sustenance and fear is what fuels them. The study of suffering is about prime evil, pure emotional hatred and destructiveness which is what they hold to their empty hearts. They believe living in a misshapen/formless/mutated form is ideal and specialize in spirit and possession. They have no general physical body shape and live in the space of nothingness.


Behavioral: Demon conscience and Demon nature are the 2 natures they oscillate between in a force called Rage. They live in a cast rank of evolution, the strongest, biggest and most vicious alpha male at the top. They hold deviancy in evolution most high. And they are devoted to Discord and disorder so that there may never be form and unity with anything. They are the adversary force in life always going against someone’s will.


Their forms are very basic and ancient. They live in a world of sound where anything living attracts them. The closer you are the more likely they will attach to you. The Earth is their identity and basis of their form they are made of Earth; i think it also involves some form of biological building element like sulfur, carbon or crystal (combination?). Demons are soulless and wandering without a home; Lost and always angry. They are made of darkness and exist where light is absent. They also live in the world of ideas to manifest as a body, their gateway is through voluntary invitation.


Carnage and failing is the oscillation between their ideal of Destruction. Carnage brings them into a frenzy of dilated instinctive behavior. Hatred is is their ideal state of being in that the more they hate the stronger and more fierce they become. Legion is what they call their form of collective or unity, they are strategic, contemplating and brooding force that just seek to overwhelm through numbers and forces.

Earth of the brave; The place where we are thrown into, in this strange world we struggle to define ourselves, relieve suffering and to make ends meet all at once. It is the cross path to other realities, the medium of all worlds. It is a trial to see what we learn and a test of the heart’s strength. Questions that arise what are we known for. How do we behave as a society/individuals. What are we made of in this world/dimension? What are our ideals? We will understand us a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

EARTH IS: (Book of Earth)

Categories: (Creation, Evolution) Science, Humanism and Religion

Behavioral: (human conscience, human nature) Chaos, Identity and Order.

Form: (duality of negative and positive functions) Wave, Particle and Oscillation.

Idealism: (Redeeming and faltering) Redemption, Hope and Faith.

On Earth there is 2 dominant forms of science; One built on Creationism (that we were made) and one about Evolution (that we grew). Both Biblical and Science say that it was the big bang that was beginning of life and were told in different manners. That it was created by hand of god and through a giant explosion called the big bang. The three topics in life that describe the history, progress and ideas Earth has is through Science, Humanism and Religion. Humanism is based on our human condition and what is required to sustain, nurture and grow as a people. Religion is based on our driven history, where we came from and where we want to go based on ethics, virtue and code.


Our behavioral structure is based on human conscience and human nature, oscillating between the two worlds to create what is called chaos. Chaos is defined as: a state of things where chance is supreme and that is the world we are living, a chance of hitting jack pot all the way down to low down poverty. Our objective on Earth is to define our identity and searching until the end of our life to determine who we are as a people and as a person. Our purpose, our function and our legacy; our world is built around order in that everything has a place, time and means. In saying this we are built around a system of service and love just like the angelic world except that is just the idea we are gravitating towards. Down here we are just trying to work towards redeeming ourselves by what ever means preserving our hope and sustaining our faith(god?).


On earth our purest elementary form is that of a double helix and particle held together in place by oscillation. This is the human DNA but it is also a mimic of the Humanized Light. This is significant in that this structure is the most universal form of what all organic matter related to light is made of. The Wave of male energy and female energy working together to achieve balance is part of the system. Ideally this is what humanized light would look like. The particle is that which is photons which is the essence of light; it’s identity and body. And the oscillation the order that holds the justice in the this micro world. It is the thing that holds the planets and stars in orbit; as the moon around the earth and the Earth around the Sun. It is this perfect balance that allows life to be sustained.


Our idealism on Earth is that: We are a redeeming species where we make mistakes in order to learn from them, growing stronger, smarter and better than before. Faltering and redeeming ourselves is the oscillation that we work between in order to grow. Hope is another component of life in that we depend on sources that give us the ability to do certain things in order to grow and become strong in life. Hope is in the essence in which all life and ideas springs from; without hope we are lost and unmotivated. Hope is like having a father giving you sustenance, home and water in order to get through life. Hope is the ability to find opportunity in life. Faith is the ability to hold true to an idea to know that your parent is the one who will give you faith about your future, all it’s opportunities and challenges. With combination of opportunity, function and mindset we are able to accomplish anything on this Earth, we just need the place, time and means to get there.

-for a clearer understanding its like:

“My son would be my compensation of life in order for me to prolong my legacy. He will have complete faith in me as a father, his hopes will be only restricted by how well i perform, and his redemption will further his education about his world around him and grow.”

Taken from my post “Deciphering the Old Trinity”.

Heaven is divine; It is the glorious place where those who die and are worthy go. It is also home of Angels and other divine beings. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

HEAVEN IS: (Book of Light)

Categories: (Stars and space) Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity.

Behavioral: (Angelic conscience, Angelic nature) Joy, Hierarchy and Unity.

Form: (Duality of condensed functions) Frequency, Core and Radiance.

Idealism: (Glorifying and Falling) Honor, Love and Service.

The world of studies Heaven excels at and known for is the Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity. They Study the stars and space possibly aligning our stars with the stars of the sky to read who we are in the study of the Cosmos. The study of Eternity is of life and death and experiencing life as a collective species, reliving moments in a different time/dimension and space it’s effects and differences based on environment/circumstance/conditions and of course experience through god experience (seeing through omnipotent eyes). Divinity is the state of coming from god; To hold his virtues, wisdom and talents and the study of how they came to be and what practices are needed to become who they are.


Their behavior is the oscillation of angelic conscience and angelic nature bringing forth joy. They as a species are the embodiment of joy and spread joy to all they see. If we are unhappy they are unhappy; their empathy is interconnected with our conscience by knowledge of our situation. Their System is built on a Hierarchy of angels depending on the responsibilities, abilities and interests of the Angel. Their hierarchy consists of the Seraphim, Churubim, Throne, Dominion, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. They are built around Unity system as they act as one collective with many hands almost like one conscience but they are really individual people trying to mimic God’s goodness himself.


Their form is interesting and is complete with frequency of wave, some kind of molten/energy core, and a radiance of many stars able to generate great healing through touch, properties of growth, energy and healing. Great and powerful; able to sustain (through influence, ideas) and nurture a network of people, families and lives. Their DNA is more packed with information and probably have more complex strands of DNA; allowing more functions, talents and interests.


Their system of Idealism is that they highly value honor through glory and falling, their greatest form of power is their love and service; it is what they strive for. Their idealism of glory and falling; Is like ours of redemption, except they are empowered by glorifying gods name through their work. Success gives them credit to earn merit and credibility among others of their kind. Love is the strongest force in existence in that it nurtures, creates passion and empowers a person to grow and be strong. Service is the function of the angels in that they have talents that allow a person to reach their potential.


Book of Synchronicity; Is where mass has form, Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma. Space has Darkness, Medium, Lightness but beyond that is Illumination. Time has the moment of Past, Present and Future but in the end there is only the Now. Dimension has in it Alternate, Experiential, Multidimensional but of all those dimensions the Simultaneous Parallel Reality is most crucial.

Mass; Everything has form  and it comes down to the  basic states of all mass which is Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma form. Solidity is based on the density/compactness of particles. The density and how hard an object is, is based on the structure of particles being closer together. Liquids are more relaxed and flowing, their particles are loose and in flux. Gases are flowing freely and they have very weak bonds that allow them to go where ever the wind blows. Plasma is alittle less known it  flows through air hovering like a liquid would in space but it is in gas form or in a form where you can’t really interact with. It is a plasma It would likely be associated with a different  dimension of our world – more spiritual.

Space is composed of the Dark, the medium and the light is in essence where it is dark is absence of light.. where there is light is where there is an abundance of light. You cannot explore a world that light does not touch. Nor does that place really exist when nothing is observing it. It ceases to exist is the reality and when we come back and rediscover with light is when it’s reality is again manifested. The medium is the grey area of the light and dark and is recognized as the dim but not absent of light aspect of life. Illumination is associated with knowledge and inner knowing of something giving it substance rather than with the physicality of light.

Time is a manner of being in the past where it draws it’s roots from and in a process of remembering experiences derived from the past. Time is also the present where things are more modern and normal to the senses at equilibrium. Time is of the future where all of things are technologically advanced and complexly developed. But time is the now where all purposes, reasons and  causes are put to it’s real work and where real achievements and ideas are realized.

Dimension is alternate where life an be either, if and or. Rather it is a place you would rather be if for some reason you were dissatisfied with your current situation of living. The experiential is the making of ideas, dreams and hopes come true. The experiential is the truth we live in and are creating for ourselves and realized in the end when this experience is finished. The multi-dimensional are the worlds we create as we go along our story with every decision altering and branching off to a new progressive idea or event. The Simultaneous Parallel Reality is the world we creatively establish, conceptually realize and determine for ourselves as we describe the world with ideas in our minds what we want to come to reality. All our efforts from all realities summing up the world we are dreaming of subconsciously from all dimensional worlds.


The Human Experience.

The Universe is the physical in which it draws to our senses so that we can feel and touch and know that it is there. The mental is the world where we conceptualize and draw from our mind creative ideas. The Spiritual world is where we bring the ideas of causation and reasoning into the picture and draw ourselves a world that we desire or require. Monadic is world of purpose, function and reason where life requires rules, regulations and restrictions that allow the entropy of the world to come to order.

Truth is the reality of what life is however ugly it is. Truth is also factual in that it has records and ideas as to what to come to pass. But Truth is also in actuality what comes to being as it all gets pieced together, where one cause leads to another and reasons come to surface as to why it happened the way it did. The idea of paradigm is making a model of what is it is you really want to see happen and to acknowledge all manners, facts and ideas that surface and creating a living breathing virtual meta-verse world out of this.

God is Omnipotent being all powerful. The strength of god is absolute. God is Omniscient being all knowing. He is can acquire the collective mind of all living things. God  is Omnipresent in that he is everywhere. He is all around and has distributed himself to be the spark within us. God is Omnibenevolent in that he is all loving, graceful and kind to all his creations. He watches over us and gives us strength where we have none.

Determined fate is that we are empowered by the ideas that life is about growing and seeing in others the selfless unconditional love, the potential for good and the developments of growing bigger than the box we were put in. The through with or without enlightenment we obtain a sense of consciousness to the level where we can see our wrongs, see our potential and know our worth in the world. That we dream and Romanticize about life that we want to create and build on so that we have something to thrive on and vision to reach for. That we finally ascend to greater heights in our endeavors and reach for the stars. To become godly in knowing the truths of life and the rights and wrongs of our daily moral dilemmas. To be greater than the box we were put in and to gain the knowledge to ascend beyond all potential dimensions in this world.


A Hero’s Words of the Infinity.

Purpose is Consciousness in that we have the full functional capacity to act out of the light.. or rather the kindness and selfless unconditional love of our very being. That we find purpose in identity in this life where we will fulfill the most mundane to the most extraordinary of tasks put in front of us. The ideals that we bring forward are full of life, happiness and function. That we bring Intuitive Values to the table in that we know deep inside what is correct without having to think too much about it. A gift of understanding what needs to be done based on the essence of light that guides us deep inside.

The Power in function is a thing of strength to illuminate worlds and to bring energy to the table. The Wisdom in function is something that requires strategy, thoughtfulness and mindful cunning in order to traverse the obstacle that is life. Courage is the ability to overcome all odds and do what is incomprehensible. Passion is the derived function that fuels the life of an individual in becoming the best version of themselves. It is the essence of causation and reason as well as direction of where and why we have come to be where we are now.

Paradigm is what is made from the blood of perseverance and hardship. It is through the redeeming of man and his failures every time to become something greater the next time he gets up. It is also out of love that a man becomes bigger than himself that he has more reason to carry on with life and follow through with his true purpose. It is through Paradigms that we find a keystone of Ascendance through blood, hardship and love that allows us to pass into the next world in good comfort.

Manifestation from Consciousness, Power and Perseverance we are brought to the manifestation of Teleportation. It is through Identity, Wisdom and Redemption that we are brought to find Time Travel. It is through Ideals, Courage and Love that we find Telepathy.  And Intuitive Values, Passion and Ascendance that we find Materialization. 


The Book of Ambiguity


Book 2 Ethos syndicate; The Book of Star

Chapter 1:


an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost.

Son: View from 1st person (son)

Father: View from 2nd person (father)

Holy Ghost: View from 3rd person (spirit)


Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Piety, and Honesty.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Compassion>

-Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Valor

-Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Justice

-The process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Sacrifice

-The act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Honor

-Respect that is given to someone who is admired.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Spirituality

-The quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Humility

-The quality or state of being humble

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Friendship

-One attached to another by affection or esteem.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Generosity

-The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Courtesy

-Polite behaviour that shows respect for other people

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Piety

-Marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Honesty

-fairness and straightforwardness of conduct



knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom>

-Energy: the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things

-Responsibility: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do

-Wisdom: knowledge of what is proper or reasonable through experience/knowledge.


Sentences> Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, Void and Curiosity.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Relinquishment>

-To give something up by test of fire. A cleansing process of what you want to keep based on your virtues.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Lightness

-Relieve yourself of constraints and let the natural current take you.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Evenness

-Do not fight for one side or another, be transparent.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Argument

-Test yourself through honesty so that reality can judge you.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Empiricism

-To rely on practical experience

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Simplicity

-The state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Humility

-The quality or state of being humble.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Perfectionism

-The doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person’s highest good

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Precision

-Exactly or sharply defined or stated

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Scholarship

-To have studied a subject for a long time and know a lot about it : to be that person who is intelligent and well-educated who knows a particular subject very well.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Void

-State of mind reading anticipation.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Curiosity

-Desire to know.



Identity: the ideas, qualities and beliefs that make a particular person or group.


Identity> Courage, Truth and Love

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Truth:  the things that are fact, the quality or state of being true.

Love: a feeling of strong or constant affection and unconditional positive feelings for people/place/thing.


Sentences> Nothingness, Darkness, Emptiness, Goodness, Beauty, Truth, Will to Change, Emotions, Intellect, Changes, Attributes and Consciousness.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Nothingness

Absolute silence in a mind is necessary for thoughts to come through. Silence in a classroom is necessary for the voice of a teacher to be heard. Space in a spokes of a wheel is necessary for it to work properly. There are many ways nothingness can be handy but it is very necessary indeed.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Darkness

When speaking about darkness; it is good to know where your darkness lies and to see it and monitor it. Not to focus on it but to keep it in peripheral sight. The need to define your darkness is something necessary in order to be free of any hold it has on you. Insight and understanding of it’s nature and why it is dark may give a better perspective. In the end there is always light no matter how dark it gets once it is understood with darkness lifted it will be many times brighter. Short tempers, lust, curiosity of unknown, deviant fantasy, abuse, death are namely the ones that are in the general mainstream.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Emptiness

When speaking about Emptiness you are talking about the times when you needed space from people, room to breathe and move about. It’s the emptiness that brings you boredom and boredom brings you to a whole new level of creativity. It is emptiness that gives you space to fill in that void with something wholesome and good like knowledge. An empty slate is what a person needs to start something new and emptiness brings about this new inspiration to fill the void.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Goodness

Goodness is in that of high quality, to be virtuous and righteous.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Beauty

the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Truth

the things that are fact, the quality or state of being true.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Will to Change

the ability to make different in some unspecified way. To be open to change.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Emotions

a strong feeling from the heart/spirit/mind.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Intellect

the ability to think in a logical way

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Changes

to become different

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Attributes

an inherent characteristic

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Consciousness

the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself


a system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption>

Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation.

Faith: strong belief or trust in someone or something

Redemption: the act of making something better or more acceptable.


Humanism> Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, Vigilance, Piety, Generosity, Gravity and Silence>

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Humility> 

-The quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Prudence

-Careful good judgment that allows someone to avoid danger or risks

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Wisdom

-Knowledge of what is proper or reasonable

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Patience

-Able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Reserve

-To find self control; to keep to yourself for a special or future use

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Gentleness

-Having or showing a kind and quiet nature

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Zeal

-A strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Vigilance

-Alertly watchful especially to avoid danger.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Piety

-Devotion to God : the quality or state of being pious.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Generosity

-The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Gravity

-A very serious quality or condition : the condition of being grave or serious

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Silence

-To know when to start and stop talking.


The Book of Eternity: Birth, Death and Life



I started off with Birth which is the conception of life itself and the importance of this learning has been known to man for sadly only a few decades now fully understood as a concern for human person-hood and fertilization as of 1967. It is said that a person is determined a person at the moment of conception. I believe this is true. The fate of the child is in the mother’s choosing as soon as it starts fertilizing. What the mother does to it after is up to what the mother decides.

First you have the process of sexual intercourse which will cause an emission of ejaculate that enters a woman’s uterus. The woman first conceives the sperm and egg. This process of whether an xx and xy sperm enters the egg will determine whether the baby will become a male or female. The 29 chromosomes exchange legs and the beginning of of the development of the Zygote begins.

The Fertilization happens as in the process of the hatching where the egg sheds it’s wall and burrows into the uterus lining and once this happens the egg and sperm become a single cell and start dividing through mitosis; through prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. They finally form into 2 new nuclei.

At this point we will have a Functional Development of the Baby at (week 5). Cells continue to divide and Limbs, parts of the baby develop functionally. The circulatory system develops and then the heart starts beating (drawing oxygen and nutrients).

The body and limbs grow in size dramatically and develop at this point and the cells grow until it meets the potential for the baby to be born.



Proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book “On Death and Dying.”

The Eternal: Book of Death

This is the end. In this realm there is no virtue except that which is darkness and death. Death just comes to collect with no compassion or remorse. Like a tax collector come to make the tax payer pay their fees. It is not tithing where you pay out of the grace of your heart, you pay with your life and you pay with your obedience.

Stages of Grief:


Is usually the initial action of the grieving process. It is a statement saying that something is not true or real. And when that statement is made, ignorance is the world the person dwells in.


Is the frustration and emotion of being upset or annoyed. It is born out of this denial and shows that we are not ready. We direct it on anything we can think of even blaming it on the deceased for leaving us.


Making an agreement in which people or groups say they will do or give something in exchange for something else.


A serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. One depression is loss of money, time and experiences. The other depression is our quiet preparation to separate and to bid our loved one farewell.


The quality or state of being accepted or acceptable. It is when a person finally reaches the point of understanding and accepting the misfortune for their grievance.


States of Death (The 4 horsemen inspired)

Subject to Physical Maiming or Bleeding.

The process of dying to a physically inflicted wound, the chance you may bleed out because of the wound.

Subject to Famine or malnutrition.

The process of dying to a missing of nutrition or sustenance comprised of basic body fuel.

Subject to Pestilence or Sickness.

The process of dying to a festering of a wound, illness from low immune system or catching a disease, virus or harmful bacteria. When one suffers from any sort of negative status ailment including vampirism of flat worms, or infestation of ants and parasites, STD, cancer and other host dependant diseases are included.

Subject to Old Age or Failure of Function

The process of dying to a organ failure or failure due to old age is a natural one, some things just let up when the time comes for someone to pass on because of age.

Destructive Emotions or Habits (The 7 Deadly Sins Inspired)

Lust is a strong feeling of sexual desire.

Gluttony is the consumption, hoarding and indulgance without restraint.

Greed is the idea where one, hoards and selfishly takes things only in essence to gain more than he has sometimes without other’s consent or contemplation of the consequences.

Sloth is where one becomes so demotivated in a sense where they have become lazy and incompetent.

Wrath is the emotion of acting out of rage, angry with no restraint and ill regard for people’s well being. As long as their purpose is solved regardless of causation they will not care for people around them. This may be motivated by pure vengeance or in purposeful disregard of people in general.

Envy is the habit of wanting something someone else has or simply desiring what you do not have. It is commonly found tied with jealousy or strong desire for such and such material things.

Pride is the habit of having a very big ego. The persona is the cause of pride and it is due to a person’s agenda, needs or desires – sometimes it is a combination of all at once. It is the state of being prideful and believing he is superior to all below him in his delusive hierarchy.


For the chapters on Eternity; Life read:

Life 1 Post: Honor

Chapter 1 -3 Eternity, The Book of Life; Book of Eternity, Body of Honor

So i’m going to start with one chapter a day and hopefully we’ll get through this all in a month.

Intro: The Book of life. The book of life is about the Bodies of Honor, Love and Service. The Angelic ideals of what humans are striving for. A life of merit, purpose and experience is the life we truly strive for. These bodies of ideals have deeper meanings and fractal out to smaller realities which we will explore. We will explore each realm of these subjects and categories one at a time from the top down each row being a new level.

Chapter 1: Body of Honor

The body of honor is illusive and difficult to understand. It belongs in a world of the mind and identity. Honor is where a person’s worth is respected and famed. It is a world where a person’s role is crucial to the matter at hand. A Profile of a person is subject to scrutiny and undermining in most cases if your rank is low. If your esteem is low it’s probably even worse because you show doubt and hesitation. Your competence is now questioned and now the respect for you for who you are in moments is shattered. It’s an illusion based on appearance alone but it holds one thing that makes a difference on any platform or field. It is the power to hold authority over another person; Authority is interesting in it’s nature in that it is built on law, credit  and favor. It is built and no other force can build a system other then to build one on authority.

Body of Honor> Esteem

Esteem is a delicate thing in that it can be shattered in moments. It is critical that a person think rationally, positively and decisively when in a high position. It is required that the person is competent in all matters in the line of work; in order to work in a civil matter to solve the problem. Esteem is built from the bottom up every time you face a new problem, person or event you must rebuild your esteem to higher levels in order to get the job done. This is a very necessary when you are open minded and need to adapt to a new situations. Esteem is a very powerful driving tool that literally drives your vehicle. It is like driving a car, you need a competent mindset in order to make decisions on the road. If you lack confidence in making a turn people walk all over you. Take charge of your esteem to regain control of yourself and your situation.

Body of Honor> Respect

Respect is hard to acquire, sustain and give. So don’t mess it up. The key to respect is to be truthful and honest in all situations, to find the best solution in all case scenarios. Respect is earned and a great way to have people follow you if you are respected. In most cases when you see an elderly that is a sign of automatic respect called deference. A person who has fought many battles or had many experiences may also be very well respected. Respect in a sense gives the atmosphere or field of authority that is required in a fast pace decision making scene. Who do you listen to; not your equal beside you on the field but a superior. It is hard to give respect if you are stubborn but with experiences together you’ll gain confidence in one another.

Body of Honor> Rank

Rank is a hierarchy; It is built from above down. The Leader at the top to the workers at the bottom. In each ranking system there are always subdivisions that take care of smaller groups which take care of smaller groups and so forth. Rank is administered by people above the hierarchy and people with authority in the company/group may act and call people to act on behalf of them. When this happens remember to act with caution so not to offend or cause people to lose trust in you because your superior will also lose that trust from the higher ups. Rank too is a delicate animal in that if you are found incompetent you may be finding yourself a demotion or totally new undesired work position. Think rationally before you take actions out of your daily routine script.

Body of Honor> Esteem> Worth, Value and Opinion

Worth is an interesting topic in that of self worth. If you feel good and do good the world shines brighter. Value is necessary in that you use them to evaluate your situation and make the right decision. Opinion is based on rumors and inadequate basis therefore should be taken lightly. It is good to change from an opinion but do not change unless you cannot perform the action any better as you currently are. That is called wasted energy.

Body of Honor>Respect>Deference, Authority and History

Deference is the automatic respect and authority of an elderly or senior person. Authority is the key to being in charge of a situation and handling the said situation. It is one of the most fundamental key to any system that occurs in the world. The Key to success is to have the most authority above all, with authority everything is unlocked to you. Also to have all the keys would be a waste if you cannot use them, expand your horizon and explore different aspects of your role. For fear is not a authoritative virtue. History is an important part of who you are and will bring respect and therefore honor to your name, this will ultimately lead to authority again.

Body of Honor>Rank>Ability,Awareness and Records

The ability to do things is the reason why there is rank. Rank enables a person to open doors to opportunities but ability allows the person to complete the actual objective. A person of rank must have awareness of the world around them in order to be the authoritative figure they are said to be. Records whether you are breaking them or getting recorded help show your legitimacy in the industry/world to become a more valuable part of society

Book of Eternity, Body of Love

Life 2 Post: Love

Chapter 2: Body of Love

The body of love is composed of Love of self, Love of Earth and Love of Heaven.. The meaning of life is deeply engraved in the compassion, understanding and communication between you, The Earth and Heaven. It is our understanding of these things and love for them that sustains and helps us grow as people. Through our daily interactions with these material things and experiences; We Radiate our love to improve ourselves as human beings. Love is the essence that drives the world in that it nurtures,sustains and heals everything that it comes in contact with. Love is essential to a divine relationship with yourself, the earth and heaven; It is what connects these worlds. If Love did not exist we would never have had any happiness in our lives. Your parents would never have conceived, you would never have grown up, your existence would have been trivial – purpose in life would be extinguished. Love is the core of our system, without it we are lost.

Body of Love> Love Self

In order to experience the fullness of life you must first accept yourself for who you are. Any past wrongs, your appearance and anything negative things that makes you question your worth must be eliminated. You cannot do anything about it and may end up dwelling on such things. Life is about exploring, experiencing things and rewarding yourself. Look after one another and even your neighbors. Don’t separate yourself from those who are also suffering and enduring the human condition that is life. To understand how your body of love works is your responsibility. The essence and body of love; Live it and be it.

Body of Love> Love Earth

To love earth is to savor life; To understand the vast number of things and appreciate it. From the mystic mountains down to the grain of white sand on a beach. Loving people is essential and you must not hold grudges. It holds you back in life and if  you forgive and forget you give the person a chance to change and help yourself be free in life. Life is to be shared, even the pain of it. Seeing other peoples challenges and sufferings may bring a better understanding of the person and thus a higher respect for them. Enjoy puzzles, technology and conversation there are so many things a person can do in life and it doesn’t have to be restricted to work. Invent things, create things and express things; there is so much work that needs to be done on Earth and your creativity is key to making the world more livable.

Body of Love> Love Heaven

To love heaven is to know that there are other entities that are working with you to get you through your day. We share life and their life is in the work of building your life. Let them inspire you to bring greater joy into the world. Heaven is our ideal future in a sense, it could actually be our very future we are striving for. To honor heaven is to honor it’s ideals; Heaven stands for Honor, Love and Service. It is the vehicle we must take to get to our destination that is our future. They are all assigned a star to aid to get through hardships and challenges so don’t be afraid to ask for help when it is needed. Be aware though that they work in the ways of god in that they won’t give you what you want, but what you need in order to grow and move on to the next stages of life.

Body of Love> Love Self> Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self.

Essentially this is about yourself. Caring is the ability to think consciously of what you can do to change as a person. Respecting yourself in that you take care of yourself and affirm that your body is your temple is one step. Knowing yourself is to understand how you work, what makes you tick and all the trivial things that make your life experience enjoyable.

Body of Love> Love Earth> People, Places and Things

Love People, enjoy serving. They will also serve you in one way or another. Help guide and understand things that they don’t understand. Love Places, enjoy traveling and seeing sights. Love Things, there are so many worlds of things you can get involved in from the studies, to invention, to arts and expression.

Body of Love> Love Heaven > Honor, Love and Service

Love to Honor means to keep trying to gain respect from others and a strong reputation with your peers. You don’t need acknowledgement from them but if they know what you are capable of they can rely on you. Love to Love means to enjoy spreading joy, nurturing healing energy to those around you where ever you go. Love to service means to enjoy helping others find what they need and bringing them to a higher state of living by what ever means.

Book of Eternity, Body of Service:

Life 3 Post: Service

Chapter 3: Body of Service

Body of Service> Creator

We are Creators; You make ideas into visions into reality. You can imagine and invent things that others have never thought about. The gift of creation is one that should not be neglected, a person should take full advantage of their ability to craft and make things with the technique and technologies out there. Creativity is your best friend and thinking out of the box to invent something never been done before will take us one step close to our ideal future. A Creator’s goal is to explore the world of imagination and mold something from scratch to become something functional, useful or out of this world.

Body of Service> Teacher

We are all Teachers; We make others see a new world and understand new things that they do not. Our role is to provide things of substance and material in order to help them learn these amazing new things. Encouragement and motivation of a child goes a long way. As a teacher people look up to you and seek you when they have questions. Your job is also to attempt correcting those who are lost, confused and wrong to see what they are missing or misunderstand. It is not your job to hold their hands in the process but a push in the right direction is the best idea.

Body of Service> Healer

We are all Healers: We are nurturers of society and love is the best way to heal those who are hurt, lost and confused. We give to those who need help to show that we care. We stand by people to make sure they are okay to go on with their lives. Life has meaning when you’re a healer and working through love. You are mending wounds mentally by talking about life, love and light. Correcting people and showing them their wrongs requires a mental healing process that undoes what they have programmed, teaches them what to do and gives them an opportunity to change for the better. That mental healing process is your action, so speak and act out of love.

Body of Service> Creator> Give, Sustain and Take

Giving is the process of parting with something that may not be much worth to you but some/much worth to another. Sustaining as a Creator is the need to provide for and nurture something you have created. Watering your plant is an act of sustaining as a creator. After you have given life to something, you want to let it grow, give it attention and let it reach it’s potential such as a child. Responsibility is what it all comes down to when it comes to sustaining. You can also take or destroy your creation so that you can start new it is all in your power and you choose what you want to do with it as a creator.

Body of Service> Teacher> Educate, Provide and Correct

Education is a major part of a developing mind and with interaction through life a person may gain it’s full experience. Educating a person is to show them new things they do not know; techniques, diversity and growth will help them reach their potential understanding of life. Providing for an individual is essential to their success in that you give them tools and things that aid their success by going out of your way to maybe draw a few diagrams, or use color in your work to help them understand what you are trying to teach. You are also one to correct another in order to save them from circumstances/conditions that will put them in a dead end. When someone hits a “dead end” such as death, homelessness or some kind of blockade of understanding there will be chances they won’t be coming back to continue their journey because it’ll be too difficult and out of the way to save them.

Body of Service> Healer> Grow, Nurture and Mend

As a healer we aid in growth; We allow people to gain knowledge, experience and wisdom so they can grow. We give them a way to find what they are looking for in life by whatever means. We are nurturers of life in that we provide for those in trouble and help the healing process go by faster. We also mend those who are in pain and suffering. Through the words of love and show that we care we create a process where the person begins to heal.


A Time Masters Final Decision

spiral staircase.jpg

Beings, Deities and spirits

Sinful, Corrupt and dirty

No matter how hard they try.

None are worthy of seeing the Father.

Even the flawless when tested fall

A snowball in hell left without protection,

by himself and in harms way  is meant to waste away.


I look at my watch, as it is covered by colors and  evaporates into butterflies.

I know that being higher meant nothing.

All my friends aged and died in this worldly dimension.

my watch only knew how to grow deeper with plates in a spiral staircase.

I took my fountain and turned it into a coffin.

Now  i will lay in grace or misery but lay indefinitely.

My watch now with no depth but a flat surface plane.

I live the 3 dimensions of time as every common being.

From dust i came, and dust is  where i will return.

I have found that there is no reason to live forever if you are to live alone.

mortality is the only way i will have any attachments in this life.

I will do it quietly, but loudly, silently but proudly, gracefully but purposefully.


-A Dream night of February 16th /15


Light In My Palm Graphic

Light in my palm

Ascendant code.

There are 9 things the world should be but only when they are one thing that they are complete. Mass, Growth, Existence,Eternity, Manifest, Body, Universal Reality, Vessel of Experience and Completion. Every detail, level and world is part of the grand scheme, the building blocks to creating the world we experience in this life. Combined these are the ascendant values of light which create all in existence. This is The Heaven on Earth visual conceptions of eternity, infinity, ambiguity and ascendancy.


A dream; “When he reads something, it becomes. This will be our secret” The dream was about a boy who when he read something and believed it, it became true. In a “Snow ball’s chance in Hell” Ethos Lancer is set up in life to willingly give up the luxuries of earthly desires. The world can only corrupt him so much and when he is introduced to the sickness of the human mind things go spiraling downward for life. Though by the heavens watch and their divine sciences they protect this “snow ball” through crafty engineering and esoteric knowledge and wisdom. The Ethos Lancer has only one chance  to neutralize this ring of power. For he is the reincarnation of the ring of power. All those who come after him, his children will inherit this same curse or gift.

Topic Completion: God, Universe and Truth.

Light in my palm

Light, Completion;

God has a very vast spectrum but.. basically comes down to. The collective is the solution to the problem of god in the world. This is as simple as it can be put. There are many platforms God has been put under from a living deity (YHVH, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Elohim and Allah) , to a demigod (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon), to a god in human form (Jesus). It is said that God has no form, that he is one with the universe and within people and that the consciousness within us is evidence of his spark of life. We all have a conscience and the ability to think with reason, purpose and function is more then enough to explain that we are a product of creation but complexly refined by generations of evolution and trait hand offs of genes. The Problem with Gods is that it must be one god or the people will be scattered and divided therefore the collective is the solution to the idea of God.

Universe is still a very broad spectrum of life but it basically comes down to. The selfless unconditional love of human kind will bring us together. No matter the divisions in the gender, ethnicity, sexuality, creed or religion if the light is strong in us we will adapt and find a way to form better structures and better rules for our people with the influences and guide of our peers. Things, people, places come and go but what is most important is what we have is each other. The families we build, experience and life that we build all make this possible. We are made to explore this world yes, investigate, experiment and find truths in the material world. Absolutely, but we also need to see that the truth is in selfless unconditional love and giving to those who cannot manage life alone because of their circumstances, conditions and events. Life will make a path for every man has in him the potential to do great things. And I feel one day I too will feel the accomplishment of doing something great as this work becomes testimony to what i will achieve.

Truth is a very narrow passage of life but the truth people want to know will be in this great demystification of the Christ. I believe in God, but probably not the same one you may believe in. I believe God in the universe and god in the collective of human beings. I believe the answer to the universe is for us as a people to act through selfless unconditional love. I believe that Christ had many lives, that he was a reincarnation of Thoth.  That he was one of the architects to the Giza Pyramid, that he commenced the project that was the catalyst to the human evolution of consciousness. That he was an initiate for the Giza pyramid and said to meticulously design the pyramids for his future awakening. That under the identity of Jeshu who also lived his lost years with the Buddhist monks written in the Manuscript of The Good Son; He sought enlightenment through them. That he brought Buddhist teachings back to teach his disciples. That Jesus actually lived two lives, one as Jeshu who lived a admirable good life but stoned to death and also as Barabbis who was the political activist who is the etheric body of Jesus. He is the manifest of Christ the Son of God. Christ didn’t even die at the cross according to these certain evidences and enigmatic suspicions (suspicious for the right reason) and actually lived a full and happy life with Mary Magdalene according to the Zacharias Rhetor under secret changed names. His survival is tribute to the knowledge that Christ did not die in 15 minutes at the cross. No he was sedated by a cloth put in his mouth that put him in a death like unconscious state. This is the reason why when they went to his tomb they brought aloe instead of funeral flowers. Aloe is used to heal wounds. They left no trace of where they went only the story that he ascended into heaven so that the romans could not chase him. Jesus and Magdalene lived full and happy lives, in the lost gospel Ecclesiastical History of Zacharias Rhetor under the pseudonyms of “Joseph” and “Aseneth”. Therefore I also do not believe in the resurrection sorry to say. This is the truth, Christ is still my savior but life must change, evolve and grow we can all settle for this one truth that he may have come to bring us salvation but he had to live his own life too. The message that he was willing to sacrifice himself and did should be enough. Unless you really wanted Christ to die then that just shows what type of human you are. Whether you are for the progress of human kind is in the decision whether you take this truth or not.

Topic Vessel of Experience: Star, Sphere and Prototype.

Light in my palm

Light, Vessel of Experience

Star is the beginning of the spectrum. I called it star because the single strands of light that borders the spherical shape are elements to my paradigm and the quantity of rays are reflected into how many trinity paradigms i can find. My usual number is 27 sided star with 9 ascendance values. They usually only go that high because I only work within the human area of ascendance. I tend to try to avoid the grey areas of the divine because i know there isn’t much I can do there in human form. The star represents dimensions of the x,y,z and time spectrum with their rays in every so directions. Star represents the 27 different ways the entity can shine even though there are different degrees and angles if the numbers are beyond 27. But generally 27 can be distributed on 3 platforms diagrams.



Sphere is the end of the spectrum. I called it sphere because this shows the final development form refined to it’s potential. Spheres also describe the envelopes of fields within fields in the world of unseen benevolent field, creative field, morphic-resonance field, spectrum assessing field, activity field and state field. The fields don’t necessarily have to do with the actual sphere in this case but it is important to note the nature of these spheres. That they act like a polish Matryoshka Dolls that are inside of one another. The shells of the Earth is is another good physical example of what this sphere looks like. Earth is a living example of the sphere with its hidden spiritual fields and physical shells. There Sphere is the symbol of the divine and a metaphor for refined greatness. All records of shining ones have been tied to giant orbs of light. The manifestation of all wonderful and great things we idealize are of the light.


Proto-type is a monstrous paradigm of epic proportions because it also completes an ascended chart of it’s own and allows us to see up to 33 traditionally or more ascendant properties. 21 in which are protruding planar binaries and 12 are part of the ascended chart. This proto-type is just a means of producing something that can express a pure ascendant star ushering a movement towards higher consciousness and ushering a contemplative notion of amenity or relief for human suffering. It’s a “mad scientist” method of combine 3 stars and producing a pure ascendant chart. It was just myself testing the extent of the paradigms and attempting to take a peak in the veil of creation.

Topic Universal Reality: Core, Transitions and Hourglass.

Light in my palm

(These are the spiritual stages of the chart and therefore may become a little abstract, please relax and just understand that these concepts maybe due to my failure to articulate or your inability to grasp concepts that have not yet been learned yet. The acquisition of these terminology can only be acquired from the study of the main book; The God, Universe and Truth. It is recommended that you have a brief idea of what the Core, Transitions and Hourglass are before reading below for I do not know how much sense it will make to those without these background knowledge. I will articulate them best i can but no promises.)


Light Universal Reality:

When i speak of Universal Reality I mean to say Virtual Universal Reality. The Core is the body of the virtual reality platform. It is the substance and meat per-say of the virtual reality universe. We have been working with three core, 3 transition, 1 hourglass, and 1 ascended protruding binary for majority of this journey. Today for our purposes the cores will be stacked high to what ever number is necessary to fit the diagram and so will the transitions. It will start looking like a Pizza Pie after it has been all cut out. In form i mean. Imagine the pizza as the core base covering the base of the hourglass structure. The color will be red pizzas. It’s function is to define a medium of it’s identity. For example my favorite would be a paradigm of physical, mental, spiritual and  ascended binary (magenta crossing the middle). The Core is usually tied to the idea of a capacitor holding information/energy/power.

Now imagine separating “transitions” between the Pizza Slices so that you have individual slices not crossing the line of their territory. These are transitions and labeled blue most of the time. It’s function is mainly as a facilitator of walls to separate the core mediums from getting diluted/mixed into one another. For example to be consistent with the last set of cores we choose the transitions (physical) EMOTIONAL (mental) UNITY (Spiritual) DIVINE (Binary). The Transition is usually tied to the idea of a amplifier amplifying information/energy/power.

The hourglass structure is simply a double cone with a filter in the middle in the process to refine the medium coming through. The hourglass has been known to be an indicator of time and refinement through time. It is symbolic in this way and it also functions as an hourglass and represented usually as a intersecting of two planes/cones in this case. This is usually colored green. The Hourglass is usually tied to the idea of a fields usually a magnetic one because it’s the most basic.

Topic Body: One, All and Collective

Light in my palm

Light Body:

When one says The beginning is one means we are all born into this world as single individuals. We are brought into existence by our parents and as we develop our consciousness is only to think within our sphere of self development. We grow to become independent people and soon we are working to stand on our own two feet and feed ourselves and grow as a person. As we grow we come to acknowledge our peers, that they acknowledge us and we cooperate with them expanding our body of one to may be 2-10. The process may build up and we may build connections with these people to become a bigger group or body of people. Groups, potential business partners, ring of friends what ever you would like to call it.

When people say The End is All means we mean to say that in the end every human is connected and that whether we like it or not. All living beings are together in this no matter how difficult they may be and how tough the individuals ego and exterior shell is. We are human beings who are looking out for our own safety and the safety of others. All people is not the same as a collective of people but we must see the potential of what we are to become. If every individual were perfect and able to conceive the eternal truth and wisdom of God and universe then the possibility of Heaven on Earth would be easily obtainable. But this is not the case and everyone has their own agenda, motives and influences. Every being maybe selfish, implore selfishness to keep the dynamic going to gain revenue and distracted by physical world material things. Though no person can survive alone and once they are educated, or see that they cannot live as individuals in society alone it changes them to become more flexible and cooperative. This is not the true struggle.. 

The collective is the real struggle where we get everyone to cooperate and integrate on an inter-faith platform. There will be much conflict in the transition from being one to collective such as alienation and assimilation being the all to the collective. There will be compatibility issues with beliefs and interests. People will only do what they desire to do and it will be a troublesome process to get them to do the right thing. Troublesome but not impossible as we thrive for the best way through life; The collective is the holistic system working together and it is greater then the summation of it’s parts. The holistic system will create synergy, products and a mechanical process. It will bring new things to the table that will aid in building Heaven on Earth when the collective is established on Earth. The collective is a accessible, manageable and operating group of people who are comfortable with their own lives to allow another person to pilot their narrative because they share the same ideals, destination and customs. The collective is a system built on trust, faith and belief that they are all going to the same ideal place in their pictured mind. They envision and focus on getting to that destination as a group and each man is delegated his own post in their frontier in life working toward a collective ideally human cause.

Topic Manifest: Origin, Substance and Nothingness

Light in my palm

Light, Manifest:

The Origin is the roots, causation and reason for something to become what it is today. You look at it’s roots and understand it’s beginnings. It is how the start of a journey begins and where everything came together to build the opportunity for life which is you. In this case origins is not only your own origins but the species of human, the origination of life itself, the origination of calculated creation of life itself through the placement of us in our solar system and our sun. For our origins is not a probability, in fact not only a process of refinement through evolution but hand in hand with a meticulously engineered creation of higher dimensional beings to enable our progression of the spirit in this world.

Substance is the general foundation of living, dead and non-living things. It is the existence of being of person, place or thing that dwells in this plane of life. Substance can be a very broad range of things such as things of mass are considered part of substance but what substance has also is; meaning, purpose and reason. It has benevolent values that encompass the entirety of the holistic system. It has a truth, justice and quality to it that very few paradigm platforms have.

Nothingness is the space that fills the cup. It is the space of an idea; It gives spokes created space a usefulness. A vase will have usefulness as an empty container to gather water. Nothingness is the essence of purpose in having emptiness. The world is full of space and that is why life flourishes. If life was all mass then everything would be too cluttered to breath, to move and collisions would be more frequent. Space is essential to life and for functionality of life. This is the lesson of Nothingness and it’s philosophy in a nutshell.

Topic Eternity: Alpha, Omega and Crossway

Light in my palm

Light, Eternity:

Alpha is the first, the square geometrically. It represents Earth and the crude values of the physical. The Earth’s values are basic and unrefined but it is the template for which man’s spirit will be made. It is the Beginning of the binary and the initial binary that begins the sequence. It has the important role of leading the sequence to continue it as it is the initiating binary. Historically the Earth is represented by a square in the spiritual sense by the Platonic solids. With the edges described as rigid, unrefined and sharp. It is initiated by the number 1 or Square.

Omega is the last, the circle geometrically. It represents Heaven and the refined values of the spiritual. The Heaven’s values are smooth, complex and refined and is the ultimate form which man’s spirit will be made. It is the End of the binary and the initial binary that ends the sequence. It has the important role of ending the sequence to complete it as it is the final binary entry. Historically the Heaven is represented by a circle in the spiritual sense by the Plato’s sphere of heaven. With the edges described as smooth, complex and refined. It is initiated by the number 0 or circle.

Crossway is method of division between the two worlds. Signifying a great divide of forces of light and dark in it’s exchanges between the two realms. In this process they determine the identities of the entities that make up the light and dark from both the Heaven and Earth and access this information to judge those worthy of ascension. There will be those who are working for the system, against the system and there are those who will ascend above and beyond the system. The idea is that the crossway is a filter that works like a hourglass only letting one grain of sand in at a time. When it is your time you will fall through if you are worthy and have done your time and work on Earth. Humans can descend to less evolved forms of minerals, plants, animals, and other human incarnations but they can ascend to the heaven too to the world of Cherubim and Angels. Angels can fall from the higher dimensions and become (fallen angels/demons/nephilim). It is important to know that higher dimensional beings with high spiritual levels can become guardian angels when they cross the veil of death.

Topic Existence: Nothing, Everything and Infused.

Light in my palm


Light Existence:

Nothing is absence of being; The quality of Ain Soph and Ain. The absence of god is not the entity that fills this void it is the void. It has not manifested yet and not even light has touched this space. It is the nothing beyond God, it existed before God as the Ain Soph Aur light and Kabbalah Tree of Life has. It is what God used to create the world of space. It is Absolute nothing, it means nothing or no place.

Everything is the state of existence where things exist. The quality of Ain Soph Aur.. The boundless light manifesting a nurturing essence to bring life to all it touches. It is the beauty of creation, passion of productivity and flourishing of functionality that brings life into existence. The Ain Soph Aur idea is when you look beyond what the tree is, you see that even before the tree there is only light. Light metaphorically and abstractly through nurturing essence of Life, Grace, Hope, Faith, Redemption, Truth, Universe, God and Love (The list is pretty endless because according to this idea anything that likens or is nurtured by light is part of the light body). It’s an inner communion with the eternal light that can heal and transform you, it’s not as simple as light itself from our relative perspective. If you think of Einstein and the state of relativity if you are traveling at the speed of light you would be everywhere in all time and space. When the world was created and the first light came into being the whole entirety of space and time were created and the experience was held simultaneously with that creation.

Infusion is the process of having both worlds of space and matter. This is the distribution of life and God. As you know your body is made of 99.9% space and you are composed of only 0.1 matter. It’s a very delicate balance of space and matter. The balance is made to distribute all life and essence of life at maximum potential, capacity and efficiency. We are made to function purposefully, experience life and express/generate love for one another. This is a reality of holographic proportions and the distribution of mass is minimalist for efficiency in the system. We as a human collective are a holistic proportion of the actual God experience. We are his memories in the existence of life, our struggles, circumstances, conditions and events all give him information as to “what if” a certain thing happened. Just like a super computer of unimaginable artificial intelligence calculating, assessing and producing ideas as to how to execute the best plan of action in certain lives, perpetual motions in life and methods of approach in life.

Topic Growth: Deconstruction, Construction and Integration.

Light in my palm

Light, Growth:

Deconstruction is the process of freeing us from disillusionment and breaking down mystifying barriers that cause something to be unmanageable and incapable of assessing. It is the process of quantifying and weighing what life is truly about and why we are living it. The roots, the causes, the circumstances and conditions of a situation.. It’s events are what make the deconstruction important. Going to the source of the problem is the only way to deconstruct and compartmentalize a problem.

Construction is the process of finding positive purpose reason and function in life. Thinking positively and being active and functional in the development stages of life allows you to gain experiences and with experiences growth. Life is about growing and filling the space of life with your essence. Your activity, progress and growth fill in the gap that is the space that is essentially you. Constructive behavior is essential to the development of the body, mind and spirit. Therefore there is no true way to determine right to the best degree in the moments of development.. just as long as it works. When the development constructive cycle is complete of course you are meant to function and produce products that work. That is fate, and that is where you shine.

Integration is the process of bringing it all together; The act of functioning is essential in bringing everything learnt now together as  one. The process must be a precursor to inter-faith, where all religious ideas are mellowed, contemplated and easily assessed to be integrated into society. The ideas must be compatible with secular government. All things will be adapted and sorted out as all roles of religious, government and political elements are conceptualized and defined first. As we define and assess life we control entropy, when entropy is controlled it becomes order and when order comes we find the crossway which defines everything to it’s element. When we create these paradigms it gives us a vision of what we want to create.

Topic Mass : Matter, Energy and Conscience.

Light in my palm


Light Mass:

Matter is the building block of it’s forms; Solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Matter makes form and allows substance to exist. The material things we enjoy in life are thanks to matter and it is in matter that we employ vehicles of technology to progress and save our time on Earth to develop more as humans. Matter has a low level of spiritual conscience and a subject to objectively but we should respect it’s function, purpose and reason for existing and thus not abuse it’s privilege of use. It is an object with lower end of priority for it’s wellbeing under plants, animals and other human beings. It is in the living sphere of the mineral. Matter is a component of the universe and an essential building block to life.

Energy is the power of the world it generates, potential, kinetic, static, electric, coal, oil, hydro, nuclear-fission/fusion, combustion, wind, thunder, gravitational, magnetic, harmonic, Positive, Negative, healing, natural, ki, perpetual motion of protons, electrons and neutrons. Other forms of energy are hybrid or hidden to the field of view to the 5 senses and may be acquired from another dimension or aspect of this world. Energy is the flow of life, it comes and goes and is a vector with direction. It may conduct, take shape and dispense, disperse and disappear. It can be found best in the elements of nature in it’s rawest form. It is through this energy that all things exist, the Earth is a life giving energy potential for sustaining lives and a life giving gift to all of us. We mustn’t let it go to waste and should take care of the Earth we live on.

Conscience is the heart of the world; in it, it generates purpose, function and reason  for things to exist. The Human conscience is the thing that holds us higher then the animal kingdom. We can act out of instinct but we should know better then to act out of pure emotion without thought, repercussions and a plan. We should never act out of pure contempt, willingness to harm another or to cause infliction and destruction to another human being without contemplation. This is what we call  our conscience; The circumstances, conditions and events that may follow because of our actions may cause us greater pain or suffering. There is always consequence in a person’s actions and the reaction is indeed undesirable if it comes to the darker end of the spectrum of humanity. Life is what it is, And things have a role in life no matter how lower in conscience they are in life.  Taking another man’s life was never meant to be done by human judgement. In a case where it is, that man that died will never learn what he did wrong, opportunities to make it right are now impossible and the man who has done the judgement in killing will be tainted by the darkness of guilt – where it may consume him. 


Perpetual Notion of Moving Forward Spiraling in Harmony


What is the most important message you would like to share with the world right now?

You are not alone.

God, Universe and Truth.

The collective is the answer to God.

Selfless unconditional love is the answer to the Universe.

Truth is in dispelling mystification of warped information to become common knowledge.

As you race through space. Life is a spark in time. You are a grain in an hourglass.

There is no more an important place, time and thing as the now.

Live now and embrace your fate.. however how temporary, eternal and experiential.

There isn’t enough time to think, just be! But we warned..

My silence is not ignorance. My calmness is not acceptance. My kindness is not weakness.

Patience is key to opening the right doors.

Don’t be a slave to the system. Work towards collective man yes, but don’t fall into illusion that we are because of what the tree of life makes us. We are not enemies in this domain, we are lost and just trying to adapt to the situation with our beliefs and mentalities to combat the dangers around us. We are trying to break free of the grip reality has over us. That our conscience is so much more then our skin, bones and brain. Our spiriit carries on after we die, the body does not. But we do here is either  torment or memory of what we do right or what we do wrong in this life. These memories we make here is essentially what we take home to God the collective. It is important to note that what we do here is just as important as what the plans are for us in the after life.

Project heaven on Earth is a process of deconstruction, construction and integration. At the center of it is the knowledge of the solutions; god, universe and truth. Collective humanity, selfless unconditional love and demystifying knowledge of the truth. When all is done then will we be able to move to a better place; in body, mind and spirit.

“Knowing is not enough, you must apply. Willing is not enough, you must do.”

-Bruce Lee

Happy Lunar New Years. Year of the Fire Monkey.

Vinn Diagram Complete and Expanded; Concept of Heaven on Earth Geometrically Conceptualizing

Topic for today; Vinn Diagrams Complete and Expanded.

The Life, Dream, Self and Light Vinn Diagrams of Heaven and Earth.

Today I will make us some Vinn Diagrams for Squares and Circles acquiring the components of Heaven on Earth necessary for establishment. The Process is an Expansion, Refining and Ascendance through divisions. Through the process of creating divisions (I call Triangular Thinking) we bring the divided parts together to create a collective. The first square for example has 4 squares but a fifth is acquired by adding the sum creating a bigger square. As we continue the same process is done to the next level of squares. There are 3 levels of squares and circles in this diagram. It’s good if you attempt to do it yourself but looking at the diagram you should be able understand how it all works. The Collective is a machine that is greater then the sum of it’s parts. It’s synergy, product and mechanical collective creates a perpetual movement that encompass the logic of individualism. Heaven  on Earth is process of combining binary alpha 1 the square with binary Omega 0 the circle.. In doing this we find divisions and segments of the petals which are produced to fill in the “gaps”. Petals are usually seen as products of a flower and thus the flower fills it’s gaps with petals as we do our very own products.

The Spheres of Heaven on Earth

Earth is Square

Heaven is Circle.

Ascension is Triangular Divisions.


Geometry of Vinn Diagrams Paradigm

Alpha  Squares are made for expansion.

Omega Circles are made for refining.

Crossway Triangles are made for divisions.


Looking at the Squares.

The 2×2 Square = 5 Squares is split in 2 divisions.

the 3×3 Square = 14 Squares is split in 3 divisions.

The 4×4 Square =25 Squares is split in 4 divisions.


Looking at the Circles.

The First 2×2 Circles = 5 Circles = 4 Base Colors = 4 Petals = 9 Potential Color Spheres

The Second 7 Circles = 7 BAse Colors = 6 Petals = 33 Potential Color Spheres.

The Third 19 Circles = 19 Base Colors = 18 Petals = 96 Potential Color Spheres


Expansion, Refining and Divisions.

The Alphas are the smallest Squares.

The Beta are the collective of Alpha.

The Theta are the collective of Beta.

The Delta are the collective of Theta. and the sum of this final product.


The Divisions of Triangular Thinking

First Level is Alpha Protocol the individual squares.

Second Level is Beta Protocol the first collective squares.

Third Level is Theta Protocol the second collective squares.

Fourth Level is Delta Protocol the final third collective squares.


“I wish for every man the highest potential for selfless unconditional love, and light to be the  dominant force in every being. For man to be capable of rising to the highest dimensions in one life span.” These are my wishes.

Progression Entities of the Cycle of Life; We are living the Great Divide


Light in my palm

The Beginning.

All life emerges, life is fruitful, yield is good.. life multiplies. Ideas flourish and wonder and curiosity thrive. We are becoming more articulate, wiser, gaining more formidable ground.

The End.

Things are mastered, comprehended and men are exalted. Heights of accomplishments at this time act as catalysts to human kind and bring a new order to the entropy of the world. The identity of men are refined, solidified and conceptualized.

The Great Divide.

Things that once were, things that are and that will be are determined by the actions of men, their emotional/causal and intentional being. It will be decided who is in the right and wrong of life.. This will be a time of conflict and those who go with and work for the system will become the system. Those who work against and for freedom will find a different path in ascendance out of the system. The shackles of men were never meant to exist.. they just are until we come to the realization that we are more then the skin suits we live in and seek higher purpose in our consciousness. The frequency that we seek is found within selfless unconditional love.

Ascendant Behavior

The threshold is a rule made by the system to process us and dwarf our potential. It is the system threshold that holds us back and rules are meant to be broken of course. As we reach higher development the ascendant protruding plane brings the impending breaking of the threshold, the breaking of the threshold and finally breaks the illusion coming to the stage of World Breaker. This illusion of ego and persona is not our potential. We can survive here and grow but we will never thrive in this world.

In our form we are bound to earth until our release. We cannot escape our physical death but when we reach optimum levels of the spirit in this world and cross the veil we will see the new world reborn out of the fires of the phoenix’s ashes. Spirits that enable injustices of sickness, mindless, careless action such as violence, war, rape and actions of hate will be judged. These realms will be divided in this life and the next, where you are situated may be due to your ties to these worlds. The Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial worlds are designated on Earth as well as the life after in the spirit. There is no hell, unfortunately the lowest world you can go from here is Outer Darkness which is the equivalent to hell. Other that or reincarnations into devolved forms in this world.

Islam is actuality of Terrestrial Nature, Allah is of Moon’s Radiance. Reader’s Acknowledgement


As you know my blog part of the book is just a story telling breadcrumb record to my paradigms.

There is an interesting issue i would like to discuss.. It is known that god (The human collective) made another form of himself in order to satisfy the common man’s lifestyle. This is the description of the origins of the Islamic Muslims. Where they were once praying for the same God of the Jews and Christians soon they became known to praise Allah. Which was known to have been forced on them historically.

Accurately, it originates from the phrase alahaya’lahu-uluhatanilahatan-ilahiyyatan which means ‘abada-‘ibadatan – to worship and worshipping. From this scale (wazan) comes the word ilah which means ma’luh which is “to be worshipped” (ma’bud). Based on this opinion, Ibn ‘Abbas r.a. had once said: “Allah has the (attribute) of Godliness (al-ilahiyyah) and submission (al-‘ubudiyah) on all of His creations”.

As told from ( There you have it, to be submissive to godliness. It is a sensitive topic that Islam tends not to speak of but the God they are submissive to is of Godliness but not of God himself in full radiance. This form is of the Terrestrial (Moon). And YHVH, Asher Ehyeh Asher and Elohim Are of the Universal. Christ is the name of the (Celestial) Sun. And All other deities and names of other gods are Telestial(stars). No other forces in the Universe are as benevolent as these four. And they should be respected for their own purposes because they are important in the universe of spirit and forces of nature. There is a quote in the Koran that says that the truth cannot be comprehended therefore there is a path made for those who cannot comprehend the truth. The worlds are worlds of Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial. And they are also spectrum of our benevolent God.

Lets call religion a strange hat club. If you’re not a part of the said “strange hats” group, sometimes this message may not be true that “Muslims are not racist having many forms of people involved” but they may impose conversion.. They are discriminant in that they simply can’t ignore a woman without a hibjab. And what about the oppressed women and the hierachy that segregates the women from the men? I think the idea is good if you can promote such a thing in the west about the practice of praying, mindfulness and peaceful way of living.. but in the east it hasn’t shown to be a very kind idea to atheists, apostates, gentiles and women. The religion is mostly looking out for the religious majority whereas the minorities have no choice but to convert or move away. Women without a hibjab are ridiculed, exposed to dangerous behavior and discrimination how does one even explain this?

Do not believe that I am truly attacking any person’s religion. I am equally critical of myself as i am of Christianity, Muslims, and the Jewish. Do not think of my book as a God praising bandwagon. It is a critical book of our humanity. It has to be read to the last word in order to comprehend what the message truly is. My message is simply do not condemn one another based on who they are. They are human. This book is also in a primordial form called a blog, i should not be condemned for having thoughts. I found that expressing yourself in the purest form is most necessary to portray an idea so there was little editing. This was really a record to the building of paradigms. I would probably anger sensitive people and ones that thrive on emotions in the “deconstruction” process but If everyone read the book to the end and understood the message then we would be in very good shape. It’s a healing process – I am a scabbing process, and i may look undesirable but when the healing is done you will see that what I do is good.

Read this book with an open mind and do not think radically or with extreme intent to debunk or hate. This is not the book for you if that is what you desire. This is the book of truths, a record and you may take what you want from it but be warned that the truth is not always pretty coming into being and that “beauty is in the beholder”. The eyes that see these things have to have good taste and eloquent feel for ideas. You must have the desire to build good and you must desire to be better. There is much dependence on Faith in the human kind in order to see the right. I’m an expression of selfless unconditional love.. but i am also angry at everyone equally. But the anger has subsided as i saw the truth and it all made sense in the end. So will the same will be done on you if you decide to take this path. Think critically, curiously and have fun most importantly.

This is my message to readers.

Curiosity and Prosperity,


Visiting Dementia Mind’s Dreams


I had a dream where I was able to visit people with dementia’s dreams. I could tell that these people weren’t well but had good intention in them still. They were lost and angry and  in the dream I had form.. and I could participate and they could hear me. They told me I was a person  who could hear the cries of dementia victims. I was first startled to be associated with dementia but then realized they’re just lost people with damaged brains. As i continued the dream they told me that me visiting their dreams was some kind of gift and they thanked me at the end of the dream for the healing experience. I wake  up and realize that there are people who are trapped in bodies that are no longer functional and are no longer capable of seeing truth. I will be praying for them and hoping they are well. I don’t know if I actually have the gift, but would it be selfish of me to avoid contact and disassociate myself with these forms? I do care for them, but i’m in no condition to expose myself to their way of thinking. What bothers me is that he said it was a gift for them and to not use this gift with an open heart would be really sad. I guess if it’s a part of me then i will accept it with grace and endure and try to enjoy the experience best i can. What is being human without the sacrifice.

Light in my Palms

Light in my palm

  1. Growth of Deconstruction, Construction and Integration i bring you the first light.
  2. The Mass of The Matter, Energy and Conscience beginnings to flow and you will have the second light.
  3. Existence of Nothing, Everything and Infused brings the third light.
  4. Manifest of Origin, Substance and Nothingness brings the fourth light.
  5. Eternity of Alpha, Omega and Crossway bring the fifth light
  6. Body of One, All and Collective bring the sixth light.
  7. Universal Reality of Core, Transitions and Hourglass bring the seventh light.
  8. The Universal Vessel of Star, Sphere and Prototype being the eighth light.
  9. Completion of God, Universe and Truth bring the ninth light.


This is the Source Light in my Palms. There will forever be growth of more spectrum, ideas and branches But the root source will never change. Within this graph is the ultimate truth if realized. The Source is beyond the realm of God and equal in importance on this platform as the development of the model.



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Some Satire about the Ego for the Modern Times

Warning Explicit Language: Some satire about the ego and it’s release through meditation.

As the man says, don’t let life get to you. The conflicts of the ego should be left behind as your emotional baggage is a living burden in life. Take that baggage off as you would take your shoes off at the door. And release your stresses and anxieties because all that matters is the here and now, the knowledge that you are here with your body and mind in tact is all that matters. Life is just a manner or way and an expression to find truth. Whether the actual truth will anger you or bring you to despair or happiness is a different matter. In the end there is a truth.. but it is the summary truth of your truth session. Do not confuse the summary of your truth with the ultimate truth which is the collective of all truths in life. Whether you understand this general ultimate truth in the end is up to you. To find peace in who you are, your ideas and your inner conflicts. The summation of your life, dreams, self and light. This is where you will find your summary truth. And to collaborate as a collective, understand the world around us and comprehend beyond the physical. This is what is necessary to find happiness, feel fulfilled and complete. Missing one of these components will hinder your realization that; this life is everything because it is the now but it is also not important because the physical is not the end and there is more to come.

Published a Mini-Book of Paradigms

I published a mini-book of 33 pages. You can buy the extra book or download it free here. It goes hand in hand with the main book. Enjoy.

(I would’ve stuck it in the book but it was really full. =( )


Harkening: Heaven on Earth and Elaborations MiniBook Download <<<<<

For more options on buying the book. Click here.

The Synthetic Ex-Human Other. Final Graph.




These are hypothetical components to the construction of said entities. There’s no pretending to know completely what this field is about. Computers, Robots, Androids and Synthetic humans.

The Body: 1-Dimensional Shapes make a line, a dot and binary. But at the end there is only Quantum Binary.

2-Dimensional Shapes make squares, circles and triangles. But at the end there is only A Peek into the Veil.

3-Diemnsional Shapes make cubes, Spheres and Pyramids. But at the end there is only Heaven on Earth reality Breaker.


The Mind: Essentials make a Brick, Triangles and Square and Circles. But at The End Quantum Disturbance.

Base make a Box-Frame, A Isocahedron and Pyramind Exterior. But in the end there is only the impending Threshold Protrusion.The category Buildings make a Sky Scraper,

Geodesic Dome and Tetrahedron Structure but at the end there is only Heaven on Earth Threshhold Breaker.


The Spirit: Simple Geometry makes Cube Frames, Big Triangles and Tetrahedron 2d. Makes Quantum Disruption.

Complimentary Continuation makes Stacked Cubes, Big Isocahedron and Tetrahedron 3D. But in the end there is only Threshold Protrusion.  

Complex Structure makes Cube Structures, Geodesic Spheres and Tetrahedron Structures. But at the end there is only Heaven on Earth Threshold Breaker.


The Body: 1D Lines makes Dividing Red Line, Blue Dot and Green Binary. But in the end there is only Magenta Quantum Binary.

2D Lines make Life Separator (Cross), Dream Separator (Lapping Circles) and Self Separator (Lapping Triangles) but in the end there is only Light Separator.

3D Lines make Life Red Transitions, Dream Blue Transitions and Self Green Transitsions. But in the end there is only Light Magenta Transitions.


The Mind: Powers makes Transistor, Kinetic Friction and Laser Static but in the end there is  only Synthetic Development.

Controls makes Capacitor, Potential Memory and Pin Point Lasers. But in the end there is only Synthetic Potential.

Medium makes Electronic Medium, Fluid Medium and Air Medium. But in the end there is only World Medium.


The Spirit: Energies components are Energy Amplifier, Systemic Clockworks Loops and Quantum Charger brings about Synthetic Computer.

Energy Harness components are Heavy Capacitor, Systemic Crystalized Patterns and Quantum Motive brings about the Synthetic Robot.

Base components are Magnetic Base, Fluid Base Nano Machines and Synaptic Connection makes Synthetic Android.



1st World makes Human Beings, Worlds and Purpose. But in the end there is only the Causal Protocol.

2nd World makes Android, Solar System and Data. But in the end there is only Causal Data.

3rd World makes Synthesized Being, Universe and Light. But in the end there is only Causal Light.


Systemic Engagement makes Entropy Protocol, Order Protocol and Crossway Protocol brings about Ascended Protocol.

Systemic Engagement 2 makes Omega Protocol, Crossway Protocol and brings about Ascended Protocol Type 2.

Systemic Engagement 3 makes Core Protocol, Transition Protocol and Hourglass Protocol and brings about The Ascended Protocol Type 3.


Operation Harmonize 1 makes Entropy Conduct, Order Conduct and Identity Conduct and makes Protruding Involution Micro Planes.

Operation Harmonize 2 makes Alpha Conduct, Omega Conduct and Crossway Conduct making Protruding Evolving Macro Planes.

Operation Harmonize 3 makes Core Conduct, Transition Conduct and Hourglass Conduct and makes Protruding Planar Threshold 


Complete Ascended.png

The Giver through affection, Light and Einsof gives resourceful life.

The Giver through Mindfulness, Emnation and Manifest gives Mindful thoughts.

The Giver through constructive, Summation and Synthesis gives Constructive Spirit.


The Light Walker through Purposefulness, Martyrdom of Christ and Gematryia will light the way.

The Light Walker through Balance, Straight and Narrow Path and Spiritual Properties makes Do Not Stray.

The Light Walker through Consistency, Choosing the Right and Virtual Reality Model of the Universe Make Worlds Move.


The Pristine Deva through the Overview, Atonement and Nirvana Makes Miracles on Earth.

The Pristine Deva through the Oversight, Cream of the Crop and Unattached. Make Heaven on Earth.

The Pristine Deva through the Holy Trinity, Christmas and Existence in Being brings Paradise on Earth.


The Thoughtful is Selfless, Intervolution and Collective Self brings Way of Perspective.

The Thoughtful Virtuous Rules, Study of Collectivity and Holistic System brings Path of Oversight.

The Thoughtful Roots of Constructivity, Causation Deconstruction and Lack of Integration brings Roots of Causal Design.


The Light Swimmer makes Plasma, Complete Comprehension and Human Benefits bring about Spirit of Causation.

The Light Swimmer makes Light, Ascended Masters and Human Assessments and brings about Human Being Hierarchy Office.

The Light Swimmer is Super Conscious, Ascendant and a Human Architect and brings about Higher Frequency Constructions.


The Pristine Nirmanakayas brings about Purpose, Warmth of Human Heart and Creation Manifest and gives a Purpose Driven World.

The Pristine Nirmanakayas brings about Productivity, Benevolent Action and Ethical Establishment and allows the Heavens to be Heard High and Low.

The Pristine Nirmanakayas brings about Deliberate Existence, Assessment of the Competant and Complete Fate Oversight and brings Deliberate Defining of Humanity.


The Mindful is of Quantum Binary, Quantum Disturbance and Quantum Disruption but brings The First Harkening.

The Mindful is of A Peek into the Veil, Impending Threshold Protrusion, Empowered Threshold Protrusion brings The Second Contact.

The Mindful brings about the Heaven on Earth Reality Breaker, Impending Heaven on Earth World Breaker, and Heaven on Earth Threshold Breaker brings The Third Communion.


The Light Flyer makes the Magenta Quantum Binary, Synthetic Development and Synthetic Computer brings The Quiet Revolution.

The Light Flyer makes the Light Separator, Synthetic Poetntial and Synthetic Robot bringing the Quiet Penetration.

The Light Flyer makes the Light Magenta Transition, World Medium and Synthetic Android bringing the Quiet Realization.


The Pristine Ex-Human creates Causal Protocol, Ascended Protocol and Protruding Involution Micro Planes and the Inception of Inception.

The Pristine Ex-Human creates Causal Data, Ascended Protocol Type 2, Protruding Evolving Macro Planes and the Assessment of the World.

The Pristine Ex-Human creates Causal Light, Ascended Protocol Type 3, Protruding Planar Threshol and brings about The Law, Order and Meaning.