Earth World Justice


“Where we go, we won’t know. Until we get there, now is where we’ll be”.


Upper Sphere: 7. Equation, 6. Algebra and 5. Math(s).

Middle Sphere: 4. Music.

Lower Sphere: 3. Sculpture, 2. Painting and 1. Written.

Think with the head.

Feel with the gut.

Know with the heart.

“What did God intend?”


World’s Justice


Earth is accumulative and progressive.

  1. Believe in yourself
  2. Perspective; justice for one, justice for others, justice of consensus and justice for all.
  3. The noble heart.
  4. Mindful pros and cons of perfectionism.
  5. Collective thinking
  6. Best case scenarios of possibilities with alignments to heighten probability of chances.
  7. Human beings, being imaginary and being real.
  8. God is a constant and much more.
  9. We are a product of our work.

Reality has a terrible pattern of leaving you with scraps and nothing. My contemplation of my reality in this life is that justice or the lack of justice is a source of the problem. The noble heart is able to decipher the problems of the human conditions and conflicts. That perfectionism is another cause of this conflict. The whole entirety of the conflicts are the collective problem. We need to collectively think as a group to produce desired results we’d like to exhibit. The best case scenarios are the ones that we should work on. The worst case scenarios are the ones we should watch out for and be reminded of. We also need to make alignments to the probability of chances that we may succeed. To progress through our hardship as humans, to understand our situation on Earth and to contemplate our cause and effect of human society. Thoughtful beings who are imaginary but are real.

We find numbers are some times unending called constants. We find a constant in all things and I have found my constant “God” in who he is. He stays a constant in my life no matter how changing the world is.


Justice is finding the true state of believing in yourself. To know yourself and be yourself. You must cultivate your essence and improve your essence. You must know how to become a better person and become more true to yourself. Be who you are and live your potential to some level of margin capacity limits. Follow your dreams, live out your goals.

“What is life called when you make a fool of your self.”


life through possibility by probability.


“Did you know where we’d end up? A fool’s town full of heroes who defend clowns.”


Truth Standards




Through my findings on Earth I have determined very important pivotal mentions in my work. These are the “Truth Standards” worlds that I have determined.

Through our findings we have found that there is a need for characteristics needed in certain title jobs. I have always believed that life came with great concern for finding one’s direction and in my life have found a possible way to determine what occupation I would like to work in. I have sought long and hard for a strong life and to build good foundation. This was all fruitful in the end and the future is bright after all this. In this story we speak of The three worlds of The Artist, The Archivist and the Curator. I am one, the other and the collective to make the true consensus. I speak for one, many and all.

The world of Self, The Others and The Collective are the three worlds that co-exist together.

Deductive reasoning through the basic senses.

Poking a stick in the dark.

“Head of an Ox and Heart of Gold.”




The first self level Aox Truth is the self virtues of integrity of self, worldly truths and worldly wisdoms. The synthesis being self justice. The way is up.

The first self level Aox Truth is of application is History, Info, Knowledge. The synthesis being Binary Data. The synthesis being Binary Data. The way is up.

The first self level Aox Truth is the perpetual nature is Calculated, Logical and Mindful. The synthesis being Heartful. The way is up.

The first self level Aox Truth are the roles of Historian, Reporter and News Caster. The synthesis being the Data Analyst.

The second other’s level Aox Truth is the virtues is Contemplated, Truth and Wisdom. The synthesis being Other’s Justice. The way is up.

The second other’s level Aox Truth is the applications is Beneficial Lies, High Degrees of Truth and Logical Sense. The synthesis being Evaluation. The way is up.

The second other’s level Aox Truth is the perpetual nature is Profitable, Fruitful and Rational. The synthesis being Beneficial. The way is up.

The second other’s level Aox Truth is the Roles of Businessman, Lawyer and Judges. The Synthesis Intelligence Specialist. The way is up

The third collective’s level Aox Truth is the Collective Virtues is Ingenuity, Sincerity, Honesty. The synthesis being Integrity. The way is up.

The third collective’s level Aox Truth is the applications is the Creation, Investment and Influence Trusts. The synthesis is the Evaluation. The way is up.

The third collective’s level Aox Truth is the perpetual nature of Inventive, Affordable and Ranked. The synthesis is Validity. The way is up.

The third collective’s level Aox Truth is the role of Engineer, Banker and Creditors. The synthesis is Legitimate Claimers. The way is up.

Read Vertically:


Integrity of Self, History and Calculated. Makes a Historian.

Contemplated, Beneficial Lies and Profitable. Makes a Businessman.

Ingenuity, Creation and Inventive. Makes an Engineer.

A person who works and practices the integrity of protecting his history with calculated movements will be best suited as a Historian.

A person who specializes and is well contemplated, using beneficial lies and makes profit from it is bested suited for a job as a Salesman/Businessman.

A person who works and specializes in the hands of ingenuity, creation and is inventive may make a good Engineer.

Worldly Truths, Worldly Info, Worldly Logics make a Reporter.

Truth, High Degrees of Truth and Fruitful. Makes a Lawyer.

Sincerity, Investment and Affordable. Makes a Banker.

A person who works and specializes with worldly truths, worldly info and worldly logic may be best suited to become a good reporter.

A person who works and specializes with the truth, high degrees of truth and fruitful because of their work may make a good lawyer.

A person who works and specializes with the sincerity, investment and make things affordable is one who would make a good Banker.

Wisdoms, Knowledge and Mindful. Makes a New’s Caster (Anchor).

Wisdom, Logical Reason and Rational. Makes Judges.

Honesty, Influence Trusts, and Ranked. Makes Creditors.

A person who works and specializes in Worldly Wisdoms, Knowledge and Mindfulness. May make a good New’s Anchor or New’s Caster.

A person who works and specializes in Wisdom, Logical Reason and is Rational may make a good Judge.

A person who works and specializes in Honesty, Influence Trusts and Ranked may make a good Creditor.

Self Justice, Binary Data, Heartful makes a Data Analyst to become a archivist.

Other’s Justice, Evaluation, Beneficial makes a Intelligence Specialist to become a Human Database Archivist.

Integrity, Security, Validity makes a Legitimate Claimers to become a Worldly Archivist.

A person who works and specializes in Self Justice, Binary Data and Heartful thoughts makes a Data Analyst and becomes a archivist.

A person who works and specializes in Other’s Justice, Evaluation and Beneficence of society makes a Intelligence Specialist who can become a Human Database Archivist.

A person who works and specializes in Integrity, Security and Validity makes a Legitimate Claimer to become a Worldly Archivist.new3

LIFE – The Many Contemplated Faces


This past month I learned many things..

I’ve learned that life is not about the objective as often retold of in jobs but in possibilities in the culture of life. It’s about finding solutions in the class of the best case scenarios. I believe that even though the beauty of scenarios are often trivial. They are often in the form of exotic novelties of possibilities and majority of times, things are not always as they seem. It is in the balance of having both objective and possibilities that allows a person to live a normal life. If we believed that our destiny lay in the variety of paths that we can take then there will be endless waves of ways that a path can end. If we believe our fate lay in objectives then we will only fulfill sometimes menial and/or big tasks, endless or no.

“Don’t live in your head”. I learned this small phrase by listening to my heart. I kept on trying to create stories in my head and worlds beyond my comprehension. I eventually came to an idea that life was limitless and endless. I tried to understand why life was so circular and perfect and why there was numberless patterns to the amount of variables. And with the combination of “Keep it simple” I realize that the luxury of intricate detail is unimportant in a system of life. I believe that living in your head can be harmful to yourself and that you need to get out into the world in order to get out of old bad habits. The lavish life of beautiful scenery and lustrous luxury is a damned life if you can’t keep up, so you keep it simple and pay for a modest upkeep and life should be good.

Don’t let dreams die never experienced. This is contemplated thought I have been sitting on for a while. I’ve always wondered about the quote “Live life like it’s your last” and “If you’re going to go. Go out with a bang”.. they have me questioning what type of life I want to really live. I have another quote that tells me to “Stay sharp” but sharpening up all your life can make the life you live dull. Harness your thoughts but live life to the fullest would be a suggestion best suited to this situation. You’ve only got one life, live it full and to it’s capacity limit. 

This world really is not about just having a life, but about sharing experiences. Life can be devastating sometimes and there will be tricky hurdles to be had. We must cultivate our bodies and spirits to resolve these obstacles in life. Life should always be about helping others see more good experiences in life. To spread the load and help people see the good in life. We are all human beings in this life and we are made all in the same likeness, based on the human composition. We are beings of light, of kindness, of thoughtfulness and seek self education through life. We are now figuring out good thoughts and patterns to explore the world of experiences, knowledge and mindfulness.

Finally, “Practice what you preach”. Lastly is this, if you speak a certain thing and cannot figure a way to express it in a form of practice, manner and way for it to exist then why bother preaching it at all. Figure out who you are and know your limit, break things down in segments and take life in small portions. You should never over reach and stretch yourself thin trying to accomplish things that are above you all in one shot. Life is about the practice which is the most important part of any activity. It is in the practice of life that you learn to fix your life. Help yourself to help others.

We are determined to win.

These things are what we came to contemplate. Possibility not objectives. Don’t live in your head. Don’t let dreams die never experienced. Shared experience. Practice what you preach. This is all.

It’s about possibility not objectives. Don’t live you life in your head


I would say that to live once, right and full is better than living a thousand wrong lives and never finding the right life to live.

Strange Sheep or Black Sheep


Today my topic will be about malevolent and benevolent beings.

The story about benevolent and malevolent beings throughout history have been enigmatic throughout the centuries. Benevolent being of nurture and malevolent being of manipulation. Though malevolent natures are a bit selfish in design they are essential to the world in that they are self sufficient and effective in their cause. They work towards their survival as priority and make sure that they are able to change and adapt things to their personal needs.

I believe we need to balance the two sides or natures in human beings. I understand that we should work towards a better future for our personal worlds but I also believe we must compensate some time and effort into our relationship with our neighbors. To mend wounds and allow each other to fill the gaps that each world is missing. People never take the time to care for one another any more and think more selfishly in this world. They forget who really did what in this life and what sacrifices were made in order to bring about this world the way it is today.

Life is truly about giving. I learned a whole lot in life, I found earthly knowledge and universal knowledge quite exciting. The material world is truly a great thing in a sense that you get to interact and touch things with the opportunity of genuine interest. We have never been so blessed and we should be grateful for all the things that we learn in this life. The experience of life is rich and full of hope, opportunities can exist in many mediums and can be expressed in many ways. I for one am a bit excited for life and I am glad to have this opportunity to know what life is in essence. We have all suffered sometimes tragic events in our lives and as we grow and heal ourselves we are reminded that the world is not perfect.

Love and Compassion, were some of the traits taught effectively through the decades. It strikes me and astounds me that people go through life sometimes forgetting that we should live with the forgive and forget mentality. That people harm because maybe they had no choice or fell victim to their own demons and vices  or of addiction. Their natures are to blame because not everyone is perfect. Manipulation is the most prominent nature and people often get consumed by the darkness of the heart more often than people of benevolence. People fall – it is a fact, benevolence is a delicacy in this world and we should savor the fruits of our work once in a while. We should seek the harvest to build worlds where there is benevolence but know that malevolent people exist and they are the building blocks to society and exist at the foundation

Christ was a man who lived among the poor, needy, sick, hungry, desperate, poverty ridden; he lived among the indecent and thieves. He was truly a curious man based on how he pursued life. He was wise to have balanced the scales the way he did, adapting to his environment and changing his world around him based on benevolent foundation but manipulated life to work with him. Life can be awfully tough in the face of danger and it requires a bold mindset in order to facilitate the prerequisites to survive in life. There is courage that is required in the face of crime, vice, infidelity, vengeance and other dark elements. Life is truly based around what you can do at the time with what you have. You make what you can in life based on what you can work with. This is all one can actually do in the name of progress, to become more tempered and stronger than the last time one has passed through.

I am the black sheep that made the full circle around the world and covered his wool in a dark coat of soot. I have gone far and wide to obtain my self-education about life and I wish only that people used my time wisely. I wish to give the respect to those who spent their time in building this world and I am brought to contemplate what people have done in order to bring this world about. I will cherish the moments that I have that are good in this life and I will make sure life will be fulfilled the best I know how. I have wasted too much time wishing I were someone else sometimes believing I should have been a certain way for too long. I should seek my dreams now. I thank God and The Christ in bringing functional society and life into full blossom and radiance. I know life is hard some times but I know I can count on these certain people to give me the wisdom I need in this life. I just need to focus on the strength of learning something today so that I am not ill equipped for tomorrow.

Fri. Nov 11-

I think I found out what I am today. I think I want to get into Analytics. I want to learn about the world to a whole different degree and I want to shine bright but still be humble. I made a promise today I will shine with one hundred percent truth in my heart but I won’t make speeches everyday because that’s not who I am. I will be good to the world and be in essence a good in the world working to help human kind and their universe to grow and become better people. I apologize to formally to the man who helped me grow the tree of life in this world. I thank you stranger (Jim Hawkin) for making the tree of life happen. I will be accountable for my own actions be strong and have courage to be who I was meant to be in this life.



The Bed of Nails Journey

From high places to low places.. the equinox of seasons changes swiftly.


(Nine Worlds – Wiki)




(Simon E. Davies)

A lesson about truth.. about the struggles that come with the truth. I’m about to tell you things that may or may not help you. If you ever run into such a device though pray you do not use it wrong.

There is a truth I have that I am struggling with.

There is a web of lies that the creator makes to stump the seekers of the truth that he has.

You cannot unlearn/undo what you have seen, if you seek the Trap Master (Architect Spider). For his Truth is the ultimate trap which is found in the Trap Master’s Seat. If you seek his seat, that is not the end of you for you will find the Trap Master first in that seat. In his Seat is the Trap Master in the flesh and all he has is a bigger maze for you after you find your way through his web of lies. The constellation prize for winning is the ultimate trap if you survive, it’s a well of oblivion – for all men thirst.

The maze has treasure but of all the wrong sort. The treasure is cursed and all men and worlds will reject you for being exposed/corrupted by it’s influences in obtaining these treasures. The Labyrinth or Maze is a place for failure and only failure. For the treasure beyond is only for Gods and Myself, the only thing that is good there is my Hour Glass Chalice. Another secret is that it is taken to another realm in Valhalla and the maze has now become a decoy for the unsuspecting and misinformed. The Labyrinth exist in Helheim plane only as a historic monument of my journey and prison for damned and lost traveler.

People go here to be damned with intentions to become lost in obscured space and dimension. The mirrors distort reality and bend the space so that it obscures your vision so you cannot rely on it. If you ever decide to go in use yarn/string so at least you can find your way back. If people end up reaching the treasure the trap is then “secured” and unleashed to full potential. No one is completely safe because for coming this far, the object decorated to be the greatest curse in the entire world but only serves only as a form of death.

When the traveler reaches the end of the labyrinth A guardian will approach them and ask them a series of questions to figure out if they are worthy before they condemn themselves to it’s curse. Only the three people listed below will be candidate for drinking of the cup.. or one who wishes death.

4 reasons why you would ever be interested.

  1. For a good man to redeem himself in a new life.
  2. Pentacle man to obtain a good life.
  3. Gods to experience the physical limits of human life and be humbled.
  4. Death Physical and Spiritual.

The cup is made out of a indestructible transparent form of glass.


Take the cup and listen to it. It will speak if you are meant to drink from it. If no then leave it and do not return. It will give you very specific instructions depending what you desire. The cup direction is usually most likely going to be flip it and let it sit upside down for exactly one hour until all the sand is on the UP (white triangle up, black triangle down) side of the hour glass. Fill the top with water and let the dirty well water nearby purify the water until it is clear and then drink it when the water looks clear enough to drink. The Hour Glass Relic can never be moved out of the enchanted room. (Make sure the voice that speaks is of benevolent value and speaks out of reason and connection to the universe.)

There is a guardian that guards this timeless artifact. Artifact of Good Man’s Redemption.

(One note. The cursed treasure is the pentacle man’s blessing and burden alone. All this treasure is cursed all is felled by black magic – surrounded by tabooed knowledge. The knowledge of the treasure is more of a burden and the place of it more like a elephant graveyard. Know that this labyrinth was only made for four reasons.

  1. For a good man to redeem himself in a new life.
  2. Pentacle man to obtain a good life.
  3. Gods to experience the physical limits of human life and be humbled.
  4. Death Physical and Spiritual.

Rule set 1:

If you drink it right side up you will experience physical death with other side influences.

If you drink it upside down you will experience something other than death and other side influences.

Rule set 2:

If you drink from it right side up, vile/righteous or other you will obtain physical and spiritual death spontaneously.

If you drink it upside down and as a vile man you will experience nothing. The worst of the the five percentile of the population who identify themselves as truly vile will get black veins as a form of true mark of corruption and dark.

If you drink from it right side up, as a righteous good man – you will surely die and start over but given no life.

If you drink from it upside down as a righteous good man – you will be given a clean slate and life to start over.

If you are the True Pentacle Man (there is only one and he knows he is for the cup was made by and for him). You can drink the cup right side up and you will die physically and spiritually. You can drink the cup upside down and you will gain divine prosperity, marriage based on earthly constitutions but heavenly ideals revolving on the true pentacle man and also an anti-fallen evil state of existence. Immune to spiritual true evil demons.

If you are a God – you will gain spiritual and physical death if you drink it right side up.

If you are a God – depending on your influence and merits you will gain a life as a finite mortal for one life time with human properties but your own personal intellect and knowledge base, you are still limited to human and worldly laws if flipped upside down and drank.

For a normal being flipped right side up and drank it allows one to die spiritually. But you will feel nothing.

For a normal being flipped upside down and drank, it becomes an object that also allows a form of death but in servitude to man kind in a form watching as an observer forever as a God until one is ended in the spiritual world.

Be mindful, this is a work of fiction but it is very sacred knowledge to myself. Please enjoy it as fiction as it should be. Thanks.

The chalice is no more.