Promoting New Comic Book! Future Law: War on Crime. September 2022

Future Law Book 1 and 2 premiering on September 2022. Intellectual Property of Darrell Rodgers who is the author and penciled the comic book. Illustrations and rendering by Nam Nguyen. I am excited for the announcement of a new Comic Book. Be on the lookout for the release of our original comic books (vol. 1,2 and 3) The Canadian adventures of artificial human Marlowe in his trials facing street crime, clone wars and confronting aliens.

Publishing Future Law Comic Project through AMSA.

Promote, support and fund local Canadian comic artists.

Graphic Novel Ideas ; Just Hearts

*We are heroes in a world of heroes.

We were all once heroes, we all once came of and passed through Elysium here to the real world. Here we are all heroes except we struggle with problems of the normal life. Everyone has an inner conflict everyone has their set of problems and hurdles to overcome. We all came from the same place. But you, how far the apple has fallen from the tree. Your true self exists some where inside you. Return to your true potential.

The Treasures.

  1. The Ouroboros: Grants the power of infinity.
  2. The Holy Chalice: Grants eternity and a long life time span.
  3. The Ark of Covenant: Gift of Sanctuary.
  4. The Spear of Destiny: Power to Purge and Perish.
  5. Treasure 5. Mix of all 4 treasures. Heart’s Key: Grants True Desires.

The Eyes.

  1. Mind’s Eye/Truth; Grants Knowledge.
  2. Dream’s Eye/Ideals and Definite Destiny; Grants Glory/Beauty of vision.
  3. Bond’s Eye/Emotion, Animal and earthly nature; Grants Connection.
  4. World’s Eye/Harmony and Consensus; Grants recognition and influence.
  5. Eye 5. Mix of all 4 Eyes. Heart’s Eye. Eye to see Spirit and Potential.

The Worlds. Create a world:

  1. Utopia: Perfect world of glass houses, over consumption and over population.
  2. Dystopia: Dysfunctional apocalyptical scenario.
  3. Anarchy: You control how the world works.
  4. Autonomy: World works on it’s own.
  5. Heterotopia: Fractal zoo keeping world. You effect your outside world and make a living encyclopedia of your people/animals and things.

The 5th Treasure/Eye/World is hidden from the world.

The 5th Treasure/Eye/World is hidden from sight. It is the Key/Eye/World of The Heart.

*Reasons for Villain Residents.

We do not know why but some villains and Anti-heroes inhabit this world as well. We do not know the criteria and reasons why or what makes a hero. Such examples is Project Spawn; An ex-military soldier who lead a murderous life and sold his soul to a demon, working as an agent of evil. But he has redeeming qualities to fight other demons and crime. An evil that fights other evils is apparently a hero quality.

*The Heart of The Treasure/Eye/World.

This is a world where persona and spirits have a human form. Their previous life that made them who they are cannot be seen and identified unless they have “The Hearts Eye”. There is only one hero who has acquired “The Heart’s Eye” in our canonical history “The Past”. The Heart’s Eye is the greatest endowment of the living. It is the only transferable endowment that can passed on from the world of the dead. Other specialized eyes can be found in the world to different degrees of potency but the “Heart’s Eye” is special because it covers all 4 variations although to limited degrees of the different eyes found. The present treasures of the present time that can be acquired are the greatest treasures above all.

We live and fight for the real world. This is the true world and we are racing against time to obtain our true self’s potential and best fate. The treasures are just trump cards based on the law of chaos and are just potentially random dangers in the course of our projection in life. The true objective is to find our most desired fate/destiny. The 5th Treasure of Heart grants our true desires, this is our goal as The Master of the Hearts Eye.

*Resolution and Finality

The treasures are all just a distraction. For the true treasure is the treasure combination the Key of The Heart – Granting the host’s true desires. The Hearts Eye is the most desired eye because it is a combination of the 4 eyes. The Eye to see potentials and past spirit/human nature. The narration follows the one who is called the Master over The Heart’s Eye. This is how it all begins, the gears are beginning to shift and our machine is in the movement towards a niche World.

The narration starts here with you, you are the master of the heart’s eye.

Create a world.

  1. Utopia
  2. Dystopia
  3. Anarchy
  4. Autonomy
  5. Heterotopia

That’s all I have for the new graphic novel story line I’m writing.


The Machine Beast with a Heart of Man – 1.0

Creating more electronic art. Science-fiction and Fantasy inspired.

Idea: Part Machine, part beast and heart of man infused.


SYNAMEX – Synthetic Man Complex

In the future man will look to virtually controlled exo-suits; part machine and part animal to express and experience a more primal life. To fulfill their sense of adventure and to overcome their human fears. For the military, the machines become a force of war and devastating destruction. And for the average being a sense of release from the boundaries drawn as humans. True freedom to express or to harness the power of the human constructions; SYNAMEX exo-suits.


Drawn on Cintique Wacom tablet.


The Worth of a Little Spark; Gravity of Humanity


Humanity, the small and the weak are worth defending and fighting for no matter how tainted, broken or defected it all may seem to be. Love for this quality is necessary no matter how limited and deviant it may become. We must have hope and faith no matter the worth even when it is holistically depreciated or crooked. It (life) is precious and it must be carefully guided the roots carefully tended. Truth must always be kept in check, the integrity sanctioned and established. Innocence and humanity is always worth fighting for, for the lost must be found in the end no matter the outcome. This humanity is small and sought after no matter how life turns out, the tides of justice come in favor for those who fight for what’s right. Redemption is always given to those who continue to fight. Redeeming qualities weighs more heavily than flaws of man. The brokenness of man and life shines through when times are tough. The cracks act as scars in life and builds the person’s character.

This is not the end, this can only be seen as a new beginning. You must be willing to fight, for all you have is what’s in front of you. Because everything just happens to be all you currently see at the moment. All you can do is take what you have at this very moment and make it bloom best you can. The fruition of your work continues to grow forever until termination. And termination is only determined when you decease. That is the value of life, it continues to give (life, hope and happiness) until you give up. Bless all life and forgive all those who fail. For redemption is a quality to all the living no matter it’s current state. I forgive and have love for those who can not give anymore and are deceased. You will live in my heart and I pray my actions in life will redeem those who have given up hope and living backwards.

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium. My original book was based on the idea of how there was light in selfless and unconditional love, it was an idea that stayed true to it’s essence as an innocent inquiry blog book into the crazy world of life, dream, light and knowledge. This soon brought me to the idea of darkness that would be reflected seeing this light. The darkness that brood which became the selfish and conditional love which I came to dwell on specifying what love I should aim for, often putting love on a pedestal and gradually fed into the inability to clench the insatiable world of pure virtually generated fantasy. I soon later stumbled on the untold end dynamics and detailed recount which became the product here. The Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

I also looked at selfish and unconditional love and finally the 5th selfless and conditional love; these two other worlds were decaying copycats which did not do much but to help map out the field and since the light and dark seemed to be the most liberating to understand.

I indulged in a “Netflix” binge one day and came across a very relevant and curious movie called “The Thirteenth Floor”. Which played on the premise of the world is a virtual world, and in it existed the only other world in the multiverse with a virtual world inside of another virtual world. It allowed the person to jack into a world to do their vices knowing this world was virtual but at the cost the person in the virtual world who was a very real functioning person with a life of his own, would lose a couple of hours and no memory of what he has done in that world during the time of his occupancy in the “skin suit”. They knew very well that the people in that virtual world had a very real existence and their relationships and life were not something to mess around with. Life ensued and finally the bar tender a close friend of the genius architect of this artificial world received a letter he was not suppose to read and found our about the virtual world and how he was not real. That nothing in his reality was real, they were just code and there were limitations to their artificial world. The man was able to jack out of the virtual world into the “upper” world where he would get a glimpse of the real world the world of tomorrow as they call it behind glass walls and picket fences.

From there I brought myself to a higher understanding to comprehend the place I call the “Crossway” of this existence. “Crossway” is the golden means of life where life can ideally thrive. Such is the distance of the Sun to the Earth and the Moon (it’s tide cycles) is to the Earth to make life habitable, not to forget Jupiter and it’s massive gravity to direct the meteors/space debris from hitting Earth.

So as my light is selfless unconditional love, my dark became selfish conditional love. I learned that the Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

These are the renditions of what my Dark, Light and Better Medium came to be. These were personally rendered on Adobe Photoshop to get a dynamic of the flow and energy found in traditional Yin-Yang. The bleeding and outer rings of these two graphics came out naturally to show the nature of transferred energy red to blue, black and white. This last render (The 2nd) is a 12 or 13th level dynamic graphic. Dynamic in that it was created in a procedural and gradual edits using vectors and pin point accurate rotations of vector programming. Meaning, You cannot merely replicate these graphics unless you proceed in a certain step by step generation of these graphics. Nothing is actually wrong with these two graphics they are in perfect harmony. Any mismatch or slight overlay nudges happened naturally during the erecting process.

In my recent dreams, I do not understand if it’s just my mind running like a loose tap but I am starting to see a fluidness of evolving  micro to macro worlds as I am lucid dreaming. They call it an awakening but it feels like I’ve touched the edge of what would be deemed sanity at this point. I feel and understand now what it is like to be normal and sane with a small touch of crazy some times but it’s good to know your limits as I’m sure no one “great” has ever thought inside the box for out of the box answers. The more dreams I have, the more vivid the detail, depth and colors seem to become a touch of synesthesia perhaps. Though it seems more like a jumble of mess degrading or evolving mass despite that fact there is a pattern of looking deeper into the worlds within itself.



The Study of the Compiled Twelve Essentials for Independent Ecosystems

I completed this acrylic rendering of a 3D 12 pointed Merkaba star by hand; for your viewing pleasure with some side notes about the mark up system I used to help define and identify better  the nature and direction of this dynamic object. This was done on a 24 inch by 48 inch art canvas and will be up for auction at the Vietnamese benevolence society along side the “Ain Soph Aur” Tree of Life in October. I used a set of systems I have identified as essential for any Independent Biological Ecosystems and that may be compatible for “Universal” Symbiosis.


Break The InternetE8Petrie.svg

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Independent Biological Ecosystems and Universal Symbiosis

Alpha. Seed of beginnings and roots. Study of harvest and agriculture. Trade and networking. Paths and strong roads.

Omega. Finalization, fruition and products. Mature/ripe for capitalizing. Sales marketing business of persuasion and study of capitalizing. Promotional skills in advertising business, manipulation of economics and entrepreneurship education. Minor financing, practical and technical skills. Strong practice and matured development in exposure to cultured independence. 

Cross-way. Study of all things related to time. Overall energy consumption in relation to resources, worth, power, mass, space, distance and it’s affects towards general progression. Scaling and weighing options.

Ambiguity; Study of vice and virtue. Implications and advantages.

Sustainability study of Fractal micro and macro worlds. Maximizing and minimizing. Mastery of salvaging.

Abundance. Processing/accumulate staple resources and manage excess resources.

Education: Providing archives of knowledge, ways to accumulate and promote essential knowledge. To teach, inform and educate.

Lost worlds. Opportunity and possibilities.

Sequence study of order, principles and priorities.

Ascendance; Intelligence spectrum mapping and ways to traverse the world of information and creating applications for further functional efficiency.

Hero: Making sure things are legitimate and that integrity has not been breached. General law is weighed and scaled appropriately served and punished accordingly to general justice. Resolving legal disputes.

Void Awareness: Differentiating body from space. Limitations and boundaries.

(0,0,0) True synthesis; Assessing, establishing and processing the immediate mission and priorities. Declaring all things to be of either priority over preference nature. Tying up bureaucratic loose ends and analyze legal loop holes and exploits of system. Disputes and legal conflicts cleanup. Collaboration and creating data base, archives and true principals through collage of all systems.

Alpha, Omega, Crossway, Ambiguity, Sustainability, Abundance, Education, Lost Worlds, Sequence, Ascendant, Hero, Void Awareness, and True Synthesis.

Ein Sof Aur is a mysterious tree representing life, experience and knowledge.


//notes Quantum Gravity?



Gene Keys Notes: 38th-52nd Part 4

Another week of reading and studying of the Gene Keys which are derived from the Chinese I Ching. Here are my notes for the 38th and 52nd gene keys the 3rd weekend study. There is a total of 64 Gene Keys and thus we are near the end 12 or so more Gene Keys.

“The only language that can comprehend/decipher this world is the language of archetypes, namely the language used by Jungian psychology, the arcane symbolism of the alchemists or the ancient totemic language of the shaman. The language of archetypes, which is what the 64 Gene Keys are based upon, allows us to look into the hidden side of our nature, to step into the perilous shamanic underworld of the collective unconscious without becoming personally identified with what we see there.”


38th Gene Key

Siddhi Honour, Gift Perseverance and Shadow Struggle.

For great honor is found in sacrifice of one self and to surrender to competition.

To turn the darkness in to an act of light and convert all darkness to become light.

39th Gene Key

Siddhi Liberation, Gift Dynamism and Shadow Provocation.

Failed based on art of provocation. Hunger for Violence unsated because of spiritual hunger for creativity. Gift of Dynamism is to fight the feeling of being trapped between the outer circumstances without changing your attitude

When fear is felt there will be anger based on being trapped.

First 7 years of unstructured dynamism of playing is important to a child’s individual growth.

Knowledge can be forced, but genius needs to be given a great deal of time and space to organically grow.

The greatest warriors know no fear.

40th Gene Key

Siddhi Divine Will, Gift Resolve and Shadow Exhaustion.

40th shadow is one of the most deep-seaed causes of cancerous disease on our planet.

Saving energy the gift of saving energy at all levels called wu wei; art of doing nothing.

Divine heart, divine mind and divine will. Divine will brings about other two cosmic organs.

It is only when everything is taken from you that you feel this emptiness. This experience is a deeply paradoxical state.

God can only visit when you are not there.


41st Gene Key

Siddhi Emanation, Gift of Anticipation and Shadow of Fantasy.

Atg is the door codon which acts as the entrance to the genetic function.

Chasing a fantasy without realizing it producing the result the unending wheel of samsara.

The difference between 41st gift and 41 shadow is the the difference between genius and non-genius.

This gene key is the ring of origin.

Emanation of the Ain soph aur the sephirah of the kabbalah; the model of emanation containing the concept of infinity.

Also named he black hole or i-ching “decrease”.

All 63 siddhic states are meaningless including bliss, ecstasy and god are meaningless since they are all subtle expressions of the prime emanation.

All efforts to induce the state of enlightenment is meaningless because we are helpless to attain this state. One cannot attain enlightenment when they are purposely pursuing it.

All is sucked into the vacuum that is the serpent ouroboros – endlessly devouring its own tail.


42nd Gene Keys

Siddhi Celebration, Gift Detachment and Shadow Expectation.

All gene keys start with 3rd Gene Key and ends with 42nd Gene Key.

Expectation is the promise of a better tomorrow. To live in the now and do what our heart desires to be happy. It is never too late to live in the now. Postponing until we get old is what we naturally will do if we keep procrastinating.

42 represents death/end of the key and end of a natural cycle thus sends out a notion that time is running out causing a responsive reaction that prompts immediate action.

Every seven years we regenerate all the cells in our body thus we have a new body.

42nd key form a complex codon group in DNA that is known as the ring of life and death.

Careful with expectation, sometimes you will miss out on the good things when you concentrate on the bad.

Detachment allows one to truly grasp the truth of things, not being influenced by the negative or positive.

Work with expectation rather than being a victim of it.

There is great understanding and freedom when one surrenders deeply to their life.

Shadow patterns are in fact an illusion. The explosion of the moment is seen as celebration.

You have always been asleep in the siddhic sense. You cannot be half-asleep – you are either awake or sleeping. Thus awakening/sleeping is a occurrence of being in one of the two different states.

The occurrence of awakening is not an event, it is the end of all events.

We are the serpent shedding our skins. The body is the skin, we are not the skin but we are the serpent endlessly shedding the skin.

Celebration is the direct manifestation of true awakening.


43rd Gene Key

Siddhi Epiphany, Gift of Insight and Shadow of Deafness.

Deafness. Survival, service and surrender. The natural process built into lives of human beings and this process has 3 stages. These bands form the spectrum of human consciousness the 64 keys are built. At the shadow you are operating at genetic survival mode by via frequency of fear. The only certainty in life is change. The white noise is deafening, which makes it rare to see a human being with a clear still aura.

Change is not found in pursuit of change, It happens automatously, we pursue happiness in order to change our reality. We cannot escape the mental loop of worrying. The wonder of the human being is unpredictable, spontaneous liquid genius. We praise heroes from afar and at a safe distance. We label those who pursue the rebellious spirit as outsiders outside our bubble. Without regular shaking we become frozen and stagnant.

He or she cuts a new pathway without worrying about where it is going. Forgetting the future and simply be the conduit for creative insight by means of simplicity. A relaxed solitude of break through in order to become a more contemplative being.


The star and the magi. Buddha experienced a epiphany through his great surrender by means of disappointment searching for something he already had or is. You are what you are and nothing can be taken away from your nature. The only thing you know is that you know absolutely nothing. Nothing you say is of any important or relevance whatsoever. It is like you are sharing a private joke with yourself.


44th Gene Key

Siddhi Synarchy, Gift of Teamwork and Shadow of Interference.

Human fractal is ultimately chaos of everything under the virus like master program “that cannot be wrong” in order to eliminate interference patterns. Starting from individuals to the grass root relationships. The ability to smell the indications of a person’s heritage via hormones and pheromones and track back details of their past lives. To be able to race fractal lineage back to the source of all fractals.

The Queedom; the complete understanding of the mechanics of human destiny and entire story of humanity. Synarchy; The prefix “syn” of synarchy is to concert and “archy” means to govern bringing in the concept of collective rulership. Centers of the world variously known as Shambhala, Mt. Meru, or Agartha, and from which a secret circle of ascended masters or celestial beings govern the world from a higher place. This is a innocent distortion of the Siddhi of Synarchy. True synarchy is the understanding of human fractals in order to fully comprehend its vast vision.

2 classes of insect hierarchy – Ants and Bees. Old esoteric tradition speak of a great being – The King of the World, sometimes known as Melchizedek or Sanat Kumara – who sits at the centre of all creation and governs all life in our planetary system. Akin to the power of the “Queen Bee” in a synarchy of bees. In a hive, all bees serve the queen and their synarchy is divided into different levels of workers and drones. The Queen symbolically and chemically maintains the focus and direction of all it’s members, if the queen dies, the hive falls into chaos and also dies.

Silence is necessary to follow down every fractal line within the cosmos of life. This is in order to see the secrets of human destiny and fractal patterns of time, the tapestry of the fractal lines through the cosmos. When the big bang happened consciousness was seeded into matter in a basic trinary pattern called the “Three Source Codes”. A hierarchy that is circular rather than linear. No one in a synarchy is above anyone else because at all times there is an awareness of the groups inherent oneness, the totality can function as one. Core fractals are what we term enlightened beings or masters.


45th Gene Key

Siddhi of Communion, Gift of Synergy and Shadow of Dominance.

Food = money. Collectivity makes better chance for a kill at a hunt. The gathering together around food that our civilization was born. Survival is more ensured when staying in one place, cultivating crops and domesticating animals. Life based on territory as a means of controlling the production and distribution of food was the crucible of our modern societies and nations. Hand in hand with change came another development, that of civilised hierarchy. Tribal groupings multiplied, natural hierarchies developed around network of elders or around a alpha leader. Power is distributed according to other’s needs, such as skills and usefulness, or was inherited through patrimony. Food and territory have been replaced by money and wealth.

Modern technologies and infrastructure would allow us to live in a world without hierarchy, this is our utopian dream.

We still live in the shadow of Dominance because we still live for ourselves rather than for each other. Tribal thinking dominates over collective thinking and family loyalties far outweigh corporate commitment.

From Hierarchy to Heterarchy: Heterarchy is a level of self-organisation that already exists to an extent within many hierarchies. Heterarchy distributes information horizontally oppose to hierarchy which distributes it’s authority vertically. It recognises the need for both individual and group empowerment, so it operates at a far higher frequency than the hierarchical models. The Gift of Synergy requires a leap of faith out of fear-based thinking and control by a single person. It is akin to the ideal at the core of democracy – The decision-making should and must be collective. In the business world synergy and heterarchy  want to takes us further into networks where businesses that previously competed now dovetail and cross-pollinate each other, thus moving more energy throughout the whole system. This heterarchical model of business; clients and customers are shared between the various businesses that make up the network. Those who hold positions of power and authority have tot risk giving their authority away.

When giving complete authority to another is an act of pure alchemy because when such sacrifice is made to the right group the rewards can be phenomenal. The amount of synergy and goodwill that moves through the human network increases exponentially. This new kind of business is allowed to discover it’s own self-organising intelligence. The gift is interesting in the long term it is this fractal energy of goodwill that has the real power of profitability itself. The goodwill generated reaches outwards in ever-increasing spirals that impact on the world through synchronicity and word of mouth.

Ultimately the 45th gift is in the long run more efficient in moving together in synergy rather than waste energy on competition.

“It is this fractal energy of goodwill that has the real power, not profitability itself.”

The End of Money; Bread and Wine, Money and Blood are core of the symbolism of the holy communion. Oneness on the material plane through the transcendence of money. Human beings are the true currency and money is the prime means in order of interacting and opportunity. If you trust in the energy of goodwill above all else, you will alter the way in which money moves in and out of your life. Redistribution of money through the world economy must alter in order to serve a higher purpose.

Unconditional giving negates the need for money altogether. The ultimate model of human and divine organisation is the synarchy. Communion represents humanity’s original and completed consciousness.

Hierarchy is actually the unfulfilled organising principle that leads to synarchy. When humanity attains communion it discovers that it is organised into a vast fractal pattern of human geometries arranged in human wheels and branches. Synarchy is the overall pattern of humanity operating as one consciousness. Such is Christ and the twelve disciples so is humanity and the fractal families of life. Synarchy is thus an agent of communion since their actions, words, deeds and vison flow directly out into humanity building the Synarchy. Christ is a hub fractal in a sense, a conduit of goodwill who sacrifices himself for the sake of the greater community. As we follow his example we taste the greater body of humanity and enact the mystery of sacred communion in our lives.

Synarchy can be likened to the interlinked network of neurons and synapses in the human brain. This is precisely what is happening to humanity right now as frequencies move through the 45th gene key come more into play. We discover higher levels of self-organisation. We are more so discovering these patterns rather than consciously creating them. We are already arranged into a synarchy. It is the gradual process of discovery and is limited by our time-processing brains.

46th Gene Key

Siddhi of Ecstasy, Gift of Delight and Shadow of Seriousness

Seriousness takes you away from life and love and into issues of control and separation. Just as the 46th gene allows you to enter into the field of ecstasy, the shadow of the 46th shadow demands that you live in the field of agony. Parenting at a low frequency is always involved in conditioning through control, whether conscious or unconscious. We want our children to be happy but don’t know how to be happy ourselves. The freedom and spontaneity of our children is a constant reminder of the depth of our own conditioning and unhappiness. In truth parents have forgotten how to play in return for a world of seriousness.

We only display ignorance when we are too serious about our lives. We tend to not trust life and try to take conscious control of the events that happen to us. This ignorance prevents us from enjoying the fruits of the 46th gift. Repressed nature of being Frigid often cold and frozen they are stale because they don’t truly accept themselves physically. It requires a step back and a better self reflection of who we truly are. Reactive nature of being Frivolous; Frivolity is an over-reaction to seriousness. Once the façade of being laid back, light hearted and jovial is broken they may reveal how deadly seriously they actually take life. Most frivolous people run away from truth and such people usually reflect this in their relationships; generally short lived and numerous.

Acceptance; In order to accept something about yourself, you first have to come out of your own ignorance and own it. Acceptance equals ownership, which leads to Delight. This brings the appreciation of richness to be alive. As you go through life more light hearted; no matter the circumstances you can accept and recognise these instances as being a part of grace. Luck is what happens when you stop interfering with life. The germ of material success and failure is self-acceptance. When you move through life freely with an attitude of delight and openness. Where whatever happens is correct, whether you can see why it is or not is not important. At a active a gift level you will rethink all standard definition of success and failure. Delight invokes grace, stop being so serious.

When we become truly playful we reshape the nature of our collective reality. “Only ecstasy can silence the mind, only ecstasy can solve the world’s problems and only ecstasy can lead the world to universal love and peace.”


47th Gene Key

Siddhi of Transfiguration, Gift of Transmutation and Shadow of Oppression

Genetic memory in our blood, referred to as non coding DNA/junk DNA. Accounts for 98% of our genome. The reason that science cannot decode the 47th shadow is because history is not linear but random, and random patterns cannot be solved through logical methods. Random patterns can only be resolved or read by fractal geometry which reads chaotic patterns using holistic laws. All humans individually carry the entire evolutionary memory of humanity within their body. This also means that we are unconsciously driven by this memory in our blood/DNA. Accessing this unconsciousness actually means they are accessing their collective unconsciousness. This access, if not mentally or spiritually prepared can lead one to become deeply disturbed or delusional.

The only language that can comprehend/decipher this world is the language of archetypes, namely the language used by Jungian psychology, the arcane symbolism of the alchemists or the ancient totemic language of the shaman. The language of archetypes, which is what the 64 Gene Keys are based upon, allows us to look into the hidden side of our nature, to step into the perilous shamanic underworld of the collective unconscious without becoming personally identified with what we see there.

Your suffering is a magic mirror – yours to own, appreciate and accept. Only when you stop trying to avoid it can it show you it’s magic.

Alchemy is the natural destiny of human beings. The way is to embrace your fears and surrender to your suffering and problems. Hold nothing back sift through individual problems and embrace everything. Unio mystica or sacred marriage where all your constituent elements dissolve back into another and forms symbolic gold. Requires divine grace hand in hand with siddhi of transfiguration.


48th Gene Key

Siddhi of Wisdom, Gift of Resourcefulness and Shadow of Inadequacy.

Darkest gene key of inadequacy. Knowledge becomes wisdom (higher counter part). But knowledge can become addiction to knowledge, a distraction and false security.  Trust life on a broader scale and some of the secrets of the well is revealed. Lower the bucket into the dark to have emerge a sense of resourcefulness. The wonder of how much light is found in a place so dark. You must remain open to fear unreactive, vulnerable and unknowing.  You must simply sit with it; neither repress nor react to your fear.

The feeling of intense bliss is no different than lust or even physical pain.


49th Gene Key

Siddhi of Rebirth, Gift of Revolution and Shadow of Reaction

The view of right and wrong. The spirit that enables killing is tribalism hunting and gathering in order to survive. One can justify going to war and kill another based on the idea that they are in the right and the other wrong. Reactions cannot occur without a relationship. The fuel of reaction is the fear of rejection. Intolerance leads to reaction and vice versa b/c we cannot handle the amplitude of our emotional fear when it is triggered by another. We see a remarkable phenomenon the merging of the collective view with the tribal view. 49th and 55th siddhi create the rebirth of freedom, or freedom of rebirth. There must be a destruction of the old world for a new one. 49th siddhi is the gift of revolution to recreate and rebirth or rebuilding the world. 49th gift is in charge of disassembling and reassembling the world.

Penetrance genes of the mutation codon relating to the 49th and 55th siddhis will be profound and behavioural patterns will shift dramatically.





50th Gene Key

Siddhi of Harmony, Gift of Equilibrium and Shadow of Corruption

The cosmos (cosmic order) or cauldron chemical bridge ring of the illuminati. Corruption is merely the by-product of a deeply flawed worldview, and until the core problem hierarchy itself is tackled, corruption will and must continue to flourish. Just like cooks they can balance the recipe without consciously trying. Heterarchy is based upon the principle that if an individual is not in balance then the group has no chance of finding balance. Heterachy therefore requires individual equilibrium before all else. Harmony is constant and infinite whereas equilibrium  can be lost. The cauldron is the symbol of the vessel that receives higher consciousness into itself. All imbalances must be destroyed in order that the cauldron of the physical body become a vacuum. Within the DNA of the human being the body becomes a deep resonant chamber for the highest universal frequencies. Allowing the dissolve the body itself so that the true cauldron is experienced as the universe.


51st Gene Key

Siddhi of Awakening, Gift of Initiative and Shadow of Agitation.

Competitive nature in humans and the lack of fear of death is what desensitises human beings. 51st shadow is about being first not in order to better yourself but to feel superior to others. All those at the top of hierarchy throughout history are eventually humbled by death. It is a battle with your own fears unlike 38 and 39th gifts of the warrior. It does not involve honour and struggle but more with a leap. The leap into the 51st Gift is the leap into the higher self.  51st gift is about harnessing your difference from others rather than trying to beat someone else at their own game. You unlock the magical force of genius that belongs to you in order to take your own initiative and disregard everything you have ever learned or heard.

Two types of consciousness, awakened and asleep. It is not possible to influence this mutation of awakening because it has nothing to do with your experience or behavior. No amount of meditation or spiritual practise can bring about this mutation. The secrets of initiation or every penetration is a sense of shock and results in a mutation or transformation of some kind. Death itself is the transformation of one form back into its constituent forms. Awakening is a surprise; it comes once and only once and after it has come, it stays forever.


52nd Gene Key

Siddhi of Stillness, Gift of Restraint and Shadow of Stress.

The collective or extended phenotype of humanity is shaped by fear, which creates an environment that puts the physical organism under great stress. In order to escape this collective programming field you are required to rise above it at an energetic level. Rising above the state of stress permanently is very rare. Anchoring yourself into a higher frequency, the same life can be experienced as though you were living in an entirely different world. Reactive nature of restlessness those who consistently secrete adrenaline into the body actually causes great damage over time. Thus such people burn themselves out in life.  By confronting and embracing these fears that makes one restless, drives them – they will gradually erode it’s hold over them and learn to activate their Gift of Restraint.  The gift is about striking a balance between two extremes of energy; energy of activity and passivity. Ask the question how may I be the greatest service to humanity? Then you must live the answer; The power of restraint allows your life to unfold without urgent demand. It must be allowed to grow and expand in an organic fashion. The gift of restraint is about non-interference. There will be times when you will feel deeply restrained. The acceptance of this restraint and it’s manifestation as patience is truly a powerful gift.

Frequency is the oscillation of energy waves at different speeds and intervals. Energy waves oscillating at lower and lower frequencies would eventually stop altogether and you would experience nothingness. At the other end of the spectrum, energy waves vibrating at higher and higher frequencies eventually become so close together that they merge to create another kind of nothingness. And nothingness represents the siddhi state. Bliss or universal love or in this case 52nd siddhi of stillness. 52nd and 58th mirror one of the great universal concepts of geometry and physics the torus. It lies in the center of all space-time. The yin-yang black and white hole sucking and releasing space-time. It creates and expands all energy and matter outwards to create space-time itelse. The Torus at the heart of all being is directly experience though the state of enlightenment, which unites stillness (the black hole) with bliss (the white hole). The moment of stillness and bliss is derived from higher functioning of your genetics. The human endocrine is an alchemical factory in which chemicals and hormones are combined and created.

52nd gene key is a archetype and concerns the unfolding of intention into individual destiny through service. It is the seed of great new beginning and original intention and dream of mankind to realise our position as the still point at the heart of creation. Slows down perceived time at subatomic level in the vicinity of experienced space-time, changing the way in which all human emotions operate.


Present moment life, consciousness of the moment.

The Primordial Artifacts

Important symbols and abstract artifacts. These are the crest of my development from one dimensional world to the completed end cycle. The end of my calendar and pushing on to reach a state that allows me the shedding of my skin/body and be reborn renewed.

These 6 abstract artifacts have been my personal inspiration for this blog for the longest time. The Melchizedek Star, Vesica Pisces, Solomon’s Star of Wisdom, Merkaba Star, Infinite Ouroboros, The Holy Chalice and The Fountain of Youth.

The Melchizedek Star: 8 pointed/16 sided star.

Spirit+Matter come together as the knowledge or winged egg.

The egg is born through the union of Earth and Heaven. Square (Earth) and circle (Heaven)  creating the Vesica Pisces hence we achieve the egg shape.

8 pt starvesica pisces

The Solomon’s star is 6 pointed – known as the wisdom

6 ptstar


Merkabah star is an 8 pointed star. The union between two four point pyramids joined.


The ring of power- Is the restraint and responsibility of person to be fair and uphold justice for one self at the very basic level but also to distribute justice to others when one becomes established. Gained through the right of passage.

oroborros ring of power

The holy chalice or grail – Is the crossway and metamorphosis to become someone not yet born.


The fountain of youth – Is the ability to start new/forget and shed past lives. (shedding as a snake would)

snake eggs

Water, eternity, darkness and air. Through fire, nature is reborn whole.

Baptism by fire of the holy spirit.

Fibonacci and Numerology in Kabbalah; The Tree of Life


rsz_fibofibonacci-sequenceThere is a sequence in the world, a constant that can be found in nature that goes on forever and never changes when we analyze the natural world of the living. The Phi or Fibonacci Sequence is an amazing constant found even in the Pyramid of Giza, down to insects and animals. A natural order of numbers that masterfully sequences in the spiral in sea shells, sunflowers down to the proportions of an animal parts. It is in these sequences of numbers of phi that we find the natural beauty of what we define as beautiful or rather what we find as attractive. It is the golden ratio (a+b)/a = a/b or 1.618.. where we find the proportions of perfect balance of natural symmetry.



Fibonacci Sequence is:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 …

Mathematically its the last two numbers added to get the next number.

Numbers are constant until they are not.

Correcting a imbalance in the universe. I want, I am and I love.

The five platonic solids. The building blocks of life. Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Aether.


Kabbalah numerology/gematria meaning:


Instructions: Add up all your letters in your full name (Middle and last included). Divide it by 9. Take the remainder and add the number 1 to it. This is your Kabbalah number. It should divide perfectly.


8+3+6+3+5+1+4+5+7+3+7+5+5 = 62

62 / 9 = 6 R 0.88

0.88+1 =1.88

6 and 1.88 =

6 + 1.88 would be my numbers.


1. Progress, Beginning, Aboriginal.

2. Expansion, Addition, Connection.

3. Love, Faith and Hope.

4. Lack of Fortune, Accident, Shatter and Death.

5. Creation, Fertility, Genius.

6. Result, Calm, Satisfaction, Fulfillment.

7. Spirit, Magical, Mysterious Number.

8. Impulse, Good Number, Charisma.

9. Fortune, Creation, Fulfillment, Greater Success.

-Result, Progress, Impulse/Beginning, Good Number/Charisma-

Speech is a speed bump. infinite ways to communicate.

Surrender, repent and deconstruct.

  1. We are all connected.
  2. Where you end, I begin.
  3. No matter how hard you control it, nothing is exactly what it appears to be.

A destiny we cannot choose.

3 variable paradigm formula. Shadow, Gift and Siddhi.

How the universe came to be. The Tree of life.

The righteous 36 working under the cloak of invisibility; even when realized they will not confess their righteous good deeds. Hidden order of weather, knowledge and future. Also called Lamed-Vav Tzadikim.

Primal nature. No awareness and no cohabitation.

The artifact Tree of Life.

Device of healing if misused can desecrate in name of evil.

The observer is:

We should report, pray and observe..  but instead we guide, direct and persuade even though it is not our place.

Live breathe and grow. Bylaws which govern us have changed. Humanity has changed.

Assets and Liabilities. There is an importance of differentiating them.

All a game of symbols, patterns and signs. I want, I am and I love.

Evolutionary speed bump. Protect that which is good.

Gene Keys Notes 31-37; Part 3

Continuation of.. Gene Keys Notes Part 1 (keys 1-20)

and Gene Keys Part 2 (keys 20-30)


31st Gene Key

Siddhi Humility, Gift Leadership and Shadow Arrogance.

32nd Gene Key

Siddhi Veneration, Gift Preservation and Shadow Failure

Grafting a new branch of life.

33rd Gene Key

Siddhi Revelation, Gift Mindfulness and Shadow Forgetting.

Through mindfulness is where you discover how to purify your nature and no longer create negative karma.

You have found the secret of all human desire – once purified into natural state of Divine longing, it becomes the very fuel that returns you to your true centre of being.

Siddhi fruit, gift flower and seed is shadow.


34th Gene Key

Siddhi Majesty, Gift Strength and Shadow Force.

Tireless energy and strength deep inside.

Heart of gold, head of a bull.

The ability to act in harmony with natural forces is the true definition of strength.

Become effortless flow of fluid activity and fluid efficiency. Like unto the properties of water.

All heroes are often never found to act on purpose but actually accidental and unintentionally based on their commitment to doing the right thing.

“Display” plays an important part and assists but not to be confused with the siddhi of valor (21).

Valor is aware of itself and seeks glorification whereas Display of heroism appears to be unintentional.

True heroism is unaware of itself.


35th Gene Key

Siddhi Boundlessness, Gift Adventure and Shadow Hunger.

Selfless unconditional universal love and pursuit of adventure with absence of fear or failure.

Start of something fresh and new.


36th Gene Key

Siddhi Compassion, Gift Humanity and Shadow Turbulence.

Dark night of the soul

When struggles with sexuality and emotional turbulence is finally embraced openly and honestly something is born.. You graduate as a human being.


37th Gene Key

Siddhi Tenderness, Gift Equality and Shadow Weakness.

37 is number of Christ in the Gematria.

Over processed emotions and fail as a victim due to emotion states and fears.

Nor patriarchy or matriarchy but as a family.

Surrendering to the overwhelming power.

Sacrificial lamb.

As a mother cradles a child beyond our current view, It is tenderness of a maternal hand.

Tenderness is devoid of tension and sexuality.

No longer tribal structure but will be addressed as a collective mind.

Empowering and support communities simultaneously.

Grace comes to those who need it most (22), Compassion (36) and Truth (63).

40th siddhi of Divine Will’s; softness insurmountable, invincible and inevitable.

Gene Key Notes Part Two; 23-30 keys


Continuation of Gene Keys Part 1

23rd Gene Key

Siddhi Quintessence, Gift Simplicity and Shadow Complexity.

Way of the mystic takes neither the path of seeking nor the path of longing

State of wonder, sheer beauty of the ultimate realization. Discovered by mistake.


24th Gene Key

Siddhi Silence, Gift Invention and shadow addiction.

Addiction thinks in circles whereas invention thinks in spirals.

Not knowing is there when awareness is at rest and knowing is there when awareness engages in some form of communication with outside world.

The only thing that really reincarnates is silence itself.

Michael embraces the Lucifer of the Godhead and the greatest fallen angel redeemed. This act of redeeming the God head is most difficult because the trials of Lucifer was the most heinous of crimes against one single being.


25th Gene Key

Siddhi Universal Love, Gift Acceptance and Shadow constriction

Constriction of life is equivalent to constriction of going against the current of life.


26th Gene Key

Siddhi Invisibility, Gift Artfulness and Shadow Pride

Manipulation is main shadow of this gene key.

There is higher purpose in understanding.

Try tuning into rather than impose upon the world.

Higher purpose which celebrates ego without self-judgement and in full awareness.

Manipulation through art and music

The great cinnabar field of existence; laughter is key.


27th Gene Key

Siddhi Selflessness, Gift Altruism and Shadow Selfishness.

To give is to receive. Self sacrificing and self centered, leads to depletion and giving by mind oppose to of heart.


28th Gene Key

Siddhi Immortality, Gift of Totality and Shadow of Purposelessness.

Totality means to live alongside fear.

Your demons are your angels in disguise if you learn from them.


29th Gene Key

Siddhi Devotion, Gift Commitment and Shadow Half-heartedness.

Commitment and Divine Devotion. All unnatural things end at the living cycle. All things good that are persevered are greatly rewarded and cause “luck” to occur.


30th Gene Key

Siddhi Rapture, Gift Lightness and Shadow Desire

Only in the shadow frequencies allows for progressive purity to happen.

It is not desire that causes suffering. It is the reaction desire that creates your suffering.

The ability to laugh at yourself and your mistakes.

The great tragi-comedy is your life.

Desire is dangerous in that it never ends and not one person can satiate the fire of trivial redundant desire and it’s wants/needs.

Ein Sof Tree of Life 30×48 Painting

I spent the afternoon buying a huge 30×48 canvas, taking the bus and carrying it home. It was quite awkward carrying so much stuff home today. I put into the day a day’s work of painting. I call this Ein Sof Tree of Life, The tree is suppose to be made of stars and the Tree is suppose to represent ever knowledge and ever experience. History and information of all things found in time, as divine memory tells that all things are recorded and remembered in the frame of life. No rock unturned- no action forgotten. In life every deed and every notion of expression is remembered. Our karma and work pays off in the end. Please enjoy my tree to your viewing pleasure.



64 Gene Keys Notes; Siddhi, Gift and Shadows


I’ve been reading this book based on website It’s been a inspiring and an enjoyable ride that delves into the world of Genekeys. They speak of 64 gene keys representing the growth in steps from the ever expanding and limitless microcosm to the macrocosm of the world; allowing you to drink/breath deep of it’s colorful and transcendent vibes. If you want to follow me the book it is only 11 dollars CDN for a digital kindle version. link is here . If you are into the growing, adapting and evolution trend of understand life and world better, I highly recommend this book – the world perspectives is spoken of in great depths.

Siddhi is the complete understanding and enlightenment possessed by a siddha.

“Gift” is the ability, contemplation or understanding that has been grown, harvested and picked to be truly edible to a person’s palatable consumption by means to say that this fruit is harvested ripe for the picking, so that it may be enjoyed and let there be known a certain wisdom.

“Shadow” is the complication or problems due to human objectives on the path of learning  that must be resolved in order to carry on and forward to the next Gene Key step.

Each Siddhi, Gift and Shadow reveals a path and paradigm that expesses a lesson to be learnt per Gene Key.

1st Gene Key

Siddhi Beauty, Gift Freshness, Shadow Entropy

2nd Gene Key

Siddhi Unity, Gift Orientation, Shadow Dislocation

3rd Gene Key

Siddhi Innocence, Gift Innovation, Shadow Chaos

4th Gene Key

Siddhi Forgiveness, Gift Understanding, Shadow Intolerance

5th Gene Key

Siddhi Timelessness, Gift Patience, Shadow Impatience

6th Gene Key

Siddhi Peace, Gift Diplomacy, Shadow Conflict

7th Gene Key

Siddhi Virtue, Gift Guidance, Shadow Division

8th Gene Key

Siddhi Exquisiteness, Gift Style, Shadow Mediocrity

9th Gene Key

Siddhi Invincibility, Gift Determination, Shadow Inertia.

10th Gene Key

Siddhi Being, Gift Naturalness and Shadow Self-Obsession

Wounded from the outset (25), battle with shadows (38), overcome limitations of your mind (17), surrender your need to control life (21) and find your true self (10), before you can awaken (51).

11th Gene Key

Siddhi Light, Gift Idealism and Shadow Obscurity

An android in a dark room behind bars. A dark skinned man with a knife.

Educated and the creation of a loving environment changes them.

Woman becomes governor and thus begins her journey as a bounty hunter, a maverick of light.

Man becomes protector and iron clad angel to aid the light’s cause.


12th Gene Key

Siddhi Purity, Gift of Discrimination and Shadow Vanity.

12th, 56th and 33rd are terminator codons.

Vanity is the last thing learnt and let go. Self love expressed but also as love for others.

Ring of secrets**

There is no evil, only progressive sense of density


13th Gene Key

Siddhi Empathy, Gift Discernment and Shadow Discord

Theme of listening.

7th divison = future 13th discord past

30th gene shadow of desire conflict.

Also known as the “fellowship of man”.

Empathy is the truest organ but only with collective existence.


14th Gene Key

Siddhi Bounteousness, Gift Competence and Shadow Compromise.

Work = effort

Competitance carries within it efficiency, enthusiasm, flair and flexibility.

15th Gene Key

Siddhi Florescence, Gift Magnetism and Shadow Dullness.


Core medium equator

16th Gene Key

Siddhi Mastery, Gift Versatility and Shadow Indifference

17th Gene Key

Siddhi Omniscience, Gift Far-sightedness and Shadow Opinion

Opinion based on logical judgement

Not about having a great holistic vision of reality that takes no sides and is beyond opinion.

18th Gene Key

Siddhi Perfection, Gift Integrity and Shadow Judgement.

19th Gene Key

Siddhi Sacrifice, Git Sensitivity and Co-dependence.

9 portals of planetary initiation

  1. Birth
  2. Baptism
  3. Confirmation
  4. Matrimony
  5. Annunciation
  6. Communication
  7. Ordination
  8. 8.Sanctification
  9. Glorification

20th Gene Key

Siddhi Presence, Gift Self-assurance and Shadow Superficiality.

Model altruism while remaining detached.

Encouraging invention, innovation and simplicity.

Breath of god, or word of god.

Seven sacred bodies of humanity:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Causal
  5. Buddhic
  6. Atmic
  7. Monadic
  8. Logoic



21st Gene Key

Siddhi Valour, Gift Authority and Shadow Control

31st voice, 7th heart and 21st will of group.

Kinship over kingship.

Valorous age of chivalry

Surrender of control for trust


22nd Gene Key

Siddhi Grace, Gift Graciousness and Shadow of Dishonor

The importance of acceptance rather than changing an experience let it flow.

Divine intervention, Truth of redemption.

Law of divine memory states that every feeling mood and thought you have is put there directly by god for you to trust in it and is recorded in memory of space.

The three pure ones.

Hermes Trismegisting (thrice great) aka merlin, thoth and Fu His.

Through the practice of Alchemy and High Magic. Alchemy concerning the transmutation of suffering through alignment with Divine Will. The second great teacher is Christ the transmutation of suffering through love and sacrifice. Finally the third great teacher is the Buddha whos fractal represents the transmutation of suffering through wisdom and compassion.

This makes up the Gene Keys revelation synthesis of the great trinity of Divine Will, Love and Wisdom.

Hermes the Magi the teachings of Alchemy and Transmutation.

Buddha brought the teachings of Karma and Rebirth.

Christ brought the teachings of forgiveness and atonement

The seven Sacred Bodies of Humanity:

  1. Physical
  2. Astral
  3. Mental
  4. Causal
  5. Buddhic
  6. Atmmic
  7. Monadic


  1. Physical bedrock of incarnation. Collective memory of humanity is stored in our dna.
  2. The Astral Body is human aura and emotion/desire. Pleasure and Pain reflected at vibrational frequencies which effectively divide the astral plane into hell realms and heaven realms. Has great influence over your physical health.
  3. The Mental Body exists at higher frequency than your emotions and is constructed from your thinking of life. Mental body is influenced by the collective mental body of all of humanity. Feelings of unfulfillment often pull us down into low vibrational shadow energy levels.
  4. Causal body stores the goodwill of the human soul. It becomes a storage hub for high frequency thoughts. Words and Deeds that we have initiated during our many journeys in incarnation.
  5. The Buddhic Body – above the astral body. Reveals the truth that humanity and all the earth planes are in fact one single organism. The causal body dissolves after this and reincarnation in the normal sense is no longer necessary. The third feminine realm of the holy trinity called Divine Activity.
  6. The Atmic Body allows higher evolutions outside the process of physical incarnation. While buddhic body keeps it’s connection with humanity through compassion, The atmic body brings awareness into the cosmic field of Christ consciousness directly merging your awareness with Divine Mind and Heart. It is through the atmic body that the great avatar streams enter the world. It is also the realm of the Siddhis – the many miraculous manifestations of the Divine.
  7. Monadic Body is the unbridled primal essence of Divine consciousness itself. Operates at the causal plane which is the veil it takes on in order to enter the lower worlds corresponding to the first aspect of the Holy Trinity Divine Will.

Divine Will, Mind and Heart and Divine Activity make up The Divine Holy Trinity.

Emotions in the bardos after death are experienced more intensely.

As there is no defined linear sense of time in the bardo states, it can seem that hell is eternal just as it can seem that heaven is eternal.

The six core wounds of humanity,

  1. Repression
  2. Denial
  3. Shame
  4. Rejection
  5. Guilt
  6. Separation.


The seven sacred seals and their respective Siddhis

The First Seal – Divine Will (40th Siddhi)

The Second Seal – Ominiscience (17th Siddhi)

The Third Seal – Universal Love (25th Siddhi)

The Fourth Seal – Epiphany (43rd Siddhi)

The Fifth Seal – Forgiveness (4th Siddhi)

The Sixth Seal – Truth (63rd Siddhi)

The Seventh Seal – Grace (22nd Siddhi)

The Seal that Heals:

  1. Divine Will (40th Siddhi) heals human repression. Ends disease.
  2. Omniscience (17th Siddhi) heals wound of denial. Ends violence.
  3. Universal Love (25th Siddhi) heals wound of shame. Ends greed.
  4. Epiphany (43rd Siddhi) heals the wound of rejection. Ends poverty.
  5. Forgiveness (4th Siddhi) heals the patterns of unconscious guilt. Ends war
  6. Truth (63rd Siddhi) heals the wound of separation. Ends indifference.
  7. Grace (22nd Siddhi) transfiguration (47th Siddhi) absorption of previous 6 layers of human aura into the monadic body, the primordial essence. All surrender to Atmic body called the 7th The opening of the Seventh Seal is the final human epoch and the return of the human race to it’s original Edenic state. The redemption of all beings.

The Nine Portals of Planetary Initiation:

  1. Birth
  2. Baptism
  3. Confirmation
  4. Matrimony
  5. Annunciation
  6. Communion
  7. Ordination
  8. Sanctification
  9. Glorification


Greater pleasure is derived from giving than from taking – foundation for higher life.

In the spirit of helpfulness and harmlessness of actions.

The mission is to leave the world a better place for future generations.

Grace has numerous more blessings attached under the defined word.

One who is touched by grace will always be touched by grace.

Self Learning Artificial Intelligence; APA Essay by Nam Nguyen

Re-evolution_EDIIMA20170721_0487_19 (1)




Nam Nguyen

Biological Sciences/Environmental Sciences

A Submission to Jocelyn Crocker

Prepared for credit in

X01 Biological Sciences/ Comm 1105

Oct. 14, 2017


Edmonton, Alberta


Artificial intelligence can be described as a computer programming mind, to be self learning is to be able to build it’s database on past experience or understanding about the future. It is believed that artificial intelligence may be the next mile stone in human accomplishments. It is also discussed in the scientific community warning that it is the beginning of the end and that there is a grave danger in creating a self learning artificial intelligence. Describing self learning (Artificial Intelligence) AI as an attainment of the highest glory of human accomplishment but also as a grave danger, is a double-edged sword. Based on the secular philanthropic direction of human ethics; this can be seen as a highly contradictory problem and it also can be seen as a solution for many unwanted mundane and trivial jobs or occupations that could otherwise be given to such a thing as a self learning AI. For the basis of such cheap labor can be bought with very little expense of capital or energy according to deloitte uk-insight “we suggested that 35 per cent of jobs in the UK were at high risk of automation in the next 10-20 years”. The dangers of something working at such a high efficiency level may bring in alarming ethical debates, to mention a few: The use of military machines or technologies of war namely weapons of war and (weapons of mass destruction) WMD, social/religious politics and robotics auto targeting and abuse of automatic locking and identifying technologies into question. Self learning AI is now no longer a myth of tales. It is now a scientific reality that must be dealt with open ears, eyes, hands and of course the heart. According to what was learnt about Alpha-Go a machine, by Google Deep Mind, a machine mind could out-wit and out play the worlds best Go player in the world. I will be identifying and arguing the example technologies; explain their potential but also their conflicting dangers and explain myself the best solution and the steps required to bring these technologies to life. Alpha-GO deep mind algorithms are building ideas and learning from past experiences. The applications of a self learning program or AI is limitless and may lead to inevitable success, many jobs could be easily filled with such a technology. If past experiences can be learned from and skills/ideas understood better with just mainly at the expense of time – and if these ideas/skills can be transferable to other jobs and compiled to learn and built on that. With this attribute in mind, in the world of education this would compliment a system that can also accommodate learning aids/guidance in the creation of more learning programs for humans along side (mainly virtual worlds under virtual settings); the ideas for what is possible is almost limitless. There are three things covered in this essay; practical applications, dangers of worldly complications and our future ideal destination by science. I will be discussing each topic and emphasize the importance of the three topics.

“Google spent more than $400 million to buy industry-leading startup DeepMind, and scored a major tech and marketing coup when the computer AlphaGo defeated grandmaster Lee Sedol at the possibility-lush game of Go–an achievement hundreds of times more complex than when Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess.” (Lee, Adrian “Banking on artificial intelligence”, 2017)

First, we will explore the practical applications of a self learning machine mind to solve and provide solutions to simple and complicated problems. According to Google and its recent trends on buying out the major players in the AI world, namely The AI Deep Blue, AlphaGo project. The amount of energy and capital invested in this example show’s just how much interest is in this piece of technology. The action of buying it out by Google, shows the importance of what this intelligence is as a future player in the industry. Google invested and bought out this startup company without any hesitation and for good reason too. They now have in their hands on an intelligence program that can play Go, but more importantly learn, react and move strategically in the complex game/world of Chinese Go – more efficiently and effectively than the best Go player in the world. This feat was also accompanied by Garry Kasparov and his defeat by Deep Blue in Chess before the coming of this event years later. If it is possible to teach a computer to navigate and pin point movement options on a game board, then to what extent can a computer be able to critically make decisions in space of life. I believe the best answer to this may be producing virtual worlds and also using these worlds as a virtual learning tool for many engineering and apprenticeships that need hands on experience. This may bridge the gap for experience in the world and allow opportunities to test and narrow down/calculate options. Programs built on the back bones of programs that want to learn and want to teach others to learn. Creating a learning environment where you can make mistakes and learn from them is most ideal especially in a competitive world that can be unforgiving sometimes in failure.

Secondly, among all the positive things to say about advanced technology and tools, we may have a problem mostly with advanced militarized machines and technology regarding war. If the machines are too efficient in killing, detecting and maiming – then it is technically marked off as a moral case for further human discussion about human responsibilities, to reevaluate its creator imbued personality and programming protocols for the said machine/AI programming. There are already enough stories in the Hollywood scene about robots/androids going rogue and not complying to their host creator. (Terminator, 1984) And of course a rogue self learning artificial intelligence would be a concern in life but that’s where we should set the protocols to shut it off should be. If the artificial intelligence believes it to be in the right without following specific procedures to handling a situation then it is necessary to program it to next time possibly wait for further instructions or until the engaged subject turns violent and hostile. This is all up to the host creator to implement and think about in the future if such an event occurs. This would be ideal for a creator to design something expendable if failed but always useful in the presence of it’s human host’s beck and call. They should only be looked at as a tool rather than confused as a sentient being no matter how flashy and refined the product is, we must remember that they were created as a product of science to benefit the human kind. Of course, there is a scare in the air with technology being so accessible asking what happens when a highly intelligent rogue AI were to get access to WMD (weapons of mass destruction). Such as the imprint of the last time we saw WMD in action during the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in WW2. The Atom bomb was a catastrophic disaster in which lingering radiation and wreckage still impedes normal life for a human being until this day. This gift of the understanding physics as he did also come with a warning that there is great responsibility that comes with understanding the miniature world of physics. The curse of the damage that was caused by that gift is ironic and sits on Einstein’s grave’s head where he will be remembered through history as the father of the Atom bomb.


Lastly on the future of this technology we should contemplate on what the ideal reimagined fate of all this would be and that we may be faced with strange AI and AI products in the future. Mixing people with machine and even sub-machine and bionically augmented human beings. There is in the world of social behaviors in what they call a stature of being politically correct, other human language obstructions/traditions/barriers/reactions and mannerisms that can be taught to an AI. Two chat robots were let loose in an experimental chat-bot argument set up supposedly by this turing test. Turing test, is defined as “a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human” (Youtube: Two Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots talk and argue with each other, 2017) We find that even amongst AI and chatbots they can be taught awareness and even a slight consciousness amongst the name calling, moderate existential crisis and of course poetry discussion – as random as that may sound, all of it is intelligent to some degree and therefore it is completely possible to mistake one of these chatbots for a real person if one has a poor sense of detecting that these voices are synthesized voices. Of course, meeting real life androids is also a real thing thanks to technology and human’s having the need to humanize everything that they see and these ones can fool you into thinking you are talking to another human being. (Youtube: Rise 2017- Hanson Robotics – two robots debate the future of humanity) This video is a display of an android level robot AI interacting with advanced social skills and mannerisms. The flexible latex skin and having them touch on ideas of what a robot is and is not, may confuse a person to wonder what makes them any different from us. These are exciting times and distinguishing robot from reality is something that must be discussed in our race for better AI and human/Earth friendly technology.


Finally in conclusion, technology has given rise to the race for the hold on the ultimate AI. Whoever may hold the race for the “Greatest AI” wins the race for the world, as said by Putin himself (Putin, 2017). There’s an honorary seat for those who want to recreate greatness and that is done hand in hand with the highest extent of our responsibility to our children and our children’s children. The race for space was only the beginning we are developing into an age where machines and men/women are starting work symbiotically and in unison with technology/nature to make life better for the human being. To give chance to another evolutionary leap for science of the decade. Blending consciousness and mindfulness and bringing about the awe of contemplation in life. The three things covered in this essay; practical applications, dangers of worldly complications and our future ideal destination by science. We were able in our exploration of the “Self Learning Artificial Intelligence” to grasp what we have as a known science, how to work it and use it to benefit humanity. We identified dangers of such technologies in the world. We reimagined and envisioned the future of what our ideals may bring us to, in the destiny of man, technology and machine. This lead us to this moment where we see in clarity the beauty of the temporary moment and the work that is still needed to be done to understand nature, technology and deep in ourselves the responsibility that is due for such greatness. It is a gift to fight and obtain the seat of claim but it is also a curse if used irresponsibly; such is the memory of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, our greatest regret in the human crimes department. On the positive side machines and machine parts can help augment a person to live a normal life despite being amputated. The potential that technology has for helping more people than hurting people is important here and we need not to punish ourselves for other’s mistakes.


Citation 1- Deloitte UK Insights p.1. “deloitte-uk-insights-from-brawns-to-brain.pdf” from

Citation 2- Lee, Adrian. “Maclean’s; Toronto Banking on artificial intelligence”, Jan 23rd 2017 Retrieved October 14, 2017 from

Citation 3-“Terminator” 1984, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 4-“Hiroshima and Nagasaki WW2”, August 1945, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 5- Youtube Video Two Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots talk and argue with each other” Sept. 29th 2013, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 6- Youtube Video “Rise 2017- Hanson Robotics – two robots debate the future of humanity” July 12 2017, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 7- Youtube Video “Whoever leads in AI will rule the world” September 4, 2017, Retrieved October 14, 2017




Strange Uses and Applications of Ki/Chi


Four forms of Ki used in the world that have note worthy effects are.

  1. Temporary shock and state of paralysis.
  2. Create enough energy to shock and start a fire.
  3. Acupuncture and physical exertion of ki.
  4. Uncontrollable laughter and emotional transfer of ki/chi (in this case masked as The Holy Spirit).

The video below is an example of #1.

If you watch carefully people in this example are thrown back uncontrollably as if exaggerating their fall and it almost looks like they have dramatized their fall and faked it. The power to exert enough energy to throw a person back like this is very real and has been documented on many incidents, this video here is a showcase of the strange phenomena of how chi/ki can be used in life.  Don’t let his silly posture and strange impracticality of his movements to produce the chi fool you. He has the ability to exert chi/ki in a manner that creates a temporary state of paralysis and throws his opponent to the ground and shock them to a uncontrollable state.


The video below is an example of  2 and 3.

The man below is able to control ki/chi to a masters level by being able to release electricity to the point where he can start a fire with his bare hands. He practices acupuncture and people move involuntarily based on the channels in the body and where he places his needles. He is able to masterfully manifest his ki/chi through himself and into another’s body part. They tested him for an electricity current and it proved positive that ki/chi was some sort of electricity based on how he lit up the led light bulb. There is also the ability to manipulate ki/chi in order to stop a pellet from a loaded gun unharmed and being able to push a chopstick through a table with ki/chi. A lot is not fully understood but this man has proven too be quite an enigma to the public.

Finally below is another example of strange manifestation of ki/chi but they call it the holy spirit. This man is able to manipulate powerful emotionally connected electricity shocks that evoke these sort of a mania based transfer of energies. At first it may look like these people are dramatizing their physical and mental state but the pattern became too apparently clear that these people had no control over what their minds and body were doing, appearing as if “possessed by demons”. But it is too obvious based on the random pattern of unwary victims of this mania induced passing of emotional energy that there was a powerful force at work and it happens to be based on the touch of this preacher who has the ability to manipulate and induce these seizure like temporary possessions of uncontrollable states of mania/happiness/laughter.


Not everything is as it seems in the world. There is hidden natures and people of strange abilities in the world that can not all be accounted for. The stated few stories describe the four types of ki/chi connected abilities that are present on earth that are not fully understood but well documented.


The Pyramid of Giza and Enoch. Connections with Angels and ETs

cemetary angels

The Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed to follow the constellations of Orion and Sirius. Otherwise known as Osiris and Isis in Egyptian terminology. Sauris otherwise known as Enoch built the pyramid about 11 thousand years ago.

Lemek who was a shepherd of goats and sheep was the father to Noah. Lemek’s wife was apparently artificially inseminated by extra-terrestrials. Enoch who is best known to have been taken to the heavens and instructed by extra-terrestrials instructed Lemek to take care of the child as his own even though the child had physical features foreign to them. The child was said to not look like any of his other children and that it was impossible to conceive this child because of the amount of time he was away from his wife. Thus the theory was that he was born of a virgin birth. Virgin births happen throughout the bible and Noah and Christ were two of the recorded virgin births to happen in these extraterrestrial’s contact.

Enoch was known to be the only human to leave earth on a fiery chariot to study in the heavens and taught by the extra-terrestrials.

Noah, because he smelled and stunk of uncleanliness they gave him a baptism and given a cream to cover himself with that smelled of ambrosia. Baptism was actually in practical terms a bath with the purpose of washing to be clean. And then before Noah was taken to the heavens he was washed, sanitized and robed – then taken to some sort of heaven or higher realm of existence to learn various certain things.

The Pyramid of Giza is said to hide a lake of clear water at the bottom which was recently found with a empty sarcophagus. It also held a Kings and Queens chamber. Mysteriously there is also an incomplete chamber with 7 niches with 2 of the 7 niches occupied by single sarcophagus’s. The king’s chamber is rumored to be  a room attuned to what is called harmonics and that it is synchronized to be attuned to harmonics. It is said that the top of the pyramid (which is missing) is the key to understanding how the whole structure of the Pyramid of Giza works.

This all is based on the studies of Erich Von Daniken from Beyond the Legends series.

Alzheimer’s and what big corporation don’t want you to know. Cures and Life saving tips.

I just recently came across a book called memory repair protocol.

direct link is here:


The story is long and sad but it was just a story about someone who’s wife was going through a difficult time with Alzheimer’s disease and was searching through the sea of garbage pills and medications for Alzheimer that don’t even work and whats worse cause compounding side effects. Ballabgarh a country in northern India was said to have the lowest amount of people affected by Alzheimer’s secretly had the key to why Alzheimer was non-existent.

One of the key items they used which encouraged the production of keytones which is essential to the brain functioning properly and for good memory was Coconut oil. You only need a spoon or two per meal and in 20+ days a Alzheimer suffering patient should recover or improve considerably.

The best way to test an Alzheimer’s patient is to make them draw a clock face with handles. This should be the test they should attempt in seeing where they are at in the recovery stage. It’s just a simple diet that needs to change in order to heal Alzheimer’s symptoms. Coconut oil is just one of the main ingredients to help fight and heal. There are more ingredients that the locals of Ballabgarh eat including a particular native indian spice.

Happy travels in researching more into this!


For more info on subject:

Intuitive and Analytical Brain. Seven Best Habits for Effective Art Practice.

The Left and Right Hemisphere’s of the brain working together for a resulting iterative moderate solution. Here are some golden rules for studies based on artistic right and analytical math based left.

(The diagram below is facing you and is the reason why it looks backwards.)

ScreenHunter_1570 Apr. 15 21.09

There are two basic sides and approaches to doing good art. The logical Analytical left side of the brain’s way.. and the creative intuitive right side of the brain’s way.

It seems that the two fields influence and behave completely different from one another.

logical rational
analytical left

creative imaginative
intuitive right

Which brings us to an understanding of art to a different level called Iterative drawing.

Iterative drawing relies on perspective, practice and mainly this new thing called mileage.

iterative drawing is based on
mileage and moderation.

(draw multiple versions of the one drawing for effective learning).

There are also components to drawing and painting.

Drawing tends to rely mostly on proportion placement. Form and construction. Perspective and anatomy.

The components to painting rely mostly on;
value, color, temperature and texture.

7 habits of highly effective artists. The seven practices for effective learning artists are as listed;

  1. Do daily work; set a scheduled meeting with yourself.
  2. Work towards perfection by volume.
  3. Great artists steal, take what you love and use it.
  4. Conscious learning; focus on relative things and awareness.
  5. Rest 6 weeks for fresh eyes.
  6. Feedback; everything sucks at the start.
  7. Create what you love.


Animals, Abstract and Environments

This week I did a mix of animals, abstract and environments that I hope you’ll like. First I did a Golden Eagle. Secondly, I did Golf Greens which hangs in the Alberta Hospital. Thirdly I made a “Desert Oasis” overlooking a lake. Next, I did an abstract picture that represents “Perspectives” of many entities. Finally, I finished the week off with a Polar Bear Guardian.

Please enjoy your stay. Love, Happiness, Justice and Peace.



Golden Eagle


Golf Greens


Desert Oasis




Polar Bear Guardian

Week 3: The Nature Connection

This is week 3 of my painting spree. The theme is the connection between nature and the great duality of it’s feminine and masculine entities.

  1. Sunset Tree
  2. Flaming Leaves and Roots
  3. Greater Spirits
  4. Duality of Creation
  5. Equinox Seasons by Trees
  6. Animal Totems

The first picture allowed me to play with the moss and bark of the tree. It also allowed me to bring in a mellow sunset.

The second one; I really just enjoyed the whole process of entangling tree roots to it’s flaming leaves. I also added some playful lighting or burning residue.

The spirits just represent the playfulness of life in itself through music and physical manifestations.

This fourth painting portrays the great universal feminine and masculine entities at work spiraling through time.

The Chronological Equinox Trees just represent all of time working together to bring forward the ascended tree.

The Animal Totem painting is a show of nature at it’s finest nurturing the Earth.

Thank you and enjoy.


Save The Way; The God Constant


8: God is a constant and much more.

I will be talking briefly about precautionary measures to being human. I believe in freedom of speech and general freedom of thinking, expression and action. I do not endorse violence, crime or any human vices. I know that life is very complex but I know that there is a deviation from the human direction that must be guided but never imposed. The human condition of struggle is another matter and subject but the human boundaries is another that must be spoken about when entering the divine spheres of life. There is knowledge out there that is not yet to be known, until the future is to come. This is a just a profound message that is meant to remind people of the dangers and precautionary tales or measures of possible collateral damage that may come about.

God is much more than a thing, person, perspective or reality. He is our anchor and safe passage. He defines the line between God and Man. He reminds us that we have a place on Earth and we have a vision to work towards we call the future. Our future is our heaven, it is piece of the pie we call our degree of truth. We must make God our constant, if not we are no longer man/woman, no longer human and have started the process of becoming some form of abomination beyond human. If we are to evolve we must know what we are evolving into. And the only solution for evolution for man kind is to become a better human. Be a better guardian or parent.. human beings are the realities and vessels of this world, men and women and everything in between. The genders in between are subcategories and are meant to supplement the two main genders that are exclusive to Earth as Man and Woman.

The spirit world sadly only works to the benefit/progress of transgenders and males. This is why sexuality and marriage doesn’t make any sense to the spirit worlds. They see sexuality as a gimmick and human mechanic they cannot relate to because procreation is an Earth subject. Though this is true life on Earth must take into consideration what it means to procreate. Do Earth dwelling beings need to procreate? It is a luxury to have children but is it necessary since there are already children who are already on Earth ready for adoption? The question I ask is if we already have an over populated Earth and children who are starving for attention and help, why do we need to procreate at all? With climate change, population problems and distribution of wealth why in the world would we focus on life in the traditional sense of marrying an attractive woman/man, procreation, driving opposed to public transportation, work and jobs that we don’t even like but just want to get paid.

I believe everything must be done in moderation and to find a golden means called the Goldilocks’s zone. We need to learn more about ourselves inwardly and discover better who we are as a people deep inside – for the outward world are just full of interlopers who don’t understand the boundaries and sanctity of being human. People who cross the boundaries have given their humanity up for powers and qualities that leave out the human variables completely. Life outside of Earth is not as glorious as you believe when everything you need is in front of you. It would be wonderful to come into contact with surviving entities and beings outside of Earth and learn from their trials and problems. But the focus should be among these things; healthy life practices, healthy food and water, healthy exercise, mindful thinking and contemplation and human growth activities. Sustainable systems, renewable resources and recycling technologies and programs also comes to mind.

The Collective’s Consensus


Collective Consensus

In life you can’t really control completely the things that happen in the world. The fact is, despite your most true determination you can only reach out to some small margin of people. Even though this is true, you can only do what you can at the present moment. The voice of the people is just important as the  voice of the whole. You also shouldn’t let everyone walk all over you either. Your input is just as essential as the other ‘s opinions because it is your own experience.

Based on planet Earth, there are five perspectives that we work with on this medium. To speak in first person, to speak as someone else watching, to speak as a consensus, To speak as the world and to speak as/from a sentient all powerful, wise and thoughtful ruler.


The reason I decided to create this method chart is because it is important to know the components before you can understand the Collective Consensus. I have learned of and listed a 6 x 6 chart I call “The Methods”. People are connected to worlds all around them and in front of them they do not know why they are connected. The information is already above us, information encompasses and binaries orbits around in space. These ideas are all are established in our heaven we call the future.

The collective consensus is having all the components understood and expressed to some level of comprehension. There are plenty of mediums to work with and understand but the best way to realize these worlds is to experience them, speaking, spreading simple kindness and adding to a movement of unconditional love.

The stories I write are mostly about my growing process and it is suppose to be read with the heart and not with the brain. I must explain also that there is a difference between the brain and mind. The brain gives you the brain/mental capacity to store memories where as the mind can recall and evaluate the situation and it’s capacity so that one can make sense/reason of it.

The voice can be expressed as a physical voice, thought voice, thinking voice, mind voice and finally it can speak body language.

The sight is a a form of touch/push because it is reliant on how the light hits the eye in order to accomplish things in life. The looking eye is mostly built on the medium of the material world. The sight can also see thought, can be seen through eyes, it can see sound with the proper equipment or recognition system and it can speak through the heart.

The hearing can have reception in order to hear vibrations in the air one must concentrate on the understanding and comprehension of what the hearing is. This is found in the pressure in the air and therefore we are brought to radio location to some level and form.

The doing can be found in it’s practice, thinking, seeing, manipulating and illuminating.

The reading is sort of strange in that it reads with the heart but sometimes you will work in the analytical world. A healthy balance of both worlds would be ideal. For example the first journal blog book I made is suppose to be read with the heart almost completely because it was a one man project. It was an sincere in message and a work of honesty.

The Voice, Sight, Hearing, Doing and Reading all have something valuable to offer you.. Out of all these method forms, I have charted 5 of it’s most elaborate and most high forms based on human limits in this medium of life. They are gifts in life and should not be taken for granted.

The consensus is built around appreciating perspectives of all categories based on myself, yourself, them, all and God . It is only when we are full connected that we are able to hear the true consensus of the human collective voice.


Below are paradigms I call “Beyond the Light”. I won’t be explaining these because they cross a line I’m not interested in crossing. All these things below are good but I am soon understanding that I might be crossing boundaries that should not be crossed. Next life, I suppose.


If you understand what this is, good for you. =) love, peace, justice, happiness and Hope.


Mindful Pros and Cons of Perfectionism


(Read with an open heart and some balance of mind. Less analytical brain for the best results.)

  1. Mindful pros and cons of perfectionism.

The things I know that are true to me are based on truths that are reliant on imperialism. There is some mutual respect for authority of humanity and careful approaches. The pros of the system we build is based on experimental trial and error, deductive reasoning and evidence. The cons would be some what abstract – like alterations (seen/unseen), inconsistencies and delusions. The pros and cons of having a good sense of humor so you can understand that we are all humans and have particular struggles in life. This is a complex state that strives to be true in the world of normalcy. Unfortunately for us normal is just as alien to us as weird.

Perfection is a terrible thing to strive for in the human universe and world. Perfection is the circle and it is flawless. The philosophy of the square is that it is the most primordial of all the shapes. Perfectionism can be an ability to do something to it’s highest degree. The state of perfection can only be seen in two ways.. The beginning and the end. Meaning the circle is perfect to one variable at the beginning and the eternal circle being the end, the end being many variables, the start being only of one variable..

The positive idea that  I have found exist in experimental trials of error in logic, deductive reasoning and factual evidence. Through imperialism we find that experimental trials of error in logic is what we use to perform a task out of a consistency basis. We use logic from within our hearts and minds to decipher the best way to proceed. Making your theory based on your hypothetical world, the virtual world of the mind. Finding ways to establish a suitable method of choice by consistency in probability and possibility.

Deductive reasoning is the idea that if all else fails you can always cross out the choices that are completely wrong. I am great but I am humble. These traits brought me to a higher understanding of what men should strive for in life. The ability to work in the right direction at least to some high degree to very high degree towards our desired future. To see piously (the difference between the good and the bad) and it’s pious resolve would allow us to understand how it works in the world of perfectionism.

Evidence is the idea that you need substance in your case or resolve of the problem to solve the problem. People forget that we live in a physical medium where we are all influenced by the higher dimensional and vibration worlds indirectly. Even though we have very little evidence to prove that other realms, like the mind realm and spirit realm, crown realm and realms beyond exist. It is imaginary but it’s very real. The more information you have for the “crime scene” the better we understand the situation and what is going on.

There are cons to this world in pursuing the world of perfection through materialism. Tampering based on perfectionism allows a person to manipulate. Forever reaching for a eternal and infinite objective such as a circle means you are reaching for something with an infinite variable. Objective materialism pursuits to enhance or become perfect in some way is the worst form of arrogance, ignorance but worst of all it fuels pride. Stay away from perfectionism. It’s one of the worst forms of mental “disease” because it encourages delusions with mind or thought you can have in a reasonable world. Infinity is a big number, eternity is a long time.

Inconsistencies also make a world of perfection impossible because we all start from somewhere. It may take you a margin of years to finish law (for example) – It may take you a life time to finish school and many years to make a living to pay your debts. It’ll take you forever to understand every concept. Perfection in this world is flawed in that people only see the surface of your skin but not your heart. Once they know your heart it is possible to see who they are from a clearer perspective.

Delusions make life really hard. Suffering is the biggest delusion understood by the Buddhist and older civilizations. The idea of Nirvana is that it is a place where you are at complete peace, and accept the world as it is. There is no changing the world with a one man mentality. Delusions have this power to sway people and exude confidence in a person and sometimes people can get hurt. Be mindful and careful of what you do to people, be aware that your words whatever they may be, may cause harm. Even though this is true, we don’t need everyone to become social justice warriors.

Based on these six ideas we have, we come to understand as the pros and cons of perfection and it’s good and bad realities. Worst case scenarios and best case scenarios give us hope. We want to find something profound in this life and we are seeking these good things possibly to the end of our lives; Imperialism, deductive reasoning and factual evidence. Were the pros Tampering, inconsistencies and delusion were the cons.  Finding the flaws in a person should never be the objective of the game, it’s really a matter what is it we need to do for the people. What can you do or provide for them and yourself.

Justice Simplification


  1. Perspective; justice for one, justice for others, justice of consensus and justice for all.


Justice for one:

Fight for your dreams, make a path for your future.

Justice for others:

Fight for those you love, make a way for other’s to follow.

Justice of Consensus:

Fight for the cause, have faith and believe in your cause.

Justice for all:

Fight for what you believe in and pursue that good place you want to end at.

Live and die at your own pace.

There is justice for one, other’s, consensus and all in the world. There is justice for one. There’s a realization that justice however trivial, mundane or small the task – it is always important to see that life is what you make out of it. Some make oranges and other’s make lemons. You have to make sure you fight for your own dreams and not other’s dreams so that you can produce the product that you fought for at the end of your life.

There is justice for others. There’s a belief that you must sacrifice the self in order to satisfy your peers. This is some of the time the case with the world where one becomes a martyr to the public out of goodness of the heart. In most cases however one only improves themselves in order to appeal to the public. There is a truth in the world where you should pave a way for those you love. This is the way and where happiness lay. You teach each other and you share your wealth. In this way in the end everyone benefits.

Fight for the cause, have faith and believe in your cause. The justice of consensus. The idea behind this is that you make sure you create a world where you believe in what you came here to do on Earth. We have a cause and a purpose to fight for. We came here with a belief that life is good and that we fight for what we believe is right. The idea is that you harness and cultivate the opinion of the whole and collective in order to come up with great ideas and worlds of possibilities. Through some research and a little written survey one can become fruitful in cultivating the mind and dispensing the best forms of justice in the consensus.

There is justice for all. We must fight for what we believe in and pursue that happy place we have in our hearts with all the life we can conjure. To seek this place with reasonable boundaries and limits but giving it our all when we apply ourselves. There are problems with the world and the human condition is usually quite the misfit. It can be death dealing to passive aggressive but still dangerous to the life force of humanity. It is in the whole entirety of all things that makes this form of justice important. Justice for all is the reason why I stand strong and why I breathe. It is what I seek if I seek any justice at all. Life is what it is because of “Justice for all” and I will stand by the good codes and the all mustered virtues in life.

Live and die at your own pace. I know there’s an agenda for a monogamous relationship in life but there is also justice for those who have been done injustice in life. Justice is a strong term and justice is a very ambiguous and abstract a thing. But love and kindness is timeless. You do what you need to despite what the world has to say with some form of limits of course – to do yourself justice in this world. A person may tell you that you are living life “wrong” but only you can figure out what you need to do to find your happiness in life. Everyone is accountable for their actions and there are consequences for their actions but at the end of the day you are the one who will be sleeping at night in that body and head of yours. How well you sleep depends on your conscience and this is true any where you go.


Earth World Justice


“Where we go, we won’t know. Until we get there, now is where we’ll be”.


Upper Sphere: 7. Equation, 6. Algebra and 5. Math(s).

Middle Sphere: 4. Music.

Lower Sphere: 3. Sculpture, 2. Painting and 1. Written.

Think with the head.

Feel with the gut.

Know with the heart.

“What did God intend?”


World’s Justice


Earth is accumulative and progressive.

  1. Believe in yourself
  2. Perspective; justice for one, justice for others, justice of consensus and justice for all.
  3. The noble heart.
  4. Mindful pros and cons of perfectionism.
  5. Collective thinking
  6. Best case scenarios of possibilities with alignments to heighten probability of chances.
  7. Human beings, being imaginary and being real.
  8. God is a constant and much more.
  9. We are a product of our work.

Reality has a terrible pattern of leaving you with scraps and nothing. My contemplation of my reality in this life is that justice or the lack of justice is a source of the problem. The noble heart is able to decipher the problems of the human conditions and conflicts. That perfectionism is another cause of this conflict. The whole entirety of the conflicts are the collective problem. We need to collectively think as a group to produce desired results we’d like to exhibit. The best case scenarios are the ones that we should work on. The worst case scenarios are the ones we should watch out for and be reminded of. We also need to make alignments to the probability of chances that we may succeed. To progress through our hardship as humans, to understand our situation on Earth and to contemplate our cause and effect of human society. Thoughtful beings who are imaginary but are real.

We find numbers are some times unending called constants. We find a constant in all things and I have found my constant “God” in who he is. He stays a constant in my life no matter how changing the world is.


Justice is finding the true state of believing in yourself. To know yourself and be yourself. You must cultivate your essence and improve your essence. You must know how to become a better person and become more true to yourself. Be who you are and live your potential to some level of margin capacity limits. Follow your dreams, live out your goals.

“What is life called when you make a fool of your self.”


life through possibility by probability.


“Did you know where we’d end up? A fool’s town full of heroes who defend clowns.”


Hidden Origins Binge for The Truth


I just recently delve into this world of Michael Tellinger under a Gaia subscription for a series called  “Hidden Origins”. I binged 11 episodes over night and realized that the project of Heaven on Earth has been established on Earth for quite a while now. The properties of sound is scientifically the most beautiful and most useful. And it’s all hidden right underneath our noses throughout history. Frequencies of objects and structures radiating energies, energy grids on earth and holding untold information in quarts and silicon based objects that ring just on the basis of air touching it through life and simply existing. The baffling idea that a Quartz based rock in the shape of a torus can shut down info security systems on an aircraft consistently radiating energies, creating magnetic fields and frequencies in ways we do not yet understand. Causing random havoc like blocking GPS and satellite signals.

That pyramids are doing the same sort of thing of that nature, ringing at a certain frequency and generating energy and projecting it skyward to most likely contribute or sustain the higher frequency worlds above. That ancient structures and building sites began to function as if planned like circuit boards, made of simply stacked and assembled rocks that contained quartz so that the energy worked like a conduit channeling frequencies and vibration of sound to become energy to act as catalysts of ionizing oxygen in one case. And to channel in energies towards these giant ancient structures such as the Bosnian Pyramids, Egyptian Pyramids, Mayan Pyramids and these ancient Pyramids by the Adam’s Calendar in South Africa.

The geometry of coned structures and the mystery of why they manifest and sprung up as Church sharp steeples is very interesting. Churches are sites of function, emotional or spiritual healing/activity/growth and a means to direct energy with purpose. The research Michael Tellinger did in making the connection that finally clued us in on the reasons why these cone structures were so important to the ancient worlds was quite revolutionary to me. These powerful deities and beings who had lived among us in the ancient past had harnessed the ability to control sound at a incomprehensible level where they were able to levitate giant objects through resonance and frequencies based on their technology and knowledge of how the technology worked.

As Michael Tellinger spoke of these Annunaki who were well known to the Ancient Sumerians and Egyptians explaining all the overlooked tools and sharp scientific observations of the sediment build ups, errosion due to nature and the measure of bio-organic micro organisms that have grown on certain structures.. we find that we are delving into worlds that are actually 25, 000 years old based on the Adam’s Calendar in South Africa.. we also come to a realization that we’ve been duped by a human fabrication of history and that our reality and past are withheld from us by the winners of war in this world. For the winners of war get to choose what they want us to believe and see.

I love these new technologies that are coming out about Saserbeams ( lasers based on sound waves), all these demystified misconceptions of laws imposed on us by modern science like.. That humans evolved from apes which is only partially true – it’s much deeper than that. That nothing can travel faster than light, except the emerging idea of hyper-sound waves. That energy cannot be made or destroyed, even though we can now start to convert energy from any form of surface heat, natural moving element and mass in nature. The ideas that Dragonflies don’t propel their wings to fly but vibrate and use frequency to soar through the air. That big masses of pure stone can be moved easily by resonance and frequency to place any desired object anywhere they want with the right technology.

The Pineal Gland revealed to having rods and cones just like the eye balls do but have some how lost the function to “see” what ever  wondrous ways the Pineal Gland is used to seeing. There are so many interesting things to say about this man’s scavenging and roll in the dirt with these artifacts and ancient tools that to any other man would have just overlooked as rocks, weights and primitive digging tools, his revelations are truly great. If you guys are looking for a show that really looks deeply into what the world really is and want some truth to your origins. This documentary of our true heritage and history of human origins is definitely breath taking. From learning about where the fixation of gold came from in the past, to why wars and slavery started – and accounts that say the English may have been the first to implement slavery, to understanding that there were other forms of transient beings that have higher functions and abilities  – that we may have inherited some of their traits, rules and ideas in us. To even the conspiracies that say that a rogue Annunaki has been genetically manipulating the genes of people and crossbreeding genes into people for specific traits and other heinous experiments on man we did not know about.

My favorite piece was when he made the Fibonacci connection with Adam’s Calendar and these Lost Pyramids in South Africa. God’s thumb print indeed; in the bible written by “beyond their time” Quantum Physicists engineering their ideas to inspire, grow, train and influence the minds of men subconsciously with the Fibonacci Sequence encoded into certain parts of the bible. Working with the Hebrew Gematria to convert words into numbers you can eventually see the Fibonacci Sequence which invoke frequencies within us – subconsciously acting as a catalyst and influencing our very DNA to progress. They essentially wrote a seemingly children’s book that taught their world according to their education level, important events in their history and drew a path for their future to progress in society. They implemented the bible as a tool for our human progression. Genius and fascinating.

Hope, Curiosity and Prosperity.


Good People Puppets to Faith Used by Corporations and Organized Religion

Money rules them all it seems. And everyone is tied to an ideology and it’s narrative to dominate.. survive and establish. We aim to be like the gods, but sometimes the luxury to aspire and be like one is not a realistic when we deal with the human ordeal of famine, poverty, discrimination and war. 

Integration of human beings, facility, life strategy and relief efforts are a neccessary staple for a functional community. These services are more necessary to life than the complimentary moral, chaste, politeness of being politically correct.

We do not have our priorities straight when our preferences lead the way. The core as the more important issue should always be first because it’s essential. Religious background as the front when stability, function and facility is compromised. This is not the way.

When crooked politics in the states’s democracy is undermined. Berne Sanders media direction is influenced by an agenda to show he is incompetant and unable to assess the situation. That his background ethnicity as a jew is exploited and used against him bringing in the middle east conflict to displace him even though he’s an Atheist. And because he is an Atheist that research is used against his votes by the Baptist. This is the power of crooked democracy with an agenda.

Who has the authority of the churches on earth?  Church leaders and the Pope. Not Christ.. not God. It’s in the hands of man. And these men make the rules depending on agenda. It’s out of control just like how Egypt saw pokemon as a threat because it promoted evolution they banned it using the Muslim agenda and his high position to influence this decision. In the Christian ring you have Fundamentalist Christian Rick Wiles who is clearly delusional believing he is the word of God himself claiming that pokemon are demons and the end times is near. He doesn’t even know what augmented reality geo caching games are. Putting it all together it concluded they were invisible demons sent by Satan to draw people away from God. 

This is the danger of your religion and superstitions. You are drawn away from purpose, function, service and application. Ideally all these things build facility; prenatal women’s care, integration of youth into society, stress adapting groups, hope groups, relief strategy groups and multicultural promotion groups.

I help humans who want to help themselves. I contribute to communities despite your religion. But will not encourage, promote or represent your organized religion mostly because I don’t believe in your organizations human ideologies.

Prescriptive ideologies are useful if they are simple, timeless and practical. If they require you to see into the far  future it is a faulty prescription and thus a temporary fix, a solution for the moment and not effective long term. Islam was progressive for its time but useless and conflicting with the modern world.

But I will not interfere with your iminent understanding of the seeing world. There are greater sources, wisdom and knowledge out in life around the world from past to present. Do not limit yourself to one book. Be open to libraries and education.

Sometimes I know I shouldn’t be so open as I will be taken advantage of because of my open nature. That I shouldn’t confide in strangers so trustingly.  That sometimes I may involve people who weren’t meant to follow. My intentions maybe be neutral and may be considered universal but it is open to misinterpretation leading to negative criticism.. leading to negative attention. That is why I will play low key and only work within the system not as a front to something may not complete believe in. 

I know love shouldn’t be conditional as Jehovah witness has established it is. With their hierachy of male dominance and excusing of rape and low male accountability. This is not the world we were meant for.. This will not do. What ever religion you choose to be a part of remember you also choose to inherit it’s history of violence, hate and separating ideologies, agenda and affiliations. Just think things through and you will see the way.

Finding my roots; Offended by Your Lack of Progress


It has come to my attention that I guess I don’t know enough about my roots and culture. Is culture/tradition necessary to live a functional life? I have come to the conclusion that it is not necessary but it would make things interesting in the thinking and approaches people will take in finding a solution to a problem. Though all this is fine and culture makes things interesting. I think we’re missing the point that the human experience and it’s necessities don’t change based on your ethnicity, religion and nationality. As long as we fulfill and have our basic needs, facilities and living practices (jobs, activities, exercises and methods of exploration) then what culture you came from or what religion you practice is trivial and just a matter of different perspective and opinions that motivate/inspire you. (-unless you’re an extremist, that’s a different matter).

I’m unsure what role culture and religion has in determining what type of humans we will become. The general practices may bring you to expand your knowledge of what is out there and give you methods of how to approach things. I feel the transition from being traditional to modern is a learning experience. Change is a necessary value in progression. Though we need to find our foundation, and as important as understanding where we started, our struggles, achievements and failures and our story.. All of that is trivial if we have nothing to show for in the end.

I find my lack of inrerest for traditional preservation of culture disturbing, though I don’t know if it’s just me but I have looked but cannot see the value of preserving a method/practice of life where you can find better more liberating practices out in real life through science and knowledge of the world in modern times.

Take a look at Arab countries who practice Islam. Still living in deserts, riding camels, enslaving children/women, following a book of medieval conquest not fitting the modern world’s narrative, completely divided even though they call themselves 1.6 billion Muslims none of them agree to a true Islam head, no true established home, facilitated by leaders and scholars who consistently misinterpret their leader’s work (mostly because he’s dead), stuck in time and have no clue about what progression looks like or any ambition/direction where they want to be.

The traditions of modern Christian’s seem to be no different other than their living conditions though a bit more of a progressive religion.. They have facilities, secured by secular government services but guided by heads and scholars of the religion who have no right to lead except through inheritance of that empire. They cannot understand/comprehend the true meaning of their savior’s message through faulty human interpretations unless in direct communion with God himself. False idols, warped history propagated by organized religion to fit a biased agenda of some borrowed and heavily adjusted, hastily slapped together Christian narrative of medieval conquest now formed ideology. (You can research why Christianity is a borrowed synthesized ideology below, it’s ideas changed through history. It’s true. It is in no way perfect. Read below on how Christianity changed.)


Extra studying into the Nothingness of identity:

Mahabharata 4000 bc: The path Buddha took fundamentals to hinduism through understanding of Karma and the teachings of Samkhya which blossomed into Buddhism:

  • Karma in its original meaning is a burden of actions and reactions caused by an emotional attachment and chaining a soul to a human life, making it impossible to avoid subsequent incarnations
  • Karma causes for a soul to be born again in this world after the death of its physical body
  • Karma in its original meaning is not a form of punishment
  • Breaking free from karma leads to the final death – the lost of individuality and merging with the Highest Consciousness
  • Breaking free from karma is a person’s own responsibility, the Gods do not interfere in that process

European beliefs before Hinduism.

  • A man is only born in this world once
  • The God is constantly watching humans behavior
  • The God punishes after death, there is no penalty for sins during one’s life
  • No-one but the God can judge someone’s behaviors and choices – all men can do is to repent and hope for His kindness
  • Committing a sin means a crime against the God. Only a whole-hearted penance can save a sinner
  • The God listens to all prayers
  • Having no sins means being awarded after death with eternal happiness in Heaven

What Europeans arrived at after the influence of Hinduism and Christianity mixed up together:


  • A man is born in this world multiple times
  • The God is constantly watching human behaviour
  • Misfortunes and bad luck in this life are the divine punishment for sins
  • Having sins means having karma
  • The God is sending penalty in this life
  • Emotional attachment, creating karma, is a sin
  • For that sin a person will be punished by the object of the attachment being taken away from him
  • A person can be relieved from the sins from the previous lives through prayers and penance, so there will be no punishment in this life
  • Karma can be ‘diagnosed’ and ‘relieved’ by another person
  • Karma can be ‘picked-up’ from someone else

The idea of the Christian god today is distorted, we need to go back to our roots and decide for ourselves what is good, beneficial and decide what our initial reason for being is.

(original post)

Christianity, Judaism and Islam have no authority or moral high ground. All we have is humanity, archives and our own human moral sense of justice. “For morality came from food, not god.” Our experiences with life gives us morality and we see our wrongs through actions/inaction , knowledge and comprehension of the world around us.

Solution: Find a new narrative in your life to become a more constructive and contributing member of society. Apply yourself into youth programs, integration programs, education and relief societies with your extra time. Start small, aim big. The modern world needs more heroes and less burdening influences of human deprived history lessons.

Compilation of Recorded Human Progress Thus Far

(image credit


Compiled Human Hero World

This is human history and culture map compiled thus far. This helped me map out all alternative paths and directions and allowed me to determine the correct purpose of life. The Spirit Realm was the most complicated and completely ambiguous.

I’ve been to all ends of this spectrum of space through dreams. I could not reach or commune with a physical being that looked like the God humans describe.. An old man of long beard seated on a Golden Throne of the heavens or any of the such. I met a Space Whale instead in my dream.. This was apparently was the best this reality of the life the world could offer me exalted or no.

If you are interested in this Chart it is here. It is produced for my personal knowledge its secondary nature is to educate those who are curious. It’s third nature is to be recorded as human knowledge. All sectors and paths considered; Gateways plotted.

This morning before I give you a read of the chart, I will share you a story about my space whale. He enjoyed squeaky arm length rubs, a friendly giant who enjoyed company. He was majestic, beautiful and offered me a home among the stars, we had a conversation about dealing with some kind of outer space turbulence. And other bizarre phenomena.. He was trying to explain a problem about being too big and not fitting in with all the other creatures of the natural world.

The only God in human form I know of is Jesus Christ but again he is just another being displaced in the wrong era fighting a war not his own against a people who will not accept him.

This Section will be used to define Exaltation with God through life. (Starting Brown Section)

(Read in columns – The Paths; UP AND DOWN)

Exaltation to God


Within Monotheism is the Physical Religion of Fasting, Prayer, Sabbath, Pilgrimage. (1)Religious Facility Holds those who are practicing being Christians, Jewish and Muslim, Going to Church, Tabernacle and Mosque, Find their emotional needs through the medium of Christianity, Semitism and Islam, Their vehicle to God is through a books The Holy Bible, Torah and Koran. (1)Ideology offers us something more solid, promise and purpose. Unions, Marriages and Councils lead the way for ideology. Humanitarian Cause is the focus; Singing, Stories and Praise. Having Joy, Confidence and Character is held most high. In (1)Life focus on Experiences of Life. Practice Kindness and Warmth. You will find Happiness in Labors of the Heart. You will Acquire a Strong Bond with God.


In Secular Atheism  there is a almost religious practice of Controlling Diet, Pondering, Venting and Traveling. (2)Functional Facility is for Working, Studying and Playing, Leisure Centers and Libraries are these ideal places, Cinema, Games and Internet are the desired media mediums and the Spirit/Desire is Survival over all else. (2)Invention is the driving force behind Practitioners, Engineering and Construction. Their mind is set on Technological Progression. Training, Mentoring and Growing tugs their heart strings. They get the most out of the spiritual world through Having Empowerment and Success. (2)Dream, Focus on Creation and Inspiring. Practice Exploration and Progress. You will find Happiness in Your Victories. You will Acquire An Optimal Experience for Friends and Family in Life.


The Agnostics have their own methods of Detoxing, Contemplating, Reading/Watching a Movie and Adventure.. (Though none of these are exclusive to only Agnostic, we’re just people. There is no purity of paths, most are mixed).  (3)Entertainment Facility likes Relaxing, Thinking and Understanding, Ideal places are Pagodas, Temples, and Massage Therapists, Reading, Writing and Blogging and they hold individualism highest over all else. (3)Life Philosophies and Laws; They work their way into Boards, Schools, Facilitating Events, Talks and Meetings. They enjoy the idea of Environmental Preservation, Providing Renewable Resources, Innovation and Inspiration gets them teary. Their Spirituality is most heightened when they aim for Practicality and Sustainability. (3)Self, Focus on Protecting and Serving. With the mind Practice Concern and Problem Solving. Find Happiness in Relationships and Tough Decisions. Acquire Glory, Merit, Gratifying Job and Respect.


Idoltry enjoys methods of Conditioning, Begging, Complaining and Reflecting. (4)Emergency Facilities, they hold Humility, Humanity and Tolerance High, Shelters, Schools and Trauma Clinics are desirable, Human Connection, Animals and Rehab, and they believe strongly in Self-Preservation. (4)Good Habits; Nursing Homes, Orphanages, Managing Poverty is the basis of good habits. Their mentality is focused on Stability and Human Assessment. They Like Healing and Nurturing, it makes them emotional. Having Humility and Respect is what they strive for. (4)Salvaging, Focus on Health and Poverty. Practice Finding Practical Solutions and Curiosity. You will Find Happiness in Hardship of Challenges. It is suggested that you aim to acquire Trust, Love and Gratitude from All in return.


Relativism is Chilling, Relaxing, Disconnecting and Wandering.  The Science World Establishes Green (5)Plains and Meadows, they like to be Unconcerned and prefer Ignoring the World, They enjoy Hiking, Beaches and the Ocean, They Enjoy Music in general, Meditating, Logging Journals and Above all the spirit lies with Solitude. (5)Be Content is the strategy of Avoiding Conflicts, Judgement and Human Politics. Doing Completely Nothing and Just Exist. Self Exploration, Experimentation and Understanding The Human Condition. Having Control and Moderation is what this perspective holds most high. (5)Ground Zero Focus on Self and Isolation. Practice Simple Life and Maintain Optimal Health. You will Find Happiness in the Miracle of Life in Existing. You Will Acquire Tranquility, Self Love and Acceptance with this path.


Polytheism is Abstaining, Meditating, Enjoying Nature and Transcending Information. (6)High Mountains their optimal functioning place is in Experiencing the Perfect Human State, Their emotions get amplified around Jungle, Nature, High Mountains and Exotic Places, Finding Purpose, Acquiring Skills and Learning, They desire Transcendence over all else. (6)Change The World; This perspective expects to create Miracles, Focuses on Expressing Yourself and Get Involved in Everything. Do Everything You Can With All Your Heart seems to be it’s mentality. Self Evolve, Self Express, Dominate the Human Condition will allow them to express their inner being best. The spirit category says that they will ideally be optimal when attempting to Maintain Balance, Life and The World. (6)Light Focus Focus on Heighten Experience and Greatest Challenges in Life. Mentality of Practice Aspirations, Purposeful Living Be a Visionary. You will Find Happiness in Overcoming All Odds with this path. Spiritually you will acquire Self Satisfaction, God’s Exaltation and Man’s Commendation.


The movement of Self Empowerment is Moderation, Assessing Words Logically, Experiencing Improvement and Understanding the Process of Growth. (7)Home, physically Expressing Concern and Cooling Down Heated Debates is usually ideal. Balance of Nature and City, Enjoying the moment, Finding Purpose and Seeing Life makes them emotional. They hold Constructive Thinking highest over all else. (7)Building The World; Objective seems to be Saving The World, Environmental and Renewable Resources. Mentally engraved is the idea of Using God Given Resources Like The Sun and Solar Energy. Emotionally you will find your purpose most fulfilled through Combating Selfishness, Provoking Change in Others and Challenging The World. You will feel most accomplished Making a Difference and Do Justice for God and Men. (7)Hero, Focus on Sacrifice and Leadership. Practice Mindfulness, Active Charity and Exude Higher Purpose. It is recommended you find Happiness in the Objectives and Small Things in Life. You will acquire the most wholesome and complete Human Experience.

This Section will be used to define Exaltation with God through life. (Starting Brown Section)

Exaltation to God

(Spectrum Analysis; LEFT TO RIGHT)

Within Religion is Monotheism, Secular Atheism, Agnosticism, Idoltry, Relativism, Polytheism and Self Empowerment.

Respectively each category is followed by the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual attribute. Within Monotheism is the Physical Religion of Fasting, Prayer, Sabbath, Pilgrimage. In Secular Atheism  there is a almost religious practice of Controlling Diet, Pondering, Venting and Traveling. The Agnostics have their own methods of Detoxing, Contemplating, Reading/Watching a Movie and Adventure.. (Though none of these are exclusive to only Agnostic, we’re just people. There is no purity of paths, most are mixed). Idoltry enjoys methods of Conditioning, Begging, Complaining and Reflecting. Relativism is Chilling, Relaxing, Disconnecting and Wandering. Polytheism is Abstaining, Meditating, Enjoying Nature and Transcending Information. The movement of Self Empowerment is Moderation, Assessing Words Logically, Experiencing Improvement and Understanding the Process of Growth.

Within Science there is (1)Religious Facility, (2)Functional Facility, (3)Entertainment Facility, (4)Emergency Facility, (5)Meadows/Green Plains, (6)High Mountains and (7)Homes.

(1)Religious Facility Holds those who are practicing being Christians, Jewish and Muslim, Going to Church, Tabernacle and Mosque, Find their emotional needs through the medium of Christianity, Semitism and Islam, Their vehicle to God is through a books The Holy Bible, Torah and Koran. (2)Functional Facility is for Working, Studying and Playing, Leisure Centers and Libraries are these ideal places, Cinema, Games and Internet are the desired media mediums and the Spirit/Desire is Survival over all else.  (3)Entertainment Facility likes Relaxing, Thinking and Understanding, Ideal places are Pagodas, Temples, and Massage Therapists, Reading, Writing and Blogging and they hold individualism highest over all else. (4)Emergency Facilities, they hold Humility, Humanity and Tolerance High, Shelters, Schools and Trauma Clinics are desirable, Human Connection, Animals and Rehab, and they believe strongly in Self-Preservation. The Science World Establishes Green (5)Plains and Meadows, they like to be Unconcerned and prefer Ignoring the World, They enjoy Hiking, Beaches and the Ocean, They Enjoy Music in general, Meditating, Logging Journals and Above all the spirit lies with Solitude. (6)High Mountains their optimal functioning place is in Experiencing the Perfect Human State, Their emotions get amplified around Jungle, Nature, High Mountains and Exotic Places, Finding Purpose, Acquiring Skills and Learning, They desire Transcendence over all else. (7)Home, physically Expressing Concern and Cooling Down Heated Debates is usually ideal. Balance of Nature and City, Enjoying the moment, Finding Purpose and Seeing Life makes them emotional. They hold Constructive Thinking highest over all else.

Within Identity there is (1)Ideology, (2)Invention, (3)Life Philosophy and Laws, (4)Good Habits, (5)Be Content, (6)Change the World and (7)Building the World.

(1)Ideology offers us something more solid, promise and purpose. Unions, Marriages and Councils lead the way for ideology. Humanitarian Cause is the focus; Singing, Stories and Praise. Having Joy, Confidence and Character is held most high. (2)Invention is the driving force behind Practitioners, Engineering and Construction. Their mind is set on Technological Progression. Training, Mentoring and Growing tugs their heart strings. They get the most out of the spiritual world through Having Empowerment and Success. (3)Life Philosophies and Laws; They work their way into Boards, Schools, Facilitating Events, Talks and Meetings. They enjoy the idea of Environmental Preservation, Providing Renewable Resources, Innovation and Inspiration gets them teary. Their Spirituality is most heightened when they aim for Practicality and Sustainability. (4)Good Habits; Nursing Homes, Orphanages, Managing Poverty is the basis of good habits. Their mentality is focused on Stability and Human Assessment. They Like Healing and Nurturing, it makes them emotional. Having Humility and Respect is what they strive for. (5)Be Content is the strategy of Avoiding Conflicts, Judgement and Human Politics. Doing Completely Nothing and Just Exist. Self Exploration, Experimentation and Understanding The Human Condition. Having Control and Moderation is what this perspective holds most high. (6)Change The World; This perspective expects to create Miracles, Focuses on Expressing Yourself and Get Involved in Everything. Do Everything You Can With All Your Heart seems to be it’s mentality. Self Evolve, Self Express, Dominate the Human Condition will allow them to express their inner being best. The spirit category says that they will ideally be optimal when attempting to Maintain Balance, Life and The World. (7)Building The World; Objective seems to be Saving The World, Environmental and Renewable Resources. Mentally engraved is the idea of Using God Given Resources Like The Sun and Solar Energy. Emotionally you will find your purpose most fulfilled through Combating Selfishness, Provoking Change in Others and Challenging The World. You will feel most accomplished Making a Difference and Do Justice for God and Men.

Within Humanism there is (1)Life, (2)Dream, (3)Self, (4)Salvaging, (5)Ground Zero, (6)Light and (7)Hero.

In (1)Life focus on Experiences of Life. Practice Kindness and Warmth. You will find Happiness in Labors of the Heart. You will Acquire a Strong Bond with God. (2)Dream, Focus on Creation and Inspiring. Practice Exploration and Progress. You will find Happiness in Your Victories. You will Acquire An Optimal Experience for Friends and Family in Life.  (3)Self, Focus on Protecting and Serving. With the mind Practice Concern and Problem Solving. Find Happiness in Relationships and Tough Decisions. Acquire Glory, Merit, Gratifying Job and Respect. (4)Salvaging, Focus on Health and Poverty. Practice Finding Practical Solutions and Curiosity. You will Find Happiness in Hardship of Challenges. It is suggested that you aim to acquire Trust, Love and Gratitude from All in return. (5)Ground Zero Focus on Self and Isolation. Practice Simple Life and Maintain Optimal Health. You will Find Happiness in the Miracle of Life in Existing. You Will Acquire Tranquility, Self Love and Acceptance with this path. (6)Light focus on Heighten Experience and Greatest Challenges in Life. Mentality of Practice Aspirations, Purposeful Living Be a Visionary. You will Find Happiness in Overcoming All Odds with this path. Spiritually you will acquire Self Satisfaction, God’s Exaltation and Man’s Commendation. (7)Hero, Focus on Sacrifice and Leadership. Practice Mindfulness, Active Charity and Exude Higher Purpose. It is recommended you find Happiness in the Objectives and Small Things in Life. You will acquire the most wholesome and complete Human Experience.

Happy Journey.

Curiosity and Prosperity,



For link on Heroes of Man: 

For link on Knowledge:

Define Knowledge; Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom





This is a chart on the varieties of methods and experiences that may bring you knowledge.


What is Knowledge?

I have categorized knowledge into 3 categories; Knowledge can be found in Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom. It is inherited, built on and pursued. The construction of Knowledge is based on human experience and daily exposure to the 5 realms of experience. Life, Dream, Self, Salvage and Light. The paths in life are known as Alpha, Omega, Crossway, Ambiguous and Ascended respectively. And then there is Gateways of Synthesis  and Now. Where Realms are represented  by the grounds these worlds are built on. The paths are represented by lines. And Gateways are  coordinates and set checkpoint pin locations.

What is a Sector?

A sector is a zone within the paradigm model that is a individual divided slice of the pie to put it simply. In this pie there are 4 sectors, 5 dividing cuts and 2 gateway points of interest.

What is Strength?

Strength is Capacity, Endurance, Ferocity and Durability. Ascended value is Execution

Within strength I found that the foundations best related to Body Building. I called it Capacity; Where the Frame, Volume, Recovery and Power represented the facilities of this sector. I related Endurance to Running and Cardio vascular exercise; Endurance has within it Speed, Longevity, Metabolism and Mentality. Best found in martial arts I called the next sector Ferocity; it holds Spirit, Respect, Honor and Communication. The Last facility of strength is Durability; Which revolves around Simplicity, Practicality, Constitution and Proportional Ratio. Execution is the ascended value which is Work, Labor, Suffering and Persevering.

What is Intelligence?

Intelligence is Perception, Emotion, Spirit and Thought. Ascended value is Construction.

Within intelligence I found gradual levels of ascendance progressively moving towards the spirit world along the z-axis respectively from physical, to mental, to emotional and to spiritual. In Intelligence I have found in Perception through design is Sight, Identifying, Realization and Comprehension. In Emotion through morality I have found Instinct, Nature, Reaction and Judgement. In Spirit through theology I have found Character, Traits, Personality and Perks. In Thought through Language Logic I discovered Choice, Calculation, Manipulation and Contemplation. Constructing through compilation is Sorting, Evaluating, Pursuit and Methods.

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom is Virtue, Practices, Analysis and Synergetics. Ascended value is Acquisition.

Within wisdom I found complex systems and ambiguous terms that are very abstract moving progressively ascendant respectively from physical, to mental, to emotional and to spiritual. In Wisdom I have found Virtue; Virtues found in Ambiguous Religion, Virtues of Rational Science, Disciplines of Identity and Conscience of Humanism. In Practices; I have found Living Universe Practices, Un-Living (material) Universe Practices, Working towards Higher Self and Conscious Universe Practices. Through Analysis I have found Reflecting, Efficiency Assessment, Critical Roots Targeting and Priority and Preferences most important. In Synergetics I have found Humble Living, Humility Building, Humanity Serving and Collective Unconditional Love most important. Acquisition is in Development, Establishing, Erecting and Satisfaction. 

What is a Gateway?

A gateway is a term I use to describe a pin point accurate location and coordinate. It’s like a blip on your GPS, some are locations and some known as vessels/vehicles move.

Among the two gateways are Synthesis and Now. But there is a path that is used called the ascended path that is used to draw a direction in life towards the Vista of the Paradigm Model.

What is Ascendance?

Ascendance is a constructive progressive direction of empowering humanity.

The Gateways: Synthesis, Ascendant path and Now.

Synthesis is an Assessment, Arranging (Sorting Objectives of people, places things and goals), Organizing (situations, conditions and circumstances), Aligning (Events, possibilities and schedules) and also Inspiring (means of humanitarian efforts, life experiences and professional aspirations).

The Ascendant Line is about Execution which consists of Work, Labor, Suffering and Persevering. Constructing through compilation is Sorting, Evaluating, Pursuit and Methods. Acquisition is in Development, Establishing, Erecting and Satisfaction. 

The “Now” Gateway is about Active Practiced Philosophy; Constructing, Establishing, Determining and Defining. 

  • For a refresher on Virtue:


Chart of Virtue


  • For a refresher on Practices:


Practice of Life

  • For a refresher on Analysis, Critical Roots:

  • For a refresh on Synergetics, Optimal Humble Living:

Complete Ascended

Ideal Human Being


Have a wonderful day,


The Missing Pillar; Middle East a Scavenger Desert Rogue


Political Systems with scavenging

I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose of man. And also thought and reflected on those who were never given the opportunity to bloom. The marked for dead living among us, those who have nothing to live for. They have nothing useful to offer the world, no interest in kindness, love or healing; Just pure survival and getting through the day. The ones that were never given a chance to shine, I call upon the oath of the exiled and the roamers to rejoin and be a part of functional society as a pillar on their own. I call them the ambiguous; They will represent a republic an island rogue living off the excess of their neighbors and scavenge what they can through charity fund, farm, recycle or claim.

Alpha: Democracy is a liberal direction of change in the world towards a future we desire based on freedom. It looks out for individual power distribution and rewards individually.

Omega: Fascism is a conservative direction of mindless clinging to old ideas because its comfortable and controlling the masses because there is no trust in the people it is an anarchy and what the people believe is in absolute control by the Hierarchy of that government. The power is distributed to only the head or one deemed worthy up top of the hierarchy.

Crossway: Communism is a socialist direction of distributing the wealth and it is a traditional stance of looking out for one another with what is simply possible. Life at the bare minimum and only the practical ideas and life seem to survive. It is a collective power distribution.

Ambiguous: Scavenging is a republic direction of living off the land, through farming, recycling and claiming what was lost. They are island rogues and assess the excess of human abundance and what they can gather through scavenging. They are the real unsung heroes.. living in places people have abandoned and making something from nothing. This is their magic and I have deemed them worthy of a pillar of their own. The law controlling the ambiguous will have the worst bunch also considering this population is huge. There’s no way to integrate that many unfortunate people into civil society at that level but their spirit is what matters if they can muster the strength to survive. They live under a very self surrendering system and reliant on numbers to get things done opposed to individual strength.

Synthesis: Ground Zero is the direction of Improvising and sustaining with what is possible. Only the practical and suitable depending on situation is given as provision for life. Balance is the true face of this idea bringing in all four worlds of systems together (alpha, omega, crossway and ambiguous), considering all the perks and qualities of each system and with oversight assessing the situation with what is suitable at the moment. It is a Self Governed Society that understands what needs to be done and automated to do what is required when asked of them. We are in position to do this. Our system is stable enough and effective enough to make Ground Zero happen. Let the people do what makes them happy and provide them job opportunities that enable them to do what they enjoy doing.

Ascended: Humanism is the direction of being in nature a constructive force and progressing. The power is distributed through the collective conscience of humanity. If humans deem it correct as a society then it is the right decision depending on collective democracy taking into consideration all weighing opinions through all forms of media and contemplation. Ideally this is the direction we should be headed to become more functional, practical and effective.

From the ground up we need to build a system built with a basis towards Ground Zero or some grounds of peace and flow. Where the philosophy or direction is Improvising and making decisions based on Improvising in the form of compromise. Where we can agree on everything and work our way up to build this new system.. Ground Zero just wants you to sit back think and relax. Humanism is the study of human needs,concerns and problems being dealt with in the most practical and effective ways. We need to move in a constructive direction.. towards a Constructivism if there is such a word. Balance and then progress is the best steps to go into for our nature.

Alien or not understood?

A great find today,


A new study has led researchers to conclude that Octopuses (NOT Octopi) have Alien DNA. Their genome shows a never-before-seen level of complexity with a staggering 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than in a human being.

So it seems octopuses are apparently alien to our planet this year according to this article. It is still not clear as to say that they come from another planet but they have some interesting things to say about octopus. Having 33, 000 more protein coded genes than the 25, 000 in human beings. It’s ability to problem solve and adapt instantly its neural network properties making memory much easier than anything in the animal kingdom. Biological mechanisms that allow tissues to rapidly change proteins in order to alter their function and camouflage. They say there’s elevated transposon expression in neural tissues found in the octopus. The transposons are known to have the ability to affect the regulation of gene expression and are believed to play major roles in shaping genome structure.

Octopus have an invertebrate genome which puts it’s DNA in a blender and mixed. They are saying that Octopuses have alien baggage genes that they are not of this world which has great claim in the scientific community.

Well I think there’s a lot of things in this world that is unexplained and doesn’t always seem to be what it appears. Human beings themselves can’t be sure that they are not influenced or altered by a genetic evolutionary path led by outside forces. For example there are a population of people who cannot feel emotions or think logically. Some who cannot articulate and express themselves therefore very agitated and confused causing alot of chaos in the world. There are in nature conditions that inhibit and stunt’s a person ability to grow in consciousness, intellect and wisdom.

There’s something called the “de novo” genes that hasn’t been explored yet saying that human genomes can go up to 60, 000 proteins, the catch is that they are very rare. Based on the Orphan genes which are super genes that come from out of “de novo” or (out of nowhere) Some research say that genes can be possibly invoked by conscious thought or “gene alchemy”. Some interesting concepts and ideas that could be of both worlds existing and non-existing worlds.

The octopus genome encodes 168 multi-exonic protocadherin genes which are genes in mollusks, limpets and oysters could be an answer to why it may have so many alien protein genes. Human’s would obviously wouldn’t find those genes too beneficial unless they want to be slug like, or ever secreting slime and other molusk/worm/oyster like qualities. But all the same octopus are super natural and a specimen to wonder about.


other research articles to read about:

Reborn in new light. Old Paradigms Brought Anew.

Revamped and renewed Graphs: Completion, Divinity, Synchronicity and Infinity.


Divinity; The Trilogy of Three Worlds


Intro: The three worlds that are of the lowest, medium and highest forms of realities are; Hell, Earth and Heaven. These are the 3 main parallel universes that allow us to perceive the world as we do today. The Past, Present and Future all simultaneously making it’s chapters to make one full book that is the Trilogy of the Three Worlds. The Book is a reference to the entirety of time itself with these 3 realms acting as the oscillation of life past, present and future. It is this depth that we see the light model in its fullest and purest of forms. It is at its brightest by contrast with the dark which defines it. And with earth as the medium they have standards that they can imbue in us. The model of light is a replication of the Human DNA through a process I call the humanization of Light. The humanization of light is the process where i organize, decipher and arrange light so that it fits the model of light that is based on wave, particle and oscillation. In this book you will read about Hell, Earth and Heaven and some general/debatable questions and answers to the what, when, why and how of what they are.

Hell of the tormented; It is a place of sadness and pain where those who die and get lost through the process of life go. It is also home of Demons and other deviant forces. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

HELL IS: (Book of Dark)

Categories: (Devouring and Torment) Abyss, Empty Suffering and Nothingness.

Behavioral: (Demon conscience, Demon nature) Rage, Cast Rank and Discord.

Form: (Duality of deviant functions) Sound, Earth and Darkness.

Idealism: (Carnage and Failing) Destruction, Hate and Legion.


From what i understand Devouring and torment are the two things they invest in. The actual study of Abyss is about the absence of god where darkness dwells and grows clawing it’s way into existence. Life for them is about eternal empty suffering and just enjoying pain for no reason. Pain, suffering and disturbance of another person is their sustenance and fear is what fuels them. The study of suffering is about prime evil, pure emotional hatred and destructiveness which is what they hold to their empty hearts. They believe living in a misshapen/formless/mutated form is ideal and specialize in spirit and possession. They have no general physical body shape and live in the space of nothingness.


Behavioral: Demon conscience and Demon nature are the 2 natures they oscillate between in a force called Rage. They live in a cast rank of evolution, the strongest, biggest and most vicious alpha male at the top. They hold deviancy in evolution most high. And they are devoted to Discord and disorder so that there may never be form and unity with anything. They are the adversary force in life always going against someone’s will.


Their forms are very basic and ancient. They live in a world of sound where anything living attracts them. The closer you are the more likely they will attach to you. The Earth is their identity and basis of their form they are made of Earth; i think it also involves some form of biological building element like sulfur, carbon or crystal (combination?). Demons are soulless and wandering without a home; Lost and always angry. They are made of darkness and exist where light is absent. They also live in the world of ideas to manifest as a body, their gateway is through voluntary invitation.


Carnage and failing is the oscillation between their ideal of Destruction. Carnage brings them into a frenzy of dilated instinctive behavior. Hatred is is their ideal state of being in that the more they hate the stronger and more fierce they become. Legion is what they call their form of collective or unity, they are strategic, contemplating and brooding force that just seek to overwhelm through numbers and forces.

Earth of the brave; The place where we are thrown into, in this strange world we struggle to define ourselves, relieve suffering and to make ends meet all at once. It is the cross path to other realities, the medium of all worlds. It is a trial to see what we learn and a test of the heart’s strength. Questions that arise what are we known for. How do we behave as a society/individuals. What are we made of in this world/dimension? What are our ideals? We will understand us a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

EARTH IS: (Book of Earth)

Categories: (Creation, Evolution) Science, Humanism and Religion

Behavioral: (human conscience, human nature) Chaos, Identity and Order.

Form: (duality of negative and positive functions) Wave, Particle and Oscillation.

Idealism: (Redeeming and faltering) Redemption, Hope and Faith.

On Earth there is 2 dominant forms of science; One built on Creationism (that we were made) and one about Evolution (that we grew). Both Biblical and Science say that it was the big bang that was beginning of life and were told in different manners. That it was created by hand of god and through a giant explosion called the big bang. The three topics in life that describe the history, progress and ideas Earth has is through Science, Humanism and Religion. Humanism is based on our human condition and what is required to sustain, nurture and grow as a people. Religion is based on our driven history, where we came from and where we want to go based on ethics, virtue and code.


Our behavioral structure is based on human conscience and human nature, oscillating between the two worlds to create what is called chaos. Chaos is defined as: a state of things where chance is supreme and that is the world we are living, a chance of hitting jack pot all the way down to low down poverty. Our objective on Earth is to define our identity and searching until the end of our life to determine who we are as a people and as a person. Our purpose, our function and our legacy; our world is built around order in that everything has a place, time and means. In saying this we are built around a system of service and love just like the angelic world except that is just the idea we are gravitating towards. Down here we are just trying to work towards redeeming ourselves by what ever means preserving our hope and sustaining our faith(god?).


On earth our purest elementary form is that of a double helix and particle held together in place by oscillation. This is the human DNA but it is also a mimic of the Humanized Light. This is significant in that this structure is the most universal form of what all organic matter related to light is made of. The Wave of male energy and female energy working together to achieve balance is part of the system. Ideally this is what humanized light would look like. The particle is that which is photons which is the essence of light; it’s identity and body. And the oscillation the order that holds the justice in the this micro world. It is the thing that holds the planets and stars in orbit; as the moon around the earth and the Earth around the Sun. It is this perfect balance that allows life to be sustained.


Our idealism on Earth is that: We are a redeeming species where we make mistakes in order to learn from them, growing stronger, smarter and better than before. Faltering and redeeming ourselves is the oscillation that we work between in order to grow. Hope is another component of life in that we depend on sources that give us the ability to do certain things in order to grow and become strong in life. Hope is in the essence in which all life and ideas springs from; without hope we are lost and unmotivated. Hope is like having a father giving you sustenance, home and water in order to get through life. Hope is the ability to find opportunity in life. Faith is the ability to hold true to an idea to know that your parent is the one who will give you faith about your future, all it’s opportunities and challenges. With combination of opportunity, function and mindset we are able to accomplish anything on this Earth, we just need the place, time and means to get there.

-for a clearer understanding its like:

“My son would be my compensation of life in order for me to prolong my legacy. He will have complete faith in me as a father, his hopes will be only restricted by how well i perform, and his redemption will further his education about his world around him and grow.”

Taken from my post “Deciphering the Old Trinity”.

Heaven is divine; It is the glorious place where those who die and are worthy go. It is also home of Angels and other divine beings. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

HEAVEN IS: (Book of Light)

Categories: (Stars and space) Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity.

Behavioral: (Angelic conscience, Angelic nature) Joy, Hierarchy and Unity.

Form: (Duality of condensed functions) Frequency, Core and Radiance.

Idealism: (Glorifying and Falling) Honor, Love and Service.

The world of studies Heaven excels at and known for is the Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity. They Study the stars and space possibly aligning our stars with the stars of the sky to read who we are in the study of the Cosmos. The study of Eternity is of life and death and experiencing life as a collective species, reliving moments in a different time/dimension and space it’s effects and differences based on environment/circumstance/conditions and of course experience through god experience (seeing through omnipotent eyes). Divinity is the state of coming from god; To hold his virtues, wisdom and talents and the study of how they came to be and what practices are needed to become who they are.


Their behavior is the oscillation of angelic conscience and angelic nature bringing forth joy. They as a species are the embodiment of joy and spread joy to all they see. If we are unhappy they are unhappy; their empathy is interconnected with our conscience by knowledge of our situation. Their System is built on a Hierarchy of angels depending on the responsibilities, abilities and interests of the Angel. Their hierarchy consists of the Seraphim, Churubim, Throne, Dominion, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. They are built around Unity system as they act as one collective with many hands almost like one conscience but they are really individual people trying to mimic God’s goodness himself.


Their form is interesting and is complete with frequency of wave, some kind of molten/energy core, and a radiance of many stars able to generate great healing through touch, properties of growth, energy and healing. Great and powerful; able to sustain (through influence, ideas) and nurture a network of people, families and lives. Their DNA is more packed with information and probably have more complex strands of DNA; allowing more functions, talents and interests.


Their system of Idealism is that they highly value honor through glory and falling, their greatest form of power is their love and service; it is what they strive for. Their idealism of glory and falling; Is like ours of redemption, except they are empowered by glorifying gods name through their work. Success gives them credit to earn merit and credibility among others of their kind. Love is the strongest force in existence in that it nurtures, creates passion and empowers a person to grow and be strong. Service is the function of the angels in that they have talents that allow a person to reach their potential.


Book of Synchronicity; Is where mass has form, Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma. Space has Darkness, Medium, Lightness but beyond that is Illumination. Time has the moment of Past, Present and Future but in the end there is only the Now. Dimension has in it Alternate, Experiential, Multidimensional but of all those dimensions the Simultaneous Parallel Reality is most crucial.

Mass; Everything has form  and it comes down to the  basic states of all mass which is Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma form. Solidity is based on the density/compactness of particles. The density and how hard an object is, is based on the structure of particles being closer together. Liquids are more relaxed and flowing, their particles are loose and in flux. Gases are flowing freely and they have very weak bonds that allow them to go where ever the wind blows. Plasma is alittle less known it  flows through air hovering like a liquid would in space but it is in gas form or in a form where you can’t really interact with. It is a plasma It would likely be associated with a different  dimension of our world – more spiritual.

Space is composed of the Dark, the medium and the light is in essence where it is dark is absence of light.. where there is light is where there is an abundance of light. You cannot explore a world that light does not touch. Nor does that place really exist when nothing is observing it. It ceases to exist is the reality and when we come back and rediscover with light is when it’s reality is again manifested. The medium is the grey area of the light and dark and is recognized as the dim but not absent of light aspect of life. Illumination is associated with knowledge and inner knowing of something giving it substance rather than with the physicality of light.

Time is a manner of being in the past where it draws it’s roots from and in a process of remembering experiences derived from the past. Time is also the present where things are more modern and normal to the senses at equilibrium. Time is of the future where all of things are technologically advanced and complexly developed. But time is the now where all purposes, reasons and  causes are put to it’s real work and where real achievements and ideas are realized.

Dimension is alternate where life an be either, if and or. Rather it is a place you would rather be if for some reason you were dissatisfied with your current situation of living. The experiential is the making of ideas, dreams and hopes come true. The experiential is the truth we live in and are creating for ourselves and realized in the end when this experience is finished. The multi-dimensional are the worlds we create as we go along our story with every decision altering and branching off to a new progressive idea or event. The Simultaneous Parallel Reality is the world we creatively establish, conceptually realize and determine for ourselves as we describe the world with ideas in our minds what we want to come to reality. All our efforts from all realities summing up the world we are dreaming of subconsciously from all dimensional worlds.


The Human Experience.

The Universe is the physical in which it draws to our senses so that we can feel and touch and know that it is there. The mental is the world where we conceptualize and draw from our mind creative ideas. The Spiritual world is where we bring the ideas of causation and reasoning into the picture and draw ourselves a world that we desire or require. Monadic is world of purpose, function and reason where life requires rules, regulations and restrictions that allow the entropy of the world to come to order.

Truth is the reality of what life is however ugly it is. Truth is also factual in that it has records and ideas as to what to come to pass. But Truth is also in actuality what comes to being as it all gets pieced together, where one cause leads to another and reasons come to surface as to why it happened the way it did. The idea of paradigm is making a model of what is it is you really want to see happen and to acknowledge all manners, facts and ideas that surface and creating a living breathing virtual meta-verse world out of this.

God is Omnipotent being all powerful. The strength of god is absolute. God is Omniscient being all knowing. He is can acquire the collective mind of all living things. God  is Omnipresent in that he is everywhere. He is all around and has distributed himself to be the spark within us. God is Omnibenevolent in that he is all loving, graceful and kind to all his creations. He watches over us and gives us strength where we have none.

Determined fate is that we are empowered by the ideas that life is about growing and seeing in others the selfless unconditional love, the potential for good and the developments of growing bigger than the box we were put in. The through with or without enlightenment we obtain a sense of consciousness to the level where we can see our wrongs, see our potential and know our worth in the world. That we dream and Romanticize about life that we want to create and build on so that we have something to thrive on and vision to reach for. That we finally ascend to greater heights in our endeavors and reach for the stars. To become godly in knowing the truths of life and the rights and wrongs of our daily moral dilemmas. To be greater than the box we were put in and to gain the knowledge to ascend beyond all potential dimensions in this world.


A Hero’s Words of the Infinity.

Purpose is Consciousness in that we have the full functional capacity to act out of the light.. or rather the kindness and selfless unconditional love of our very being. That we find purpose in identity in this life where we will fulfill the most mundane to the most extraordinary of tasks put in front of us. The ideals that we bring forward are full of life, happiness and function. That we bring Intuitive Values to the table in that we know deep inside what is correct without having to think too much about it. A gift of understanding what needs to be done based on the essence of light that guides us deep inside.

The Power in function is a thing of strength to illuminate worlds and to bring energy to the table. The Wisdom in function is something that requires strategy, thoughtfulness and mindful cunning in order to traverse the obstacle that is life. Courage is the ability to overcome all odds and do what is incomprehensible. Passion is the derived function that fuels the life of an individual in becoming the best version of themselves. It is the essence of causation and reason as well as direction of where and why we have come to be where we are now.

Paradigm is what is made from the blood of perseverance and hardship. It is through the redeeming of man and his failures every time to become something greater the next time he gets up. It is also out of love that a man becomes bigger than himself that he has more reason to carry on with life and follow through with his true purpose. It is through Paradigms that we find a keystone of Ascendance through blood, hardship and love that allows us to pass into the next world in good comfort.

Manifestation from Consciousness, Power and Perseverance we are brought to the manifestation of Teleportation. It is through Identity, Wisdom and Redemption that we are brought to find Time Travel. It is through Ideals, Courage and Love that we find Telepathy.  And Intuitive Values, Passion and Ascendance that we find Materialization. 


The Book of Ambiguity


Book 2 Ethos syndicate; The Book of Star

Chapter 1:


an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost.

Son: View from 1st person (son)

Father: View from 2nd person (father)

Holy Ghost: View from 3rd person (spirit)


Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Piety, and Honesty.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Compassion>

-Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Valor

-Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Justice

-The process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Sacrifice

-The act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Honor

-Respect that is given to someone who is admired.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Spirituality

-The quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Humility

-The quality or state of being humble

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Friendship

-One attached to another by affection or esteem.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Generosity

-The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Courtesy

-Polite behaviour that shows respect for other people

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Piety

-Marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Honesty

-fairness and straightforwardness of conduct



knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom>

-Energy: the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things

-Responsibility: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do

-Wisdom: knowledge of what is proper or reasonable through experience/knowledge.


Sentences> Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, Void and Curiosity.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Relinquishment>

-To give something up by test of fire. A cleansing process of what you want to keep based on your virtues.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Lightness

-Relieve yourself of constraints and let the natural current take you.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Evenness

-Do not fight for one side or another, be transparent.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Argument

-Test yourself through honesty so that reality can judge you.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Empiricism

-To rely on practical experience

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Simplicity

-The state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Humility

-The quality or state of being humble.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Perfectionism

-The doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person’s highest good

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Precision

-Exactly or sharply defined or stated

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Scholarship

-To have studied a subject for a long time and know a lot about it : to be that person who is intelligent and well-educated who knows a particular subject very well.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Void

-State of mind reading anticipation.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Curiosity

-Desire to know.



Identity: the ideas, qualities and beliefs that make a particular person or group.


Identity> Courage, Truth and Love

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Truth:  the things that are fact, the quality or state of being true.

Love: a feeling of strong or constant affection and unconditional positive feelings for people/place/thing.


Sentences> Nothingness, Darkness, Emptiness, Goodness, Beauty, Truth, Will to Change, Emotions, Intellect, Changes, Attributes and Consciousness.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Nothingness

Absolute silence in a mind is necessary for thoughts to come through. Silence in a classroom is necessary for the voice of a teacher to be heard. Space in a spokes of a wheel is necessary for it to work properly. There are many ways nothingness can be handy but it is very necessary indeed.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Darkness

When speaking about darkness; it is good to know where your darkness lies and to see it and monitor it. Not to focus on it but to keep it in peripheral sight. The need to define your darkness is something necessary in order to be free of any hold it has on you. Insight and understanding of it’s nature and why it is dark may give a better perspective. In the end there is always light no matter how dark it gets once it is understood with darkness lifted it will be many times brighter. Short tempers, lust, curiosity of unknown, deviant fantasy, abuse, death are namely the ones that are in the general mainstream.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Emptiness

When speaking about Emptiness you are talking about the times when you needed space from people, room to breathe and move about. It’s the emptiness that brings you boredom and boredom brings you to a whole new level of creativity. It is emptiness that gives you space to fill in that void with something wholesome and good like knowledge. An empty slate is what a person needs to start something new and emptiness brings about this new inspiration to fill the void.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Goodness

Goodness is in that of high quality, to be virtuous and righteous.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Beauty

the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Truth

the things that are fact, the quality or state of being true.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Will to Change

the ability to make different in some unspecified way. To be open to change.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Emotions

a strong feeling from the heart/spirit/mind.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Intellect

the ability to think in a logical way

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Changes

to become different

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Attributes

an inherent characteristic

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Consciousness

the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself


a system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption>

Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation.

Faith: strong belief or trust in someone or something

Redemption: the act of making something better or more acceptable.


Humanism> Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, Vigilance, Piety, Generosity, Gravity and Silence>

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Humility> 

-The quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Prudence

-Careful good judgment that allows someone to avoid danger or risks

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Wisdom

-Knowledge of what is proper or reasonable

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Patience

-Able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Reserve

-To find self control; to keep to yourself for a special or future use

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Gentleness

-Having or showing a kind and quiet nature

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Zeal

-A strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Vigilance

-Alertly watchful especially to avoid danger.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Piety

-Devotion to God : the quality or state of being pious.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Generosity

-The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Gravity

-A very serious quality or condition : the condition of being grave or serious

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Silence

-To know when to start and stop talking.


The Book of Eternity: Birth, Death and Life



I started off with Birth which is the conception of life itself and the importance of this learning has been known to man for sadly only a few decades now fully understood as a concern for human person-hood and fertilization as of 1967. It is said that a person is determined a person at the moment of conception. I believe this is true. The fate of the child is in the mother’s choosing as soon as it starts fertilizing. What the mother does to it after is up to what the mother decides.

First you have the process of sexual intercourse which will cause an emission of ejaculate that enters a woman’s uterus. The woman first conceives the sperm and egg. This process of whether an xx and xy sperm enters the egg will determine whether the baby will become a male or female. The 29 chromosomes exchange legs and the beginning of of the development of the Zygote begins.

The Fertilization happens as in the process of the hatching where the egg sheds it’s wall and burrows into the uterus lining and once this happens the egg and sperm become a single cell and start dividing through mitosis; through prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. They finally form into 2 new nuclei.

At this point we will have a Functional Development of the Baby at (week 5). Cells continue to divide and Limbs, parts of the baby develop functionally. The circulatory system develops and then the heart starts beating (drawing oxygen and nutrients).

The body and limbs grow in size dramatically and develop at this point and the cells grow until it meets the potential for the baby to be born.



Proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book “On Death and Dying.”

The Eternal: Book of Death

This is the end. In this realm there is no virtue except that which is darkness and death. Death just comes to collect with no compassion or remorse. Like a tax collector come to make the tax payer pay their fees. It is not tithing where you pay out of the grace of your heart, you pay with your life and you pay with your obedience.

Stages of Grief:


Is usually the initial action of the grieving process. It is a statement saying that something is not true or real. And when that statement is made, ignorance is the world the person dwells in.


Is the frustration and emotion of being upset or annoyed. It is born out of this denial and shows that we are not ready. We direct it on anything we can think of even blaming it on the deceased for leaving us.


Making an agreement in which people or groups say they will do or give something in exchange for something else.


A serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. One depression is loss of money, time and experiences. The other depression is our quiet preparation to separate and to bid our loved one farewell.


The quality or state of being accepted or acceptable. It is when a person finally reaches the point of understanding and accepting the misfortune for their grievance.


States of Death (The 4 horsemen inspired)

Subject to Physical Maiming or Bleeding.

The process of dying to a physically inflicted wound, the chance you may bleed out because of the wound.

Subject to Famine or malnutrition.

The process of dying to a missing of nutrition or sustenance comprised of basic body fuel.

Subject to Pestilence or Sickness.

The process of dying to a festering of a wound, illness from low immune system or catching a disease, virus or harmful bacteria. When one suffers from any sort of negative status ailment including vampirism of flat worms, or infestation of ants and parasites, STD, cancer and other host dependant diseases are included.

Subject to Old Age or Failure of Function

The process of dying to a organ failure or failure due to old age is a natural one, some things just let up when the time comes for someone to pass on because of age.

Destructive Emotions or Habits (The 7 Deadly Sins Inspired)

Lust is a strong feeling of sexual desire.

Gluttony is the consumption, hoarding and indulgance without restraint.

Greed is the idea where one, hoards and selfishly takes things only in essence to gain more than he has sometimes without other’s consent or contemplation of the consequences.

Sloth is where one becomes so demotivated in a sense where they have become lazy and incompetent.

Wrath is the emotion of acting out of rage, angry with no restraint and ill regard for people’s well being. As long as their purpose is solved regardless of causation they will not care for people around them. This may be motivated by pure vengeance or in purposeful disregard of people in general.

Envy is the habit of wanting something someone else has or simply desiring what you do not have. It is commonly found tied with jealousy or strong desire for such and such material things.

Pride is the habit of having a very big ego. The persona is the cause of pride and it is due to a person’s agenda, needs or desires – sometimes it is a combination of all at once. It is the state of being prideful and believing he is superior to all below him in his delusive hierarchy.


For the chapters on Eternity; Life read:

Life 1 Post: Honor

Chapter 1 -3 Eternity, The Book of Life; Book of Eternity, Body of Honor

So i’m going to start with one chapter a day and hopefully we’ll get through this all in a month.

Intro: The Book of life. The book of life is about the Bodies of Honor, Love and Service. The Angelic ideals of what humans are striving for. A life of merit, purpose and experience is the life we truly strive for. These bodies of ideals have deeper meanings and fractal out to smaller realities which we will explore. We will explore each realm of these subjects and categories one at a time from the top down each row being a new level.

Chapter 1: Body of Honor

The body of honor is illusive and difficult to understand. It belongs in a world of the mind and identity. Honor is where a person’s worth is respected and famed. It is a world where a person’s role is crucial to the matter at hand. A Profile of a person is subject to scrutiny and undermining in most cases if your rank is low. If your esteem is low it’s probably even worse because you show doubt and hesitation. Your competence is now questioned and now the respect for you for who you are in moments is shattered. It’s an illusion based on appearance alone but it holds one thing that makes a difference on any platform or field. It is the power to hold authority over another person; Authority is interesting in it’s nature in that it is built on law, credit  and favor. It is built and no other force can build a system other then to build one on authority.

Body of Honor> Esteem

Esteem is a delicate thing in that it can be shattered in moments. It is critical that a person think rationally, positively and decisively when in a high position. It is required that the person is competent in all matters in the line of work; in order to work in a civil matter to solve the problem. Esteem is built from the bottom up every time you face a new problem, person or event you must rebuild your esteem to higher levels in order to get the job done. This is a very necessary when you are open minded and need to adapt to a new situations. Esteem is a very powerful driving tool that literally drives your vehicle. It is like driving a car, you need a competent mindset in order to make decisions on the road. If you lack confidence in making a turn people walk all over you. Take charge of your esteem to regain control of yourself and your situation.

Body of Honor> Respect

Respect is hard to acquire, sustain and give. So don’t mess it up. The key to respect is to be truthful and honest in all situations, to find the best solution in all case scenarios. Respect is earned and a great way to have people follow you if you are respected. In most cases when you see an elderly that is a sign of automatic respect called deference. A person who has fought many battles or had many experiences may also be very well respected. Respect in a sense gives the atmosphere or field of authority that is required in a fast pace decision making scene. Who do you listen to; not your equal beside you on the field but a superior. It is hard to give respect if you are stubborn but with experiences together you’ll gain confidence in one another.

Body of Honor> Rank

Rank is a hierarchy; It is built from above down. The Leader at the top to the workers at the bottom. In each ranking system there are always subdivisions that take care of smaller groups which take care of smaller groups and so forth. Rank is administered by people above the hierarchy and people with authority in the company/group may act and call people to act on behalf of them. When this happens remember to act with caution so not to offend or cause people to lose trust in you because your superior will also lose that trust from the higher ups. Rank too is a delicate animal in that if you are found incompetent you may be finding yourself a demotion or totally new undesired work position. Think rationally before you take actions out of your daily routine script.

Body of Honor> Esteem> Worth, Value and Opinion

Worth is an interesting topic in that of self worth. If you feel good and do good the world shines brighter. Value is necessary in that you use them to evaluate your situation and make the right decision. Opinion is based on rumors and inadequate basis therefore should be taken lightly. It is good to change from an opinion but do not change unless you cannot perform the action any better as you currently are. That is called wasted energy.

Body of Honor>Respect>Deference, Authority and History

Deference is the automatic respect and authority of an elderly or senior person. Authority is the key to being in charge of a situation and handling the said situation. It is one of the most fundamental key to any system that occurs in the world. The Key to success is to have the most authority above all, with authority everything is unlocked to you. Also to have all the keys would be a waste if you cannot use them, expand your horizon and explore different aspects of your role. For fear is not a authoritative virtue. History is an important part of who you are and will bring respect and therefore honor to your name, this will ultimately lead to authority again.

Body of Honor>Rank>Ability,Awareness and Records

The ability to do things is the reason why there is rank. Rank enables a person to open doors to opportunities but ability allows the person to complete the actual objective. A person of rank must have awareness of the world around them in order to be the authoritative figure they are said to be. Records whether you are breaking them or getting recorded help show your legitimacy in the industry/world to become a more valuable part of society

Book of Eternity, Body of Love

Life 2 Post: Love

Chapter 2: Body of Love

The body of love is composed of Love of self, Love of Earth and Love of Heaven.. The meaning of life is deeply engraved in the compassion, understanding and communication between you, The Earth and Heaven. It is our understanding of these things and love for them that sustains and helps us grow as people. Through our daily interactions with these material things and experiences; We Radiate our love to improve ourselves as human beings. Love is the essence that drives the world in that it nurtures,sustains and heals everything that it comes in contact with. Love is essential to a divine relationship with yourself, the earth and heaven; It is what connects these worlds. If Love did not exist we would never have had any happiness in our lives. Your parents would never have conceived, you would never have grown up, your existence would have been trivial – purpose in life would be extinguished. Love is the core of our system, without it we are lost.

Body of Love> Love Self

In order to experience the fullness of life you must first accept yourself for who you are. Any past wrongs, your appearance and anything negative things that makes you question your worth must be eliminated. You cannot do anything about it and may end up dwelling on such things. Life is about exploring, experiencing things and rewarding yourself. Look after one another and even your neighbors. Don’t separate yourself from those who are also suffering and enduring the human condition that is life. To understand how your body of love works is your responsibility. The essence and body of love; Live it and be it.

Body of Love> Love Earth

To love earth is to savor life; To understand the vast number of things and appreciate it. From the mystic mountains down to the grain of white sand on a beach. Loving people is essential and you must not hold grudges. It holds you back in life and if  you forgive and forget you give the person a chance to change and help yourself be free in life. Life is to be shared, even the pain of it. Seeing other peoples challenges and sufferings may bring a better understanding of the person and thus a higher respect for them. Enjoy puzzles, technology and conversation there are so many things a person can do in life and it doesn’t have to be restricted to work. Invent things, create things and express things; there is so much work that needs to be done on Earth and your creativity is key to making the world more livable.

Body of Love> Love Heaven

To love heaven is to know that there are other entities that are working with you to get you through your day. We share life and their life is in the work of building your life. Let them inspire you to bring greater joy into the world. Heaven is our ideal future in a sense, it could actually be our very future we are striving for. To honor heaven is to honor it’s ideals; Heaven stands for Honor, Love and Service. It is the vehicle we must take to get to our destination that is our future. They are all assigned a star to aid to get through hardships and challenges so don’t be afraid to ask for help when it is needed. Be aware though that they work in the ways of god in that they won’t give you what you want, but what you need in order to grow and move on to the next stages of life.

Body of Love> Love Self> Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self.

Essentially this is about yourself. Caring is the ability to think consciously of what you can do to change as a person. Respecting yourself in that you take care of yourself and affirm that your body is your temple is one step. Knowing yourself is to understand how you work, what makes you tick and all the trivial things that make your life experience enjoyable.

Body of Love> Love Earth> People, Places and Things

Love People, enjoy serving. They will also serve you in one way or another. Help guide and understand things that they don’t understand. Love Places, enjoy traveling and seeing sights. Love Things, there are so many worlds of things you can get involved in from the studies, to invention, to arts and expression.

Body of Love> Love Heaven > Honor, Love and Service

Love to Honor means to keep trying to gain respect from others and a strong reputation with your peers. You don’t need acknowledgement from them but if they know what you are capable of they can rely on you. Love to Love means to enjoy spreading joy, nurturing healing energy to those around you where ever you go. Love to service means to enjoy helping others find what they need and bringing them to a higher state of living by what ever means.

Book of Eternity, Body of Service:

Life 3 Post: Service

Chapter 3: Body of Service

Body of Service> Creator

We are Creators; You make ideas into visions into reality. You can imagine and invent things that others have never thought about. The gift of creation is one that should not be neglected, a person should take full advantage of their ability to craft and make things with the technique and technologies out there. Creativity is your best friend and thinking out of the box to invent something never been done before will take us one step close to our ideal future. A Creator’s goal is to explore the world of imagination and mold something from scratch to become something functional, useful or out of this world.

Body of Service> Teacher

We are all Teachers; We make others see a new world and understand new things that they do not. Our role is to provide things of substance and material in order to help them learn these amazing new things. Encouragement and motivation of a child goes a long way. As a teacher people look up to you and seek you when they have questions. Your job is also to attempt correcting those who are lost, confused and wrong to see what they are missing or misunderstand. It is not your job to hold their hands in the process but a push in the right direction is the best idea.

Body of Service> Healer

We are all Healers: We are nurturers of society and love is the best way to heal those who are hurt, lost and confused. We give to those who need help to show that we care. We stand by people to make sure they are okay to go on with their lives. Life has meaning when you’re a healer and working through love. You are mending wounds mentally by talking about life, love and light. Correcting people and showing them their wrongs requires a mental healing process that undoes what they have programmed, teaches them what to do and gives them an opportunity to change for the better. That mental healing process is your action, so speak and act out of love.

Body of Service> Creator> Give, Sustain and Take

Giving is the process of parting with something that may not be much worth to you but some/much worth to another. Sustaining as a Creator is the need to provide for and nurture something you have created. Watering your plant is an act of sustaining as a creator. After you have given life to something, you want to let it grow, give it attention and let it reach it’s potential such as a child. Responsibility is what it all comes down to when it comes to sustaining. You can also take or destroy your creation so that you can start new it is all in your power and you choose what you want to do with it as a creator.

Body of Service> Teacher> Educate, Provide and Correct

Education is a major part of a developing mind and with interaction through life a person may gain it’s full experience. Educating a person is to show them new things they do not know; techniques, diversity and growth will help them reach their potential understanding of life. Providing for an individual is essential to their success in that you give them tools and things that aid their success by going out of your way to maybe draw a few diagrams, or use color in your work to help them understand what you are trying to teach. You are also one to correct another in order to save them from circumstances/conditions that will put them in a dead end. When someone hits a “dead end” such as death, homelessness or some kind of blockade of understanding there will be chances they won’t be coming back to continue their journey because it’ll be too difficult and out of the way to save them.

Body of Service> Healer> Grow, Nurture and Mend

As a healer we aid in growth; We allow people to gain knowledge, experience and wisdom so they can grow. We give them a way to find what they are looking for in life by whatever means. We are nurturers of life in that we provide for those in trouble and help the healing process go by faster. We also mend those who are in pain and suffering. Through the words of love and show that we care we create a process where the person begins to heal.


Light In My Palm Graphic

Light in my palm

Ascendant code.

There are 9 things the world should be but only when they are one thing that they are complete. Mass, Growth, Existence,Eternity, Manifest, Body, Universal Reality, Vessel of Experience and Completion. Every detail, level and world is part of the grand scheme, the building blocks to creating the world we experience in this life. Combined these are the ascendant values of light which create all in existence. This is The Heaven on Earth visual conceptions of eternity, infinity, ambiguity and ascendancy.


A dream; “When he reads something, it becomes. This will be our secret” The dream was about a boy who when he read something and believed it, it became true. In a “Snow ball’s chance in Hell” Ethos Lancer is set up in life to willingly give up the luxuries of earthly desires. The world can only corrupt him so much and when he is introduced to the sickness of the human mind things go spiraling downward for life. Though by the heavens watch and their divine sciences they protect this “snow ball” through crafty engineering and esoteric knowledge and wisdom. The Ethos Lancer has only one chance  to neutralize this ring of power. For he is the reincarnation of the ring of power. All those who come after him, his children will inherit this same curse or gift.

Topic Completion: God, Universe and Truth.

Light in my palm

Light, Completion;

God has a very vast spectrum but.. basically comes down to. The collective is the solution to the problem of god in the world. This is as simple as it can be put. There are many platforms God has been put under from a living deity (YHVH, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Elohim and Allah) , to a demigod (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon), to a god in human form (Jesus). It is said that God has no form, that he is one with the universe and within people and that the consciousness within us is evidence of his spark of life. We all have a conscience and the ability to think with reason, purpose and function is more then enough to explain that we are a product of creation but complexly refined by generations of evolution and trait hand offs of genes. The Problem with Gods is that it must be one god or the people will be scattered and divided therefore the collective is the solution to the idea of God.

Universe is still a very broad spectrum of life but it basically comes down to. The selfless unconditional love of human kind will bring us together. No matter the divisions in the gender, ethnicity, sexuality, creed or religion if the light is strong in us we will adapt and find a way to form better structures and better rules for our people with the influences and guide of our peers. Things, people, places come and go but what is most important is what we have is each other. The families we build, experience and life that we build all make this possible. We are made to explore this world yes, investigate, experiment and find truths in the material world. Absolutely, but we also need to see that the truth is in selfless unconditional love and giving to those who cannot manage life alone because of their circumstances, conditions and events. Life will make a path for every man has in him the potential to do great things. And I feel one day I too will feel the accomplishment of doing something great as this work becomes testimony to what i will achieve.

Truth is a very narrow passage of life but the truth people want to know will be in this great demystification of the Christ. I believe in God, but probably not the same one you may believe in. I believe God in the universe and god in the collective of human beings. I believe the answer to the universe is for us as a people to act through selfless unconditional love. I believe that Christ had many lives, that he was a reincarnation of Thoth.  That he was one of the architects to the Giza Pyramid, that he commenced the project that was the catalyst to the human evolution of consciousness. That he was an initiate for the Giza pyramid and said to meticulously design the pyramids for his future awakening. That under the identity of Jeshu who also lived his lost years with the Buddhist monks written in the Manuscript of The Good Son; He sought enlightenment through them. That he brought Buddhist teachings back to teach his disciples. That Jesus actually lived two lives, one as Jeshu who lived a admirable good life but stoned to death and also as Barabbis who was the political activist who is the etheric body of Jesus. He is the manifest of Christ the Son of God. Christ didn’t even die at the cross according to these certain evidences and enigmatic suspicions (suspicious for the right reason) and actually lived a full and happy life with Mary Magdalene according to the Zacharias Rhetor under secret changed names. His survival is tribute to the knowledge that Christ did not die in 15 minutes at the cross. No he was sedated by a cloth put in his mouth that put him in a death like unconscious state. This is the reason why when they went to his tomb they brought aloe instead of funeral flowers. Aloe is used to heal wounds. They left no trace of where they went only the story that he ascended into heaven so that the romans could not chase him. Jesus and Magdalene lived full and happy lives, in the lost gospel Ecclesiastical History of Zacharias Rhetor under the pseudonyms of “Joseph” and “Aseneth”. Therefore I also do not believe in the resurrection sorry to say. This is the truth, Christ is still my savior but life must change, evolve and grow we can all settle for this one truth that he may have come to bring us salvation but he had to live his own life too. The message that he was willing to sacrifice himself and did should be enough. Unless you really wanted Christ to die then that just shows what type of human you are. Whether you are for the progress of human kind is in the decision whether you take this truth or not.