Eternity; Book of Exile Death


“Angel picture” source

Proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book “On Death and Dying.”

The Eternal: Book of Death

This is the end. In this realm there is no virtue except that which is darkness and death. Death just comes to collect with no compassion or remorse. Like a tax collector come to make the tax payer pay their fees. It is not tithing where you pay out of the grace of your heart, you pay with your life and you pay with your obedience.

Stages of Grief:


Is usually the initial action of the grieving process. It is a statement saying that something is not true or real. And when that statement is made, ignorance is the world the person dwells in.


Is the frustration and emotion of being upset or annoyed. It is born out of this denial and shows that we are not ready. We direct it on anything we can think of even blaming it on the deceased for leaving us.


Making an agreement in which people or groups say they will do or give something in exchange for something else.


A serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. One depression is loss of money, time and experiences. The other depression is our quiet preparation to separate and to bid our loved one farewell.


The quality or state of being accepted or acceptable. It is when a person finally reaches the point of understanding and accepting the misfortune for their grievance.

Divinity; Trilogy of The Three Worlds

Aion: Tower of Eternity Games

Intro: The three worlds that are of the lowest, medium and highest forms of realities are; Hell, Earth and Heaven. These are the 3 main parallel universes that allow us to perceive the world as we do today. The Past, Present and Future all simultaneously making it’s chapters to make one full book that is the Trilogy of the Three Worlds. The Book is a reference to the entirety of time itself with these 3 realms acting as the oscillation of life past, present and future. It is this depth that we see the light model in its fullest and purest of forms. It is at its brightest by contrast with the dark which defines it. And with earth as the medium they have standards that they can imbue in us. The model of light is a replication of the Human DNA through a process I call the humanization of Light. The humanization of light is the process where i organize, decipher and arrange light so that it fits the model of light that is based on wave, particle and oscillation. In this book you will read about Hell, Earth and Heaven and some general/debatable questions and answers to the what, when, why and how of what they are.

Hell of the tormented; It is a place of sadness and pain where those who die and get lost through the process of life go. It is also home of Demons and other deviant forces. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

HELL IS: (Book of Dark)

Categories: (Devouring and Torment) Abyss, Empty Suffering and Nothingness.

Behavioral: (Demon conscience, Demon nature) RageCast Rank and Discord.

Form: (Duality of deviant functions) Sound, Earth and Darkness.

Idealism: (Carnage and Failing) Destruction, Hate and Legion.


From what i understand Devouring and torment are the two things they invest in. The actual study of Abyss is about the absence of god where darkness dwells and grows clawing it’s way into existence. Life for them is about eternal empty suffering and just enjoying pain for no reason. Pain, suffering and disturbance of another person is their sustenance and fear is what fuels them. The study of suffering is about prime evil, pure emotional hatred and destructiveness which is what they hold to their empty hearts. They believe living in a misshapen/formless/mutated form is ideal and specialize in spirit and possession. They have no general physical body shape and live in the space of nothingness.

Behavioral: Demon conscience and Demon nature are the 2 natures they oscillate between in a force called Rage. They live in a cast rank of evolution, the strongest, biggest and most vicious alpha male at the top. They hold deviancy in evolution most high. And they are devoted to Discord and disorder so that there may never be form and unity with anything. They are the adversary force in life always going against someone’s will.

Their forms are very basic and ancient. They live in a world of sound where anything living attracts them. The closer you are the more likely they will attach to you. The Earth is their identity and basis of their form they are made of Earth; i think it also involves some form of biological building element like sulfur, carbon or crystal (combination?). Soulless and wandering without a home. Lost and always angry. They are made of darkness and exist where light is absent. They also live in the world of ideas to manifest as a body, their gateway is through voluntary invitation.

Carnage and failing is the oscillation between their ideal of Destruction. Carnage brings them into a frenzy of dilated instinctive behavior. Hatred is is their ideal state of being in that the more they hate the stronger and more fierce they become. Legion is what they call their form of collective or unity, they are strategic, contemplating and brooding force that just seek to overwhelm through numbers and forces.

Earth of the brave; The place where we are thrown into, in this strange world we struggle to define ourselves, relieve suffering and to make ends meet all at once. It is the cross path to other realities, the medium of all worlds. And a trial to see what we learn and a test of the heart’s strength. Questions that Arise what are we known for. How do we behave as a society/individuals. What are we made of in this world/dimension? What are our ideals? We will understand us a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

EARTH IS: (Book of Earth)

Categories: (Creation, Evolution) Science, Humanism and Religion

Behavioral: (human conscience, human nature) Chaos, Identity and Order.

Form: (duality of negative and positive functions) Wave, Particle and Oscillation.

Idealism: (Redeeming and faltering) Redemption, Hope and Faith.

On Earth there is 2 dominant forms of science; One built on Creationism (that we were made) and one about Evolution (that we grew). Both Biblical and Science say that it was the big bang that was beginning of life and were told in different manners. That it was created by hand of god and through a giant explosion called the big bang. The three topics in life that describe the history, progress and ideas Earth has is through Science, Humanism and Religion. Humanism is based on our human condition and what is required to sustain, nurture and grow as a people. Religion is based on our driven history, where we came from and where we want to go based on ethics, virtue and code.

Our behavioral structure is based on human conscience and human nature, oscillating between the two worlds to create what is called chaos. Chaos is defined as: a state of things where chance is supreme and that is the world we are living, a chance of hitting jack pot all the way down to low down poverty. Our objective on Earth is to define our identity and searching until the end of our life to determine who we are as a people and as a person. Our purpose, our function and our legacy. Our world is built around order in that everything has a place, time and means. In saying this we are built around a system of service and love just like the angelic world except that is just the idea we are gravitating towards. Down here we are just trying to work towards redeeming ourselves by what ever means preserving our hope and sustaining our faith (god?).

On earth our purest elementary form is that of a double helix and particle held together in place by oscillation. This is the human DNA but it is also a mimic of the Humanized Light. This is significant in that this structure is the most universal form of what all organic matter related to light is made of. The Wave of male energy and female energy working together to achieve balance. Ideally this is what humanized light would look like. The particle is that which is photons which is the essence of light; it’s identity and body. And the oscillation the order that holds the justice in the this micro world. It is the thing that holds the planets and stars in orbit. The moon around the earth and the Earth around the Sun. It is this perfect balance that allows life to be sustained.

Our idealism on Earth is that: We are a redeeming species where we make mistakes in order to learn from them, growing stronger, smarter and better than before. Faltering and redeeming ourselves is the oscillation that we work between in order to grow. Hope is another component of life in that we depend on sources that give us the ability to do certain things in order to grow and become strong in life. Hope is in the essence in which all life and ideas springs from; without hope we are lost and unmotivated. Hope is like having a father giving you sustenance, home and water in order to get through life. Hope is the ability to find opportunity in life. Faith is the ability to hold true to an idea to know that your parent is the one who will give you faith about your future, all it’s opportunities and challenges. With combination of opportunity, function and mindset we are able to accomplish anything on this Earth, we just need the place, time and means to get there.

for a clearer understanding its like:

“My son would be my compensation of life in order for me to prolong my legacy. He will have complete faith in me as a father, his hopes will be only restricted by how well i perform, and his redemption will further his education about his world around him and grow.”

Taken from my post “Deciphering the Old Trinity”.

Heaven is divine; It is the glorious place where those who die and are worthy go. It is also home of Angels and other divine beings. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.

HEAVEN IS: (Book of Light)

Categories: (Stars and space) Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity.

Behavioral: (Angelic conscience, Angelic nature) Joy, Hierarchy and Unity.

Form: (Duality of condensed functions) Frequency, Core and Radiance.

Idealism: (Glorifying and Falling) Honor, Love and Service.

The world of studies Heaven excels at and known for is the Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity. They Study the stars and space possibly aligning our stars with the stars of the sky to read who we are in the study of the Cosmos. The study of Eternity is of life and death and experiencing life as a collective species, reliving moments in a different time/dimension and space it’s effects and differences based on environment/circumstance/conditions and of course experience through god experience (seeing through omnipotent eyes). Divinity is the state of coming from god; To hold his virtues, wisdom and talents and the study of how they came to be and what practices are needed to become who they are.

Their behavior is the oscillation of angelic conscience and angelic nature bringing forth joy. They as a species are the embodiment of joy and spread joy to all they see. If we are unhappy they are unhappy; their empathy is interconnected with our conscience by knowledge of our situation. Their System is built on a Hierarchy of angels depending on the responsibilities, abilities and interests of the Angel. Their hierarchy consists of the Seraphim, Churubim, Throne, Dominion, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. They are built around Unity system as they act as one collective with many hands almost like one conscience but they are really individual people trying to mimic God’s goodness himself.

Their form is interesting and is complete with frequency of wave, some kind of molten/energy core, and a radiance of many stars able to generate great healing through touch, properties of growth, energy and healing. Great and powerful; able to sustain (through influence,ideas) and nurture a network of people, families and lives. Their DNA is more packed with information and probably have more complex strands of DNA; allowing more functions, talents and interests.

Their system of Idealism is that they highly value honor through glory and falling, their greatest form of power is their love and service; it is what they strive for. Their idealism of glory and falling; Is like ours of redemption, except they are empowered by glorifying gods name through their work. Success gives them credit to earn merit and credibility among others of their kind. Love is the strongest force in existence in that it nurtures, creates passion and empowers a person to grow and be strong. Service is the function of the angels in that they have talents that allow a person to reach their potential.

Chapter 1-4 – Ethos Syndicate; The Book of Star


Book 2 Ethos syndicate; The Book of Star

Chapter 1: Identity

Identity: the ideas, qualities and beliefs that make a particular person or group.


Identity> Courage, Truth and Love

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Truth:  the things that are fact, the quality or state of being true.

Love: a feeling of strong or constant affection and unconditional positive feelings for people/place/thing.

Sentences> Nothingness, Darkness, Emptiness, Goodness, Beauty, Truth, Will to Change, Emotions, Intellect, Changes, Attributes and Consciousness.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Nothingness

Absolute silence in a mind is necessary for thoughts to come through. Silence in a classroom is necessary for the voice of a teacher to be heard. Space in a spokes of a wheel is necessary for it to work properly. There are many ways nothingness can be handy but it is very necessary indeed.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Darkness

When speaking about darkness; it is good to know where your darkness lies and to see it and monitor it. Not to focus on it but to keep it in peripheral sight. The need to define your darkness is something necessary in order to be free of any hold it has on you. Insight and understanding of it’s nature and why it is dark may give a better perspective. In the end there is always light no matter how dark it gets once it is understood with darkness lifted it will be many times brighter. Short tempers, lust, curiosity of unknown, deviant fantasy, abuse, death are namely the ones that are in the general mainstream.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Emptiness

When speaking about Emptiness you are talking about the times when you needed space from people, room to breath and move about. It’s the emptiness that brings you boredom and boredom brings you to a whole new level of creativity. It is emptiness that gives you space to fill in that void with something wholesome and good like knowledge. An empty slate is what a person needs to start something new and emptiness brings about this new inspiration to fill the void.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Goodness

Goodness is in that of high quality, to be virtuous and righteous.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Beauty

the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Truth

the things that are fact, the quality or state of being true.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Will to Change

the ability to make different in some unspecified way. To be open to change.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Emotions

a strong feeling from the heart/spirit/mind.

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Intellect

the ability to think in a logical way

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Changes

to become different

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Attributes

an inherent characteristic

Identity> Courage, Truth and Love> Conciousness

the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself



knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom>

-Energy: the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things

-Responsibility: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do

-Wisdom: knowledge of what is proper or reasonable through experience/knowledge.


Sentences> Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, Void and Curiosity.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Relinquishment>

-To give something up by test of fire. A cleansing process of what you want to keep based on your virtues.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Lightness

-Relieve yourself of constraints and let the natural current take you.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Evenness

-Do not fight for one side or another, be transparent.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Argument

-Test yourself through honesty so that reality can judge you.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Empiricism

-To rely on practical experience

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Simplicity

-The state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Humility

-The quality or state of being humble.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Perfectionism

-The doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person’s highest good

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Precision

-Exactly or sharply defined or stated

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Scholarship

-To have studied a subject for a long time and know a lot about it : to be that person who is intelligent and well-educated who knows a particular subject very well.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Void

-State of mind reading anticipation.

Science> Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom> Curiosity

-Desire to know.


a system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption>

Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation.

Faith: strong belief or trust in someone or something

Redemption: the act of making something better or more acceptable.


Humanism> Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, Vigilance, Piety, Generosity, Gravity and Silence>

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Humility> 

-The quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Prudence

-Careful good judgment that allows someone to avoid danger or risks

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Wisdom

-Knowledge of what is proper or reasonable

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Patience

-Able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Reserve

-To find self control; to keep to yourself for a special or future use

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Gentleness

-Having or showing a kind and quiet nature

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Zeal

-A strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Vigilance

-Alertly watchful especially to avoid danger.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Piety

-Devotion to God : the quality or state of being pious.

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Generosity

-The quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Gravity

-A very serious quality or condition : the condition of being grave or serious

Humanism> Hope, Faith and Redemption> Silence

-To know when to start and stop talking.



an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost.

Son: View from 1st person (son)

Father: View from 2nd person (father)

Holy Ghost: View from 3rd person (spirit)


Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Piety, and Honesty.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Compassion>

-Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Valor

-Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Justice

-The process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Sacrifice

-The act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Honor

-Respect that is given to someone who is admired.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Spirituality

-The quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Humility

-The quality or state of being humble

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Friendship

-One attached to another by affection or esteem.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Generosity

-the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish.

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Courtesy

-Polite behavior that shows respect for other people

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Piety

-Marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship

Religion> Son, Father and Holy Ghost> Honesty

-fairness and straightforwardness of conduct


Book: Ethos Syndicate; Book of Star

Chapter: Identity, Science, Humanism or Religion.

Paragraph: Courage, Truth and Love. Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom. Hope, Faith and Redemption. Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Sentence: Nothingness, Darkness, Emptiness, Goodness, Beauty, Truth, Will to Change, Emotions, Intellect, Changes, Attributes and Consciousness. Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, Void and Curiosity. Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, Vigilance, Piety, Generosity, Gravity and Silence. Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Piety, and Honesty.

“Dictionary merriam webster” link

“Science rationalism definitions” link

“Teacher’s/Humanism virtues definitions” link

A Glimpse of The Three Worlds As One; A Symbolic Dream

Yes another dream, it felt like i was part of it’s construction and as if I walked through a gateway to another world; this one was highly symbolic to me.


It started with the creation of the door way.

(Some background info, not sure if relevant to story but it was still part the dream so i’ll just leave it.)

The Inuits were known to have eaten dead whales. They got the idea that if you ate something you gained/inherited their powers. They ate something in the past they weren’t suppose to, something from a different world. They all turned to golden upright birds and waddled from the carcass.

The worlds Heaven, Earth and Hell aligned. Usually in the creation of this world hell would poke holes through the veil and cause death of sickness such as cancer. It was unstable and these were called miniature black holes that would force a cell to grow as tumors.

There were 3 rooms of interest in this giant house i explored. One is guarded by the spirit of Life and the one i visited was guarded by the spirit of Death. I was making a angelic reading and fell through what i call a carpet roll around me. (The idea was that in inter-dimensional 4th dimension crossing between worlds you would feel like you were running a rolled up platform which is the 4th dimension of time tying up the 3d world we live in today.) In this room a spectral woman in black with a skull mask appeared before me, I called her the Spirit of Death. The Spirit of Death punished me for some reason. Battering me repeatedly striking blows at my forearms trying to hit my head with a mace/club. I was able to kill Death because she had some kind of old industrial projectile weapon (it was ghostly) in her other hand that i used against her putting a perfect hole in the center of her head. Apparently Life was in the other room doing the same thing punishing those who came through the 4th dimensional door. There was a lady – she filled the role of an investigator and she told us that there was a killing in the room of Life where the victim was battered to death (guess that was Life going at it). As i would’ve been by Death had it not been for my evasive moves.

The third room was where i met 3 babies and a ceiling that was almost endless and it was constructed of makeshift wooden planks that make a round room. I think this was a signifying of the 3 ideal worlds being born in one room. I noticed that each baby when brought near each other became highly uncomfortable and started crying endlessly as if they contained a field that caused a disturbance around them. I figured out that the demonic baby caused supernatural atmosphere that scared the earth baby. And the demonic baby would be frightened by the angelic baby. I guess that would mean the human baby would scare the angelic if it were the perfect triangle (emotional mind reading disturbance?).

There is one more book i was suppose to write. Eternity: The Book of Death but it sounded too morbid and no one likes to read about death. I think? i might just write it and keep it at hand until i see what it looks like.

Chapter 3 – Eternity, The Book of Life; Body of Service

Chapter 3: Body of Service

Body of Service> Creator

We are Creators; You make ideas into visions into reality. You can imagine and invent things that others have never thought about. The gift of creation is one that should not be neglected, a person should take full advantage of their ability to craft and make things with the technique and technologies out there. Creativity is your best friend and thinking out of the box to invent something never been done before will take us one step close to our ideal future. A Creator’s goal is to explore the world of imagination and mold something from scratch to become something functional, useful or out of this world.

Body of Service> Teacher

We are all Teachers; We make others see a new world and understand new things that they do not. Our role is to provide things of substance and material in order to help them learn these amazing new things. Encouragement and motivation of a child goes a long way. As a teacher people look up to you and seek you when they have questions. Your job is also to attempt correcting those who are lost, confused and wrong to see what they are missing or misunderstand. It is not your job to hold their hands in the process but a push in the right direction is the best idea.

Body of Service> Healer

We are all Healers: We are nurturers of society and love is the best way to heal those who are hurt, lost and confused. We give to those who need help to show that we care. We stand by people to make sure they are okay to go on with their lives. Life has meaning when you’re a healer and working through love. You are mending wounds mentally by talking about life, love and light. Correcting people and showing them their wrongs requires a mental healing process that undoes what they have programmed, teaches them what to do and gives them an opportunity to change for the better. That mental healing process is your action, so speak and act out of love.

Body of Service> Creator> Give, Sustain and Take

Giving is the process of parting with something that may not be much worth to you but some/much worth to another. Sustaining as a Creator is the need to provide for and nurture something you have created. Watering your plant is an act of sustaining as a creator. After you have given life to something, you want to let it grow, give it attention and let it reach it’s potential such as a child. Responsibility is what it all comes down to when it comes to sustaining. You can also take or destroy your creation so that you can start new it is all in your power and you choose what you want to do with it as a creator.

Body of Service> Teacher> Educate, Provide and Correct

Education is a major part of a developing mind and with interaction through life a person may gain it’s full experience. Educating a person is to show them new things they do not know; techniques, diversity and growth will help them reach their potential understanding of life. Providing for an individual is essential to their success in that you give them tools and things that aid their success by going out of your way to maybe draw a few diagrams, or use color in your work to help them understand what you are trying to teach. You are also one to correct another in order to save them from circumstances/conditions that will put them in a dead end. When someone hits a “dead end” such as death, homelessness or some kind of blockade of understanding there will be chances they won’t be coming back to continue their journey because it’ll be too difficult and out of the way to save them.

Body of Service> Healer> Grow, Nurture and Mend

As a healer we aid in growth; We allow people to gain knowledge, experience and wisdom so they can grow. We give them a way to find what they are looking for in life by whatever means. We are nurturers of life in that we provide for those in trouble and help the healing process go by faster. We also mend those who are in pain and suffering. Through the words of love and show that we care we create a process where the person begins to heal.

Book: The Eternal; Book of Life

Chapter: Body of Honor

Paragraph: Esteem, Respect, Rank

Sentences: Worth, Value and Opinion, Deference, Authority and History, Ability, Awareness and Records.

Chapter: Body of Love

Paragraph: Love Self, Love Earth, Love Heaven.

Sentences: Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self, People, Places and Things, Honor, Love and Service

Chapter: Body of service

Paragraph: Creator, Teacher and Healer

Sentences: Give, Sustain and Take, Educate, Provide and Correct, Grow, Nurture and Mend

Comments: I think i’m done book 1. Not sure if i want to expand it or what.

Chapter 2 – Eternity, The Book of Life; Body of Love


Chapter 2: Body of Love

The body of love is composed of Love of self, Love of Earth and Love of Heaven.. The meaning of life is deeply engraved in the compassion, understanding and communication between you, The Earth and Heaven. It is our understanding of these things and love for them that sustains and helps us grow as people. Through our daily interactions with these material things and experiences; We Radiate our love to improve ourselves as human beings. Love is the essence that drives the world in that it nurtures,sustains and heals everything that it comes in contact with. Love is essential to a divine relationship with yourself, the earth and heaven; It is what connects these worlds. If Love did not exist we would never have had any happiness in our lives. Your parents would never have conceived, you would never have grown up, your existence would have been trivial – purpose in life would be extinguished. Love is the core of our system, without it we are lost.

Body of Love> Love Self

In order to experience the fullness of life you must first accept yourself for who you are. Any past wrongs, your appearance and anything negative things that makes you question your worth must be eliminated. You cannot do anything about it and may end up dwelling on such things. Life is about exploring, experiencing things and rewarding yourself. Look after one another and even your neighbors. Don’t separate yourself from those who are also suffering and enduring the human condition that is life. To understand how your body of love works is your responsibility. The essence and body of love; Live it and be it.

Body of Love> Love Earth

To love earth is to savor life; To understand the vast number of things and appreciate it. From the mystic mountains down to the grain of white sand on a beach. Loving people is essential and you must not hold grudges. It holds you back in life and if  you forgive and forget you give the person a chance to change and help yourself be free in life. Life is to be shared, even the pain of it. Seeing other peoples challenges and sufferings may bring a better understanding of the person and thus a higher respect for them. Enjoy puzzles, technology and conversation there are so many things a person can do in life and it doesn’t have to be restricted to work. Invent things, create things and express things; there is so much work that needs to be done on Earth and your creativity is key to making the world more livable.

Body of Love> Love Heaven

To love heaven is to know that there are other entities that are working with you to get you through your day. We share life and their life is in the work of building your life. Let them inspire you to bring greater joy into the world. Heaven is our ideal future in a sense, it could actually be our very future we are striving for. To honor heaven is to honor it’s ideals; Heaven stands for Honor, Love and Service. It is the vehicle we must take to get to our destination that is our future. They are all assigned a star to aid to get through hardships and challenges so don’t be afraid to ask for help when it is needed. Be aware though that they work in the ways of god in that they won’t give you what you want, but what you need in order to grow and move on to the next stages of life.

Body of Love> Love Self> Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self.

Essentially this is about yourself. Caring is the ability to think consciously of what you can do to change as a person. Respecting yourself in that you take care of yourself and affirm that your body is your temple is one step. Knowing yourself is to understand how you work, what makes you tick and all the trivial things that make your life experience enjoyable.

Body of Love> Love Earth> People, Places and Things

Love People, enjoy serving. They will also serve you in one way or another. Help guide and understand things that they don’t understand. Love Places, enjoy traveling and seeing sights. Love Things, there are so many worlds of things you can get involved in from the studies, to invention, to arts and expression.

Body of Love> Love Heaven > Honor, Love and Service

Love to Honor means to keep trying to gain respect from others and a strong reputation with your peers. You don’t need acknowledgement from them but if they know what you are capable of they can rely on you. Love to Love means to enjoy spreading joy, nurturing healing energy to those around you where ever you go. Love to service means to enjoy helping others find what they need and bringing them to a higher state of living by what ever means.

Book: The Eternal; Book of Life

Chapter: Body of Honor

Paragraph: Esteem, Respect, Rank

Sentences: Worth, Value and Opinion, Deference, Authority and History, Ability, Awareness and Records.

Chapter: Body of Love

Paragraph: Love Self, Love Earth, Love Heaven.

Sentences: Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self, People, Places and Things, Honor, Love and Service

Chapter: Body of service

Paragraph: Creator, Teacher and Healer

Sentences: Give, Sustain and Take, Educate, Provide and Correct, Grow, Nurture and Mend

Comments: I should probably slow down to let my creative juices flow. It’s no fun when it starts feeling like work.


Chapter 1 – Eternity, The Book of Life; Body of Honor

So i’m going to start with one chapter a day and hopefully we’ll get through this all in a month.

Intro: The Book of life. The book of life is about the Bodies of Honor, Love and Service. The Angelic ideals of what humans are striving for. A life of merit, purpose and experience is the life we truly strive for. These bodies of ideals have deeper meanings and fractal out to smaller realities which we will explore. We will explore each realm of these subjects and categories one at a time from the top down each row being a new level.

Chapter 1: Body of Honor

The body of honor is illusive and difficult to understand. It belongs in a world of the mind and identity. Honor is where a person’s worth is respected and famed. It is a world where a person’s role is crucial to the matter at hand. A Profile of a person is subject to scrutiny and undermining in most cases if your rank is low. If your esteem is low it’s probably even worse because you show doubt and hesitation. Your competence is now questioned and now the respect for you for who you are in moments is shattered. It’s an illusion based on appearance alone but it holds one thing that makes a difference on any platform or field. It is the power to hold authority over another person; Authority is interesting in it’s nature in that it is built on law, credit  and favor. It is built and no other force can build a system other then to build one on authority.

Body of Honor> Esteem

Esteem is a delicate thing in that it can be shattered in moments. It is critical that a person think rationally, positively and decisively when in a high position. It is required that the person is competent in all matters in the line of work; in order to work in a civil matter to solve the problem. Esteem is built from the bottom up every time you face a new problem, person or event you must rebuild your esteem to higher levels in order to get the job done. This is a very necessary when you are open minded and need to adapt to a new situations. Esteem is a very powerful driving tool that literally drives your vehicle. It is like driving a car, you need a competent mindset in order to make decisions on the road. If you lack confidence in making a turn people walk all over you. Take charge of your esteem to regain control of yourself and your situation.

Body of Honor> Respect

Respect is hard to acquire, sustain and give. So don’t mess it up. The key to respect is to be truthful and honest in all situations, to find the best solution in all case scenarios. Respect is earned and a great way to have people follow you if you are respected. In most cases when you see an elderly that is a sign of automatic respect called deference. A person who has fought many battles or had many experiences may also be very well respected. Respect in a sense gives the atmosphere or field of authority that is required in a fast pace decision making scene. Who do you listen to; not your equal beside you on the field but a superior. It is hard to give respect if you are stubborn but with experiences together you’ll gain confidence in one another.

Body of Honor> Rank

Rank is a hierarchy; It is built from above down. The Leader at the top to the workers at the bottom. In each ranking system there are always subdivisions that take care of smaller groups which take care of smaller groups and so forth. Rank is administered by people above the hierarchy and people with authority in the company/group may act and call people to act on behalf of them. When this happens remember to act with caution so not to offend or cause people to lose trust in you because your superior will also lose that trust from the higher ups. Rank too is a delicate animal in that if you are found incompetent you may be finding yourself a demotion or totally new undesired work position. Think rationally before you take actions out of your daily routine script.

Body of Honor> Esteem> Worth, Value and Opinion

Worth is an interesting topic in that of self worth. If you feel good and do good the world shines brighter. Value is necessary in that you use them to evaluate your situation and make the right decision. Opinion is based on rumors and inadequate basis therefore should be taken lightly. It is good to change from an opinion but do not change unless you cannot perform the action any better as you currently are. That is called wasted energy.

Body of Honor>Respect>Deference, Authority and History

Deference is the automatic respect and authority of an elderly or senior person. Authority is the key to being in charge of a situation and handling the said situation. It is one of the most fundamental key to any system that occurs in the world. The Key to success is to have the most authority above all, with authority everything is unlocked to you. Also to have all the keys would be a waste if you cannot use them, expand your horizon and explore different aspects of your role. For fear is not a authoritative virtue. History is an important part of who you are and will bring respect and therefore honor to your name, this will ultimately lead to authority again.

Body of Honor>Rank>Ability,Awareness and Records

The ability to do things is the reason why there is rank. Rank enables a person to open doors to opportunities but ability allows the person to complete the actual objective. A person of rank must have awareness of the world around them in order to be the authoritative figure they are said to be. Records whether you are breaking them or getting recorded help show your legitimacy in the industry/world to become a more valuable part of society

Book: The Eternal; Book of Life

Chapter: Body of Honor

Paragraph: Esteem, Respect, Rank

Sentences: Worth, Value and Opinion, Deference, Authority and History, Ability, Awareness and Records.

Chapter: Body of Love

Paragraph: Love self, Love earth, Love heaven.

Sentences: Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self, People, Places and Things, Honor, Love and Service

Chapter: Body of service

Paragraph: Creator, Teacher and Healer

Sentences: Give, Sustain and Take, Educate, Provide and Correct, Grow, Nurture and Mend


This fractal system of chapters, paragraph and sentences sure is a lot of work.. Atleast i have a new project to work on, i should be grateful. You know, Honor, Love and Service. That’s what we aim for. Signing off.


3 Books In Progress; Stars Plotted For My Life’s Work,

Three books soon to be made: “The Eternal; Book of Life” and “Ethos Syndicate; Book of Star” and “Divinity; The Trilogy of Three worlds” will be released at about the same time.

Up until now i’ve only complete chapters, paragraphs and sentences but I have never completed a “book” before. So basically what i’m trying to do is follow a pattern of what i call humanizing light. The process is to replicate a book of information into a form that is like DNA. I’m trying to abstractly, concretely and philosophically render light into a 3 dimensional world so that it has depth. Each level is represented by a chapter, each chapter has 3 paragraphs, each paragraph has 3 sentences. From left to right is severity, solid and mercy. There’s a piece of my soul that screams to answer “What am i?” Defining the book of life was interesting, There was a lot of things i didn’t know about honor and respect until now. I will expand on this topic in another post but this is the book of life. This has more of an outward growing function sort of pattern rather then a multidimensional one.

Story: Another dream within a dream. Do it until you get it scenario. At the end there are the books Eternity, Ethos Syndicate and Divinity.

Outward Evolving Chapters:

Book: The Eternal; Book of Life

Chapter: Body of Honor

Paragraph: Esteem, Respect, Rank

Sentences: Worth, Value and Opinion, Deference, Authority and History, Ability, Awareness and Records.

Chapter: Body of Love

Paragraph: Love self, Love earth, Love heaven.

Sentences: Caring, Respecting and Knowing Self, People, Places and Things, Honor, Love and Service

Chapter: Body of service

Paragraph: Creator, Teacher and Healer

Sentences: Give, Sustain and Take, Educate, Provide and Correct, Grow, Nurture and Mend


Why 3? What is the importance of pillars? How does microcosm and macrocosm tie in with this?

Philosophically version of the star. Star of Ethos Syndicate.

I think 3 is a reminder that it is the trinity at work; Whatever your preference on core; This is going to be the outline, organization and format of my books and work. These two books are called: Ethos Syndicate; Book of Star and Eternity; Book of Life. Possibly a third emerging Divinity; The Trilogy of Three worlds Which is just 3 books: dark, life and light altogether in one. Importance of pillar severity and mercy is that it is the 2 essential forces that drive life. They are competitive force that are completely equal and opposite (polar). Just like male and female energy. The microcosm and macrocosm is the result of a transition from one world to another. From basic elements, to moon, to planet eventually evolving to star and then God.

Emergence: Star of Ethos Syndicate

Book: Ethos Syndicate; Book of Star

Chapter: Identity, Science, Humanism or Religion.

Paragraph: Courage, Truth and Love. Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom. Hope, Faith and Redemption. Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Sentence: Nothingness, Darkness, Emptiness, Goodness, Beauty, Truth, Will to Change, Emotions, Intellect, Changes, Attributes and Consciousness. Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, Void and Curiosity. Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, Vigilance, Piety, Generosity, Gravity and Silence. Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Piety, and Honesty.

You thirst for justice, love and truth. It is what we are all made for.

Evil never satisfies. Life is made so that justice and love rewards. That is why there is authority. Authority is built through law, credit and favor. Evil never pays and even when it does (with money) there’s always a hidden nature, purpose and agenda. You can’t make deals with it. It makes deals with you. It uses you, objectifies and tries to sell you something you don’t need.

I guess these are the books i’ll be starting to work on. Book of Life (Eternity), Book of Knowledge/Ethos Syndicate (Star), Trilogy of Three worlds (Divinity)Dark, Earth and Light.

This final book will be called Divinity; The Trilogy of Three Worlds.

HEAVEN IS: (Book of Light)

Categories: (Stars and space) Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity.

Behavioral: (Angelic conscience, Angelic nature) Joy, Hierarchy and Unity.

Form: (Duality of condensed functions) Frequency, Core and Radiance.

Idealism: (Glorifying and Falling) Honor, Love and Service.

EARTH IS: (Book of Earth)

Categories: (Creation, Evolution) Science, Humanism and Religion

Behavioral: (human conscience, human nature) Chaos, Identity and Order.

Form: (duality of negative and positive functions) Wave, Particle and Oscillation.

Idealism: (Redeeming and faltering) Redemption, Hope and Faith.

HELL IS: (Book of Dark)

Categories: (Devouring and Torment) Abyss, Empty Suffering and Nothingness.

Behavioral: (Demon conscience, Demon nature) RageCast Rank and Discord.

Form: (Duality of deviant functions) Sound, Earth and Darkness.

Idealism: (Carnage and Failing) Destruction, Hate and Legion.

This may be my life’s work organized, plotted and planned here together, right now.

Demons and Geniuses, Words that have been warped by time

Define Evil; Demons and Geniuses. According to translations to English, what do they have in common?

To make a long story short:

Genius and demon mean two different things. Genius gets tied with creativity and intelligence. Demon is associated with hell and evil.

In Greek Daimon means genius or as translated “indwelling spirit or intelligence”. Daemon in Old English means Demon. And as you can see as the Greeks carried over the language to the Romans to the English of today obscuring the meaning of the words. Obviously Daimon as an indwelling spirit does not represent evil or good. The Grey spectrum has been saturated and obscured to be either good and bad by time and mistranslation.

In Arab the word for “indwelling spirit” is genie. A genie is also tied with creativity and intelligence thus equivalent to the word Daimon. Djinn is also what they call a genie. Apparently Genius is also a latin form of the word Djinn. So Now we can see that both just meant genius and that they both sit at indwelling spirit of creativity and intelligence.

We can see that from Greek to Roman to English Daimon = Genius went to become Demon. And backwards from the meaning “indwelling spirit” Genie we get Djinn which becomes Genius. These two words have warped the word from Genius to demon in one big loop. Was this on purpose or is there a connection between Genius and Demons?

Inspire is another word that also means inspirited which means to have spirit. But is having spirit evil as this is leading to say?

They say we have demons inside of us that we create those demons and that we shouldn’t trust our demons ever. But what is life if those demons never spawned? I read once that God made life but made a bit of evil so that it would bring about change. For change cannot happen without opposition. We cannot completely obliterate all evil for it would put the world at a standstill and off balance. Starving it of any momentum, movement and rhythm. Ideally we need to keep it under careful watch and under a leash is what we want to do.

This brings me to wonder what is it truly to be a demon because angel is a indwelling spirit and not evil. Genies are not evil. What is evil but frustration, confusion and the feeling/being lost due to illness, circumstance and condition – motive, nature and ego – hunger, thirst and weariness.

“Neurometaphysics blog” This is the blog i was reading and inspired to write this article. I actually wrote  out the blog so i could remember better all the details of his research. Cheers

Chapter: Progressive Mediums

Paragraph: Vehicle, Clock and Reality

Sentence: Intelligence, Ability and Genius, Speed, Accuracy and Precision, Form, Consistency, Frequency

Chapter:  Human Evils

Paragraph: Trauma, StrugglesNature

Sentences: Frustration, Confusion and Lost, Hunger, Thirst and Weariness, Physical, Mental and Spiritual Dysfunction.


Words: (confusion and the feeling lost, being lost, due to illness, circumstance and condition – motive, nature and ego.)

Meditation Dangers and The Untold About Christ


“Dangers of Meditation”

In this article i will be talking briefly on my findings on Meditation it’s dangers, it’s benefits and alittle on those who have attained enlightenment, where they attained it and Christ his path that was not told.

This website states all the dangers to meditation. It’s crazy how the path to higher consciousness can drive someone insane and there are very real dangers to the path of enlightenment. As a person who is diligently meditating and seeking enlightenment they may come across. 1. Distracting experiences, 2. Developing powers (like tuning into peoples minds and concentrated heat), 3. Absolute absence of god, 4. Kundalini (seeing snakes everywhere.) 5. Seeing lower worlds. (insanity, haunting dreams), 6. Contact from other worlds (whispers, energy, touch), 7. Dreams (clear dreams that may drive a person insane or afraid.)

I pretty much summarized what the site had to say. I’d recommend reading the whole article because it’s really interesting and goes into greater depth and detail. I can’t say my mind or spirit is ready for the state of enlightenment. I think too much and get random thoughts here and there that would probably make me an ideal candidate to be one of those who go crazy. I do like the spontaneity of my thoughts for creativity’s sake but absolute control of the mind sounds like an anal discipline. The benefits to meditation is that you gain awareness, unconditional love and a stronger chakra circulation. Other effects include stronger healthier spiritual mind, heart and body,. Side-effects may include hullucinations, strange ablities, delusions, tuning into thoughts(?) and insanity.

I’ve only heard things about the higher dimensions. Where the mind is able to materialize objects instantaneously. Flight, healing, telepathy, precognition, eternal happiness, time travel and inter-dimensional travel. These are all strange to this world and dimension of living, but we can see traces of their existence through accounts and uses throughout history.

From what i read, Buddha when he started he had to go all the way to Burma to learn about enlightenment and Christ in his 13 years missing from age 12 to 30 had to go far east for 13 years to the Himalayas in Lakh, India where he visited a Buddhist monastery. The Buddhist also have an account of Christ in a manuscript called “The life of Saint Issa, the best of the Sons of men”. The missing 13 years of Christ is also backed up on the account that had he stayed in Judea he would have been married at 13 which all boys of the Jewish decent were married at. The Three wise men who also visited him at birth were also of orient also say that the bible excluded alot of important information.

“Reference to Jesus’s lost years”

Here’s a small movie about his journey of 13 years he was missing. “Christ preparing in India”

Parallel Universes and simultaneous existence


Our existence is simultaneous. Where everything is happening at the same time. In the world of spirit when we die we are still connected and still able to communicate with the dead and the living through the use of mediums. Technically in the future we are dead at one point but when that happens we are united with god as a singularity and given the power to see through omnipotent eyes, all the right and wrongs we’ve done is reviewed in a omnipotent spatial view of the world. Our lives from the past and those of the future who come back to Earth come to live in the present. We exist and we die. It’s a paradox that is life. This brings in the idea of reincarnation, but minus the memories which we lose in the process of changing bodies. We exist and are deceased simultaneously meaning there may be a spirit version of yourself flying around trying to help guide you in the right direction. With many dimensions, times and realities you can be sure there are many different versions of your spirit too. And because your children are a branch and extension of yourself they are also different dimensions of yourself. Our spirits are intertwined with the celestial bodies of stars. Somewhere out there is a star that life can identify you with. Your problems, condition and circumstance are all interconnected with the timing, events  and phenomenon of the cosmos. Just as in biblical times Christ was identified by the Star of Bethlehem and depicted as a falling comet which marked his birth. So is our spirit and all that we are, fallen stars making our way back up to the higher dimensions of life.

Chapter: Eternity

Paragraph: Time, Space and Dimension

Sentences: Past, Present and Future, X,Y,Z Cordinates, Hell, Earth and Heaven.

What if everything is interconnected and the reason for these paradoxes is because everything exists and is deceased at the same time? your birth, your life and your death has already resulted in one reality or another and we’re just branching out to find more versions of ourselves in this continuity of (seemingly) eternal life? As they say, “The gods are watching.” In this case ideally, as we want to see life as a collective “God”, he who unites us as a body.

Unexplained number 2; contact with random

When i was sleeping just now.. it felt my whole head vibrate at a strange frequency. Not violently but like when you ring a bell and stick your head to it. I think i just had someone try to get into my head psychically. I tried to send a message but i was speaking in full sentences – they were translating in letters. I could hear him saying out single letters. After not being able to make out the first sentence he told me to download some kind of translator. Download into my head? lol. “click on the bar up ahead” he said. It was defnitely a male voice. Not sure if he was talking to me or someone else. I woke up after that. I Think someone is trying to contact me. It makes no sense for anyone to contact me at the moment i don’t know what i can do for them. I’m not psychic but maybe i’m attuned to pick up signals. There has got to be some kind of technology out there in this time or the future that is telepathic. Maybe that is what i just experienced. I could hear them clearly. I should ask Janon about what psychics feel when they receive a message.

The dream i had before this had many random people in it and they were trying to get connected. I usually am able to recall my dreams, but this one was blurry.

lol. This does not mean anything. It is not life altering. I just hope it’s from the future and not some random dude from this time plain. How cool would it to be able to talk to a person in the same timeline from great distances? It’s been done, it’s called a telephone.

Deciphering Hell Logic

Hell of the tormented; It is a place of sadness and pain where those who die and get lost through the process of life go. It is also home of Demons and other deviant forces. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.



Categories: (Devouring and Torment) Abyss, Empty Suffering and Nothingness.

Behavioral: (Demon conscience, Demon nature) RageCast Rank and Discord.

Form: (Duality of deviant functions) Sound, Earth and Darkness.

Idealism: (Carnage and Failing) Destruction, Hate and Legion.


From what i understand Devouring and torment are the two things they invest in. The actual study of Abyss is about the absence of god where darkness dwells and grows clawing it’s way into existence. Life for them is about eternal empty suffering and just enjoying pain for no reason. Pain, suffering and disturbance of another person is their sustenance and fear is what fuels them. The study of suffering is about prime evil, pure emotional hatred and destructiveness which is what they hold to their empty hearts. They believe living in a misshapen/formless/mutated form is ideal and specialize in spirit and possession. They have no general physical body shape and live in the space of nothingness.

Behavioral: Demon conscience and Demon nature are the 2 natures they oscillate between in a force called Rage. They live in a cast rank of evolution, the strongest, biggest and most vicious alpha male at the top. They hold deviancy in evolution most high. And they are devoted to Discord and disorder so that there may never be form and unity with anything. They are the adversary force in life always going against someone’s will.

Their forms are very basic and ancient. They live in a world of sound where anything living attracts them. The closer you are the more likely they will attach to you. The Earth is their identity and basis of their form they are made of Earth; i think it also involves some form of biological building element like sulfur, carbon or crystal (combination?). Soulless and wandering without a home. Lost and always angry. They are made of darkness and exist where light is absent. They also live in the world of ideas to manifest as a body, their gateway is through voluntary invitation.

Carnage and failing is the oscillation between their ideal of Destruction. Carnage brings them into a frenzy of dilated instinctive behavior. Hatred is is their ideal state of being in that the more they hate the stronger and more fierce they become. Legion is what they call their form of collective or unity, they are strategic, contemplating and brooding force that just seek to overwhelm through numbers and forces.

Deciphering Earth Logic

Earth of the brave; The place where we are thrown into, in this strange world we struggle to define ourselves, relieve suffering and to make ends meet all at once. It is the cross path to other realities, the medium of all worlds. And a trial to see what we learn and a test of the heart’s strength. Questions that Arise what are we known for. How do we behave as a society/individuals. What are we made of in this world/dimension? What are our ideals? We will understand us a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.



Categories: (Creation, Evolution) Science, Humanism and Religion

Behavioral: (human conscience, human nature) Chaos, Identity and Order.

Form: (duality of negative and positive functions) Wave, Particle and Oscillation.

Idealism: (Redeeming and faltering) Redemption, Hope and Faith.

On Earth there is 2 dominant forms of science; One built on Creationism (that we were made) and one about Evolution (that we grew). Both Biblical and Science say that it was the big bang that was beginning of life and were told in different manners. That it was created by hand of god and through a giant explosion called the big bang. The three topics in life that describe the history, progress and ideas Earth has is through Science, Humanism and Religion. Humanism is based on our human condition and what is required to sustain, nurture and grow as a people. Religion is based on our driven history, where we came from and where we want to go based on ethics, virtue and code.

Our behavioral structure is based on human conscience and human nature, oscillating between the two worlds to create what is called chaos. Chaos is defined as: a state of things where chance is supreme and that is the world we are living, a lottery pot chance of hitting jack pot all the way down to low down poverty. Our objective on Earth is to define our identity and searching until the end of our life to determine who we are as a people and as a person. Our purpose, our function and our legacy. Our world is built around order in that everything has a place, time and means. In saying this we are built around a system of service and love just like the angelic world except that is just the idea we are gravitating towards. Down here we are just trying to work towards redeeming ourselves by what ever means means preserving our hope and sustaining our faith (god?).

On earth our purest elementary form is that of a double helix and particle held together in place by oscillation. This is the human DNA but it is also a mimic of the Humanized Light. This is significant in that this structure is the most universal form of what all organic matter related to light is made of. The Wave of male energy and female energy working together to achieve balance. Ideally this is what humanized light would look like. The particle is that which is photons which is the essence of light; it’s identity and body. And the oscillation the order that holds the justice in the this micro world. It is the thing that holds the planets and stars in orbit. The moon around the earth and the Earth around the Sun. It is this perfect balance that allows life to be sustained.

Our idealism on Earth is that: We are a redeeming species where we make mistakes in order to learn from them, growing stronger, smarter and better than before. Faltering and redeeming ourselves is the oscillation that we work between in order to grow. Hope is another component of life in that we depend on sources that give us the ability to do certain things in order to grow and become strong in life. Hope is in the essence in which all life and ideas springs from; without hope we are lost and unmotivated. Hope is like having a father giving you sustenance, home and water in order to get through life. Hope is the ability to find opportunity in life. Faith is the ability to hold true to an idea to know that your parent is the one who will give you faith about your future, all it’s opportunities and challenges. With combination of opportunity, function and mindset we are able to accomplish anything on this Earth, we just need the place, time and means to get there.

for a clearer understanding its like:

“My son would be my compensation of life in order for me to prolong my legacy. He will have complete faith in me as a father, his hopes will be only restricted by how well i perform, and his redemption will further his education about his world around him and grow.”

Taken from my post “Deciphering the Old Trinity”.


Deciphering Heaven Logic

Heaven is divine; It is the glorious place where those who die and are worthy go. It is also home of Angels and other divine beings. Questions that Arise what are they known for. How do they behave as a society/individuals. What are they made of in this world/dimension? What are their ideals? We will understand them a little more exploring these possible worlds the extremes of all worlds. Heaven, Hell and Earth.



Categories: (Stars and space) Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity.

Behavioral: (Angelic conscience, Angelic nature) Joy, Hierarchy and Unity.

Form: (Duality of condensed functions) Frequency, Core and Radiance.

Idealism: (Glorifying and Falling) Honor, Love and Service.

The world of studies Heaven excels at and known for is the Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity. They Study the stars and space possibly aligning our stars with the stars of the sky to read who we are in the study of the Cosmos. The study of Eternity is of life and death and experiencing life as a collective species, reliving moments in a different time/dimension and space it’s effects and differences based on environment/circumstance/conditions and of course experience through god experience (seeing through omnipotent eyes). Divinity is the state of coming from god; To hold his virtues, wisdom and talents and the study of how they came to be and what practices are needed to become who they are.

Their behavior is the oscillation of angelic conscience and angelic nature bringing forth joy. They as a species are the embodiment of joy and spread joy to all they see. If we are unhappy they are unhappy; their empathy is interconnected with our conscience by knowledge of our situation. Their System is built on a Hierarchy of angels depending on the responsibilities, abilities and interests of the Angel. Their hierarchy consists of the Seraphim, Churubim, Throne, Dominion, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. They are built around Unity system as they act as one collective with many hands almost like one conscience but they are really individual people trying to mimic God’s goodness himself.

Their form is interesting and is complete with frequency of wave, some kind of molten/energy core, and a radiance of many stars able to generate great healing through touch, properties of growth, energy and healing. Great and powerful; able to sustain (through influence,ideas) and nurture a network of people, families and lives. Their DNA is more packed with information and probably have more complex strands of DNA; allowing more functions, talents and interests.

Their system of Idealism is that they highly value honor through glory and falling, their greatest form of power is their love and service; it is what they strive for. Their idealism of glory and falling; Is like ours of redemption, except they are empowered by glorifying gods name through their work. Success gives them credit to earn merit and credibility among others of their kind. Love is the strongest force in existence in that it nurtures, creates passion and empowers a person to grow and be strong. Service is the function of the angels in that they have talents that allow a person to reach their potential.

Unravel our Universe


(image source)

Throughout my studies of life and light. I have encountered dreams that i have come to realize is part of life and light. This is possibly due to the fact that spirituality is a part of dreams and life and therefore a big part of light. I have found a pattern or formula the world seems to be theoretically following. Everything is possible with the power of ideas and imagination. (and maybe unseen hands.) These words are as close as i get to describing what the world of experience of these realms are. Otherwise they are incomprehensible and unimaginable to the degree of what they truly are; such as “radiance” i don’t know what powers it, the extent of what it’s brilliance can do and how/where it is used. It’s just a vague word to describe something beyond our comprehension.. based on our dimensional plane of studies and science. As science can be called magic or witch craft when not understood; so is this case.

Today i will be dissecting the universe into bits and pieces so that i can – (i call the process) “humanize it”. To a state we can comprehend and understand a little better about the world above, below and beyond. This is my personal understanding of the universe and i understand most of these words. Curiosity killed the cat, but i’m a little bigger than a cat don’t you think?




Categories: (Stars and space) Cosmos, Eternity and Divinity.

Behavioral: (Angelic conscience, Angelic nature) Joy, Hierarchy and Unity.

Form: (Duality of condensed functions) Frequency, Core and Radiance.

Idealism: (Glorifying and Falling) Honor, Love and Service.




Categories: (Creation, Evolution) Science, Humanism and Religion

Behavioral: (human conscience, human nature) Chaos, Identity and Order.

Form: (duality of negative and positive functions) Wave, Particle and Oscillation.

Idealism: (Redeeming and faultering) Redemption, Hope and Faith.




Categories: (Black arts and necromancy) Abyss, Empty Suffering and Nothingness.

Behavioral: (Demon conscience, Demon nature) Rage, Cast Rank and Discord.

Form: (Duality of deviant functions) Sound, Earth and Darkness.

Idealism: (Carnage and Failing) Destruction, Hate and Legion.


These worlds are just ideas and i can only sort of guesstimate them. This is all left up to imagination and deductive reasoning so therefore i cannot fully comprehend it’s ideology and describe it.

So i did it and it sort of works you get a very vague and general idea of what it’s suppose to be but yes i think this is what the components to their essence is.

For a detailed look at how these columns and rows are made and organized please see: Philosophy on light and Philosophy on light simplified (revisited).

Reality of “The Hero’s Legacy”

The hero never gets what he wants in life; the girl, the life, glory, the money, it’s just the way the world works. In most heroic stories the hero has to die in order for the sacrifice to be significant. It’s like how great people’s work seem to only be of great importance after their passing and it is a sad fact. A heroes legacy seems to always to be the martyr, the sacrifice for the greater good. Everyone appreciates a good deed and they move on but is his good work in living spirit in everyone’s daily life? To that i say yes. The spirit of our heroes or martyrs and sacrifices are attributed to everything we are able to do daily. Without them all the things we have and will become is not possible. We mustn’t forget how fortunate we are as a collective to get as far as we have as a human race. Never forget we’re all in this together.

Refuse to be the rebound for another’s dream. Refuse to be unoriginal. Be original and full of ingenuity, Be a collective. Don’t be scared to be a part of a collective, the collective shouldn’t be scared to be you. Don’t be afraid to share ideas, to give freely and to be generous. We are worlds of abundance always giving. We are not limitless but we can fight with teeth and nail to extend our hope, faith and redemption across the land. Each time growing stronger, better then before.  We’re all equal, with vulnerabilities. We’re all human; inflicted and vulnerable to death, disease and sadness. This is the human condition; we’re a part of a team and we look out for each other. There is no ego. The ego is in the mind. There is no “I” but really a “we” when something needs to get done. You do everything you can and pour your heart out, rinse and repeat. Give it your all in everything you do down to your last nickle in your pocket. The less people around you suffer and the more light you give to the world the more you grow as a person.

Keep the spirit burning. Keep things real and intense. Keep it interesting, keep our dreams true and never let our creativity die. Don’t give up and i pray all your hopes and dreams come true to a moderate degree. Because we’re fighting and biting and forgetting to chew. Some of us on the field want everyone to know that when we’re out here on the Earth battling our Earth issues spiritually, we’re thinking about you.

Service, Honor and Justice.

Faith, Hope and Redemption.

Wisdom, Creativity and Knowledge.

Angelic healing and virtue cards

So i got a deck of angelic reading cards today, 2 sets of them technically the other one is called oracle cards. I have a third deck called virtue cards and i’m trying to read them everyday to improve against challenges and problems i may run into. One card from each deck a day. And also completely separate readings when i need to. I made my first reading today; According to the Arch Angel Michael, to the question ” how will i find love” past: support, present: study and future: Animals. My interpretation was that in the past i was fully supported by the angel i chose my actions based on love for i cared for one but let her go because i knew i couldn’t take care of her as at the current time i was young, irresponsible and had very little and also i was told i don’t remember from what medium but if i let her go both of us will flourish in our careers. I was also told from another medium that because of this act the child in process best of both worlds was lost and the world never got to know her, our love was suppose to be in divine order but something bad happened. I do struggle with this idea but she never existed so it’s only curiosity that bugs me. For the present i am in the process of study so that i can get a good job and take care of a person i will soon come to care for in the future. In the future i will care for nature and animals and this will bring me to the love of my life. Interesting enough.. I asked next how will i reach my ideal career. I drew the cards family, environmentalist and healing. In the past my family has taken care of me very well to be honest, they still support me as we speak. Presently i’m about to get into the oil industry, so contrary to this card reading i’m actually a contributor to the loss of nature sadly. It says that i’m suppose to be an Earth Angel here to protect, nurture and teach about nature and the land maybe i’ll learn something that changes my mind about my direction in life, i’d like to make money though and designing 3D objects, pipelines, storage and vessels is my life. I think anyways. The future is that i’m a healer, and that i have the gift of healing. This is true in that i do feel i am a healer and i know what to say and to do when someone needs help. I am very spiritual and very attuned to nature and i have studied a lot of archaic ideas and ethical practices. For the most part i can see the reading’s intent, but i am not giving up a stable job to change lives am I? safety of home and security for a world of who knows what. I guess i’m still a little selfish but i’m really not. Just looking out for my ass because no one else will. Don’t judge, i’m still a nice guy. I’m not a coward, I just don’t work out of my field of comfort. I do what i know and help where i can. I’m the man with the plan if i don’t have a plan then i’m just a lump in my throat physical mess. Ya, i don’t know angels, if i’m up for your plans.

Shared Dreams Technology; Theory and Application.

Theory time! Innovation caps on:

I was just thinking. Something occurred to me last night and i experienced something like that of a shared dream. The experience of it anyways is the main focus, not that it may have been real. It was interesting to hear a sort of commentary from people on the side about what they were seeing. What if the world of sharing dreams was possible and you were able to plug into another person’s current dream. Imagining the science behind it would probably have to do with fields (magnetic, ley lines, colored light, data storage and frequency technology like crystal and how it resonates), something to read brain waves, electrical impulses, sin wave signals to the brain, coding from machine to comprehensible human language and chemical signals to the brain. The application for this type of technology is like an alternate reality where the laws of physics does not have to apply, and all possibilities are possible – yes even the inception idea where we can live life times within life times in the dream. A massive surge of experience and knowledge through this world in a fraction of time. This would increase our knowledge several times over about life, experience, reality and even give us the technology to carry information from the human brain to machine and vice versa. I’m just saying that this technology could serve a application that can teach the basic ethical living through experience like a simulator without physical life threatening consequence. Because life is about making mistakes right? What if we can make those mistakes and see the consequence without having to live them in real life? These are all viable questions that if possible can change our reality and sort out unstable/sick and behaviorally imbalanced individuals that may cause harm in our society. When i say “sort” i mean treat and help them, correct them and change them to live normal lives. (identify them? a bit of a ethical breech of privacy but i think it’s necessary for the safety of the whole.) This would solve so many things in life that even the correctional system of justice would approve. Applying a science to this dream sharing technology, applying understanding of light completely (philosophically, rationally, spiritually,  scientifically, religiously and synthetically humanized) we’d conquer life with just these two things. If we can make a connection between frequencies, information, energy fields (to power and establish energy to a sphere of the brain), sin wave signals and the brain this could be very possible.

From my imagination i can see a humming crystal resonating at a certain frequency releasing information. The crystal would have to be levitated by a gravity field or magnetism so not to cause any interference. There would have to be a source of energy probably most likely electricity but what if it required a massive surge of energy? Higher level of energy technologies would probably be ideal probably not necessary because it should be just like plugging into a console gaming system. Dreaming should just be a luxury on the go not a necessity. I could see using a certain colored light to provoke emotion. What about the combination of light (electromagnetic radiation) as information converted to sin wave and sin wave sound frequency of a crystal. This combined would create an information pattern that resonates and creates a field. If the frequency/vibration makes the body react in a way. (like the frequency to make you soil yourself) this could lead some where. Color establishes mood and electromagnetic radiation carries information. Sound resonates and can cause physical movement and impulses in the brain. If both interacted with just the brain the combined efforts would result in a proto-dream sharing system since everything is subconscious. We could study people affected under certain frequencies and colors to start off.

I guess we have less expensive means of artificial learning devices externally like video games and simulation programs through computers and consoles. But we sleep 1/3rd of our life, if we could put that 1/3rd of time to good use then we would increase the curb in human development and learning. Then again what would this look like? This might just be a bunch of colored lines and waves that we need to decipher like a screen of binary a computer reads. This could be just like a story book reading on a long strip of action, reaction we can read at the start of the technology in a time preferably our living time. But with ingenuity and design we in the future can simulate what that would look like and render images that of what it should be. It could also have symbols (like a castle) to represent certain ideas like what we lived in and events, things and ideas.  The world internally from the microcosm is just as important as the external macrocosm. Our devices developed in the premises of the macrocosm on big screens and real life in day life, is not more important than the premises of the microcosm in dreams and internal life in sleeping life. Sorry for the HUGE post. I apparently had alot to say.

Something unexplainable

I don’t know how to explain this but i had a weird experience last night when my entire dream became like a computer interface where i could control everything and monitor my energy levels and such, there was talking in the background by other people (plugged in?). Is this what it’s like to be in a Merkaba? Or is this something else? like an interconnected dream state where we share the same dream? This is the first time i tried to click on something in my head.. i think i’m turning into a robot. Weird thing was i’d wake up and go back to sleep only to have it happen again. i’m probably gonna have to low key this because it’s just a silly dream. I think i’ll type more on this topic if the dream becomes consistently in this state through out the next few nights. It’s probably just too much time on the computer using Autocad and blogging i suppose. I’ll know i’m less crazy when i have a conversation with a person in that dream that actually lives in this this space/time/dimension. That brings me to wonder if anyone living has ever had a shared dream experience. I should probably keep a dream journal and keep this blog relevant to my topics instead of just throwing weird random dreams and explaining them all the time.


The Situational House

I dreamt about an old friend let’s call him Situational Sean. In this dream he was really angry and looked at his watch told me I was in the washroom for 1 hour and that I gave him nothing for his birthday. And a whole lot of other things I can’t remember but he told me this is the situational house. He basically put me in a whole bunch of situations and it reminded me that had I not joined his church at one point I would’ve never been his friend. Had this church never existed we would’ve been complete strangers other then the fact that we went to school together at one point in time but never really talked. This brings me to believe that all events in our life are situational whether we take the opportunity or not like love, a new friend, a new job or just a new decision in general. Life/God can’t give us this opportunity when we ask immediately for it because it’s situational; meaning there has to be a condition or story that brings this reality into existence. Funny thing is I had this narrow mentality of a straight and narrow path to justice before. To do the right thing but at the cost of forgetting the grey spectrum, ingenuity and originality. Like converting to something you didn’t fully embrace or believe in. Things didn’t feel right and I just left this church even though I know that it was created specially for me. It reminded me of a big dating service in the long run which guaranteed me getting married but this meant I was also getting married to an idea I wasn’t sure of. Though I fell ill and whole bunch of things happened to me that i wasn’t too happy about as if I was being punished for putting down all the gifts he was putting in front of me. But you can’t blame me for what I do because no one gives a direct message of interest in the world of love it’s all indirect, no one goes up to you and tells you “join my company” without knowing who you are, no one just gives a free trip to Italy without strings. I shouldn’t let uncertainty take away all the fun in life but I want to feel and know that things are right before I make a life altering decision. Though what is life but a world of uncertainty? I guess all you can do is pray things go right and go with the flow.

In my case I’m a little stubborn so my suggestion is never give in to expressing your true self. If you’re looking for something worth holding on to go for it. If all previous decisions never fell through let it be because it was never meant to be. All things that have come to pass you by just means you have more opportunities to look forward to. Maybe your significant other is going through the same process, indecisive and not ready.

The Flower of Life, Music and Chakra (interrelated)


Chakra is also related to the flower of life. Chakra and it’s color orientation has alot to do with enlightenment, meditation and spirituality; it has an alignment in the flower of life that places each chakra channel in the correct place. I’m unsure if enlightenment is a path i’d be interested in yet anyways because i’m good here right now. I’m just curious and contemplating, left alone to my thoughts. i think enlightenment means awareness, conscious of everything and everyone and passionate understanding of life. I guess there’s more then that like the Merkaba theory that allows you to move through different dimensions changing your body’s frequency etc, which would be awesome. Chakra energy centers has it’s own geometries. Starting from the bottom:



1. Root Chakra – I am, Life

2. Sacral Chakra – I feel, Order

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – I do, Wisdom

4. Heart Chakra – I love, Love

5. Throat Chakra – i speak, Power

6. Third Eye Chakra – I see, Imagination

7. Crown Chakra – I understand, Understanding and Will


Chakra also has to do with music as shown here. Apparently each note in an octave corresponds to a chakra energy centers.



Phi, polar grid, binary, Fibonacci sequence, chakra; music is a mysterious thing in that all these things are related perhaps it has a role in light as well seeing that it could be the wave component and oscillation of another form of light.

Experiential Active Light: Experience, Light and Music(Growth and Healing). 

I found this website that describes the chakra in detail, its relation to the hemispheres of the brain, its relation to music and it’s imbalances, affirmations and much more. Sound Essence of Chakra. I can’t go into how much detail she’s put in her work. Cheers.



colors affect mood and chakra generating sources such as your organs.

Reiki masters specialize in opening/healing these centers.

7. Pineal gland, Crown/Spiritual

6. Pituitary gland, Intuitive/3rd Eye

5. Thyroid gland, Expression

4. Thymus gland, Love

1. Adrenal gland, Survival

3. Pancreas, Power/Ego

2. Testis/Ovaries, Sex

A Bluish man and third eye?

Also on a short note. I had a small dream last night, a glimpse of a bluish weathered rugged bald man with a painted eye over his forehead. I keep thinking about it today like it should mean something, as if we were suppose to communicate, there was a moment where a small sized lightning bolt struck the ground, i read that it means that i am no longer ignorant of something or it could be my awareness or insight to something. I was thinking the man was an old Nacaal, or immortal as they call them. Not sure why i dreamt such weird things or how he got in my head. Your mind and dreams thinking up incomprehensible ideas is pretty normal.

 The land of Mu, Nacaal and Leylines will be a topic for another time.


Merkaba Theory time, time to play.


Be advised this is probably all nonsensical. These are based on theories and ideas from various religions and any reasoning behind them is completely non scientific. I am just trying to explore a world of geometry i don’t quite yet understand. If anyone is angered please punch me in the face. Thanks.


I was just playing with Autocad and exploring the idea of what Earth and Heaven really is and what it means for Heaven to come to Earth. Man is a 5 pointed star coming from the earth representing a cube. A 5 pointed celestial star coming from heaven representing a flower of life. And finally a divine star coming from beyond representing a fruit of life. The head is upward because Earth is to ascend up if ascension is upwards.  This is the system i put together called the Omega Metatron Merkaba. A Metatron cube or Merkaba is apparently a geometric object used for inter-dimensional movement between different dimensions/worlds. It’s just a fun theory i found that i’m just playing with at the moment and i love playing with geometry so lets do this. I determined the celestial star to be what it is because it was made of alot of semicircular components that it was more divine star than the earth 5 pointed star which was rigid and straight, hence celestial. The omega star is a product of 3 worlds the Divine, Heaven’s and Earth. There are 15 points in total. The metatron cube is a 6 pointed star and the merkaba is a 3 dimensional 14 pointed star. Overlapping both of them; the Earth Metatron and Merkaba make 18 and 32 respectively. They evolve from the 5 pointed star. And as you can see the connection of a 5 pointed star to a cube, the celestial star has a connection to the flower of life in the star/metatron/merkaba evolution. Working a way through the microcosms into the macrocosms. The reason why i have a hexagon attached to a pentagon is because it is a symbol of love or a uniting of 2 different bodies.

Okay revised alittle bit so that it was aligned with each other. I added a third Merkaba which represents divinity beyond heaven if we dare to explore. The divine star is made out of 5 spheres so probably a combinations of 5 heavens to make a divine. That’s it for tonight. Great fun guys, maybe i’ll do more of this next week.

Waking up from a dream within a dream

Ever had a dream where you wake up to yourself waking up in bed… maybe within another dream and another dream and you just can’t wake up to the real reality? It’s something like the movie the Edge of Tomorrow. Where he keeps waking up to restart his story from a specific point in time reliving the same events and sometimes experience over and over again. Each time growing stronger better and remembering all previous experiences. My last dream was like that.. And it was rewinded again and again until i got it right the last time. It’s reflective and equivilent to worlds within worlds, microcosm within macrocosms. Maybe dreams are just another depth of dimensions. What if we could wake from our reality at one point and finally see what we really are or were. Actual inter-dimensional higher beings who have fallen from their place long ago and we’re just trying to get back to where we once came from. Our bodies capable of so much more but we are just untrained and have not been able to tap into our true potential because time has made us rusty. We hear of people in the past attaining things like enlightenment in the past through attuning their bodies to the world and environment. And amazing healing from the heart/mind of tumors in China by chants and mantra. I’m just saying there’s so many things we claim are fictional that now we are finding to be plausible. Things we claim are superstitious have actual science and rational explanations. Like consciousness, soul, intuition, human connection and paranormal phenomenon. Things that are put aside because they may be just too out of this world like chakra energies and it’s vertical alignments for example. Things like meditation, Tai-Chi, breathing exercises and philosophy seem like old people practices/lame but actually essential to a being’s growth and development.

There will be new technologies in the future that may allow us to record our dreams at one point. And how awesome would it be to record some incomprehensible things that you yourself cannot understand how you conjured up. I’m just saying what if there’s a world beyond this one that we can achieve in this life time without technology but through our very being of learning, understanding, taking care of ourselves our mind and body and just experiencing life? If all that is necessary to ascend to the next level of game is our already equiped mind, heart and body. Would that not be exciting? The possibilities like prolonged lives living up to 900 years like the old humans of biblical times, Osiris resurrecting from being chopped up, immortality, inter-dimensional travel so many possibilities. I know i should ground myself soon because this is not at all scientific but i’m allowed to dream and let my imagination express itself; so i will. I just think we as a society overlook some very elementary things that we should incorporate into our lives to better ourselves, everything is created for a reason. And because society hold back from certain information afraid of scaring the public. We should be aware of this and allow us to think outside the box so not to miss anything important. This is one of my objectives is to find the truth.

Sacred Geometry: Part two notes (incomplete)

“Sacred Geometry Video”

( for picture source)

These are all topics i want to learn more about, verify and go into depth when blogging it. Definitely come back another time to check up on any updates on this specific blog. Might be just an assignment list i want to work on progressively.

This is the video i’m just trying to summarize based on my experience with the Sacred Geometry.

He goes to say that polyps in undersea coral each experience a dimension of life on their own just like we do extended from God.


A polar graph with a golden means spiral on top of it will reveal binary and Fibonacci sequence numbers. 

Keith Kritchlow

“From the middle of the equilateral triangle you draw a line up and then to the bottom left corner of the triangle, left intersection goes up and back to bottom left corner and so forth. Continuing in this way, each successive proportion will be the harmonic mean between the previous proportion and the total length, and all of these proportions will be musically significant.

½ being the octave, 2/3 being the fifth, 4/5 being the major third, 8/9 being the major tone [step], and 16/17 being the half tone [half step]”

Using binary intersections to make an equilateral triangle. Place 2 fibbonacci spirals over each other to represent duality which is how nature works and you have a star of david. Now each node of the star gets a circle and voila you have the fruit of life.

Music and light related to harmonics of frequency (sin wave) and fibbonacci spirals

Light harmonics and dimensions related to this tetrahedron shape.

Sin wave correlate with sound and light in the eletro magnetic spectrum.

Everything in world is related to sin wave. Atoms or vibrations particle and wave.

7.23 cm wave length is our dimension between our chakras and radio wave.

Lower dimensions have denser and longer wave length then higher dimensions lower energy. Higher dimensions have short wave length. We are  based on the 3rd note in this life we are moving to the 4th note frequency. There are 12 notes and 12 overtones.

64 square, 8 x 10. 10×12, 14 x 18. Vitruvian man

12 strands activated work in sync with 12 chakras.

Moving from a carbon based life to crystalline.

Dna works as datastorage.

 Psycho coherence

Neuro cardiology brain power 40 thousand neurons. Thinks on its own.

The torus is a energy of giving and receiving. Vibration and frequency.

Gravity is conscious field.

Love and light. Light has mass but mass has no agreed definition.

Plants absorb information and make sugars with water and nutrients from soil.

 Electricity and magnetism. Male and female points and curves.

Sacred Geometry

Phi, pi and Euler imbued in the Giza pyramid, music, Fibonacci, metatron cube, Kabulah, Star of David, Pentagram, the heart, platonic shapes, words, paragraphs and chapters positive thinking.. everything, oscillation, light, male female energy the yin and yang, fractals, dimensions, thinking as a collective. This path has led me up to here and looks like someone has already understood it better/illustrated and explained it a thousands times better then i ever could.

It starts off telling about female and male energy. The polar opposite component energies that all humans have inside them. Male energy is suppose to be rigid and squared whereas female energy is curved and circular. The energy is controlled by your right female part of the brain (creativity) and left male brain (focused). The Yin and Yang are a good representation of this balance of forces in a person. Male energy is also very linear and narrow whereas female energy is about being open minded sometimes almost moving in a oscillating state.

The Fibonacci law is basically a law that adds it’s previous number with its current to get the next number and so forth starting from 1. It creates a outward spiral effect that is related to the universal constant phi. It is found in nature most of the time.

Phi is also called the golden mean being a universal constant going on forever just like Pi and Euler. These three constants are the only none repeating constants that go on forever. They can all be found in one structure in the world called the Giza Pyramid.

The Giza pyramid is a interesting complex in that it is built and aligned with the constellation of Orion. There are actually 3 pyramids that reflect the three stars of the constellation of Orion. The Pyramid of Giza has the constant pi, phi and euler imbued in it. It was amazingly said to have been built from the top down which brings me to assume it was created in a way that we do not yet understand yet with our current technologies. The pyramid of giza is said to be the solution to squaring of a circle which was said to be impossible in world of mathematics until they discovered these constants in the giza pyramids and it’s construction.

The flower of life is a pattern as seen above that makes 6 circles that create a 6 petal flower. It holds geometric shapes within it such as a cube, the egg of life, Kabulah, Metatron cube, a pentagram, hexagon, the fruit of life and other very important geometric shapes. If you are not familiar with these shapes here are some brief descriptions. It consists of 16 circles. And has a “zone of hullucida” all cells have this “zone of hullucida”.

Cube: 4 sided object with equal sides.


Egg of life: 8 circles seemly overlapped to make a 3 dimensional cube of circles. It is the morphic essence of what your starting embryotic cells are made of. This 8 circle egg structure is the embryotic cell that creates the color of your eyes, heart, liver and basically all parts of your body.

Kabulah: Is an ancient Nemurian/Atlantian/Jewish tree that is represented by a planets on the sides and an evolving state of elements from the bottom as the elements moves to Moon, Earth, Sirius to the crown of god. The left and right pillars are called the pillars of mercy and severeness . Left pillar consists of splendor, strength and understanding. Right pillar victory mercy and wisdom. the lines connecting the circles inbetween shows the path and connections it has to it’s neighboring circles. The sequence is a ascending left to right zig zag pattern or descending depending on which way you want to see it.

Metatron cube: This is also found in the flower of life and it is a 3 dimensional geometric star shape with 8 points. In it holds the 6 pointed star, hexagon and fruit of life, egg of life, flower of life and even a Kabulah. The Metatron cube is derived from the egg of life. The fruit of life is a female structure with its curves and when all circles are connected to each other with lines it creates the greatest structure ever the Metatron’s cube. It’s a divine shape based on the Platonic solids of Plato’s “The Elements”. All 5 elemental platonic solids fit into the Metatron cube.

The fruit of life is basically the above picture with the 12 circles only. This is what creates things as they are and the basis of all things that are made in life.

If you’ve ever studied the 5 elemental platonic solids they are made of corresponding tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, icosahedron and dodehedron. All faces and edges are equal.  corresponding elements are fire, earth, air, water and ether. Ether is a inter-dimensional element which i don’t think we’ve been able to study yet. It is also called Tachyon or Prana Energy. It is an illusive element able accessible anywhere anytime in space. There is also a 6th element called the void. These are all the elements that are said to be in Platos elemental platonic solids. There are all shapes available to us except the hexagon. The hexagon is also a strange in that it only appears in a microcosm to macrocosm order especially in the flower of life.

The Egyptians knew a deeper basic level of geometry and it may or may not have been true that it was first seen being used in Lemuria or Atlantis. The tree of life (Kabulah)  and the flower of life was the most basic of their geometric knowledge.

Vesica Pisces is when two circles overlap to make an eye. It is said to be the beginning of consciousness. This is also how the Flower of Life begins. It also has the roots of 2,3 and 5 which are numbers that go on forever.

The Seed of life actually looks like the egg of life but it has a circle surrounding it. It has some biblical references to it saying that it came from nothingness, “god moved to” and “there was light” to cut it short. This is the sequence in which the seed of life is made.


This is the video.


“Sacred Geometry Video”.

Have fun!

Mass consciousness and origins of humanity

I was just going through videos and the things i’ve learn up to now, only made sense up to now. My studies of all the things from greek architecture, the golden means, phi, kabbalah, the tree of life, the giza pyramid, the pharoah of egypt, the elongated brain king, aliens, world conspiracy and Bermuda triangle this video made all the connections.

Atlantis, origins of humanity

Just watch this video and tell me what you think. =)

Legacy and Heritage

We are born into a heritage of people but we are not bound to them. We are free to decide what we want and who we want to be. This is important because people who burden themselves with the past and carry on that burden to the present day; through guilt, responsibility for their people or spite for those they hate will never live a full, free and see the ideal life that was meant to be. Those who were born into a legacy where they are made to become a certain person do not need to submit to what their culture or family require of them. They should respect their family’s thoughts but if it forces them into a situation they do not agree with then it is time to move on and seek the life they wish to live even if it means to separate from those people entirely. A healthy life’s direction is dependent on who you are, who you want to be, what you know and where you want to go. These things do not completely make up a happy life but they are a basis for generally what you need to be happy. Identity is a struggle in this day in age where people makeup things based on what they see not by what is actually fact. Especially by media; The world of Media is now dominated by Hollywood action movies, fashion and pornography. Its a cluster mess where people’s interests lay in the material things and things that go boom and bang. Ethnicity has a stereotype that is hard to shed until you get to know the person.

As a Vietnamese Canadian iI didn’t have a problem growing up since i moved about a diverse variety of click groups; nerdy, smart, jock, artsy it didn’t matter to me, it was all based on your interests. it was really difficult for me to feel like i fit in some times though since i was so many things at once. Fun things to do in the city or groups seem to be for the click groups that have niche interests and you just had to be in one to do something. Which i totally understand but it’s hard for people to open up when judgement is on your abilities, ethnicity, stereotypes seem to be the first thing on your mind rather then hey “i have an interest in something, let’s play”. Which is where i see how it may be difficult for foreign students who don’t even speak the language to grow and be socially adapted here. Not that socially adapting is necessary, it just makes things more comfortable and fun. These kids that “have no life” seem to end up with good jobs and are successful rather then investing their time in looking good and involved in drugs, sex or alcohol. Which is great I suppose. I think it’s the path you take as a human that makes you who you are. You could be a shining star through high school get involved in everything; do all the bad and good, gain the experience. Get your scholarships, road scholarship, MVP whatever and still be great and that would put you at a level where you can gain leadership roles in the world of work. I just hope the world is more open and ready for intelligent humans this generation who think, feel and act with more maturity then what the world expects them to be.

I had a problem in school where i was expected to be smart because i was Asian and being so the idea got to my head and i never took anything seriously, never tried to do my homework, or ace my tests or all the things that would’ve pushed me towards a higher education earlier. I guess i’m a late bloomer in that i have only started to become who i am really late in the game (of life). I am very fortunate to get the credits and marks i needed to get into majority of the programs and safe as far as i know for success. Seeing that i was NOT the brightest in my classes, if i were i’ll never know now. The education system doesn’t determine who you are, it is what you do with your life that matters and what you do with it while you work. Don’t be a slave to the system but don’t be too shy to be a contributing part of it. There’s a certain balance you need to achieve in everything and this is one of them. Don’t be a slave to your legacy, you make your own destiny. Heritage is important because it’s your roots but you don’t have to carry their burdens as a people when you have so much to live for in today’s world.

The Educational System, Jail and White privilege

Incarceration Rate by Gender and Race

We’ve all been processed through the educational system to memorize mindless amounts of seemingly meaningless information, some without application. It is amazing how some students such as i have been able to get through it. I personally am a little irresponsible in that i will leave everything to the last minute. So i cram everything the night before the exam and after the exam i forget it all as if i learned nothing. Maybe that on my part is my fault but students who fail high school they fall through society’s hole and get lost in life leading a life of either labor or sometimes even crime.

Let’s talk about White-privilege a concept many misunderstand. There is a statistics about Black and Latino people sentencing statistics and in this article about 10 most startling facts about ethnicity. It seems that people are more unlikely to go to jail if they have families with stable homes, income and relationships. A learning environment is a very important thing in a child’s development and also the attitude of the individual. It does not help that some people associate black people with physical strength and aggression. It is startling how some people will jump to conclusions about how a person will behave based on their ethnicity. In Canada we have a lot of homeless natives even though they are the most privileged in the Country because of their history with the Canada.  They majority of the time are drunk or angry or both and hold a grudge against the world for loss of their land – sometimes even blaming them (white people) for their current state of life which is not right.

The necessity for good roots to grow is important for a tree to have. Meaning the foundations of a person’s needs is essential for a persons growth. A well educated man with a good upraising has a better chance of becoming a capable person in the future. If money is the only reason why people are falling through the cracks why is it that we let those people fall so low? There was an experiment in Utah about making homes for the homeless and it costed them less to build those homes, hire a social worker to get them on their feet than it was to incarcerate them and keep them in jail. “Utah, effective way to get rid of homeless” . It is amazing what we can learn about our system when we approach it in a different direction. A proper shower and a suit will take a man a long way for finding a job. Homelessness is a dead end if you think about it. No clothes, no showers, no food, no shelter; This means that the person will smell, be fatigued from exhaustion, tired from lack of sleep, and weathered down with no motivation. It is a fallen state no one should come to. Understanding this makes a big difference because we all know how we treat someone on the streets asking for money. We give them money sometimes ignore them, isn’t that right?

We associate White people with good, wealth, security and sometimes power. And dark with uncleanliness, chocolate cake is “the devil’s cake” therefore evil, brute strength and aggression. And this is all wrong because the toppings to a pizza don’t make it a better pizza. It’s still a pizza. Full of calories and carbohydrates but still a meal. That’s how i see people, as platters of pizza pies cooked at different temperatures and at different times (hence the shades). They dress nice with their toppings but they are all made of the same doe that is the essence of humanity. We are all the same, maybe with different experiences, upraising, decisions, different conditions and circumstances which make a different person. It doesn’t matter how much better a person you are physically, mentally or spiritually you are still susceptible to tragedy, sickness and death. There’s no way around it, it is bound to happen. If we start looking out for each other as a priority this is the way. The only answer is love. We got to make things happen for these people to show we care what happens to them.

Racial profiling roots against minorities video. This one is a pretty interesting in that it explores how all these rules and regulations on drugs came to be.


Chastity and controversial themes


Personally i’m a little pro-chastity just because i want to travel and live a little before i settle down with kids and a wife. Though i guess dating would be more enjoyable when your traveling with someone you love. I don’t really care to enforce the “no sex before marriage” idea because for the most part it doesn’t happen – very often. Some people like to go for “test rides” before they commit and that’s fine. Sex is a normal and it plays a role in a good relationship. I’m no expert at relationships so i’m just going to identify my objective here. Without chastity there would be population problems, social problems, society problems; it’s a virtue that is heavily over looked. In my case i don’t see it as a very big problem – as long as you keep it to yourself. It does pose a problem when people are just fixated on those said ideas and fantasize and romanticize about it all day. It distracts and lowers the productivity level of a person. There is also a negative thing about trying to be chaste in that you cannot try to be chaste. It is not something you can focus on and try really hard to be because not only do you get negative attention but you yourself may start doing the reverse of what you intended. The opposite of what is intended happens when a person “tries” to be chaste is what i am saying. Even talking about it may provoke unintended ideas.

On the subject about sex, i’m not pro-homo but i understand that people are born under different conditions and circumstances that may influence their sexual orientation/preferences and it’s not only a fact that a girl can be born into a boys body (vice verse), there are asexual, over active sexuality like bisexuals, even those who are barren and have no sexual desire and those who withdraw from their sexuality temporarily until they’re good and ready (me?). Anyways we live in a new sort of world where tolerance is a must for everyone to have. Equality of women, equality of ethnicity, equality from any form of discrimination – this is the world we live in today. Hate is no longer an emotion we tolerate because we are trying to get through this life as a people. As humans we need to respect that everyone is different with their own perks. We have the right to be angry about being paired up with someone we don’t like but we all have a job to do; an objective to solve for the reason of being paired up – if and when we are paired up.

So the man is a little fruity, not manly enough, maybe even a fairy – there is no reason to pick on him because you cannot change a person’s nature without consequence of making that person unhappy for the rest of their life for not being who they wanted to be. Life is about redemption, redeeming  yourself for who you were yesterday; to make mistakes but learn from them. If your mistake was being born (not that that’s ever a viable answer) then the more reason to be good at other things to make up for being a screw up. I know some homosexuals who are naturally witty, maybe cynical but intelligent, articulate and speak like they were breathing in public. There’s alot of qualities that these people of the grey spectrum seem to hold and it makes the world a better place to have such people in our lives. As i said i’m not pro-homo but i’m highly tolerant of the people around me and respect those i come in contact with.

Every person has a story to tell and a reason for why they may be who they are. You just need to understand why that “derp of a man” is always saying stupid things – because maybe he was never taught certain etiquette or has spent most of his time doing labor to support his family. This could be the very reason why his social skills are so bad. Teen pregnancy early fatherhood, no social life, late work schedules, life’s labor draining his very soul and no life at all other then what he watches on today’s movie screens, internet and television. It’s sad for some of the parents who come from a different country to start a new life in Canada but moving here was the first step to being successful and it’s made a world of difference for the children of this generation. I’d like to thank those people as they are the pioneers for their children’s future risking everything and starting with nothing to give their kids a head start.

So i’d like to end this post with Chastity is a virtue we should practice but not to focus on because of the negative effects. It would just make that potential partner happy to know that he/she may be the only person in their life and goes as far as to say they were made for each other. Which they can honestly say with a degree of truth. Every person has a story and reason for who they are; We are all warriors out here suffering life’s trials and we need to get through it all in one piece without making it harder for another person to finish life possibly broken. Sex is okay with whatever partners as long as you play safe, If you happen to fall in love make it go out with a bang because you only live once, objectifying women is bad, bullying is bad, hating is bad – the list goes on but this is basically everything i wanted to say.


Understanding the 7th dimension. (10 in total)

This video describes the 10th dimension pretty simply. I highly recommend it, it’s one of my favorite videos.

Dimension zero is a single point.

Dimension one is a line.

Dimension two is a world of length and width but not depth.

Dimension three is a branch off the line producing x,y and z.

Dimension four is time from beginning to end.

Dimension five is time and all alternative endings of lets call it world A.

Dimension six is all of world A meeting world B through the fold.

The place where all possible outcomes of a person’s life is in the 6th dimension. The 7th dimension is the universe we want to be in where all possible outcomes and timelines are treated as a singularity. You have control of everything in your world and you are able to see all the outcomes of your life’s actions. The mind is an amazing tool since we are living in the 4th dimension we cannot go any further unless we are able to create something that allows us to jump into a different plain of existence. This is all relying on our technological advances. Though i am sure there will be rules and regulations about visiting the past or future in this envisioned future of ours. The ability to see our ideal universe and our consequences for our actions can help guild us to become who we were meant to be. It helps to know and consider what we ultimately will like to do, but the consequence of seeing us doing something else may provoke us to try something else creating a whole new world of direction. In a way if we go back in time to change something an undesirable result may happen and the future you may have come from may change. Unless in the future if time travel is possible there may be some kind of coordinates that bring you to a specific future instead of just the general future.

This brings us to the conclusion that maybe glimpses of our future through dreams are the best way to communicate with our past  because it affects us at our sub-conscious level. A revealing of our future through dreams is the most ideal way of moving towards our goal. Since we have control over our life most of our decisions up until now are what we truly desired based on consequence and conditions, individually and personally anyways. We ultimately don’t want to directly interact with our past but ideally want to visit our desired future. In a way that’s like God not tampering with the system directly and being not here works out because everything is automated and following their own desires and dreams. Though i’m sure not everyone’s life is perfect at the moment and i’m sure if in the end the person wishes that they had never met their significant other they would be given that chance to see what it would be like without them, would be really cool. To live it would be even better, but that would mean all the people  that were created from that other timeline would disappear which would bring ethics into the picture whether the person can live with that or not.

The system is obviously out of our control and maybe it’s already under control and we just don’t understand it. Where ever the future is taking us i pray for my neighbors and everyone in the world that they got what they came for and all their dreams and desires are met to a degree in this life.

Light Expanded Experiment

Light experiment 12-Layout1-page-001 Light experiment 121-Layout1-page-001


This is the Light Model with with 12 dimensions it makes a 2D circle thus 2D plane. This is the Light model with 121 dimensions it makes a sphere thus 3D plane. As you can see there’s a slight difference from 12 to 121 dimensions in that there is depth of darkness, lightness and sides to the now spherical light model over the previous 2 dimensional light model.

The light source in the center can be the sun, 12 spheres surrounding it representing the hours in a day (time) or planets, light and wave produced per stem of each star branch and the particle in between the waves is a photon particle. represented as a miniature star. To convert mass to pure energy is an objective i’d like people to accomplish. As it looks like the power to convert air/water to energy has been successful in the article about a car running on converted water. (link button bugged out, have to google it or have complete faith on me. =))

I had a little bit of spare time so i made these for your viewing pleasure on my PC using Autocad a vector precise program.

This is my vision. To manipulate light so to emulate it and make it multi-dimensional.

Music – As a component of experiential life.

(Growth/Healing) Experience., Light, Music


Music is the color of life. It expresses the moods and emotions in a song. Just like an experiment about how certain clothing will make you think better about yourself thus improving your ability to do things, “Clothing Powers” so does the music that you carry on you. Life of experience cannot be complete without the accompany of the notes and song of a, (for example’s sake) acoustic guitar melody. It doesn’t matter what instrument you use to lighten up your day. Music may help in performance and sometimes growth according to an experiment with plants and music. Plants will grow much faster with Beethoven piano music opposed to no music. Constructive and sound music will provide a constructive sound environment. Music encourages growth, so does Sunlight in it’s providence of vitamin D. These are the components to experience or growth and healing. They both have a great impact on life itself both as a stimulus and a catalyst for healing and growth. Our two main reception functions are through sound and sight, they are the most valued source of experience in life.


Just like in life we must compose our own song with each decision and idea we make. With time we’ll compose a song of light and spread it where it is lacking light. We’ll do this until our world is a glowing radiant ball of a symphony on Earth. Glowing and radiating music and heavenly light across the dark abyss of space.




I had a dream about a place on Earth where all the brightest minds came from around the world to study about light, it’s philosophies and technologies, knowledge and powers, it’s influences and application. The study of light would be abroad through the internet through online courses. People dreamed of visiting Star tower where ever they were. It was a community in a very large and tall building where testing happened in the basement of the facility and the application of it’s power was used there developing progressively in time. The power of a miniature star harnessed in a lab. Powering homes for a small community of people around. It was like a small town in the building, with services and a police station, dry cleaners, day care, grocery. Star tower would be a miniature world governed by the people. And a small city would be built around it; It would be like a Vatican but less religious, fueled by technology and modern art of simplicity. Built for efficiency, simplicity and learning. It is an institute of technology on light, the epiphany of a small system at work, working together to provide all the necessities to sustaining life. I’m okay If it isn’t called Star Tower I wouldn’t mind to see it under some other name. But this is my dream for humanity, to study and harness the power of light. Invest time and money to mastering this one thing that is the root life giving essence of everything else.

The Nothingness Beyond God – Part 3

I’m reading a philosophical book by Nishada Kitaro and translated by Robert E. Carter. It’s an interesting read written during the time where Japan was being westernized by the American population. And thus a combined effort by Robert E. Carter and Nishada Kitaro to create a world that fused both the western religion to eastern philosophies together. It’s the starting point to a dynamic matrix of history of unraveling multiple dimensions/layers of the human conscience. The pure experience through which is only understood through the actual action of experience.

The eastern world of God and western philosophy of Nothingness must come together to create the ultimate contradiction that is pure experience. Our task is to form things from little to nothing. The external world; We shape it as well as it also shapes us. Who we were yesterday dies along with the past to become who you were made to be. The point of life is to be historically productive. To learn from yesterday so you can do something about tomorrow. In other words, you learn from your past to do what you can today keeping in mind your plans for the future.

The reality is we are trying to integrate into the world in so that it becomes like a stage for acting, to become a function in a system with intuition and flow. Pure experience is the beginning to a greater understanding of the world. In the book it says “Nirvana is Samsara” Is exactly what i’m trying to say, Heaven is Earth. We know nothing about the future other then it is a place we want to see and a place we are fighting for. We are making it so that the world is a more livable place and thus i am saying that Earth is equivalent to Heaven in that we are heading in that direction and away from “Hell” our abomination of the past.

We are part of a system, a system that leads to a product and that product is the future. The future is a combination of the bad and good events that lead to that day. In the book they finally solidly identified good as a transformation of greater dimension and higher qualities from lower self. Lower self is redefined and risen from it’s destruction to be recreated day by day. Evil is an act of seperation rather then an embracive act thus evil will always be the outcast and easily pointed out in a great mass.


Lest we forget God is everything and in everything there will be good and bad.

duality, particle, oscillation

Good, Bad—- God , Life, and Justice.