Tai Lopez Notes for Chp: 30 “About life”: Cluttered attic and invention of rules.

Management is crucial.

Donald Rumsfeld said:

Known knowns. Things we know that we know.

Known unknowns. Things we think we know we don’t know.

unknown unknown. Things we don’t know that we don’t know.

Disabling ignorance. Ignorance that disable you from enjoying what it is you like doing.

Rules you make up: Making up a rule that you don’t want to be a multimillionaire and you don’t want to learn from a millionaire even though there is so much you can learn from this person.

Convictions can be greater evils than lies.

The mind is like an attic, it gets full.

invented rules need to disappear.

The clutter must be cleared.

No physical place is holy, you make it holy.

Philosophies and disabling rules; Rules like you know everything, that you’re wearing out. You need to break those rules.

Ask: Why is this wrong?

Know the opposite side better than opponent once learnt we come to a true efficient conviction. A synthesis rather than a thesis and antithesis.

Rules about critique. Ask 3 questions about your strong ideas and challenge it.

Don’t be a inheriting believer. Don’t believe just because your parents did.

Be a believer that explored your opposition’s understanding. Challenge your ideas.

Spectrums; A way to weed out terrible ideas from good ones. Domesticating God for practicality.


Is it wrong to humanize, tame and domesticate the idea of God in a way where it is suitable for consumption and inheritance of what Godliness means? When I think of God I want to think of it as a nurturing force, as we homogenize milk made fit for our consumption of human beings. The question I ask is how can we make God beneficial to humanity? Should the idea of God be made secular (abiding to government), ethically and done with practicality? We do it everyday without considering this fact, so lets go all out on this idea. A tool, a friend and a overseeing father who has three possible functions in maintaining a meaningful perspective in life. As much as I want to have a beautiful exotic lion in the house, how practical would it be to keep this lion (I’ll call God for now) rather than a pet cat or dog. At the peril of getting eaten by one, mauled or injured I may not put up with the Lion. Where as a household pet with the potential and capabilities of God would be ideal. Just as you would prefer to surf the net or listen to music on your phone rather than on that clunky yet powerful, immobile, computer of yours, practicality is key.

I would rather have a pocket sized informative encyclopedia of ideal models of ideas of what makes up life rather then a primitive recollection of all the random events that lead up to modern day for example. This also depends on the situation or function which you require this form of information (book in this case) to be used. If you are looking for the roots of some religion about god. There are stories describing the roots of Christianity/The Bible, Islam/Quran and Jewish/Torah. If we can make a collective effort to map out the collection of ideas completely with alternatives included that would give oversight and weed out terrible ideas. The comparison of what is “to be” in the end and what was initially at the start is an unfair comparison but that is what is happening with this situation right now. People cannot be looking to a religious books for an expansion of knowledge but more so for insight. For example looking into a timeline where a person is tending goats, farming, punishing those for blasphemy, worrying about their next meal and where to fetch clean water more so than living in a city and dealing with laws of man, you cannot use these books based on their targeted timeline in a modern age.

This day and age, the idea of slavery is changed humanized to know it is wrong to own another human, discrimination is changed domesticated to know that we should be understanding of our differences yet step up when someone is intolerant of a person based on their racial identity, sexuality is changed civilized to understand that people are just born a certain way and to accept them. In this day and age a black, gay, Muslim man can exist in Britain, Canada or USA (many other countries) whereas the life expectancy of one in any other country in the middle east drastically goes down, why is this? If life was a popularity contest and popularity is based on agreement of what is fair and not Islam being the center of religious conflict divided even among its people would be losing and we need not any brains to identify why. It has a problem with intolerance, anti-gay and possibly even anti-woman.

I will admit i am intolerant of intolerance. I will not stand by to see a person be hateful and destructive towards another person’s life based on their intolerance. If ever i were to identify as a bigot i would identify as a bigot for bigotry. Which in my opinion we should all be, no one should sit by while someone is slut shaming, bullying or displaying great hate towards a special minority. In this case I may be pointing out that Islam has a problem and by me putting it on a spectrum where it is at the wrong i may be contradicting my ideas of being intolerant of intolerance. But there is a difference of being intolerant of intolerant action, and just being intolerant of intolerant thought. Just because I draw out a spectrum, identify which system i prefer, God I follow, and then come to the conclusion which is undesirable does not make me a hand of intolerance. I am simply an independent realization helping those see their options and opportunities. I have no radical interest or hand in where this intolerance goes, I am simply one who gives oversight of the situation, rerouting and inspiring.

The building of paradigms gives the ability for oversight which is the over seeing and assessing of all information as a collective, taking into consideration all aspects of life and putting it into a spectrum to be evaluated for yourself what comes first and last so we can weed out terrible ideas from decent ones. I plan to do this in my upcoming project. I have a neutral stance and completely open to ideas, I have no real agenda other then to help those have options, opinions and opportunities in the matter that is life. This is all just a healing process, I may just appear to be the scab (undesirable and ugly) but the end result will be better.

Smile! Because…

A sweet quote. Something i struggle with sometimes is self acceptance and finding a reason to smile. Life is tough.

{ j'adore, j'aime }

“You are loved, you are valuable, you are crafted with beauty and purpose. I treasure you and this world needs you. There is no one like you. You don’t need to look like the rest, or talk like the rest, or be like the best. The world needs you as you are, you were put here for a reason. There is no truth in the lie that you don’t matter. You are loved. You are not an accident. You are not a mistake”.

– Curt Mega.


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Essentials to Mentality in Life Built Around the Idea of Spectrums.


It’s not the mentality of the glass is (optimism) half full that makes it any more superior than the glass is (pessimism) half empty. It also doesn’t matter that you care that it is half full and half empty because you’re thirsty, you’d prefer there was water in it. Agnosticism says your neutral about it, cannot prove or disprove but also not motivated to. The idea isn’t that it is filled or not filled, but that it can be refilled with effort to restore purposeful function is what really matters in the end.

The believing in something and not believing may be fundamentals to there being a bridge and not being a bridge. That building a bridge begins with the idea that there is a need to build that bridge. That if there is no need for a bridge or a negative notion of building a bridge, that lack of wanting to build a bridge becomes the reality that there will be no bridge. But the process of the present action of building the bridge, of incorporating ingenuity and applying yourself is more important than just what the current temporary status is, you have to think what can you do about it. Pretty much, benevolence is the topic we are discussing.

There are 5 radical spectrum stances about belief to be had in this topic.

a) Conviction in believing in God may be wrong in that you cannot fully prove his existence and it builds walls of ignorance from growing and being open minded. It also causes bias and quiet agendas that obstruct and deconstruct the construction of idea paradigms. Idea paradigms are essentially just a defined spectrum with depth and dimension. Believing it has more in it than it does, does not  increase it’s content’s value but it sure feels good doesn’t it?

b) Ignorance (Atheism) of God existing may be wrong in that you cannot disprove his existence is another belief that also causes obstruction and deconstruction of any progressive constructive thinking. This also causes bias and quiet agendas that work against the constructive effort of building bridges and construction of ideas.

(in three dimension a new stance in the spectrum develops in the progression of seeing the linear spectrum, Deism. Creating the triangle of spectrum extremes. Though still lacking oversight, it is a necessary component in acquiring a balanced perspective.)

c) Aimless Virtue (Deism) of God existing may be wrong in that you put moral encompass over a direction and a end goal purpose. Excessive virtue obsession may hinder the constructive process of bringing about new bridges, though admirable to not over look the small things there is a lack of balance for this perspective of belief. Sacrifice of time, ideologies and self may conflict with collective interests. A person who practices Deism may be troubled and disturbed easily and unsettled by what they have to do and what others do.

d) Agnosticism of God existing is the correct direction being what Aristotle called the golden means approach in that we cannot prove and disprove thus we live in between the two extremes. Acceptance of this allows you to work in a different direction on the axis  of the linear parallel platform into a 3rd dimension of space. We are all agnostic to a degree even when claiming to have conviction of god and not believing in god. It is also agnostic to stay away from beliefs of there being a god living secular and focusing only on humans/nature and being morally focused. It’s a belief system that we are both unable to prove or disprove him fully with our local truths and parameters of truth. I embrace this idea of agnosticism but we can progress further with this idea.

e) Benevolence of God is what we look for in life the idea that you can with oversight of the 4 previous belief stances, pull together your collective efforts and produce in a constructive way a mentality that allows your creativity to flow freely and build constructively. It’s called rebirth or refilling the glass. The idea is best expressed through the manifestation of a phoenix’s attribute to recover from a high expression of life to a low one and back again in a cycle. Your efforts, motivation and intentions matter in the building of dreams and bridges. I desire to embody this idea, benevolence is a simple matter of taking the cup and refilling it with water by means of purposeful assessment of the situation in life.

Bridges allow you to explore new branches of ideas, to understand new uncharted territory. It’s what gives us hope for a better future when we are stuck in a bad in place in life. It’s the transition between a bad life to a better or good life.

Canada is infected by the USA capitalist corporate corruption.

A solution to corruption and instability in the USA and Canada,

link to some ideas i concluded to. ^


What is going on in Canada? Bill C-51 is pushed without debate. CBC is a propaganda machine, pushed around by conservative politics some great voices being replaced by robots who only care about the money not the news coverage. It’s becoming more about entertaining it’s clients than being reliable source of media. Big Corporations like Enbridge with it’s political schemes to build vast pipelines despite human health concerns. SNC Lavalin engineering taking bribes to no end black listed by The World Bank. There is no transparency in how the Government of Canada is working. The only source that give away that these big corporations own and control the federal government and the news coverage is Wikileaks. When big companies like the Bank of America, Mastercard, Paypal and Visa are trying to shut that down (The truth, the only source of transparency in politics) is a big concern. Is the Government telling us to take the wheel blind folded and just run with it?

The capitalist system is not working. The poor are living off of pocket money. The middle class make just enough to get by or in debt. The rich more than they can spend. The elite is like one man with stacks of wealth more than what he knows to do with. It’s just sitting there inactively. This distribution of wealth is impossible in the USA. The USA and it’s abusive habits like going over seas fighting wars to acquire some oil here and there, fighting a threat that originated from under them ISIS, advancing it’s power through military and technology despite it’s economic state. People are worried for their job security so they think twice about turning their backs on big corporations and take bribes such as incidents with prime minister Harper and bribing MP Chuck Bradman. Where Harper and the conservatives bribe Chuck and Chuck takes the money and takes the blow getting dropped as MP takes 1 million dollars in life insurance probably for his family because he dies of Cancer.2 months after the vote.

I’m not into politics, I have no clue why i care at all about all this stuff happening. It seems our freedom and health are at risk is probably why i’m starting to be concerned. When Canada starts looking like USA in politics and corruption we are in trouble.

Photosynthesis the ultimate Quantum Mechanics secret; Time travels backwards.

Seed of the stars

Our greatest science is in plants, the interactions of light and plants in quantum mechanics gives us an answer to how life can run backwards in time.

Gravity the weakest force in the world but it encompasses, becomes insightful and most importantly it’s life giving essense is of love. Entropy is the greatest evil. Murphy’s law is that all ends in chaos, we are the pioneers of life we create our fate. Vitamin D a product of sunlight’s photosynthesis is the greatest gift to life. When past, present and future finally collapse as a singularity we will return “home” to the higher dimensions of self we were initially made to live when we were put down here. The quantum superposition of light acting on a plant during photosynthesis is the show case of our potential, our defiant nature to reverse even time and work backwards. The split experiment in quantum mechanics says that a particle becomes schizophrenic when torn by the choice of 2 slits. When a second screen is put behind it, it has to find a way to work backwards in order to correct itself for it to pass the second screen. Meaning that particles can work backwards in time some how, possibly by entering a frequency state of being or dimension or both in order to do this work that it does in photosynthesis and it’s quantum superposition.

Abundance; Earth, Gravity and Light. Singularity.

Earth; Ionic molten core, Lunar tides and magnetic field. Foundational Life

Ionic Molten Core; Pressure, Tectonic Plate Movements, Volcanoes. Fertilization of life.

Lunar Tides; Cleansing, Circulation, Spiritual Energy (or lunacy.). Purification of life.

Magnetic Field; Protection, Climate and Plasma tubes of the magnetosphere (Spiritual catalyst). Spiritual elevation.

Foundational Life; Physical cube, Mental dodecahedron and Spiritual sphere. Soul of Nature.

Gravity; plasma, folding and (breaking) barriers. Unification.

Plasma; Ionized Formation body, Electromagnetism. Nuclear fusion. Fusion Power

Folding; Bending of Space, Fold in time, inter-dimensional gateway. Quantum super-position.

Barriers; Through particle, Through sound and Through space. Through light.

Unification; matter/dark matter, energy/dark energy and nature/purpose or dark nature/purpose. Fate through Love.

Light: Subatomic particles, electromagnetic waves and  photons. Vitamin D.

Subatomic particles: consistent, orbiting and governing.  Density.

Electromagnetic waves: repeating, oscillating and synchronizing. Stimulation

Photons: Electromagnetic, Wavepacket and Harmonized. Photosynthesis.

Vitamin D: Happiness, Protection and Pro-hormone. Pro-Life Beneficiary.

Singularity: Collapse of reality, Collapse of time, Collapse of being/presence. Collapse with God.

Collapse of Reality; Quantum scale merger of the Body, Quantum scale merger of mind and  Quantum merger of spirit. Quantum merger with soul

Collapse of Time; Unification of past, Unification of present and Unification of future. Unification of determined fate.

Collapse of Being/Presence; Fusion of higher frequency space, Fusion of higher frequency time and Fusion of  higher frequency alternate dimensions. Fusion of higher frequency of benevolence.

I have no clue how to do singularity, it is uncharted territory. I did my best to elaborate this is my best articulation and interpretation of it.

A really cool video, loving the vibe. It explains most of what i’m talking about.

And of course articles if you are interested.



USA emergency police state; What they should do.


Need for drastic measures and cooperation of the people.

I have been doing some research, there is one who i have been looking for. A name for the enforcer organization Rabbis Jonathan Cahn leader of Jeruselem worship center Beth Israel. International outreach, President of Hope of the World Ministries. The ideas of Christians and Americans are being compared to Old Israel and the Jewish; Bringing back God into the picture, George Washington who was christian built his foundation of America at ground zero in New York vowing, praying and prophesying that God will withdraw his gifts from the USA if they turn away from God. The protection of the heavens and blessings will be turned away from them if they don’t change their distorted way of life, restore balance of the prejudice in social system and justice.

Redemption is required. A need for prayer, repentance and to ask for forgiveness. They need to become more humble. Know that there are only a few places out there where you are respected, given free will and speech and given the chance at life. Your choices are your own but know that the burden of not having a home is worse or even dealing with those who do not. Drastic measures to ensure your survival variability since you are nearing a policed state where you are no longer safe from yourselves.

7 heads to administrate, 7 days rest, and 7 years reset. End of old world, start new world.

What to do about your current situation.

  1. I think civilians should implement a world cap for their capital accumulation.
  2. I think a manditory donation or charity should be in line for those who can generate more then what they need.
  3. I think there’s a need for 7 government heads is necessary instead of 1 president representative. Each head should be in charge of his/her elected category. Economic, Military, Security, Medical, Health, Political and Relations.
  4. I think the idea of a modern Sabbath (every 7th day) should be a non-religious day of rest, contemplation and meditation should be established.
  5. I think the idea of a modern Shmita (every 7th year) should be a day of a certain amount of debt paid off or a day when debt is wiped to establish stability in a system. This is so that the people only accumulate what they need to survive, take only what they need and give what they don’t need. The distribution of the excess will go to the most needy. Job positions will still encourage people to attend work. If people want to retire early they can, but it makes no sense to do nothing with your life.
  6. Establish a limit to luxury and balance of practicality so to distribute the wealth to those who need basic needs. Water, food and shelter and the lack of it will be the undoing of the American Political System.
  7. Funding should be decided by the people through Donation projects that can be done online. If the funding is crucial the people will be notified and the funding process can start.
  8. Balance of women and any social prejudice in women should be abolished.
  9. Equality of all forms of people should be exercised and establishing benefits and concerns. Acceptance of same sex, mental state, physical state, color, general gender and sexuality in marriage especially should be encouraged. If the church or facility fights back funding and support for the facility should be revoked.

This is a solution to a capitalist end state where the accumulation of money will be the separation between the rich and poor. It will be democratic, with a mix of social government interactions. The balance of your system is necessary, as you are a rogue state of pyramid capitalists. Handing your trust to giant multi-million dollar corporations inevitably to become corrupted down the road puts the risk of your entire system becoming corrupt.

If you have the cooperation of your entire people to start clean, drop your egos and save your country. Then this is the route the world should go in.

I’m just suggesting what you should do to allow your survival in the next few years. There will be much chaos accumulated in you Country because of the effects of your LHC’s production of antimatter. A substance though powerful, influence the psyche’s stability heavily. That on top of the discontent of your citizens and distrust will lead you to your demise. Your positions and information of your workers are also compromised you have nothing to lose.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. You will become who you were meant to be.

Human identity through occupations tree.

in a dream:

“I can’t believe you exist” he said.

I wanted to return to this idea. It’s a tree of

Human identity through occupations.

The body; physical: understands organs and functional.(surgeon), mental: understands disease and illness. (family doctor), spiritual: understands necessities and malnutrition (nutritionist)

The mind; physical: (functional brain) neurology, mental: (illness and disorder) psychology, spiritual: (cause and purpose.) philosophical.

The spirit; physical: understands emotional and physical experience. (yoga, fitness instructors), mental: understands decay of motivation (Motivational speakers and positive inspirations.) spiritual: understands the steps to reproduce functional life (Life guidance guide and balance reinforcement)

Trumpets have been blown today from the skys.


Kinda resembles the sound of balloons rubbing. I think it’s just the plasma ionic tubes rubbing against each other.. or you know god and his angels blowing the trumpets signaling the end of the world. Whatever you want it to be.

Quantum Mechanics: Expanded stanzas


Re-exploring the Quantum Mechanics mapping and expanded  it to explore Higgs Boson or also known as the God Particle. I won’t go into detailed dictionary terminology so enjoy. Also i’m no Quantum physicist so please correct me if you see i’m missing something.

Quantum Mechanics; Entity, Field, System and Geometric landscape. (expansion)

Particle: Nucleus, Molecule and Atom. Quark.
Nucleus: DNA, RNA and Nuclear Proteins
Molecule: Organic, Inorganic, Noble gas.
Anti-atoms; positron, antiproton and antineutron.
Atoms; electron, proton and neutron
Elementary particles; Quarks/Anti-Quarks, Leptons, Gauge bosons, Higgs boson

Weak bosons; W+, W-, Z fermion
Weak boson’s antiparticle; W-, W+, Z fermion
Energy; parity, spin, electric charge, color charge
Force; Neutrino, elctromagnetism and gravity
Potential;Momentum Spin and energy

Quark;up, down charm, top, down, strange and bottom
Anti-Quark;Anti-up, Anti-down Anti-charm, Anti-top, Anti-down, Anti-strange and Anti-bottom
Leptons; electron, muon, tau, electron neutrino, muon neutrino, tau neutrino.
Gauge; gluon, photon, z bson, W boson.
God particle; Higgs boson

Geometric landscape;
Form;solid, liquid, gas, plasma, darkmatter and dark energy
Parallels;1 dimension, 2 dimension, 3 dimension, 4 dimension, 5, dimension.
Geometry; line, plane, sphere, time, alternate realities, time travel.
Distance; width, widthxlength, widthxlengthxheight, wxlxhxd, wxlxhxdxt

The smell of conspiracy, when I smelled Harper.


Is Harper, a United States puppet? Do we empathize for the United States and their cluster mess of an economy soon to be in a depression? Do we rely on our United States brothers for protection? Or is it a plague of corruption growing from the core of Bank of America. The United States the nation of a lot of ignorant conservative Christians and puppet Liberals will do what it takes to make this abomination of a new man made organized capitalist Christ reduce our country to ruin.

I for one want to see Canada prosper instead of suffer, The States ego high upon a platform needs to learn humbleness. It’s expenditures all into military and technology when it really needs to focus on it’s economy, food and water. Manipulating the only resource they can get and that is through war. It is funny how their creation ISIS was their own instrument of war to gain revenue. Their sights happens to be all on oil money apparently. They’re so afraid of losing the race to be number one they are willing to cast in their soul to stay that way.

There were water problems and floods with Devil’s lake in the United States. They want to redirect the floodwater into the Sheyenne River, then the Red River and, ultimately, into Lake Winnipeg. Manitoba had argued pollution and harmful foreign species would be introduced into Canadian waterways from Devils Lake. Its been a couple years now, apparently Canada agreed to another shady push for something under the radar.

Alberta politicians offered to export power to the United States using excess electricity generated by oil sands facilities. The new interconnected bills (19, 36 and 50) enabled all at the same time says we’re in a lot of trouble. Keith Wilson, a St. Albert lawyer who has attacked draconian legislation supporting the transmission upgrades. They lied about what they were doing with transmission upgrades. SNC Lavalin profits will bankrupt industry and ratepayers alike it will come with no cost effective. Many business leaders consider the mega-transmission upgrade a dangerous threat to the economy and the future of the province.

Unless that is USA is just preparing for it’s depression, but this is a democracy shouldn’t you ask the people for permission? They have a right to know. They’re the one suffering the weight of this. Maybe The Devil’s Lake contaminating the Winnipeg Lake, as bad as it sounds isn’t so bad. Maybe the new excess electricity to relieve the states suffering during it’s coming depression is a plan they saw ahead. I for one would be ashamed to be Christian right now. I’m Ashamed for voting conservative at one point and for those who call themselves American. Is this really what the world needs? Men who are straight white, homophobic, xenophobic, male, dominant men? I’m disgusted.

I’m not sure what you’re up to Harper, but I hope it’s for the good of society and not just a god given agenda by Israel. Israel needs to open up their hearts and gifts so that mankind can evolve. They need to give the gift of knowledge as teachers and enforcers like Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh believes. Love, Understanding and Compassion, is my motto but the truth should be for change out of the heart of men as a collective. It’s not your journey, it’s our’s as a people. Truth, in actuality is that Israel is stuck in a war it cannot win. It is using the USA military and even with the poor reputation The USA will gain to cover it up by saying it’s for oil which is just a side goal, they plan to take advantage of the Canadian economy to break their fall into their depression which is inevitable. Canada is pulled in to a whole bunch of schemes (like bill 19, 36 and 50)  to legitimize the trading of unlimited potable water and energy on Canadian backs. This bill C51 is now used to control information and how it gets out. To ruin your day, it’s a police state that is law now. That is until it is thrown out. I’m afraid for our democracy and where this is leading. The take down of truth in this world is another let down, which is why I don’t trust it. It’s owned by corporations and corporations buy people’s silence.

The Jewish Pharisees betrayed Christ and sold him out. Judas was just an instrument. The Romans killed Christ because they were paid to. This world is full of deception built on greed, power and ego. Trust in the human heart to do the right thing, at the moment of realization when reality hits that is when you judge a man for his deeds. And every step that The States has taken towards legitimizing this holy war against Islam is a step backwards in time. These are all agendas and plots that need to be dropped. Why does Israel feel the need to hide their colors? Why don’t they teach the truth of the Kabballah like they were meant to? Every step Israel has taken is one of secrecy and we’re all left in darkness. Their authority in some hierarchy on Earth is all they’re interested in, not the well being and future of the world.  Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh wants you to know he can take away what he has given. If we don’t all learn to live together, unite as a collective and distribute equal rights to all human beings. Exercise peace, consciousness and justice. Eliminate hatred, transphobia, homophobia, female inequality and understand that we only have one life to live and share then we are at a lost.

The dream told me. “God was split in two, and god hated the white people.” (I wonder why.)  He also said “Can you protect the one you love?”.

Truth in Actuality you would say. Indeed.

I’m afraid this is a deep rooted manipulation through power and corporations. Anyone who can do research is capable of finding the truth. Lets just hope this isn’t an ill omen for the times coming.

some reference:


Dreams that foreshadow.


I’ve been having strange dreams recently. Though i admit my health isn’t perfect i’m actually a little scared of what this might mean for me. I have had 3 consecutive dreams in total that very subtly tell me clues about my future. I’ll tell you a comforting one before all this. The dream was with my mother by a lake, and it said “i will be married at 33”.

First dream: I heard a child and he told me “Grampa wake up.” But i couldn’t see the face and it was dark.

(As you know i’m no where close to being a grand parent. I’m 28 and don’t even have kids yet.)

Dream two: We were in a room it was some kind of banquet and there was singing. Some kind of choir going on with people singing along too. I felt something was terribly wrong, it was just a feeling. And then a boy pointed up, saying no words. As if i was being told that i was going somewhere, or maybe God wanted to say something.

Dream three: I was in my old house the original house (I was born into in Edmonton). I was being buried in soil and consciously watched this all happen . I crawled out of the soil to find out what had happened. I felt mael worms crawling all over my body and over my eyes. I was talking to my sister and she told me “You were going to get married but died.”

I don’t want it to be a self fulfilling prophecy so lets keep it short and sweet. I’ll keep this as a dream log but i won’t take it too seriousily because it’s just a dream. If i’m dead in 5 years you know what happened here.

True light; Motives of the most influential powers and their function in society.


An exploration of influential societies. These include the famous Illuminati, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller and Israelite.

The role of the purifier is used to purge evil, flaws and errors in a system. Pythagoras of Hellas is the body or father of the Illuminati. The New world order is the collective of minds.

The role of the builders is used to erect a system, network and structure implementing the paradigm to modern society. Solomon of Jerusalem is the father of the Knights Templar. The Free masons are the grand architects of the modern world.

The role of the protector is used to work against intolerance, injustice and corruption in society. Saint John of Acre is the father of Knights Hospitaller. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta are Guardians of the United Nations.

The role of the enforcer is used to establish freedom, empowerment and truth in society. Moses the prince of Egypt is the father of the Israelites. Judaism is the Kabbalah Teachers, teachers of true light.

Tree of Completion: Roots of Universe, Roots of Truth and Roots of God. Roots of Determined Fate

Truth is when all three reality, fact and actuality come together as a solution.

Truth Tree;

Truth Tree: Reality, Fact and Actuality. Paradigm.

Physical, Mental and Spiritual

People, Places and Things.

Book of Political Agenda; Purifier, Builders, Protector and Enforcer.

Purifier; Pythagoras of Hellas, Illuminati, and New World Order. Collective of minds.
Builders; Solomon of Jerusalem, Knights Templar, and Free Mason. Grand Architects.
Protector; Saint John of Acre, Knights Hospitaller, and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Guardians of United Nations.
Enforcer: Moses prince of Egypt, Israelite, and Judaism. Kabbalah Teachers.

God and Christ.The whole system is built on blood money.


The Christian Organized Religion was never made to be this way. Desensitized, ignorant and brainwashed Christians need to get unstuck in time. Lets break some walls down for you and show you the 101 of the benevolent love of God.

There’s an idea out there it was to condemn people from changing the book or add to it. Even if they did condemn it was still translated, warped and distorted. Books still came out that claimed to be part of the bible and to be supplementary reading. The Latter Day Saints, Baptist, Methodist, The Jehova Witness, 7th day Adventists, Fundamentalist, Trinitarian, Catholics, Evangelists.. all of them are the same. Built on blood money. Built on the murder of Christ. Workforce was slavery of Jews, backbone black cotton farmers and now blue collar servants. Don’t tell me it was for a greater purpose, you can tell Christ that hanging from a cross, pinned and crowned with barbed thorns and nails. No wonder he excommunicated the Jewish. You think he’d want to deal with rubbish, barbaric, stuck in time insane people like us? Christians are no better. Better Bowers has something to say to you, and it’s about her being the best Christian ever to tell it the way it is in comedy as a martyr. Forgetting about the lost years of Christ when he left to the Buddhist to learn about Buddha and enlightenment? Discrediting other religions for their contributions and work? Creating the deviant spawn of Christian America the ISIS right under our feet.

You are like mere children afraid of your own shadow. The fear of the devil will make one blind and unable to distinguish a Christ from a Demon. This bible breeds ignorance it’s a crutch we no longer need in this day in age. (Ignorant Christian Video) It makes me so angry that there are people out there educated but ignorant and cannot comprehend simple empathy, so biased that they cannot get over their moral soapbox ego. Their problem is lack of spirituality and being well read in many aspects, width, length and depth. Of course altitude, there’s so many directions to move and they live in a box 2 dimensional world of cartoons and comic book characters. You might as well be a clown. No wonder religion is on the decline. The only good thing that came out of the Bible was the gift of prayer, gift of redemption, gift of baptism and gift of atonement. The story of Moses freeing the slaves was great too. The rest is garbage. Don’t ever be proud to be christian, or find a proud christian at that. There are only certain aspects of the bible that are worth keeping.

It’s a testimonial of the Christian faith i get it. But it’s flawed, dirty and old. Time to buy a new vehicle. The one you want is running on H20 from the future, Drives 70 miles per hour but that’s all you need. Clean and efficient. Room for 4. It’s time to evolve. The beauty about ideas is for the most part it’ll cost you nothing to change. Your years of burning coals and plants in that old relic car is over. It’s spitting tar and makes so much noise and pollution it’s not worth it. You even got God’s original name wrong YHWH is not Jehovah. Its also not YahWeh, no one does their research? God has two names, formal and personal. YHWH is formal. Ehyah Asher Ehyah is his personal name. I know my work and research has been to be compassionate, loving and understanding. But i needed to make my case.

We’re going to go after the roots of all this God business. So here is some new vocab: Ein Sof is the universal tree of life that brought the universe and God into this world. Also known as the universal mother, something else had to exist before God did. Panentheism; a belief that the divine is the idea of many gods, all gods, single God or any other animated cosmic force interpenetrates every part of the universe and extends timelessly beyond it. Panentheism maintains a distinction between the divine and non-divine and the significance of both.

Completion: Universe, Truth and God. Determined Fate.

Universe: Physical, Mental and Spiritual. Benevolence.

Truth: Reality, Fact and Actuality Paradigm.

God: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Omnibenevolent.

Determined Fate: empowerment, enlightenment, inspiration,  and romanticism.

Life is composed of 3 elements parallel to each other Universe, God and Truth. And one laterally being the ascended factor being Determined Fate which is what we should have in control. We now discuss The Physical Universe, we have Modern/Eternal Science which holds Physics, Biology and Psychology as the parallel elements and Study of the Soul as the laterally ascended. These trees break down further down into Physics; Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and String theory being the parallel elements and Quantum gravity the laterally ascended element.

These further break down to rules that The book relativity go by which are elements properties and attributes paralleled and Virtues an ascended lateral branch. Elements breaks further down to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Lighting, Molten lava. Ascended being Crystal. Properties; Surface, Weight, Density, Sturdiness, Conductivity, Healing properties. Divination is the ascended branch. Attributes; Constitution, Memory, Maintenance, Process, Function. Life. And finally Prophecy is the laterally ascended element.

Same would apply for the next The book of force would would be Substance, Motion and Acceleration. Ascended value Gravity. Substance would break down into Solid, Liquid and Gas. Ascended laterally would be Plasma. Motion would break down to 3 parallel elements Linear, Reciprocating and Rotating. Laterally ascending would be the Folding. Acceleration broken down to 3 parallel elements would be Thrust, Speed and Resistance. The laterally ascending would be (smell, sound and light)Barriers.

The next book is about Electromagnetism: The book plays with the three parallel Chapters, Electrostatics, Magneto-statics and Electrodynamics. Electrical networking is the laterally ascended factor. Electrostatics holds 3 parallel elements; Potential, Energy and Pressure. Which makes the laterally ascended factor Electricity. Magneto-statics breaks down to Size, Friction and Electric current. This makes Atmosphere as the ascended lateral factor. Finally Electrodynamics would break down into Electric, Velocity and Magnetic. Quantum Electrodynamics ascends laterally.

Paragraphs: Chapter 1 Relativity;

Mass: Elements, Properties and Attributes. Virtues.
Elements; Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Lightning, Molten lava. Crystal.
Properties; Surface, Weight, Density, Sturdiness, Conductivity, Healing properties. Divination.
Attributes; Constitution, Memory, Maintenance, Process, Function. Life. Prophecy.

Force: Substance, Motion and Acceleration. Gravity
Substance: Solid, Liquid and Gas. Plasma
Motion: Linear, Reciprocating and rotating. Folding
Acceleration: Thrust, Speed and Resistance. (smell, sound, light) Barriers.

Electromagnetism: Electrostatics, Magneto-statics, and Electrodynamics. Electrical networking.
Electrostatics; Potential, Energy and Pressure. Electricity
Magneto-statics; Size, Friction and Electric current. Atmosphere.
Electrodynamics; Electric, Velocity and Magnetic. Quantum Electrodynamics.

The only tree that is complete is the Tree of Determined Fate. Truth and God have had some progress but still I’m working on them. The renderings and 3D models are coming really slowly as I test what works and what does not. Please do message me with any concerns.

Ein Sof; Tree of Life. Mapping of Modern Sciences, Alchemy Sciences and Divine Sciences.


Ein Sof; is the divine origin of all created existence, in contrast to the Ein (or Ayn), which is infinite nothingness. It was first used by Azriel ben Menahem, who, sharing the Neoplatonic view that God can have no desire, thought, word, or action, emphasized by it the negation of any attribute.

Before there was a god, there was a tree; And it nurtured the universe, gave shade, shelter and gave the manifestation of god in the form of light. Borning God and all his forms physical, mental and spiritual. His Soul.  The Tree is known as Ein Sof “The Endless One” or “Infinity”.

The source of all life; Though this does not contain answers you face in this world. The answer is what is deep unconscious within you, your relation with god, your world and your truths. Absent or not. You are merely an extension or a vessel for god to see through. Your life is his and the experience you gain is your happiness as well as his.

Ein Sof (Tree of Life, Universal Mother, Panentheism. Oversoul Logos.)

Universe, God, Truth and Determine Fate.

Universe; Garden of Eden, The Big Bang, Virtual Simulation . Always Existed

The Big Bang; Eternal science, Ambiguous science, Celestial science and Alchemic science

Eternal science is the science of life and death. The modern science we understand today:

Physics; Relativity, Quantum mechanics and String theory. Quantum gravity.

Biology; Genetic, Physiological and Systemic. Evolutionary. 

Psychology; Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Extential-humanistic.

Study of Soul; Transcendence, Ascendance, and Inter-dimensional transcendence. Consciousness Ascendance. 

Ambiguity science happens to be the field of study for Virtues and it’s affects. Actually a good example of that is what we are doing right here.

Ambiguity science; 3d dimensional mapping, Information values implementing and Animation/Rendering. Information Delivering and Processing.

Divine science. I have not had the pleasure of exploring fully but i’m sure the technology in heaven should surely be more advanced. Any idea here for Divine Science is guesswork and vaguely general.

Divine Science; Ceremony, Miracles and Summoning. Embodiment.

Ceremony; Elemental cores, Healing Rites, Mixture of Holy Writs/Callings. Sacrifice of Holy body to degenerate to lower form.

Miracles;  Celestial Interpretation of Stars, Inscribing/Enchanting and Formation. Prophesying.

Summoning; Identifying spirit, Calling forward, and Opening Dimensional Gateways. Materialization into reality.

Embodiment; Picking Host, Protect Host and Inspiriting Host. Embody Host.

Alchemic: Is the ascended element of this triangle and is the gateway between all three sciences that bring heaven onto Earth.

Science of Alchemy; Religion, Magic and Mythology. Spirituality.

Religion; Imbued stones/crystals/blood, Practice/Chants/Hymns, and Ritual. Spirit/Jinn Summon.

Magic; Elemental, Astronomy Alignment and Astrology Spheres. Elemental Manifestation.

Mythology; Ideology Summoning, Mythological Summoning, Divination Summoning. Celestial Manifestation.

Spiritual/Elemental Summoning; Sanctuary(Health), Remote viewing/Astral projection, Elemental Manipulation. Creation of Crude Temporary Life.

The divine origin of all created existence is in Panentheism (All in One) and that the source is Ein Sof the Tree of life or Mother of the Universe.

Ein Sof the; Tree of Life, Universal Mother, Panentheism. Oversoul Logos.

Picture reference: Noah Bradly

The Truth Tree

images (1)

Tree of Completion: Roots of Universe, Roots of Truth and Roots of God. Roots of Determined Fate

Truth is when all three reality, fact and actuality come together as a solution.

Truth Tree;

Truth Tree: Reality, Fact and Actuality. Paradigm.

Physical, Mental and Spiritual

People, Places and Things.

Body of Truth: Body, Mind and Soul. Harmonized.

Body: God, Annunaki and Naacals. Future human beings.

Mind: Purposeful creation, Combination and Adapting evolution. Resolved realization.

Soul: Distribute,  Expand and Communicate. Comprehend.

Mind of Truth: Product, Function and System. Parallel.

Product: Shadow, Body and Light. Realms of realities.

Function: Ego, Soul and Extensions of God. God.

System: Sigma, Reaganomics and Attraction. Actualization.

Spirit of Truth: Space, Time and Dimension. Attuned.



Dimension: I WILL BE THAT, I WILL. FUTURE עתיד

Soul of Truth: I was, I am and I will be. Synchronized.

I was: Identifying problems, Changing and Spiritual Elevation. Contemplating.

I am: Processing, Adapting and Transitioning. Cocooning.

I will be: Affirming, Praying/Meditating and Transforming. Metamorphosing.

We need more “Dreamers”. Distinguishing religious types into categories; The tree of God.


In this life we need more dreamers, the only way we truly fail is by giving up. The course is still undefined until we realize the reality that is fate. Fate is only defined as a product of all our work and contributions. We need to feed our positive ambitions, dreams and world instead of feeding our ego, pride and vanity. There are worlds out there and they are afraid of us because we are ignorant, xenophobic, homophobic, that we act out of fear to preserve ourselves that our animal selves will overcome us. We are barbaric with medieval fear instilled in us never to grow, never to experience what freedom is. Listening to these robots who have no authority over us that it’s tradition that it’s the way that’s it’s always been. We make the rules now, the only way we are going to grow to become more is if the old structure falls and the new one rises. And we don’t need the apocalypse to tell us the direction is wrong, we just need time for people to realize that maybe what they believe in isn’t completely true. That they are missing a piece of the puzzle.

When we start feeling the vibes of truth, god and the universe – the dimension of fate is open for us to control. Our salvation to getting out of this hell hole we were never meant to sit in. This frequency has been wrong from the start we were made for much more then this but have fallen so very far from what we are suppose to be. We can only build up brick by brick to bring our state of consciousness back to optimum values beyond this reality. If we destroy ourselves in the process we will be back to step one which is laying the first brick again. If we decide to build then one day we can have our castle – our island – our paradise and our world. We need to claim this world our own home once again.

The monotheists, christian’s will most likely kill their Christ again. They will not know the difference between the devil and the return of Christ in the end. But i believe if they have heart they will first ridicule him, then violently reject him and than embrace him. This all depends on how far the rejection process goes and if no man actually goes to take matters into his own hands. As for Atheists they will recognize a miracle when it happens before their eyes they are just longing for a touch of divinity in their life as much as any normal person. And for the Polytheist already know that the only way to a better world is to follow the best model paradigm of living for their life style. They will follow if it is required for them to follow and the ideal promises them a world more then what they have.


Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. Omnibenevolent.

Omnipotent: Human, Angel and Demigod. Personal God.


Human beings o/o/o/o:

Monotheist, Atheist and Polytheist. Deists

Monotheist; Islamic, Judaism and Christian. Spirituality and prophets.

Traditional, Changing or Extremists, Moralists.

Atheist; Gnostic, Implicit  and Agnostic. Enhanced beings

Aggressive, Lacking or Passive. Statistical Consensus

Polytheist; Roman, Greek and Hinduism. Budhism

Imposing, Conformists and Neutral. “New age methodology and psychics”

Deists; Conservative, Liberal or Rebellious. Strategic

Economic, Religious and Political. Prophecy of Heart and logic.

(Picture reference: Deviant art by Jcbarquet)

3D rendering of Eternity; Life and Death. (more refined, rendered but still unhappy about legibility)


3D Renderings of Univeral Fate Tree. Poetry and mapping Gif images.

Rendering the project was the hardest part, finding the right site to convert my movies into gif files was another task. This is the product of 2 days work. The quality wasn’t that great but hopefully it gives you an idea of what I’m trying to do.

I have rendered the Fate Tree; Books (Eternity, Ambiguity, Divinity, Infinity and Synchronicity) into 3 dimensional .gif Files. I did the 3d diagrams on Autodesk inventor and converted them to low sized .gif files.

Eternity; Life and Death


Ambiguity; Ethos Synthesis


Divinity; Trilogy for Three Worlds




Infinity; Hero’s Word


Synchronicity; Consensus
