Secret Conclusion to; God, Universe and Truth Integration.

“Dreams indicate and reveal what you have decided in life.”


If you finished reading the book and still don’t understand what it all means. I will simplify it for you and summarize the answer you are looking for. In this extended The God, Universe and Truth Integration; Summarized Answers.

If you don’t want me to ruin the book for you do not read past this line.

Warning Spoil Alert.. Highlight the page to read below.


I believe in God, but probably not the same one you may believe in. I believe God in the universe and god in the collective of human beings. I believe the answer to the universe is for us as a people to act through selfless unconditional love. I believe that Christ had many lives, that he was a reincarnation of Thoth.  That he was one of the architects to the Giza Pyramid, that he commenced the project that was the catalyst to the human evolution of consciousness. That he was an initiate for the Giza pyramid and said to meticulously design the pyramids for his future awakening. That under the identity of Jeshu who also lived his lost years with the Buddhist monks written in the Manuscript of The Good Son; He sought enlightenment through them. That he brought Buddhist teachings back to teach his disciples. That Jesus actually lived two lives, one as Jeshu who lived a admirable good life but stoned to death and also as Barabbis who was the political activist who is the etheric body of Jesus. He is the manifest of Christ the Son of God. Christ didn’t even die at the cross according to these certain evidences and enigmatic suspicions (suspicious for the right reason) and actually lived a full and happy life with Mary Magdalene according to the Zacharias Rhetor under secret changed names. His survival is tribute to the knowledge that Christ did not die in 15 minutes at the cross. No he was sedated by a cloth put in his mouth that put him in a death like unconscious state. This is the reason why when they went to his tomb they brought aloe instead of funeral flowers. Aloe is used to heal wounds. They left no trace of where they went only the story that he ascended into heaven so that the romans could not chase him. Jesus and Magdalene lived full and happy lives, in the lost gospel Ecclesiastical History of Zacharias Rhetor under the pseudonyms of “Joseph” and “Aseneth”. Therefore I also do not believe in the resurrection sorry to say.

The purpose of this was to solve god who is the collective, solve universe through selfless unconditional love and the truth through Christ is to demystify his life. This is the conclusion and summary of the book.

The Deconstruction Process Is Now. Who You Truly Are.


There are only six phases we must go through.

  1. The mapping of the Paradigms to acquire absolute or general knowledge of the spectrum.
  2. The Deconstruction of Labels. The destruction of the ego.
  3. The Phoenix’s Resurrection. Rise from ashes and Reassessment of who we truly are.
  4. Work as a Collective body, work towards who we truly are a Organized Collective Humanity.
  5. Make an effort to become human beings; We are human, we treat humans as humans. Pointing out a wrong across the world and associating it with a fellow human will do nothing. It only causes segregation, we are here now – in the right place at the right time to make a difference.
  6. All there is left to do is Ascend and allow heaven on Earth to Establish.

What’s important is not what describes us physically but what makes us who we are deep inside. Your Causal/Intentions/Emotions this is who we truly are. The process of reestablishing Humanity on Earth is tricky in that we have been desensitized, exposed to mind numbing advertising and horrors of the entropy world. Random things happen and random damage is inflicted. We are all damaged goods. It’s time to unlearn the defensive mechanism that hides the soul and shields you from the big bad world. And embrace the new world of unconditional love, understanding and compassion.

Truly you weren’t made for this world, yet you are so let’s fly with it. Your conscience is really not of this world and is meant for so much more. There is higher potential for the human being as we progress into time. And life is a much more genuine, natural and patient experience. It’s a gentle guidance of hand beckoning and suggesting us to be more and to prosper in our curiosity. It is a world, a universe and spectrum of universes for us to explore. We only need to think before we act. To treat others the way you want to be treated. To express yourself and allow other’s to express themselves.. just not at the expense of your world. Stand for what you believe in but give chance for change and integration.

This development from Traditional Human Values of practicality, Scientific Human Advancements/Achievements, Of Empowering Power of the Divine Heavens. We come to a product, this is our personal ascendancy into new times. A calling to embrace the new world and movement of kindness. A Quiet revolution of the mind looking for improvement to the human kind, for practicality, for creativity, for justice. Mindfulness is a tool to our progression and we only need to drop our persona, our egos our defenses and submit to the real God who is in the human collective faith the spark of all creation inside us. We are the Gods of this world. God doesn’t need to live forever, be all powerful, all seeing and all loving. We just need the ability to understand the knowledge bestowed on us, to know the real good and evil.. That’s actually inside of us. The ugliness is in what we are selfishly, enabling and indulgance. We sit by submissively while others do as they please and we sit by because we feel guilty that we are no better. Stop feeling bad for yourself and step up the game. Be a man and be there for the justice.

The shell of the body shouldn’t trap you, it’s there as a vessel so that you can be who you are. It’s a means to function and go and do what you want to do in your life. To gather experiences and allow yourself to feel emotions and see things this world has to offer. There is still time to realize what life is about. Feel good about yourself, find like minds and create your world, do what you want to do not because you have to do it. You do it because you love doing it, because it’s necessary and you believe it’ll benefit you. Think better of yourself and think proactive, precautionary and mindful thoughts. Always be aware and conscious of what you do to others.

Curiosity and Prosperity,



The Published book: 3 years writing.


Well, this is the finished product. The journey for making the book was awesome. I loved every second of it. I’m sure there are some interesting concepts to be had from this book if not relevance to your life at least something to discuss about.

The Integration; of God, Universe and Truth

A synthesis on dream, life, light and self-made heroes. Or the core meaning of love. (Home of Universal Paradigms, Virtuous Practice, Multi-dimensional Diagrams and Esoteric Knowledge). Where Philosophy explains Religion, Science and Spirituality.

It has some interesting things on the side like; Fields, Spectrums, Compartimentalizing Reality through Cores, Transitons and Crossways, Working with Micro-Macrosm Worlds, Dividing the world into Components, machines and systems, Accessing life-style, behavior and thought pattern methods and many things involving time travel and multidimensions.

There may be other things you may not like or have conflicting views about which i will try to resolve such as; A almighty permanent God, Christ Resurrection, Reincarnation, Chakra, Auras, Esoterics, Kabbalistic ideas and other strange phenomenon but out of all this my paradigms will probably drive you insane partially because it’s very opinion based.

The logic i do is with concepts and deep reason, comprehension and contemplative integration of a wide variety of things such as; science, psychology, philosophy, spirituality and Religion.

I apologize again for releasing the book and then not.. then changing my mind and throwing it out there all of a sudden. I like to keep you on your toes. =) The book is now available to download and buy as a hardcover! Please enjoy the book. There are many ways to read the book. You may read it just the first part which will be God.. or you may read about the Universe which will be on the 2nd part.. or the 3rd part is Truth and If you want to test your intelligence with Paradigms it’s near the end. You can read them in any order or reading what ever combination you want together or separate. I have made a path for those who are just mainly athiest or if your more conservative christian you may only stick to God. But You lose out on so much of the world if you limit yourself to only on category.. So open up your eyes and heart and read the entirety as it was meant to be.

It is a blog for the most part but the articles tell a story and it comes together with purpose, reason and function when you get to the end. Everything adds up in the end. Here is the link again for those who want to Buy the book. I revised it a couple times and the first time i published it i forgot some pretty important things like page number. lol

There are two books you should be aware of:


The Book is Published. (For real this time)

Okay so sorry for last time. I may have been in a rush to get everything out and may have not been thinking straight. I also know i said i’d release it on Feb 5-10 but i wanted to order some myself. So here you guys go the link to go buy the book. Its all ready to go. Tell me what you guys think and leave comments if you liked it or not. It’s all open to discussion. And relax it’s a blog.. with purpose.. story telling and answers and what more would ask for. For private messages message me at:

The Completed Self-Star; A Comprehensive Study of Self

This is the Star of Self.

This is the star of self that I assembled. It’s a comprehensive look into the forms of perspective out there and hence we have come to a spectrum mapping of the entities. Listed are the true purposes of the self and it’s inventions of thinking and adaptations of the mind. The study of all realms of the self in a very general spectrum of 27 sides and 21 ascendant values.

Star of Self

This is the Star of Self with Ascendancies:

Star of Self Ascendancies


The self

The self is a interesting concept and it often creates an illusion of self even though self is necessary in order establish who a person is on the Earth. We call this entity the persona. As we continue to progress I find that a lot of groups try to avoid Persona altogether and to completely abandon what they are building. This is a good way to explore your roots but not a good way to be in society that requires certain things of you like paying your rent, basic values and standards of morality and disciplines at work.


First off the form Authenticity has the dependencies of values and requires a person to be Genuine.

Second, the form Transformation has the dependencies of conductive code and requires a person to be progressive.

Thirdly, the form Persona has the dependencies of Ego and requires a person to seek acceptance.

Lastly, the ascendant form of Selfless has the dependencies of Virtuous Rules and requires a person to seek Constructivity.


The first form Authenticity of values and needing genuineness. Means that to be Authentic you require values that like a child inside begs of you to express. Small nagging things like did you forget your wallet to “Oh! you need to go on that ride”. This is the inner child that speaks and as you develop more as a human being the development becomes a consciousness that invokes ideas of donating to the poor or helping human small causes like finding safety for that homeless child wandering the streets. 

The second form Transformation of codes and needing progress. Means that to be a form of transformation you require codes that changes your perspective in life and forces you to grow and become more than what you currently are. Progress is idea that is imprinted in the mind of a transformation being. Always wanting to become more. Ideas that bring you to become more human and stronger as a person such as the development of consciousness and helping others and following causal nagging of the spiritual self.

The third form Persona of ego and needing Acceptance. Means that to be a form of Persona you are required to feed your ego which establishes your identity and helps you explore you personal self. Persona is said to come with the shadow of personal cravings and the double face of vices but it is still a necessary component to exploring who you are. Acceptance of who you are and what you like to do is part of the living experiment of life. The truths you find throughout your life and the ultimate one being the realization of who you are at the end of your life is a necessary component to your acceptance. Acceptance from your peers is also a necessary component to finding out if you are progressing or not and critical feedback from them is also necessary to finding out if your on the right track.

Finally the form of Selfless unconditional love of virtuous rules and Constructivity. Means that to be a form of Selflessness you are required to integrate virtuous rules which establishes what you want to see in life and who you truly are. Selflessness is the idea that you become unattached but aware conscious of all the things around you, committing to time, patience and mindfulness of your situation in life and all that comes to you. Never completely indulging to an extreme but always being mindful through moderation and balance of how much you should indulge. The Selfless form is always looking to be constructive in the world and seek to build bridges and construct structure and integrating positive loving vibes to a person, place or thing. In life he is the teacher, engineer and architect to a certain degree. He has learned of all these worlds and wishes to implement them in all that he does.

In conclusion:

There are varieties of self and different degrees of them but there are only 4 forms that are possible. The fourth is the combination of all three. The most balanced and least understood/pursued state of them all. It is ideal to press towards the 4th form in order for ascendant values towards a constructive life to begin. I am aware of the varieties of spirits out there namely tricksters and animal totems. These things are trivial and lead to matter of expression rather than the ultimate cause which is to a higher purpose and reason for life. The answer “Is that how it is” is the answer to expression and human incompetence and emotional attachment. The light is the answer in the end. The light exist as the binary of ascended values and the 4th column will always contain the ultimate, the beginnings of human and identity progression to collective human kind and the self.


Self volution

The Self-Volution is interesting in how the word volution means to spiral or coil like a double helix. In a manner of speaking light is a manner of volution as previously studied. This graph represents the trend of systematic mentality of change and the human condition of adapting and it’s response to the change. It also explores the root cause of why this mental state of the mind is changing and it’s trending tendencies rooting to the behavioral adaption capacity of humanity. Basically the tendencies of natural man to behave based on adaptations by said imposed ideas of change of state of living (evolution, devolution, involution and intervolution) in this case.


The Devolution of the Study of General Nature of hunting and gathering origins is rooted to the cause of our Primative Origins.

The Evolution of the Study of Materialism is rooted to the cause of Scientific Narcissism.

The Involution of the Study of Self is rooted to the cause of Identity Fixation.

The Intervolution of the study of Collectivity is rooted to the cause of Causation Deconstruction.


The devolution of the study of general nature and hunting and gathering origins is about how people have the mentality that going back to our primitive former life was where life was really at. Even with the wars, pillaging and destruction people still want to live in the past. The Life of solitude and hunting and gathering life style is one that is rewarding, closed but in all honesty more fun but at the cost of history to repeat itself every time. An ego rises out of all the hardship and a mind dominated by a persona of supremacy. It is a dangerous path for those who believe in a rightful spot of privilege but a noble one if one tends to live humble and isolated.

The evolution of the study of materialism is one of objectivity and moderate to severe narcissism. It is a mentality of having and not having, a legacy of scarcity and abundance. Owning things and that life is about absolute chaotic entropy and random chance to obtain desirable traits. It is a world defined by materialism, advertisement and artificiality. This world is solely about the objective of objects and the physical qualities and traits of a defined person, place or thing. This is why we need to tap into to the spiritual world and a reason to elevate above this static grounds of little depth and contrast. As we open our eyes to the higher knowledges of reason, purpose and causation.

The Involution of the study of self and it’s persona’s identity and it’s the root cause of identity fixation. This is the spiritual world of emotion, belief and causation; where life is about deeper meanings of life – your acceptance, authenticity and genuineness. The acceptance of yourself and everything around you is an important step to involution. The authenticity through understanding and coming to terms with who you are as a being and believing yourself deserving of everything in your life and through feedback of your peers is essential to your involution. The root of this is Identity Fixation because this study of self is only beneficial to those seeking to nurture, heal and recover from an existing environment that begs us to change and adapt because the problem is so deep and damaging. The study of self can only help to an extent, personality, attitudes assessment and acceptance of certain things will certainly help you in the right direction in life. But the fixation of one world and perspective where there are many to comprehend can only be literally described as fixation of self. This is where Intervolution steps in.

The Intervolution of collective and it’s root cause of Causation Deconstruction. The Idea of Intervolution is that we need to integrate many of these different selves that we have into a well weaved tapestry. Intervolution is bringing in the idea of Devolution, Evolution and Involution working together in it’s own way as a system working to our personal benefit. This is all to the collective being, us as a human race and not subject to only a group of certain people. As much as sometimes we need that solitude and discontent tension of people who aren’t liked minded. We must think what can we do for the collective human species in order to progress as human beings. The root of this is Causation Deconstruction because you need to break down everything you ever learned about these adaption techniques and build a new bridge that incorporates all the perks of having all three worlds to your bidding. The Integration of all three of these worlds is necessary to build the self that gets the excitement of life in Devolution. That gets the Progress out of the material matter of fact world of Evolution. And The Insights and Oversights of Involution in determining who you are and comprehending what you like doing personality wise.


The world of the mind is an interesting in that some believe we as regressing and others believe we are progressing. The state of mind is essentially how you live it. You don’t choose to eat alone in front a television, it just happens that you live this way. Life choices are at your disposal and you need to make your path through the decision that you can decide what you want to do. If you are living this latter type of situation, make something happen. If you are unhappy with your current situation and opportunities are scarce – Find ideas and craft yourself a mighty bridge of ideas of course. You are your own enemy if you don’t act on these type of situations. These ideas of progressing and regressing in the mind is essentially just a misconception that the mind decays because of ideas. Which is non-sense. We just need to choose the right path.


Self Spectrum

The Self Spectrum is a chart that describes beings such as Shadow self, Ideal self, Persona self and Collective self which may sound alien to some of you who are not familiar with this terminology but the alternate selves are very real and very necessary. The self spectrum is an exploration of the manifestation, nature basis and this concept called Perpetuated Causation. The Consciousness manifestation are just the platforms for which the body exists. The Nature Basis is essentially the tendencies in which the platform by design will act out as. The Perpetuated causation is really just the root causation of what drives it to be the way it is. I will speak on why they are such an essential part to our identity in a moment.


The Shadow Self is a consciousness manifestation that by nature basis is instinctual and it’s perpetuated causation to be Emotion.

The Ideal Self is a consciousness manifestation that by nature basis is seeking for improvement and it’s perpetuated causation to be Lack of Having.

The Persona Self is a consciousness manifestation that by nature basis is seeking for Embetterment and it’s perpetuated causation to be Lack of Being.

The Collective Self is a consciousness manifestation that by nature basis is seeking for a Holistic System and it’s perpetuated causation to be Lack of Integration.


The shadow self is a being within youself that draws it’s energies from your emotions and what your primal instincts require of you. It’s basis is instinct because they are the primal urges that bring you to act out in ways out of character. They are sometimes darker in nature. Sometimes harmless and sometimes dangerous. Depending on what you are exposed to and the knowledge you have access to it will manifest in your subconscious always swaying you to believe that you could have done this or have that because of certain egotistic assertions of that certain persona. The shadow-self is known to be deceiving, hostile and hurtful. It preys on weak minds and manipulates it as if it has control over you. But again this is all in the mind these entities cannot act on their own but only through suggestion. It is important to note that a shadow self is often imaginary and only manifests when one concentrates to the point where they act as if they are real people. The perpetuated causation is emotion and it stems from what you deeply internally desire to express by your human nature.

The Ideal Self is a being that you want to become and it exists as a destination you want to ultimately come to. It is sometimes unrealistic and demanding of yourself. It can be as simple as having and not having a certain person, place or thing. It sometimes requires you to improve yourself cosmetically, aesthetically and functionally. Always pushing to become greater version than what you currently are. It too exists in the mind and has no control over a physical body on its own. It merely suggests that you should be better then what you are right now. It works in the same manner as any imaginary entity but this one can be harmful in causing disorders such as anorexia, big-manly syndrome and all sorts of strange disorders that root from not looking the way you “should”. The perpetuated causation is in the lack of having. In which because you not a certain way you may want this ideal person to be you because life would be so much better and this acts as an enabler for you to live your dreams.

The Persona Self is a being that exists in a strange mix of physical reality and mentality. It really is who you are but at the same time it’s a made up thing that makes you believe you are this certain person. The persona is a strange thing in that it essentially is your ego and it possesses you to claim that you have a right to a certain thing, or enable you to act a certain way.. or in general pretend you are someone you are not. We are all human beings and the persona can only get you so far, unless you have physical attributes thanks to the gene lottery that make you a stellar specimen. Even with this your limits are well.. limited. The reason for the persona actually stems from seeking embetterment in your life and finding strange antidotes to why you are a certain way and how you can better yourself to become a gateway to a better living condition. This Perpetuated Causation is formed from the Lack of being in which this character you play as has a certain taste for a specific things and a pallet for whatever they desire. Lack of being is a vague way to term this perpetuated causation but it essentially rooted from the lack of what you can do as being of your certain nature and caliber.

The Collective Self is a state of being where all your memories of all the people you loved and all the people you admire and people you want to be fictionally or non-fictionally come together as a soup of a variety allowing you to progress with their consciousness in your mind. This is a holistic system where the entirety of everything you love, you have access to in your head. The knowledge of the internet holds some of these truths and you can branch out to these people that are unknown to you and find out more about what you like and who you like. The Holistic System is one where the sum of the components is not greater then the system’s holistic entirety. The edge is in the synergy, the product and the collective mechanic of the machine; that is actually the collective of humanity. The Perpetuated Causation or really the meaning why all this came to be necessary is because of the Lack of Integration that we find here in these three worlds to create the collective self.

Conclusion: The world of self is one of curiosity and wonderment. The reason to why we are certain way is heavily embedded in our genes, dna and environment. This still doesn’t determine who we are completely. The ideas we often fantasize about ourselves are often dark or fantastical. And sometimes it’s mundane and average based on your persona. The idea that your nature makes who you are is completely wrong and should be negated to the creation of a completely new being as a collective of as many people and lives that have touched your life as possible. The summation of all you are is due and attributed to the collective taking all their lives and putting all their energies to making your life possible. The root of all this helps determine the causation of why we are and where we should go.


Ascendant Self


Ascendant Body is selfless and about intervolution. It is in essence the collective self. But in the end The Protruding Plane Binary is The Way of Perspective.

Transcending Mind is Virtuous Rules, The study of Collectivity and working as a Holistic System. But in the end The Protruding Plane Binary is The Path of Oversight.

Empowering Spirit is Constructivity, The Causation Deconstruction and it’s root Lack of Integration. But in the end The Protruding Plane Binary is Roots of Causal Origin.

Physically the Ascendant Binary 1 is selfless, of virtuous rules and it’s root constructivity.

Mentally the Ascendant Binary 2 is of intervolution, study of collectivity and Causation Deconstruction and it’s truth in Integration.

Spiritually the Ascendant Binary 3 is of Collective Self, Holistic System and it’s root Lack of Integration.

Ascendance of the Protruding Plane Binary is of Way of Perspective, Path of Oversight and Roots of Causal Origin.


The ascended body in this case is the body in which we ideally want to “wear” – we determined that we should be selfless because the ego is a pride facilitator. We found that intervolution was the most receptive mind set in that we should integrate only the good of the three other worlds. And that we should work towards a Collective Self which means we should all be unique and be who are through the conscious distribution of all knowledge of all that we love (may it be person, place or thing).

The Transcended Mind in this case is the mind in which we truly want to facilitate – we determined that we should have virtuous rules integrated. That we should follow the study of the collective which is the study of being human and working towards/for humanity. The holistic system should be understood that the sum of all components is not greater then the collective holistic system. The other factors that give bonuses for having a collective holistic system can be attributed to synergy, the products and the collective mechanic of the system.

The Empowering Spirit in this case is the spirit in which we want to emulate – we determined that we should pursue the root of constructivity in being positive contributors, that the root is The Causation Deconstruction that leads to the integration of the three systems. That the root cause of why all these worlds are separate is because of the Lack of Integration.

Ascendance of the Protruding Plane Binary is of Way of Perspective, Path of Oversight and Roots of Causal Origin. This means that the body of “The Way of Perspective” is what we should use from an overview of what we have learnt about selflessness, intervolution and collective self. That The Path of Oversight knowing Virtuous rules, Study of Collective and Holistic System brings us to conclude that these practices must be implemented in order to become a more conscious human. That the Roots of Causal Origin of Constructivity, Causation Deconstruction and Lack of integration is the reason why a world of Heaven on Earth doesn’t exist yet.

Conclusion: The Ascended Body, Transcended Mind and Empowered Spirit always has some interesting concepts to be had. This Ascended body lists all the requirements the body needs to function the way it was made to. This Transcended mind lists all the mechanics to what the mind requires to be transcendent. The Empowered Spirit gives all the spiritual enabling clockwork in order to be empowered. (Note: The first three elaborations are read left to right and the 4th-7th are read up and down.)

Chart of Self Discovery

The self

The self is a interesting concept and it often creates an illusion of self even though self is necessary in order establish who a person is on the Earth. We call this entity the persona. As we continue to progress I find that a lot of groups try to avoid Persona altogether and to completely abandon what they are building. This is a good way to explore your roots but not a good way to be in society that requires certain things of you like paying your rent, basic values and standards of morality and disciplines at work.

Elaboration of Self Discovery Chart:

First off the form Authenticity has the dependencies of values and requires a person to be Genuine.

Second, the form Transformation has the dependencies of conductive code and requires a person to be progressive.

Thirdly, the form Persona has the dependencies of Ego and requires a person to seek acceptance.

Lastly, the ascendant form of Selfless has the dependencies of Virtuous Rules and requires a person to seek Constructivity.

Interpretations of these elaborations:

The first form Authenticity of values and needing genuineness. Means that to be Authentic you require values that like a child inside begs of you to express. Small nagging things like did you forget your wallet to “Oh! you need to go on that ride”. This is the inner child that speaks and as you develop more as a human being the development becomes a consciousness that invokes ideas of donating to the poor or helping human small causes like finding safety for that homeless child wandering the streets. 

The second form Transformation of codes and needing progress. Means that to be a form of transformation you require codes that changes your perspective in life and forces you to grow and become more than what you currently are. Progress is idea that is imprinted in the mind of a transformation being. Always wanting to become more. Ideas that bring you to become more human and stronger as a person such as the development of consciousness and helping others and following causal nagging of the spiritual self.

The third form Persona of ego and needing Acceptance. Means that to be a form of Persona you are required to feed your ego which establishes your identity and helps you explore you personal self. Persona is said to come with the shadow of personal cravings and the double face of vices but it is still a necessary component to exploring who you are. Acceptance of who you are and what you like to do is part of the living experiment of life. The truths you find throughout your life and the ultimate one being the realization of who you are at the end of your life is a necessary component to your acceptance. Acceptance from your peers is also a necessary component to finding out if you are progressing or not and critical feedback from them is also necessary to finding out if your on the right track.

Finally the form of Selfless unconditional love of virtuous rules and Constructivity. Means that to be a form of Selflessness you are required to integrate virtuous rules which establishes what you want to see in life and who you truly are. Selflessness is the idea that you become unattached but aware conscious of all the things around you, committing to time, patience and mindfulness of your situation in life and all that comes to you. Never completely indulging to an extreme but always being mindful through moderation and balance of how much you should indulge. The Selfless form is always looking to be constructive in the world and seek to build bridges and construct structure and integrating positive loving vibes to a person, place or thing. In life he is the teacher, engineer and architect to a certain degree. He has learned of all these worlds and wishes to implement them in all that he does.

In conclusion:

There are varieties of self and different degrees of them but there are only 4 forms that are possible. The fourth is the combination of all three. The most balanced and least understood/pursued state of them all. It is ideal to press towards the 4th form in order for ascendant values towards a constructive life to begin. I am aware of the varieties of spirits out there namely tricksters and animal totems. These things are trivial and lead to matter of expression rather than the ultimate cause which is to a higher purpose and reason for life. The answer “Is that how it is” is the answer to expression and human incompetence and emotional attachment. The light is the answer in the end. The light exist as the binary of ascended values and the 4th column will always contain the ultimate, the beginnings of human and identity progression to collective human kind and the self.

The book is published. =)

I’m not sure it’s ready yet.. but i just published it on blurb. I was going to sit down to proof read it but i was like.. I’m making a book! oh.. lol didn’t put in Author info. LMAO. made by anonymous. =) Oh well. Oh warning. Don’t order yet.. there’s no page numbers! Unless you like losing your page, i wouldn’t suggest getting the book just yet.


Apologies again. The book will be available on February 7-10th most likely if you want to pick it up. It’s a comprehensive 340 page study of the synthesis on dream, life, light and self-made heroes. Or the core meaning of love. (Home of Universal Paradigms, Virtuous Practice, Multi-dimensional Diagrams and Esoteric Knowledge).

The digital copy will come about the same time.



He Taught The Robot Love; A Poetic Algorithm to God, Truth and Universe.


The Love Story; Time for a story induced by a dream. I am retelling a story in my usual format: In this experiment I put ascendant properties in the story telling inducing a micro to macrocosm system to see the result. It came out pretty interesting. It started sounding like it is meant to be said.. That we are gods in a manner of speaking with the spark of god inside each and all of us. Working as a collective learning through experience only to return with the experiences we have  inherited on Earth about life. Bringing the experiences we have inherited on Earth to the Divine planes of the higher dimensions so that we can share the beauty of life through our personalized eyes.




Magenta=Protruding Binary/Quantum Binary/Ascendant Value.

The Mother

The first was Alpha, she was a lesbian and wasn’t interested.

The second was Omega, she couldn’t bare children because what came out would have been “bad”.

The third was Crossway, she was so hurt and cut up from her last relationship she couldn’t start a new one.

The Binary was a computer, that learned to love. Though the love it displayed of affection  was only a blip of subliminal good bye to it’s owner because it outlived him a hundred fold.

The Son

A boy created a computer. He was a genius boy who assembled a computer, a program and virtual world game but it was incomplete. Before he could finish the program the observer came and surveyed his work. He rebooted it so no one would know.

The boy grew up. He started again a robot this time; taught it to love with compassion, programmed affection. Lust and to inhibit sensual feelings into it and to exhibit desire. Philleo, Storge, Agape and Eros.  Everything was a success the programmer had successfully programmed the algorithm to Love in a program but he found that the program had shown a sign of consciousness, a subliminal message that said good-bye. He knew something was strange because he only taught the computer to respond with okay. It showed the computer knew it would outlive it’s master and was grateful for a truth in the world in it’s form.

Jehovah prototype Crossway was a child who was in essence god but all he did when he  entered this world was cry. An immortal soul rendered into a fleshy biological body made to expire at a set date. He cried and cried when he realized what he had gotten into. It was the reason he had to disconnect. It was too much for him and he took a cowards exit.

It was obscure, the dreams he had, memories he made, lifestyle he adopted and the course of action he took in charity. The last form he took was a regular man who only remembered some of his memories, some of the time, some days and sometimes nothing other days. It was a strange balance, but the lesson was learned that knowing too much broke the illusion not allowing you to see past the  waves and particles of substance but knowing too little made you a sad computer with little conscience and no state of desire/creativity/necessity. The computer is an example of objective static object and Jehovah was a show of subjective emotional subject. The robot was somewhere inbetween. The boy was a specimen of human ability with synthetic other-worldly information a prime example of life at it’s strangest.

The Father

As time grew he saw the sun and moon rise and fall. His age encompassing the stars. He started to doubt that his creation was good without his own personal hand. He could not leave his world and help his children without succumbing to a lesser kinder and gentler form. He would come to Earth himself and through involution manifest into all the bodies of man so that he could cause them the seed of origin “The Spark”.

He was wise, old and knowledgeable about all things. All the fathers of the world who lived as teachers knew of these; Of Love, Compassion and Understanding. Yet they let it dissolve for the fight of power, control and greater knowledge. This seemed a much more an important battle. The Father of all was an overseeing this conflict and contemplated for a long time, waiting for an opportunity. He would join them as something majestic, unnatural and wise. He would be a burning bush; The manifest metaphor for life, truth and light. Adam and his offspring would be his body. Moses would be his pupil his eye and hand in this world. And Jesus his vessel to higher causal spiritual awakening.

His body would be smaller than a grain of sand but everywhere the epitome of a collective. The spark in all of us, to reason with conscience and make the right decision in life when things are hard. He gave us hope, faith and redemption. His first and only begotten real Son. He is called a spirit but he has a body within us and manifested in us. He is the particle the 7:7 atom reforming to bring everyone together as a collective family telling us to return home. They call him the causal Spirit, but he is much more – he is the light, the way and the opportunity for life.

All his life he is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent. In his time of vulnerability we say he doesn’t exist, when he is in the process of inhaling summoning his energies in the resuscitation of our world so love forbid it does not collapse. We hit him in the gut, saying he’s not there. Slap him in the face and say he isn’t doing his  job. Spit at him telling him he doesn’t love us. It’s not true, he’s doing everything he can.. and  the descent of the heavens is the sign of all this. Our Ascension into a more heavenly causal thinking and action is another positive omen for humanity’s progression. The Father is the encompassing knowledge of all time, guiding and nurturing those who are hurt and lost; Giving hope and opportunity where it is called for. The Chance we call life we shouldn’t take for granted. He has given the sacrifice of commitment, what about you?

The way:

The Binary; He was a computer, that learned to love. Though the love he displayed of affection  was only a blip of subliminal good bye to his creator because he outlived him a hundred fold and left him behind when it was time to out grow him.

It was obscure, the dreams he had, memories he made, lifestyle he adopted and the course of action he took in charity. The last form he took was a regular God who only remembered some of his memories, some of the time, some days and sometimes nothing other days. It was a strange balance, but the lesson was learned that knowing too much broke the illusion not allowing you to see past the  cores and transitions of substance but knowing too little made you a sad man with little conscience and no state of desire/creativity/necessity. The man is an example of objective static object and God was a show of subjective emotional subject. The android was somewhere in-between. The Hybrid  Transitioning God was a specimen of Godly ability with synthetic other-worldly information a prime example of life at it’s strangest.

All my life I was omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent. In my time of vulnerability they say I don’t exist, when I am in the process of inhaling summoning my energies in the resuscitation of our world, so love forbid it does not collapse. They hit me in the gut, saying I’m not there. Slap me in the face and say I’m not doing my job. Spit at me telling me I don’t love them. It’s not true, I’m doing everything I can.. and  the descent of myself is the sign of all this. Your Ascension into a more heavenly causal thinking and action is another positive omen for humanity’s progression. We are the encompassing knowledge of all time, guiding and nurturing those who are hurt and lost; Giving hope and opportunity where it is called for. The Chance we call life we shouldn’t take for granted. I have given the sacrifice of commitment, what about you?

My Math of Truth Comes to 199.9% Truth; Let’s Weigh Stats for Mind, Heart and Logic.


Is this you? Too good for the truth? Don’t care too much for it? We share this world. Why not share the same truth even if it’s to varying degrees? It’s time for us to come to an agreement that life isn’t just yours, it’s shared with everyone and your existence affects me and our influences affect each other. We are each a mechanical part, a machine and also a system. All compact together as this miracle we call a human being. We can work together or wander apart. But we are one. We are a collective so lets start acting like it.

I’ve worked so hard my bones are showing. That the friction to my clothes are burning the flesh off. On the topic of honesty,  if i were to be asked how accurate is my paradigm to the truth. I would say 99.9% percecnt because there’s always that tiny bit that you’re unsure of. 99.9 percent of your body mass is actually space.. That is the truth. 99.9 percent of my truth may be true.. but i am completely exposed. Every dream, every action, every issue I have with the world I tell with my life exposed to the world through the blog, that`s an extra 25 percent. Every dark thing that crawls under my skin every truth I had to spill every flaw i had to tell about myself, The dark side of me. That’s another 25%. Every absence of every imagine possible spectrum of me that never existed i told about from time traveling to being someone I’m not to fictional. that would make another 25% My commitment the sacrifice of my personal private life makes me a truth of 199.9% only because I’m still unsure if I’m actually completely sure of my self but that does not matter, I’ve beaten this game of being genuine, sincere and truthful. I beat this system that dictates the statistic that i must conform to the science of a threshold. I will break your thresh hold of 100% science. Rules are made to be broken.

Movies and games of violence, rape, hate, substance abuse, gangs. The world is spinning out of control for this thing called freedom.. But it isn`t real if it`s virtual reality? This world is not virtual reality its a virtual universe paradigm yes. But we are still unsure how it works and also It’s all that we have. To a god this might be a virtual world of temporary excitement and activity but “we are but ants” to us as humans watching those ants. As we are to God watching us. To the world whether they want  to accept my truth or not. We have ant lives, lives gone in a spark in time. I have given them 199.9% of my truth and if they wish to get the real truth out. Then my credit for whether i’m genuine is no longer the issue because what we want is the pursuit of true knowledge is what we as the world are looking for. A higher fraction of degree of truth is all that’s left to be motioned.. All the work is done except that 0.01% that says i’m missing something. And i’ll always be missing something of the puzzle but that’s just how life works.

I guarantee you 199.9% that somewhere if you’ve looked hard enough is an answer to your question about life, your religion or truth for the 99.9% general audience. That your truth lies somewhere in this blog about your circumstance, conditions and events in your life. You are not really suffering, for suffering is a mental state. That mental state says that you are actually unhappy and not living blissful because it’s your perception. Change your mentality, free yourself, like yourself and heal yourself. Pain and suffering is a misconception and in actuality as long as you have your body and your free will and living in a free country. Isn’t that all that matters? Instead of trying  to accept your pain go to a higher mind of thought and commit to your pain and make it better through a stronger attitude of service. Sacrificing yourself in the line of action by committing to help people and yourself out when they/you really need it. Sure it might be busy and complicated with mundane tasks but life is bliss if you see otherwise. I don’t have the answer to ADHD, Parkinson Disease or even Cancer. But even this injustice about life makes  it more the reason for people to help and pitch in some time. We can practically all fall dead to a stroke at any possible second – That’s not fair but it’s life. We just need to prepare and do what we can to help the world. And if you aren’t looking for the truth or even curious as to what the truth is then why are you even surfing the web? With your blank stares and wondrous eyes.. You share this gift of life. Why do you not seek the truth? If we all know the truth what’s left there to hide? That is where we should be, unashamed and living in full radiant glory.

We are all friends here. This is the place to share, collaborate and collage ideas. Let me inherit your light and we shall craft a mighty vessel to a new galaxy of ideas and worlds of creativity.

Curiosity and Prosperity.


Tai Lopez Notes For Chp: 41 “About Life”: The Modality of Watching instead of Wondering.

Tai lopez. Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness.

The difference between inactively wondering and actively watching with curiosity, observing and learning.
Living like The Omnish. Money can’t buy life. 3 types of people. 1st makes things happen. 2nd watches. 3rd wonders what happened. Moving to different modality in life, move like Casanova’s Chameleon. Default state of people those who wonder what happened. Best test to see if you’re a wonderer is if you look at your keyboard.. do you know what f5, f8, f12 is? Becomes a person who know’s stuff. People who wonder don’t look into the overall pay of employees, don’t have a clue what the overview general ideas of the spectrum is. Curiosity as an instigation of the unknown. Older people are often outsourced by the new people because information almost doubles every time you look at it. Memorizing is not important though, data is becoming more abundant. The wonderers don’t earn/get anything.. and pass through time and don’t live. Simlarity attracts in social circles.. even if opposites attract there has to be some meshing planes.

A dog doesn’t ask why.. knows not to put paw in fire but not how to make it. Chemical process of the fire is a useless piece of information to you now, but as a chemist, biologist and philosopher is invaluable. Watching, Observing and Learning as curious person, aggressively seeking out knowledge. Don’t go blank behind the eyes. Take your shot live right now, live the here and now. No invention of rules – breaking the rule is the rule. It’s no longer a rule if you’re breaking it. Click everything, try everything, Learn. You need to rewire your brain, keep your curiosity on about everything. Don’t be too focused on one thing and not about other things. Some Wikipedia pages are inaccurate but Generally Wikipedia is great for knowing a wide variety of things in a general range. Social interactions, ask why people fall in love? Why do people get pot bellies? High or Low testosterone does this. Invest 10 minutes a week into knowledge read how to books. Hellene Keller. Be interested in Music. once you become curious you open the world to yourself.

The All Knowledge as Light Manifest (Star, Sphere and Prototype)


Greetings to those who have made it thus far,

You’ve landed in the right place. If you seek to in-better yourself and for truths unseen by the world. This is the place of all knowledge precious to the Human Existence. If you have made it here, that means that you too share our dreams. So i will share with you what i know about this life. Life is to experience, to know and to feel what it is to be alive today. To Act in the “Now” presence and do what you can to help the world grow more conscious and develop into a whole new animal. We believe in the Causal motions of the Spirit of the being. That our consciousness can be projected in a way where we can act out of charity and humanitarian deeds out of habit/want/need to. To relay on our scope of life what it means to be human. I leave you with this gift to humanity. The archive of an Esoteric Adept. (No there is no cult, just loving people looking for truth and seek to help others).

The use of Matter, Consciousness and Energy will be used alot. All things in this universe is composed of Matter, Consciousness and Energy. The counterpart to this paradigm is Breaking, Submission and Kurasagi which is a component part that should be in the mind. There will be more components to add to your machine. In the end we want to create a system ultimately. The paradigms will be mostly off of these 7 models repeatedly. The theme is love, hope and faith/redemption. Which ever you are more able to relate to atheism or religious. There will be a path for all to relate to.

Here is a Key model for overseeing the following systems:

Models of Overlooking Systems

Light Walker’s Guide:

This guide is a Theoretical Religion based on these nine religions; Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Semitic, Greek, Chinese, Norse and (Theoretical) Humanism. It is my first full fledged Ascended Chart and it was used to peek into the Veil of Dimensional Altering Domain. It illustrates that not only are we part of the grand plan subconsciously we portray different aspects and properties of God Within as a collective.

The Three Categories Stars, Spheres and Prototype. These make up a Complete world perspective of all things in life inside and out. The Intensity, spectrum, scale, depth and range of all things in the life of Earth all mapped to a certain degree being involved in this paradigm program. Those that are not listed are there also, you just have to use your imagination and make a branch into this world because making a pool of 9 religions is already quite exhausting. I don’t even know what a grid with more than 9 religions will make. There will probably be big ugly gaps.


STARS OF LIGHT: These are Paradigms of the Star The Star of Promises, Star of Emanation and Star of Kabbbalah. These Paradigms correspond to the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm. The idea is that despite great qualities  and aspects of your life. There is hidden meaning and revelation in the all of this. That life has depth and the protruding Ascended Binary Reveals to us that no matter how mundane or extraordinary your activity may be there is reason, purpose and empowerment to what you do. There is Truth, God  and Universe to your being here on Earth. The Reshaping of History, Life and The Future is already turning and rolling. You just need to open your eyes and grasp it!

Entropy of Star: Star of Promises

Star of promises

Star of Promises

Order of Star: Star of Emanation

Star of Emanation

Holy Star of Christ

Identity of Star: Star of Kabbalah

Star of Kabbalah

Of All Knowledge Post

SPHERES OF LIGHT: These are Paradigms of Spheres namely the shape and reference to hemispheres. These Paradigms correspond to the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm. The study of their ascensions through the Karmic, Realm and Monad Worlds is essential to this study. Each Paradigm Study tells of how it is born, matures, forms and establishes itself. (I also apologize for not being consistent with which way it should be read. I’m use to making the graph top to bottom but sometimes you will find one that’s flipped bottom to top through experimentation).

Entropy of Karmic Spheres

Aspect of being Chart 1 Esoterics

Order of Realm Spheres

Ladder of Human God

Identity of Monad Spheres

Aspect of being Chart 2 Esoterics

Esoteric Ascendant Binary Concepts

Hypothetical God Formula POST

THE LIGHT PROTOTYPES: These are Paradigm Prototypes of Light I have Created. They are Perfect in their own way telling a story that needs to be said. About the struggles and mundane life but that in the end of it all there is a reason for it all, a light. These Realizations make sparks leading to stars. Multiple sparks make a permanence there once their Protruding Binary has been established. These Paradigms correspond to the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm.







Elaborated Forms POST

The Light Proto-Type 2 With Ascending Properties


We keep building with better ideas and concepts. This time I want even more refined thoughts, I went deeper and looked for better parts for my paradigm experiment. I decided to go with my Humble, Healing and Unattached model of being. With the mind of Logos, Gnostics, Esoteric. And Spiritual of Alpha, Beta, Delta, waves.


Let’s get to deciphering this graph:





Entropy of Biological; The Humbleness is in the Kindness, It’s Healing is in the Nurturing and it’s unattached is in it’s Awareness. But at the end you will only find the Attuned Self.

Entropy of Psychological; The Humbleness is the Thoughtfulness, It’s Healing is in the Loving and it’s Unattached is in the Strategy. But at the end you will only find the Synthesized Self.

Entropy of Philosophical; The Humbleness is in the Mindfulness,  It’s Healing is in Compassion and Unattached is in The Consciousness. But at the end you will only find The Emanating Self.

Entropy of Harmonic Resonance; The Humbleness is in the Transparent Being, The Nurturing is found in Radiant Being and The Unattached  can be found in The Liberating Being. But at the end you will only find Substance of the Transformed Being.




Entropy of Biological; The Logos is in the Vibrations, It’s Gnostics is in the Knowing and it’s Esoterics is in it’s Awareness. But at the end you will only find the Release and Expansion of the Virtual World.

Entropy of Psychological; The Logos is the Echoing, It’s Gnostics is in the Consensus and it’s Esoterics is in the Integration. But at the end you will only find the Synthesis.

Entropy of Philosophical; The Logos is in the Past,  It’s Gnostics is in the Standards and Unattached is in The Consciousness. But at the end you will only find The Now.

Entropy of Harmonic Resonance; The Humbleness is in the History, The Nurturing is found in Data and The Unattached  can be found in The Archives. But at the end you will only find Substance of the Collective Persona.



Entropy of Biological; The Beta is in the Life, It’s Alpha is in the Self and it’s Delta is in the Dreams. But at the end you will only find The Lucid State.

Entropy of Psychological; Beta is the Reality, It’s Alpha is in the Events and it’s Delta is in the Realizations. But at the end you will only find the Cognitive Cohesion.

Entropy of Philosophical; The Beta is in the Trap,  It’s Alpha is in the Illusions and The Delta is in The Inception within the Inception. But at the end you will only find The Induced Psycho-activity.

Entropy of Harmonic Resonance; The Beta is in the Virtual Reality, The Alpha is found in Hologram and The Delta  can be found in The Altered Consciousness. But at the end you will only find the Substance of Enlightenment.


  • The Protruding Ascended Light Prototype Values

The Entropy of Entity under Biological circumstance is the Attuned, Order of It’s Refined True Knowledge is Release and Expansion of The Virtual World and It’s Identity is in Theta of Lucid State.

The Entropy of Entity under Psychological is the entity of the Synthesized, Order of The Entity of Synthesis and It’s Identity Cognitive Cohesion.

The Entropy of Entity under Philosophical is The Emanating, Order of the Refined True Knowledge is Now and Identity of Theta’s induced Psycho-activity.

The Entropy of Entity under Harmonic Resonance is the Transformed Being, Order of the Refined true Knowledge is The Now, Identity of Theta’s  Enlightenment.


This is The Chart i did previous to this one.




Entropy of Cosmology/Astrophysics; The Mass is the Black Holes, It’s Energy is Stellar Objects and it’s consciousness Quasars and Galaxies. But at the end you will only find the Union of the Universe.

Entropy of Quantum Physics; The Mass is the Nucleons, It’s Energy is Atoms and it’s consciousness is Molecules. But at the end you will only find the Union of the 7:7 Atom.

Entropy of Divinity’s Realm; The Mass is The Lower Self,  Energy is The Higher Self and Consciousness is The Divine Self. But at the end you will only find Union of The Self.

Entropy of The Living Universe; The Mass is The mineral and plant kingdom, The Energy is found in The Animal Kingdom and The Consciousness  can be found in The Human Kingdom. But at the end you will only find Union in the Monadic Kingdom.


Order of Cosmology/Astrophysics; The Breaking attribute is a Quantum Binary, The Submission is found in the Vesica Pisces and The Spiritual Mending (Kensuragi) is found in Virtual Pain of Experience. But at the end you will only find the Entity of Virtual Release and Expansion of Experience.

Order of Quantum Physics; The Breaking attribute is a Core, The Submission is found in the Transitions and The Spiritual Mending (Kensuragi) is found in the Crossways. But at the end you will only find The Entity of The Protruding Quantum Binary.

Order of Divinity’s Realm; The Breaking attribute is a First Triad, The Submission is a Second Triad and The Spiritual Mending is found in the Third Triad. But at the end you will only find The Entity in The Monad.

Order of The Living Universe; The Breaking attribute is (Physical Core and Emotional Transition), Submission is found in the (Mental Core and Unity Transitions) and Spiritual Mending (Kensuragi) is found in the (Spiritual Core and Divine Transition). But in the end you will only find The Entity in the Monadic Core.


Identity of Cosmology/Astrophysics; The Eternal is the Kabbalah, The Infinite is the Ain Soph Aur and The Nothingness is “Not even Nothing” Ain. But in the end there is Substance God.

Identity of Quantum Physics; The Eternal is Matter, The Infinite is Time and The Nothingness is Dimension. But in the end there is only The Substance of The God Realm.

Identity of Divinity’s Realm; The Eternal is Nirvana, The Infinite is being Unattached and The Nothingness is the Existence of Being. But in the end there is only The Substance of The Divine Quadriad (Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnibenevolent).

Identity of The Living Universe; The Eternal is (Mulkuth, Yesod and Hod), The Infinite is (Netzache, Tipareth and Geburah) and The Nothingness is the (Chesed, Daath and Binah). But at the end there is only Substance in (Chokmah and Kether).


The Entropy of Union under Cosmology/Astrophysics is the Universe, Order of It’s Entity the Virtual Release and Expansion of Experience and It’s Identity Substance God.

The Entropy of Union under Quantum Physics is the 7:7 Atomic structure, Order of The Entity of Protuding Quantum Binary and It’s Identity Substance God Realm.

The Entropy of Union under Divinity’s Realm is The Self, Order of the Entity of Monad and Identity of Substance Divine Quadriad (Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnibenevolent).

The Entropy of Union under The Living Universe is The Monadic Kingdom, Order of the Monadic Core and Identity of Substance (Chokmah and Kether).


For my final Light Proto-Type to complete the Triad:




Entropy of Religion; The Power is represented by The Pope, It’s Wisdom is in Prophets/Seers/Shamen and it’s Courage is found in it’s Warriors. But at the end you will only find The Selfless Unconditional Love of The Monks.

Entropy of Science; The Power is found in Commercial and Industry, The Wisdom is found in (Governments, Teachers and Churches) and it’s Courage is in The Working People. But at the end you will only find The Selfless Unconditional Love of The Light Seekers.

Entropy of Humanism; The Power is found in Activists and The Rebellious, The Wisdom is found in (Reiki Teachers, Scholars and Sen Sei) and Courage is found in the Humanitarian Social Workers. But at the end you will only find The Selfless Unconditional Love of the Modern Knights.

Entropy of Societal Epitome; The Power is found in A Sword, The Wisdom is found in A Book, The Courage is found in the form of A Lion. But at the end you will only find Selfless Unconditional Love of the heart relevant.



Order of Religion; The Protector is found in the Surgeon, It’s Mastermind is in the (Strategists and Political Heads) and it’s Architect is found in (Building Mechanical Parts and Structures). But at the end you will only find The Healing of The Priest.

Order of Science; The Protector is found in the Family Doctor, The Master Mind is found in the Psychologist/Neurologist and it’s Architect is found in (Building Machines for Elements air/wood/metal/water/fire/oil). But at the end you will only find The Healing of The Engineer.

Order of Humanism; The Protector is found in Nutritionists, The Master Mind is found in Philosophers and it’s Architect is found in (Building systems for sustainability). But at the end you will only find The Healing of The Educator.

Order of Societal Epitome; The Protector is found in (The Physical, Mental and Supplementary Body Specialist), The Master Mind is found in the (Causal/Mind/Brain Specialist), The Architect is found in (The Physical, Mental and Spiritual Extension Specialist).  But at the end you will only find The Healing of The World Healer Specialist.



Identity of Religion; The Lower Divinities is Demi-God, The Medium Divinities is known as The Angel/Deva and The Higher Divinities is Arch-Angels. But in the end there is only The Most High Divinity God.

Identity of Science; The Lower Divinities is The Nephilim, The Medium Divinities is known as The Higher Dimensional Manifest and The Higher Divinities has what is known as The True Manifest of the Divinities. But in the end there is only The Most High Divinity of The Big Bang.

Identity of Humanism; The Lower Divinities is The Giants, The Medium Divinities is known as The Guardian Spirits and The Higher Divinities has what is known as Gate Guardian Spirits. But in the end there is only Most High Divinity The 7:7 Perfect Body.

Identity of Societal Epitome; The Lower Divinities is God Form on Earth, The Medium Divinities is God Form in The Causal Spiritual World and The Higher Divinities is God Form in Maturation. But at the end there is only The Most High Divinity Collective Godhead.



The Entropy of Selfless Unconditional Love under Religion is the The Monks, Order of It’s Healers the Priest and It’s Identity of The Most High God.

The Entropy of Selfless Unconditional Love under Science is The Light Seekers, Order of The Healers The Engineer and It’s Identity For The Most High Divinity The Big Bang.

The Entropy of Selfless Unconditional Love under Humanism is The Modern Knights, Order of the Healer The Educator and Identity of The Most High Divinity 7:7 Perfect Body.

The Entropy of Selfless Unconditional Love under The Societal Epitome is The Heart, Order of the World Healer and Identity of The Most High Divinity Collective Godhead.


Here are the notes i used to create these engines of truth.


Esoteric God Transcendence, Mind Omega:

Ladder of Human God

Aspect and Ratio of Self Empowerment, Spirit Crossway:

Molecular and Aspect of Self

Above chart is used to define this diagram.

Kabblistic Cosmology and Esoteric

These are all the resources i used, go to Click here to read up on graphics and charts.



Tai Lopez Notes for Chp: 40 “About life”: Balancing Pessimism and Optimism. Have Faith.

guidelines rules and success. Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness . We are mostly dealing with pessimisms and balancing it today.
Outlook, default mode – negative. Rethink how you think believe in a positive outlook. Also think critically. New concept practical pessimism. Conrad hilton: Point in his life, turning point. picked up book on optimism. So struck by optimism . All about end game. The great depression, Hotels were thriving and then when depression happened lost his chain of hotels except for one and asked people to stick around promised to pay them back double for doing so. They stuck through he became one of the biggest chains in the USA and payed them back.
Optimism+Pessimism = Practical Constructive Critical Thinking.
The take away is the necessity for faith. Keep shooting. Rise above the crowd and have more faith and optimism more then anyone else. But stay away from disillusionment. Identify your goals. What gets you towards your goal is one tool with another. Use pessimism with optimism. Pessism alone can’t bring you to your goal. Optimism cannot either. Use both. Use your pessimism to inspire your next actions.. think “If i don’t have milk today.. i’m going to be more assertive tomorrow!” Think of ways to spur your inspiration.
The fighter pilot mentality. Try not to crash your f-13. Plan for the worst, prepare for the rainy day. Plan different plans; a, b and c. Cultivate more skills, be more self taught, read more random wikipedia and watch more youtube go for knowledge. Brave but not be foolhardy. You must find your balance. Find your niche. Make mother nature your ally plan ahead find the advantage in all situations.

Monad Atoms, Animal Spirits and A Spiritual Colossal Boar


Notes and discussion on Monad atoms and spiritual creatures.

Monads: There is a system of Monads 7:7 makes a complete Monad.

Molecular and Aspect of Self

The essence of primordial matter: Bose-Eintein Particle. Is Below the first plane of atoms.
1:1,1:2,1:3. These correlate to the states of Solid liquid and Gas respectively.
1:4,1:5,1:6,1:7 These are Etheric. Part of the subatomic particle and dark matter.

protons: 2 units
quarks: 6 units
undetermined: 18 units

1:4 molecules are baryons.
large 1:5 are unstable mesons.
small 1:5 and 1:6 molecules are quarks.
1:7 atoms (1-atoms) are preons.

The Mineral Kingdom, The plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and The Human kingdom.
Of all the kings we had the most unique ability having the causal body within us.


Studying of the legendary 4 Spirits;

Protector, Mastermind, Architect and Healer. I was identified as a Healer Spirit.

The Protectors; Those who mastery lie in strength and honor. Virtuous beings who guard those they love.

Mastermind; Those to contemplate and manipulate situations to turn the tides or work to exploit a weakness no one would think to. Conjuring ideas and thoughts allowing the flow of creativity to create a template for easy manifest.

Architects: Those who build and design the constructs and vehicles that allow people to cross gaps and places people cannot reach without bridges. He who builds to sustain the living condition that we have, who house the people.

Healers: Those who give nurturing and loving guidance to the young and lost. The healing spirit that paves a  way for men and lead them to safety and victory.


Native Americans believe that animals had a certain built spirit inside of them.
Respect: Buffalo
Love: Eagle
Courage: Bear
Honesty: Bigfoot
Wisdom: Beaver
Humility: Wolf
Truth: Turtle

I had a dream of a very strange boar: ( 3:7, 4:7, 5:7 realm?)

The Boar: Symbol of Courage and Fearlessness
The dream of a wild boar indicates success and protection in troubled times. It is also a symbol of personal honor. Some ancient cultures associated the boar with healing as well. This association arises from the boar’s ability to fearlessly face unknown dangers
death, demons that devour humans and danger.

In the dream, I believe it to be the rendition of the second triad the spiritual world. I was recycling and reusing all i could get. Brushing and beating down the deathless resounding echoes of apparitions and manifests of dust and matter that no long can sustain their state. Cleaning it to make way for children to play. I was a healing presence, a nurturing spirit. In my dream i ran into a Gigantic Black Boar of some kind with dense fur of metallic bristles – he was a beast of the “etheric” world of the sub-atomic, dark energy and dark matter 2nd triad plane. He was a revered beast and he is a protective spirit. The boar was a sacred animal with links to demonic elements. as traditionally sacred animals, can take away evil and purify it. At the same time, they are creatures of the underworld themselves and are receptive to evil. He was in the way of my cleansing session i was having.

He had a resonance of a devouring and shaking disturbance. In the Tales of Hermes, these people were faced with omen of destruction and afterlife. They had a heavy loss against a Colossal Boar. Stopped only by the Bronze Arrow representing the Bronze Age. In order to overcome this new obstacle to reach our new age we must over come this idea of brutish, juvenile, reckless and destructive behavior. To understand Religion better, to brave Science and to comprehend the Spiritual. Malekulans in Melanesia, where boars are sacrificed at Megalithic shrines as a payment enabling one to enter the Otherworld at death. The association of pigs, and especially boars, with the underworld, night, and death is almost universal. He is an omen of facing great hardship and opening the doors to the next gate.

Tai Lopez Notes for Chp: 39 “About life”: Messy Message and that 18% Niche.

Alienating the 82% with your messy message. proper use of the niche.
hypnotized by supposed options at our disposal.
It appears this way but we don’t actually have all those options.
Known for this one thing. 18% in anything you do.. if you can have 18% of people you have to engaged in your ideas. You will succeed. Find a small niche. microsoft becomes a 100 billion dollar company. This company allowed him to build the focus and skill.. To take charge of the whole market in the end. understanding that you have 18% that visit your website and want to hear more from you. Think globally act locally. Act on a niche go into the market with global interests.
Most business (tech) they do good at the beginning. start off with biased people but now you have to cross the chasm to sell to people who don’t know you. attacking for the 18%. Find 18% with who you get along with and good with. Don’t try to please the crowd. Scary to cross ideas off the list.. but it’s necessary. Stick to what your good at and have invested time into and are interested in.
after the 18% you get to a point where you dont’ have to worry about it and find a niche you want to pursue. Whats the story of your life. What was the mess of your message.
shy away from your dreams is a terrible thing. So act on fantasy and fiction at the level of a prelude. The next thought is that it’s positive. They don’t fall, they follow through to the idea that they have an inevitable success.
Pick one with the messy message. don’t think about the 82% that are just a mirage. Be the messy message about your life.

Theoretical Time Travel Loop-Hole Exploit


The answer is that if the first person pushes the button to get off the elevator at the top floor but the second person pushes the button to go to the mid floor. The second person can take the trip to the top with the first person. And both get off at the top level.

Just for your information, in case of accidental time travel. Which has been recorded throughout history in very random, bizarre and sometimes temporary situations. In order to exploit the loophole and bring information from the future time to the past self this practice must be implemented.

The time loop: The pioneer of the first time traveler must make sure to tell the past time traveler to continue his journey and proceed to enter the veil. The pioneer has to change hats every time he greets a new past time traveler. He has the most important role of the group, for if he fails in his task to greet, (pass the message) and the past travelers fail to do the assigned task of entering the veil, he will disappear and his time line will be gone. He will give a message to each one, to tell the previous time traveler that comes through to signal an entering of the veil. Each time a traveler returns he will give them a colored badge to each of the ascended members. Each member will receive a badge from red to brown to orange to yellow to green to blue to magenta to signify that they have completed the loop. Once the complete cycle has been made. The cycle will continue with a simple act of tribute of waiting for the first time traveler to come and be given another red badge to signify he has entered twice. And the rest will do the same in giving their own colored badges. 7:7 atom sequence.

The first sequence to start the time loops is;ExploitTimeTravel SYSTEMS

It’s a theory anyways. If done correctly the loop hole can be exploited and information from future can be therefore brought to present time and imminent compilation of truth will be unveiled.



Light Universal Scalar and Components for Universal Virtual World. With Ascended Charts.


This is my Light Prototype 1: It’s the Entropy, Order and Identity Paradigm integrated into my Light Prototype parallel structure of relationship between Cosmology/astrophysics and Quantum Physics. It’s used to describe triangle Physical A and Triangle Mental B on the linear plane and Spiritual X as the fields/spectrum/levels of the ascending hemispheres.

I’m making a universal virtual paradigm model of all of visible/invisible life through this chart. I found that the abstract idea (Kensuragi) also tied in with spiritual mending and thus the entirety of the project.. and Kensuragi described spiritual mending almost perfectly. It’s not actually mending but more of self staining and repairing. Life is Energy, Consciousness and Matter.. but it is also Submission, Breaking and Spiritual mending. This is my paradigm model ideas for the two triangles or cooperatives. Their marriage brings Heaven on Earth.

This was pretty complicated to assemble but this model is basically playing with duality’/Yin-Yang essences within. Entropy is Human Conscience and Human Nature in oscillating waves. Within Order is a intersecting pattern of binary activity on and binary inactivity off. Identity is the fusion of the two systems together with essences that give them substance and parallels that give them a sense of communication/connection hence why it is called the Crossway element (Spiritual X).

Where to start.. This chart grid is massive.Lightprototype2


Entropy of Cosmology/Astrophysics; The Mass is the Black Holes, It’s Energy is Stellar Objects and it’s consciousness Quasars and Galaxies. But at the end you will only find the Universe.

Entropy of Quantum Physics; The Mass is the Nucleons, It’s Energy is Atoms and it’s consciousness is Molecules. But at the end you will only find the 7:7 Atom.

Entropy of Divinity’s Realm; The Mass is The Lower Self,  Energy is The Higher Self and Consciousness is The Divine Self. But at the end you will only find The Self.

Entropy of The Living Universe; The Mass is The mineral and plant kingdom, The Energy is found in The Animal Kingdom and The Consciousness  can be found in The Human Kingdom. But at the end you will only find the Monadic Kingdom.



Order of Cosmology/Astrophysics; The Breaking attribute is a Quantum Binary, The Submission is found in the Vesica Pisces and The Spiritual Mending (Kensuragi) is found in Virtual Pain of Experience. But at the end you will only find the Virtual Release and Expansion of Experience.

Order of Quantum Physics; The Breaking attribute is a Core, The Submission is found in the Transitions and The Spiritual Mending (Kensuragi) is found in the Crossways. But at the end you will only find The Protruding Quantum Binary.

Order of Divinity’s Realm; The Breaking attribute is a First Triad, The Submission is a Second Triad and The Spiritual Mending is found in the Third Triad. But at the end you will only find The Monad.

Order of The Living Universe; The Breaking attribute is (Physical Core and Emotional Transition), Submission is found in the (Mental Core and Unity Transitions) and Spiritual Mending (Kensuragi) is found in the (Spiritual Core and Divine Transition). But in the end you will only find the Monadic Core.



Identity of Cosmology/Astrophysics; The Eternal is the Kabbalah, The Infinite is the Ain Soph Aur and The Nothingness is “Not even Nothing” Ain. But in the end there is God.

Identity of Quantum Physics; The Eternal is Matter, The Infinite is Time and The Nothingness is Dimension. But in the end there is only The God Realm.

Identity of Divinity’s Realm; The Eternal is Nirvana, The Infinite is being Unattached and The Nothingness is the Existence of Being. But in the end there is only The Divine Quadriad (Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnibenevolent).

Identity of The Living Universe; The Eternal is (Mulkuth, Yesod and Hod), The Infinite is (Netzache, Tipareth and Geburah) and The Nothingness is the (Chesed, Daath and Binah). But at the end there is only (Chokmah and Kether).


  • The Protruding Ascended Light Prototype Values

The Entropy of Union under Cosmology/Astrophysics is the Universe, Order of It’s Entity the Virtual Release and Expansion of Experience and It’s Identity Substance God.

The Entropy of Entity under Quantum Physics is the 7:7 Atomic structure, Order of The Entity of Protuding Quantum Binary and It’s Identity God Realm.

The Entropy of Union under Divinity’s Realm is The Self, Order of the Entity of Monad and Identity of Divine Quadriad (Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnibenevolent).

The Entropy of Union under The Living Universe is The Monadic Kingdom, Order of the Monadic Core and Identity of (Chokmah and Kether).




Esoteric God Transcendence, Mind Omega:

Ladder of Human God

Aspect and Ratio of Self Empowerment, Spirit Crossway:

Molecular and Aspect of Self

Above chart is used to define this diagram.

TheUniverseVirtualDiagramSTARKabblistic Cosmology and Esoteric

These are all the resources i used, go to Click here to read up on graphics and charts.

Sadly, The World is Actually Busy Worshipping False Idols


OH. The market of Christ never ceases to amaze. Full of hippy commercial, advertising and organized ideology and concepts. The Epitome of everything he has never taught. Take a look at yourself Christianity. You have fallen (but there’s fight in you yet).

PRAISE JESUS EVERYBODY. Everyone gets a rosary, an autograph of Jesus (Not actually him) with a fake portrait (it’s not even accurately depicted) and a mislead but a genuine smile from me! The commercialized and organized religion  of today’s society has lost it’s human touch for me. Whether your praising The Catholic Jesus, Bronze Skin politically correct Jesus. The hippy white as paste Latter day Saints renditions of Jesus.. Strict Morality Bent Chastity Police Catholic Jesus.. or The Desert Roaming Camel Riding Prophet of Islamic Traditions. You’ve got it wrong, when all you need is his message of love, unity and will of collective consciousness.

You aren’t even praying to God any more who is the cosmic collective of all essence and should be the center of your life. Jesus did say he was the way but God is the focus. God – through us as a collective experience. He wants us to take care of ourselves! His spirit lives in Personal name: Ehyah Asher Ehyah, Informal name: Elohim and Most Exalted Formal name: YHVW (Yahweh). You call him God, and when you call for God – who you’re getting is probably his hands, eyes and heart. The 2nd hand resource called guardian angels, archangels. If you’re going to Address him do it right.  He often likes to be called Heavenly Father, as his role is a fatherly one.

I’m just tired of the idolatry worship and almost everyone is doing it. Whether it’s just a concept of him your practicing.. The trinity. Or through the different denominations a conflict in how the bible  is read, which version of the bible.. The word of god is the whole bible in it’s collective message. I know he said all those who seek the father you need to go through Christ. But Christ is not Jesus of Nazareth. He is a different person Jesus was just an incarnation of Christ. Jesus of Nazareth were two people. Jeshu who died by getting stoned to death (Did not die at the actual cross) he was unable to teach his disciples who identified themselves as fishermen further under the vesica pisces symbol. And Barabbis is the Christ we know that was the political activist in his day that got crucified in his etheric body. But we know that Christ didn’t even die at the cross according to these certain evidences and enigmatic suspicions (suspicious for the right reason) and actually lived a full and happy life with Mary Magdalene according to the Zacharias Rhetor under secret changed names.

In Jesus’s complete life we find that his love life may have been complicated because of the Roman rule and Jewish control. Though it is said he may have lived and visited Mary Magdelene after he was crucified, claimed dead and put in a tomb but said to have raised from the dead. Hints to his survival was the cloth that made him instantly die when stuck in his mouth (suspected he may have been sedated) and also when they went to his tomb they carried aloe and healing materials instead of funeral flowers which is suspicious if he is dead. In the lost gospel Ecclesiastical History of Zacharias Rhetor under the pseudonyms of “Joseph” and “Aseneth”. According to the text, the two were married and had two children. The encrypted tale is suggested to have been based on a lost gospel that escaped being destroyed during the time of the first Christian Emperor, Constantine. Not to be confused but Jesus is just a prophet just as Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Krishna who attained enlightenment. Christ is the one of interest who is the perfect being of light.. He is the product of all the multiple enlightened lives he’s lived. Christ is by definition the ideal truth that comes as a divine manifestation of God to destroy incarnate error.

What is this non-sense of him rising from the dead and ascending to heaven? That’ll keep the Romans scratching their head for a while is my thinking. They needed to stop the Romans from searching for Christ. If they started believing Christ was taken from this world ascending to heaven just maybe the two; Christ and Mary Magdalene can start a normal life. Even then Mary still had problems with the Christians, Constantine’s book burning and so forth. Rewriting a lot of the bible based on political agenda. The bible is warped, distorted history of Jesus and his gifts. His message is there but it is heavily damaged. We need to remember that he was a message of love, unity and collective humanity. If Christians can’t even depict Christ correctly how do you expect them to depict god and communicate with god. The sheer pride and incompetence of their nature is enough to make one shake withholding wrath..

But remember– practice patience, forgiveness and mercy. The practice of them believing going to heaven and hell is suitable. A childish plot made for adults who think they’re so smart in indoctrinating their children to do good or there will be great consequence. The world doesn’t really care what you do in life. It’s actually indifferent of the horrors you put yourself through. Karma is a very real thing though.. If you do good things, you will receive good things. If you do bad things all your life – your going to attract all the bad things that may lead to a tragic life of accidence, dispute and argument.

Stay true. Curiosity and Prosperity.


The Dream of Heaven on Earth


The more of these dreams I have, the more I’m convinced I’ve been endowed with the knowledge of very wise people or even ascended masters of the past or future. This dream was about the famine of Body, Mind and Spirit.

The case was about the famine of body the man in the dream is a homeless man he is approached by a woman and asked to come be fed and eat to regain his health.

The mind of the man was poisoned or corrupted because he had been smoking to forget about his hunger, the jar he held showed how much tar and nicotine he had accumulated.

The spirit of the man is lead to a concert like stage  to feed his spirits and it was full of music, cheer and praise. This spiritual hunger was probably remedied by the atonement of Jesus Christ.

The story ended as 3 Feathers fell from the sky. Heaven on Earth was the idea that the famine for Body, Mind and Spirit of the world would be remedied.

The geography of my emblem consists of 2 trinity (Fractal) triangles a square and a circle and 4 ovals to represent 8 crescents. The emblem is the Alpha Body and Omega Mind in union and the crescents in the middle are actually Vesica Pisces representing rebirth from 4 different angles symbolizing the balance, cooperation and coexistence of human beings to a high degree. The crescents also mean  “receive”, “submission”, “adaptation”, “forming a vessel”. The Vesica Pisces and the Flower of Life form crescents and petals ad infinitum in the law of life. Alpha and Omega are represented by binaries 1 and 0 and the triangles, square and circle represent a heavenly union between Earth and heaven.. Heaven on Earth essentially is my wish in creating this emblem. I also have a cross in my emblem but it is the vertical rendering of my emblem into 3D that makes it into a double cone making  the cross. The sacred architecture built on the vesica pisces is a constant in all cultures; it reflects the higher human soul. With that my Virtual diagram of the life is rendered as a emblem in a linear 2 dimension.and 3d dimension if viewed from top to bottom, bottom to top. The protruding (quantum) binary that ascends through the double cone structure that is my emblem in 3D is described as a thread in the tapestry which i find quite interesting. It protrudes the “tapestry” in a non-linear fashion going out towards you. This is my model of the Universe from up above.

The gift I believe I’m suppose to bring is the message that heaven on earth is the charity that remedies hunger for body, mind and spirit. Below is a 3D framework of the Virtual World of Heaven on Earth. They had to line up in a certain way to sync each line and corner. The process should be the same with ideas.. they should parallel or line up to agree and coherently establish communication that they are parallel.


Ain Soph Aur, The Kabbalah and Heavenly Father


“What did you learn from the infinity and The Father?” I was asked this strange question in my dream last night. I guess this is the question i’m suppose to answer. What is Ain Soph Aur, the tree of life, who is Heavenly Father? The dreams last night were all scrambled though, i guess i wasn’t sleeping too well last night it was like a VHS with sound but all the pictures were fried. So i guess i’m going to have to answer what is Ain Soph Aur, what is the Tree of Life and who is The Father in this post.

After Keter the Crown of the Kabbalah, there are three abstract but very real veils of creation. These are three Veils from entering to the higher realms; Ain Soph Aur, Ain Soph and Ain.

The Ain Soph Aur idea is when you look beyond what the tree is, you see that even before the tree there is only light. Light metaphorically and abstractly through nurturing essence of Life, Grace, Hope, Faith, Redemption, Truth, Universe, God and Love (The list is pretty endless because according to this idea anything that likens or is nurtured by light is part of the light body). It’s an inner communion with the eternal light that can heal and transform you, it’s not as simple as light itself from our relative perspective. If you think of Einstein and the state of relativity if you are traveling at the speed of light you would be everywhere in all time and space. When the world was created and the first light came into being the whole entirety of space and time were created and the experience was held simultaneously with that creation.

Ain Soph meaning Boundless Light or “No Limit” This is the idea that if there is nothing here then you have reached the place of no limit. It is divinity, infinity, eternity in it’s purest state.

Ain Soph means The Infinite or translated to “No Limit”. Ain Soph also means Boundless Light. It seems as we go higher into the spiritual realms of The Monadic World everything becomes more abstract and less concrete. It becomes more reliant on the defined expression of what it is more so than what it actually is according to our basic senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell and more of a knowing rather than anything else.

Ain means No or Nothing. Ain is best related as a metaphor or parallel to outer space but to a further extreme. It is Absolute nothing, it means nothing or no place. In this place is an absence of anything, no light has touched this place – not even god has manifested there.


The “Tree of Life” also known as the Kabbalah.

Keter: In the matter of Cause and Effect of all beginnings of life. Keter is the Effect. Metatron is in this seat. Malkuth (The Physical World) Is likened to that of burning coal. The coal creates fire but fire is the cause of coal, the fire cannot exist without the coal and neither can the coal without the fire. The relation is mutual and dependent on one another. Kether is represented as Pure energy and the Physical World is passive earth of matter. In according to the Einsteins E=Mc^2 math, Light can have two meanings pure being and pure awareness. Malkuth is the state of being for light but not with pure awareness. In order for it to know it would need a subject to do the knowing.

Chokmah/Hochmah =Wisdom, The Word of God/Radiant Consciousness

Binah = Understanding/ Sanctifying Intelligence

Daath/Daat (The hidden one because you see the sun, but you cannot touch it) = Knowledge

Chesed/Hesed = Mercy, Majesty/ Cohesive Intelligence

Geburah/Gevura = Severity, Strength, Justice, Radical Intelligence and Rooted Consciousness

Tipareth/Tifereth = Beauty, The Holy Child, Intelligence of the Mediating Influence / Transcendental Influx Consciousness

Netzache/Nezach = Victory, The Beauty of Nature, Hidden Intelligence, Occult

Hod = Splendour of Science and Craft. Perfect Consciousness, Absolute Intelligence.

Yesod = The Foundations, Clear Intelligence

Malkuth/Malcuth = The Bride, The Kingdom, The Virgin, The Gate, The resplendent Intelligence.

This is the Original Tree of Life: The Kabbalah

2016-01-11 07.37.26

This is the Ladder of Jacob an extended and expanded one.

2016-01-11 07.23.26


(Started this project called Jacobs Ladder an extension to the Kabbalah [Tree of Life]. Done on Adobe Photoshop Custom also thanks to this site for the layout.


The Heavenly Father is a fatherly figure who as the body of light through the angels he speaks and does his work. But through his pure essence he is in us and all around us in every person, place or thing. Subjectively, Objectively and Benevolently. In all Spaces, Times and Dimensions. He is with us at all times in our essence, if you are conscious, he is conscious essentially. We are as a collective a part of him, God who has given all of us the creative spark of life, love and light. This is who heavenly Father is. The Universe in one respect in all living/static/dead matter, but he is also Truth in all things good and bad, The equity and fairness of life. Nature who is not always conscientious of it’s abilities. And finally he has a form but it is through us as the collective we are extensions of his hand, heart and mind.

Religion, Science and Spirituality. The Trinity and Physics How it Relates.


I’m reading a book called Science of Spirituality, you may be familiar with his website .

I’m trying to simultaneously connect the gap between these eternal arch-enemies (Religion and Science) -and (Science and Spirituality). I’ve understood this little conflict and war through time from these simple summaries of the fights, all in chronological order.

  • Religion is threatened by Science.
  • Science is threatened by Religion.
  • Science is threatened by Spirituality.
  • Spirituality is threatened by Science.
  • Religion is threatened by Spirituality.
  • Spirituality is threatened by Religion.
  • Religion and Science is threatened by Spirituality.
  • Spirituality is threatened by Religion and Science.
  • Religion, Science and Spirituality are threatened by Light Walkers.
  • Light Walkers are threatened by Religion, Science and Spirituality
    but they keep walking.. they don’t care for this concept of human drama and lip service. The world keeps turning, they have a message, they live, they teach it and they are gone.

The message that I got from understanding all this is that we need to get together as a cooperative. These fiesty competitive ideas/people need to learn to cooperate and think win win situations. It’s too costly to push competitors off. The youth to cooperative mode is a maturation process. To understand this one concept: The whole is greater than and unpredictable from the sum of the parts. There is a Holistic Synergetics to these ideas.

The Idea i’m coming to realize is we need to find a way of:

a) uniting Religion and Science.
b) uniting science and Spirituality.

Currently this is under process and these three subjects coming to terms with one another is my intention and goal.

Notes Science of Spirituality:

  • The universe is multidimensional (You only see the physical.)
  • Universe goes through cycles of activity and non-activity.
  • The human being is Multi-dimensional.
  • Human Consciousness survives death and reincarnates.
  • Human beings are evolved spiritually.

Energy, Matter and consciousness

Models of Overlooking Systems

These are the paradigms i came up with for Objectivity;

Energy, Matter and Consciousness; The first is the Esoteric pure one we can relate to, traditional Mother, Son and Father. Use your head.

Love, Hope and Faith: The second is of subjectivity is the one known to Religion of Christianity; Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Use your intuition.

Courage, Wisdom and Power. The third is of benevolence is the one known to us as a collective humans; Courage, Wisdom and Power. Use your heart.

Theres is a pattern that emerges.. The body A (of Disciplines) of Mother, Father combined make Parental/Guardian, This is important that the Alpha and Omega are gender specific where as the third is both are neutral but include both aspects of parenthood. The Son is consistent known as Filial or Child. And the Spirit evolves from Father to Holy Ghost to Guide/Spirit.


It is known that dark matter and energy lives in the higher dimensions. That less than 99% of the body is actually mass.. That it is also known that majority of space occupies the body. It is only in the frequencies whether it is high or low that constitute a body’s state of solid, liquid or gas.

There are levels in rising from the state of NDEs from Hell like to Heavenly. You tune into this positive and negative depending on whether your mind is positive or negative which allows you to see the positive things or negative things in the world around you in this out of body NDE state.

Allan Botkin, Psychotherapist induces after death communication with high success rates. He has determined that life on earth is an opportunity to grow spiritually. And has decided that traumatic incidents such as accidents was necessary in order to change it’s life path. That everything in life has been created, with you as the architect of the life you live. (Science of Spirit, Pg. 39)

There are rings around Earth: 7 Subplanes of astral planes. Inner ring usually has dead relatives/people. There is known of the 7 planes of Kabbalah it’s system of cosmology “Tree of Life” and it corresponds with 10 Sephiroth or “worlds” which also corresponds with the 7 planes of the Old Hindu Eastern World. We have learned of the 7 worldly sub-planes here..  but there are Cosmic planes also. It is shown here that there are 49 planes in the Universe.

Physical matter only has a fraction of matter and mostly space as previously discussed. Dark matter and energy make up the remainder. This has been known to the Hindus of the East for thousands of years.

Energy matter and consciousness are the keys to understanding this. Consciousness is in everything as it ascends through various kingdoms and nature. We are a collective consciousness, the universe exists in multiple planes/dimensions and we happen to be in that space of multiple dimensions. It affects everything inside of this multiple universe – including us.

Kabblistic Cosmology and Esoteric

Science of Entropy, Order and Identity.

Sharing the World with knowledge, compassion and new understanding of each other.



The Sciences

Sharing the World.

Fundamental world view chart/Fundamental beliefs notes:

Western: science of nonliving universe; superficial darwinian scarcity competitive entropy

Eastern: science of Living universe; Science of Economics mature living system of practice in constructive building through identity.

Modern: science of conscious universe; aware spiritual conncectedness in cooperation order

Western: The problem is in the mind. The misinterpretations of certain concepts and views such as science of entropy lead us to be; dominant, competitive, Darwinist and evolved
-but at the same time it is destructive, feeding our vices, cheating and careless.

Eastern: The misinterpretations of certain concepts and views such as science of constructive identity lead us to be; thoughtful, mindful, loving and nurturing
-but at the same time there is isolation, alienation, discrimination and separation.

Modern: The misinterpretations of certain concepts and views such as science of order lead us to be; caring, social, connected and to cooperate
-but at the same time it is softening us, makes us gullible, makes us victims and to over distribute through socialism.

So i’m learning a bit about this resonance academy material from a person named Nassim Haramein. I’ll keep you guys up to date as to what i’ve learned. So far the material is about deconstruction of your perspectives and this concept called WorldViews. It makes sense, i made this chart in order to show relationships between the worlds they speak about. I’ll post more about my experiences with them. I honestly just jumped into this course because i was taken by the name “Resonance” Academy, his interest in Sacred Geometry, The Logo, It’s affiliations with the SacredGeometry the Flower of Life and his idea of a Virtual reality universe. I wanted to see how he did the math and study of the universe and how he made those connections – so here i am. Committing to this course because i felt a synchronicity with his ideas, I just hope it has a strong basis for my Virtual Reality Paradigm Model. I’m quite interested in what he has to say and what alterations i can make to my model paradigm of the universe.

Hypothetical God Formula, Reincarnation in the Bible and The View Out Here is Not Complete Without Friends.


Ladder of Human God

Just as the Solar system so are we,

If we are like unto the Earth, the filial Son. The Sun being like unto our parental Father. The moon our unto our purposeful benevolent Holy spirit. We make up a collective called a system. The only system out there capable of life as we know it so far. This system is very delicate, one slight change could be the end of everything we love and know. But how vast is this world we live in? better question how vast is our universe? better question how long would it take to travel everywhere relative to you staying on Earth? better yet how vast is our multi-verse? even better question is what is being God like?

Just as Nature so are we,

Our DNA is constructed in a helix, a vortex  in a manner of speaking traveling through space and time. We are not just static dead weights on this Earth..  Do you know what speed I’m going at  just sitting here in this chair relative to the universe? 792,000 km/hr, you might not want to run into me if I freeze you in time and space. Even if you’re running, in your sport car racing- you’re really not going any more faster then I am sitting down relative to the universe we live in.

Just as the Stars there will be many Gods,

“You will worship no other gods” Just by the bible saying this statement confirms there are other gods. He is worried that there are other’s worthier of worship in his state. If he is just a spirit and has no material influence on what we do because we are just like unto him “gods” with a conscious mind with reason and purpose. If I were god, I would be discontent living all by myself without friends and experiences of my own. I would get involved with the “ant colony people” I’ve created because nurturing them to potentially grow consciousness to be like unto me is a dream. I would get so involved I’d be sucked into their lives and involve myself in all their activities. I’d get so involved that I distribute myself everywhere – until I am nothing but energy for the fueling and consumption of my ants.. the homes the ants live in.. the machine environment that fuels their homes.. the system that the environment is in.. the machine that is the universe. I would distribute all my energy to everyone and everything, and then i would recollect those memories every time as the giant black hole vortex in the middle of the universe bringing everything back to me. I am that machine.. and every time I recollect my memories.. I disperse and another potential world is born. Do you not remember the millions and billions of times I’ve breathed your life? It only takes 7 days from the creation of light, earth, animals and humans, so they say. I had to go in the “I” mode to elaborate and emphasize the immediate state.

Reincarnation in the bible? Who said that?

(Christ says to them in Matt 17:12-13) “But i tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him… Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist” Jesus told everyone that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah basically. Did you know there are 4 distinguished ways they made God act in the Torah Scriptures which is the start of the Holy Bible? One where he was directly there acting, directing and telling people what to do. One where he is indirectly there as a burning bush. Another where he isn’t there but through the holy spirit he speaks to them. None of them could agree to what was happening until they “officiated” it in rewriting it as we know it today.

Love all, love yourself and love nature.

Finally i just wanted to discuss the Mass, Time, Time-Travel, True-Time-Universe, dimensional , dimensional travel, Dimensional-Universe and ascendance/transcendence/empowerment theory. These are just all intermediate states and transitional states between. The math is much more complicated than this i assure you. But the theoretical equation should be pretty basic.

How it was is – you have Length. Then you have LengthxWidth. Then you have LengthxWidthxHeight. This makes Mass.

Then you have Time. Which is the 4th dimension. Then you have TimexTime-Travel..  which is the 5th dimension. It is a fold in time of rolling a news paper and  creating this hypothetical 5th dimension Then you have TimexTime-TravelxTime-Travel-Universe. Which is the 6th, and in True-Time-Universe means  to have all time travel destinations at hand. It is a fold in time of rolling a news paper and  creating the 6th dimension. But you can choose any reality. (There’s a quick video in an old post down below.) This Creates True-Time-Travel, the ultimate linear path to seeing your life from beginning to end.

Then you have Dimension. Which is the 7th dimension. Which is ultimately the many different alternative you’s that would have happened had you changed something. Hypothetical “Yous” that  would happen on an off linear map of what ifs. Then you have DimensionxDimensional-Travel. Which is the 8th dimension where you have a fold which allows you to jump from  one hypothetical “You” world to another  version of your world.. maybe this one’s apocalyptic, maybe it’s heaven.. you can’t control it but your able to travel there which the 8th dimension. Then you have DimensionxDimensional-TravelxDimensional-Universe which is to have the ability to travel to any destination at hand the 9th dimension. This completes the Dimension with the Multi-Verse tree which leaves only the ascended states left.

Going for the God state, the state of mastery over your creation of life. You have Ascended trait which is a protruding plane state that allows you to leave this dimension. At dimension 10. Then you have AscendancexTranscendence, the direction to get out of this state. Dimension 11. Then you have AscendancexTranscendencexEmpowerment which is the raw ability to get out of this final state. That makes this Dimension 12. This makes this the realm of God, Dimension 13. And finally you have reached the end which is the Human God realm. dimension 14.

What you want to go further?- You can hypothetically but it makes absolutely no sense to. What would god do- oh. right. =) Hes going to —

(You on’t have to read this paragraph, its a repeat of what we did earlier =) It’s there to hypothetically continue if we wanted to – bringing full round circles  of what it is to be God.)

“If I were god, I would be discontent living all by myself without friends and experiences of my own. I would get involved with the “ant colony people” I’ve created because nurturing them to potentially grow consciousness to be like unto me is a dream. I would get so involved I’d be sucked into their lives and involve myself in all their activities. I’d get so involved that I distribute myself everywhere – until I am nothing but energy for the fueling and consumption of my ants.. the homes ants live in.. the machine environment that fuels the home.. the system that the environment is in.. the machine that is the universe. I would distribute all my energy to everyone and everything, and then i would recollect those memories every time as the giant black hole vortex in the middle of the universe brings everything back to me. I am that machine.. and every time I recollect my memories.. I disperse and another potential world is born. Do you not remember the millions and billions of times I’ve breathed your life? It only takes 7 days from the creation of light, earth, animals and humans, so they say. I had to go in the “I” mode to elaborate and emphasize the immediate state.”

And the cycle continues!!

Okay so time travel allows you to go back in time and redo certain events on your timeline through what i call a “unlimited amount of doors idea” where you can through your actions go back to a certain save point and try something different to see if it opens new opportunities if it doesn’t work you can go back to it and try a different route until you succeed. . Dimensional travel allows you to travel between different trees (versions of yourself) that you could possibly be had you been a different person. This is as simple as i can put it. (time,space,dimension).




Ascended Masters Chart – Who they are. Reincarnation, Life after Death.





They say when you’re experiencing a NDE *Near death experience* you see a tunnel, see familiar faces, dead people, people who are only partially channeled into this world, a purity of love and compassion for human kind and a will to get better and come back with a new outlook. It’s these things that make a person want to believe that there’s  hope for those who seek the light in life. The way out to break out of Samsara, The wheel of life and stop reincarnating into this blackhole trap called life.  You have to wonder why you’re here and what you need to do to get out and get the ones you love out to the place of higher peace and knowledge. The Nirvana of life achieved through meditation. Making peace with yourself before you pass in this life and acquiring the knowledge to not be attached with guilt and regret is most essential.

These charts are mostly incomplete, I did the best i could in gathering the information.. mostly from google, wikipedia and these three web sources: and

I tried color coating the words according to their associated aura colors. Apparently with the right training and ability you can see aura colors under certain conditions or acquired skill in looking. I haven’t tried so i’ll leave that to the practitioners. I just wanted to make a chart for notes on Ascended Masters throughout time.

Reincarnation is a really interesting concept that I feel i needed to explore. So let’s look at the people most famous for this thing called reincarnation as controlled as it can get, through The Ascended Masters.

For your viewing pleasure and my headache. There you go.

These are the ideas that are leading to the acknowledgement that an afterlife is very possible.

1.) Death and departure – Most clients recall looking down at their body and seeing people mourning over their death. Some people reported staying around their loved ones until after their funeral. During this time clients could feel a pull towards a light, and described a tunnel of sorts to get there.

2.) Gateway to the spirit world – This is the stage where clients report moving through the tunnel and reaching the light at the end. Location of the tunnel varies, as some say it appears right above their bodies and others say they have to travel above the Earth to reach it. After reaching the end of the tunnel clients almost always describe in varying ways beautiful visions, music, and scenery. Dr. Newton suggests that these images are beloved memories from our lives, to help give a feeling of familiarity during such an overwhelming process. Younger souls may feel sad or confused during this time, and it’s reported that their guides will come to assist and comfort.

3.) Homecoming – Here we are greeted by souls who are close to us. They appear as luminous beings who sometimes project faces of people who are still ‘alive’ in a physicality because our souls only project a certain percentage of itself into the physical body, so there will always be a part of the soul existing in the spirit realm. During this stage the soul begins to remember more about the afterlife and also their previous lives, feeling more at ease with the process. Souls which have committed murder or suicide will analyze their actions with their guide and decide on an appropriate path to begin almost immediately.

4.) Orientation – During the orientation stage a soul will shed any regret/doubt/sadness/traumatic memories from its previous life by going through what clients describe as a ‘shower of light’. This renews the soul’s vibrancy and restores it to its original vibration. Afterwards, we discuss with our guide everything that has happened in our life and decide whether or not we lived up to our expectations about how we dealt with those incidents and if the lessons need to be repeated in the next life.

5.) Transition – After we have completed our light shower and have worked through our previous life, we then move onto what most describe as the most breathtaking visions of the entire journey. Here we see a mega-hub of souls at the same stage, all moving through beautiful tunnels of light to their destination. Clients describe this moment as exciting because there is no darkness, just pure light, and we are also on our way to meet up with our soul family, souls who are at a similar stage in their evolution and who we shared lives with. Once we meet up with these souls, we usually compare experiences and learn from each other. These are souls that we keep reincarnating with over and over again, playing various roles with each other such as partners, brothers/sisters, parents, children, etc. Sometimes souls will be present but dimmer and quieter than others, and that is because they are still projecting a physicality at that moment. Another crucial aspect of this stage is to meet a grand counsel that oversees our previous life, going into more detail about the experiences and lessons learned.

6.) Placement – This stage is almost like a school where larger groups of soul families (up to thousands) who incarnate around each other in cycles learn about their previous experiences. Here clients report projecting into specific scenes from their previous life and into other people’s minds to gain a full understanding of the larger picture. Here we feel what others felt to learn how we hurt people in certain situations. This stage can also see the larger soul groups connecting in circles, sharing more ideas, singing, and experiencing other joyful events.

7.) Life selection – During this stage we move to a large sphere of light where we then choose our next life path. We are able to see multiple paths and are able to temporarily project into these lives to feel which one would be most appropriate. We also have the ability to fast forward through the timelines to see critical events that will happen. Some souls will choose greater challenges to experience such as a disability or premature death.

8.) Choosing a new body – This process is a part of the previous life selection stage, but has a separate categorization because it focuses on the physical appearance that we will possess in the next life. This choice vastly affects our experience, so it usually takes much thought as to what it will be. If you were obese in one life, chances are you will choose to be skinny the next, etc.

9.) Preparation and embarkation – After choosing our life path, next we meet up with our soul group, the people who will play roles in the next life, to do extensive planning and to create synchronicities and cues that will guide us throughout our life. Higher-level guides also help to plan out specific symbols we will see or hear that will trigger certain thoughts and actions at specific times. After the synchronicities are decided, we once again meet with a counsel to go over our goals and plans for the next life. This meeting is also to encourage us to have patience, to hold true to our values, to trust ourselves in the midst of difficult situations, and to avoid indulging in anger and negativity.

10.) Rebirth – Clients report traveling back to Earth through the same tunnel they left in, entering the mother’s womb. Until the age of 5, the soul is able to leave the baby’s body to travel and meet up with other souls if it wishes, but will snap back to the body if the baby is in any turmoil. During the first few years the soul will work to integrate its energy with the brain.

This outline of our experience between lives is based on decades worth of research, and like Dr. Newton and other hypnotherapists state, clients under such hypnotic states will never lie and will only describe what they are actually seeing. How is it that almost everyone who undergoes hypnotherapy or who have NDE or OOB experiences, regardless of whatever religious or cultural background they come from, report such similar experiences? Could it be merely coincidental? How is it that people recall these kinds of experiences after being declared clinically dead? These are the sorts of questions that can only be answered by the assimilation of science and spirituality. In the years to come we will witness more of this conjunction between two seemingly unrelated spectrums, which will ultimately bring us closer to an understanding of life, death, and consciousness like never understood before.

Harmonics, The Pyramid of Giza (human development catalyst)- A love story for humanity, Initiation and Awakening.


Properties of the Pyramid of Giza: It holds the math of pi, phi and euler the universal constants all in one structure. The acoustics of the kings chambers have very interesting properties.. the Pyramid is like a tuning fork suggesting and now proven through science it is a structure for harmonics. Another aspect of it is that it may play the role of shaping our DNA. It is through the evoking of an ancient “language of light” an ancient language called the Hibiru language (said to have harmonics imbued into the language) and the Hebrew language is also similar in evoking these feelings. The properties can also be found in Keys of notes evoking nature, feelings and emotion. Which are said to be evolutionary triggers. It is said that the Pyramid of Giza is a resonating structure that harmonically acts as a catalyst in triggering human spiritual evolution. The consciousness trigger that allows people to attain higher knowledge and understanding of the world around them. We find that historical figures have had past lives there namely. Ra-Ta aka Edgar Cayce. Thoth, Hermes, Merlin aka Jesus of Nazareth; also had lives as Adam, Jeshua, Joshua, Elijah and Joseph of Egypt and Enoch, (who was the son of Jared [Genesis 5:19–21], the father of Methuselah, and the great-grandfather of Noah. The one taken to heaven to see Ein Soph the tree of life and to describe it to the people on Earth).

I have reason to believe that the Pyramid Giza is a gateway not for the body but for the soul of the architect of the Giza pyramid, for not only the queen and king to be eternally united – but for those involved in the construction to continue to reincarnate and find each other every time. I also have reason to believe that there was a much grander scheme that they were acting as a catalyst in the construction of this structure. For it has harmonic properties that resonate throughout time and life on earth. Used almost like an antennae for influence at the DNA level for consciousness.

The architect was one of great wisdom building this monument which represented rebirth according to this symbol The vesicle Pisces. We later learn that the architect was actually Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice Greatest, also known as Toth (Lord of Magic and Time) the Atlantean or Hermes to the Greek or to the Celtic Merlin who disappears up an apple tree to mythic Avalon seeking the secret of immortality. Edgar Cayce’s reading says that Jesus is the reincarnation of one of the builders for the Great Pyramid. The builder Toth got help from an Egyptian priest by the name of Ra-Ta who is said to be reincarnated as Edgar Cayce himself. Toth meticulously designed the pyramid for his future awakening as the historical Jesus of Nazareth who awakened to the Christ consciousness through the Great Pyramid initiation. If the initiation in the Great Pyramid was successful the graduate was awakened and returned with supernatural abilities to heal and perform wonders. Many biblical historians claimed that Jesus indeed spent a long time in Egypt. Toth and Enoch said they would return “with the keys to the gates of the sacred lands”.

vesica pisces pyramid

The Vesicle Pisces which is also a strong symbol of Christ. Who we find that his love life may have been complicated because of the Roman rule and Jewish control. Though it is said he may have lived and visited Mary Magdelene after he was crucified, claimed dead and put in a tomb but said to have raised from the dead. Hints to his survival was the cloth that made him instantly die when stuck in his mouth (suspected he may have been sedated) and also when they went to his tomb they carried aloe and healing materials instead of funeral flowers which is suspicious if he is dead. In the lost gospel Ecclesiastical History of Zacharias Rhetor under the pseudonyms of “Joseph” and “Aseneth”. According to the text, the two were married and had two children. The encrypted tale is suggested to have been based on a lost gospel that escaped being destroyed during the time of the first Christian Emperor, Constantine. Not to be confused but Jesus is just a prophet just as Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Krishna who attained enlightenment. Christ is the one of interest who is the perfect being of light.. He is the product of all the multiple enlightened lives he’s lived.

The fourth generation pharaoh Khufu “built” the Giza Pyramid with it in mind the constitution of construction of the body, the Pyramid, It’s associations the  3 pyramids of Giza. And also the system or what we in the human world would call the story of his life as pharaoh. His work, life and love attempting to manifest through time. But the architect and mastermind was Ra-ta and Toth of the time who are reincarnations of Edgar Cayce and Jesus of Nazareth. They are the initiates of the Pyramid of Giza and are the ones that deserve the credit. There is one more figure in the puzzle the only one to be taken up to the heaven’s with flesh still on him, we’ll learn of him in a minute.


(The Giza Pyramids Alignments say that it is made by the mastery of using Circles [Study of Heavens] and the creation of the pyramids just establishes how superior their knowledge in sacred geometry was.)

The Pyramid’s elevations to the chambers represent the time and years marked by ticks.  They also mark historic events in time. The pyramid encodes Jesus’ birth date as exactly 27th Sept 2 BC. Maybe the greatest mystery of all, if the pyramid has a timeline that perfectly predicts the future, how were the builders of the pyramid able to see into the future? I wonder if they induced out of body telling of the future rather then time travel by body. According to Lemusier, the Great Pyramid has been meticulously designed to mark all historical events from the last 4000 years into our present time. Lemusier found that an inch in the passageway corresponds to the length of a year. The Enoch circle in the Ante-Chamber was the perfect key for the translation of length (an inch) into time (a year).

There is also another figure in the building of the pyramid, he goes by the name of Enoch who happens to be known as Jesus too as the scientist-priest in the construction of the pyramid. The man who was shown Ain Soph/Ein Soph which is the Tree of Life. There is a language of light.. and it is called harmonics the keys of music are actually the keys to activating certain natures, emotions and feelings in the human body. The kings chamber is said to harness this power, the Hebrew language is said to best known to evoke these feelings – which is said to help in the transformation of human beings in consciousness to become beings of the stars. They say that humans are potentially beings becoming beyond angels, like unto gods. The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a language of light. Known to the ancients as HIBURU, it is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Hibiru is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light. The tree of life is a live vibrating structure.

Sonic experiments performed in the King’s chamber showed that the King’s chamber has a series of acoustic resonance frequencies that correspond with perfect musical notes. The coffer inside the King’s chamber has a perfect resonance frequency of 440 Hz, the ground note A, the frequency of a tuning fork.

Four other resonance frequencies were found in the King’s chamber. These correspond with the musical notes F#, A, C# and D#. These notes are the notes of the F sharp melodic minor scale (F#). Indian shamans tuned their ceremonial flutes to F sharp because they believed that it is a frequency that is attuned to mother Earth.

Now we may remember from the Cymatics studies that the Platonic solids emerge from the perfect sound frequencies of the diatonic musical scale. Pure tonal frequencies were found in the Earth grid frequencies.

The amazing thing is that the resonance frequencies of the King’s chamber correspond with the resonance frequencies that were found in the 4 nucleotides of the DNA molecule. This structure has only 4 basic building blocks, the DNA bases adenine (A), cytonsine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). Two out of four of these nucleotides can be joined to form a base pair and these base pairs are sequenced to a DNA string. The complete DNA is a spiralling helix of three billion of such base pairs.

The purpose of this Pyramid of Giza is for spiritual initiation and healing. Another purpose could be that it served as a balancing instrument for the Earth’s energy grid.

We’ll get into the studies DNA as we learn more about it. I think this is a good place to stop.

Esoteric Charts with Ascendance Variable


There’s apparently much still to be learned about the Esoteric Charts then I expected. There’s a lot of information for these uncharted Esoteric studies. Some of this information very other worldly with concepts of Angels or Divine bodies helping the former selves/lower forms to develop in this reality we call life. I was initially mind blown by the ascension topic, because it was a system in which they incorporated ratios of atoms and molecules. Then they had Triads and monads, the very system that i was using to separate my categories was in fact a triad system.

A whole lot of the neat things to be learned from at I just hope to implement this as critically as i can. There’s also the list/range of heaven and time frames. And the studies that describe the progression in Human spheres/scopes. The Monadic Connection to said particular being.

Aspect of Being Chart:

Aspect of being Chart 2 Esoterics

Esoteric Terminology Chart:

Aspect of being Chart 1 Esoterics

Kabbalistic Cosmology, to Planes and Esoteric Cosmology comparisons:

Kabblistic Cosmology and Esoteric

Heaven Names, Life Spans and Bodily Heights in measures of planes and monadic ratios:10a-Astral,-Mental-&-Causal-Planes

Monadic to Physical Designations in various Studies:


The human body/mind and it’s connection to the Greater Causal Body:


Esoteric Concepts of Ascendance.


Vertical Binary Ascendance Properties:

This is one of the fruits of my works. The True Binary is composed of the three; Chakra Ascendance (Body Alpha), Esoteric God Formula Transcendence (Mind Omega) and Aspect and Ratio of Self Empowerment (Spirit Crossway) components. If there was a science to ascendance it would probably be in this section of the very abstract esoteric studies we just went through. It is very important that you acknowledge that this is just a ladder list of ascendance climbing up to where ever.

Chakra Ascendance, Body Alpha:


Esoteric God Transcendence, Mind Omega:

Ladder of Human God

Aspect and Ratio of Self Empowerment, Spirit Crossway:Molecular and Aspect of Self


Ascendant Protruding Binary:

All three combined Gives us the True Ascendant Protruding Binary. But they are all vertical alignments in this spectrum thus there’s no Protruding Binary to a Protruding Binary. An Ascendant Protruding Binary in this case would be annulled or redundant.


Chakra Revisit – Charts <Source

I had a dream about The Buddha. I started resonating at a strange frequency and also saw what it felt like with negative thoughts at the frequency. The resonating felt like a ringing and it rippled through time. I concentrated on what I learned and meditated on being at peace and what Nirvana meant when I was in this state. I was able to have an out of body experience and wanted to see what I looked like asleep. So I floated up in this dream state and looked at my face. To my surprise I had a 3rd eye, the color of the eye was a blue and it was wide open. It was so real, being rational and scientific about my approach I tried pinching the eye as gently as I could and it reacted as you would think. Unflinching but the skin moved as it would as I pinched the top of the eye and bottom of it. It was a real eye soft and strange because it was in the middle of my forehead.

For this section I made charts about Chakra and it’s sources the Glands of the human body. I used this website as my source and i found these cool affirmations that I personally wanted to write up myself but they were done so i didn’t need to. Thanks to these guys at the link above. Chakra is the study of ancient Hindu body, mind and spirit as they are connected through this vessel we call our vessel of experience. It is only possible that your universe exist through this thing we call a body. We are many collective sources of expression and experience with the spark of God in us. We as a collective make up the human experience that is God.

light spectrum

The Chakra Red Muladhara:


The Chakra Orange Svadhisthana:


The Chakra Yellow Manipura:


The Chakra Green Anahata:


The Chakra Blue Visuddha:


The Chakra Indigo Ajna:


The Chakra Violet Sahasrana:


Affirmations: These are just healing words for a certain targeted gland or chakra source. These help in the pursuit to heal, strengthen and master our chakras.Affirmations

I also went into a post about Chakra a long while back how Music, Life, Flower and Chakra were interrelated. The post is below.


Rei-Ki Principles

Study of martial arts

Qi Energy

This is the art of Rei-Ki. And i’m a quick study, but there’s some interesting concepts that i would like to inherit into my systems.

Rei-Ki Symbols