The Worth of a Little Spark; Gravity of Humanity


Humanity, the small and the weak are worth defending and fighting for no matter how tainted, broken or defected it all may seem to be. Love for this quality is necessary no matter how limited and deviant it may become. We must have hope and faith no matter the worth even when it is holistically depreciated or crooked. It (life) is precious and it must be carefully guided the roots carefully tended. Truth must always be kept in check, the integrity sanctioned and established. Innocence and humanity is always worth fighting for, for the lost must be found in the end no matter the outcome. This humanity is small and sought after no matter how life turns out, the tides of justice come in favor for those who fight for what’s right. Redemption is always given to those who continue to fight. Redeeming qualities weighs more heavily than flaws of man. The brokenness of man and life shines through when times are tough. The cracks act as scars in life and builds the person’s character.

This is not the end, this can only be seen as a new beginning. You must be willing to fight, for all you have is what’s in front of you. Because everything just happens to be all you currently see at the moment. All you can do is take what you have at this very moment and make it bloom best you can. The fruition of your work continues to grow forever until termination. And termination is only determined when you decease. That is the value of life, it continues to give (life, hope and happiness) until you give up. Bless all life and forgive all those who fail. For redemption is a quality to all the living no matter it’s current state. I forgive and have love for those who can not give anymore and are deceased. You will live in my heart and I pray my actions in life will redeem those who have given up hope and living backwards.

Ein Sof Tree of Life 30×48 Painting

I spent the afternoon buying a huge 30×48 canvas, taking the bus and carrying it home. It was quite awkward carrying so much stuff home today. I put into the day a day’s work of painting. I call this Ein Sof Tree of Life, The tree is suppose to be made of stars and the Tree is suppose to represent ever knowledge and ever experience. History and information of all things found in time, as divine memory tells that all things are recorded and remembered in the frame of life. No rock unturned- no action forgotten. In life every deed and every notion of expression is remembered. Our karma and work pays off in the end. Please enjoy my tree to your viewing pleasure.



Self Learning Artificial Intelligence; APA Essay by Nam Nguyen

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Nam Nguyen

Biological Sciences/Environmental Sciences

A Submission to Jocelyn Crocker

Prepared for credit in

X01 Biological Sciences/ Comm 1105

Oct. 14, 2017


Edmonton, Alberta


Artificial intelligence can be described as a computer programming mind, to be self learning is to be able to build it’s database on past experience or understanding about the future. It is believed that artificial intelligence may be the next mile stone in human accomplishments. It is also discussed in the scientific community warning that it is the beginning of the end and that there is a grave danger in creating a self learning artificial intelligence. Describing self learning (Artificial Intelligence) AI as an attainment of the highest glory of human accomplishment but also as a grave danger, is a double-edged sword. Based on the secular philanthropic direction of human ethics; this can be seen as a highly contradictory problem and it also can be seen as a solution for many unwanted mundane and trivial jobs or occupations that could otherwise be given to such a thing as a self learning AI. For the basis of such cheap labor can be bought with very little expense of capital or energy according to deloitte uk-insight “we suggested that 35 per cent of jobs in the UK were at high risk of automation in the next 10-20 years”. The dangers of something working at such a high efficiency level may bring in alarming ethical debates, to mention a few: The use of military machines or technologies of war namely weapons of war and (weapons of mass destruction) WMD, social/religious politics and robotics auto targeting and abuse of automatic locking and identifying technologies into question. Self learning AI is now no longer a myth of tales. It is now a scientific reality that must be dealt with open ears, eyes, hands and of course the heart. According to what was learnt about Alpha-Go a machine, by Google Deep Mind, a machine mind could out-wit and out play the worlds best Go player in the world. I will be identifying and arguing the example technologies; explain their potential but also their conflicting dangers and explain myself the best solution and the steps required to bring these technologies to life. Alpha-GO deep mind algorithms are building ideas and learning from past experiences. The applications of a self learning program or AI is limitless and may lead to inevitable success, many jobs could be easily filled with such a technology. If past experiences can be learned from and skills/ideas understood better with just mainly at the expense of time – and if these ideas/skills can be transferable to other jobs and compiled to learn and built on that. With this attribute in mind, in the world of education this would compliment a system that can also accommodate learning aids/guidance in the creation of more learning programs for humans along side (mainly virtual worlds under virtual settings); the ideas for what is possible is almost limitless. There are three things covered in this essay; practical applications, dangers of worldly complications and our future ideal destination by science. I will be discussing each topic and emphasize the importance of the three topics.

“Google spent more than $400 million to buy industry-leading startup DeepMind, and scored a major tech and marketing coup when the computer AlphaGo defeated grandmaster Lee Sedol at the possibility-lush game of Go–an achievement hundreds of times more complex than when Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess.” (Lee, Adrian “Banking on artificial intelligence”, 2017)

First, we will explore the practical applications of a self learning machine mind to solve and provide solutions to simple and complicated problems. According to Google and its recent trends on buying out the major players in the AI world, namely The AI Deep Blue, AlphaGo project. The amount of energy and capital invested in this example show’s just how much interest is in this piece of technology. The action of buying it out by Google, shows the importance of what this intelligence is as a future player in the industry. Google invested and bought out this startup company without any hesitation and for good reason too. They now have in their hands on an intelligence program that can play Go, but more importantly learn, react and move strategically in the complex game/world of Chinese Go – more efficiently and effectively than the best Go player in the world. This feat was also accompanied by Garry Kasparov and his defeat by Deep Blue in Chess before the coming of this event years later. If it is possible to teach a computer to navigate and pin point movement options on a game board, then to what extent can a computer be able to critically make decisions in space of life. I believe the best answer to this may be producing virtual worlds and also using these worlds as a virtual learning tool for many engineering and apprenticeships that need hands on experience. This may bridge the gap for experience in the world and allow opportunities to test and narrow down/calculate options. Programs built on the back bones of programs that want to learn and want to teach others to learn. Creating a learning environment where you can make mistakes and learn from them is most ideal especially in a competitive world that can be unforgiving sometimes in failure.

Secondly, among all the positive things to say about advanced technology and tools, we may have a problem mostly with advanced militarized machines and technology regarding war. If the machines are too efficient in killing, detecting and maiming – then it is technically marked off as a moral case for further human discussion about human responsibilities, to reevaluate its creator imbued personality and programming protocols for the said machine/AI programming. There are already enough stories in the Hollywood scene about robots/androids going rogue and not complying to their host creator. (Terminator, 1984) And of course a rogue self learning artificial intelligence would be a concern in life but that’s where we should set the protocols to shut it off should be. If the artificial intelligence believes it to be in the right without following specific procedures to handling a situation then it is necessary to program it to next time possibly wait for further instructions or until the engaged subject turns violent and hostile. This is all up to the host creator to implement and think about in the future if such an event occurs. This would be ideal for a creator to design something expendable if failed but always useful in the presence of it’s human host’s beck and call. They should only be looked at as a tool rather than confused as a sentient being no matter how flashy and refined the product is, we must remember that they were created as a product of science to benefit the human kind. Of course, there is a scare in the air with technology being so accessible asking what happens when a highly intelligent rogue AI were to get access to WMD (weapons of mass destruction). Such as the imprint of the last time we saw WMD in action during the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in WW2. The Atom bomb was a catastrophic disaster in which lingering radiation and wreckage still impedes normal life for a human being until this day. This gift of the understanding physics as he did also come with a warning that there is great responsibility that comes with understanding the miniature world of physics. The curse of the damage that was caused by that gift is ironic and sits on Einstein’s grave’s head where he will be remembered through history as the father of the Atom bomb.


Lastly on the future of this technology we should contemplate on what the ideal reimagined fate of all this would be and that we may be faced with strange AI and AI products in the future. Mixing people with machine and even sub-machine and bionically augmented human beings. There is in the world of social behaviors in what they call a stature of being politically correct, other human language obstructions/traditions/barriers/reactions and mannerisms that can be taught to an AI. Two chat robots were let loose in an experimental chat-bot argument set up supposedly by this turing test. Turing test, is defined as “a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human” (Youtube: Two Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots talk and argue with each other, 2017) We find that even amongst AI and chatbots they can be taught awareness and even a slight consciousness amongst the name calling, moderate existential crisis and of course poetry discussion – as random as that may sound, all of it is intelligent to some degree and therefore it is completely possible to mistake one of these chatbots for a real person if one has a poor sense of detecting that these voices are synthesized voices. Of course, meeting real life androids is also a real thing thanks to technology and human’s having the need to humanize everything that they see and these ones can fool you into thinking you are talking to another human being. (Youtube: Rise 2017- Hanson Robotics – two robots debate the future of humanity) This video is a display of an android level robot AI interacting with advanced social skills and mannerisms. The flexible latex skin and having them touch on ideas of what a robot is and is not, may confuse a person to wonder what makes them any different from us. These are exciting times and distinguishing robot from reality is something that must be discussed in our race for better AI and human/Earth friendly technology.


Finally in conclusion, technology has given rise to the race for the hold on the ultimate AI. Whoever may hold the race for the “Greatest AI” wins the race for the world, as said by Putin himself (Putin, 2017). There’s an honorary seat for those who want to recreate greatness and that is done hand in hand with the highest extent of our responsibility to our children and our children’s children. The race for space was only the beginning we are developing into an age where machines and men/women are starting work symbiotically and in unison with technology/nature to make life better for the human being. To give chance to another evolutionary leap for science of the decade. Blending consciousness and mindfulness and bringing about the awe of contemplation in life. The three things covered in this essay; practical applications, dangers of worldly complications and our future ideal destination by science. We were able in our exploration of the “Self Learning Artificial Intelligence” to grasp what we have as a known science, how to work it and use it to benefit humanity. We identified dangers of such technologies in the world. We reimagined and envisioned the future of what our ideals may bring us to, in the destiny of man, technology and machine. This lead us to this moment where we see in clarity the beauty of the temporary moment and the work that is still needed to be done to understand nature, technology and deep in ourselves the responsibility that is due for such greatness. It is a gift to fight and obtain the seat of claim but it is also a curse if used irresponsibly; such is the memory of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, our greatest regret in the human crimes department. On the positive side machines and machine parts can help augment a person to live a normal life despite being amputated. The potential that technology has for helping more people than hurting people is important here and we need not to punish ourselves for other’s mistakes.


Citation 1- Deloitte UK Insights p.1. “deloitte-uk-insights-from-brawns-to-brain.pdf” from

Citation 2- Lee, Adrian. “Maclean’s; Toronto Banking on artificial intelligence”, Jan 23rd 2017 Retrieved October 14, 2017 from

Citation 3-“Terminator” 1984, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 4-“Hiroshima and Nagasaki WW2”, August 1945, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 5- Youtube Video Two Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots talk and argue with each other” Sept. 29th 2013, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 6- Youtube Video “Rise 2017- Hanson Robotics – two robots debate the future of humanity” July 12 2017, Retrieved October 14, 2017

Citation 7- Youtube Video “Whoever leads in AI will rule the world” September 4, 2017, Retrieved October 14, 2017




Branded Hijab and Modesty Labeling Defeats the Means of Modest Dressing


Burkini, Hijab, Burka’s reason for dressing for modesty may not completely make sense in that it is worn as a dress code to please the male gender and can also be seen as a fetish to conform to a religions ideology of modesty. If modesty is the idea behind the burka, is it not excessive to over cloth during a warm sunny day? Why does it appear excessive to the point where only the women’s eyes are allowed to show? And now entering and confronted how do you identify a woman in full burka’s in public places out of public safety and identification? This idea of Hijabs, Burka’s and Burkini’s start to be a problem when it starts complicating daily normal life.

It is this idea of conforming to a religion’s ideology of trying to be politically correct and unintentionally objectifying women to wear certain things based on an ideology. I believe in freedom to express, so let a woman wear what ever she wants. The men weren’t forced to wear burkas why do the females? This brings us to the point on equality, why do women have regulations on what they must wear while males do not have to change anything in their dress code?

I feel like the Muslim people need to wear something so they themselves have an identity and remind themselves who they are. Now a-days people are just wearing it as a political or fashion statement to tell people who they are and promote their religion so that others may follow the trend or convert based on some people’s positive experiences. As harmless as the notion of joining any movement should be but especially joining the Muslim movement, let it be known and warned that leaving the community and religion is very difficult and dangerous because of religious zealots. They will attempt in every way to persuade you to stay even if they have to stone you to death. It still happens and it’s legal apparently.  There will be excommunications and severed ties with present families and a lot of hate from all sides. In most cases Atheists within a Muslim communities live in unbearable conditions where they are harassed daily physically and emotionally.

Sadly religions will continue to push for new ideology to define who and what they are based on the pursuit of religious identity. Scholars will make up ideas and the average person caught in the net of the religion will continue to follow blindly with what ever the new religion is in control of. There may be truth and you can possibly still live normal lives even with religion, but the religion is a prescribed ideology and prescribed ideology can be outdated easily. The truth of religion is that not everything has an answer and when you can’t fix it literally based on the book you may end up coming to the conclusion of stoning them. This is not the answer, violence is never the answer to resolve conflict in life.

The conflict of mistreatment and discrimination of others based on the existing infidels, blasphemers, apostates is a sign of a great prejudice at the heart of this religion. They will not accept you and even if they open up their doors to have you out of courtesy and politeness there will be no love of connection truly and sincerely. Religion is a double edged sword and Islam is an ideology you must weigh and consider the worth of such a thing. Is it worth killing and dying over? Take everything with a grain of salt I say. Try not to take everything too literally and finally try to see the full picture and not take an extreme side because radicalism is harmful and has not been thought through very well.

Link to discussion about the hijabi part 1:


The Madness of Awesome. The Establishing of Divine Systems.



If you look at this picture long enough. It changes colors and moves with life. This is my evidence to show what I learned. More evidence can be seen in more of my studies in Divine Systems, The channeling a flow of energy from the realm of abundance, stars and universe and even god. I integrated several things in this portal/portrait. It’s just a picture.. but it makes you feel like you’re tripping balls. from tapping into a world of free energy and a abundance of it, truth systems and heaven and earth studies. In the mean time… have fun with this portal as much as I enjoyed making it.

Divine Intervention:

ntegrity is priority. Take your time. Do not compromise mission.

It is important to take a little from each book as some BOOKS in this series of knowledge may seem trivial and sometimes even redundant in nature. The truths here are a comprehended truth of synthesized truths on the narration of/by/with the person (single body existence) based out of the human condition, the world view of what is accepted and understood in society, the collective view of a collaborative body, The consensus of the people, the mind of contemplated truth and nature of the universe, an ultimate view of that supersedes common thought (derived from essence of Omega the personality of gradual progress through the medium of time), The will to teach and nurture and the Grief and guilt of lost life on failed worlds.

Project 4 sided Chinta


Oblivion: micro world:

(Sonus i’m the Knowledge titles and important keystones guy)

Ambiguous: Numbers based on alpha system of 8 people paradigm entity.

Possible systems: Paradigm of 4 (possible 5 maybe) subjects in mind.  8 who have 5 possible outcome worlds (4 cardinal directions and one ascendency upwards). Sharing 1 world in which is shared in a pillar of knowledge of ascendancy. 8 x 33 (8 x 4 + 1  possible ascendant world outcomes). Ascendant people can account for  5 different worlds of views. Light can be inversed and dark can be inversed. thus in this light. With 4 (note ***) possible themed (not sure what this is, not yet determined variable) constitution of outcomes.  (of light, inverse light, dark inverse dark, earth, inverse earth ( swastika, nazika past, future and present moment focused on earth things of reality, experience, worldly value and life).

With possible established cardinal direction ideals EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH and UP. despite opposite inverse possibilities of ideas. We will leave that to inverse interests and therefore trivial to our objectives.

Nam: “Would like to narrate a fiction story about people represented as cardinal directions but cannot do it due to time specifications and without making things up on the basis of non-truthful and non knowledge based facts.”

On the basis of what we know. (on the premise of a 4 based paradigm and ideal to honor a potential 5 based pardigms.) There are 5 cardinal directions in life, not strictly bond to direction of thoughts but rather just general virtual view of the spectrum of world based on the knowledge of the 3 dimensional worlds. X,Y, Z knowledge of space. Knowledge of time as a four dimensional variable. Five the dimensional variable of dimensions and alternate realities and perspectives.. and based on the matter of choices. Six the possible notion of an establish world enlightened truths in the world. Seven the notion of possible established abundance natured world. Eight the notion of possible world of guidance for nurturing narrative of humans taken care of by Osidian The Giver.

The idea to speak to the common multitude and establish a true kind and compassionate premise is that. There are numerous worlds but that are only a few true states of direction in the physical world. In the Earth world such worlds will revolve around a box and cube for the idea is that people can relate to a world and land that has a a horizon and a sun that rises in the east and sets in the west. Established on Earth people are gifted with the common practical cardinal directions. In essence the nature of the physical world and virtual reality exists on this premise in the from of x y z and exploration of the world of matter, spectrum and effective navigation through the medium of physical existence. This world is inherently a cube.

The Heavens is a different nature and animal. But not entirely inhumane to subjected as robots and machines of complete absolute faith, hope and complete obedience. Based on a perfect system. In the Spiritual world of Heaven such as worlds that thrive on Creativity of Man and ultimately life. The world is made in comprehension of truths of worlds within worlds, within worlds forever and ever until you arrive out of the microcosm in the macrocosm, The pearl necklace is a philosophy of worlds within the pearls of each pearl on the necklace. The philosophy is the same. Each body of the pearl represents a perfect universe they have experienced. The body can’t take you to certain places and transcendent information becomes redundant in a state of paradox in the speak of human language.

This world is also based on the partial truth that they are in the form of spirit because they can only exist as such to express, explore worlds,comprehend and experience such truths. This is the perfect world of spirit.. where they are unattached completely from identity — everyone is in song, immediately connected in mind, body, south, spirit and even thought. Everyone knows each other inherently. They reach out and tell stories of their experiences and knowledge but can never really do anything about trivial matters of common human lives, their prospects, their unexpressed gifts, dormant natures and song of experience. The world of the spirit is based on the Cardinal System of direction but fully expressed.. in infinite directions that ultimately result in the shape of a perfect spherical shape. The result of this shape is it’s inherent nature to see in all directions in all spectrum, manners and directions creating a term called “world” that has been conveniently tied in with the material of world of mass and form which is truly a misconception. Worlds are universes that inherently able to create a platform and constitute a medium for people to see things, do things and even become things (human identities and such).

You are experiencing star systems, stellar objects, systems, people, politics, ideas, science, religion, identity – based on ideas in the form of vessels that hold these ideas. The power of being to see and make sense with your own truth of what is happening. Some people constitute systems of experience and worlds. Some people express themselves as a beaming star. Some people express themselves through the inherent expressed nature of how they affect people like black holes. Some people impose their rule as planets as gravity and orbit, some as a collective council of stars,  some people want to be like animals and to express what they think being an animal is like, we are manifestations of ideas that want to be expressed and be experienced in life. The human condition is just an element, yet a essential conduit in the form of physical vessel that allows you to collaborate collectively and experience life on Earth here.

To narrate this properly I must make a fictitious medium based on otherworldly comprehension, external sources, resources and knowledge. The fictitious medium will not allow you to fully comprehend the absolute truth. But it is a basis and precursor to grasp some sense of what is going on in a initiating process to cultivate the mind, be open to ideas and hearts of my own comprehended truths.

There were eight friends. Each one represent a personality and nature based on their wildly different constitutions and identities. They all sought to ascend and were the heroes of Earth. They knew of each other, learned from each other, criticized but always in a nurturing manner. They loved life, prospered in life and pursued their dreams truly to the extent of those words. This was the experience of life. They sought to ascend the trivial matter, medium and disillusions of life to enlighten themselves in the the most respectful matters of engaging a person, traditions, culture, life on Earth as we know it and all it’s creative abundance and the results/products that entails it.

These friends were the Heroes of The Earth Realm. A fictitious fabrication sadly but – with meaningful intent, based on common comprehended truths and common practical speech. The sought to ascend. But their fashion of expressing their seeking of truth was either in a whirlpool direction of clockwise and counter clockwise. One direction will take you to a future of Great upbringings of the past at the compromise of a dark future. The other direction would lead one to have a terrible past but it’s inherent nature, spirit and fruits of progress thrives because basically it speaks to the universal level of progressing in the flow of time.  And well – progress in time despite representing and it’s trivial misconceptions of what evil because no one is truly good or evil, or black and white.. This idea that an evil man who progresses despite being known for being evil means ultimately in the future we have a tortured soul who will learn. Whereas the philosophy of the other who is apparently the innocent good happy person because it was born happy but die unhappy. We live in the medium of time in the fluid flux and flow of time. The good person in appearance can only express itself physical but not in essence in philosophy. They can act and show as much as they want that they truly are good people but they are the same as all other broken, stuffed and stitched up doll we see in each other because of life. And some.. just thrive in the sea manure social politics, corruption and daily scandals. Some make best of what they got and become in essence “the touch of gold” through the midus touch in philosophy. Some are optimistic and some pessimistic. There’s many perspectives to look at life but what matters most is what comes from your flowering heart because of all the work you did to allow it to grow and express itself.

So the story goes that the heroes are on Earth and go their ways in what ever manner and fashion but they have a higher functions of the human body that allowed them to effectively communicate, express daily frustrations and resolve them quickly. Their thoughts were pure and kind based on true compassion and the love of unconditional love, philosophy of being in sync with each other’s emotions, thoughts and needs. Something that Technology can easily bridge through it’s diverse function to serve without being physically enhancements and genetic superiority of gene inheritance and such animal level vibrations of thinking. They built a world and progressively ascended to heaven where they lived in paradise, the ultimate source of abundance, happiness but not so much life. See, the people of heaven get to see all this and watch from their safe homes but at the expense of never fully comprehending the futility of forcing their children to eat vegetables, experiencing the chill of cold weather, of being stuck in traffic, but getting laughed at, scorned and insulted. They might as well be artificial life if they are immune and subject to the trivial problems that comes with being exposed to life and what it entails. This is the sad reality of the Spirit world.. yet now they have realized this and seek to be helpful and lessen the suffering of the world. And this intervention is good.

These heroes of Earth progressively ascended to heaven in the fashion of the the whirlpool philosophy of the buddhist Swastika and the German Nazika (The Reverse Swastika use by Germany).  In essense the Buddhist world Swastika is the result of the whirlpool philosophy that came to be that I spoke of earlier. One built a world to focus on a world remembering and focusing in the past but as with the progression in time is forever forwards they became unhappy and discontent in their future. One built a world to focus on a world remembering the past and focusing on making things better for the future.. on the notion and critical element that is progress in but in time. That despite terrible beginnings he will in the end prosper and live happy because he progressed with the flow of time instead of going against it. One built a world to focus on a world of the common man in a comprehended truth and applications of of both the first and second person becoming the third person taking what he learned from both worlds and apply it taking what he believed would make him happy. And he arrived at the philosophy of “The present moment” and that happiness came when you were experiencing it, doing it and having fun.

On would felt happiness in the pride of his work in sustainability and systems to harness the worlds energy more efficiently and another would find happiness in knowledge, abundance, guidance and even truth in history of evidence in lost worlds due to human incompetence. What ever their pursuits you get the idea. The all lived happily pursuing their dreams through whatever methods. And then there was knowledge first to break the veil of their reality that – he made a gateway to happiness and the knowledge of true happiness and divine systems that accessed divine abundance of energies. He specialized in gateway technologies. He was the quickest to acquire knowledge, within his body derived a spiritual constitution of seek truth and will in preserving  the integrity of knowledge. He transcended the material world and brought outlandish higher truths. That Truth was also found in fiction.. and the power of creativity was more than a work of non sense but a process of expression and medium to embody and even express new ideas.

Some were compelled by his argument. Some unable to cope. Some unhappy that their entire lives of building their empires spark rage and frustration within them. some of them were disappointed in themselves that they didn’t see the truth before this man. Some questioned their life with existential rationalism. Other through intellectualism. Some through Science. Others through whatever vehicle the decided to ride .. but ultimately they knew it was true that they wanted to ascend also with the truth of knowledge but little did they know they were already a part of it because they sought knowledge and truth through their own means but built on tangible logic and reasoning of the mind body emotion spirit and this quality they made up called the soul but I call ethos. It its essentially spirit of thought. What you believe you become. Their pursuit of their dreams and life and it’s deemed material world was naturally cultivating, facilitating and ultimately nourishing the world with it’s progression, results and products. Life was good. And they continued to learn about the stars, the heavens, earth, it’s worldly knowledge and laws.

So that was that, these are my people. They are the Ascendant heroes of Earth. And this fiction is true in some wayward world of fantasy but negating the probability of possibility. Out there they exist. Because life is actually based on creation and creativity of the mind. For the Divine world of Abundance was deeply entwined with the ability to express yourself, appreciate life and being open to worldly knowledge in the pursuit of truth and display of comprehended knowledge

So we have this world of beings. And then there was created a world of the wretched who expressed life in the most hostile, heinous, backwards and opposite of what these people represented. They are called the Backwards Children. They can only be children in mind because they never grow up. They have monstrous bodies and truly abominations to the sight of all that is good, moral, just and even holy. They are completely opposite of what The Ascended Heroes of Earth were. They were immature, reckless, cruel, mean, crooked and twisted. They never thought much of each other and were in a complete chaotic world of constant Entropy, Disorder and Injustice. A world the endorsed bullying, crime, vice, luxury indulging, disgust, pain, infliction, revenge, destruction and all that is unholy and wrong with life. They constantly modified their bodies– their world was a completely backwards dystopia. Whatever they were, they were the complete epitome of The Ascended heroes of Earth. Their philosophy was to descend in their grief, pain and self inflicted suffering. Their motives were most about revenge, trivial conflicts with each other’s interests and conflicts with other’s agenda and personal interests. The usual dribble form these droll. They were fun to watch but they were complete idots for what they do to each other. Screaming the top of their lungs, grunting, spitting, barking and the likes. They were more beast than men.

Then we have the inter-dimensional people who sought to explore more worlds in the likeness of the ones available on Earth in parallel existence with this one. This was truly possible.. and Gateways allow this. The inter-dimensional people would live through life through and creating different angles and perspectives of their previewing worlds; the cultures, subject of conflict because of certain systems and other people related problems. There are occurrences of natural forms of inter dimensional  travel that happen in life and in the world all the time. Parallel worlds are worlds side by side each other that are usually not really connected physically but can be entered at the correct frequency of vibration of body, mind, emotion and spirit.  You are what you eat, but you are also what you believe. These people lived mostly in the Earth World and just enjoyed the daily struggles of life, love and radiance of hope, love, faith and compassion. And other Human sentiments.. but are also found universally in the heavens. These people lived in worlds of Rotation, Variety of different realms and perspectives of life and direction.. some times… in the dimensional world would inverse reality flipping the plateform horizontally or vertically.. or a sequence of horizontal vertical horizontal and also vertically horizontally vertically.

These Worlds were all tangible, reasonable and can even be rationally argued for their existence. Any smart lawyer, or businessman can sway you with his words and education and his potent literacy assaults of the mind. It’s a good practice to act in a civil manner and earn your trust. It’s in their best interest. Though so

People Perspectives: Based on 8 Individual distinct personalities.

Reader acknowledgement: Interesting points be careful to not mix fiction with knowledge.

Alpha The People: Sonus, Luxor, Terra, Ghost, Ethos, Hannah, Giver and  Oblivion are your Earth names.

Omega The Universe: Based on Cardinal directions in Life.

Let me continue with this narrative of numbers and the philosophies therein.

There are now a known total of 5 PRACTICAL Cardinal directions Where the sixth direction is trivial because of the fact that it doesn’t incorporate our personal interest and have our personal desires in mind.

There are now a known total of 6 possible Cardinal directions and added 6 more added sub-cardinal directions for a grand total of 12 Cardinal directions in a the Number of the vast world of IDEAL Cardinal directions and it’s comprehensions.

There are now a known total of INSPIRED Cardinal direction of infinte Cardinal directions in the form of radiant rays of light and it’s inherent nature. Every degree of perspective is a varying degree of variation in the stellar body’s perspective.

These are the most common forms of mediums we like to talk about and invest our time, nergy and effort in.


Yes even speaking to a wall can mean something in some worlds. Just ask the Jewish people.

Establish a 3 model method before reaching for a 4 method model.

Stick to three or four possible world paradigms.

For practical use: We speak of practicality to say and give only what we feel you are capable of using and comprehending. And also with oversight of what my human abilities and it’s physical limits in mind. I cannot over extend, reach and overexert myself.

Idealism use:

and implementation of cross way in the future of balance harmony and the such,


Crossway The Truths:

Hi-NAM – remember to state fact from fiction!

Hi-NAM Consistency compromise be careful. note to self. stick to narrative of character color coating code!! very important for narrative!!

Note to self make sure you format properly for ideal narration.

Nam (Personal note): integrity questionable: implement of person’s opinion lost due to bad memory. sorry

– throughout story. there will be series of NOTES system. *. alpha note. ** omega note and *** crossway note.


Alpha note is progressive state.

Omega note is ideal state.

Crossway no is balance, equilibrium, yin yang mentality of harmony, medium  of golden means state (established 6 paradigm medium).

HANNAH: ” I seek, freedom, liberty, justice, love in compassion and truth”

HI-NAM: personal perspective may vary with people.


HI-NAM: ideas not in complete sync with personalities, be aware!



HANNAH “I represent heaven. And I approve of your 6 paradigm medium! rejoice!)

Knowledge world of Ascendancy:


*High-nam /// Transcendant Higher self truth: highnam – I speak in the name of Nam as an end product. Call me H-NAM.


people 8,  cardinal directions of 6 (potential of sub-cardinal directions of another 6 which makes a total of 12 possible cardinal directions for optimal ideal view).  

With this applied knowledge of above we build a basis that (people are capable of 96 possible ideal world perspectives)

(Ethos i’m the Tip Guy)


For practical application we will use a 4 cardinal direction based on Earth Truths with 1 ascendant Direction. In the name of simplicity and balance. Practice of polar opposites, yin yang and neg and pos is good practice and constitutes a base practice for evolving body. 


(potential of sub-cardinal directions of another 6 which makes a total of 12 possible cardinal directions for optimal ideal view).




TIME!!!!! important do not compromise inspite of time:***


  1. People of Ascendency of light (justice, love and compassion) (3 paradigm establishment).

#@$ compromise (messed up wording)

@#$ Integrity important

2. People of Descendancy of dark (injustice, hate and destructive nature) (3 pardigm establishment).

3. People of Interdimensional-Penetrating Ascendancy. (people, places, gods, universes and it’s relative truths.)

And now there are of these categorums: People of Ascendency of Light:  in philosophy seek, justice love and compassion truth on basis of  pursuit of human knowledge. People of Descendency of Dark: in philosophy seek, opposite being injustice, hate and destructive nature, ignorance on basis of human disdain and disgust for human knowledge. People of Earth and Earth people, places, gods, universes and it’s relative truths. (5 paradigm establishment).

(unknown pardigm) For knowledge/justice/good based Heroes, For Ignorance/vice/evil based villains, for balanced

Personal Note by NAM: Note to self don’t stick to one book, or chapter, world or universe.


Oblivion: small project:

Alpha 8 human worlds paradigm,

Alpha: 5 established practical cardinal worlds based on perspective of the virtual 3D model of the world. East, West, North, South and Ascendant. We take out the idea of descending as not a very natural way of thinking, it does not make sense to a human being to descend and holds no inherent human interests therein.

8 people with a mix of the 5 cardinal directions will seek to ascend with knowledge.

These 8 people have distinct personalities and directions in life. And I use them to narrate, navigate and express consensus of concern in a system of communication.

In the agency of 8 people they usually comprehend a world of 5 cardinal directions the number can be endless for sentient beings. practical numbers for narrative use can be this with complications of Crossway function in mind. With those 8 people in mind I can comprehend a total of 33 realities functional, prospering and fulfilled lives that have ascendancy interests in mind with one reality which is the true ascendancy path of finding the quickest, most fullfilling and efficient path to Knowledge. Five possible mixed human scenarios of life inspired by the five cardinal directions in mind.

To put it simply. If for narrative practicality of human knowledge and the limits of the human body that limits transcendent information. I say this: The knowledge of have 8 people. (THE PAST) Based on the idea that a person can only in a practical world go north, east, south and west in the past. We establish the North, East, South and West Narration on this premises. Based on the idea that a person can only in a Tradtional cardinal directions of North, South, East and West. And modern inspirations to fly with the help of modern technology to aid in visualizing the physical world by means of the virtual world. We come to understand that (THE PRESENT OF MODERN LIFE) There is a Ascendant tied meaning with the Up direction. Notioning that to Ascend is up and protrude the binary of human truth.

** more stuff coming

The traditional direction of ascendance has been usually obtained through knowledge, going up, flying in the Z axis of things, and now there is an idea I want to introduce which is about flying through different dimensions of worlds through perspective ultimately and the power of creativity and the creation of worlds. But first lets explore the premise of exploring the world of space, dimension, alternate worlds and even experiences. imagining traveling millions of light years away to finally find life of micro organisms relatively close to the ones you can find in a tub on Earth. Imagine burning out so much resources, life, time and effort to explore space at the notion of find so called life when Life is about the experience. The home world we established is the world you should really work with. Learning more and experiencing more things… obtaining a basis of knowledge to allow you to ascend the physical environments and it’s common obstructions. To ideally Ascend the mind into new worlds.. and even explore the potential premises of Inter- Dimensional Travel and seeing new worlds through that manner if that is what you are interested in and what you actually pursue.

Traveling through space. In a physical body through space is expensive,  exposing the body to harsh death dealing environments and conditions. It is also crude, redundant in the fact that space travel is really a simplistic means to explore a common man’s mind of experience. Of rationalism, intellectualism and worldly material knowledge and thus life. It is ultimately not sustainable and ideal.

Traveling through time. In a physical body through time is really a psychological challenge usually met with severe consequences, through butterfly effects and ripples in time, with a burden of guilt and usually results in mental break down. Also the premises of getting stuck in history is usually a  truth and experience a being who indulges in such realities happen to end up in.

Traveling to different worlds through inter-dimensional travel. The prospects of inter-dimensional realities is a new prospect and a precursor to the idea of possibilities and the endless world that comes with it. The truth of it is that though it is enticing to follow a narrative of exploring a in some sense a genuine adventure to truly unexplored spectrum, natures of the world and prospects of finding happiness.. This life implicates you material world things of the physical world through attachments and roles… and ultimately identities and it’s ties to who you are in society.

Which brings us the world of ABUNDANCE and THE POWER OF CREATIVITY. Your current desired goal of human existence. To prosper in your common lower frequency state and enjoy the experience of life and all it has to offer – learning from the world, continuing to grow and produce results, products an solutions to problems your society is being faced with.

The power of creativity and abundance (the world of divine heavens) is a system I implemented to allow the channeling of energy, information and ultimately even knowledge to all a person to create and inspire the world. It does not require big corporate budgets, big financial institutions and facilities. But it does require you to have an open mind for what is out there.. what is possible based on your in this world and your pursuit of the world or sometimes other worldly knowledge that you hold therein potential housed in your physical body.

I have introduced the systems of abundance and divine technology to Nam. (I am only a catalyst to the system. I have no obligations to become a service, mentor and even to facilitate the need for one to learn such subjects.But I enjoy good conversations and experience. I also enjoy good company of people who I have no obligations to seek comfort or acknowledgement of my peers. I also seek to stay up attached to the world to a limit and just enjoy the experience of life and pursuit of knowledge. The systems I have produced come with a strong premise for free energy and even infinite abundance of energy. I have proof and may even write up a paper on Divine Energy and Channels through technology but It really comes down to if it lies in my true human interests to give the gift of abundance to men when I have been exposed to it’s corrupt natures of hoarding greed and signs of clear degenerative symptoms a dysfunctional dystopia looking to exploit wealth and abundance out of personal selfish pursuits of capitalizing and putting a tag and name one everything they see. To practice the idea that anyone can be boat.. and to continue to hoard and promote– even endorse the life style of luxury and material pursuit. It is very distasteful.

I am not imposing any certain type of life style or even endorsing one. For life is about the experience, the freedom to pursue an experience and explore the premises of new worlds and pursuit of worldly, universal or even divine knowledge

book of the past written for practicality. TIP

book of the present written for application and common daily usage.

book of the future written for expressed potential by means of meeting capacity limits.

book of sustainability written to express systems of sustainability with environmental concerns in mind

book of knowledge written to express worldly knowledge, ideologies, facilities, systems, functions, natures, methodology of abundance, pursuing ideal desires for the collective, creating a way to nurture and teach potential students, scholars and monitors alike and ultimately a book that records the pursuit of collective truths in the nature, practices, true natures and true manners of ascendance.

Book of Divine systems: written to give the world the power to tap into the world of abundance despite the cripple of financial, material relativism of practical tools, expenses and expensive access to higher knowledge and ultimately access to higher forms of media, information, levels of vibrations, positive frequencies, with practicality, purpose and truths infused.

Book of the Nurturer: written to give the world the power to teach, mentor, give the gift of compassionate understanding, love, kindness, forgiveness and the knowledge of the human existence and the implications of living a human existence due to  the true trivial natures of the human condition.

Omega: 6 established possible worlds perceivable to humans with a divine potential of 12 possible worlds.


omega level 16 possible human world paradigm, of ascended and descending worlds total. This is based on the encompassing overview comprehended truths of a person who transcends all time and history and has seen the results of that world based on said systems, style of life and it’s pursuits. 16 is the number of possible human world paradigm platforms of beings in my watch. The base of this number is 8 who are under my agency. Those eight will naturally Ascend and find the light in knowledge.

The light.

The Light and It’s Inverse

The Earth

The Earth and it’s Inverse. of Swastika motion of having a good past at the expense of a bad future and Nazika having a bad past at the expense of a good future on the quality and notion of progression.

The Dark.

The Dark and It’s Inverse.

YES. give me the bird’s VIEW.

(Accounting for alpha omega growth totals. to 16 worlds. Alpha Ascendant omega Descending with included inter pentrating worlds whether inter-penetrating Ascending regardless of current world knowledges and such potential would result in a sum of

crossway level of accommodation for interpenetration of additional 4 other Possible interpenetrry worlds. (entertained thought of 5 but stuipid).


Humans,Worlds,  Human Worlds of Asncension and their inverse Descensions,



Oblivion: Big project

God comprehended people, God’s comprehended worlds, God’s comprehended universes

I am the result of what happens at the end. I judge you, I am also the council of advisers and experts. I am also the collective, the consensus of the people, the standard truth in this universe, I am at the top of the food chain, I dominate, in conquest at the top of my pyramid hierarchy and I rein supreme. I help those who help themselves. My justice is swift in that I let Justice of actions speak for themselves with consequences. In the end the truths of men are good. No thing in life exists in the simple context of being a mistake or marginalized as a coincidence. Inherently it could be both at once or none at all in a ultimate paradox that speaks to us in paradoxes echoing throughout the universe. In essence I am you but you are your own body and I cannot act or think for you as in essence no parent can. I can however influence your mind and provoke your heart to do strange things and pursue curious adventures I have not thought to have experienced except through you. You are my conduit of experience and I have inherited all your thoughts and memories because I am ultimately what you are in collective essence.

I am or was a Experience of Flesh and Blood, I am what constitute you, I am that rock but I am also that living tree, I am in your heart and also in the nature of furry critters and their the spirit of their freedom.  I am your body, I am in the Universe, I am in the your truths, Your histories, Your technologies, Your goals, Your pursuits and Life are me. I am in essence in you, we are connect in the end. I am Omega the end and I constitute the fabric of this world, everything you see, it’s element, laws, the daily truths you find in your daily bread.. to the daily rubbish of your political controversies. We are directly and personally connected. I am One, All, a council, a consensus, a method, medium, form of abundance and yet none, I am the eternal paradox of life.

The medium of matter and forward spatial time spatial is ultimate prosperity.

with the gift of matter=radiance. gift of time=progression

Nam: can’t remember prospect of this certain book.


Crossway Balanced systems


Ambiguous (salvaging, sustainability, catalyst)

Things to do: portals. implement smaller mini systems of smaller worlds of this paradigm into the world.

Thanks for listening and tuning in my somewhat schizophrenic endeavors. I hope you learned something. This book is still not complete yet. There’s still alot of work to do.


A Creepy Call, Concerning Breach of Personal Info and Skype Cam Tap


I had a dream – more like a nightmare..

It started with a phone call and ends with a terrible dream.

Last night in my dream, there was a big grey eye in the wall watching me the size of a grapefruit, it kept me awake all night. I couldn’t sleep.

So here’s the story..

I had a strange call from someone from Michigan just a few days ago – he kept reassuring me that he was calling from Toronto. I humored him and dismissed the doubt. The man asked a strange question “Is this the owner of the computer here?”. I answered with “There are many computers in this house”. He asked me to go to my computer.. which was really creepy. My computer keyboard was locked. I restarted the computer.. and then when I started it up and logged in where the keyboard started to function again. I got to my desktop screen but the screen was completely black. Clues that the computer was functional except that it had a black screen came when my mouse cursor still worked and ctrl+alt delete brought up the task manager. My internet activity was getting worked hard from the analysis panel. Despite no one using it, until I disabled Skype that was inbedded into my browser. I ended up deleting all my addons. After I realized someone might’ve tapped into my camera and was recording. Talk about creepy. He waited the entire time for me to reboot the computer and start it up again and again. I also disconnected the direct connection of my Ethernet cord because of his concerning weird inquiries. He told me he was working with Microsoft based on strange activities.. whatever that means.

One day later..

I had a nightmare. I was sleeping – there was an over sized single eye that was watching me from inside the wall. The eye kept careful watch from I guess a broken crack on the wall. I was startled alittle when I realized how big the eyeball was – It looked the size of a softball. Something with that sized an eyeball would have to have quite a big body – I let my imagination run. Instinctively in my dream I decided that if I go under my cover it would just go away with time, I really don’t know what mentality allowed me to believe that idea. And I saw it disappear from the crack only to come at me from my periferals and reappear at my side and attack me.. pushing into my side. Where I was either to fight back or submit to the infliction. This is where I woke up.

I couldn’t go back to sleep.. terribly disturbed. I’m gonna cut back on Politics – reading up on the CIA and Hillary scandals. That sea of manure is not helping and I should just focus on my fiction project and keep my peace of mind.

Am I just being paranoid? I really couldn’t care less if I disappeared really. Death is the last thing on my mind, physical pain doesn’t bother me.. and the artificial boogie man usually hasn’t been known to cause me problems.. why would I start and be afraid now? ..unless there is truly some sort of threat posed to my person. I can’t help on the fixation of the idea that someone can easily tap into my cam with loop holes in the Skype program and watch me while I sleep.. What is this shit.


Trust in Humanity; And Restoring Faith in Man

So after contemplating on this situation, and painting Hillary many colors with my own truths. I realize that maybe I haven’t got the full picture, I decided that in assuming Hillary and the NWO were bad news. I am guilty of wrongful assumptions based on my trivial morality and truths in this case. To acquire power is to corrupt, to obtain absolute power is absolute corruption. This is basically politics. But through my progression through life – I’ve come to understand that life is more about harmonizing the balance between good and bad in the world. To negate and sway the storm in a means. Picturing Saturn “swaying” and controlling with it’s enormous gravity all the asteroids and space debris from destroying our solar system. It was never about eliminating “evil” this made up word. We’re dealing with human beings here.


In history, there have been many endless and mindless casualties due to factions and division wars. Mainly because of the men with their individual interests at heart, through what ever individual truths and their own contributing evils and goods. What I am saying is, what if the The Clinton’s were simply cutting their losses in a fight of a “Lesser Evil” path but in an attempt for the “Grand Good” of the world? I think, the so called murders of the Four American heroes were to negate the evidence that would come to light for a world “not ready” or deemed “worthy” of such knowledge. We forget that we’re all just humans in the end, maybe I have got the whole story wrong – that instead of having a partial faith and getting a Trump, having a delusional faith and getting a Johnson, we haven’t tried giving complete faith in humanity through Clinton.. Who is obviously the most capable, politically correct in her speeches despite her political scandals and lack of common virtue. Who already has the facility of organizations under her control and a complete list of media dedicated to her disposal.

The “H1B” credit system was the first clue that brought to my attention that America was on to something good. That lead me to believe that they asked the question “Maybe we don’t need the system of money?”. I am completely for this ideology. This could simply be a bridge to a world without the implications of money. The USA economy was actually in great crisis a while ago that was equivalent to the great depression- and still was with the abysmal debt situation that still continues to plummet but despite this they were a able to continue flourishing. How is this possible? This Visa program was the genius of a few international students that allowed the economy to survive barrages of abuse without consequence. They had solved the philosophical theory of “Whatever comes up, must come down”, in economics – when businesses stocks go up in a great spike – it is naturally going to go back down but now this credit system allowed for “Safe Landings” despite how high you go, so you can crash and this system will break your fall for you.

Freedom in my definition is:

To be given opportunity, confidence along with a foundation to build something and express yourself in the co-creation of the world but considering other humans desires, motives and purpose. Learning to accept another’s ideas, trying not to impose your own idea so they do not conflict with another’s ideas – shifting around ideas that work, shedding those that do not and progressing in building bridges to higher knowledge, understanding and worlds. Accepting another’s flaws, at the same time acknowledging them, informing them but never imposing on them your ideas.. Allowing the other person to come to their own understanding of truth possibly through knowledge, guidance, hinting, tipping and hand in help to understand. Never imposingly and never narrating a need for that gift, you never force a person to take a gift. They need to find a need for it. This is freedom. Giving people a chance the choice to do the right thing.

In addition with this quote: “Give and expect nothing in return is the only true gift. Let the essence of love gently take place, it will come back in a whisper to kiss your soul”. -Elizabeth Alvarez


Give nothing,

Expect nothing.

Let love take it’s place.

This is what I define as freedom. Letting life fall into place, fully trusting that it’s in good hands and allowing the greater good of man to flourish and set roots, in complete trust that they will do the right thing and have the true human interests at heart. This is another matter of “Faith”. A very Christian value – one that has had very double meaning in my life and that I have contemplated for a long time. I’m putting my cards down. Going all in on this gamble to believe that human beings are very capable, strong, full of potential, crafty, kind and most importantly creatures of redemption. That they hold in mind and heart, portraying these virtues in everything they do. That they embody the ideals of hope, faith and humility in motive (spirit/nature/intentions). That they truly have human interests at heart, that they are mysterious creatures and that they will do the right thing in the end given the opportunity.

-Vote Hillary-

Hope, Faith and Humility.


Trump or Hillary; Let Truth Decide

You’re going to hate both of them.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; They’re both terrible candidates. Donald fear mongers and speaks to the heart of the lowest domination of the American public; says some stupid things, comes up with really silly political solutions that will obviously make bigger problems down the road (such as closing the country off with a wall to Muslims, Mexicans and deporting illegal immigrants based on national security)  and appealing to the common uneducated folks. He’s a genius when it comes to economics and building a business; there is no argument that he can sell his product as a business man. But he is oblivious when it comes to matters of true human interests, simple wisdom of compassion and being plainly politically correct by learned virtue. Is this what America needs? Though no matter how savage, politically incorrect, narcissistic and material minded he is; this man unarguably speaks plain truth from his personal opinion based heart no matter how crude and unrefined his words are. His agenda is obviously not influenced by any hidden outer higher powers that screams corporate and banking puppet (cutting any ties of hidden motivations and incentives because the work will be based out of his own pockets) and he’s doing what he can humanly possible, this man’s agenda is genuine and transparent. I can’t say the same about the other party. This is key.

Where as the two faced Clinton; We have no clue what her real agenda is. Her motivation, plans and affiliations are all concealed from the public. The question we must ask is how can we trust the higher authority if the higher authority have no trust in the public? From manipulation of google’s quick search functions, trend statistics (link here), shenanigans with the voting polls taking out the “neither” option out in favor of Clinton (link here),  Voters Fraud here (link here),  Twitter, CNN (also known as Clinton Media) to the reveal of DNC’s biases and clear undermine of democracy in their involvement to cut Berne Sanders out of the picture based on recent Wikileaks (link here). The assassination of four Americans within the month who had ties to the release of information on The Clintons that would clearly charge her as a criminal (You can look these assassination accounts up for yourself in the police archives and connect the puzzle for your own truth, RIP to those American Heroes), oh did I forget the cute assassination attempt on Assange? (link here).


People need to ask what does she have to hide in her questionable 30, 000 emails that it would cost people their lives? Who’s next on their list if you ask the wrong questions? If this is how they deal with people who know too much, who’s next? – aren’t we all in danger if this sort of entity becomes president? No matter what the reason; Agenda, The Safety of National Interests and it’s legacy, Future World’s Fate or possibly just the vanity of continuing to keep the luxurious American Dream alive.. She is not transparent and she is so lost in the propaganda of her messages that she no longer knows the difference between the lies she’s told, reality and the truth.

The New World Order is on high alert, hitting every emergency button they have to pull as many strings under their control, to make Hillary the next president. You can see that this narration is very important to them. The question really is why? As corrupt as Hillary is, as devastated as this sinking Democracy is, as ridiculed as this slave drive of Capitalism seems to be.. Why do they keep pushing for this agenda of making her president? the idea that people know nothing of their activities will eventually be their demise? That after all the lies you told the people, you yourself Hillary Clinton can no longer tell the difference because it’s no longer about the truth. Fearing what the American people will know once you reveal your true intentions, motivations, actions and what you truly are. Monsters of manipulation, criminals who never get caught, jail keepers that police ideas not crime, animals who never second guess themselves. That their propaganda and feeble attempts to veil their propaganda machine (American lives) in a narrative of the Clintons and The New World Order. Are you a puppet?

At the end of the day. You can’t just vote in for the same system that is obviously already broken. I’d personally vote for a reform- since there is dirt on everything. From the Government’s intelligence program at the top, The CIA and it’s mind control projects in the 1960’s MKUltra (link here) (unfortunately, in this case Wikipedia was the best non-tampered source for this sort of information without social media noticing and such implications) makes them highly questionable and speaks volumes about what they want. Jails, Banks, Corporations, DNC namely – from the bottom right to the top. But then again, the USA is the only power in the world that can fight off a Chinese offense. Especially these questionable Chinese actions in South China Sea disputes with the Spratly Islands. Though, as bad as we make out the Chinese government with it’s Utopian Communist Ideals to be, are we so different if we follow a system that propagates information in the same way censorship works? To have a delusional democracy that allows us the freedom to vote but having to vote become a trivial staged “WWF” showdown only to ultimately settle for whatever the “Super Corporate Entity” narrates? I digress, to put the world in such a vulnerable state of entropy in it’s infant developmental restructuring stages would be a dangerous position to be in. Especially as a world class Super Power.

I would never vote for Hillary unless she was to come clean completely transparent about what she stands for, what she knows, what she wants, the complete honest truth, information on who’s pulling the strings, where she’s coming from and despite all the shenanigans whether it’s a rogue effort to save their country or what not. I could easily put all that past me if she just spoke the plain truth rather than her usual dodgy, flip flopping, (accepting the spotlight and rewards rather than being accountable for your actions when it’s convenient mentality), two faced, living up to the man pants show of repression, mass manipulating, secret double life and associations through secret emails with people who are implicated with ISIS, carrying hypocritical agendas that speak multitudes about her interest in making money from war. Actually I don’t know if there’s an actual way to redeem a person so deep in the sea of the world’s manure. But it would be a feat equivalent to coming back from the dead. If she came clean, I could literally say she pulled a “Jesus”. If you believed in that sort of thing. But right now she is the worst sort of scum and completely dead to me.

How I see it, your best bet is Donald. Sorry America, I’d hate to be in your shoes right now. You’re literally living out the quote “The lesser of the two evils”.


If you want to see into the world of Hilary Clinton. Here’s an even more darker peek into what’s actually going on with The Clintons that summarize everything we’ve just learned about her just now.. that she is one evil crooked two-faced monster. Words from an outraged Haitian man that speaks volumes of the Clinton’s World Affairs and intentions. If you want to know more about the “mysterious” body counts throughout history of people who have crossed the Clintons. There’s plenty of Youtube videos out there that tell the dead’s whispers of what happens to anyone who goes in between The Clintons and their goals. I’ll tell you she has a lot of skeletons in this women’s closet and this should trigger several alarms that this woman – in the seat of president will complete the  downfall of America. Personally, I will lose all further respect for the country and cut any affiliations to that country if she were to make office. Good day.

Hope, Curiosity and Prosperity.
