Branded Hijab and Modesty Labeling Defeats the Means of Modest Dressing


Burkini, Hijab, Burka’s reason for dressing for modesty may not completely make sense in that it is worn as a dress code to please the male gender and can also be seen as a fetish to conform to a religions ideology of modesty. If modesty is the idea behind the burka, is it not excessive to over cloth during a warm sunny day? Why does it appear excessive to the point where only the women’s eyes are allowed to show? And now entering and confronted how do you identify a woman in full burka’s in public places out of public safety and identification? This idea of Hijabs, Burka’s and Burkini’s start to be a problem when it starts complicating daily normal life.

It is this idea of conforming to a religion’s ideology of trying to be politically correct and unintentionally objectifying women to wear certain things based on an ideology. I believe in freedom to express, so let a woman wear what ever she wants. The men weren’t forced to wear burkas why do the females? This brings us to the point on equality, why do women have regulations on what they must wear while males do not have to change anything in their dress code?

I feel like the Muslim people need to wear something so they themselves have an identity and remind themselves who they are. Now a-days people are just wearing it as a political or fashion statement to tell people who they are and promote their religion so that others may follow the trend or convert based on some people’s positive experiences. As harmless as the notion of joining any movement should be but especially joining the Muslim movement, let it be known and warned that leaving the community and religion is very difficult and dangerous because of religious zealots. They will attempt in every way to persuade you to stay even if they have to stone you to death. It still happens and it’s legal apparently.  There will be excommunications and severed ties with present families and a lot of hate from all sides. In most cases Atheists within a Muslim communities live in unbearable conditions where they are harassed daily physically and emotionally.

Sadly religions will continue to push for new ideology to define who and what they are based on the pursuit of religious identity. Scholars will make up ideas and the average person caught in the net of the religion will continue to follow blindly with what ever the new religion is in control of. There may be truth and you can possibly still live normal lives even with religion, but the religion is a prescribed ideology and prescribed ideology can be outdated easily. The truth of religion is that not everything has an answer and when you can’t fix it literally based on the book you may end up coming to the conclusion of stoning them. This is not the answer, violence is never the answer to resolve conflict in life.

The conflict of mistreatment and discrimination of others based on the existing infidels, blasphemers, apostates is a sign of a great prejudice at the heart of this religion. They will not accept you and even if they open up their doors to have you out of courtesy and politeness there will be no love of connection truly and sincerely. Religion is a double edged sword and Islam is an ideology you must weigh and consider the worth of such a thing. Is it worth killing and dying over? Take everything with a grain of salt I say. Try not to take everything too literally and finally try to see the full picture and not take an extreme side because radicalism is harmful and has not been thought through very well.

Link to discussion about the hijabi part 1:


Alzheimer’s and what big corporation don’t want you to know. Cures and Life saving tips.

I just recently came across a book called memory repair protocol.

direct link is here:


The story is long and sad but it was just a story about someone who’s wife was going through a difficult time with Alzheimer’s disease and was searching through the sea of garbage pills and medications for Alzheimer that don’t even work and whats worse cause compounding side effects. Ballabgarh a country in northern India was said to have the lowest amount of people affected by Alzheimer’s secretly had the key to why Alzheimer was non-existent.

One of the key items they used which encouraged the production of keytones which is essential to the brain functioning properly and for good memory was Coconut oil. You only need a spoon or two per meal and in 20+ days a Alzheimer suffering patient should recover or improve considerably.

The best way to test an Alzheimer’s patient is to make them draw a clock face with handles. This should be the test they should attempt in seeing where they are at in the recovery stage. It’s just a simple diet that needs to change in order to heal Alzheimer’s symptoms. Coconut oil is just one of the main ingredients to help fight and heal. There are more ingredients that the locals of Ballabgarh eat including a particular native indian spice.

Happy travels in researching more into this!


For more info on subject: