The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium

The Dark, The Light and The Better Medium. My original book was based on the idea of how there was light in selfless and unconditional love, it was an idea that stayed true to it’s essence as an innocent inquiry blog book into the crazy world of life, dream, light and knowledge. This soon brought me to the idea of darkness that would be reflected seeing this light. The darkness that brood which became the selfish and conditional love which I came to dwell on specifying what love I should aim for, often putting love on a pedestal and gradually fed into the inability to clench the insatiable world of pure virtually generated fantasy. I soon later stumbled on the untold end dynamics and detailed recount which became the product here. The Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

I also looked at selfish and unconditional love and finally the 5th selfless and conditional love; these two other worlds were decaying copycats which did not do much but to help map out the field and since the light and dark seemed to be the most liberating to understand.

I indulged in a “Netflix” binge one day and came across a very relevant and curious movie called “The Thirteenth Floor”. Which played on the premise of the world is a virtual world, and in it existed the only other world in the multiverse with a virtual world inside of another virtual world. It allowed the person to jack into a world to do their vices knowing this world was virtual but at the cost the person in the virtual world who was a very real functioning person with a life of his own, would lose a couple of hours and no memory of what he has done in that world during the time of his occupancy in the “skin suit”. They knew very well that the people in that virtual world had a very real existence and their relationships and life were not something to mess around with. Life ensued and finally the bar tender a close friend of the genius architect of this artificial world received a letter he was not suppose to read and found our about the virtual world and how he was not real. That nothing in his reality was real, they were just code and there were limitations to their artificial world. The man was able to jack out of the virtual world into the “upper” world where he would get a glimpse of the real world the world of tomorrow as they call it behind glass walls and picket fences.

From there I brought myself to a higher understanding to comprehend the place I call the “Crossway” of this existence. “Crossway” is the golden means of life where life can ideally thrive. Such is the distance of the Sun to the Earth and the Moon (it’s tide cycles) is to the Earth to make life habitable, not to forget Jupiter and it’s massive gravity to direct the meteors/space debris from hitting Earth.

So as my light is selfless unconditional love, my dark became selfish conditional love. I learned that the Better Medium was arrived by coming to the epiphany that is self-worth, maximizing of priority and preferences. 

These are the renditions of what my Dark, Light and Better Medium came to be. These were personally rendered on Adobe Photoshop to get a dynamic of the flow and energy found in traditional Yin-Yang. The bleeding and outer rings of these two graphics came out naturally to show the nature of transferred energy red to blue, black and white. This last render (The 2nd) is a 12 or 13th level dynamic graphic. Dynamic in that it was created in a procedural and gradual edits using vectors and pin point accurate rotations of vector programming. Meaning, You cannot merely replicate these graphics unless you proceed in a certain step by step generation of these graphics. Nothing is actually wrong with these two graphics they are in perfect harmony. Any mismatch or slight overlay nudges happened naturally during the erecting process.

In my recent dreams, I do not understand if it’s just my mind running like a loose tap but I am starting to see a fluidness of evolving  micro to macro worlds as I am lucid dreaming. They call it an awakening but it feels like I’ve touched the edge of what would be deemed sanity at this point. I feel and understand now what it is like to be normal and sane with a small touch of crazy some times but it’s good to know your limits as I’m sure no one “great” has ever thought inside the box for out of the box answers. The more dreams I have, the more vivid the detail, depth and colors seem to become a touch of synesthesia perhaps. Though it seems more like a jumble of mess degrading or evolving mass despite that fact there is a pattern of looking deeper into the worlds within itself.



The Study of the Compiled Twelve Essentials for Independent Ecosystems

I completed this acrylic rendering of a 3D 12 pointed Merkaba star by hand; for your viewing pleasure with some side notes about the mark up system I used to help define and identify better  the nature and direction of this dynamic object. This was done on a 24 inch by 48 inch art canvas and will be up for auction at the Vietnamese benevolence society along side the “Ain Soph Aur” Tree of Life in October. I used a set of systems I have identified as essential for any Independent Biological Ecosystems and that may be compatible for “Universal” Symbiosis.


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Independent Biological Ecosystems and Universal Symbiosis

Alpha. Seed of beginnings and roots. Study of harvest and agriculture. Trade and networking. Paths and strong roads.

Omega. Finalization, fruition and products. Mature/ripe for capitalizing. Sales marketing business of persuasion and study of capitalizing. Promotional skills in advertising business, manipulation of economics and entrepreneurship education. Minor financing, practical and technical skills. Strong practice and matured development in exposure to cultured independence. 

Cross-way. Study of all things related to time. Overall energy consumption in relation to resources, worth, power, mass, space, distance and it’s affects towards general progression. Scaling and weighing options.

Ambiguity; Study of vice and virtue. Implications and advantages.

Sustainability study of Fractal micro and macro worlds. Maximizing and minimizing. Mastery of salvaging.

Abundance. Processing/accumulate staple resources and manage excess resources.

Education: Providing archives of knowledge, ways to accumulate and promote essential knowledge. To teach, inform and educate.

Lost worlds. Opportunity and possibilities.

Sequence study of order, principles and priorities.

Ascendance; Intelligence spectrum mapping and ways to traverse the world of information and creating applications for further functional efficiency.

Hero: Making sure things are legitimate and that integrity has not been breached. General law is weighed and scaled appropriately served and punished accordingly to general justice. Resolving legal disputes.

Void Awareness: Differentiating body from space. Limitations and boundaries.

(0,0,0) True synthesis; Assessing, establishing and processing the immediate mission and priorities. Declaring all things to be of either priority over preference nature. Tying up bureaucratic loose ends and analyze legal loop holes and exploits of system. Disputes and legal conflicts cleanup. Collaboration and creating data base, archives and true principals through collage of all systems.

Alpha, Omega, Crossway, Ambiguity, Sustainability, Abundance, Education, Lost Worlds, Sequence, Ascendant, Hero, Void Awareness, and True Synthesis.

Ein Sof Aur is a mysterious tree representing life, experience and knowledge.


//notes Quantum Gravity?
