Notes on Buddha and Awakening


Love, Kindness and Compassion. Cease to do evil and learn to do good. Purify the mind consciously breathe and mindfully breathe. Instead of pursuing desire find emptiness and awareness. All is empty and wonderful. Be aware of the dangers of material sensual world. Awaken w/o the self, labels and names which are tied to dread and death. Hunger pollutes and pain/suffering brings fear.

-Pocket Buddha Reader

Gene Keys Notes 31-37; Part 3

Continuation of.. Gene Keys Notes Part 1 (keys 1-20)

and Gene Keys Part 2 (keys 20-30)


31st Gene Key

Siddhi Humility, Gift Leadership and Shadow Arrogance.

32nd Gene Key

Siddhi Veneration, Gift Preservation and Shadow Failure

Grafting a new branch of life.

33rd Gene Key

Siddhi Revelation, Gift Mindfulness and Shadow Forgetting.

Through mindfulness is where you discover how to purify your nature and no longer create negative karma.

You have found the secret of all human desire – once purified into natural state of Divine longing, it becomes the very fuel that returns you to your true centre of being.

Siddhi fruit, gift flower and seed is shadow.


34th Gene Key

Siddhi Majesty, Gift Strength and Shadow Force.

Tireless energy and strength deep inside.

Heart of gold, head of a bull.

The ability to act in harmony with natural forces is the true definition of strength.

Become effortless flow of fluid activity and fluid efficiency. Like unto the properties of water.

All heroes are often never found to act on purpose but actually accidental and unintentionally based on their commitment to doing the right thing.

“Display” plays an important part and assists but not to be confused with the siddhi of valor (21).

Valor is aware of itself and seeks glorification whereas Display of heroism appears to be unintentional.

True heroism is unaware of itself.


35th Gene Key

Siddhi Boundlessness, Gift Adventure and Shadow Hunger.

Selfless unconditional universal love and pursuit of adventure with absence of fear or failure.

Start of something fresh and new.


36th Gene Key

Siddhi Compassion, Gift Humanity and Shadow Turbulence.

Dark night of the soul

When struggles with sexuality and emotional turbulence is finally embraced openly and honestly something is born.. You graduate as a human being.


37th Gene Key

Siddhi Tenderness, Gift Equality and Shadow Weakness.

37 is number of Christ in the Gematria.

Over processed emotions and fail as a victim due to emotion states and fears.

Nor patriarchy or matriarchy but as a family.

Surrendering to the overwhelming power.

Sacrificial lamb.

As a mother cradles a child beyond our current view, It is tenderness of a maternal hand.

Tenderness is devoid of tension and sexuality.

No longer tribal structure but will be addressed as a collective mind.

Empowering and support communities simultaneously.

Grace comes to those who need it most (22), Compassion (36) and Truth (63).

40th siddhi of Divine Will’s; softness insurmountable, invincible and inevitable.