Meditations; Breath of Life and Falsities


Neuro Arboriculture igor morski

I would like to explore and touch on the world of; Fatalism, Determinism, Super-naturalism and Naturalism. Firstly I want to ramble/pray on my late meditations and breath in new energy for the month:

Sometimes the best something is nothing.

Having the best bad idea is a good idea.

Altruism is virtuous. Love humor and music as opposed to robots; Instead of logic, fear and anger.

Rule life by love and compassion.

Finding that peace of mind and become my own person. Find my individual happiness. No noise and no gimmick of consensus when being my own person. I am in my happy place allowed to live a normal and humble life. Blessed by limitations of being human.

Extensions of life; School, Choir and The Church.

Schools educate and illuminate , Choirs pray and heal  The Church preach and practice.


Spoiler alert ahead about God; some straw-man theories

that may hurt strong believers, be aware:

Straw-man falsities attacking the unexplained existence of a living loving God of creation. God plays favorites. Last time God helped a woman she got pregnant. God hates gays, God only likes straight people. Forces artificial taxes through tithing. God is a jealous god. There is only one righteous good God. God lets children starve in Africa but prefers helping first world white christian people get more money and live more comfortable lives. God shames first world living people and ignores very real problems and instabilities such as mental illness stigmas, mental illnesses, obesity, disease, addictions homelessness, sexuality and famine.


In the acceptance of the natural world and meditations on a more compassionate but chaotic world;

On the subject of Fatalism, Determinism, Super-naturalism and Naturalism;


Fatalism tells that we are hopeless and cannot do anything against the imminent mechanism of destiny and fate. We also know this as defeatism.


Determinism is the cause and effect we usually hear of alternative to free will. They believe a force can be pressured and suppressed. Determinism is the philosophical belief that all events are determined completely by previously existing causes. Sometimes things are inherited and make a persons world and life easier. But this does not mean they are imminently victorious in life, it just means others will find there are new hurdles to be passed or assisted based on objective of the rivals. It is a domino affect, a  naturally erected pyramid scheme in the natural world.


Super-naturalism speaks of all strange and mysterious things that cannot be explained by logic and rational thinking of science.


Naturalism speaks of the logic and natural world of science. The belief that we are not responsible or should not rely on the premise of a moral natural world. That things exist because of trivial reasons.

We just need to traverse and show kindness and compassion to all things life because they are the way they are and we just need to accept the way they are. Understanding the natural world, observing and implementing the serenity prayers.

Serenity Prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can

and wisdom to know the difference.”


Fatalism is neither the logical extension of determinism nor the only alternative to free will. Life must persevere despite all odds against them. And determinism does not automatically mean to accept fate in defeatism. Be strong, be smart and speak/think/act through the heart.
