God and Christ.The whole system is built on blood money.


The Christian Organized Religion was never made to be this way. Desensitized, ignorant and brainwashed Christians need to get unstuck in time. Lets break some walls down for you and show you the 101 of the benevolent love of God.

There’s an idea out there it was to condemn people from changing the book or add to it. Even if they did condemn it was still translated, warped and distorted. Books still came out that claimed to be part of the bible and to be supplementary reading. The Latter Day Saints, Baptist, Methodist, The Jehova Witness, 7th day Adventists, Fundamentalist, Trinitarian, Catholics, Evangelists.. all of them are the same. Built on blood money. Built on the murder of Christ. Workforce was slavery of Jews, backbone black cotton farmers and now blue collar servants. Don’t tell me it was for a greater purpose, you can tell Christ that hanging from a cross, pinned and crowned with barbed thorns and nails. No wonder he excommunicated the Jewish. You think he’d want to deal with rubbish, barbaric, stuck in time insane people like us? Christians are no better. Better Bowers has something to say to you, and it’s about her being the best Christian ever to tell it the way it is in comedy as a martyr. Forgetting about the lost years of Christ when he left to the Buddhist to learn about Buddha and enlightenment? Discrediting other religions for their contributions and work? Creating the deviant spawn of Christian America the ISIS right under our feet.

You are like mere children afraid of your own shadow. The fear of the devil will make one blind and unable to distinguish a Christ from a Demon. This bible breeds ignorance it’s a crutch we no longer need in this day in age. (Ignorant Christian Video) It makes me so angry that there are people out there educated but ignorant and cannot comprehend simple empathy, so biased that they cannot get over their moral soapbox ego. Their problem is lack of spirituality and being well read in many aspects, width, length and depth. Of course altitude, there’s so many directions to move and they live in a box 2 dimensional world of cartoons and comic book characters. You might as well be a clown. No wonder religion is on the decline. The only good thing that came out of the Bible was the gift of prayer, gift of redemption, gift of baptism and gift of atonement. The story of Moses freeing the slaves was great too. The rest is garbage. Don’t ever be proud to be christian, or find a proud christian at that. There are only certain aspects of the bible that are worth keeping.

It’s a testimonial of the Christian faith i get it. But it’s flawed, dirty and old. Time to buy a new vehicle. The one you want is running on H20 from the future, Drives 70 miles per hour but that’s all you need. Clean and efficient. Room for 4. It’s time to evolve. The beauty about ideas is for the most part it’ll cost you nothing to change. Your years of burning coals and plants in that old relic car is over. It’s spitting tar and makes so much noise and pollution it’s not worth it. You even got God’s original name wrong YHWH is not Jehovah. Its also not YahWeh, no one does their research? God has two names, formal and personal. YHWH is formal. Ehyah Asher Ehyah is his personal name. I know my work and research has been to be compassionate, loving and understanding. But i needed to make my case.

We’re going to go after the roots of all this God business. So here is some new vocab: Ein Sof is the universal tree of life that brought the universe and God into this world. Also known as the universal mother, something else had to exist before God did. Panentheism; a belief that the divine is the idea of many gods, all gods, single God or any other animated cosmic force interpenetrates every part of the universe and extends timelessly beyond it. Panentheism maintains a distinction between the divine and non-divine and the significance of both.

Completion: Universe, Truth and God. Determined Fate.

Universe: Physical, Mental and Spiritual. Benevolence.

Truth: Reality, Fact and Actuality Paradigm.

God: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Omnibenevolent.

Determined Fate: empowerment, enlightenment, inspiration,  and romanticism.

Life is composed of 3 elements parallel to each other Universe, God and Truth. And one laterally being the ascended factor being Determined Fate which is what we should have in control. We now discuss The Physical Universe, we have Modern/Eternal Science which holds Physics, Biology and Psychology as the parallel elements and Study of the Soul as the laterally ascended. These trees break down further down into Physics; Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and String theory being the parallel elements and Quantum gravity the laterally ascended element.

These further break down to rules that The book relativity go by which are elements properties and attributes paralleled and Virtues an ascended lateral branch. Elements breaks further down to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Lighting, Molten lava. Ascended being Crystal. Properties; Surface, Weight, Density, Sturdiness, Conductivity, Healing properties. Divination is the ascended branch. Attributes; Constitution, Memory, Maintenance, Process, Function. Life. And finally Prophecy is the laterally ascended element.

Same would apply for the next The book of force would would be Substance, Motion and Acceleration. Ascended value Gravity. Substance would break down into Solid, Liquid and Gas. Ascended laterally would be Plasma. Motion would break down to 3 parallel elements Linear, Reciprocating and Rotating. Laterally ascending would be the Folding. Acceleration broken down to 3 parallel elements would be Thrust, Speed and Resistance. The laterally ascending would be (smell, sound and light)Barriers.

The next book is about Electromagnetism: The book plays with the three parallel Chapters, Electrostatics, Magneto-statics and Electrodynamics. Electrical networking is the laterally ascended factor. Electrostatics holds 3 parallel elements; Potential, Energy and Pressure. Which makes the laterally ascended factor Electricity. Magneto-statics breaks down to Size, Friction and Electric current. This makes Atmosphere as the ascended lateral factor. Finally Electrodynamics would break down into Electric, Velocity and Magnetic. Quantum Electrodynamics ascends laterally.

Paragraphs: Chapter 1 Relativity;

Mass: Elements, Properties and Attributes. Virtues.
Elements; Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Lightning, Molten lava. Crystal.
Properties; Surface, Weight, Density, Sturdiness, Conductivity, Healing properties. Divination.
Attributes; Constitution, Memory, Maintenance, Process, Function. Life. Prophecy.

Force: Substance, Motion and Acceleration. Gravity
Substance: Solid, Liquid and Gas. Plasma
Motion: Linear, Reciprocating and rotating. Folding
Acceleration: Thrust, Speed and Resistance. (smell, sound, light) Barriers.

Electromagnetism: Electrostatics, Magneto-statics, and Electrodynamics. Electrical networking.
Electrostatics; Potential, Energy and Pressure. Electricity
Magneto-statics; Size, Friction and Electric current. Atmosphere.
Electrodynamics; Electric, Velocity and Magnetic. Quantum Electrodynamics.

The only tree that is complete is the Tree of Determined Fate. Truth and God have had some progress but still I’m working on them. The renderings and 3D models are coming really slowly as I test what works and what does not. Please do message me with any concerns.

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