Sathya Sai Baba; Why we didn’t hear about a second Jesus.


‘There’s only one religion- the religion of love. There’s only one language- the language of the heart. There’s only one cast- the cast of humanity. And there’s only one God- and he is omnipresent.”

Hamilton-Parker, Craig (2014-10-21). Psychic Encounters: Amazing Psychic Experiences (p. 162). . Kindle Edition.

This quote is from Sathya Sai Baba, if you don’t know who he is. Let’s just say he was the Jesus of modern times. If you missed his efforts, that’s because he was in India and not trying to impose or convert any religion to his. He created miracles, raised the dead, turned water to petroleum, flowers, silver boxes, pendants all out of thin air because he can materialize things into the physical world. Vibhutti ash and its liquid equivalent amrith materializes on photographs of Sai Baba. Apparently even the materilization of ash and liquid that often grew off his pictures gave miracle properties. Yes, people still collect this stuff.

There were trials and messages of his imperfection that arose but he claimed in his passing that none of his riches and estate were actually his as he gave them up when he became a devote. All the gifts he attained, goods that seemed to accumulate were under his care and not claimed. Thus went back to his cause and society itself. There were apologies made by government officials for slandering his name. Though he passed away on 24th of April 2011. He tells us he will reincarnate again in approximately 8 years under the name Prema Sai Babain in the neighbouring state of Karnataka. Mediums who saw his aura told that he radiated light.

It’s too bad i learned of him too late. I don’t think we’ll see the likes for a while now.

*read Peggy Mason.

(For answers about the afterlife.)

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