Some Fun Doodles. In loving memory of my brother’s hobbies and anime fixation.


3dimension checktrue

My gate is always open. A link to my secret prayers page.

Above is just a fun exploration of 3 dimensional space to keep my mind sharp.

So here’s the story short. I got ill from a psychosis and suffered severely from delusions for a awhile and thus got hospitalized. As soon as I got discharged and got better my brother passed away due to depression.. and more to the story but I’m hushed to keep it low key.

On a lighter note.. we distributed some of his prized belongings. His guitar and PS4 were first to go. I got his cintiq tablet hd 22, some clothes and his lonely room and possessions became mine. I doodled a little today on his monstrous cintiq tablet and decided to honor my brother’s favored Japanese art style Anime and drew some fun characters.

Below are some comic ideas I had in mind that I would like to explore in the future possibly. Alphonse the first, Omegan the end, Ethos the Crosswey, Amberguity of ambiguous virtue.

More to come in the future hopefully.

*edit: added 8 more characters. The Synthesis Core Equator, Terra the Amazon Earth Guardian, Abundance of Heaven’s Grace, Obsidian the Grand Teacher, Lost Worlds the Grand Archivist, The Epiphany Prelude and Spatial Planar Protruding Binary.


The Twelve Theories Proxy Character Maps. Pin point Mapping of Character Sphere of influence. Below are character maps and it’s primordial natures and behaviors.
