Compilation of Recorded Human Progress Thus Far

(image credit


Compiled Human Hero World

This is human history and culture map compiled thus far. This helped me map out all alternative paths and directions and allowed me to determine the correct purpose of life. The Spirit Realm was the most complicated and completely ambiguous.

I’ve been to all ends of this spectrum of space through dreams. I could not reach or commune with a physical being that looked like the God humans describe.. An old man of long beard seated on a Golden Throne of the heavens or any of the such. I met a Space Whale instead in my dream.. This was apparently was the best this reality of the life the world could offer me exalted or no.

If you are interested in this Chart it is here. It is produced for my personal knowledge its secondary nature is to educate those who are curious. It’s third nature is to be recorded as human knowledge. All sectors and paths considered; Gateways plotted.

This morning before I give you a read of the chart, I will share you a story about my space whale. He enjoyed squeaky arm length rubs, a friendly giant who enjoyed company. He was majestic, beautiful and offered me a home among the stars, we had a conversation about dealing with some kind of outer space turbulence. And other bizarre phenomena.. He was trying to explain a problem about being too big and not fitting in with all the other creatures of the natural world.

The only God in human form I know of is Jesus Christ but again he is just another being displaced in the wrong era fighting a war not his own against a people who will not accept him.

This Section will be used to define Exaltation with God through life. (Starting Brown Section)

(Read in columns – The Paths; UP AND DOWN)

Exaltation to God


Within Monotheism is the Physical Religion of Fasting, Prayer, Sabbath, Pilgrimage. (1)Religious Facility Holds those who are practicing being Christians, Jewish and Muslim, Going to Church, Tabernacle and Mosque, Find their emotional needs through the medium of Christianity, Semitism and Islam, Their vehicle to God is through a books The Holy Bible, Torah and Koran. (1)Ideology offers us something more solid, promise and purpose. Unions, Marriages and Councils lead the way for ideology. Humanitarian Cause is the focus; Singing, Stories and Praise. Having Joy, Confidence and Character is held most high. In (1)Life focus on Experiences of Life. Practice Kindness and Warmth. You will find Happiness in Labors of the Heart. You will Acquire a Strong Bond with God.


In Secular Atheism  there is a almost religious practice of Controlling Diet, Pondering, Venting and Traveling. (2)Functional Facility is for Working, Studying and Playing, Leisure Centers and Libraries are these ideal places, Cinema, Games and Internet are the desired media mediums and the Spirit/Desire is Survival over all else. (2)Invention is the driving force behind Practitioners, Engineering and Construction. Their mind is set on Technological Progression. Training, Mentoring and Growing tugs their heart strings. They get the most out of the spiritual world through Having Empowerment and Success. (2)Dream, Focus on Creation and Inspiring. Practice Exploration and Progress. You will find Happiness in Your Victories. You will Acquire An Optimal Experience for Friends and Family in Life.


The Agnostics have their own methods of Detoxing, Contemplating, Reading/Watching a Movie and Adventure.. (Though none of these are exclusive to only Agnostic, we’re just people. There is no purity of paths, most are mixed).  (3)Entertainment Facility likes Relaxing, Thinking and Understanding, Ideal places are Pagodas, Temples, and Massage Therapists, Reading, Writing and Blogging and they hold individualism highest over all else. (3)Life Philosophies and Laws; They work their way into Boards, Schools, Facilitating Events, Talks and Meetings. They enjoy the idea of Environmental Preservation, Providing Renewable Resources, Innovation and Inspiration gets them teary. Their Spirituality is most heightened when they aim for Practicality and Sustainability. (3)Self, Focus on Protecting and Serving. With the mind Practice Concern and Problem Solving. Find Happiness in Relationships and Tough Decisions. Acquire Glory, Merit, Gratifying Job and Respect.


Idoltry enjoys methods of Conditioning, Begging, Complaining and Reflecting. (4)Emergency Facilities, they hold Humility, Humanity and Tolerance High, Shelters, Schools and Trauma Clinics are desirable, Human Connection, Animals and Rehab, and they believe strongly in Self-Preservation. (4)Good Habits; Nursing Homes, Orphanages, Managing Poverty is the basis of good habits. Their mentality is focused on Stability and Human Assessment. They Like Healing and Nurturing, it makes them emotional. Having Humility and Respect is what they strive for. (4)Salvaging, Focus on Health and Poverty. Practice Finding Practical Solutions and Curiosity. You will Find Happiness in Hardship of Challenges. It is suggested that you aim to acquire Trust, Love and Gratitude from All in return.


Relativism is Chilling, Relaxing, Disconnecting and Wandering.  The Science World Establishes Green (5)Plains and Meadows, they like to be Unconcerned and prefer Ignoring the World, They enjoy Hiking, Beaches and the Ocean, They Enjoy Music in general, Meditating, Logging Journals and Above all the spirit lies with Solitude. (5)Be Content is the strategy of Avoiding Conflicts, Judgement and Human Politics. Doing Completely Nothing and Just Exist. Self Exploration, Experimentation and Understanding The Human Condition. Having Control and Moderation is what this perspective holds most high. (5)Ground Zero Focus on Self and Isolation. Practice Simple Life and Maintain Optimal Health. You will Find Happiness in the Miracle of Life in Existing. You Will Acquire Tranquility, Self Love and Acceptance with this path.


Polytheism is Abstaining, Meditating, Enjoying Nature and Transcending Information. (6)High Mountains their optimal functioning place is in Experiencing the Perfect Human State, Their emotions get amplified around Jungle, Nature, High Mountains and Exotic Places, Finding Purpose, Acquiring Skills and Learning, They desire Transcendence over all else. (6)Change The World; This perspective expects to create Miracles, Focuses on Expressing Yourself and Get Involved in Everything. Do Everything You Can With All Your Heart seems to be it’s mentality. Self Evolve, Self Express, Dominate the Human Condition will allow them to express their inner being best. The spirit category says that they will ideally be optimal when attempting to Maintain Balance, Life and The World. (6)Light Focus Focus on Heighten Experience and Greatest Challenges in Life. Mentality of Practice Aspirations, Purposeful Living Be a Visionary. You will Find Happiness in Overcoming All Odds with this path. Spiritually you will acquire Self Satisfaction, God’s Exaltation and Man’s Commendation.


The movement of Self Empowerment is Moderation, Assessing Words Logically, Experiencing Improvement and Understanding the Process of Growth. (7)Home, physically Expressing Concern and Cooling Down Heated Debates is usually ideal. Balance of Nature and City, Enjoying the moment, Finding Purpose and Seeing Life makes them emotional. They hold Constructive Thinking highest over all else. (7)Building The World; Objective seems to be Saving The World, Environmental and Renewable Resources. Mentally engraved is the idea of Using God Given Resources Like The Sun and Solar Energy. Emotionally you will find your purpose most fulfilled through Combating Selfishness, Provoking Change in Others and Challenging The World. You will feel most accomplished Making a Difference and Do Justice for God and Men. (7)Hero, Focus on Sacrifice and Leadership. Practice Mindfulness, Active Charity and Exude Higher Purpose. It is recommended you find Happiness in the Objectives and Small Things in Life. You will acquire the most wholesome and complete Human Experience.

This Section will be used to define Exaltation with God through life. (Starting Brown Section)

Exaltation to God

(Spectrum Analysis; LEFT TO RIGHT)

Within Religion is Monotheism, Secular Atheism, Agnosticism, Idoltry, Relativism, Polytheism and Self Empowerment.

Respectively each category is followed by the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual attribute. Within Monotheism is the Physical Religion of Fasting, Prayer, Sabbath, Pilgrimage. In Secular Atheism  there is a almost religious practice of Controlling Diet, Pondering, Venting and Traveling. The Agnostics have their own methods of Detoxing, Contemplating, Reading/Watching a Movie and Adventure.. (Though none of these are exclusive to only Agnostic, we’re just people. There is no purity of paths, most are mixed). Idoltry enjoys methods of Conditioning, Begging, Complaining and Reflecting. Relativism is Chilling, Relaxing, Disconnecting and Wandering. Polytheism is Abstaining, Meditating, Enjoying Nature and Transcending Information. The movement of Self Empowerment is Moderation, Assessing Words Logically, Experiencing Improvement and Understanding the Process of Growth.

Within Science there is (1)Religious Facility, (2)Functional Facility, (3)Entertainment Facility, (4)Emergency Facility, (5)Meadows/Green Plains, (6)High Mountains and (7)Homes.

(1)Religious Facility Holds those who are practicing being Christians, Jewish and Muslim, Going to Church, Tabernacle and Mosque, Find their emotional needs through the medium of Christianity, Semitism and Islam, Their vehicle to God is through a books The Holy Bible, Torah and Koran. (2)Functional Facility is for Working, Studying and Playing, Leisure Centers and Libraries are these ideal places, Cinema, Games and Internet are the desired media mediums and the Spirit/Desire is Survival over all else.  (3)Entertainment Facility likes Relaxing, Thinking and Understanding, Ideal places are Pagodas, Temples, and Massage Therapists, Reading, Writing and Blogging and they hold individualism highest over all else. (4)Emergency Facilities, they hold Humility, Humanity and Tolerance High, Shelters, Schools and Trauma Clinics are desirable, Human Connection, Animals and Rehab, and they believe strongly in Self-Preservation. The Science World Establishes Green (5)Plains and Meadows, they like to be Unconcerned and prefer Ignoring the World, They enjoy Hiking, Beaches and the Ocean, They Enjoy Music in general, Meditating, Logging Journals and Above all the spirit lies with Solitude. (6)High Mountains their optimal functioning place is in Experiencing the Perfect Human State, Their emotions get amplified around Jungle, Nature, High Mountains and Exotic Places, Finding Purpose, Acquiring Skills and Learning, They desire Transcendence over all else. (7)Home, physically Expressing Concern and Cooling Down Heated Debates is usually ideal. Balance of Nature and City, Enjoying the moment, Finding Purpose and Seeing Life makes them emotional. They hold Constructive Thinking highest over all else.

Within Identity there is (1)Ideology, (2)Invention, (3)Life Philosophy and Laws, (4)Good Habits, (5)Be Content, (6)Change the World and (7)Building the World.

(1)Ideology offers us something more solid, promise and purpose. Unions, Marriages and Councils lead the way for ideology. Humanitarian Cause is the focus; Singing, Stories and Praise. Having Joy, Confidence and Character is held most high. (2)Invention is the driving force behind Practitioners, Engineering and Construction. Their mind is set on Technological Progression. Training, Mentoring and Growing tugs their heart strings. They get the most out of the spiritual world through Having Empowerment and Success. (3)Life Philosophies and Laws; They work their way into Boards, Schools, Facilitating Events, Talks and Meetings. They enjoy the idea of Environmental Preservation, Providing Renewable Resources, Innovation and Inspiration gets them teary. Their Spirituality is most heightened when they aim for Practicality and Sustainability. (4)Good Habits; Nursing Homes, Orphanages, Managing Poverty is the basis of good habits. Their mentality is focused on Stability and Human Assessment. They Like Healing and Nurturing, it makes them emotional. Having Humility and Respect is what they strive for. (5)Be Content is the strategy of Avoiding Conflicts, Judgement and Human Politics. Doing Completely Nothing and Just Exist. Self Exploration, Experimentation and Understanding The Human Condition. Having Control and Moderation is what this perspective holds most high. (6)Change The World; This perspective expects to create Miracles, Focuses on Expressing Yourself and Get Involved in Everything. Do Everything You Can With All Your Heart seems to be it’s mentality. Self Evolve, Self Express, Dominate the Human Condition will allow them to express their inner being best. The spirit category says that they will ideally be optimal when attempting to Maintain Balance, Life and The World. (7)Building The World; Objective seems to be Saving The World, Environmental and Renewable Resources. Mentally engraved is the idea of Using God Given Resources Like The Sun and Solar Energy. Emotionally you will find your purpose most fulfilled through Combating Selfishness, Provoking Change in Others and Challenging The World. You will feel most accomplished Making a Difference and Do Justice for God and Men.

Within Humanism there is (1)Life, (2)Dream, (3)Self, (4)Salvaging, (5)Ground Zero, (6)Light and (7)Hero.

In (1)Life focus on Experiences of Life. Practice Kindness and Warmth. You will find Happiness in Labors of the Heart. You will Acquire a Strong Bond with God. (2)Dream, Focus on Creation and Inspiring. Practice Exploration and Progress. You will find Happiness in Your Victories. You will Acquire An Optimal Experience for Friends and Family in Life.  (3)Self, Focus on Protecting and Serving. With the mind Practice Concern and Problem Solving. Find Happiness in Relationships and Tough Decisions. Acquire Glory, Merit, Gratifying Job and Respect. (4)Salvaging, Focus on Health and Poverty. Practice Finding Practical Solutions and Curiosity. You will Find Happiness in Hardship of Challenges. It is suggested that you aim to acquire Trust, Love and Gratitude from All in return. (5)Ground Zero Focus on Self and Isolation. Practice Simple Life and Maintain Optimal Health. You will Find Happiness in the Miracle of Life in Existing. You Will Acquire Tranquility, Self Love and Acceptance with this path. (6)Light focus on Heighten Experience and Greatest Challenges in Life. Mentality of Practice Aspirations, Purposeful Living Be a Visionary. You will Find Happiness in Overcoming All Odds with this path. Spiritually you will acquire Self Satisfaction, God’s Exaltation and Man’s Commendation. (7)Hero, Focus on Sacrifice and Leadership. Practice Mindfulness, Active Charity and Exude Higher Purpose. It is recommended you find Happiness in the Objectives and Small Things in Life. You will acquire the most wholesome and complete Human Experience.

Happy Journey.

Curiosity and Prosperity,



For link on Heroes of Man: 

For link on Knowledge:

Virtues Excel Chart -“Men who hath no virtue hath no godliness.”


Here I am. The list of virtues for Human Virtue and it’s individualized parallel fractal microcosm the Knightly Virtue + The Pentangle.

The list of virtues for Work Place Ethics and it’s individualized parallel fractal microcosm the 12 Virtues of Rationalization.

The list of virtues for The Three Principles and it’s individualized parallel fractal microcosm the 12 Virtues of Human Teaching.

All this was done thanks to Excel. This would complete the Virtue tree for our multidimensional paradigm. I just don’t know if there’s a special arrangement i can do for the virtues sequencing. I’ll leave that for another time as I’ve memorized them all in a specific pattern and the method to my madness is yet to unravel.

Here are my notes below from an earlier post:

Raw Virtue; When You Can’t Be God – Be Godlike

Initial Post

Notes for Virtues

Realms: physical, mental and spiritual.

Human virtue: Hope, faith and redemption.

Work place ethics: Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom

The Three Principles: Truth, Love and Courage.

Knightly virtue(8): Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality and Humility. The Pentangle(5): Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Chastity, and Piety.

12 virtues of Rationalization: Curiosity, Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, and The void.

12 virtues of Human Teaching: Gravity, Silence, Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, vigilance, Piety, Generosity

The Pentangle(5): Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Chastity, and Piety.

Raw Virtue; When You Can’t Be God – Be Godlike


Love of Labors;

Some times you just got to get your hands in it and messy. To get yourself started – get into some trouble and try to solve it tackling it day by day. Don’t bite more then you can chew, though find the medium between being sensible and going crazy. Don’t let yourself pick and choose too much with tasks that need to be done. There is so much work to be done.

I just finished classes at digital school for Engineering with a oil and gas pipeline’s specialization. The economy is downhill so i’m not planting jobs at the moment. I decide if i’m going to be unemployed might as well do something active and useful. So i applied at the Catholic Services during the Syrian Refugee crisis. I have no clue what i’m getting myself into but i hope it fits into my schedule because as of January i’m heading back to finish my last semester of Architecture (hopefully last).

December 20th i’ll be moving a Syrian family my sister just sponsored in from Syria into their new home. She did all the organizing and begging for donations on facebook. It went well, they seem pretty well equipped for this winter.

I know i have an addiction to games but have found much less time to play them. Finding myself busied at the computer just reading and learning from people who’ve written about this theme of love; life, dreams and self – and myself trying to combine this all into a synthesis of light. A source of wholesome, heartwarming, thoughtful mad scientist experiment, paradigms and structures. The philosophy of “teaching robots to love” is my dream – literally finding hope in something and finding redeeming qualities through literature in abstract and abysmal places brings me happiness. We need to find the algorithm to unconditional love, wisdom and human kindness. Thoughtfulness out of true mercy wrought through a subtle justice of practice, experiment and results.

I was asked this question; What makes a man virtuous? What is the value in virtue? And since I have studied virtues I thought I knew the answer to this question. I first tackled the problem by dissecting into individual qualities then I realized that it could be grossly simplified by saying you just needed to be Christlike. I believed that it was all the qualities that made a man Christlike that made him virtuous. But what does Christlike even mean to somebody who knows nothing of the ways of Christ? I believed I needed to revisit my first post about virtue and extract what i needed for today’s post.

Realms: physical, mental and spiritual.

Human virtue: Hope, faith and redemption.

Work place ethics: Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom

The Three Principles: Truth, Love and Courage.

Knightly virtue(8): Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality and Humility. The Pentangle(5): Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Chastity, and Piety.

12 virtues of Rationalization: Curiosity, Relinquishment, Lightness, Evenness, Argument, Empiricism, Simplicity, Humility, Perfectionism, Precision, Scholarship, and The void.

12 virtues of Human Teaching: Gravity, Silence, Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, vigilance, Piety, Generosity

The Pentangle(5): Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy, Chastity, and Piety.

Virtues Link Notes

What I found was aspects of physical, mental and spiritual. And when I can’t remember all the virtues or their meanings, I turn to the Knights Pentangle which has never driven me wrong. In any situation i find myself confused or lost.. i would ask what would God do? What would Christ do? What would my idol of the most moral ethical and most practical of ways. What would he do?

Moral Encompass Redefined for Humanity. (Stars parallel to humans).


The soul, ethics, heart, and consciousness; all have different purposes, shape and names but their functional spirit is the same. The nature of the functional spirit is called benevolence. This name benevolence describes the action of; giving self by service, mentality of wanting to give and the willingness to give in itself. The motion is called giving benevolence mentality; where you are part of a collective positive contributing effort. It’s synergy and also out of love for the sake of contributing beneficial love. I am who i am not because who i am but because we are and you are who you are so i can be me. We compliment each other and as individuals contributing to the cause as a team.

This mentality is crucial when making connections, building desirable thought paradigms and constructive thinking. “I believe in humanity because I am for humanity because I am part of humanity because I am human.” This quote can be split into 4 parts. “I believe in humanity” meaning I am part of a desired thought paradigm. “I am for humanity” meaning being in spirit for humanity. “I am for humanity” meaning you a physically in a group category of such in the animal kingdom. “I am human”  brings us down to the singularity that you are an individual living a human life where you are in immediately in control of your actions and can make things happen.

I know human nature is not a cubed square but it’s spirit is more spherical because that is what happens naturally in nature. When water erodes rock for millions of years you get sand and smooth round rocks. When a planet is in a crude shape like a square or any shape rigid and rough in space after spinning for so long it becomes more spherical. The soul is a sphere, A globe of light radiating life giving and nurturing essence. And it is rendering and refining itself with time to be the shape it is today. We the people are essentially rounding our souls after years of refining our rough shape of the soul until it is round and perfect and spherical. And no sphere can be perfect as reflected in life, we have no control if we are going to make it oblate like earth but we’re all a spheroid shape in the end by going through this process we’re experiencing called life.

The category of a planet is a sphere and it’s exact name is spheroid. The category of a person is human and its exact name humanoid. These two worlds are separate and different but the parallel for it exists and as we did to intertwine dimensional categories for the  people and stars. We shall do it again; The inter-dimensional parallel of two worlds.

Order of importance from less important to more important. Less evolved to more refined. soft to hard. minimal to maximal. Color basis: dark to light. Regressing to progressing. Physical, Mental, Spirtual and Ascended benevolent; This is the system that is based on the idea that physical is usually visually how it appears. Mentally usually pertains to attributes. Spiritually usually refers to it’s thinking properties. Ascended Benevolent usually looks at it’s overall collective spectrum and direction.

Physical form:

Humans: Cube, rounded-cube, spheroid, and sphere.

Stars: Deformed, rounded, spheroid, and sphere.

Mental form:

Humans: Amoeba, Ape, Human and Angel.

Black, red, brown, beige, yellow and white

Small and Big

Short and Tall

Stars: Dwarf, sub-giant, giant and super-giant.

white, brown, neutron, red, orange, yellow, white, blue

Not so dense and dense

Not so bright and bright.

Spiritual form:

Humans: Soul, heart, ethics, and consciousness

Stars: color, brightness, radiance and luminosity.

Accessed ascended benevolent form:

Humans: Life-span, circumstance, events and person’s name.

Stars: Star life-span, conditional effects on stars, conditional phases of stars and constellations.

This is my stanza alignments of the categorized human and star sitting side by side paralleled so that you can see the process, color, brightness and glory if there is a measure. I would say this is all based on preference for colors and whether you like dark and lightness so this is accurate according to the negative values of cold blue to positive of red hot. I have aligned the categories into a matrix that align based on the assigned color. This system of organization hopefully will be implemented for computer categorizing in the future for quicker and efficient assessment of data and for of course further segregation and unintended discrimination of data. I have no clue if this process will help humans but it wills surely help put a standard scale of what people should see in the world based on organization and possibly draw out more and better perspectives on this figure.

The purpose is an organized spectrum of the stars parallel to humans and this is done. So I am happy with it. Further refinement of this assessment of the human to star parallel’s organization will happen gradually as i accumulate more info and knowledge on this subject.

Live long, curiosity and humility,


Star of Morality, Ethics and Humanity

Science, Religion and Humanism.

This is a fruit of my work. I will attempt a 3d model and labels as soon as i am able to orientate all the correct codes, virtues and values — I’ll probably call it the Ethos of Syndicates maybe. Here is Science, Religion and Humanity stars of ethos syndicate you wanted. Its a map out of all the qualities of being human. Enjoy.

STARS: POINT 12 to 1





stars-Star of Religion-page-001






stars-Core of Religion-page-001


from ashes

For my post that goes into detail what these are:

Ethos Syndicate: Flavorful Words and Virtues

Human virtue: Hope, faith and redemption.

The Son stands for the compensation of life and it’s composed of faith, hope and redemption. The Father stands for the source of life and he is omniscient, omnipotent and all good. The Spirit stands for the motive of life and it is driven by intelligence, power and morals.

see for in depth elaboration.

The son, the father and the holy ghost as explored in the old trinity study; is a system of all views of perspective. Through the eyes of 1st person (son), 2nd person (father) and the 3rd person (spirit). We are all in the stage of being the son (1st person) living in a world where we experience life, it’s labors and burdens. We don’t have a choice but to be as children and build our foundation and trust based on hope, faith and redemption. Hope being our unseen future. Faith in our parents. And the process of redeeming ourselves making mistakes as we learn through life, which is what it is to be human.


Work place ethics: Energy, Responsibility and Wisdom


    I am passionate about my work and i am very optimistic with my outlook in life. I feel like energy is contagious and that if we all just communicate this and release positive energy in a constructive way we will pave new worlds.


    I also understand that we are judged as a collective in life and it is important that each person represent themselves with the team in mind. I know that as a team player i am responsible for my future as well as those i work with. “Leave no man behind” is my motto.


    I believe that wisdom that comes with hardship and wisdom granted out of circumstance. Is a gift. One of reflection, awareness and deeper understanding; that everyone has a story. The more you care the more you enrich yourself.


The Three Principles: Truth, Love and Courage.

From Truth comes Honesty. From Love comes Compassion. From Courage comes Valor. Truth and Love combined create Justice. Love and Courage combined create Sacrifice. Courage and Truth combined create Honor. From Truth, Love, and Courage comes Spirituality.
Pride is caused by the absence of the Three Principles, the opposite of Pride is Humility.


Knightly virtue(8): Honesty, Compassion, valor, justice, sacrifice, honor, spirituality and humility.


The Pentangle(5): friendship, generosity, courtesy, chastity, and piety.

The Sir Gwaine was said to be the most virtuous knight who lived. Represented by the 5 pointed pentangle star on his shield. It represented power over evil and perfection. The power of phi can be found in the geometry of the 5 pointed star. Third king of Israel, Solomon was said to wear the pentangle on his ring as power over demons. It essentially represents eternal incorruptibility. Said to be a circular number since it reproduces itself in its last digit when raised to its powers. it can be replicated through creating a star inside of it into the microcosm or outside of it into the macrocosm forever and ever.

Friendship: is a mutual affection between 2 or more people.

Generosity: is the habit of giving without expecting anything in return.

Courtesy: Gentle politeness and courtly manners.

Chastity: Sexual behavior of a man according to moral standards.

Piety:  is a virtue that can mean religious devotion and spirituality, or a combination of both.

12 virtues of Rationalization:

Curiosity, relinquishment, lightness, evenness, argument, empiricism, simplicity, humility, perfectionism, precision, scholarship, and the void.

These virtues are for rationalization of a subject or matter. It’s written by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, They are science based virtues and i think they would fit perfectly into my set of virtues. I will try to incorporate them into my design of light.

12 virtues of Human Teaching

These twelve virtues are derived from the The Conduct of Schools  written by the Founder, Saint John Baptist de la Salle.

Here is a set of virtues set by a teacher who I would say could be more relative to today’s students and much more useful in a world of information.

Gravity, Silence, Humility, Prudence, Wisdom, Patience, Reserve, Gentleness, Zeal, vigilance, Piety, Generosity

Technology, Divinity and Humanism.

Okay so theory time!

The reason why i’m trying to put both artificial life in the same category as divine life is because of how they may view us and vice versa how we view them. They are the two most powerful influence in our human society, deities of religion and artificial life of technology. Both are polar opposites but help in different ways. Artificial life may not know better but we can’t blame them for what they do because of what they are – tools. Though Deities have consciences and thought and hearts to understand and comprehend what they do. To study these two side by side would be a most interesting venture as artificial life is as real as deities in this world. Artificial life being far in the future but very possible. Deities are rumored and idealized throughout history from the far past, or far future.. i’ll explain.

If the heavens were eternal then that would mean the start and end would be in the same place would it not? Maybe deities came from our future but came back from a different time/dimension because the work load is mostly in the past. Maybe deity’s are a product of the future so i would identify them as part of the future. Just as science grew from the primitive’s carts to a vehicle of today the future is also there with science. The two forces that influence our future, technology and divinity.

In a matter of how they view us. We may be viewed as a small, insignificant and sometimes trivial because we act on impulse and emotion which they(deities/artificial life)  may view that as dangerous. It’s dangerous if we implement emotion into artificial life because they may act on their emotions and that is undesirable. Animals have emotions we just have a much more vast range of emotions. I wouldn’t imagine deities having any bigger of a range of emotions, as long as we can define it we can feel it. Emotion is about comprehending what is felt, knowing a definition of an emotion is enough to pinpoint what it is on the scale they are feeling. Thought is what we have above all animals; to access information, comprehend the situation and put forward authoritative decisions. As much as we want to argue we have heart over animals, animals feel love, hate and sorrow too just in a very basic form.

In this era at the moment, it is still quite dangerous for those who can die from mortal wounds. Why would a demi-human risk it’s life to explore a world when it’s safer up at home where it can do all it’s thinking and decision making there? But then again we risk our lives as humans going out into the world every day. Ignorance, arrogance, selfishness may be a factor but also maybe it’s their duty to be an anonymous beneficial factor in life. Though the world needs more teachers, extra hands of service and most of all better vessels for ideas! Their grace, their ideas and their morals/ethics are wasted if that is what they are known for. People do what they want, there is some uniformity in the product the United Nations but the world is still separated into different peoples with very different ideas of what is right. I guess people are already capable of grace, ideas and moral/ethics. But people may be still ignorant blind of the world around them, selfish and arrogant, prideful, hateful and really angry. It’s really a cluster bomb of a mess with both sides being what they are.

In “Timaeus” by Plato. He speaks of a world that is earthly, chaotic and changing and a divine world that is perfect, ruled by order but never changing. If our world is this ball of chaos that is in the process of sounding like this divine world, that of which is perfect.. maybe our worlds are not on two different plains but on one plain, universe and in one time line.. where the heavens is our future destination and hell was our developing beginnings of when the world was made. It doesn’t have to be whole different worlds, but more of a destination where ascending to a more divine state is the changing current in time. We’re moving towards a better life and world every day that passes, and we owe it to those around us living with us to make life possible for others to experience life to it’s fullest also. At the same time managing our resources and water – finding different means of energy to get away from this crude dead plant and animal form of energy that happens to be harming our environment.

If only we could harness the power of the stars. Just a small dense star the size of a basketball heavy enough to have a small gravitational field, and then to tap into that energy to power homes and movie theaters and companies. Clean energy, advancing technology for creating safe replicated food/a better way to produce fresh organic produce. Converting our abundance of salt water to potable drinking water. All this done through energy. If we can just envision it everyday in our lives maybe we’ll gravitate towards it even more then we currently are. How do we know what we are looking for if we don’t know what we are looking for. Am i right?

Ethics applications is in robotics/androids.

So robotics: The coding would be amazingly difficult especially from spoken language to action. We would have to work on it’s reception, comprehension, determining power, priority decision making, authoritative decision making, authoritative action/reaction and as well as the motor functions to it’s actions and pathways. Hopefully we’ll get to the point of it being self-sustaining and self-resolving. It would we amazing if we can provide a autonomy of systems that keep the robot moving depending on what it needs to do next.

I was just thinking if ethics had any application.. it would be in robotics.

Asimov’s rules of robotics:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First law.

3. A robot must protect it’s existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first and second law.

Ethics essay: Mills, Kant, Locke and Aristotle combined.

Ethics Essay. Moral code Synthesis

Nam Nguyen


What divides us from animals is a conscience and the ability to have thoughts and to comprehend feelings. We naturally may have urges to do the wrong thing from time to time but just thinking about it, if the consequence outweighs whether it is worth it or not that’s enough to let it go. If a person is harmed in the process of you obtaining/succeeding a status or objective it is not worth it. This is what Kant believes in his Kant’s formalism thesis. I will be talking about four topics in this essay; The greater good (Mills), golden means/functionality (Aristotle), Rights/laws (Locke’s) and the human conscience (Kant). I believe Kant’s human conscience is just the medium or center of this ethics trinity that allows the others to branch out because the human conscience affects all three to some degree. You must have a human conscience to know what is for the greater good, to deduce the medium of two extremes, and to determine the rights of a person are infringed or not. I have simplified these subjects into it’s elements generalizing all their work and will identify them as such in this essay.

Kant’s formalism is very broad and very general, It could also be the very soul of ethics whereas the others are merely branches. A person must know what it is to have a conscience; the state of being sensitive to people and your environment is basically a universal common sense if you’re human. A case study could be as basic as: Johnny’s going to a birthday party with his work friends. Johnny has the money he is suppose to give his friend for his birthday but since everyone else is not giving his friend money, maybe it is possible for him to keep the money. This is basically a scenario where no one gets hurt but it weighs on the conscience whether a person should or should not give the money. And who is to say the person may not be hurt, it is borderline because he may know but doesn’t say anything and that hurts the most when you are lied to or stolen from especially from a friend. Choose what’s right.

Mill’s Utilitarianism is focused on the overall greater good of what the outcome of a decision has been made. It asks what scale is this decision going to affect people; The magnitude of effect or if a person will benefit from it, or a group of people or the whole country/world. One case would be “Tammy is the best accountant in the whole building but she always takes Jody’s office supplies without asking. Jody tells her numerous times to stop taking her stuff and complains to the boss every time. Tammy finally did it this time and lost a really expensive stapler she borrowed from Jody’s desk. Jason steps in and he tells Tammy that he lost it and saves Tammy from getting fired. Without Tammy, their best accountant the firm would fall apart. Jason did a service to the whole department by keeping the peace. The thought of taking the hit for the team in order allow everyone to work in peace is noble, material loss put aside saves a lot of headache and drama that may come out of it and even a possible job loss.

Aristotle’s golden mean is finding the medium between excess and lack of. The medium of two extremes is crucial in all laws in that it encourages moderation. If a balance between the two extremes are met then there will be a chance the subject/system will become more efficient and possibly even self-sustaining/self-resolving. Majority of the time when money is involved and a job is to be done it will get done with the right amount of funding. Too much and it may be potentially wasted and too little will give an inadequate product/result. It is for example used to determine whether or not a person needs the government funding for school. If they will pay it back in time or not, how much funding they require and how long they need it for. Basic questions like does the pros outweigh the cons of borrowing money. Or How much of the money will be spent on living expense. These are Aristotle’s ways of implementing their greek phi law of proportion into ethics. It also mentions function in which giving a student his funding allowing him to achieve to his highest potential will give him the opportunity and hope for a brighter future.

Locke’s Ethics and the rights that entail them; The rights of Locke’s legal, equality and freedoms suggests to say that Lock was looking for guideline rules for a system that had a lot of implications with people getting around the law. Though this is so basic rules set down will slow down the progression of these sneaky people. It is quite difficult to determine whether or not another person is infringing on another’s rights until you hear the whole story but seldom do you always get to hear the whole story. Locks says that everyone has the right to freedom of speech, ownership and equalities of every man and woman should be the same. An example of these type of rules are “No plagiarism” “No public toxicity” “No public urinating” “The right to remain silent” These are some of legal issues you would run into for breaking the “guideline rules” It’s mostly common sense to stay away from these but it must be written down in order for it to be used against a person because it’s a rule. There are guideline rules that are easy to know that it has been broken and punishable and they exist today to protect the infringement and breach of other’s rights.

The conscience of a person rules over all other branches of these rules and ethics. If it sounds wrong it probably is. The heart majority of the time will be able to tell what can be done and should be done. A person just has to remember when evaluating a situation; Is it for the greater good? What is the golden medium of this situation/will it affect his functionality? Does it break any guideline rules? And does it feel right? Mills, Kant, Locke and Aristotle all had component ideas to a system that works today. The use of all their ethical works in our daily lives with or without thinking about it is a miracle. And for every action there is a consequence and reaction that happens. There are rules, rights, moderations, considerations, functionality and benefits to be considered when making a decision and it all comes down to doing the right thing.